Star Wars Ewoks 2x02b - Princess Latara

  • il y a 18 heures
00:00La princesse de la trottinette
00:06Mon fils, Prince Bark, doit se marier à une princesse
00:12Quelle richesse, l'écriture et la richesse
00:16Gorfs, apportez les candidats
00:19Oui, Prince Lugo
00:23La princesse de la trottinette
00:27Je l'aime, maman, je l'aime
00:30Eh, trop commun
00:33Dans la trottinette
00:48La princesse de la trottinette
00:57Oh, je l'aime, maman
01:00Non, non, pas assez
01:13Ne pleure pas, mon amour
01:16Je sais où on trouvera une princesse pour toi
01:19La trottinette
01:23Allez, apportez-moi une princesse de la trottinette
01:26Oui, Prince Lugo
01:33Travaillez, travaillez, travaillez, c'est tout ce que je fais
01:39Oh, laissez-moi, vous petits mangeurs
01:44Oh, la trottinette
01:51Oh, la trottinette
01:53Salut, La Tara, que fais-tu ?
01:56J'abandonne, comme d'habitude
01:59J'aimerais être une princesse comme toi, Nisa
02:03Je n'aurai jamais besoin de faire des affaires
02:05Mais, La Tara, je fais des affaires
02:08Travailler pour l'équipe d'un jour est une grande responsabilité
02:12Ce n'est pas pareil
02:14Si seulement j'étais princesse pour un jour
02:19Un jour, hein ?
02:22D'accord, La Tara
02:24Elle verra que ce n'est pas aussi facile que ça
02:36Nisa, c'est la pire idée que tu aies jamais eu
02:39Maintenant, Wicket, tu m'as promis d'aller si je t'ai donné mon peau de patience pour ton sacre d'honneur
02:45S'il vous plaît, mon Mount Peasants
02:48Je vais faire un tour de mon domaine royal
02:52Peasants, hein ?
02:57D'accord, La Tara
02:59C'est la princesse, La Tara
03:02Maintenant, dépêchez-vous
03:09En avant, bête
03:14Oh, l'anarchie, hein ?
03:16Eh bien, peut-être que cette tarte à fruits blancs va changer votre esprit
03:27Pas si vite
03:34Gangway, peasants
03:37Oh non, le mur
03:41Arrête, mon garçon
03:43Je suis trop gros
03:54Oh, je suis une merde
03:57La Tara ?
04:01Eh bien, tu es la pire merde que j'ai jamais vue
04:04Je vais toujours faire un tour de mon domaine et tu vas m'aider
04:19Plus vite, peasants, plus vite
04:22Je vais le faire plus vite en tirant de cette tarte à fruits blancs
04:26Wicket, obéissez à la princesse La Tara
04:32Princesse La Tara
04:34Oh boy, an Ewok princess for Queen Slugo
04:42Oh, this is the only way to travel
04:48Oh, we've come far enough
04:50Now take me back
04:52That does it
04:56Nisa can keep her pearl of patience for all I care
04:59What do you mean ?
05:01I only took orders from you as a favor to Nisa
05:04You did ?
05:06Nisa didn't have to bribe me, La Tara
05:08I still like you
05:10No matter how nasty you are
05:12What ?
05:27Who needs those lerdos ?
05:30I can be a princess without them
05:32Gather, gather
05:36Oh no
05:41We got an Ewok princess for Queen Slugo
05:55What a darling little Ewok princess
06:00Oh no
06:02She'll be a perfect bride for you, Porky
06:07Perfect bride ?
06:09Of course
06:11Once you marry my son, our two tribes will unite
06:16With me as ruler
06:19I like her, Ma
06:21I like her a lot
06:26I hate to disappoint you
06:28But I'm really only a common peasant
06:31And not a princess at all
06:33Well, been fun, gotta go, bye
06:42Into the pit with you, imposter
06:45Wait, I was only kidding
06:48My daddy, the chief
06:51Is always happy to get new wards
06:53I mean new blood into the tribe
06:56The wedding will take place immediately
07:08It's a piece of Latara's cape
07:10And these tracks lead over to that grotto
07:14Come on guys, we gotta find her
07:26Look out
07:34Listen, intruders
07:40Someone's coming
07:42Quick, in here
07:47Huh ? The what ?
07:49Come on, back to the wedding
07:54Wedding ? What do they mean ?
07:57We better follow them and find out
08:01Oh, wait for me
08:13I'm too young to get married
08:16Besides, I've always believed in long engagements
08:22Look, there's Latara
08:24And she's about to get married
08:29This calls for a brilliant escape plan
08:32Okay, Nisa, you and T-Bone distract them
08:34While I swing down and pluck Latara out from under their warty little noses
08:38How does that sound ?
08:42Oh well, I guess we can always improvise
08:48Oh !
08:50Oh !
08:56Trust me, this is a big mistake
08:59Latara, up here, Nisa
09:03Now there's a real princess
09:05I'll get her for you
09:09Gee, thanks Latara
09:11Sorry Nisa, but it was me or you
09:16Ewoks, get out !
09:20Follow me
09:32In here
09:34It's Queen Sluga
09:40How do we get out ?
09:42Just follow me
09:49They must not escape
09:54We're saved, the ramp
10:00It's too slippery
10:04We have them now
10:07What do we do ?
10:10Take this, Queen Sluga
10:12No, not my crown
10:28Gee, Ma, does this mean the wedding's off ?
10:34I'm sorry I was so selfish and spoiled
10:37Starting tomorrow, I'm leaving all this princess business to Nisa
10:42See, I told you she'd get it out of her system
10:45But, I still have a few hours left as princess
10:49So, how about carrying me back to the village ?
10:55Make that half way back
10:57A third of the way ?
10:58The kitchen maybe
