The Jeremy Kyle Show (4 April 2018)

  • 2 days ago
The Jeremy Kyle Show (4 April 2018)
00:00You're watching On Demand.
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00:10On today's show...
00:12So, you're in a relationship with Michel. He's your best mate.
00:15Take us straight away to what happened that caused all this.
00:17Basically, I went away for a couple of weeks
00:19and then he phoned me up and said that he slept with her.
00:23Who are you?
00:25He's tried to get into your bed.
00:26He was messaging me on Facebook, telling me to leave Dan.
00:30I've had it, I've had it. Go on, I'm staying.
00:32Also, I just turned down a phone and now I've had it.
00:34I'm staying, I'm staying.
00:38I've had it, go on, I'm staying.
00:40I've had it, go on, I'm staying.
00:42I've had it, go on, I'm staying.
00:44Go away!
00:50What happens if she has had sex on an airbed?
00:53I'll leave.
00:56He's making a mug, he's making me feel small.
00:58I've had enough of it now. Enough's enough.
01:00It can't keep going on like this, cos...
01:02Are you going to pass?
01:03Yes, 100%.
01:05Since the start of your relationship with Darren,
01:07have you passionately kissed anyone else?
01:08You said no. Why do you say no, Sammy?
01:10It's tantrum.
01:24Morning, guys!
01:29What the hell?
01:31Hello, my friends, good morning and a big, big welcome to the show.
01:34Now, my first guest today, Nick, is here
01:36because he's basically involved in a bitter love triangle
01:39involving his best mate, Daniel,
01:41who claims to have had sex with his girlfriend, Michelle,
01:44behind his back.
01:47It happens.
01:48Nick says he was left furious
01:50when Daniel phoned him up to make the confession.
01:52Today he's demanding lie detector results
01:54to uncover the truth once and for all.
01:56And that's what the producers tell me.
01:58This man means business.
01:59Nick's on The Jeremy Carl Show. That way!
02:08Welcome to the show. How are you?
02:09I'm all right, thanks.
02:13That's my next part, innit?
02:16Now, how long have you been...
02:18How long have you been with Michelle?
02:20Five months.
02:21Yeah? Happy?
02:23Till he started.
02:24So, you're in a relationship with Michelle,
02:26he's your best mate,
02:27take us straight away to what happened that caused all this.
02:29Basically, I went away for a couple of weeks
02:31and then I found out that he was...
02:34He started to stir the... phone me up
02:36and said that he'd slept with her.
02:38I've come back, spoke to Michelle about it,
02:40she's denied it,
02:41so I'm here today to find out what's actually gone on.
02:44How do you describe Daniel?
02:45I mean, why would a best friend say that if...
02:48Describe Daniel?
02:49Daniel's a customer complaint for Durex.
02:52A customer complaint for Durex? What does that mean?
02:55It means he's an absolute waste of air.
02:57What, he just...
02:58Absolute mouth.
02:59He's taken advantage of my Michelle,
03:01she's a big heart, and she took him in.
03:03What does that mean? When you were away...
03:05Basically, he said that he was homeless,
03:07Michelle took him in...
03:08Him and Kelly had had an argument.
03:10Yeah, him and Kelly had had an argument.
03:12Mind you, him and Kelly used to say they were brother and sister
03:15and now they're in a relationship.
03:18This is a Jeremy Carl show, welcome to my life.
03:21She took him in, what does that mean?
03:23Because she's got a big heart, she's took him in,
03:26and then he waited for Michelle to go to sleep and snuck into her bed.
03:30He got into bed with her!
03:31You say he's a wet lettuce, he's about as exciting as a...
03:34He's a rat, he's a cheat, he claims...
03:37He looks like a garden gnome.
03:41Hold on a minute.
03:42Listen, he might look like that, according to you,
03:45but you say...
03:46God, he's slept with 500 women.
03:48I'd take a couple of zeroes off.
03:50Five. Yeah.
03:52You were trying to get into my... bed.
03:54How many times did you message me?
03:56How many times did you message me?
03:58Sorry, I'm at risk of being...
04:00Who are you? Kelly.
04:02He's trying to get into your bed.
04:04He was messaging me on Facebook, telling me to leave Daniel to get to bed.
04:08Go on, I'll tell you.
04:09Also, I had his tongue down the throat, I know it.
04:12He had his tongue down there?
04:14Yeah, in the throat.
04:18Get back here, you growl!
04:19Says who?
04:20Says you!
04:21You growl!
04:22I just started, see that?
04:24I just started, see that?
04:25You get off of your...
04:26You're a...
04:27You're a...
04:28You're a...
04:29You're a...
04:30You're a...
04:31You're a...
04:32You're a...
04:33You're a...
04:34You're a...
04:35You're a...
04:36You're a...
04:37Go away!
04:38Go away!
04:47So, Michelle, who's got a big heart,
04:49takes him in when he's had an argument with Kelly,
04:51he then tries to get into bed with her,
04:53and then he rings you up and says, I've tried it on with your missus,
04:56which would, in fact, not be great, but now...
04:58But they've slept together, but now she's come out, his missus.
05:01Who's that?
05:03And accused you of trying it on with her.
05:05Well, I ain't going to set off for a burger when I've got a steak at home.
05:11Today, our friendship's over,
05:13but the relationship that I have with Michelle is on tender hooks,
05:16is on the edge because of these lies.
05:18Today, I'll prove to her.
05:19Who's done the lie detector, by the way?
05:21Michelle and Daniel.
05:22What about if she's lying? What if he has had her?
05:24What will you do then?
05:25Do you know what, I haven't even thought of that,
05:27because I do 100% believe her.
05:29You're 100% believer?
05:30I do.
05:31Right, but you don't like him, he's a vindictive rat,
05:33who's a dripper, has the personality of a wet lettuce
05:35that's been left under the earth, yeah?
05:37Daniel's on the Jeremy Cowell Show, that way.
05:43You're a liar, you're a cheat, you're a thief.
05:46Shut up, mate.
05:47You're a what?
05:48He's a liar, he's a cheat and he's a thief.
05:50How many times have you robbed Kelly's house?
05:52How many times have you robbed Kelly's house?
05:54How many houses have you done over since I've known you?
05:56And I've done absolutely nothing.
05:58You've robbed from a kid.
05:59I ain't robbed from nobody.
06:00Can you be quiet, please, Kelly?
06:01Right, welcome to the show, Daniel.
06:03I want to prove I'm not a cheat and that Nick's a liar.
06:05So you didn't ring him and say you'd had sex with his missus?
06:07No, cos I haven't had a phone for four weeks.
06:09What about, no, I didn't do it?
06:11No, I haven't done it.
06:13So why would he make that up?
06:15Cos he's stirring the pot between me and Kelly,
06:17cos he fancies Kelly.
06:18Oh, yeah, of course I do.
06:20Seriously, look at Michelle.
06:22Why would you, right?
06:23Here's the thing that I don't understand.
06:25So you've had an argument with your missus, right?
06:27Why would you go to his missus' house when you barely know her?
06:31He's known her for two days.
06:32I don't care whether he was in Nottingham.
06:34Why did you go to her house?
06:35Because she offered to take me in.
06:37Right, and did you get into bed with her?
06:39Yeah, but I was dressed.
06:41I was waiting for it to fall asleep.
06:45You got into bed with...
06:46Sorry, hold on a minute, this is getting darker by the minute.
06:49You decided to go...
06:50She invited you, that's fine, she's got a big heart.
06:53And you got into bed with her fully dressed.
06:55Did anything happen?
06:58You say that Nick is nothing but a manipulative lying, shady cheat.
07:02He's ugly, he stinks of dog poo and he's a dodgy bloke.
07:07It's a bit rich going for you, isn't it?
07:09I must say, as best friends,
07:10you don't feel very nice about each other, do you?
07:12No, but he'd come down to me last night,
07:14he'd shake my hand, saying he wanted to forget everything.
07:17You walked into the pub, you told my team recently,
07:19and saw Nick, your ex-best friend, trying it on with your missus.
07:23One, why would I try it in a pub?
07:25And two, why would I try it on when I've got Michelle?
07:27I love Michelle.
07:30So, let me get this right,
07:31why are you doing a live stage to prove that you haven't slept?
07:34To prove to him that I haven't done nothing with her
07:36and to prove my innocence to Kelly.
07:38So you haven't slept with Michelle
07:39and you haven't tried it on with Kelly,
07:41have you slept with each other at all?
07:44Cos everybody else seems to be...
07:48The thing is, I mean, the thing that worries me slightly
07:51is what I read this morning, when you said, and I quote, Daniel,
07:54and you said this,
07:55you didn't know Michelle very well, did you?
07:59But I invited you to stay.
08:01You told my team, to be honest, I did fancy her.
08:05And we were talking about getting together.
08:07Yeah, well, we were just remaining friends
08:09to see how we got on as friends.
08:11Why would you say that to a woman
08:13who you've only met two or three times
08:15and who's your best mate's girlfriend?
08:18But he...
08:19No, no, no, answer the question.
08:20They weren't together.
08:22They weren't together.
08:23What, because he went to Nottingham?
08:24She told me she was single, just split up.
08:26How about that?
08:27Well, there you go, it was a lie.
08:28No, it weren't.
08:29So who is lying?
08:30You've done it four times, three or four times, yeah, you've done it.
08:34So why would you be friends with somebody,
08:36let me turn it round on you, who does this regularly?
08:39Why wouldn't you have known he was dangerous
08:41and not had him anywhere near your life?
08:43I didn't realise he was at Michelle's.
08:45As soon as I found out he was at Michelle's, I come back.
08:48And he's scarfed.
08:49Come back for me, cos your best mate was in hospital.
08:51You told me he was a...
08:52He told my team that you use Michelle for money and sex
08:55and he wants her to wake up and realise what a scumbag you are.
08:58Is that right?
08:59Yeah, sitting at mine and Kelly's flat
09:01saying he was going to use her for money on the Monday.
09:04No, I wasn't.
09:05I've never used her for money, ever.
09:07You want to put Rick Morley off me in Taipei, pay me back!
09:09Brilliant. Right, anyway, we're going to go to an ad break.
09:12After this ad break, Michelle, who you've been with for five months,
09:16did she, well, allow him into her bed fully dressed?
09:19Did anything happen?
09:20And your girlfriend, Kelly, who you've been with,
09:22how long have you been with her for?
09:24I don't know.
09:25She doesn't trust you now
09:26and you've done a lie detector to prove that nothing happens?
09:29Back in a minute, don't go anywhere!
09:31She's a Polish prostitute with a moustache and a...
09:33Can I shut you out?!
09:34You asked the other side, what do you call my age?!
09:36Are you going to make me?!
09:38Where did she get engaged?
09:51Do you think you're being lied to?
09:53Well, we have evidence to prove it,
09:55like home videos, recordings or texts
09:57that you want to confront someone with.
09:59If you're 18 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
10:02email along with your number,
10:04text TALK plus your name to 63334,
10:07text plus 25p plus one standard rate message,
10:10or you can call my team today.
10:11It's 09011, it's 123456,
10:14calls cost 25p plus network access charge.
10:24Thank you very much, everybody, welcome home for the break.
10:27Ex-best friends Nick and Daniel arguing over their partners.
10:29Your partner's Michelle, she's been with you for five months.
10:32When you went away to Nottingham,
10:34apparently this big-hearted woman,
10:35although she didn't know your ex-best friend Daniel,
10:37invited him round, he took advantage.
10:39When she fell asleep, he got into her bed fully clothed
10:42and then rang you and said,
10:43I've had it off with your missus.
10:44Michelle's on the Jeremy Carr Show That Way.
11:19Go away!
11:20Oh, my Lord, go away!
11:22Oi, I will in a minute!
11:23Shelly, get off!
11:26Hello. Hello.
11:27What's going on?
11:28His point-blank rang him,
11:29saying that apparently I've slept with him.
11:31Why did you invite somebody you barely knew?
11:33Cos he literally begged me and told me he was homeless. Right.
11:36And he had nowhere to go and I felt sorry for him. Right.
11:39Had you split up with Nick at that point?
11:41We were still together.
11:42So Nick was away in Nottingham? Yeah.
11:45Shut up!
11:46Tell her to shut up. Shut up, bab.
11:51Truth is...
11:53Truth is, you told my team the reality of what's happened
11:56is he doesn't trust me at all.
11:57I have to send him photos while I go out to say where I've been.
12:00This has destroyed your relationship.
12:02Did he get into your bed?
12:03Yeah, he did get in my bed, but nothing happened.
12:05Why would you allow him in your bed?
12:07I told him to get out and he didn't listen.
12:09Why didn't you listen? That's wrong!
12:11Because you didn't even say anything to me.
12:13No, I did.
12:14Don't sit on the noise TV and call me a liar, mate, I'm telling you.
12:17Because I did tell you to get out of my bed.
12:19You have a problem with me taking no for an answer?
12:21What if something happened and he's not lying?
12:23What happens to you and her?
12:25What did she just say?
12:27I don't know. She called her a prostitute?
12:29She's a Polish prostitute with a moustache.
12:31I'm not a prostitute and I ain't Polish!
12:34I don't blame Nick cheating, said the delightful Kelly.
12:37He told me Michelle looks like a Polish prostitute with a moustache.
12:41Kelly's on the Jeremy Carl show that way.
12:48Hey, love.
12:50Look at you. Seriously, look at you.
12:52Pregnant and what? Pregnant and what?
12:54That's your problem, not mine.
12:56Yeah, well, you faked it. Get him back.
12:58I didn't fake it.
12:59You told him you were five weeks pregnant
13:01cos you were sending me pictures of Nick, pictures of...
13:04Doesn't even exist cos you're sterilised, darling.
13:07I don't know about you. What do you know about my life?
13:09Everything he tells me, love.
13:11Everything he sits in my flat and tells me.
13:13Why is he in your flat?
13:14This has nothing to do with you, anyway.
13:16Because he left her for an expert when she told him she was pregnant
13:19and it was fake and then came back and stayed at mine.
13:22Tell my team this is a big cover-up by Nick
13:24because he's obsessed with me and he wants to split us up.
13:27He's been trying since February. I don't think so, really.
13:30I don't think so. I love Michelle.
13:32Why are you round her flat?
13:34You're round her flat, you're round her flat.
13:36Why are you round her flat? What the hell's going on?
13:38Why are you with yourself?
13:40He's lived with me near enough for the past year and a bit.
13:43Who's lived with you?
13:44He's slept on my sofa for over a year cos he had nowhere to stay.
13:47Why? Cos he had nowhere to stay.
13:49Has he tried it on with you? Bare times.
13:51No, I haven't.
13:53I've never once tried it on with you.
13:55You've never kissed me in the pub, nah? No.
13:57Nah? You've not messaged me on Facebook
13:59asking for videos and pictures, nah?
14:01Videos of what? Me. With nothing on.
14:03That was Dan. That was him.
14:05That was Dan. That was him.
14:07Striptease videos? What?
14:09That profile was him? No way.
14:11No way? It's proven it was you.
14:13No, it wasn't. Yes, it was.
14:15Sorry, you've asked her for dirty videos?
14:17No. Not at all.
14:19Have you asked him for dirty videos? No.
14:21He won't get naked ones, he likes to be fully clothed before he gets into bed.
14:25He can't do it with the lights off.
14:27He can't do it with the lights off? He can't get it up with the lights off?
14:30How would you know that? You've told me.
14:32You've told him he can't get it up unless the lights are off?
14:34Have I? Yeah.
14:36Turn the lights off instantly in the studio.
14:38Turn them off.
14:40Everyone, turn the lights off.
14:52He can look. He looked, Lenny.
14:56Just make sure.
14:58So, what we've got here is
15:00kind-hearted Michelle.
15:06I didn't kick him out, he walked out
15:08cos you were messaging him over.
15:12He walked out when you were messaging him.
15:14We were messaging about 50 men, innit?
15:16He was messaging you on WhatsApp.
15:18He was messaging me, love, get your facts right.
15:20He was messaging me.
15:22I've seen the messages.
15:24You messaged him and offered him over.
15:26You put it out on a plate for him.
15:28You put it out on a plate cos you're a...
15:3450 men, am I?
15:36I must be proud of that one. 50 men, really.
15:38You've got how many rounds of what you've told me about love
15:40so let's not get there?
15:42Have I? Have I?
15:44The main allegation is that
15:46you took him in cos you've got a big heart
15:48whilst he was estranged
15:50from Kelly and he came round...
15:52All right. He came round to your flat
15:54and when you fell asleep,
15:56it's my drug to fall asleep.
15:58Fully clothed, he got into bed with you.
16:00He then rang his now ex-best mate Nick
16:02and said that.
16:04That's put your relationship on, what, a bad footing.
16:06There's no trust and you're doing a lie detector
16:08to prove that nothing happened with you
16:10and with Daniel.
16:12You and she have had an up-and-down relationship.
16:16you have had Nick in your flat quite a lot
16:18because he's been staying there
16:20and you say he's tried it on with you.
16:22He's always wanted you. You think he's made this whole thing up
16:24with Daniel because he wants you for himself.
16:26How do you feel about that?
16:28Well, if it's true, then me and Nick will be over.
16:30Is it true? No, it's not true.
16:32Yeah, it is true.
16:34Can I do the lie detector?
16:36I'm lost.
16:38We're going to start with Michelle.
16:40You're the big-hearted lady who said to your boyfriend's
16:42now ex-best friend,
16:44come round, I'm just going to give you
16:46somewhere to stay because you're homeless
16:48and the next thing you know, you're fast asleep
16:50and he's on the...
16:52You offered it on a plate, darling.
16:54He's told me...
16:56Start of the test. You want to listen, my friend?
16:58Michelle admitted that just five weeks ago
17:00when Daniel stayed at his house,
17:02they did in fact kiss.
17:04She said...
17:06It just happened.
17:08So you weren't asleep, you liar.
17:12You weren't asleep when he got in the bed.
17:14I'm on a date when I slept with him.
17:16I'm on a date, apparently, according to him...
17:18No, no, no.
17:20You weren't asleep when he got in the house and when he got in bed.
17:22He kissed me.
17:24So why would you then kiss him and then say...
17:26I bet you asked him into your bed, didn't you?
17:28How do you feel about that? Did you know that?
17:30Yeah, because he told me...
17:32He told me he shared the mattress with her
17:34because she asked him to share the mattress
17:36and he hadn't kissed her and he looked me straight in the face
17:38and told me he hadn't touched her.
17:40Apart from the one occasion you've admitted to,
17:42have you passionately kissed Daniel at all?
17:44You said no. Why did you say no?
17:46You're a liar, love.
17:48Have you had sexual contact with Daniel?
17:50Michelle said no. Why did you say no?
17:52Because you're a liar, love.
17:54Have you had sexual intercourse?
17:58Have you had sexual intercourse with Daniel?
18:00You said no.
18:02Your girlfriend lied on every single question.
18:08Well, let's just...
18:10This isn't going very well, is it?
18:12Oh, my God.
18:14So let's confirm it with Daniel.
18:16Daniel was asked if you'd ever passionately kissed Michelle,
18:18to which she said no. That was a lie, wasn't it?
18:20No, I haven't.
18:22We kissed once.
18:24She said she had!
18:26Keep up, Daniel.
18:28We asked Daniel, have you passionately kissed Michelle?
18:30You said no. Why did you say no?
18:32Because I was telling the truth.
18:34You lied on every single question as well.
18:36You had sex together and you damn well know you did
18:38and now I've got to run round this building
18:40trying to make this work.
18:42Come on!
18:44I was trying to find my man, because you know what?
18:46I ain't got time for you.
18:48Because he thinks you've had sex with Daniel.
18:52Oh, let's start running.
18:54It's the Kyle Olympics again.
18:58Where's he gone?
19:00Where's he gone?
19:02I'm sorry.
19:04That's the reality and he failed as well,
19:06which absolutely verifies it.
19:08Your thoughts...
19:10You lied to me.
19:12You lied to me.
19:14You lied to me.
19:16Why don't you just admit the truth?
19:18Of course you have. You failed the test.
19:20Where's the other one? Come on.
19:22What about your own missus?
19:24We haven't slept together.
19:26You lied.
19:28You're the pair of liars.
19:30You're the pair of liars.
19:32Obviously the week you were there.
19:34Why don't you tell us?
19:36Obviously the week you were there.
19:38Let's be honest, come on.
19:40Why did you fail the test then?
19:42I haven't slept with him.
19:44I haven't slept with him.
19:46What does that say?
19:48I haven't slept with him.
19:50I haven't slept with him.
19:54I haven't slept with him.
19:56I haven't slept with him.
19:58You can be with her now,
20:00because that's what you wanted anyway, wasn't it?
20:02Come on, be honest you two.
20:04Don't stand there looking like you don't know what's going on.
20:06Don't stand there looking like you don't know what's going on.
20:08What are you on about?
20:14You cheated, both of you, didn't you?
20:16I haven't slept with him.
20:18Oh, what did happen then?
20:20I haven't slept with him.
20:22Oh, here we go.
20:24We haven't heard that before, have we?
20:26Start digging, you dirty liar.
20:28Yeah, but you know what?
20:30She's lied in the test anyway.
20:32The test says intercourse.
20:34The test says intercourse.
20:36You swore to me that this time it wasn't a lie.
20:38You swore.
20:40You swore, Daniel.
20:42You swore on the life of my dead kid
20:44that you were lying to me.
20:46I haven't slept with her.
20:48You swore on the life of Starlet.
20:50You swore on Starlet.
20:52Can I say something? We're going round in circles.
20:54They're both liars.
20:56I haven't slept with him.
20:58What does that say?
21:00You were lying.
21:02Both of them are liars.
21:04Both of them have lied.
21:06Both of them have verified that with the other's tests.
21:08What happened?
21:10Both lie detectors state it's half-truths.
21:12I genuinely love the girl.
21:14She slept with your ex-best friend.
21:16You did the unforgivable and slept with your best mate's girlfriend.
21:18When this goes out, nobody touches you ever again.
21:20You're a black and white.
21:22I don't know that.
21:24I don't know that.
21:26You're a black and white.
21:28I got to move on.
21:30You better stay out of my way.
21:37Damn it, Threats.
21:38Do you know what you should do?
21:39Look after this lady, that's what I'd do.
21:47We'll do our best for the two victims of this,
21:49and the other two could learn to tell the truth.
21:51What are you doing to stand there and go,
21:52Oh, it wasn't me.
21:53We're as bad as in, if not worse.
21:55Back after the break.
21:56Don't go anywhere.
21:57Did you have sex on the back seat of your car?
21:59It was a Rover as well.
22:13Thank you very much and welcome back.
22:15My next guest today, Darren, is here for all important Lie Detector results
22:18because he suspects his fiancée, Sammy, is a cheat.
22:20Now, he suspects she might even have had sex with another man on an airbed.
22:26And after an argument, she slept at a mate's house,
22:28and before returning home until next day,
22:29he says that if he finds out she has betrayed him,
22:31another relationship will flounder on The Jeremy Kyle Show.
22:34Darren's next.
22:35That way.
22:44An airbed?
22:47Been with Sammy for two years, engaged for one.
22:49What does today mean to you, seriously?
22:52You love this woman?
22:54Oh, bless you.
22:55This is the most romantic thing
22:57All of you in the crew who are single, quite a few of you,
22:59listen to this.
23:00If you ever want to learn how to shout a woman up,
23:02tell them how you met her.
23:03Well, erm...
23:05I met... I was driving past a marketplace.
23:09You were driving through the market?
23:10I was driving past and I heard someone shout,
23:13Oi, oi.
23:14She went, Oi, oi!
23:17And, erm...
23:18So I took her for a drive.
23:20And asked her if she wanted to come for a drive.
23:22Is that...
23:23That's how it started.
23:24The proposal's even better.
23:26It's just so romantic.
23:28Think romantic places in the world.
23:30The Taj Mahal.
23:31I don't know, the Great Barrier Reef.
23:34Where did you get engaged?
23:45Gets better.
23:46Whereabouts at Asda?
23:48On the way down the escalator.
23:49On the way down the escalator at Asda.
23:51And he waited so there were people behind her in front
23:54so they'd see the proposal.
23:56And you bought her a ring?
23:59And you had...
24:01Oh, did you have sex on the back seat of your car?
24:04It was a Rover as well.
24:07Why does it matter if it's a Rover?
24:09Well, haven't you heard that song?
24:12On the back seat of your Rover.
24:21Our first eight months together were crazy
24:23after he had proposed at our local Asda October last year
24:26is when the problem started.
24:28She stayed at a friend's house.
24:30Just out the blue or was that a regular occurrence?
24:33Just once.
24:35And why would that night lead to suspicion?
24:37You love the girl, you're engaged to the girl.
24:39Why do you think she'd been messing around that...
24:41Because the friend that slept on the sofa
24:43messes me saying that he slept with my partner.
24:47You sort of say you're 50-50.
24:49What if he's making it up and she's kosher and everything's good?
24:52Everything is happy?
24:54What happens if she has had sex on an airbed?
24:59I'll leave.
25:02Can I say something to you?
25:04In life, if you feel like you're...
25:06You know, it's not reciprocated, i.e. you love her more
25:09or she doesn't give you anything back, mate,
25:11that's probably quite a good feeling to be honest to yourself about.
25:15If you're going to be happy,
25:16you'll be with somebody who treats you for what you deserve to be treated.
25:20That's true, right?
25:23Shall we get her out?
25:25Sammy's on the Jeremy Carl Show that way.
25:33Do you want to know something?
25:34I'm going to tell you now,
25:35and I don't care if you don't like me after this,
25:37I knew the minute you walked out how you'd be.
25:40I've had it with you, I'm not being talked to like that,
25:42and he tries to grab your hand and you don't want to know.
25:46Did you have sex with somebody else?
25:49Because it didn't take you damn long in the back of the car
25:51after the market, did it?
25:54Come on.
25:55He as well, but come on.
25:56I haven't slept with no-one else.
25:58I haven't slept with no-one else.
25:59So where's it come from, then?
26:00Why is this man making this accusation?
26:01Messaged him on Facebook, cos he's fancied me for a long time.
26:03So you knew this person?
26:05I'm going to touch upon this more.
26:06Actually, this is, to me, more important about this story.
26:08Sammy, help me out.
26:10Um, he says,
26:11I feel like I fancy her more than she does me,
26:14I feel like I always make the first move,
26:16I feel like she doesn't want to be with me.
26:18Talk to him.
26:20Oh, we've got a ten-month-old son, yeah?
26:21Well, what, did you pull away?
26:23I get up to him in the mornings, yeah?
26:25I feed him, I change him.
26:27Dinner time, I change him, I feed him.
26:29Give him his bottle, what he needs, yeah?
26:31I play with him, yeah?
26:32Then tea time, I do the same.
26:35Time goes to bed, I'm tired.
26:38Looking after a ten-month-old son ain't a joke.
26:41That's a very good point.
26:42So what you're saying is that, Sammy,
26:44you feel that Darren, like a lot of men...
26:46He's licking the mug out of me.
26:47Let's be honest, a lot of men,
26:49when a baby comes along, they feel pushed out,
26:52they feel like they don't get the attention.
26:54That's what she's trying to explain to you, mate.
26:56And it is not easy having a baby, is it?
26:59So how do you answer that? Come on.
27:01So you must be tired, too tired, then?
27:05What, for sex?
27:08Well, no.
27:10Not really, no.
27:11But with having a ten-month-old son, come on.
27:14She probably feels like sleeping, not having sex.
27:17It's understandable, right?
27:19You've kicked him out, though, or threatened to, haven't you?
27:21Yeah, packed his bags and put him outside the front door.
27:24Because of all this.
27:25Accusations all the time.
27:26He's making a mug, he's making me feel small.
27:28Well, I think you speak...
27:29To be honest, you've come out, you've fronted me out,
27:31and I think you've been very candid and very honest,
27:33and I respect what you've said, and at the end of the day...
27:37Yeah, but it's your son, yeah?
27:38Yeah, looking my friends up, I feel angry.
27:40A lot of women will understand entirely what you're saying,
27:43and a lot of men will, I guess, if they were honest with themselves,
27:46say that they sort of get where you're coming from as well.
27:49Can we talk about the nighting question on the airbed?
27:52So, the bloke that fancied you was there, was he?
27:56Why would you go to a house with somebody who fancied you?
27:58Because it was over that, or on a park bench while being pregnant.
28:01Why didn't you go home?
28:03Because I was angry.
28:04You went round to a friend's house,
28:06this bloke who has fancied you for a while, Sammy, was there.
28:10You slept on an airbed.
28:12Yes, and he slept on the sofa.
28:14Right. And nothing happened?
28:16So, for her, you've had to put up with...
28:18How long have these accusations been going on?
28:20Eight months.
28:21Which is very difficult when you've got a new kid.
28:23And the relationship has suffered as a result.
28:25Do you love him?
28:26Yes. Deep down, I love him.
28:28But it can't keep going on like this,
28:30because I've had enough of it now.
28:32Are you going to pass?
28:33Yes, 100%.
28:34And when you do what?
28:36What do you want from Darren?
28:38Tell him, when you pass, you say you're going...
28:40Trust. Respect.
28:42That you trust me a little bit more.
28:44Not throwing accusations at me all the time.
28:46I've had enough of it now. Enough's enough.
28:49How many people in the audience think she's going to pass the test?
28:53How many people think she's going to fail?
28:56Sort of 50-50, I would say.
29:00I think she's right.
29:02If she does what she says she's going to pass,
29:04you have to look at yourself.
29:05But it's difficult, I guess, if people get involved.
29:07We tested you on the entire relationship.
29:09That's what you wanted, yeah?
29:11Since the start of your relationship with Darren,
29:13have you passionately kissed anyone else?
29:14You said no. Why did you say no, Sammy?
29:16It's time to prove it.
29:17Well, the test says you're a liar, love.
29:20I ain't a liar.
29:22I ain't a liar.
29:23Since the start of your relationship with Darren,
29:25have you had sexual contact with anyone else?
29:27You said no. This test says you lied on that question as well.
29:29I'm not a liar.
29:30Mate, mate, mate, mate, come here.
29:33She failed on every single question.
29:35I ain't a liar.
29:36It's there.
29:37I ain't a liar.
29:38It's there.
29:40I ain't a liar.
29:41Was it the man on the airbed or somebody else?
29:43No, no-one.
29:44Why did you fail, then?
29:46I don't know, but I haven't failed.
29:48Just tell her the truth.
29:49No, you have failed.
29:50Here's the truth.
29:51You told...
29:52That's the truth.
29:53I'm not a liar, I'm not a cheat out there.
29:55Come on, tell the truth.
29:56That's the truth.
29:57This is all here.
29:58Why have you failed the test, then, if you're not a liar?
30:00Probably nervous, I don't know.
30:01Can you be nervous?
30:02That's what everyone says.
30:03That does a test, yeah?
30:04Nah, nah.
30:05Everyone does that.
30:06I ain't a liar, I ain't a cheat.
30:07No, I'm not a cheat.
30:08I told you, I'm not a cheat.
30:10Get back here, I'm going to help you.
30:11Sit down.
30:13Listen to me a minute.
30:14Not very often wise words come out of this old gob.
30:18Baby, tired, knackered, unloved, demanded, whatever.
30:23You went round.
30:24I don't know whether you had a drink.
30:26Somebody who showed...
30:28I don't know whether you slept with the guy.
30:30If you go into that test and you lie, right, do me a favour,
30:33because you can get over this if you tell him the truth,
30:36because you can sit there and you can tell me nothing,
30:38but we all know something happened.
30:40Tell him.
30:41Nothing happened.
30:42Nothing has happened.
30:43Well, it might not have happened with him.
30:45It wasn't that night.
30:46Somebody else, another night.
30:47Somebody else, another person.
30:48Why'd you fail the test, then?
30:49Why'd you fail the test?
30:50Probably nervous.
30:51It can't just be nervous.
30:52You've got to be lying about something.
30:55There's only three questions.
30:56He wasn't asking if you...
30:57I think this guy deserves the truth.
30:59I think he's a nice guy and a genuine guy.
31:01I really do.
31:05He wasn't asking you,
31:06did you not do just something at a certain time?
31:09He was asking you three certain questions.
31:11Sammy, Sammy, Sammy.
31:13I could make you confess this if I had longer.
31:16Nothing has happened.
31:18One night, one mistake, one whatever.
31:20Tell him the truth, he loves you, look at him.
31:22Tell me the truth.
31:23I know he loves me, but nothing, nothing has happened.
31:25You said last night, 100% pass it.
31:27Fail, fail, fail.
31:29All three questions.
31:31No, it's not true, not right.
31:33So the test's wrong, yeah?
31:34You're not going to admit anything.
31:36So, Darren, you're going to just stay with her cos you love her
31:39and this is going to get even worse.
31:41Well, if she doesn't tell me the truth, I'm going.
31:47I'm going, I'm done.
31:49This is all going to be on the telly
31:51to show everyone that we know that you lied to me all along.
31:55No, no.
31:56It is? It hasn't.
31:57So I'm going to take this back and show everyone.
31:59You're very cold, aren't you?
32:00You don't like you're upset, you don't like you care.
32:02Maybe you knew you were going to fail and you don't want to be with him.
32:05Of course not, I love him to death.
32:07Well, prove it then and tell him the damn truth then.
32:11If you want to work this relationship out, yeah,
32:14and stay together, you tell me the truth on this stage or back there now.
32:18No, I'll tell you backstage.
32:20So there is something to tell him, yeah?
32:22There is something to tell him, yeah?
32:25Not going to force you to do it here,
32:27but if you want to go backstage with him, with the aftercare team,
32:30I'll finish it by saying there's something you want to admit to, yeah?
32:34All right, give them a round of applause, they're going that way.
32:41Good afternoon, we'll let you know, and don't forget,
32:43for exclusive updates on all of our guests and what happened
32:45when we left the show, be sure to follow us on Twitter
32:47and like us on Facebook, whatever that means.
32:49Right, my next guest today, Chris, is here.
32:51As he says, his relationship is on the verge of a breakdown
32:53with his partner, Adele, due, check this,
32:55to the constant allegations she throws at him of being a cheat.
32:58Not only this, but he says he is struggling to cope
33:00with Adele's violent and aggressive outbursts
33:02and can't see how they can move things forward if things,
33:05namely her behaviour, doesn't change from today.
33:07Brave guy to be here and talk about this.
33:09Chris is on the Jeremy Carl Show, that way.
33:21Can I just say, seemingly when a woman comes on this stage
33:25and talks about a violent partner, we're naturally appalled,
33:29but I've always tried to make the point that it's no different
33:31if a man is aggressive to a woman or a woman is aggressive to a man,
33:34and somehow, without wanting to sound sexist and upset some people watching,
33:37I have great respect for a man to come out here and say,
33:41I love this woman, but she loses it and she attacks me
33:44and I don't fight back and the woman needs help
33:47because I guess there's a part of you that feels...
33:50What? Um...
33:52You're doing great.
33:56She accuses you of cheating.
33:59She kicks you out regularly. Regularly.
34:02Then when she's kicked you out,
34:03she accuses you of sleeping with other women. Yeah.
34:05Then you come back, you try to calm the situation,
34:08but her behaviour is getting worse and worse.
34:10Does she attack you physically?
34:12Yeah, quite a few times.
34:14What has she done to you?
34:15Clawed my face.
34:18Here's a photograph to give this some credence, ladies and gentlemen.
34:27When you look at that, what do you think?
34:30Low. Hurt.
34:33You say her behaviour is starting to scare you.
34:36You mean you don't know where it's going to finish?
34:40I worry she's no longer in love with me
34:43and I want to know if it's because of my age.
34:47You're 50, she's 33.
34:50Am I too old?
34:52I'm going to tell you no.
35:00Does she, um...
35:02Does she admit that she has a problem?
35:06No. No.
35:08The relationship has reached a point
35:09where she spends most nights sleeping on the sofa.
35:12I don't know what to do to make it less toxic.
35:14I feel like I'm treading on eggshells every single day.
35:17Is this the last resort?
35:20So what do you want from me?
35:21Truth of her.
35:23Why she... No.
35:26Have you cheated on her?
35:30This is about her, isn't it?
35:32How much do you love her?
35:34Ten years.
35:37Can you imagine life without her?
35:40Yeah, but I can't imagine life without my boy.
35:44Are you telling me you're only staying because of your kid?
35:48At the moment?
35:49I like you.
35:50I mean that.
35:52I really respect you for doing that.
35:55However, I'm not emotionally involved,
35:58so I'll probably say things that she doesn't like
36:00and you'll probably think that's a bit harsh,
36:01but we're going to get to the bottom of it, all right?
36:03Adele's on the Jeremy Cowell Show that way.
36:12First of all, um...
36:15You've got a problem, haven't you?
36:17He has.
36:19Why's that?
36:21He had his own place, he didn't tell me he had.
36:24He confessed the other day to cheating on me when we first met.
36:27Six months down the line.
36:29He used to go out and tell me he was with friends,
36:31instead he brought himself a bed seat, is that right?
36:33Yeah, I was working for someone who had bed sets.
36:36When I needed a place, I'd have a place.
36:38What did you do at the bed seat? You think he entertained other women?
36:41I wouldn't say entertained.
36:43How could I say?
36:46Went there.
36:47But you attack him, darling.
36:50You physically attack him.
36:52Well, how did he get those scratches on his face?
36:54Come on, be honest.
36:55Yeah, he pushes, he just pushes and pushes and pushes me.
36:58That's still being mined.
36:59For me to lose it, cos I've got a very short temper.
37:02Well, there you are, so you've got a problem then, yeah?
37:04No, I self-defence.
37:07Chris smokes weed all the time. Yeah.
37:09It makes him paranoid and his jealousy is getting worse.
37:11This relationship's a disaster, isn't it? Yeah.
37:13Do you love Chris?
37:15No, not any more, no.
37:18I did.
37:19I was talking to the exec producer of this show this morning.
37:22We've been doing this for 13 years.
37:24There's one thing that we've always tried to do,
37:26to be really honest, and I'm not going to fudge the issue,
37:28you've reached the end of the line, people.
37:30What do you want me to do?
37:31I want to prove that I haven't cheated on him.
37:33No, you've reached the end of the line.
37:35It's not about, it doesn't matter.
37:37Oh, it does.
37:38Well, then don't lie to me and say you don't want to be with him then,
37:41cos it wouldn't give a matter of damn to you
37:43whether he cheated or not, or whether you had,
37:45if you don't love him any more, unless you said that to score points.
37:48I didn't say...
37:50I didn't say I didn't want to be with him.
37:52Oh, you still want to be with him and torture him,
37:54despite the fact you don't love him, he's completely in love with you,
37:56and you're in love with her, you're not, are you?
37:58Come on, people, let's just...
37:59He needs help, and he needs to admit he needs help.
38:01So do you need help?
38:02Come on, now, it's...
38:03Why do you need help?
38:04Come on, cos one thing you didn't tell me, isn't there, Chris?
38:06What do you do all the time? Smoke weed, don't you?
38:09Well, what sort of role model smokes cannabis the whole time?
38:11You want to be a good father? Stop the drugs, get your head straight,
38:14and stop doing that.
38:15That's the start.
38:17No, Chris, that's true.
38:18Right, hold on a minute, hold on a minute.
38:20Why are you shaking your head at me?
38:22Well, I pay for... I work, I pay for my weed.
38:26You could give your son more if you didn't smoke weed.
38:28Yeah, possibly.
38:29Your attitude would be different about your relationship.
38:31You, I'm not blaming just you, I'm saying you've got your both selves
38:34to a position where you're so down with almost everything
38:37that you're looking for.
38:39You have attacked him, you can say it's self-defence,
38:42but it's not very usual that a man would have a clawed face.
38:45That's not normal behaviour.
38:46One side, one side I done.
38:49He makes out that I'm the bad one.
38:51Then leave him, darling.
38:52Do you know what's really weird about...
38:54I don't want to leave him, no.
38:55Why, because you like...
38:56I want my child to grow up with two parents.
38:58One of you are.
38:59Time for the truth.
39:00Time for the truth to both of you.
39:02You're screwing your three-year-old's head into a mess
39:05because you're too selfish to one of you to walk away to get help.
39:09He needs to walk away. I've got the kids.
39:11I need my house with my kids.
39:13I've asked him to walk away and live selfish.
39:15What happens when you walk away?
39:18Ignore me completely. Don't come back.
39:20Can I say something?
39:21He's cheated on me, he's a liar.
39:23Can I say something?
39:24It sounds hideous for both of you.
39:26Yeah, all right.
39:27And that's what I'm trying to say.
39:29I can sit here and go, oh, this sounds horrible.
39:33This is what I'm trying to say.
39:34Then somebody has to...
39:35I have not cheated.
39:36Why do you bring him when he's gone?
39:38Because the little boy.
39:40I feel pity for that little boy because he cries for him.
39:43Because he's like that for them.
39:45He cries a lot more if he grows up watching you two fighting.
39:48I've asked him to move out and live selfishly
39:50and just come up on weekends and get help.
39:52It's possible, by the way. Why are you shaking your head at all?
39:55Because she hasn't asked me. I've said to her, I'll move out.
39:58Into your bed, is it?
40:01He's given it up, apparently.
40:04I said to you two minutes ago, and I meant it,
40:07there are times when there's nothing other to be said
40:10than this is the reality.
40:11The reality is this has gone too far.
40:13It's too toxic and too horrible.
40:15And the only thing that you two can do
40:17is put yourselves way down the ladder of importance
40:20because your kid should be at the top.
40:22And you can say, his kid will cry, his kid will be...
40:26Yeah, he will.
40:27But if he sees his child on a regular, contained...
40:32..just totally...
40:34He knows he can see his dad.
40:37In time, the kid will accept that.
40:39What the kid will not do, and I've done this a long time,
40:42is grow up and not be affected by two parents
40:44who are screaming, shouting and fighting.
40:46And he's the type to leave his son down and say,
40:48I'll come and get him on a certain day.
40:50You know what, darling, you just...
40:52I mean, really, you haven't got a clue. You don't know the half.
40:55Then leave him!
40:56He needs help, big time.
40:58Can't even look.
40:59Can I get Graham on the Jeremy Carlton show?
41:01Come here, Graham. Give him a round of applause.
41:05You do put him down, you do call him names,
41:07and you do accuse him of having an affair.
41:10No, I don't. No, I don't.
41:11My advice to you...
41:12Go then.
41:13My advice to you is that this relationship does end.
41:17That's my advice to you.
41:21You said you wanted to chat before the end of the show.
41:23What's happened?
41:30Have you been betrayed by someone close to you?
41:32Maybe you've been accused and you need to clear your name.
41:35If you're 18 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
41:39along with your number,
41:44plus one standard rate message,
41:45or you can call my team today.
42:03Are you all right?
42:04Are you OK?
42:05Graham, how toxic is this?
42:08OK, let's look at you both individually here.
42:13You call him names, you put him down...
42:15You've brought me right through, don't you?
42:17I feel like...
42:19I do.
42:20That's what he's saying.
42:21OK, I'm just listening backstage and I've read your paperwork
42:24and I've spoken to you both,
42:26but the evidence suggests that you do put him down,
42:29you do call him names and you do accuse him of having an affair.
42:32No, I don't. No, I don't.
42:34You do put him down, you do call him names,
42:37OK, and to me, that's emotionally abusive.
42:40Right. OK?
42:42There is intimidation and you have said to him
42:45that you're going to get somebody to put him in the boot of a car,
42:48drive him up a mountain and sort him out.
42:50If I was the case, I wouldn't just say it.
42:52I would mean it. I mean my words when I say it.
42:54What I'm trying to do, what I'm trying to do here
42:58is for you both to face the reality of you,
43:01you are emotionally abusive towards him,
43:03you have been intimidating him and threatening him
43:06by saying that you're going to get somebody to kidnap him,
43:09put him in the boot of a car, drive him up a mountain and sort him out,
43:12OK, now we've gone a stage further and there is physical abuse
43:16whereby you throw things at him, you hit him
43:19and then you gouge the skin out of the cheek of his face
43:22and you call that scratching.
43:25So what you can see here is an escalation from emotional abuse
43:30going up to the intimidation and then we get to the physical abuse.
43:34And I want you to take on board something, OK?
43:39That is about you having power and control over him.
43:44He's got low levels of confidence, low levels of self-esteem,
43:47low levels of self-worth and that will be very difficult
43:51in this situation for him to make a decision
43:54about leaving this relationship.
43:56So my advice to you...
43:57Where do you go, then?
43:58My advice to you is that this relationship does end.
44:02That's my advice to you.
44:07But he keeps coming back, though.
44:09In life...
44:10And he said it, you come back, cos I've got his...
44:12In life...
44:13Come back and back and he'd break in and break in every single time.
44:16He's forewarned me to come back.
44:18Don't change your number, just carry on, innit?
44:20Graham, I am completely with you.
44:22This relationship, in layman's terms, is over.
44:25This relationship is too toxic.
44:27It's almost, to me, from the outside, got to a point
44:30where even the ending of this relationship has been,
44:33you do it, no, I'll do it, no, you do it, no, I'll do it.
44:36Can I tell you something, pal?
44:38You do smoke weed, you need to change that.
44:40Your son, your son will still love you.
44:43If you go back to your bedsit, get your house in order,
44:46arrange with our help or whatever to see that kid on a regular basis
44:49and let this go, however depressing and heartbreaking,
44:52cos I'm promising you now, it ain't going to get any better
44:55for both of you, and that's a fact.
44:57You have to just go,
44:59my son, I had...
45:01I had him telling me,
45:04OK, so your marriage doesn't work, that's very sad for both parties,
45:07prove that you can be a good dad.
45:09That's all you have to do.
45:10You're wasting your time. What?
45:12You're wasting your time telling him.
45:14Do you listen to anybody? You sound your own backside.
45:16No, I listen to myself, yeah.
45:18You haven't listened to anybody today.
45:20You've called him empathetic and you've had a go at him and having a go at me.
45:23I didn't call him empathetic, I said him.
45:25Frankly, if I was him, I'd run for the elsewhere, that's what I'd do.
45:28You do give him some help. Run, run.
45:31He says he's in work and he's not even in work, he's in my house.
45:34Then leave him, don't torture yourself.
45:36He's making me look like...
45:38And he is the one.
45:40Let me summarise this, let me summarise this.
45:42You need some help, he needs some help,
45:45the relationship, however, is beyond help.
45:47I know that.
45:50And therefore, therefore,
45:52you can both be great parents to your son, OK?
45:56And you can parent this child separately, OK?
45:59And he'll have a happy and nice...
46:01He will, that's the point.
46:03But when you said, both of you at the beginning,
46:05you said, I can't leave cos it destroys him,
46:07and you said, all the kids...
46:09The kids, this is what I've learned.
46:11The kids are very, very resilient.
46:13And if you give them a fact and say,
46:15Mummy and Daddy are no longer together,
46:17it's not going to hurt them for a while,
46:19but it's going to prove that we can be good parents,
46:21they will be fine.
46:22And guess what they'll also do,
46:23they'll use it to their own ends,
46:25and they'll have two lives and everything will be fine.
46:27But you have to break free and stop this war
46:29before it affects them even more.
46:31That is the truth.
46:33Can't say any more, we'll go round in circles, all right?
46:35Let us see if we can help you achieve...
46:37I just think somebody has to make the move.
46:41I'm going to ask you to spend some time with Greg.
46:43Thank you very much indeed for giving me the honour.
46:46Right, before we finish today,
46:48you'll remember earlier on the show we met Darren, we met Sammy,
46:51she'd been accused of going round to a friend's house
46:54and I think cheating on him on an airbed.
46:57Well, they wanted to talk off-air,
46:59she wants to talk now on camera just before the end of the show.
47:02Hi, darling, are you all right?
47:04Well, no, not really, but...
47:06Are you?
47:08Listen, the stage is yours,
47:10you said you wanted to chat before the end of the show,
47:12what's happened?
47:13It is true.
47:15I did do it to Darren,
47:17sleep with another man on the airbed.
47:20It was a mistake.
47:22Why did... I'm going to ask you a question
47:24which I don't think I've ever asked anybody in 13 years.
47:26Did you think you could beat the test?
47:30But obviously it didn't work.
47:32Where does this leave you, bud?
47:34I don't know.
47:36I'm going to try...
47:38I'm going to work it with you and see if we can get through it.
47:42But I've been through it once.
47:44It wasn't very easy.
47:47I know that.
47:49Can I tell you something?
47:51I admire you for coming back and saying that.
47:55So many don't, and I salute you for that.
47:59Listen, nobody watching this show,
48:01anybody working on this show,
48:03we've all made mistakes in our lives.
48:05I think life's about learning from your mistakes,
48:07but I'll tell you what I do know, sweetheart,
48:09he's a good man, this one.
48:12I can understand if he wants to walk away.
48:14Probably the reason that you're upset most
48:16is that you know you've hurt a nice, decent man.
48:19But there's no reason to say that it will work
48:21and there's no reason to say that it won't work.
48:23You have to go into that with open arms and open eyes,
48:25and we'll work with you on that and try and do our best to help you.
48:29But, you know, it'll take time.
48:31But I appreciate you being honest.
48:33All right?
48:35Thank you, Jeremy.
48:37We'll leave Graham and get you to work, all right?
48:39Thank you, Jeremy. Thank you very much indeed.
48:41Well, listen, she came back, she was honest,
48:43we'll work with her and we'll let you know I am for this morning.
48:45Out of time, don't forget, if you want to be on the show,
48:47you need my help, visit our website, the details are on screen.
48:49To my guests, to the audience and to you at home,
48:51thanks for watching, I'll see you soon. Take care, bye for now.