Una Vida Perfecta - Capitulo 48 (Español)

  • 9 hours ago
01:47I said
01:48Tango malas noticias las señoras Edna Morgan a una rueda de prensa para revelar el embarazo
01:55Cuando hoy vale
01:59Detenla para que no lo haga ni se le ocurra ya lo he intentado
02:04Pero si insisto sospecharán de mí es cosa tuya
02:08Haz lo que sea necesario
02:17Aysel que ocurre
02:19Estás todo el día pegada al teléfono
02:22No sé qué te parecerá esta noticia pero
02:25Sefnan va a anunciar al bebé Gumuschu que llevas dentro
02:29Y cómo se atreve ni que tuviera derecho a anunciar al heredero Gumuschu cuando no es la madre
02:35Melissa como que el heredero a qué te refieres los hijos de Sefnan no serán herederos mi hijo sí que lo será
02:41No son sólo hijos de Sefnan también son de honor
02:45Emre y ella te queda claro también son Gumuschu
02:53Dios mío
02:59Hola honor oye tengo algo importante que contarte
03:45Me sud
03:47Estás bien
03:49You haven't thought about it, have you?
03:51No. I've been lucky.
03:55He hasn't been so lucky because he was married.
04:02What happened to you?
04:06He hooked me up when he was driving.
04:09I lost control of the steering wheel and we were fired.
04:13My friend, I know you too well.
04:19What did Selo tell you to drive you so crazy?
04:22Forget it, Gilmaz.
04:24Justice has been done.
04:27What else could have happened?
04:38Is everything ready?
04:42Yes, it is.
04:45I wonder what he's going to tell us.
04:50You're beautiful, darling.
04:53Although with a necklace and a white shirt you would be much better.
04:58But what do you want now? A shirt and a necklace?
05:01A necklace of God and a white shirt that represents purity.
05:06Don't talk nonsense.
05:09All right, all right.
05:11Listen, there are the chains inside.
05:13They will try to bite you. What should you do?
05:15Keep your composure.
05:17Don't worry.
05:19I trust you.
05:21Are you ready?
05:23All right.
05:31Guys, are you all ready?
05:35Suddenly I'm getting nervous.
05:38What a tension.
05:40Aydin, stop.
05:42Okay, okay, I'm stopping.
05:48I'm beautiful.
05:50Didn't you hear me before? You're beautiful.
05:52Mrs. Sefnan.
05:57Oh, mother.
06:00Thank you all for coming.
06:10As you know, Onur Gumuscu has asked me for a divorce.
06:14The trial will be soon.
06:17They made me a pretty cruel proposal to sign the divorce.
06:22Very cruel.
06:25That is, I am conditioned to accept it.
06:29Excuse me, what do you mean by conditioned?
06:34I don't want to go into details, but I will make everything clear during the trial.
06:39Is it for financial reasons? Is the closure of the mansion related to that?
06:44That's not what matters to me.
06:46I want to make it clear.
06:48What matters to me are my children.
06:50They don't let me see them anymore.
06:52Okay, whatever you say.
06:55They made me a horrible proposal that I didn't want to accept.
06:59But if I didn't, they would take my children.
07:01Wow, did you do that to him?
07:03Don't be silly.
07:05I'm sure you told him.
07:07What are the conditions? What do they want from you?
07:10As I said before, I won't go into details.
07:13I'll do it during the trial.
07:19However, I have a very interesting recording.
07:23Melissa Osoi's husband, the woman with whom Onur Gumus is, was the one who sent me the recording.
07:31I suppose you know that she was married to another man.
07:35The one you've messed up.
07:38What recordings? Did they see her with Onur or something like that?
07:42Sefnam, your photos came out with the inspector.
07:45It is rumored that you are together.
07:48Let's see what he says.
07:50That's it.
07:53That topic right now is not relevant.
07:55I will only answer pertinent questions.
07:57They caught you entering his house at night.
07:59You seemed very close.
08:06This is a very serious matter.
08:08I don't know what to do.
08:10I don't know what to do.
08:12I don't know what to do.
08:14I don't know what to do.
08:17It is clear that this is not the issue.
08:24Let's see.
08:26It's time.
08:28Of course, right now.
08:30Burcin, honey.
08:31Of course.
08:32Hold on.
08:47What's going on?
09:00It would be very uncomfortable.
09:05Did they call us for that?
09:08No, it's not.
09:10Hey, what's going on?
09:12Sefnam, is this the USB flash drive?
09:15It's the one we brought from home. It doesn't work.
09:21I don't know why, but it doesn't work.
09:30Denise, could you go see it?
09:32Denise, come.
09:34Excuse me for a moment.
09:41Yes, we'll show the recording.
09:43We've had technical problems. We'll fix it right away.
09:57In case my wife tries to do something behind my back...
10:03I want to tell you something.
10:06My wife, Melissa, is pregnant with Onur Gumuscu, her husband.
10:14With this confession, we have enough affection.
10:23You'll destroy Melissa.
10:26And you know what else?
10:29You can completely ruin Onur Gumuscu.
10:34I'll do it for the kids.
10:36You'll drive me crazy.
10:37What are you going to do? Eat stones?
10:39He's her father, and he'll give you the money, whether you like it or not.
10:43Just like he'll give it to Melissa's witch.
10:46It's something that belongs to you, too.
10:48You're the mother of the kids, and a good mother.
10:59Do you have a copy in your mail?
11:02Of course not.
11:07That's it.
11:08She called us to tell us.
11:11You have no shame.
11:14What are you doing?
11:18We've had technical problems. We'll fix it right away.
11:27Bora was right. This girl is cursed.
11:31But that's great.
11:33What a joy, isn't it?
11:34I didn't want to see Ahmed's face, even if it was in a video.
11:38Shefnam, you're ridiculous.
11:40Shame on you.
11:44I'll have to explain it to her myself.
11:47Let's see.
11:49Telling this in public is not easy for me.
11:53But I'm a mother.
11:55So I've been forced to do this.
11:58Is it for Melissa?
12:03It's for Melissa.
12:05Here comes the bomb.
12:12She refuses to have an adventure with honor.
12:15But she's been pregnant for about five weeks.
12:18But is this true?
12:20How can she be pregnant?
12:24I knew it. I knew it.
12:27Do you know what this is all about?
12:30The girl is pregnant.
12:34Of course. Now I understand.
12:35How do you know she's pregnant? Do you have proof?
12:54What's going on?
13:07Now you can ask Honor directly.
13:22Honor, is that true?
13:24It's rumored that Melissa is pregnant.
13:26Is she your girlfriend?
13:28Did you leave her pregnant?
13:32Listen to me.
13:33I won't talk about those things in front of the cameras.
13:37Especially now that we're in a trial.
13:40When it's all over and the case is closed, you'll know the whole truth.
13:44How did you get to this point?
13:46You've been with Sefnam for many years.
13:48You have two children.
13:52Do you want me to answer, Sefnam?
13:55Of course.
13:58Here's what I suggest.
14:00Do you think anyone would want to go through all this with the woman
14:04with whom he has spent so many years and is the mother of his children?
14:08Sometimes it just doesn't work out.
14:13Is there a possibility of reconciliation?
14:15You loved each other, didn't you?
14:18Were you in love?
14:26What is being in love?
14:31We were in love.
14:38What do you think, Sefnam?
14:44I don't know.
14:49It's been a long time.
15:01Did you make Onur go there?
15:03Tell me the truth.
15:04How can you think that, woman?
15:06Do you think Onur needs my consent?
15:09Did he go to stop her?
15:11What's the point of trying to stop her?
15:13He said what he wanted, and he'll say it in court.
15:16No, he talks nonstop, but one day he'll stop.
15:19Aysel, do you really think he talks so much and at some point he'll stop?
15:23The jury will want to investigate the accusation.
15:25Maybe they'll ask for a report on me.
15:27Maybe they'll ask for a report on me.
15:30For that, he'll have to find you first, don't you think?
15:33What do you mean by that, find me?
15:35Look, darling, you'll have to disappear while the trial lasts.
15:41So what Sefnam said will be like a slander.
15:46What are you going to do?
15:48Hide at the top of the tower like in the stories?
15:51Melissa, if this is published, we'll surely lose the trial.
15:56We'll have to pay Sefnam a fortune.
15:59And the worst part is that our children will stay.
16:03Would you like him to win? Would you like him to take them?
16:06You always say our children.
16:09This is a mess.
16:11Who is it?
16:13You don't have to know everything, always.
16:19Melissa, it's time for us to talk.
16:27Sefnam, the technical team has arrived. I'll organize the place.
16:33Denise has been terrible before. Do you care?
16:38Come on, tell me, do you care?
16:43I don't care.
16:45I don't care.
16:47I don't care.
16:49I don't care.
16:51I don't care.
16:53I don't care.
16:55Guys, wait a minute.
17:00Why do you say that, Mrs. Sefnam?
17:03I don't care at all.
17:05I'm as angry and strange as you are.
17:08I don't understand why it didn't work either.
17:11An hour ago it worked when Irene tried it.
17:14And now suddenly? I don't know why not.
17:16The technical team is already here.
17:18Weren't we supposed to meet to make a copy?
17:22I was going to do it today.
17:24But he organized the press conference and didn't give me time.
17:27Anyway, we won't need it anymore.
17:29In court they will decide to make a report and act accordingly.
17:33I don't believe all that stuff about reports.
17:38I think you should go.
17:40Go, prepare the paperwork.
17:45I'll think about something.
17:51I'll tell you. You can go.
17:56A few days later.
18:20Mesut, how are you? I'm worried.
18:23It's the best day of my life, you know?
18:27Are you happy?
18:29To finally lock him up?
18:33Sefnam, I thought Didem would have told you.
18:37The situation has changed.
18:40What was I supposed to tell you?
18:44I'll tell you, but don't worry, okay?
18:48We fell through a cliff.
18:50What? What are you saying?
18:53What do you mean?
18:54Don't worry, I got out without a problem.
18:58He's dead.
19:02Mesut, tell me, are you okay?
19:04Now is not a good time.
19:06I'll go tonight and we'll talk in person, okay?
19:08Where are you now? I need you to tell me how you are.
19:11I'm fine. Really, don't worry.
19:14I'll tell you when I get back.
19:16I'm fine.
19:18Okay, okay.
19:24Use the power of our family to help me with this.
19:30What do you want me to do?
19:34Don't let them transfer me.
19:36I'll stay in my station.
19:43Son, what I want is for you to stop...
19:47Mom, I know you want me to stop working.
19:50What I want is for you to stop...
19:52Mom, I know you want me to stop working.
19:54I know, and I really understand.
19:56I know.
19:58But there is an important case for me.
20:01And I want to finish it.
20:04Just answer the following question.
20:08Could you stop the transfer?
20:19If it's so important to you...
20:23I'll do it.
20:25But with one condition.
20:30Whatever the case is...
20:35You'll solve it.
20:37And you'll leave your job to take care of the family business that's your turn.
20:48Is it over? Can I go now?
20:51We can't leave yet.
20:53We're under investigation now.
20:55Especially you.
20:57Look, let's agree on one thing.
20:59Since I'm already under investigation, if something goes wrong, I'll be responsible.
21:02Don't even think about it.
21:05No kidding.
21:07Don't even think about being a saint.
21:10Please, I don't want anyone's life to be ruined by a murderer.
21:14Neither Sefnam's, nor yours, nor mine.
21:29Aisle? Hi, it's me.
21:32Hi Denise, my precious.
21:34Congratulations, really.
21:36Congratulations, a honor for you, honey.
21:39Thank you very much.
21:41It was easier than I thought.
21:43Yes, you've destroyed Sefnam.
21:45And also the most important proof
21:47Yes, but I didn't understand very well what Onur proposed
21:51It surprised me a lot
21:53Let's see, honey, are you referring to the fact that he went there? Is that it?
21:57No, I mean the proposal he made to Sefnam to go back to his house
22:03You can't see
22:04Leave me alone
22:05Hi, Denise, I'm Melissa. Look, that never happened, okay?
22:09No one wants me to come back. He's lying. Is that clear to you? He's lying
22:13No, Sefnam is very fake
22:15Maybe he's lying to you
22:16But wouldn't it make sense to lie to me?
22:18No, now he's lying to everyone. That's how great she is
22:29Don't try it, you won't be able to read at that distance
22:38Where are you? Send me the address
22:44Yes, dear, I'm listening
22:46What do you want to talk about?
22:54I know you don't want to believe it
22:57I'll give you some details about our conversation
23:04When he asked me to go back home, I asked him
23:08And Melissa?
23:09And he told me
23:10Do you know what he told me?
23:12No, you tell me
23:13That he'd kick you out
23:16And did he mention any place?
23:19I think the United States
23:21He'd take you abroad
23:23Melissa, I'm not lying to you, I swear
23:27You have to believe it
23:29He came to pick me up at the hotel
23:31And he won't stop calling me
23:33I'm not lying to you
23:35I'm not lying to you
23:37He came to pick me up at the hotel
23:38And he won't stop calling me
23:40I would never believe this if you didn't tell me, Honor
23:43But let's think for a moment that it's true
23:47Why do you tell me, Fnam?
23:50What would you gain?
23:53I have a proposal for you
23:57If you come to the trial
23:59You confess about the pregnancy
24:02And I take the kids
24:04You stay with Honor
24:06What do you think?
24:15That way we both win
24:18The truth is that I want to get a divorce as soon as possible
24:21There are judicial processes that last for years, you know that
24:26Yes, it's your decision
24:29An honorable life, isn't it?
24:34Are you setting me up?
24:36Are you playing with me?
24:39I would do anything to bury you by my side
24:57Are you okay?
25:04You're pale
25:05Shego, shut up
25:07Shut up
25:08If this woman finds out that you're talking to a dead person
25:11She'll crush you and destroy you like an insect
25:17You're very strange
25:25The truth is that I'm afraid to be here
25:29What do you mean yes, Melissa?
25:31Yes to what?
25:32I'm making you a proposal
25:34Do you accept it or not?
25:36Are you going to confess about the pregnancy in the trial?
25:41I can't betray the family
25:45Aiselle is my best friend
25:48Besides, I have her heir inside me
25:51Besides, I have her heir inside me
26:00Don't you understand me yet?
26:03If I tell Honura right now that I'm coming back home
26:06Your heir would be illegitimate
26:08What don't you understand, Melissa?
26:12Look, Fnam
26:15If you wanted to come back, you would have already done it
26:19But you can't
26:22Because you're in love with someone else
26:25That's what love is
26:28I'm sorry, darling
26:31Your perfect life belongs to me now
26:36The house is mine
26:40Honura is mine
26:49I love you
26:56It's too late, Seba
26:58You should have covered the glass in your head when you were here
27:01Shut up! Shut up!
27:03Let me go!
27:06If I slept well, I wouldn't see you again
27:10To sleep?
27:12I love to think, think, think, think and you don't sleep
27:19I love you
27:24I don't care where I sleep
27:27Is it true?
27:29Did you ask Fnam to come back home?
27:35Yes, I asked her
27:39But what else do you want?
27:41My God, Nur
27:44What are you doing, son?
27:46What do you want? Tell me
27:50What is your goal?
27:53Nur, you have the trial tomorrow
27:56What are you going to tell them?
27:58I love my wife so much that I'm willing to cancel the divorce
28:02Will you tell them that?
28:04I wanted to know what I would choose
28:06Her children or her lover
28:08And she already answered me
28:10Her lover
28:12You wanted her to tell you directly, right?
28:17She never says it clearly, she denies it
28:20But it is clear that she leaves me for him
28:25Son, how dare she leave you?
28:28What a shame!
28:30It was you who dumped her
28:32Now she handles you with jealousy and gets into your head
28:36That's why she confuses you
28:39She did it
28:44Son, you fell into the trap like me
28:47It happened to me too, I understand you
28:50I was like you when your father left
28:53I was confused
28:56Why didn't I stop him? Why?
28:59I regretted everything
29:02We had a routine, a normal life
29:05But really, son, the things that hurt us are not good
29:11It is an addiction, something completely visceral
29:16I understand, you will feel bad
29:18But listen to me, it will be hard
29:21Once you get rid of her, it will be a relief
29:25You will finally be truly happy, I promise you
29:28The only thing you will regret is not having done it before
29:31That's the only thing that matters
29:37It's the best option, son, listen to me
29:47Mrs. Melissa, welcome
29:49My dear, you are the best in the house
29:51Thank you, ma'am
29:53How are you?
29:55Well, I'm not well
30:04Of course, the poor thing
30:33What are you doing here?
30:35You had the doors open
30:37How could you?
30:39It's incredible
30:43Oh, mother
30:48What are you doing?
30:50Don't tell me you're worried about me now
30:53I wanted to talk to you
30:55You've created chaos, you've messed it up
30:58Listen, you have to focus
31:01The man called you to talk to you
31:04What are you going to do?
31:05Stop, I don't want to listen to your advice, okay?
31:12Okay, Melissa is pregnant and they will have a baby
31:17It's hard to accept, I understand
31:19But forget about that woman
31:21He called you because he wants to be with you, he loves you
31:26How is he going to love me if you don't?
31:30You're obsessed
31:35It was out of ignorance
31:38Look, your husband is as rich as the king
31:43He could be with any woman, and who would reject him?
31:47Nothing forces him to stay with you if he doesn't love you
31:51Love doesn't consist of that, Seda
31:55It's your fault we confused obedience with love
31:59Because you always misinterpret it
32:04Obedience is to look, to be silent, to be his servant, a slave
32:10However, loving someone is simply accepting it as it is
32:18Sometimes it even means giving up on yourself
32:24Okay, but he accepts you as you are, despite your past, us
32:32I don't understand why you don't want to be with him
32:36All he wants is for me to obey
32:38The same as you
32:39So he doesn't love me
32:43Come on, get out
32:48Darling, it's no use being proud
32:51What will become of you if you marry him?
32:54That Melisa will marry Honour
32:57Since she's pregnant, she'll inherit all his wealth
33:01So what? I don't care
33:04You don't care that he keeps everything?
33:07I don't care
33:09I don't care
33:11I don't care
33:13I don't care
33:14You don't care that he keeps everything?
33:18Seda, what do you want? Tell me, what do you want?
33:22Think, if Melisa marries Honour, when she gives birth to the child
33:27Your children will be treated like children
33:31Think about it
33:33Like you did to me
33:36Don't meddle with me
33:38This is not about you, but about the future of Eie and Emre
33:43Do you understand?
33:45Go away, please
33:56I think I'm in the wrong place
33:58Inspector Mesut, what are you doing here at night?
34:01The same thing I say about you
34:03Enough, stop meddling with my life
34:06Listen, you've already hurt the girl with the photos
34:11Get out of here
34:14Get out of my house? What are you talking about? Get out of here right now
34:19Come on
34:36No one has seen me come in
34:39But if you don't like it, I'm leaving
34:45Are you okay?
35:10I've seen it all
35:12How foolish you were in front of the press
35:15With big words and loving looks, you were wonderful
35:20Come on, nothing further from the truth
35:22I did it so you wouldn't cause any trouble
35:25How did you want me to act in front of the press?
35:28You should have defended me
35:29You should have defended me
35:31You should have protected me, Onur
35:33That's what I'm doing
35:35If not, the court would call you
35:37No, I want to involve you in this
35:41And where are you going to hide me?
35:44In the attic? In the warehouse? In the cupboard? Where?
35:47Don't be silly, Melisa
35:49I've prepared a house in London where you'll be comfortable until you're born
35:55That's your big plan?
35:56Get rid of me and send me far away so I can return to Sefnam
36:00What's that got to do with it?
36:02My only intention is to keep you away from the problems, you and the child
36:07Are you sure?
36:11Look, I'm asking you for the last time, Onur
36:16Do you love Sefnam? Do you want to be with her?
36:21No, no and no, that's over
36:23No, that's over, that's over
36:25I just want my children
36:27That's all, they won't grow up with another man
36:30They'll grow up here, at home, safe
36:33Really? Why wouldn't they be safe with their mother?
36:37Will you kidnap the children, like she said, so they won't see her?
36:40What are you looking for?
36:42Do you think I'd separate my children from their mother, Melisa?
36:45How could I make them go through that?
36:49Of course they can see their mother whenever they want
36:53But they won't live with her, but with me
36:56I need you to go to London to get custody of the children
37:05And how did it happen?
37:07How did he die?
37:10Was it you?
37:14When I saw the hole, my mind was going at a thousand per hour
37:18I began to imagine how many people I would have killed like that
37:23I wanted to interrogate him once he was arrested and that was it
37:26But he wouldn't shut up, he wouldn't stop
37:31I'm not going to lie to you, he deserved it
37:34What I don't like is that you put yourself in danger
37:37What if something had happened to you?
37:44There was no other way
37:48Well, what did he tell you?
37:49What did he tell you?
37:52He told me he had evidence, a lot of evidence
37:57Isbante recorded a video of him cleaning the scene of a crime
38:05What? I don't understand
38:09He began to suspect and took precautions, that's all
38:19Oh my God, I can't stand them
38:25I haven't found out yet, another one is between bars, he's dead, do whatever you want, they don't stop
38:30What do I do now?
38:32Calm down, don't get nervous
38:36Look at me, look me in the eyes
38:39I'm here, I'm with you
38:42You're not alone and no one will hurt you
38:50Did you do it for that?
38:54Was it because he said that to me?
38:59I told you, no one will hurt you
39:04If someone wants to hurt you, they will receive their due
39:19I never thought I would live something like this
39:24I mean, not even joking, I thought ...
39:36I'm very lucky to have you here with me
39:40Sometimes it seems too beautiful to be real
39:46Well, be real
39:58It's our reality
40:09If you want, I'll go with you to the trial
40:13Only if you want
40:15No, no, they would use you as an excuse to attack me
40:20Yes, you're right, but call me, I'll be worried
40:32Hug me
40:36Today is the first day of the hearing in the dramatic trial of the Gumuschu family
40:41The most important issue is which of the two parents will decide the judge to keep custody
40:46There are people who think that the custody of the children will be for Sefnan Gumuschu
40:50While others are sure that it will be for Onur Gumuschu
40:57All this makes me very sad
41:00Is this how you're going to hide me, sending me abroad?
41:03Hey, don't be silly
41:05Now you have to disappear for a while, okay?
41:09To avoid suspicions in the trial, do you understand?
41:12But you force me to go
41:14Besides, what will you do when my belly grows?
41:18We'll think about it, Melissa
41:20Our priority is the trial right now
41:24You break my heart
41:26It will never be the same
41:30Think about the child you have inside
41:32Be strong and stay calm
41:35Come on
41:37We'll see
41:39Tufan, I'm pregnant, open the door for security, come on
41:43Yes, of course
41:45I'll talk to Onur to reduce your salary
41:47Tufan, drive carefully
41:49Melissa, write to me when you get there
41:51Salidia, come on
41:55My dear son
41:57My child
41:59My only son
42:00My dear son
42:02You will finally rest in peace
42:05My dear child
42:07They have found him, thank God
42:10He will rest in peace as he deserves
42:14Thank God
42:22Be very careful
42:30Thank you
43:00Rest in peace
43:20Always together