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(Adnkronos) - Nella cornice del campus Naba, Nuova Accademia delle Belle Arti di Milano, è stato presentato Luce tra i frammenti. Il viaggio di Mira, dalla scoperta della malattia alla speranza con CAR-T”, Un cortometraggio 2D animato, prodotto dagli studenti del Triennio in Cinema e Animazione di NABA e promosso da Gilead Sciences con il Patrocinio di AIL- Associazione italiana contro le leucemie-linfomi e mieloma e La Lampada di Aladino ETS al fine di rappresentare e dare voce alle persone affette da un tumore ematologico.


00:00Representing and giving voice to people affected by hematological tumour, so that the public opinion can understand the fears and fears with which they have to live every day, but also the trust in research and therapies, a message of hope,
00:20therefore the one launched by light among the fragments, the journey of Mira, from the discovery of the disease to the hope with CAR-T, a 2D animated short film produced by the students of the Triennium in Cinema and Animation of NABA, New Academy of Fine Arts of Milan, and promoted by Gilead Sciences, with the sponsorship of AILE, the Italian Association Against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, and the lamp of Aladino ETS.
00:47Innovation changes the history of diseases in blood tumors and today we finally talk about concrete hopes. Innovation is describing how these diseases are changing. Today we are here to talk about a short film that had the great initial commitment to describe in a simple way a very complex thing.
01:05We are not talking about drugs, we are talking about a process, the CAR-T are a process, and the great bet was to make them understandable to anyone. The guys of NABA were splendid, they managed to make a fantastic product and from tomorrow we will obviously distribute it to everyone, because in the end the things that are known are less scary and the patients need it.
01:25The short film tells the possibility of a cure through a new innovative therapy, the CAR-T, which represent the moment when hope is rekindled.
01:35It is more than a hope for some of them, it is a reality today, the possibility of being cured despite the refractoryness to a standard therapy. So it is a journey, certainly there is a complex therapy, it is a long process, but it can really, in some indications, such as for example in the diffuse lymphoma with large B cells, which does not respond to a line of traditional chemotherapy, restore in 50% of cases a cure.
02:04Many patients can access this innovative therapy.
02:08They could be perhaps more than those we can really cure today, but the important thing is to identify them in time, so that they can know what this therapeutic alternative is and face it in the best way.
02:27Among the objectives of the short film, also the awareness.
02:31Both at the community level, to be close to the patients in their path of care and hopefully of healing, but the goal of awareness is also to make patients aware of what the scenarios are and the possibilities of treatment, therefore also increase their possibilities of care.
