Gulcemal - 26

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00It's like ice in the air. You know, I already went out with my home slippers.
00:08Don't you do anything when you have time?
00:17What is this?
00:20Come on.
00:21No, I can't get on. I'm afraid.
00:23I'm with you. You don't have to be afraid.
00:25I don't like being on the water.
00:28But I promise you, nothing will happen.
00:31I'm with you. Come on.
00:35Come on.
00:58Where am I going?
00:59You'll sit across.
01:07Sit down slowly.
01:27I'm very nervous.
01:53I'm afraid.
01:55Why did we come here now? Why did you bring us here?
01:59Because I want to promise you something.
02:01What promise?
02:04Look, even if our life is as scary as this lake, you will always be safe like this sandal.
02:10I'm with you.
02:12I will never leave you alone.
02:15I will always be with you.
02:18I wanted to say this in front of your mother.
02:25Is this a marriage proposal?
02:44Will you marry me?
02:46Will you marry me?
02:55I will make her suffer so much that her heart will be shattered.
03:04You will be the second woman she hates the most in this world.
03:19I think I'm being rejected.
03:21I have to tell you something.
03:25Then you can give up.
03:27Look, whatever you tell me, tell me.
03:30I won't give up on you.
03:34We've been through a lot with you in a very short time.
03:37We know each other now.
03:41You are one of the most trusted people in this world.
03:46Go on.
03:51My only wish is to take you away from here.
03:55Because I believe I will be happy for the first time.
03:59You are the thing that changes my destiny. I know that.
04:10Tell me that you want to leave here.
04:13What will be your revenge?
04:20You hit that man for me.
04:25That was my mother's curse.
04:28Because she said no woman will love you from the bottom of her heart, but you did.
04:34You didn't tell me the truth, but...
04:37You didn't either.
04:40But I understood.
04:43Because there are a lot of crazy people who say they love you.
04:51Don't say you're healing my wounds.
04:54One day I will leave everything and everyone behind.
04:58I will build a world with you.
05:01The world of the two of us.
05:07What about your brother?
05:11He's my brother.
05:14My hand is always on him.
05:16But he has his own life now.
05:20I don't trust Mert, but...
05:23I know he loves my brother.
05:26At least he will be a good father.
05:30Let them go and live their lives wherever they want.
05:33We will take care of our own lives.
05:38Did I say what I had to say?
05:41It's your turn.
05:43Come on, say whatever you have to say.
05:50I will marry you.
05:54I mean, yes.
06:20I love you.
06:50I love you.
07:20I love you.
07:35I'll go without waking up with my father.
07:40Send me your identity information today.
07:43I'll take care of the health report with the application.
07:48Because you will be my wife tomorrow.
07:52What do you mean? So soon?
07:57They say you have to be in a hurry for good things.
07:59I'm doing the same.
08:03Do you want to wait?
08:06I mean, if we wait, we can never get married.
08:10Because I don't think my father will allow it.
08:13So I don't think we should wait.
08:14I think so too.
08:19Then I'll go.
08:44Who is calling at this hour?
08:49There have been very bad things.
08:52I'm in the hospital right now.
08:54I don't know who I'm going to call.
08:56What hospital? What happened?
08:58My mother.
09:01My mother.
09:12My mother.
09:14Arman, calm down.
09:15Why are you in the hospital? Tell me.
09:17My mother had a heart attack.
09:19They're going to take her to surgery.
09:22My mother is dying.
09:25Our mother is dying.
09:27Did you talk to the doctor? How is she?
09:29The doctor said the situation is critical.
09:30She had a risky surgery.
09:33I don't know what to do right now.
09:36Okay, calm down. Wait.
09:38Wait, I'm coming.
10:43Look at the bottom door.
10:46Are you going somewhere?
10:52Yes, I'm going somewhere. Is there a problem?
10:55No, of course not.
10:57We were setting up a car or something.
10:59I called a taxi. He's waiting at the door.
11:00No need. I don't want anything from you.
11:03Where are you going?
11:05To talk to that girl's father.
11:08Ms. Deva?
11:10This marriage will never happen.
11:13You were getting along well.
11:15You flew together or something.
11:17Yes, it was.
11:20Before I found out that my husband had an ex-fiancée.
11:27You had to tell me the moment you learned this, Vefa.
11:32I couldn't tell you, Gülendam.
11:34I told you that I was pregnant today.
11:36I was very happy.
11:38But don't worry, I'll take care of it.
11:39I'll take care of it without your brother knowing.
11:41What are you going to take care of?
11:43The issue of Mert.
11:45Is that so? How?
11:47You don't want him to die.
11:49After all, he's the father of your child.
11:51But I'll help him go.
11:53What are you sending?
11:55What are you sending? Who are you sending?
11:57My husband is not going anywhere.
11:59Did you hear that?
12:01He's not going anywhere.
12:03And he's not going to die.
12:07After all these lies, you're still...
12:10Because Mert is the only liar, right?
12:12What about Deva? What are we going to do about his lies?
12:14If there's one person who's going to leave our lives, it's Deva.
12:17I'm never going to let that liar girl into this house.
12:19Do you understand?
12:21Look, Vefa, you're not going to say anything to my brother.
12:24If you say anything to my brother,
12:26and something happens to Mert,
12:28I'll know it from you.
12:30According to him.
12:32Doesn't your husband have a crime?
12:34He does. My husband's crime is very big.
12:36My husband's crime is not telling me everything from the beginning.
12:38If he had told me from the beginning,
12:40if he had told me from the beginning,
12:42the moment you heard it,
12:44I would definitely not have allowed this to happen.
12:46But now you've found it, right?
12:48You're blaming my husband.
12:50I don't have a problem with your husband.
12:52Don't I understand?
12:54Don't I know? Don't I see?
12:56You've been hating Mert since the first day.
13:00Okay, I'm not his fan, but I don't feed him with a special hatred.
13:02Vefa, do you think I don't understand?
13:04You love Mert.
13:05You know this and you can't stand it.
13:07Because you're jealous.
13:11What? Am I lying?
13:13You're being ridiculous.
13:15You're being ridiculous.
13:17I'm going to tell your brother everything that's going on.
13:19He'll decide for himself
13:21what's right, what's a lie, what's true.
13:23Do you understand?
13:25My brother?
13:27Okay, but if you're going to say a single word, Vefa,
13:29if you're going to make even a small mistake,
13:31I'm not going to forgive you.
13:33I'm not going to forgive you.
13:35I'm going to kill you with my own hands.
13:37If I can't do this,
13:39I'll kill myself.
13:41I swear.
13:43Gülendam, what are you talking about?
13:45What did this bastard do to you to make you so crazy?
13:47Speak properly about my husband.
13:49Shut up.
13:51He's the father of my baby. Speak properly.
13:53This child will not grow up without a father.
13:55Do you understand? Did you hear me?
13:57My child will not live my destiny.
13:59He will grow up with his mother and father.
14:01I will not destroy my home.
14:03I will not allow this marriage to be destroyed.
14:06Your brother is calling.
14:09None of what I said is a joke.
14:11You're not going to say a single word to my brother.
14:13Did you hear me?
14:16Yes, brother.
14:18Vefa, my mother had a heart attack.
14:20She's in surgery. Her condition is not good either.
14:22If you want to come, take Gülendam and take her to the hospital.
14:24Okay, brother. Right away.
14:29Your mother was hospitalized.
14:31What do I care?
14:32What do I care?
14:34Your brother's condition is not good.
14:36Your brother's condition is not good.
14:38If you want to come, take Gülendam and take her to the hospital.
14:43You'll die.
14:46I understand you.
14:49I'm just saying that if something happens to you,
14:51you'll regret it.
14:54My mother
14:56is already dead, Vefa.
14:57Don't ever forget what I said.
14:59If my brother hears anything,
15:01this house will be a funeral.
15:03Either yours
15:05or mine.
15:06Nothing happens immediately.
15:08Either yours
15:10or mine.
15:28Mr. Parmak.
15:34How did it happen suddenly?
15:36It happened because of me.
15:38I said such heavy things that my heart couldn't take it.
15:46While my mom was struggling inside, she was still angry.
15:51Why? I was about to die, but still...
16:01She's still angry. Why?
16:17I don't want my mom to die.
16:25Me neither.
16:32Didn't you hate her?
16:34No matter how much I hate her, I love her so much.
16:40Because she's my mom.
16:45It's like my heart is split in two.
16:51One side is angry, the other is...
16:55I'm so sorry for her.
16:57Why did you come back then?
17:02Why did you fight with her?
17:09To make her love me.
17:13I wanted her to suffer the same pain she did to me.
17:17That's all.
17:19Then maybe she'd feel the pain and love me.
17:23That's what I thought.
17:26I always said my mom would love me one day.
17:32I never gave up on that.
17:35That's why you killed my dad.
17:37To hurt my mom.
17:40I was a kid.
17:42My mom had left us.
17:44When I came home every day, I hoped my mom had come home.
17:50One day I opened the door and saw my dad's dead body.
17:54He hung himself that day.
17:57Do you know what's the scariest thing for a child?
18:01To realize that you have no one in this big world.
18:05I was scared.
18:07I wanted to be with my mom.
18:10Under her wing.
18:13I went to get her back.
18:15But your dad was like a mountain in front of me.
18:27I wish they never lived.
18:31I wish everything was different.
18:39We can't bring back the past.
18:44We are the relatives of the victor.
18:48What are you?
18:50We are his sons.
18:52I think you are Gülceman Şahin.
18:54That's me.
18:55The assistant told me.
18:57You called a teacher for your mother.
18:59Yes, that's right.
19:01When Mr. Sabri comes, we will take your mother for an operation.
19:04She is a high blood pressure patient, so the operation is risky.
19:09I don't know if it's necessary, but you have to supply blood to both units.
19:13Of course.
19:14Shall we have an announcement made for the blood?
19:16Or did you inform your relatives?
19:20What was the blood group?
19:21Zero energy negative.
19:23Mine, unfortunately, is sleeping.
19:26Mine is sleeping.
19:28I can give it.
19:30Let's tell them to direct you then.
19:33Also, since your mother is unconscious,
19:36you need to sign a consent form that you accept the risks of the operation.
19:41Of course, let's do whatever is necessary.
19:42Let's go then.
19:51Didn't he get up yet?
19:53He's in the bathroom. He'll be here soon.
20:05I'm up. Good morning.
20:07Come on, sit down.
20:24I need to talk to you.
20:30Who is this?
20:32Let me see.
20:56Welcome, Gülendam.
20:58Welcome, Gülendam.
21:08Are you okay?
21:09I'm not.
21:10Did something happen?
21:11Yes, something happened.
21:13I found out that you're a liar.
21:16I know you're Mert's ex-fiancée.
21:21Wait a second.
21:22First of all, I'm going to ask you something.
21:24I'm so curious.
21:25Didn't you ever blush when you were living with us in that house?
21:31Didn't you ever feel ashamed?
21:33I'm really curious.
21:35Your ex-fiancée, his wife, you, my brother.
21:39Didn't you ever feel ashamed?
21:41Look, I really wanted to tell you, okay?
21:43So what did you want?
21:45Don't you know my brother?
21:47If I had told you, Mert would have gone and hit him.
21:52Is this your only problem?
21:53Is this your only problem?
21:54My brother hit Mert.
21:56What's it to you?
21:57Because he hit Mert?
21:59Why is this still your problem?
22:01Explain it to me.
22:03Wait a second.
22:04Wait, wait, wait.
22:05Look, you're very angry right now.
22:07Calm down.
22:08Sit down and talk.
22:09You're going to listen to me for a minute.
22:10Do you still love Mert?
22:12Is that why you're worried about whether he's alive or not?
22:15Are you in love?
22:17Tell me.
22:18Gülendam, what are you saying?
22:20What love?
22:21Of course.
22:22Of course.
22:23I understand.
22:24Let me go home somehow.
22:25Then I'll find my way somehow.
22:28You thought I'd break up with his wife anyway, didn't you?
22:31Oh, wait a minute.
22:32Wait a minute.
22:33I found the real reason.
22:34The real one is this.
22:35My brother's money.
22:36Of course.
22:37Then it was sweeter for you.
22:39Right, Mert?
22:40What are you saying?
22:41Do you realize what you're saying?
22:42Did you hear what I said?
22:43Do you know what I said?
22:45I'm telling you this.
22:46Listen carefully.
22:47I'll take your big eyes out of place.
22:52Who are you?
22:55Who are you?
22:57You're putting me and my brother in a stupid place.
23:02Who are you?
23:03Get your hands off me.
23:06Did something happen to you now?
23:08What are you talking about?
23:10Look at me.
23:11You're going to leave here.
23:12Did you hear me?
23:14It's full of money.
23:15It's full of money.
23:16Take this.
23:18Get out of here.
23:19Get out of our lives.
23:21You're going to stay away from my brother.
23:25You're going to stay away from my husband.
23:28Do you hear me?
23:31I will never let this wedding happen.
23:35I'm telling you.
23:36Did you hear me?
23:37Did you hear me?
23:38Answer me.
23:40Come to your senses.
23:41You're in my house.
23:42Know your place.
23:43Uncle Ibrahim, please.
23:46I don't have a mother or father.
23:50I want a father from you.
23:54Please don't destroy my home.
23:58I'm begging you without hearing my brother.
24:01Please take your daughters.
24:03Get out of here.
24:09Aren't you going to go?
24:13We will go.
24:16Right now.
24:20Take it.
24:21I don't want your money.
24:24Is this true?
24:25I don't want this wedding to happen.
24:29Now get out of my house.
24:31You won't see us again.
24:32Come on.
24:45You won't see us again.
24:46You won't see us again.
24:55What do we go, father?
24:56How can you let this woman take this?
24:59Because it's all true.
25:02Because Gülendam is right.
25:04Deva knew all this and lived with him.
25:09Come on, get up.
25:10We're going.
25:11Come on, get up.
25:13Come on, get up.
25:15It's over, get up.
25:17Come on.
25:31Today could have been the happiest day of my life.
25:37I was going to deal with the wedding.
25:41I proposed to Deval.
25:43He accepted.
25:45Are you really getting married, Deval?
25:49I was going to meet the mayor today for the wedding.
25:55Doctor, how is he?
25:57Is he okay? Is everything okay?
25:59It was a difficult surgery.
26:01If it wasn't for Mr. Sabri, we would have had a harder time.
26:03I'm glad you called.
26:05How is he now?
26:07The surgery went well.
26:09But the first 24 hours are very critical.
26:11We're going to take him to intensive care soon.
26:13You don't have to wait.
26:15You won't be able to see him
26:17when he's in intensive care.
26:19We'll let you know, okay?
26:21Okay, thank you, doctor.
26:23Thank you. Get well soon.
26:33You go.
26:35I can't.
26:37I can't stay here.
26:39You heard me.
26:41There's nothing we can do.
26:43We can't see him anyway.
26:45I'll let you know if anything happens.
26:49But if you need anything,
26:51you'll call me, okay?
27:01Go and do whatever it takes for Deval.
27:23Don't write to Deval, Gülcem Ale.
27:27My father is taking us right now.
27:29We're packing our stuff.
27:33I'm telling you not to write to Deval.
27:35But why are you texting him?
27:39I don't want to go.
27:49Deval, I don't understand you.
27:53I don't understand.
27:55Didn't you see Gülendam?
27:57What did the woman do to our house?
27:59What did she say?
28:01How are you going to go to that house?
28:05Don't cry.
28:07We'll figure it out.
28:13Deval, what is this?
28:15Did he buy you a ring?
28:35Come on.
28:49Come on.
28:53I told you not to go.
28:55Calm down.
28:57I can't calm down.
28:59You're gonna make Deval stubborn.
29:01You weren't going to go.
29:03I wasn't going to go.
29:05What was I supposed to do?
29:07You and I,
29:09your ex-fiancée,
29:11my brother,
29:13we'd live a happy family life together.
29:15Is that what I'm saying?
29:17I went and I'm glad I went.
29:19If they have that much honor,
29:21they'll leave.
29:23No one can find their traces.
29:25Did they accept?
29:27His father accepted.
29:29They'll go.
29:33Let's go.
29:55Is this really the solution?
29:57What can I do?
29:59Do we have a face to stay in this city?
30:01Dad, we're breaking our rules.
30:03We ran away before.
30:05The man found us again.
30:07He couldn't find us if he didn't call Ms. Deva.
30:11Give me your phone.
30:15Give me your phone.
30:17Dad, I gave up.
30:19You won't get a phone until you say
30:21I don't have Gül Cemal in my heart anymore.
30:23Dad, what are you talking about?
30:25What phone?
30:27I said give it.
30:29Why are you so afraid?
30:31Why are you so afraid to go
30:33without even looking back?
30:35Don't you know the real culprit of this?
30:37I know.
30:39But I can't tell this to Gül Cemal.
30:41Is there any other way?
30:43Tell me.
30:45You saw Gül Endem.
30:47How are you going to go to that house?
30:49Don't you have a mind?
30:51Look, girl.
30:53It happens to everyone in this world.
30:55But not with Gül Cemal.
30:57Why do you keep telling me this?
30:59What is it then?
31:01Is it just because of Mert?
31:05His solution was easy.
31:07If you knew what I knew,
31:09you wouldn't want to marry Gül Cemal.
31:11What do you know then?
31:13Tell me.
31:15Tell me, I'll know.
31:17Isn't it my right to know?
31:19Dad, Gül Cemal is here.
31:21Why did he come again?
31:29You told him, didn't you?
31:31That's enough. Get out of here.
31:37No, if I leave, where will I go?
31:39It will take me a day to find you.
31:41God help me.
31:45Halil Ibrahim is here.
31:47God help me.
31:49Halil Ibrahim is here.
31:53Look, I came here
31:55by the command of God,
31:57by the word of the Prophet,
31:59to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.
32:03Let's say halal.
32:05Let me make up for what I did.
32:07None of this is a problem.
32:11Halil Ibrahim.
32:13I'm a child who grows up without love.
32:15You know that too.
32:19I've known you since then.
32:23I didn't believe that a woman
32:25could love me until today.
32:27Until I met your daughter.
32:33Despite what I did to her,
32:35she was still able to stand by me.
32:39I wanted a clean white for the first time.
32:41To be worthy of her.
32:43And I will be.
32:45I love your daughter, Mr. Ibrahim.
32:47I want to marry her.
32:51I promise you.
32:53I'll look at her like my own eyes.
32:55Like my own eyes.
32:57This won't work.
32:59I don't have a daughter to give you.
33:01And your family doesn't want it either.
33:03Look, don't confuse my family.
33:05No matter what I decide,
33:07they will stand behind me.
33:09It won't work.
33:11It won't work.
33:13Even if you fight,
33:15even if you stand against me,
33:17I won't give up.
33:19Do you understand?
33:21Whether you want it or not.
33:23I'm marrying her tomorrow.
33:27Of course, if she wants it.
33:39My daughter, don't.
33:41Look, I haven't separated you from İpek until today.
33:43I looked at you like my own eyes.
33:47But if you do this,
33:49your father will be gone.
33:51I'm begging you, let me go.
33:55Look, I'm begging you, let me go.
34:09I love you so much.
34:15One day you will forgive me.
34:39I love you so much.
34:57I love you so much.
35:03I love you so much.
35:09I love you so much.
35:17What am I going to do now?
35:19Whether they go or not,
35:21what am I going to do?
35:23If she stays here, she'll get married anyway.
35:25I love you so much.
35:37What did you say?
35:39What did you say to Gülendam?
35:41You fooled me.
35:43I told the truth.
35:45What am I going to say?
35:47I said, Gülendam, I love you.
35:49You're going to make me lose my mind.
35:51What did I do wrong?
35:53Don't miss it.
35:55Admit it, I'm going to stay here.
35:57If I didn't say it,
35:59would Gülendam say it?
36:01If she didn't say it,
36:03she would have said it 50 times by now.
36:05You can't say it in your life after this hour.
36:09I'm in trouble, Mert.
36:11Damn it.
36:13They took the boss to the hospital.
36:15What are you going to do if something happens?
36:17Look, they're going one by one.
36:19What happened to Mrs. Mustafa?
36:21She's dying.
36:23If Gülendam hears that you're working for her,
36:25do you think she can stay in this house?
36:29No way.
36:31After this hour, Gülendam will only come to me.
36:39What are you doing?
36:41Leave my husband alone.
36:43What are you talking about?
36:45Look at me, you're oppressing this man you found without his permission.
36:47It's over, I won't let you.
36:49Do you understand me?
36:51Is this your new job?
36:55Are you protecting your husband?
36:57Yes, I am.
36:59Are you crazy?
37:01Your brother is marrying Deva.
37:03You can't stop him.
37:05Is this how you're going to live?
37:07It's not going to happen.
37:09Deva will leave this city.
37:15Are you sure?
37:35How dare you come here?
37:37With what face?
37:39No honor, pride, shame.
37:41None of this?
37:43Gülendam, don't be ridiculous.
37:45What do you think you're doing?
37:49Deva will be my wife.
37:51Watch your mouth.
37:53Didn't I come to you today?
37:55Why are you coming?
37:57I'm going crazy.
37:59What are you talking about?
38:01I went to them.
38:03I took the money.
38:05I told them to leave.
38:07How dare you?
38:09How dare you say that?
38:11Because if Deva leaves, we won't have any problems.
38:13Do you understand?
38:15I don't want this marriage.
38:17I don't allow it.
38:19Do you want my permission?
38:21What are you doing behind my back?
38:23What's your problem with this girl?
38:25What did she do to you?
38:39If she comes, we can't stay in this house.
38:41If she comes, we can't stay in this house.
38:43If she comes, we'll go.
38:45Either she or me.
38:49I'm sick of your nonsense.
38:51Look, Gülendam.
38:53Don't use my love for you.
38:55Or I'll send you to your husband.
38:57Okay, that's enough.
38:59Is that so?
39:01Are you going to do this for that three-day girl?
39:03You're going to send your sister for this girl with her baby in her belly.
39:07Is that so?
39:09Okay, that's enough.
39:11Wait a minute.
39:13What's your problem with Deva?
39:15Why can't you stay in this house together?
39:17Why can't this wedding happen?
39:19Why can't you stay in the same house?
39:21Tell me what your problem is.
39:23Tell me what your problem is.
39:37Tell me what your problem is.
39:39Or you can leave here tomorrow morning.
39:53That's enough.
39:55That's enough.
40:03Don't look at her fault.
40:05I understand.
40:07Calm down.
40:09Calm down.
40:11Welcome, girl.
40:13They took my mother out of intensive care.
40:15They're taking her to the room.
40:17She's getting better.
40:19Is there any news from the hospital?
40:21She's fine.
40:23Come on.
40:31What happened?
40:37What's the news from the hospital?
40:39Ms. Zafer had a heart attack.
40:43They took her to the hospital last night.
40:45They took her to the room.
40:47She's fine.
41:07Mr. Parma.
41:09Mom, I'm here.
41:11I'm here.
41:13Did you forgive me?
41:15Mom, I told them with anger.
41:17It's not your fault.
41:19It was just an accident.
41:23No matter how much I hate you, you're my mother.
41:25You're my mother.
41:29I was so scared I'd lose you.
41:39Would I ever leave you?
41:49If it weren't for Ms. Gul,
41:51you were almost dying.
41:57Ms. Gul?
41:59She saved your life.
42:01She's the same as your blood type.
42:03She bled for you.
42:05She brought you the best surgeon in Istanbul.
42:07She did everything you needed to live.
42:19She's sorry.
42:23What do you mean?
42:25Ms. Gul knows me.
42:27I understand.
42:29How did she find out?
42:31I don't know, but...
42:33...she came to Sabahköy.
42:35She wanted us to go.
42:37But you came here anyway.
42:39You really love Gul Cemal.
42:41I love her.
42:43I love her very much.
42:45But no one wants us to be together. Everyone is united against us.
42:51My father doesn't want it anyway.
42:55But Gülendam is right. I have to tell this to Gülçamal.
42:58Don't say anything.
43:00How can I marry such a liar?
43:03The four of us are in the same house.
43:06How can we live? No way.
43:08No way.
43:09No way, Özge.
43:11I talked to Gülendam now.
43:13She doesn't even open her mouth when it comes to men.
43:16Can you imagine? She protects her husband.
43:19She says, if that wedding happens, I'll leave this house tomorrow.
43:26Is it because of me?
43:29Is it because of me?
43:31They are brothers. They make peace.
43:34Brothers cut each other's throats and hug each other again.
43:38Let it go. Let it go.
43:42Do you know how painful it is to lie to Gülcemal?
43:46It hurts so much.
43:48Look, sister.
43:50Gülendam knew everything, but she didn't tell anything to Gülcemal.
43:54Because she loves Mert too.
43:57If Gülcemal finds out, she won't leave Mert alive.
44:00And after all this.
44:02What will happen if you tell her now?
44:05You will lose Gülcemal.
44:07Gülendam will lose her husband.
44:09She will be left without a father.
44:11It's a huge misfortune.
44:15You are getting married tomorrow, despite everything.
44:20Now just focus on this.
44:24Don't let your happiness be on the shelf.
44:29You both deserve to be happy.