Blues Clues S03 E29

  • il y a 3 jours
01:30Miranda, viens.
01:33Laissez-moi vous présenter mon ami.
01:35C'est mon ami.
01:36C'est Miranda.
01:38Miranda vit avec Magenta.
01:40Bonjour, c'est agréable de vous rencontrer.
01:42Waouh, je n'ai jamais été dans votre maison.
01:46C'est vrai.
01:49C'est tellement plus grand ici qu'à l'intérieur.
01:54Waouh, Steve.
01:55Quelle bonne chaise.
01:57Oh, merci.
01:58De rien.
01:59Alors, où est Magenta ?
02:01Oh, j'étais juste en train d'aller la rencontrer,
02:03mais j'ai pensé que je reviendrais ici et que j'allais quitter ce livre que j'ai acheté d'abord.
02:05C'est vrai.
02:06Oui, c'est dans mon sac, quelque part, je vais l'acheter.
02:08C'est mon scrunchy. Pouvez-vous le tenir ?
02:12Waouh !
02:13Mon note-book.
02:16Et voici ça.
02:20Avez-vous aimé ?
02:21Steve, je ne pouvais pas le mettre en bas.
02:23Les Anteaters sont tellement...
02:25sont tellement cool.
02:26Oui, je sais.
02:29De toute façon, ce sont les vôtres.
02:31Ah oui, il vaut mieux qu'on change.
02:33Et ceci aussi.
02:34Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
02:35Oh, c'est un videoclip.
02:37C'est un videoclip que j'ai fait.
02:39C'est tout à propos de Magenta.
02:40C'est tous les endroits où elle aime aller,
02:42et toutes les choses qu'elle aime faire.
02:44C'est tellement cool.
02:46Est-ce que peut-être qu'on peut le regarder un moment ?
02:49Oui, bien sûr.
02:50Je peux aller chercher Magenta maintenant et la ramener.
02:52Et on peut le regarder tous ensemble.
02:53Ça serait génial.
02:54Ok, je vais chercher Magenta.
02:56Je vais ouvrir la porte, viens.
03:02Au revoir, Steve.
03:03C'était agréable de te rencontrer.
03:04On se voit plus tard ?
03:05Oui, à plus.
03:10Un videoclip tout à propos de Magenta.
03:12Ça a l'air tellement cool.
03:13N'est-ce pas, Blue ?
03:16Blue ?
03:21Blue ?
03:22Hey Blue, qu'est-ce que tu fais ?
03:27Hey Blue.
03:29Qu'est-ce que tu fais là-bas ?
03:35Comment penses-tu que Blue se sent ?
03:40Chiai ?
03:43Blue ?
03:44Tu te sens chiai ?
03:49Pourquoi tu te sens chiai ?
03:51C'est une bonne idée.
03:52On va jouer à Blue's Clues
03:53pour découvrir pourquoi Blue se sent chiai.
03:57On va jouer à Blue's Clues
03:59parce que ça n'a pas vraiment aidé Blue.
04:02Blue's Pawprints sera sur les Clues.
04:03Blue's Clues.
04:06Salut, Pawprint.
04:09Hey, vous vous êtes rencontrés ?
04:11Je vais vous présenter.
04:13c'est Blue.
04:14C'est Blue.
04:15C'est Blue.
04:16C'est Blue.
04:17C'est Blue.
04:18C'est Blue.
04:19C'est Blue.
04:20Pawprint, ici est mon ami.
04:22Ici est le Pawprint.
04:24Ciao, on se revoit plus tard.
04:27Vous savez quoi?
04:28On doit jouer à Blue's Clues.
04:29Nos cas de vieux.
04:32C'est ça.
04:34Est-ce que Blue va bien ?
04:37Il se sent juste un peu chiai aujourd'hui.
04:40je me sens chiai aussi.
04:41Voici ton notebook.
04:44Pour jouer à Blue's Clues,
04:45nous devons trouver une...
04:49Oh! A pawprint! Right!
04:51And that's our first...
04:54A clue?
04:55Then we put it in our...
04:56Cause they're who's clues, who's clues, clues
05:00We gotta find another pawprint
05:02That's the second clue
05:03We put it in our notebook
05:04Cause they're who's clues, who's clues
05:08We gotta find the last pawprint
05:10That's the third clue
05:11We put it in our notebook
05:12Cause they're who's clues, who's clues, clues
05:15You know what to do
05:16Sit down in our thinking chair and think
05:22Cause when we use our minds
05:24Take a step at a time
05:25We can do anything
05:30That we wanna do
05:33You know, I can tell I'm really gonna need your help today
05:35I'm trying to figure out why Blue is feeling shy
05:38You will help, right?
05:41Great! So let's go see if we can find some clues
05:45We are looking for Blue's clues
05:47We are looking for Blue's clues
05:49We are looking for Blue's clues
05:51Wonder where they are
05:55Oh! The news!
05:58A clue! A clue!
06:00Mama Bear is running for mayor
06:03No, it's a clue!
06:06Oh, you see a clue?
06:08A clue in the bag!
06:10Hey! We found our first clue!
06:13And it's on this bag!
06:14You know what we need?
06:15Our handy dandy...
06:17Notebook, right?
06:19A bag
06:22First, let's draw the open part of the bag
06:24Like this
06:25Then a rectangle for the front
06:27And some lines for the side
06:29Some loops for handles
06:30And we have a bag
06:33So, trying to figure out why Blue is feeling shy
06:36And our first clue is a bag
06:39So why could Blue be feeling shy with a bag?
06:44Maybe we should find two more clues
06:51Hey! Who's that with Pale?
06:55Do you want to go meet Pale's new friend?
06:58Yeah, me too! Come on!
07:02Hey, Pale! Would you introduce us to your new friend?
07:05Sure! Say hi!
07:07This is Steve
07:08And this is my new friend, Sifter
07:10Nice to meet you
07:11Nice to meet you
07:15Where's Shovel?
07:16He's behind that bush
07:17He won't come out
07:20We need some rocks
07:22I'll be back!
07:27Hey, Shovel! What are you doing back here all by yourself?
07:30I want to play with Pale and Sifter
07:33But I'm feeling too shy
07:36Well, maybe we can find a way for you not to feel so shy
07:39Um, okay
07:41But how?
07:42We can practice with these
07:45Pretend this is Sifter
07:47And pretend this is you
07:49Now, you could hide behind this bush
07:53And watch Sifter play
07:56Or you could introduce yourself to Sifter
07:59Like this
08:00Hi, I'm Shovel
08:01Hey, I'm Sifter
08:02Hi, I'm Shovel
08:03Hey, I'm Sifter
08:04So, what do you think Shovel should do?
08:07Hide or introduce himself?
08:13Introduce himself
08:15Yeah, introduce himself
08:17Shovel, we think you should introduce yourself to Sifter
08:20I'll try it
08:24Hi, I'd like to introduce myself
08:26I'm Shovel
08:27Hi, I'm Sifter
08:29Nice to meet you
08:33Steve, I introduced myself to Sifter
08:36But now what do I do?
08:38Well, I don't know
08:40Um, let's practice again
08:42Here, this time, you be Shovel
08:45So, you could play separately
08:48Like this
08:55What else could I do?
08:57Uh, or
09:00Or you could try to find something you have in common
09:03You know, like a game you both like to play
09:06Um, what games do you like to play?
09:09Well, I like to draw
09:11And I like blocks
09:12Oh, I like blocks too
09:14Let's play that
09:16So, what should Shovel do?
09:18Play separately or try to find a game they both like?
09:24Find a game they both like
09:27Yeah, Shovel, why don't you try to find a game you both like?
09:30Um, okay
09:34What games do you like to play, Sifter?
09:36Games, I love games
09:39Let me show you
09:41I like jumping rope, sand and playing ball
09:44Hey, I like playing with sand too
09:46That's something we both like
09:48Let's play that
09:52Hey, it looks like they found something they both like to do
09:56Oh, the mail's here, let's go
10:27Here's your letter
10:31We just got a letter
10:34We just got a letter
10:36We just got a letter
10:38We just got a letter
10:40Wonder who it's from?
10:43It's a letter from our friends
10:46Hi Steve
10:48This is my first day of camp and I'm feeling a little shy today
10:53Hi, my name is Abigail, my favorite color is pink
10:57My name is Akayla, my favorite color is red
11:02Hi, my name is Michael, my favorite color is blue
11:05Hi, my favorite color is blue too
11:08I'm Gerald, nice to meet you
11:10Hey, I don't feel so shy anymore
11:13Bye Steve
11:18Come on
11:22A clue
11:23Oh yeah, I know, Miranda's gonna be here soon
11:26No, a clue
11:32Oh, there's a clue, right here
11:36Our second clue is this footprint
11:39You know what we need, our handy dandy?
11:43Notebook, right
11:48We start with a curvy line around for the front of the footprint
11:51And then a curved line and a straight line for the heel
11:54There, footprint
11:56So, our first clue is a bag
11:59And now our second clue is a footprint
12:03So why could Blue be feeling shy with a bag and a footprint?
12:09It could be that, yeah
12:11But maybe we should find our last Blue's clue, just to be sure
12:14Come on
12:18Blue, Steve
12:20Who's calling us?
12:24Hey, Blue just skidooed into that picture of her school
12:28Let's go too
12:30Blue skidoo, we can too
12:38It was me, I called you
12:43Well, what's the matter? Why are you standing out here?
12:46It's my first day and I don't know anybody
12:51I wanna go in there
12:53But I'm too shy
12:55What should I do?
12:57What should Duck do?
13:00He could stay out here in the hall
13:03Or he could go inside and play with something he likes
13:07What do you think Duck should do?
13:12Go inside
13:15Go inside, great choice
13:18Duck, we think you should go inside
13:21At least that way you'll be able to play something you like
13:23And you won't be out here all alone
13:25Oh, ok
13:29Finger paints
13:34Can I paint with you?
13:37Finger paints are my favorite
13:40Mine too
13:43Hey, it looks like Duck found a new friend
13:46Hey Steve
13:54Hey Orange, is everything ok?
13:57Steve, everyone is playing dress up
14:00I wanna play too
14:02But I feel shy
14:07Well, what should Orange do if she wants to play with him?
14:13Should she ask if she can play and see what happens?
14:17Or should she sit and wait for them to ask her?
14:23Ask to play
14:25Ask to play
14:28Hey Orange, why don't you ask?
14:31See if you can play
14:33You'll never know unless you ask
14:35Um, ok
14:38Um, excuse me
14:40Can I play dress up with you?
14:42Sure, we're playing restaurant
14:44Do you wanna be the customer?
14:48Thanks Steve
14:50Everyone clean up, it's time for show and tell
15:06What's the matter?
15:08Do you wanna show something for show and tell?
15:11I really wanna tell everyone about my pet rock
15:14But when I stand up in front of everyone
15:16I get nervous and I don't know what to say
15:20Well, what should Green Kangaroo do so he won't be so nervous?
15:25Should he practice what he's going to say with us?
15:30Or should he not take his turn today?
15:37Practice, great choice
15:40Um, why don't you practice it with us first?
15:43And that way you'll know what you're gonna say
15:46But, um
15:48How do I start?
15:50Well, what's special about your rock?
15:54Well, um, I found this rock in my backyard
15:57And I put eyes and a mouth on it
16:00And now it's my pet rock
16:03See? See that was great
16:05Just do it like you practiced with us
16:08Um, ok
16:13Hi Green Kangaroo
16:14Do you want to share something today?
16:17I wanna share my pet rock
16:19Um, I found this rock in my backyard
16:22And I put eyes and a mouth on it
16:24And now it's my pet rock
16:25Wow, his practicing really worked
16:28See, he doesn't seem so nervous anymore
16:31Now we have to get back
16:33Brand is gonna be coming over soon with that video
16:39And we still have to find our last clue
16:41To figure out why Blue is feeling so shy
16:43Come on
16:50A clue!
16:52What? You're feeling shy now too?
16:55Behind you
16:57But, it's just me, Steve
16:59No, a clue right there!
17:01Oh, oh you see a clue
17:07Oh, this videotape is our third clue
17:10We better write it down
17:12In our handy dandy
17:14Notebook, right
17:22First we draw a rectangle
17:24Then a line across
17:26And a smaller rectangle inside
17:28And a line that curves around like this
17:30And another one there
17:32A videotape
17:34Hey, we have all three clues
17:37You know what that means
17:38We're ready to sit in our
17:40Thinking chair
17:41Thinking chair
17:42Let's go
17:45Ok, now that we're in our thinking chair
17:47Let's think
17:49You will help, right?
17:52So, we're trying to figure out why Blue is feeling shy
17:56And our clues are
17:58A bag
18:00A footprint
18:02And a videotape
18:05So, this footprint must have been made by a person
18:12But what about the bag and the videotape?
18:16Hey, wasn't there a person here today
18:20Who had a bag and a videotape?
18:22Who was that?
18:29I think that's it
18:30Because Miranda's a person
18:31She has a bag
18:32And she brought us a videotape
18:37And that's when Blue went behind the thinking chair
18:41So, Blue must be feeling shy about Miranda
18:44We just figured out Blue's clues
18:48We just figured out Blue's clues
18:50We just figured out Blue's clues
18:52We just figured out Blue's clues
18:54Because we're really smart
19:02Blue, are you feeling shy?
19:05Because Miranda's coming back
19:08Hi, Blue
19:09Maybe you could find something that you have in common with Miranda
19:13That's a great idea
19:14Remember how finding something in common helped Shovel with Sifter?
19:19Hi, everyone
19:20Hi, Duck
19:21Remember how we helped him find a new friend on his first day at school?
19:25Hey, Duck
19:26Let me introduce you to my friend Sifter
19:33Okay, that's Miranda
19:35Don't worry, Blue
19:36We'll find something you two have in common
19:45Hi, Steve
19:46I just came back to show you the tape
19:48Oh, there you are, Blue
19:52Blue's feeling a little bit shy today
19:54We were trying to find something you two have in common
19:56Can you think of anything or anyone?
20:03Magenta, magenta
20:06It's brilliant
20:08Blue and Miranda have magenta in common
20:12Both you and I are friends with magenta
20:15Hey, Blue
20:16Do you want to watch the tape with us?
20:18There are lots of great shots with you and magenta on it
20:29Hey, looks like Blue is feeling a little better
20:43Blue, look
20:44That's Magenta and Miranda at the beach
20:46Et c'est juste avant que Magenta aille à Blue's birthday.
20:51Oh, oh, regarde, regarde, c'est la grande fête de costumes.
20:56Tu sais, j'étais un alien de l'espace.
20:58Tu sais, j'ai entendu parler de ça.
21:00Oh, hé, hé, Blue, n'est-ce pas que c'est ta fête d'eau ?
21:08C'était génial. Merci pour la vidéo, Miranda.
21:10De rien.
21:11Hé, Blue, veux-tu la revoir ?
21:17Merci beaucoup d'être venu aujourd'hui.
21:21Maintenant, c'est le moment.
21:24Mais on va chanter une seule chanson.
21:28Merci d'avoir fait ta part.
21:30Tu es vraiment intelligente.
21:31Tu sais, avec moi et toi, et mon chien, Blue,
21:34nous pouvons faire tout ce que nous voulons faire.
21:38Au revoir, à plus tard.
21:39Au revoir, au revoir.
21:41Au revoir.
21:42C'est un peu froid, non ?
21:43C'est un peu froid, non ?