The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 687-688

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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 687-688 | English #audiobook #pocketfmenglish
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00:00Please share and comment for supporting me, and before listening from Episode 687 to Episode 688,
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00:27Episode 687 Talk Show Trouble
00:31After Secretly Trailing Quinn for a Few Days
00:35The HR manager at Kaleidoscope dug up a lot of unexpected information,
00:40and he related to Emma as she sat in Eric's office a couple of days later.
00:45The woman's name is Quinn. He said she's an old friend of Layla's, and they've been working
00:51together for a long time. Layla only managed to rise within the industry so quickly because
00:56of Quinn's help. She knows how to take advantage of Layla's strong points, especially her background.
01:03She secures endorsements easily, and she's a cautious and calculating person.
01:08She's the only person Layla trusts completely, and the two of them complement each other's
01:12strengths. Their combined abilities have allowed them to make great strides in the entertainment
01:18industry. Quinn used to have short hair, but she's recently started to wear a wig.
01:24It seems that she got a nose job to hide her identity. I wasn't able to trail her everywhere,
01:30but from what I saw, I'm assuming she follows Layla's schedule for the most part.
01:35As for the bag, you asked me to investigate. I found out that it was a limited edition release,
01:42and there are only five in the whole world. The chances that someone else has that same bag
01:48are extremely low. Emma sat quietly and thought about the situation for a moment.
01:54When did Quinn start wearing a wig, she asked. Only a few days ago, he replied.
02:00If I remember correctly, if I remember correctly, it was around the time that Marjorie held her
02:06press conference. It's no wonder that when Marjorie came to the office, she couldn't find
02:11the person she was looking for. Emma thought Quinn managed to hide in plain sight. Don't let
02:17anyone know that I asked about Quinn, she said. Don't worry, he replied. I'll keep it a secret.
02:25Emma nodded and waved the manager off. His anger slowly bubbled up inside her.
02:32Those two used a child to do their dirty work, and Caitlin almost lost her leg because of them,
02:37she thought, clenching her jaw. How low will they sink to try and get what they want?
02:44Louise will handle Caitlin's incident, Eric said. I want to know who said something to Marjorie to
02:50make her fly off the handle. Emma knew what had happened before Marjorie had surrendered to the
02:56police, even though she hadn't heard it from Eric himself, so she didn't ask him for any further
03:02details. If Quinn was the one who ached Marjorie on, she's done for, she thought. And since she
03:09works for Layla, it's almost guaranteed that Layla is behind everything. He's going to make
03:14both of their lives a living hell. Eric picked up his phone and called. Louis, I want you to
03:21start cutting off some of Layla's opportunities, he said. She never should have messed with my
03:26family. Layla had no idea that she had become Emma's top suspect in the attack, and she was
03:32busy dreaming of the day when she would surpass Emma in popularity. She was used to being a winner
03:38and enjoyed looking down on people, but her days of being on top were numbered. Louis had no idea
03:45what Layla had done and was taken aback by Eric's request, but he did what he was told. That night,
03:52Layla was supposed to appear on a popular talk show that aired internationally. The show was a
03:58great opportunity for her to boost her career and close the popularity gap between her and Emma.
04:04But while the interview had been extensive, she barely appeared in the final recording of the show.
04:11What's wrong with the producer? Quinn wondered as she watched the recording in shock.
04:16He's a complete fool for cutting someone as famous as Layla out of the show.
04:21Doesn't he care about the show's ratings at all? Quinn went to look for the producer and found him
04:26in the editing room, sipping a cup of coffee as he looked through the interview footage.
04:32Sorry to interrupt, but I was just wondering if Layla offended you in some way. She said,
04:38she barely has any screen time on the show. I don't have anything against her personally,
04:45the producer said as he shook his head and continued to stare at the screen.
04:49Why would you go through the trouble of interviewing her and then only put her on
04:53screen for a few seconds? Quinn asked. Are you complaining that her segment is too small?
05:00He replied. If that's the case, we might as well cut it out completely. He then walked away without
05:06even looking at Quinn. Quinn was so angry that she wanted to yell at him, but she knew he was
05:12a top-class producer, no matter how brave she was. She wouldn't dare argue with him unless she wanted
05:18to sabotage Layla's entire career, but she still couldn't accept that he had cut Layla from the
05:24show. She returned to Layla's side to explain what had happened, and Layla stayed surprisingly calm.
05:31Did you mention my family's background? She asked. He didn't give me the chance when replied.
05:38Give Kaleidoscope a call and speak to Louise, Layla said. This has to be a mistake. Layla was
05:45undoubtedly talented, but she wasn't very modest about it. If she ever had any issues, even in the
05:51middle of the night, she wanted Louis to drop whatever he was doing to deal with them immediately.
05:57But Louise was at the hospital with Caitlin, and he had switched his phone off, knowing that Layla
06:03would come looking for him. So Layla hung up and called Luke instead, who was in the middle of
06:09driving Eric and Emma home. He pulled to the side of the road and picked up the phone.
06:15The talk show producer totally snubbed Layla. Tonight and night, and Kaleidoscope needs to
06:20deal with it, Quinn said. Quinn, can I call you back later? He asked. I'm busy driving right now.
06:29I can take it for you, Emma said, reaching out for the phone. He handed her the phone and got back
06:36on the road. Emma glanced at Eric and then lowered her voice. What happened? She asked Quinn.
06:43Who are you? Quinn said. This is private Kaleidoscope business. What makes you think
06:52it's okay to reach out directly to the CEO's office? Emma replied. Louise was unavailable,
06:58and I didn't know who else to call. Quinn said. This is an important situation,
07:05and it needs to be dealt with immediately. Just how important does Layla think she is?
07:11Emma asked. Does she think she deserves Eric's attention too? Quinn finally recognized the
07:17voice as Emma's. With all due respect, Mrs. Roberts, you're just an artist at Kaleidoscope.
07:24She said. This is an issue for management to deal with. If I let you talk with Eric,
07:30he'll make you wish you had just talked it through with me, Emma said. I'll take my chances.
07:36Gwen replied. Emma tried to hand the phone to Eric, but he waved her away. Tell her boss to
07:42come to the office tomorrow and talk to Louise, he said. She sure knows how to be a nuisance.
07:49Episode 688. Cat and Mouse. Sensing the threatening undertone in Eric's voice,
07:57Quinn became worried. She knew that if Kaleidoscope could lift Layla to new heights,
08:03they could also drag her back down just as easily. Eric used his power to give his artists the best
08:09possible resources, but he had strict standards. The artists at Kaleidoscope respected and feared
08:15him at the same time. Quinn no longer dared to act impulsively, fearing that she would harm Layla's
08:22future. She swallowed her anger and went to talk with Layla, who was waiting in a production
08:28trailer. Louis said that he would look into it tomorrow. She said. Can he do it tonight? Layla
08:35asked. What's the holdup? You're aware that his wife is in the hospital? Gwen replied. Of course
08:43I am. Layla said, glaring at Quinn. She then closed her eyes to get some rest. Quinn assumed
08:50that Layla had forgotten about the entire matter until Layla dragged her into Louise's
08:55office the next morning. What was up with the talk show last night? Layla asked Louis. Don't
09:01they know who I am? I don't know what you're talking about, Louise replied, closely following
09:08Eric's instructions. You know how influential my grandfather is, she said. Don't play dumb.
09:15They almost totally cut me out of the show, even though they knew who I am and where I come from.
09:21They wouldn't just do that for no reason. Your grandfather has been retired for a long time,
09:28he replied. The producer has close contacts with people way more influential than your grandfather
09:33ever was. Don't you think you're stepping out of line by questioning his judgment about his show's
09:39content? Both Layla and Quinn were left speechless by his cold response. Who does he think he is?
09:46Disrespecting my family like that, Layla thought, balling her hand up into a fist.
09:52I don't see what the big deal is anyway, Louis said. So what if you had less screen time than
09:58you're used to? Plenty of artists put up with stuff like this. What makes you think you deserve
10:04special treatment? You even had the audacity to call Eric's office instead of taking it up with me
10:11or the other managers? He hates it when people think they're better than everyone else,
10:16and he especially hates it when they try to waste his time. If you don't have anything to say for
10:21yourself, you can leave. Layla felt humiliated and her face flushed as she shot Louis a murderous
10:28look. Let's get out of here, Quinn whispered, knowing it wouldn't be wise for them to have a
10:34fallout with the agency when Layla's career was on the rise. Kaleidoscope was the best platform
10:41in the industry for her, and she would have a hard time clawing herself back to the top without
10:46their help. I'll remember the way you talked to me today, Layla said to Louis before storming
10:52out the door with Quinn by her side, attracting the stares of several Kaleidoscope employees.
10:58Back in her office, Layla sat quietly. Quinn gave her some time to cool down before she
11:04patted her on the shoulder. Try to relax, Quinn said. This will all blow over soon.
11:11Why do they treat me like that? Layla asked. Kaleidoscope didn't do anything wrong,
11:16Quinn replied. Eric never wastes his time with things that Louis or Luke can handle,
11:22so it's normal for him to disregard you. I thought that you liked that about him.
11:27And Louis might have been a bit harsh, but he was just telling it like it is.
11:31Your background may be impressive, but there are plenty of people in this world with impressive
11:36backgrounds and family in high places. Just think of today as a lesson. We're also responsible for
11:42the attack on his wife, so we shouldn't provoke him any further, or he might get suspicious.
11:48Let's just suck it up for now, and see how it plays out.
11:52Layla took a deep breath and tried to suppress her anger. I'm going to be so famous someday
11:58that he'll have no choice but to do what I want, she said. You'll be unstoppable, Quinn replied.
12:05After they left, Louis sat in his office and reviewed Layla's information.
12:10She's incredibly popular right now. He thought, I know Eric can't stand people like her,
12:16but he's shooting himself in the foot by sabotaging her career.
12:20What's going on here? Emma had no plans to reveal the truth yet,
12:25because she didn't know what Louis would do if he found out that Layla and Quinn had attacked
12:30Caitlyn. Although she had basically confirmed they were to blame, she needed time to act on
12:36her hunch and secure enough evidence first, since Layla enjoyed playing a game of cat and mouse.
12:42She was going to play along. Later that morning, Eliza returned to the Byrons' home.
12:48After her identity was confirmed, Francis discovered all the trauma that Eliza had gone
12:54through and was eager to welcome her home. Meanwhile, ever since Bridget and Richard
13:00had confessed their love to each other, Bridget was over the moon with happiness.
13:05Her competition with Kara grew fiercer by the minute. The director gave her more chances to
13:10show her skill, and she took every scene seriously. She both loved and hated having
13:16some competition, but her improvement was clear. The director didn't tell her that
13:21everything was part of Richard's plan, and that all of her scenes had actually been recorded
13:26properly. At first, Kara had an obvious advantage. But as support for Bridget grew,
13:32it was hard not to admit that she had improved dramatically that night.
13:37Bridget continued filming until eleven. Richard had to return to the set of The Realm early the
13:43next day, but he stayed late with her to keep her company. He liked to take things slowly in
13:48his relationships, but he was Bridget's first boyfriend, and she wanted to spend every waking
13:54moment by his side. As a result, he ended up spending the night on set, but he refused to
14:01sleep in her room. They couldn't allow the others to discover their relationship, but they kept
14:06stealing glances at each other. Trying to hide their feelings was becoming more and more difficult.
14:13The next morning, Bridget leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Richard's cheek as he slept,
14:18and then quickly pulled away, looking around to make sure no one had noticed.
14:23He opened his eyes and chuckled as he saw her standing beside him.
14:27I'm getting too old for this, he said. What's wrong? She asked for the pout. It was just a
14:34little peck on the cheek. You have to be more careful, he said as he sat up and nudged her arm.
14:42Someone might see us. I thought we're dating now, she said. Why can't I give you a little kiss now
14:47and then? I'm trying to protect you, he said as he got up from the cot. I have to get going.
14:54Take care of yourself on set. When will you come back? she asked, staring at him. Hopefully.
15:02That depends on your performance today, he replied before he turned and left.
15:08Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
