Alice of Wonderland in Paris 1966 directed by Gene Deitch [English]

  • il y a 2 semaines
01:00Pourquoi Paris a-t-il besoin d'être si loin?
01:03Loin? Oh, non mademoiselle!
01:06C'est Paris!
01:08Oh! Oh, mon Dieu!
01:10Excusez-moi pour tomber comme ça,
01:12mais je n'ai jamais vu un mouche avec un beret et un casque avant.
01:16Permettez-moi de vous présenter, mademoiselle.
01:18Je m'appelle François, et je suis...
01:20un mouche d'entreprise.
01:22Je conduis le surveil de cheveux du Duval
01:24pour découvrir quel genre de cheveux préfèrent les gens
01:27qui vivent dans cette partie de Paris.
01:29C'est curieux! J'ai peur que vous ne soyez pas du tout en Paris.
01:33Sacré! Je devais avoir fait la mauvaise musique
01:36dans le sac de musique du tunnel!
01:38Vous êtes vraiment venu ici de Paris?
01:41Mais oui, mademoiselle!
01:43Maintenant, si vous voulez,
01:44s'il vous plaît, dites-moi vos cheveux préférés.
01:46Je suis un mouche très occupé!
01:52Maintenant, Janis,
01:54vous devez être poli à vos visiteurs,
01:56même les mouches.
01:58Ne vous inquiétez pas, monsieur François.
02:00Dina ne s'intéresse pas vraiment à la nourriture française.
02:04Quelle pitié que le chat n'ait pas été né avec le goût
02:08de la pâtisserie.
02:11Si vous me dites vos cheveux préférés,
02:14je peux terminer ce surveil
02:16et puis, tout de suite,
02:17je conduis le cheveux du Duval
02:19à sa fabrique.
02:20En Paris?
02:22Oui, oui, en Paris, après l'Allemand.
02:24Maintenant, vos cheveux préférés.
02:27Mais vous devez me dire quelque chose d'abord.
02:29En Paris,
02:30les petites filles ont-elles vraiment des aventures?
02:33Comme dans ce livre.
02:34Laissez-moi l'écrire pour vous.
02:40Dans une vieille maison en Paris,
02:42tout recouvert d'arbres.
02:45Je connais bien cette petite Madeleine.
02:47Ah, elle est si folle,
02:48j'ai craqué les fesses.
02:49Oh, François.
02:51Pouvez-vous m'emmener en Paris avec vous?
02:53Je veux rencontrer Madeleine.
02:55Bonjour, mademoiselle.
02:56Je conduis le cheveux du cheveux,
02:58pas le bureau de voyage.
03:01Je vous dirai mon cheveux préféré
03:03si vous m'emmenez en Paris.
03:12Oh, c'est trop bien
03:14pour mon petit coeur de mouche.
03:16Je suis le cheveu de ma vie,
03:18ma vie de ma vie.
03:21Je suis le cheveu de ma vie,
03:23ma vie, ma profession.
03:25Le grand cheveu est comme le grand vin.
03:27Il doit être savouré tout seul.
03:30Mais les cheveux de cheveux!
03:35Quel est votre nom, ma chérie?
03:37Mais les cheveux de cheveux sont bons.
03:41S'il vous plaît, mademoiselle Alice,
03:44s'il vous plaît.
03:45Vous avez beaucoup à apprendre.
03:47Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
03:49Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
03:51Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
03:53Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
03:55Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
03:57Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
03:59Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:01Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:03Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:05Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:07Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:09Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:11Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:13Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:15Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:17Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:19Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:21Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:23Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:25Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:27Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:29Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:31Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:33Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:35Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:37Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:39Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:41Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:43Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:45Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:47Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:49Je suis le cheveu de ma vie.
04:51Jezu Meur laulot,
04:53Jezu Meur laulot,
05:01Qui est-ce ?
05:05Je suis Jésus,
05:07Je suis le juge méservé brille.
05:09Je suis le professeur neo .
05:11Maman! Où est-ce que papa travaille chaque nuit?
05:15Dans la grande Duval Cheese Factory, monsieur.
05:28Bonsoir, salle de test de cheese.
05:42Avez-vous bu?
05:45Le chat.
05:48Combien de cheeses ont-ils achetés?
05:514 000 cheeses.
05:53Bonsoir, salle de test de cheese.
05:57Où êtes-vous?
06:00Dans la grande Duval Cheese Factory, monsieur.
06:04Vous avez faim?
06:07arden, la maman est en colère.
06:10All those mice! Those terrible mice! Look at our beautiful chisels! Ruined! We can't sell our chisels after a mouse has touched it! All mice are villains! We must rid our factory of them once and for all! Mice are a disgrace to France!
06:41I never dreamed that people disliked us so. I only took just enough for our little family. Oh, it's awful to be so unwanted!
06:52What a pity! We have nothing to give people in return for what we take!
07:10THE END
07:40To be continued...
08:10To be continued...
08:44You touched it?
09:10Anatole says more pepper in the Limburger?
09:19People are buying our cheese as fast as we can make it! Anatole, whoever he is, is the finest cheese taster in France! I must meet him tonight and thank him personally!
09:32You're doing a fine job, dear! Monsieur Duval's cheese is better than ever! But maybe a smidge less salt in the cheddar!
09:40When Monsieur Anatole arrives, I shall kiss him on both cheeks!
10:01To be continued...
10:31To be continued...
11:02Excusez-moi, Monsieur, je voudrais me présenter.
11:06Un mouse!
11:14Un mouse?
11:16Un mouse!
11:17Mme Leclerc, venez vite! Regardez! C'est Anatole!
11:23C'est un mouse, Monsieur!
11:24C'est Anatole! Vite! Vous savez ce qu'il faut faire!
11:29Oui, Monsieur Duval!
11:37Non, non, non, Monsieur! It is a mistake! Go away, s'il vous plaît!
11:41Oui, oui, oui!
12:11You, my dear, are lovely, charmant, graceful, and you know absolutely nothing about the cheese! In other words, you are perfect!
12:24If I know nothing in school, I'm never perfect! It's quite the other way around!
12:29I will take you to Paris! You shall taste all of our cheese, and you will tell me which one you like the best! You will be the perfect guinea pig!
12:39I beg your pardon! Did you say you would take me to Paris?
12:44Of course! On my bicycle!
12:47But can you manage? It's so tiny! It's really only a... mouthicle!
12:54Have no fear! Francois is here with the latest Duval Miracle Cheese!
12:59The secret ingredient is the same magic mushroom you ate in the Wonderland!
13:05You mean...
13:06Oui, oui! Oh, little nibbly! And you will be weeny teeny, like me!
13:11Oh! It's just like my daddy says! It's the best if you can travel on business!
13:17Give me the magic cheese, Francois!
13:23Oh! This cheese makes me feel all nibbly-wibbly!
13:36Translation & subtitling by Quentin Dewaghe Traduction & sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
14:06Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
14:36Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
15:06Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
15:36Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
16:06Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
16:36Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
17:06Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
17:36Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
18:06Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
18:36Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
19:06Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
19:36Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
20:06Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
20:36Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
21:06Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
21:36Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
22:06Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
22:36Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.l.
23:07Mademoiselle, pour le fromage, monsieur.
23:10Le fromage de la gare de la gare de Paris est encore pire que le fromage de la gare de Paris.
23:15Mon dieu, je n'irai jamais plus sourire.
23:17Je ne m'importe pas si tu souris ou pas.
23:19Tu m'as promis de montrer Paris.
23:22Et si tu ne le fais pas, je ne mangerai pas de ton fromage fou du tout.
23:26Et si tu n'arrêtes pas de pleurer, ton visage s'éteindra de cette façon.
23:30Comme pour le prince qui pleure.
23:34Ah, si j'étais un prince au lieu d'un moucheux de commerce, je ne pleurerais jamais.
23:39Je sourirai tout le temps, car j'ai goûté tout le fromage de mon royaume.
23:44Je peux te dire d'un prince qui pleure toujours.
23:47Et rien ne peut l'arrêter.
23:50Pas même un délicat morceau de camembert?
23:53Pas même ça.
23:55Il habitait dans un pays loin.
23:58Même plus loin que Wonderland.
24:00Un jour, son père, le roi, s'est assis sur son trône pour lui lire une histoire.
24:08Un jour, dans un pays loin,
24:11vivait une belle princesse avec un sourire irrésistible.
24:15Tous ceux qui l'ont regardé ont été forcés à sourire eux-mêmes.
24:21Personne ne peut me faire sourire.
24:26Ton visage peut rester comme ça, tu sais.
24:31Il est resté comme ça.
24:34Il ne bougera pas.
24:38Et à côté du royaume de la princesse souriante,
24:41il y avait un autre royaume.
24:43Je veux que ce sourire soit enlevé de ton visage immédiatement.
24:45C'est une commande royale.
24:47C'est un sourire irrésistible.
24:49Ce n'est pas le cas.
24:50C'est le cas.
24:51Il n'y a rien de tel.
24:53Quel est le problème?
24:55As-tu passé un jour mauvais à la guerre?
24:57C'était un jour excellent.
24:58Une victoire glorieuse après l'autre.
25:01J'ai un sourire irrésistible.
25:03Tu n'en as pas.
25:05Il va s'en aller.
25:07Comment peut-il s'en aller?
25:09On verra.
25:16Envoie les gestes.
25:18Envoie les gestes.
25:28Envoie les gestes.
25:43Envoie les gestes.
25:48Envoie les gestes.
25:51Envoie les gestes.
26:03Je l'ai seulement regardé.
26:05Les tumblers l'ont fait.
26:06Ils ont tapé les murs et cracé le verre.
26:13En tout cas, j'ai un sourire irrésistible.
26:16Tu n'en as pas.
26:17There's no such thing as an immovable frown.
26:19There's no such thing as an immovable frown.
26:40I told you it was an immovable frown.
26:44You'd better get your opera on.
26:46You'll be late for the wars.
26:48I'm not going to the wars this morning.
26:50The Grand Wizard will know what to do about that.
26:53He can't do anything about it. Nobody can.
26:57One thing is certain.
26:59There is no such thing as an immovable frown.
27:02Your Majesty is right.
27:04Of course there is no such thing as an immovable frown.
27:07How do you know?
27:09I know for many reasons.
27:11One, your father has just said so, and he is the king.
27:15Tell us one of the other reasons.
27:17Tell me, Your Majesty, just how did all this arise?
27:21Yesterday, I was reading the prince a story
27:25about a beautiful young princess
27:28who happened to have an irresistible smile.
27:32And I noticed I happened to have an immovable frown.
27:36And I have!
27:38You haven't!
27:40And the Grand Wizard agrees with me
27:43that scowl of yours can be removed.
27:46Of course!
27:48Now, you're calling somebody with an irresistible smile.
27:52Oh, it won't do any good.
27:54I really have got an immovable frown.
27:57You have not.
28:00It cracked the mirror in the throne room.
28:03Why not call in the princess?
28:06Unfortunately, the book says that the young princess
28:09with the irresistible smile
28:11lives in a kingdom that is far, far away.
28:15This kingdom of yours is a faraway land, Your Majesty.
28:19And if two lands are both far away,
28:22they must be close to each other.
28:26But there is no kingdom nearby
28:29except the one we are having wars with.
28:33Well, then that must be the very one.
28:37He invites his other king and his family
28:40over for the weekend.
28:43What a pity!
28:45We never have met socially.
28:47Since our great-grandfather's time,
28:49the wars have been going on without interruption.
28:52It seems like a great deal of bother
28:54merely to get rid of a frown.
28:59What has he done to that potted plant?
29:02I only frowned at it.
29:05It was such a particularly healthy specimen.
29:08And besides, just before you arrived,
29:10I gave it an injection of my new miracle plant potion.
29:14That might explain it.
29:17Come! I have decided to call off the wars.
29:36I don't know what I'll do with my time from now on.
29:40Did you see the young princess?
29:42Yes, Your Majesty.
29:44I gazed upon the princess myself.
29:47She has an irresistible smile.
29:50Very good.
29:53Let us prepare for battle.
29:56I have prepared for battle.
29:59I have prepared for battle.
30:02Very good.
30:04Let us prepare to entertain our royal guests for the weekend.
30:16No doubt about it,
30:18the princess has an irresistible smile.
30:26I'm still frowning.
30:32Put down that trumpet and say hello.
30:38Smile, girl, smile.
30:45Oh, my, oh, my.
30:48Oh, my, oh, my.
30:51Oh, my, oh, my.
30:54Oh, my, oh, my.
30:57Oh, my, oh, my.
31:00Oh, my, oh, my.
31:03How do you explain this?
31:06It can't be explained.
31:08No frown can resist an irresistible smile.
31:12Except an immovable frown.
31:16You're right, Your Majesty.
31:19And the prince has one.
31:22That's what I kept telling you.
31:24See? He said so too.
31:31I have an immovable frown.
31:39Ah, oui.
31:40And if you would give me my way and taste my cheeses,
31:44my frown will go away too.
31:48We are here.
31:49My business address.
31:51The Dural Cheese Factory.
31:54The most beautiful place in all of France.
31:59Is it not marvellous, Mademoiselle D'Alice?
32:03It certainly is smelly.
32:06Oh, yes.
32:07The parfum de fromage.
32:09And now, you will take the little bites from each cheese
32:13and I will make the little notes.
32:17So many moons.
32:20So many moons.
32:23Oh, Francois.
32:25Do you know what the moon really is?
32:29The moon is made of the grains of our cheese.
32:33It's not true.
32:35It's not true.
32:37It's not true.
32:39It's not true.
32:41It's not true.
32:43It's not true.
32:45It's not true.
32:47I once had a dream
32:49where I was a lovely princess
32:52named Lenore.
32:55Oh, my dear.
32:56The poor girl has eaten too much of the wine cheese.
32:59And in the dream,
33:01I was dizzy in the stomach,
33:03just like this.
33:06The royal physician came to see me.
33:16And my father, the king, was very worried.
33:20I want you to get well again.
33:23Is there anything your heart desires?
33:27I want the moon.
33:29If I can have the moon, I will be well again.
33:35Oh, yes.
33:36The moon is made of the grains of our cheese.
33:40It's not true.
33:42It's not true.
33:45Lord High Chamberlain.
33:51I want you to get the moon.
33:53If the princess Lenore can have the moon,
33:55she will be well again.
33:57The moon?
33:59Yes, the moon.
34:00Get it tonight.
34:01Tomorrow at the latest.
34:03It just happens, I have a list of things
34:05I have got for you in my time, Your Majesty.
34:07Let me see now.
34:08I've got ivory and apes,
34:10peacocks, rubies, opals,
34:12emeralds, black, orchids, pink elephants,
34:14blue poodles, gold bugs, scarabs and flies,
34:16and amber, hummingbirds, tongues, angels,
34:18feathers, unicorns, horns, giants, midgets,
34:20mermaids, troupe d'oiseaux, minstrels,
34:22dancing women, a pound of butter,
34:24two dozen eggs and a sack of sugar.
34:27My wife wrote that in there.
34:29I don't remember any blue poodles.
34:32It says blue poodles right here on the list,
34:34and they are checked off a little check mark,
34:36so there must have been blue poodles.
34:39Never mind the blue poodles.
34:41What I want now is the moon.
34:43But the moon is out of the question, Your Majesty.
34:45It is 35,000 miles away
34:47and is bigger than the room the princess lies in.
34:49Furthermore, it is made of molten copper.
34:52I cannot get the moon for you.
34:54Blue poodles, yes.
34:55The moon, no.
35:02Royal Wizard, I want you to get the moon
35:05for the Princess Lenore.
35:08I have worked a great deal of magic for you in my time,
35:10Your Majesty.
35:11Now let's see.
35:16I have squeezed blood out of turnips for you
35:18and turnips out of blood.
35:20I have produced rabbits out of silk hats
35:23and silk hats out of rabbits.
35:25I have conjured up flowers, tambourines,
35:27and doves out of nowhere
35:29and nowhere out of flowers, tambourines, and doves.
35:32I have given you seven-leaf boots.
35:35The golden touch and a cloak of invisibility.
35:39I got horns from Elfland
35:43and gold from the rainbow.
35:48What I want you to do now is get me the moon.
35:51The Princess Lenore wants the moon
35:52and when she gets it, you'll be well again.
35:55It is 150,000 miles away.
35:58It is made of green cheese
36:00and it is twice as big as this palace.
36:03Nobody can get the moon.
36:10Royal Mathematician, I don't want to hear
36:12all the things you have figured out for me since 1907.
36:15I want you to figure out how to get the moon
36:17for the Princess Lenore.
36:18When she gets the moon, she will be well again.
36:20I'm glad you mentioned all the things
36:21I have figured out for you since 1907.
36:23It so happens that I have a list of them with me.
36:25Now let me see.
36:26I have figured out for you the distance
36:27between the horns of a dilemma,
36:28night and day and A to Z.
36:30I have computed how far it is up,
36:31how long it takes to get away
36:32and what becomes of gone.
36:33I know where you are when you are at sixes and sevens,
36:35the price of the priceless and oddly birds you can catch
36:37with the salt in the ocean.
36:38187,796,123 if it would interest you to know.
36:43I don't want to hear about 700 million imaginary birds.
36:46I want you to get the moon for the Princess Lenore.
36:48But Your Majesty, the moon is 300,000 miles away.
36:52It is round and flat like a coin
36:54only it is made of cardboard
36:56and it is half as big as this palace.
36:58Furthermore, it is pasted on the sky.
37:00Nobody can get the moon.
37:20What can I do for you, Your Majesty?
37:22Nobody can do anything for you.
37:26Nobody can do anything for me.
37:29The Princess Lenore needs the moon,
37:32but nobody can get it for her.
37:34Every time I ask anybody for the moon,
37:37it gets larger and further away.
37:42They are all wise men, so they must all be right.
37:45If they are all right,
37:47then the moon must be just as large and as far away
37:50as each person thinks it is.
37:52The thing to do is find out
37:54how big the Princess Lenore thinks it is.
37:58I never thought of that.
38:01I will go and ask her, Your Majesty.
38:07Have you brought the moon to me?
38:09Not yet, but I will get it for you right away.
38:12How big do you think it is?
38:14It is just a little smaller than my thumbnail,
38:17for when I hold my thumbnail up at the moon,
38:19it just covers it.
38:21And how far away is it?
38:23It is not as high as the big tree outside my window,
38:27for sometimes it gets caught in the top branches.
38:30It will be very easy to get the moon for you.
38:33I will climb the tree tonight
38:35when it gets caught in the top branches
38:37and bring it to you.
38:39What is the moon made of, Princess?
38:42Oh, it's made of gold, of course, silly.
38:45Anybody knows that.
38:52What is this thing that you have asked me to make?
38:55You have made the moon.
38:58But the moon is 500,000 miles away,
39:02and it's made of bronze and round like a marble.
39:06That's what you think.
39:22We must keep the Princess Lenore
39:24from seeing the moon in the sky tonight.
39:26Think of something.
39:28I know just the thing.
39:30If we can make some dark glasses
39:32for the Princess Lenore,
39:34then she will not be able to see the moon
39:36when it shines in the sky.
39:51If she wore dark glasses, she would bump into things.
39:54Then she would be ill again.
39:57We must hide the real moon from Princess Lenore.
40:00How are we going to do that?
40:02I know what we can do.
40:04We can stretch some black velvet curtains on poles,
40:07like a circus tent.
40:08Then the Princess Lenore will not see the moon in the sky.
40:12Curtains would keep out the air
40:14so the Princess Lenore would not be able to breathe
40:17and she would be ill again.
40:22We must do something
40:24so the Princess Lenore will not see the moon tonight.
40:27If you know so much, figure out a way to do that.
40:32I have it.
40:33We can set off fireworks in the gardens every night.
40:36We'll make a lot of silver fountains and golden cascades,
40:39and then the Princess Lenore will not be able to see the moon.
40:42Fireworks would keep the Princess Lenore awake.
40:45She would not get any sleep at all
40:47and she would be ill again.
40:52Look, the moon is already shining into the Princess Lenore's bedroom.
40:57Who can explain how the moon can be shining in the sky
41:00when it is hanging on a golden chain around her neck?
41:03Who explained how to get the moon
41:05when your wise men said it was too large and too far away?
41:08It was the Princess Lenore.
41:10She seems to know more about it than they do,
41:13so I will ask her.
41:18Tell me, Princess Lenore,
41:20how can the moon be shining in the sky
41:23when it is hanging on a golden chain around your neck?
41:26That's easy, silly.
41:28When I lose a tooth, a new one grows in its place, doesn't it?
41:32And when the royal gardener cuts the flowers,
41:34other flowers come to take their place.
41:36Of course!
41:37I should have thought of that.
41:39It's the same way with the daylight.
41:42And it is the same way with the moon.
41:46I guess it's the same way with everything.
41:51Un rêve charmant, Alice.
41:53Mais s'il vous plaît,
41:55pouvez-vous me dire quel est votre lumière préférée?
41:59François, vous êtes un moucheux.
42:03Ils sont tous bien, je suppose.
42:05Mais comment suis-je sûre que je n'ai pas essayé d'un cheeseburger?
42:09Non, non, non!
42:11Je suis sûre qu'il n'y a pas de cheeseburger.
42:14Je suis sûre qu'il n'y a pas de cheeseburger.
42:17Je suis sûre qu'il n'y a pas de cheeseburger.
42:19Non, non, non! Pas encore des cheeseburgers!
42:22Je serai désolé pour ma famille,
42:24pour Monsieur Duval, pour France!
42:26Je suis en colère!
42:28Maintenant, tu es encore en colère.
42:30Mais vraiment, François,
42:32tous tes cheeses sont parfaits.
42:34Quand je grandirai, je suis sûre que j'apprendrai à les aimer.
42:37Mais maintenant,
42:39peux-je s'il vous plaît aller visiter Madeleine?
42:41Ah, bien, petite dame.
42:46Mais attendez!
42:48Nous passons actuellement au Carnival des Gypsies,
42:51où j'ai reçu la dernière fois la petite Madeleine.
42:54Mais ce n'est pas ici que Madeleine habite.
42:57Ah, mais je l'ai vue ici avec mes petits yeux.
43:01J'étudiais les habitudes de manger du fromage du camp des Gypsies
43:04et j'ai vu tout ça.
43:08Bien sûr, la histoire commence dans ce même petit village,
43:12tout couvert d'arbres,
43:14où vivent les petites filles en deux lignes.
43:21Ils ont quitté la maison à minuit.
43:24La plus petite était Madeleine.
43:34Dans une autre vieille maison qui se trouvait à l'extérieur
43:37vivait le fils de l'ambassadeur espagnol.
43:40Les parents de Petito étaient partis.
43:42Aujourd'hui, il n'avait personne avec qui jouer.
43:48S'il vous plaît, je vous invite tous
43:51à un merveilleux Carnival des Gypsies.
44:13Allez, enfants, partez avec ces choses.
44:16Vous allez manger au lit.
44:22Quelle merveille! Où est Madeleine?
