• 2 days ago
Four Horsemen Figura Obscura Frankensteins Creature Figure


00:00Even when building a body, you reap what you sow. Here's your spooky spot in the
00:05Four Horsemen figure obscura, Frankenstein's Creature.
00:30The figure obscura, Frankenstein's Creature, figure includes pieces of
01:00one of two distinct looks, either his operating table look with medical wraps
01:04and his bare limbs, or the escape look with soft goods pants, plus interchangeable
01:08feet and boots and removable coats. In addition to the parts to change the
01:12creature's look, including alternate heads and hands, this set also includes a
01:16variety of diorama-like display items. This set comes with operating table with
01:20straps, a side table for equipment, specimen jars with extra heads and
01:24skeleton hand that fit inside, as well as scientific tools and books that would be
01:28used by Dr. Victor Frankenstein to create his creature. They say it's very
01:32rare to catch lightning in a bottle, but what about catching lightning in a body?
01:35Just before, of course, we get a closer look though at the new Four Horsemen
01:39figure obscura, Frankenstein's Creature, I'd like to thank the folks over at Four
01:43Horsemen that were kind enough to provide this sample. Hey, good news is
01:46this figure is available right now over on their site for $70. I'll provide the
01:50link down below if you guys are interested to grab one for yourself. As
01:53for the creature itself though, you're looking at it standing at about seven
01:57and three-quarters of an inch in height, where Dr. Victor Frankenstein's
02:01creation stands at about 19 and a half centimeters tall. The first thing we
02:06have a look at is the cover that went over top of the box. Now, when we were
02:09first unboxing the creature, I don't know if you may have already noticed this, but
02:13the flaps are only attached to the rest of the box by magnets. You flip the one
02:16flap up, you can do the exact same on the other side, and then you can take the
02:20cover off completely, revealing the creature within the window underneath.
02:23The thing that's neat about this is, first of all, you've got the creature
02:26featured on the front with some stellar-looking artwork being pursued by
02:29what looks to be a mob of villagers. I don't know how so quickly they get
02:32pitchforks and torches, but of course they're pursuing the creature. That
02:35creature looks awesome. Now, one thing, thinking outside the box literally, is
02:40that you can also use this same flap, and if you flip it around, instantly bingo
02:44bango, you've got yourself a diorama background. Now, with the amount of real
02:48estate space this guy's gonna be occupying, once you bring in the lab
02:51table, once you bring in all the other accoutrements that come with him, of
02:55course you're gonna want to use an equally large-sized diorama. I'm glad to
02:58see that they included this. It's a fairly thick card with hinges on either
03:01side. It holds its own quite nicely, and I would imagine that this is probably the
03:04back section of Victor Frankenstein's lab. We just actually moved the monster
03:08out of the way. You can see there's a desk, there's some tables, there's a feather,
03:11there's a pen feather as well. So it looks like that he's probably taking notes,
03:14making the mistakes along the way of how he's building a body from forgotten
03:18corpses. Really, really cool. What's also really cool, too, is that they also
03:22included excerpts from Mary Shelley herself. Still has the same artwork
03:26featured on the front, but if you want sort of a simplified idea of what went
03:30behind the scenes and, of course, the history of the creature, we actually get
03:33herself a little excerpt from her book. Just flipping over to the front, actually,
03:37first of all, I do want to also give props, though, to the team behind the
03:40scenes that made the creature a reality. Not just Victor Frankenstein.
03:43Frankenstein's creature character was designed by Eric Treadway, artwork by
03:47Nate Birch, content by Jeremy Gerard, and excerpts from, of course, as
03:51mentioned already, Mary Shelley herself. So if you flip through, though, the pages,
03:55I'm not going to do, I'm not going to show you every single page, but it
03:58actually does take it, first of all, a biography on Mary Shelley herself.
04:02Down below there's a picture of Mary Shelley, born August 30th, 1797, died February 1st,
04:071851. There's also a sketch there of the same creature, excerpt from chapter 5.
04:12We can actually flip through this as well. There's some sketches there as well.
04:15There's the same image that they used for the front of the box. Lots of good
04:19stuff going on here. Now, again, if you happen to pick this figure up for
04:22yourself, you may have already spent some time reading through this. Shortly after
04:25this review, I will be doing the same. Just really cool and thinking, again,
04:28literally, outside the box that they wouldn't include as much as they did.
04:30Just the fact that they, first of all, include the booklet and, as well, this
04:33really cool diorama can be displayed behind the creature. And I just moved the
04:37diorama out of the way so we can spend a little bit more time dissecting all the
04:41various things that come in clue with Frankenstein. First, the figure does come
04:45in clue with a lab table, as well as a side table to hold all the various things
04:48that he's going to come in clue with. Some assembly is required. I will say,
04:52though, they don't include instructions. It wasn't a really hard thing to, kind of,
04:55piece everything together. I looked at images online and, sort of, just got the
04:59gist of it. You get the lab table, first of all, and the table itself does attach.
05:03And I just want to show you guys this is a separate piece. This comes as a
05:07separate piece, as well as the bottom section for the table. This will be on
05:11the bottom tray and all you really have to do... the table is actually flat when
05:14you first get out of the box. One thing I will stress is the stress of
05:19these joints. The tabletop, first of all, is really tight. Now, I have already
05:23heated this with a hairdryer and even then it's very tight. They even, in fact,
05:27include a little pamphlet to tell you that joints, anything on the figure
05:31that you find tight right away, heat up. And you'll see when we get to looking at
05:34his torso, a hairdryer would be definitely recommended for this. But
05:38you're basically going to only take the bottom half of this, the leg section here,
05:41and they just fit in place. And they're friction force, so once they're there
05:45they're not going anywhere. The lab table does have, again, some articulation, but
05:49you can feel like really when you're moving things it only goes one way and
05:53it kind of gets to a point like right here where it doesn't want to go any
05:56further. Now, this is the point where I'm gonna say to myself, I'm not gonna push
05:59this any further. It does look like it may be able to move a little bit more
06:03than this, but the fact that it already gets to this point and it's telling me,
06:06yeah, don't don't don't force the matter. I'm just gonna leave it the way it is.
06:10Even with the way it is right now, at least you get yourself an angled
06:13tabletop that the creature can stand on top of. Speaking of the creature, though,
06:17by the way, if you wanted to, the creature basically just sits against the table.
06:20The table, admittingly, probably could have been a little bit longer, maybe to
06:24about here, but you know, it does the job that it needs to do. It holds
06:27Frankenstein's monster in place. Now, of course, it does have some straps there as
06:31well. I'm gonna put him down right here for a second. He comes with a couple of
06:34straps. Now, the straps have two holes on both sides. He also has these little
06:39notches that stick out the side of the table as well, so you can probably already
06:42see. You're gonna put two and two together. This is made of a fairly
06:46rubbery kind of plastic, so when you're stretching this, one of my worries
06:51really was things like this would be potentially broken, but with this being
06:54using a softer plastic, it's a little easier to get this around the
06:58notches. Now, obviously, it would make probably the most sense to put the
07:01Frankenstein's monster on first and then put the straps across, but I'm gonna just
07:05put the straps on right now just to show you guys how this works. Now, obviously,
07:09leaving off one side probably would make the most sense, and then you just put
07:12your creature on, strap down, then the other side, and then that just plugs
07:16in place. It couldn't be any bit easier. I think probably, if anything, I probably
07:20would have flipped this around so that this was here, because this is actually
07:23the longer... you know what? We'll do this right now. You want to make sure you've
07:26got the straps on the right side. I just happen to have these on the wrong side,
07:30so we're just gonna take these off. This also shows you guys how
07:35easy they are to remove. If you're having stresses doing this, by all means, heat
07:40any one of these things. You can either use hot water. I mean, a hairdryer
07:44would be so much easier as well. If you're looking at them, see how this one
07:48is a little bit longer? So this would be the one that goes to the top. So that
07:53just plugs in place. You know what I might even just do? I'll leave them off
07:55on one side, because I know eventually I'm gonna just strap down the creature
07:59when we get everything stripped down on him. So leave that off for right now. He
08:04also does come included with a series of books. Now, none of these books are
08:08ones that open, but they are very well detailed. This is a green book. It doesn't
08:13actually give you anything on the platelet here. This could be perhaps
08:15Victor's journal. It doesn't open up, but it does look as good as it would be for a
08:20book that would open up. The thing that's a little confusing, though, for me is... and
08:23again, I looked at this online too... there's these holes on the bottom of the
08:26book. Now, there doesn't seem to be anything that comes with him that would give me
08:30then the idea that these are supposed to plug in place anywhere. I was thinking, for
08:33example, like would you be able to take one of the hands and maybe plug them in
08:36place so it looks like the hand is kind of holding the book or kind of resting
08:39on top? No, that doesn't work at all. So I'm not really sure why there's holes on
08:44the back of the book, unless it serves a purpose for a release down the road. You
08:48get a green book. You also get as well a black book. This black book does look
08:52like it deals with maybe some of the black arts. It's got a strap on the front.
08:55The strap can't be opened up. And again, like none of the pages... even though, like
08:58one of the things I really like about what they've done with the books here is
09:02they've made the pages irregular. You can see that some of them are sort of
09:05sticking out, like the pages would have been suggestedly ripped out of the book.
09:08There's also, as well, it looks to be a bookmark. So this is the part where
09:12Victor has marked in the book. Maybe this has something to do with resurrecting
09:15the dead. Maybe I should put that book down. And then, of course, we also get
09:19ourselves a brown book, which again is bound here on the front. Perhaps a
09:23leather-bound book. Nicely done, which again, like all three of these, even
09:27though you really don't have yourself necessarily a little small bookcase,
09:30maybe see if I can find myself a bookcase. Or hey, why not? You can also
09:33put it on the lab table. That's just off to the side, too. Speaking of the lab table,
09:36that was one of the other things that does require a little bit of assembly.
09:39The table actually has three component pieces. So let's just undo this piece.
09:44We'll take this part off also, as well. There we go. So like with the larger
09:52with the larger table, obviously for Frankie, you get a smaller version of
09:55this that has the legs. I like the way that they've chipped away some of the
09:58paint, so it looks like it's got age to it. But all you do then is you take this
10:01post piece, and this fits into this. I know that's the obvious thing. And then
10:05this then plugs onto the bottom of the table, just like that. So you got yourself
10:09a little side accompanying table. What else we have? What else we have? We have
10:15ourselves some of the things that can actually go on the table. So maybe what
10:18I'll do is I'll bring the table over here. So you have like a
10:22crank, like a crank wheel, that I would imagine would be the thing that's going
10:25to generate the power. Electricity may not very well be the thing that's going
10:29to get used to resurrect this corpse. What instead might be done is generating
10:32some power by hand. This doesn't actually turn, so don't try to turn it, because
10:36you're only just going to break it. It's got a wire. Actually there's
10:39two wires, and I don't know specifically where the wires are supposed to go.
10:43I already kind of have an idea that they're supposed to go through things.
10:46Now there's the longer wire. That's going to go likely through probably, well, it's
10:51going to go through various different things. He's got, for example, what
10:54looks to be batteries, and you get three of these. You may not be able to see
10:58until I probably point them out to you. There's a hole right in the middle there.
11:01See? Right there. So what you can do is you can take the wire. Now you can either
11:06go with the shorter wire, or you can go with the longer wire if you want to. You
11:09could run the longer wire, say, to the table, even though there doesn't seem to
11:12be a place that can connect them. Say, for example, you want to use the shorter
11:16wire to connect the batteries. So if you have the eye for this, you're just
11:20basically going to thread the wire through these batteries, and you get
11:24three of them. You don't have to necessarily use all three if you don't
11:26want, but I'm going to feed them through. And one little thing, too, is if you find
11:33like the edge of the wire starts to get burred, or like it doesn't look thin,
11:37you can always just take yourself a pair of like finger clips, like nail clippers,
11:41and just kind of clip the edge of it so you get yourself a clean wire again. I
11:44just dropped the other battery, but the battery is basically going to be fed
11:46through the wire like this. Again, they can either go on here, or they can be
11:50fed through the longer wire. And then you also get, as well, an electrode, which
11:54looks to be, I'm guessing, this be an electrode. With this, actually, there's a
11:58wire. There's a little hole for the wire just down below here. So what you can do
12:02is feed this through the electrode, and it comes out the other side, if you can
12:08feed it through successfully. I just want to show you guys closer here. You can see
12:12there's a little canal. So I've already fed it through the one side. I just have
12:15to find its way through the other side, and we're just going to feed it through.
12:22So then, once you get basically all that in place, this can then go on the
12:26tabletop, and then you can put your electrode through. Oh, I didn't get the
12:31wire all the way through, so I'm just going to pull this back out, feed this
12:36through. Now, with this obviously being a wire, it works okay. The first couple of
12:40times you've done this, because I bent the wire a few times, just with the way I
12:43had this originally configured for the opener of this review, it might be a
12:46little harder than to feed the wire through. So let me show you guys what I
12:49end up doing. I took the smaller wire, and again, I fed it through the three
12:52batteries. I finally got the longer wire all the way through the electrode. So
12:56then you can have that just running alongside the table. As I move
12:59Frankenstein out of the way there, there doesn't seem to be a place that this
13:02attaches to the table. I was looking around at the back. The only other idea I
13:06had was maybe taking it and running it through the top, where then it would be
13:09connecting. You'd have to use your imagination, but it would plug into the
13:12back of Frankenstein's head as probably the only other option. Or I guess you
13:15suppose also could just attach it to the side. But I like the way that they've set
13:20everything up. If anything could be said, if they had made only just a longer
13:24table, you could then be able to use some of the other accessories that come
13:27included with this as well. Like for example, he comes with three different
13:30types of domes. He comes with a slightly shorter, more rounder one. He comes with
13:34a longer one that's taller, and it comes with a little tiny baby version of
13:38little canisters as well. And these all store things. Oh, what do they store? You
13:42may ask. All of these, by the way, you can take the domes and take them off
13:45completely. Frankenstein does have the means to swap things around to him, which
13:49is one of the coolest things I like about what Four Horsemen do, is that they
13:52have mix-and-match things that you can change on their own individual figure
13:55releases. Frankenstein has already, right now, a head sculpt with the longer hair,
13:59which out of the packaging is just stark. Even if this guy was only just released
14:04with this look alone, with the longer tail jacket and the soft goods pants, I
14:09think he would have just been a fine release on his own. But the figure does
14:12have, again, options available where you can change around the parts. You don't
14:15necessarily like the longer hair. He does come with two variations of a bald head
14:20sculpt, as you can see, that has the staples and stitches on the front. He's
14:24got more of a sneer face on one side. It looks a little bit, actually, like the
14:28Jinn from Wishmaster, and then he has more of a neutral expression. All of
14:32these heads, by the way, attach the exact same way. So he's gonna have a bald
14:35joint. You basically will plug the head off, detach the head that he has right
14:38now, and swap it out with these heads instead. Now, say you don't want to use
14:42these heads, but you want to do something with them. Going back to the domes,
14:45you're just gonna open this up. You're gonna take the head that you
14:48want to use, sort of just put it inside there, and then you'll just put the dome
14:52over top. So right now, he's already got display options available for all the
14:56things that he's not gonna end up using with the figure's body. Very, very cool.
14:59Now, you can also do that as well with this dome, although with this one, you can
15:03see it isn't gonna quite fit the large-scale size heads. However, though,
15:08he does also come with two other head variations as well. So he's gonna get
15:13this head sculpt here, that is one of the scariest, if not the scariest, head that
15:17comes in clue with Frankenstein, as it's got the glazed over eyes. Very scary
15:21looking. He's also got himself a skull. Now, you're not gonna have as easy of a
15:25time still getting this one in place, because it's just way too big.
15:28However, though, you could take the skull, and the skull will fit in there. It's
15:34close quarters, mind you, but the skull will still fit inside the dome. So if you
15:37want to have it displayed that way, you can have it displayed that way, but the
15:40skull also does fit on the ball joint. It does, honestly. So we're gonna go ahead
15:44and look at those. And then, of course, the smaller thing, obviously isn't
15:47gonna accommodate either one of the heads, but what it will accommodate,
15:50though, is this little skeletal hand. Look at the size of this. And you're looking at this,
15:56and you're probably thinking the same thing I was thinking when I first took
15:59this guy out of the packaging. Wait, that's a peg. Will it fit? It will fit. It
16:03will fit with his body as well. But let's say for right now, we'll just put it
16:06inside the dome. I guess we want to have the fingers facing upward. Just put the
16:10bottom on there. So now you can have the skeletal hand displayed that way,
16:14too. A lot of cool stuff going on with this figure. Other things that he has, he gets
16:19himself some shackles. Now, he gets a pair of shackles that are smaller, and then he
16:23gets a pair of shackles that are obviously larger. If you're looking at
16:26the way that Frankenstein's built, you're probably gonna see that the smaller
16:29shackles work the best for his wrists. The larger shackles then work better for
16:33his ankles. Now, also, if you're going back and looking at the table... let's get him to
16:37stand here for a second... the table has these little looplets here. So what you
16:42could do is that you can take the shackle, and even though it doesn't
16:45essentially attach in place, you could use the chains that are from the
16:49shackles, and you can feed them through those loops. You do it with the hands. You
16:53could do it also with the legs down below here, as well. So even though these
16:56don't necessarily attach to anything on the actual table, it's really neat the
17:00fact that you can put them in there. I know we didn't really spend a whole lot
17:02of time looking at the table. There's a little wheel on the side. The wheel
17:05doesn't turn. Again, you're really gonna have to be very careful when it comes to
17:08moving the table. Very, very cool, though. Neat design. I know we've already kind of
17:12looked at that. So the other thing that he also comes included with is some
17:15swappable hands. Now, one hand looks like it's designed for holding something,
17:20although he doesn't really have, other than maybe short of maybe a book, doesn't
17:23really have anything else that I can think of they could really hold. Now,
17:26these are essentially mirror flips, the ones he already has on his body. So on
17:30his body, he's already got like the monster hand. Got a lot of cool stitches
17:35there on there, as well. And the other side of his body would have also already
17:38had the gripping hands. So if you want to have the exact same gripping hands, you
17:41obviously would take off that hand, replace with this one. Monster hand? Yeah,
17:45same idea. He also comes with some monster feet. The feet themselves do have
17:49pegs on the bottoms of them, even though the figure doesn't come included with the
17:52display stand. But, you know, just the attention to detail alone, the fact that
17:56they'd even put like little scar wounds there, and that they would only really
17:59staple these parts, the sides of his feet, and leave the bottom almost as if like
18:04while he's been walking, he's been ripping and removing some of his, I
18:07guess, some of his stitches or his staples. That's a nice little attention
18:11to detail. I think that's really neat. And, of course, the skin itself being more of
18:15a jaundice, just because, well, he's been dead for a while. These can't swap out
18:19with the ones that he has. And, of course, this whole time doing that, let's kind of
18:22move everything out of the way. He also gets himself, as well, a torso bandage. So the
18:27torso bandage can replace what he basically has right now. Or, I haven't
18:32done it yet, you might even be able to put the jacket over top of this if you
18:34want to have the torso bandage already around his body. This is a softer
18:38plastic, by the way, without it right over there. So with all that being said, I know
18:42we've covered off really a lot of territory without even really spending a
18:45whole lot of time looking at the monster. I know we've already kind of looked a
18:48little bit at the longer hair version. I just want to spend some time looking at
18:51that one more time. Really nice. Some really good coloring here. They've
18:55painted the face sculpt so good here. You've got the coloring, the dark areas
18:58of the lips, the recessed sections of his eyes. Got some nice bruising there, as
19:02well. You got the staples on the top. It just looks painful to see this guy. Longer
19:07hair. So if you don't like the longer hair, of course, you can always swap it
19:10out for the heads we've already had a look at. He's also got some
19:13substantial detail going on for his body, as well. I love the additional wash of
19:17brown that they've added to the side. Of course, you've got yourself just a little
19:20zipper of stitches there at the front of his body. You can really see he's
19:24a sum of many parts. He also has them on the side of his arm, as well, on his hands.
19:29There's a lot, like I said, a lot of good stuff going on. Now, he does have soft
19:32goods pants. These can be detached. These can take off altogether. And, of
19:36course, he's got the very large, clunky-looking Frankenstein-style
19:39boots. Also do have peggles on the bottoms of his feet, as well. So
19:44if you like this look, you're already set. You're all ready to go. You can be
19:47ready to be pursued by the mob of villagers. But if you want to change
19:50things out, though, the jacket is one thing that already can be removed. You
19:55have to take them off, first of all. You have to kind of remove... well, I'll show
19:59you guys in a second. Before doing that, though, I did want to
20:02show you guys how good the jacket looks, as well. Like the body that's wearing it,
20:05you can see it's made of many different fabrics, all sort of sewn together,
20:08stitched together. In the way that he's sort of designed, it does remind me of
20:13Mary Shelley's Frankenstein the movie, where we had Robert De Niro, of course,
20:15playing the role. So what we'll do, why don't we stick with a couple of ideas. We'll
20:20pop the head off first. And the head is very easy to remove. A very large ball
20:23joint, an equally large socket joint. Let's go back to some of these heads that
20:27we were looking at. So, like, if you want to use the neutral expression... the
20:30neutral expression, which I just happened to drop. Let's just grab that, put it back
20:33onto the ball joint, and just pop that in place. So it's not that much different
20:39from the longer hair version, other than the fact he's just bald. Lots of good
20:43paint, though. Lots of good paint on this guy. Now, there's that option. If we want
20:47to go back to the dome here, we can just take that off. And, of course, we can now
20:53use this head sculpt, which does have the more sneer in his face. And, again, pops
20:59that off. Replace it with this one. Some of these ball joints, or some, I should
21:06say, of these heads worked a little bit better onto the ball joints. Now, again, if
21:09you're having any issues, they even say, as well, like, heat these up. I haven't
21:12actually heated up some of these heads, so that's why I'm having a little more
21:15of a harder time getting them on there. But then there's this head sculpt. I'm
21:19just running through the gambit here, and we're gonna put on... this is the more
21:24unsettling of the heads. Popping it on to the ball joint. Oh, there goes his torso.
21:28I'm just gonna leave the torso off to the side here, because that is actually
21:30one thing that's important. Changing out the head. There's that one. I would have
21:37said this is probably my favorite of the heads, but it doesn't really look the
21:40most like Frankenstein. It's just... it's just a really unsettling looking face.
21:44And, again, if you wanted to, you can also revert back to the idea that, by now, his
21:50skin is completely worn away. He's got himself the skeletal head instead. I just
21:55have to heat this one a little bit more. So, one thing, also, speaking of heating,
22:01I've already taken the liberty of heating up the torso. The lower half of
22:04his body does attach, but it attaches by a very large ball joint. I struggled
22:08quite a lot to remove this. If you did want to change and add the bandages to
22:11the lower half of his abdomen area, recommended by me, highly, heat this up
22:16first with a hairdryer. Even if you can't even get in there with hot water, heat it
22:19up with a hairdryer. It's gonna be the easiest to remove this. And while we're
22:22leaving, actually, his lower half of his body here, let's go ahead and just take
22:25his jacket off. So the jacket just slides down either side of his arms. You might
22:30even find it's easier just to take the hands off as well. Just pop those off.
22:34Take that off. And I'll just bring his arms back just enough that we can
22:38actually take the jacket off completely. And just put it off to the side. I know
22:43we're kind of just stripping down the body here. Again, one of the things I
22:46really like about what we're getting here from the Four Horsemen is that
22:48there's so much things that you can change these characters. So, again, like
22:51this is just the stock body. We haven't really done much in the way of hands. By
22:54the way, though, I did want to show you guys where is the skeletal hand. We kind
22:58of talked about that a little bit earlier. You can take the skeletal hand
23:01and because it's using the exact same size peg, it may look a little out of
23:05place. It may look a little strange, but you can actually use the skeletal hand.
23:09So what we got everything going on here. The lower half of his body does have the
23:14soft goods, a fabric, obviously, for his pants. There's a little tear there in the
23:18knee. It also has a real string there for his belt. Now we're gonna go ahead and
23:22remove the boots here. Now I had a struggle with this specific boot. I'm
23:27gonna just wiggle this off. Just pop it off the ball joint here. There we go. Put
23:33it off to the side. We'll do the exact same on this side too. Just wiggle this
23:36back and forth. Now, whereas that boot actually popped off from the peg, this
23:42one popped off a lot easier. I just had to basically put the peg back into the
23:46boots and we'll just remove those. We'll go ahead as well. We're gonna remove this
23:50piece too. And seeing as now we have a lower half of his body without the top
23:54of his body, we're gonna slide everything off of him. And this is so
24:00much easier, obviously, to do when you have two halves of Frankenstein separate
24:04from one another. So now you're gonna basically have the lower half of his
24:06body and we're gonna have the top half. To keep this guy's looking somewhat
24:10decent, let's go ahead and take this, the wrappings. And the wrappings, when you're
24:14looking at this, you're gonna want to have this so that the front bandages
24:18draping forward like this. And then we're gonna go ahead and attach this back to
24:21his body. Now, once you've heated this the first time, you shouldn't have any
24:26issues after that keeping everything together. There we go. I may have actually
24:31in between takes when I was kind of just like playing around. I may not have
24:34snapped it completely in place and that was one of the reasons why the lower
24:37half of his body came off. So that's basically what it's gonna look like. And
24:40then we're gonna go ahead and take the hands, plug those back in. And where's the
24:46other hand? Grab the other one, plug that also in place. And because he doesn't
24:52have pants, it makes no sense at all to go back to the Frankenstein boots. So
24:55what we're gonna go and instead with is his feet. The feet are using larger pegs
25:00so they're a lot easier to peg in place. And we'll just wiggle that in until
25:05finally attaches itself. And we'll do the exact same on this side as well. I will
25:12say, admittingly, while I'm showing you guys how to do this in the review, I think
25:16my look when I'm comes to displaying Frankenstein on the shelf may not
25:20necessarily be this one. When I look at this one, I kind of think it looks more
25:23a little more like a mummy. I do like the idea. Obviously you can see a lot more of
25:27the work that they did behind the scenes to make this guy a reality. But I feel
25:31like just like looking at the way that he is now, obviously it's gonna look a
25:34little out of place until we finally attach onto a head. I myself would
25:38probably prefer to display this guy with the jacket, with the longer hair, exactly
25:42the same way that he looked at the at the beginning and the way he looks in
25:45the packaging. That's Frankenstein once you strip everything down and then of
25:48course you add the bandages and give him the bald head. Now again, you don't have
25:52to. If you want to go with the longer hair, you can obviously go that route as
25:54well. But it's a really interesting design. Even if this is a little jarring
25:58for what you would normally expect, picture in your mind of what Frankenstein
26:01would look like. It's got a lot of good stuff going for him. Now with that as
26:05well, the figure does have some decent levels of posability. Running through
26:08first with his head, the head's on a ball joint. It's gonna rotate all the way
26:11around. It's also gonna look down and up. There is a hinge right here, so that's
26:16gonna give you a little bit of extra freedom, providing of course you got the
26:18head all the way on there. Arms rotate all the way around. You can also bring as
26:23well the arms out. Now there is no swivel here for the bicep, but what there is
26:27instead is there's a swivel for the forearm. There's also a hinge there as
26:30well, just a single hinge, and hands rotate all the way around with a hinge
26:33back and forth. The upper torso... now so this whole section is one sculpt. They
26:38didn't break this up at all. Initially I was kind of thinking it would have been
26:41nice if the top half was separate from the rest of his abdomen, but I know
26:44realizing this, I mean obviously would have broken up the sculpt, and it looks
26:47so much cleaner and complete had they kept all one piece together. So it's only
26:51gonna have a ball joint down below, and I think honestly that's the only thing it
26:54really does need. The legs do split out. Now they're a little bit more now
26:57limited, just because again you've got the bandages wrapped around his lower
27:00half of his body. The figure does have a swivel at the top of the thigh. He has a
27:04single hinge in the knee that also allows the lower leg to rotate, and he's
27:07got some decent levels of posability in his ankles. Not only back and forth this
27:10way, but an ankle rocker as well. So if you wanted to, again like if you want to
27:15get this guy onto the tabletop, just gonna move everything out of the way
27:18here, we can move the straps out of the way. And maybe the only other thing I
27:24would have said is I wish that the bottom of the table may have had like a
27:27little lip or something just to catch his feet. But again like once you get
27:31this guy strapped down, which again is just gonna attach those pegs on either
27:35side, we'll do the exact same on the lower leg, but the strap on the bottom is
27:39really the thing that's gonna keep everything together on him. It's gonna
27:42prevent him from obviously escaping, which probably would be the best thing.
27:44And then you got Frankenstein on the lab table looking really cool. Yeah it's a
27:50good it's a good release from the folks over at Four Horsemen. They did a lot of
27:53good stuff going on here. I'm almost even tempted I'd like to get a second one of
27:57these. On paper though, I mean like the fact that he does have as many things as
28:01you can change out to him, I mean we looked at all the things that he has,
28:04like four or five different alternate head sculpts, several different series of
28:07hands that you can change out as well. You can also opt as well if you want to
28:10maybe go back and put the jacket on there too. For me I would rather just
28:15have the figure displayed I think with the jacket, with the pants as well, and
28:18then with the Frankenstein boots just for the way that he looks on the front
28:21of the packaging. I think that's my ideal look for Frankie because I think I
28:25really like the interpretation that they went with when he came to his design.
28:28This sort of does strip him down a little bit more bare bones so to speak.
28:31But one thing at least though by stripping down as much as I did on the
28:35character, you really get a chance to see how much work they put into this
28:38character. Not only the way they sculpted him, but as well the fact the figure does
28:41have as many poseability parts as he does have. The only thing about him
28:45though is, as you saw in this review, there was a fair bit of things that does
28:49require a little bit of force to remove, like taking off his feet for example,
28:52changing out the heads. Again very much I would stress this if you are looking to
28:56pick up this figure for yourself, consider the idea first that if you are
28:59removing things on the figure's body, you got to heat them first with with a
29:03hairdryer. Not as much for the hands. Now I've seen some people actually
29:06suggest heating the hands. I find like the hands didn't have any issues at all
29:10actually removing the hands and changing those out. But the head and especially
29:13the torso, the torso was probably the hardest thing I had to do. I first
29:17just tried to do it with my with my hands just manually and then I just
29:20realized you know I don't want to jeopardize potentially breaking the peg
29:23on this. So I decided instead to stop what I was doing, grab myself a hairdryer
29:26and soften that up first. And sure enough just a few passes we really was all it
29:30took before I was able to finally remove it. Again when I was removing it
29:34and popping it back in place I probably wanted to make sure that I didn't attach
29:36it so securely that I wouldn't be able to do it in this review. Probably one of
29:39the reasons why his torso fell off while I was doing it. But yeah I'm really happy
29:43with how this one turned out. They have done some figure obscura figures in the
29:46past. There were ones I missed my chance on getting. I'd love to get my hands on
29:50the Krampus. Of course the Headless Horseman is top on my list right now. I
29:53think they've done a fantastic job here on Frankie. The fact that this also this
29:57figure is going for $70 over on their site for has as many things as he
30:01actually has it at his disposal. It's just an insane price the fact that
30:05they're asking $70 only for him. Considering the fact that he does have
30:08all the things that he has like the fact that also really like with these heads
30:12normally with most figure companies when you have yourself extra body parts like
30:16this. Yeah so funny that we're talking about for Frankenstein. You have extra
30:20parts like this you tend to always want to go back to putting them back in a bag
30:22or put back in the packaging. The thing that's neat though about Frankenstein is
30:25that they also included all the little domes and stuff like that too. So you
30:28know really whatever heads you don't end up really using you can also display
30:32along with Frankenstein as well. I think that's a really neat touch. Now old
30:36Frankie here is a man that's known for having many parts and what a better
30:40example being the first one of looking at a figure obscure from the folks over
30:43at Four Horsemen. A company that's been known for producing figures where you
30:46can change around the parts to them. Now we did start the beginning of this
30:49review obviously with Frankie leaving the lab being pursued by villagers with
30:53torches and pitchforks. Having chosen to have him with a jacket obviously the
30:57soft good pants and longer hair you can then strip everything down if you want
31:00to have them strapped to the lab table. The jacket doesn't work as well if you
31:04want to have them on the lab table just because the jackets a little bulkier. Now
31:07I would say though if you are looking to change the parts around as mentioned in
31:10this review it's best advised to heat everything that you want to move around
31:13with a hairdryer first. I didn't maybe make mention of water. Water is probably
31:17the last thing. Obviously this guy's being surged with electricity that's
31:20already a no-no but getting this guy was probably not a good idea either. Just a
31:24hairdryer is a simple fix. That's all I really need to do. The things that he
31:27really needed to heat with a hairdryer was the ankles for his boots.
31:30More specifically though his abdomen area. If you are looking to change the
31:35parts first of all to take off his pants or even to add the bandages, recommended
31:39highly use the hairdryer trick first. It's gonna be enough just to soften up
31:43the socket for that ball joint and it's gonna make detaching the top half from
31:46his bottom half his body so much easier. I think when it's all said and done and
31:51when this review is finally wrapped up I'm gonna probably just go back to
31:54displaying Frankenstein with the jacket and long hair. That's the look that I
31:57like but I like that the options were available. Now this guy is available
32:01right now speaking of which though on their site for $70. I just I can't
32:05believe that for how much we get in this figure that he's only going for $70. He
32:10is available as of right now so again if you guys are interested I can provide the
32:13link down below in the video description. He's got a lot of good stuff going for
32:16him. Truth be told he actually has more things than he actually has a tabletop
32:19to house them. I mean like the domes for example down below that hold and house
32:23the extra heads. All those extra books for example. There's only so much
32:27tabletop you have to work with. If anything this guy needed another one of
32:30them. But a big thank you once again to the folks over at Four Horsemen that did
32:33provide the sample of the figure obscura Frankenstein's creature that we had the
32:38chance to have a look at this review. Have you guys already been lucky enough
32:40to order this guy for yourself or if not is this one that you could definitely
32:44see yourself adding to your collection. If you guys also did enjoy this video do
32:48it a solid. Throw it a like. You guys want to stick around for more so I hope so.
32:53Obviously we're not done yet with the rest of Spottober. There's gonna be a
32:56whole lot more spooky spots coming your way so making sure yeah you hit the
32:59subscribe making sure of course you're turning on the bell but the most
33:02important thing is that you're coming back. As always thanks for watching see
33:06you guys next time.
