• 2 days ago
The Jeremy Kyle Show (17 April 2018)
00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:10On today's show...
00:12Your wife of a year, your partner of six and a half, is now in a physical relationship with your own dad.
00:20Makes me feel physically sick.
00:22You told my team I'm still sleeping with her.
00:25Yeah, we have been.
00:27Does your dad know that?
00:29He does now.
00:31I will not apologise for who I choose to be with after you destroyed our marriage.
00:36You're a compulsive liar.
00:37I'm a compulsive liar. Are you taking the mic?
00:40You lie so much that you don't know what the truth is.
00:42Yes, you're right. I'm the liar. I'm sitting on Jeremy Kyle because I am a liar.
00:46You're in love with his dad.
00:47I am.
00:48Bet you're not. That's why you came in sleep with me last... When was it? Thursday?
00:52Thursday? If you're not lying and got nothing to hide, then why don't you do a test then to prove...
00:56Because I've got nothing to prove.
00:58Do you want to do a lie detector test to prove you haven't slept with him?
01:00I don't need to do a lie detector. I don't need...
01:04Test, test, test, test.
01:33Hello, my friends. Good morning and a big, big welcome to the show.
01:35I'm your first guest today. Dean is here for an almighty showdown
01:38because his wife, Summer, check this, has been having sex with his father, Gary,
01:42for the last ten months.
01:44Check this, they're now in a full-blown relationship.
01:46But that's not all, because just when you think things couldn't get any more shocking,
01:49Dean has also been having sex with Summer behind his dad's back for the last four weeks.
01:53So much for the story. Dean is on the Jeremy Carr Showdown.
02:03Yeah, good.
02:05On a serious note, it's very easy to hide behind a headline.
02:09You know, my dad is now with my wife and there's this lie detector thrown in.
02:14But what's important is that look at me and don't look at anybody else.
02:18I want to get this story, because let's get the truth.
02:21You and Summer are married? Yeah.
02:24Still? Yeah. How long have you been married for?
02:26Just over a year now.
02:30Together, six and a half years? Yeah.
02:32You're very honest, you weren't in a great place in your life.
02:34You were probably, by all accounts, the lowest of the low.
02:37You were a drug dealer as well, weren't you? Yeah, at one point, yeah, mate, yeah.
02:40I did sell, I sold drugs, copious amounts of Class A drugs.
02:43How do you think about that, looking back now?
02:46At the time, I wouldn't...
02:48Right now, I wouldn't change anything that's happened in my life
02:50because it's made me the person who I am.
02:52Do you think because you were away...
02:54I mean, it is pretty shocking on any show, but even this show,
02:57to read that your wife of a year, your partner of six and a half,
03:01is now in a physical relationship with your own dad.
03:06Yeah. But, I mean, you... It's sickening.
03:09In part, it's meant to be punishment for me being horrible to her.
03:13I was violent towards her, I hit her, I'd kicked her,
03:16I was physically abusive, mentally abusive.
03:19So how do you expect to...
03:20Will you expect to just sit there and say that because you've changed your life?
03:23You've admitted in the last 30 seconds you sold drugs,
03:25you beat your girlfriend, you cheated on her, you did all sorts of stuff.
03:28I mean, not your dad, but are you not actually getting your just dessert?
03:32No, not really. That's one blow below the belt, really, isn't it, Jeremy?
03:36What would be the right punishment for the way you treated this woman?
03:39To do what she originally done and walked away.
03:41So you do think that getting...
03:43I don't blame her for walking away, I don't blame her for leaving me,
03:46I don't blame her for one minute.
03:48If I was in that situation, I would have done the exact same thing.
03:51Now, interestingly, a lot of things happen when you make this show
03:54and a lot of people have...
03:55How come he's not sitting in a pod?
03:57Well, listen to this, he doesn't want to be on the stage at the moment.
04:00Where is he?
04:01Out the back.
04:02We'll go see him in a little while.
04:04I have no idea, unless the guy can't admit to what's happened, why he's there,
04:09but I have to respect his wishes.
04:11They come to me and they say, he doesn't want to be on the stage.
04:14So, you know, people might watch the Jeremy cast show
04:16and they might think there aren't any rules, but there are.
04:19We have to respect him.
04:20But the fact of the matter is, whether it's out the back or it's here,
04:23somebody's going to ask him the question,
04:25did you cross the line by being in a physical relationship
04:27with your daughter-in-law, for God's sake?
04:29That, by anybody's standards, is wrong.
04:35What I like so far, and again, it's difficult for me,
04:38I can't like a man who's beat his wife, who's sold drugs,
04:40who's been to prison for fraud, but I admire honesty.
04:44You say, I didn't treat her well, she should have done one, to be fair,
04:48but the lowest thing you can do is do...
04:51What's your relationship like, or was...
04:53What was your relationship like with your dad?
04:55Because that's, for me, the interesting thing.
04:57Poor, very poor.
04:59Yeah, always poor.
05:00I got put into his parents' custody when I was 18 months old
05:03because I don't really know, I can't really give you...
05:07He was never around, was he?
05:08No, he wasn't, he was never around.
05:10You seem very balanced. You're honest about what you did wrong.
05:13Yeah, well, there's no point in me sitting out here
05:15and painting myself as Pristine Chapel when I'm not.
05:18Let's just take this a stage further, because there's a further twist.
05:21Gary's out the back, doesn't want to be involved,
05:23despite the fact that, as your father, there is a line that you don't cross.
05:26Well, if he was a real man, he'd be sitting out here
05:28and he'd be defending himself, wouldn't he?
05:30And facing up to what he's actually done.
05:35Cos, like, he's not being funny or nothing, right?
05:39If I was being... If I was in his shoes, I would want to defend myself.
05:43Can he? Can he defend himself?
05:45No, he can't defend himself. What has he got to say to defend himself?
05:48Apart from, yes, I am sleeping with your wife.
05:51Yes, two weeks after my wife died, I was sending her dirty text messages.
05:56Two weeks after your mother... No, not your mother.
05:58Not my mother. No, his third wife died.
06:00After his third wife died, what was he sending?
06:02He was just sending obscene messages to my wife.
06:04Even though we'd been split up for a couple of months.
06:06Saying what? I don't know what they said.
06:08I just got told that he was sending dirty messages.
06:10That was out of her mouth. She'll tell you what they said.
06:13Are you still in love with her?
06:15Yeah, I do love her, yeah.
06:17I do. I can't...
06:19Everyone in the audience is sitting there right now thinking to themselves,
06:22he's an idiot. He's an idiot. But I can't help how I feel.
06:25I can't help how I feel about this.
06:27So how does it feel in the dark of morning? Serious question.
06:29How do you imagine, wherever you are, whatever you're doing,
06:32that your dad is intimate with your wife?
06:36For a man who freely... Makes my blood boil.
06:38Makes me feel physically sick.
06:40But for a man who freely admits he's had problems in the past,
06:42he's been violent, he's been aggressive, he's sold drugs,
06:45do you feel yourself going off the end over this
06:47or have you got yourself, your life to a point...
06:49I've got myself to the point of where I'm making progress now.
06:54I think it would be important to get all of the story.
06:59There's been some accusations from you about you and she are still intimate.
07:02We'll talk about that in a minute.
07:04But we're doing a lie detector about something completely different,
07:07which is this piece of jewellery.
07:09What is this piece of jewellery?
07:12It's my grandmother's charm bracelet.
07:14Is that your dad's mum?
07:16Yeah, the woman who I regarded as my mum, the woman who brought me up.
07:18You said that you were sent her.
07:20It's not the value, although it's quite an expensive piece of jewellery,
07:23but it's very, very important to her and sentimental to her.
07:25Who has it? Or who had it?
07:27He had it.
07:29And he says you've nicked it.
07:31And being completely honest, he's the best person to have it out of all of us,
07:33really, to be fair, because I would have probably pawned it
07:35and not been able to afford to get it back and I would have lost it.
07:37So he's the best person most responsible...
07:39He's the best person and he's sleeping with his daughter-in-law.
07:41Your family's in a mess, mate.
07:43I mean, like, to keep hold of something like that.
07:45But this has gone missing.
07:47Oh, yeah, it's gone missing and the first person that gets accused is me.
07:51One second, one second, one second.
07:53I want to ask everybody in the audience right now, yeah,
07:55for you to put up your hand if you think I'm a thief.
07:57This is my gig!
07:59I'm taking over.
08:01No, nobody thinks I'm a thief?
08:05Well, you did, like, get done for fraud, didn't you?
08:07Yeah, I'm on about now.
08:09That was years ago.
08:11Yeah, fair enough.
08:13Everyone has their say, but, yeah, no...
08:15You think that your dad is trying to frame you
08:17for the theft of this bracelet.
08:19It is quite simply him,
08:21it's avoidance tactics to take everybody's eye off the fact
08:23he's sleeping with my wife.
08:25I've made mistakes, I've come out here,
08:27I've put me hands in the air, I ain't doing anything like this,
08:29I wouldn't steal off my nan,
08:31I might still be in love with my wife,
08:33and I'm going to add this in, you told my team
08:35I'm still sleeping with her.
08:37Yeah, we have been.
08:39Does your dad know that?
08:41Well, he does now.
08:45why is it that you won't come out on stage?
08:47Are you embarrassed by what's going on, or what?
08:49No, not at all.
08:51So you're sleeping with your daughter-in-law?
08:55Well, come and face your son.
08:57I don't need to.
08:59Because you haven't got the bottle.
09:01I don't...
09:03I don't understand.
09:05Let's go find him, come on.
09:07That way, all right.
09:09Let's go find him.
09:13I'll just... I'll just follow you.
09:15Yeah, it's all right.
09:17So why won't you come out and talk?
09:21Why won't you come out and talk?
09:23I've got nothing to say to you.
09:25You've got nothing to say to defend yourself, no?
09:27Defend myself?
09:29Yeah, defend yourself.
09:31I moved into your house.
09:33Two weeks after your wife died,
09:35you sent me my white, dirty messages.
09:37How you doing?
09:39What is your say? You're sleeping with your daughter-in-law?
09:41That's a line you don't cross, isn't it?
09:43It's a situation I was put into.
09:47Sorry, you were put into a situation where you had to sleep with your daughter-in-law?
09:49No. Things developed.
09:51I was there to look after her.
09:53No, you weren't. You were sitting there sending her dirty text messages
09:55two weeks after your wife was dead.
09:57She weren't even cold yet.
09:59It's just a secret.
10:01What, is that lies? Are they lies?
10:03Am I lying, or do I have to take another lie detector to prove I'm not lying?
10:05Answer that question.
10:07Did you cross a line by moving from
10:09protecting your daughter-in-law
10:11to being in a relationship?
10:13Because doesn't that give him every right
10:15to jump up and down?
10:17Not, by the way, taking away from what you've said he did,
10:19because what you did was totally wrong.
10:21Yeah, I know it was.
10:23And I'll quite happily put my hands up and admit that it's wrong.
10:25Don't you think sleeping with your daughter-in-law is wrong?
10:27It's not the best thing, is it?
10:29So you're in love with her?
10:31I am, actually. I stayed there
10:33to be there to protect her.
10:35How does that come to be,
10:37that father-in-law ends up with daughter?
10:39How does that happen?
10:41We ended up... Basically, I was living there.
10:43Separate rooms, blah, blah, blah.
10:45No, you weren't.
10:47And we were living together,
10:49and it developed, and things happened.
10:51So, are you jealous, then?
10:55You told me out there that you were still in love with her.
10:57I do love her, and he knows it,
10:59and he knows that she loves me.
11:01Talk about this gold chain.
11:03This gold chain was owned by your mother,
11:05the woman who Dean says brought her up
11:07because you were never around.
11:09That's not really true.
11:11Why did your mother bring him up, then?
11:13Why? What happened was, it all went through to court,
11:15and my parents were granted custody, care and control of Dean,
11:17because it would be the best interest for him.
11:19Do you take any responsibility for anything?
11:23I was a child, mate. I was about six years old.
11:25I'm on about... I was six years old, mate.
11:27Are you trying to tell me that you're sleeping with Summer
11:29because of the way you did?
11:31You can hate your son, you can be embarrassed by your son,
11:33you can think that your son is the lowest of the low,
11:35and I will repeat, because I've said it already,
11:37Summer, what you did is unforgivable,
11:39but there's a way, yeah,
11:41be protective to her,
11:43and the situation,
11:45but then end up sleeping with her.
11:47You lose every bit of moral ground.
11:49Tell me about this jewellery, though.
11:51Why do you think he would nick the jewellery
11:53that was so important to, potentially, in his words,
11:55the most important person in his life,
11:57your mother, his dad?
11:59Why would he do that?
12:01I don't know.
12:03Why would you not want to come on stage, by the way?
12:05Just out of interest. You seem a reasonable man.
12:07Why is that? Are you embarrassed?
12:09Of course he is. He's a spiteful, vindictive old man.
12:11Always has been, always will be.
12:13Very selfish as well.
12:15But you weren't great, were you?
12:17No, I've never been great.
12:19I'm now getting my life on track. I'm now getting myself sorted.
12:21He was arrested on Friday.
12:23We actually paid for him
12:25to stay in a B&B
12:27because he'd done all the pleading poverty
12:29and he hadn't got nowhere to live.
12:31He was putting up in a B&B on a regular basis
12:33and running home to you.
12:35Didn't that make you feel sick?
12:37Then he got a place to rent.
12:39He lasted two nights.
12:41Then he was asked to leave.
12:43See, I think you think he's stolen your life
12:45and I think you're punishing him
12:47for what you perceive him to have done
12:49to a woman you've learned to love.
12:51But why wouldn't you come out there with me?
12:53I'm not... I don't want to go out there.
12:55So we all have to play your game?
12:57Wait a second, be quiet.
12:59How much do you love this woman, his wife?
13:01Yeah, I do.
13:03Then maybe during this break you should think about it
13:05because we're going back out there and she's going to come out.
13:07Maybe if you are the man you say you are
13:09and it's genuine and it just happened,
13:11you would be out there
13:13supporting her after this break.
13:15I've already said to Summer
13:17if she wants me to come out there.
13:19Well, she does, patently. I'm going to go to a break.
13:21When I'm back, he and I will be on stage.
13:23Summer's coming. Are you going to join us
13:25back after this break?
13:27He's your father-in-law. I don't see it as wrong.
13:29Why am I the bad guy after everything he did to me?
13:31He kicked me so hard
13:33he caused a damn miscarriage
13:35and yet I'm sitting here defending my actions.
13:37How does that work?
13:39Because you're my father.
13:47There's a feud in the family tearing your family apart.
13:49Do you think you're being lied to
13:51and need my help to prove it?
13:53If you're 16 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
13:55email talk at ITV.com
13:57along with your number, text TALK plus your name
13:59to 63334.
14:01Text costs 25 pence plus one standard rate message
14:03or you can call my team today.
14:05It's 09011. It's 123456.
14:07Calls cost 25 pence plus
14:09network access charge.
14:19Thank you very much indeed. Welcome back.
14:21Dean and I back on stage.
14:23So we've done the story. You admit that you were a lowlife.
14:25You went to prison. You sold drugs.
14:27You beat your wife up. It was awful.
14:29And, you know, we then arrive
14:31here on the stage today to discover
14:33that your dad, Gary,
14:35is with your wife, has been with your wife
14:37intimately for the last few months, has moved into the house.
14:39We went to speak to him. He said,
14:41I was there to protect her. Things grew.
14:43You said, do you know what?
14:45You know that I still love her. You're just playing games.
14:47He doesn't seemingly want to be on stage.
14:49He says he will if someone wants him. That's beside the point.
14:51We then drop in this lie detector
14:53about your nan, his mother
14:55who brought you up, a woman you say you had real
14:57respect for. Listen, if you've nicked her, let me tell you,
14:59you can do one, seriously. If you've nicked that,
15:01then there's no hope for you.
15:03Do the results and find out. I will do. I'm just saying.
15:05But if you're telling the truth, you believe
15:07that he's framing you to
15:09take, if you like, people's awareness
15:11away from what he's doing with his daughter or not.
15:13I made the point. You know,
15:15you might hate your son for all sorts
15:17of reasons, but sleeping
15:19or being in a relationship with your daughter-in-law,
15:21does that cross the line? Summer
15:23and you were together
15:25six or seven years,
15:27married a year. She's been
15:29with your dad for ten months.
15:31I don't know, because I haven't met her
15:33yet, whether she's out to punish you, but
15:35that's what you feel. You also said
15:37you've been sleeping with her behind
15:39his back in the last month or so. Summer's
15:41on the Jeremy Carr Show that way.
15:53I mean, by most people's
15:55standards, with respect, unless you're
15:57going to sit there and just look at the floor,
15:59you also have crossed
16:01the most unbelievable line.
16:03Can I qualify by saying
16:05I absolutely understand
16:07that this man put you through hell
16:09and was despicable, and I wouldn't have
16:11blamed you to have picked up everything and run for the hills.
16:13But sleeping with his dad,
16:15love, that just makes
16:17an even bigger mess, doesn't it?
16:25I personally don't feel like I did anything
16:27wrong. We were both consenting adults.
16:29We were both single.
16:31Although, yes, he was my in-law.
16:33He's your father-in-law. I don't see it
16:35as wrong. Why am I the bad guy
16:37after everything he did to me?
16:39But why would you not... Hold on a second.
16:41Why would you not go,
16:43look, Dean was horrific,
16:45it scarred me, it affected
16:47me, I'm going to
16:49get on with my life. Is it not like
16:51you're stirring up a hornet's nest?
16:53Still wearing the engagement ring you bought, yeah?
16:55It's not an engagement ring, it was a birthday gift.
16:57So why is it on your ring finger? And I'm not stirring up
16:59at all. I chose to be with him.
17:01I was put in that situation,
17:03and you cannot help who you fall in love with
17:05at the end of the day. I will not apologise
17:07for who I choose to be with after you
17:09destroyed our marriage. I will not
17:11apologise for that.
17:13It's important we get this. It's important we get
17:15the story. He was a drug addict.
17:17He was violent. He kicked me
17:19so hard he caused a damn miscarriage.
17:21And yet I'm sitting here defending my
17:23actions. How does that work?
17:25Because you
17:27**** my father. You kicked a baby
17:29out of me. Huh? You kicked...
17:31That's all you've got on me. I'll hold my
17:33hand up and say I'm guilty of that.
17:35You'll hold your hand up and say you're guilty of everything
17:37you've done to me? Yeah. Name a few.
17:39Go ahead. Er, beat you up.
17:41Don't put one on me. Beat you up,
17:43I've spat at you, threw a phone at you,
17:45it hit you in the face. It's disgusting though, isn't it?
17:47Yeah, it's disgusting, yeah. But there's my
17:49issue. I don't, and you heard me,
17:51Summer, say this. I don't in any
17:53way condone anything
17:55that he did. It's disgusting. He went
17:57to prison. There are people who would
17:59say, you should have taken out an injunction,
18:01never had him near you again. But,
18:03I simply go
18:05back there, when I listen to you
18:07and I can hear the audience thinking, maybe, maybe,
18:09but why in the name of
18:11God would you sleep with your
18:13father-in-law if this man
18:15is what you say he is, is violent,
18:17is aggressive? Why would you bring
18:19that drama back into your life
18:21when on the basis of what he's
18:23done, you can walk away and start
18:25afresh? That's what I don't understand.
18:27That's what I don't
18:33the inference is that you're doing it
18:35to wind him up. I don't believe that I am.
18:37Well, there's 50 million men and you
18:39picked your father-in-law. I didn't consider him
18:41in choosing my new relationship
18:43and why should I? Where does this theft
18:45come in? Because in my mind, it is compl...
18:47I mean, it's not... I don't want to disrespect you, Nan.
18:49It's not that relevant, is it?
18:51His father is sleeping with his wife
18:53and we're talking about a bracelet.
18:55But regardless of the fact that me and Gary are together, that does not
18:57give Dean the right to break into our
18:59home to break into Gary's. What do you mean he broke into your house?
19:01My home? His name is on our
19:03tenancy. My name is on a tenancy? He's a guest in that house.
19:05So you went into the house?
19:07I removed all of his stuff. He threw all his stuff out
19:09at one point and then he went in again and stole the
19:11fob that Gary uses to get into work
19:13which he then went in again and put back in my
19:15coat pocket and he sat there... That's mind
19:17games as much as sleeping with your dad, isn't it?
19:19That's scary. And now he's breaking this bracelet
19:21and it's sentimental, valuable. It's just to let him know that
19:23it's not his house. I will go there if I want to go.
19:25So you were out to scare him? Yeah.
19:27Just to let him know that it's not his home.
19:29He calls it his home. It's not his home. It's my house.
19:31He has no right to do that. Would you like your man to be on stage
19:33with you? That's up to him. I wouldn't make him do
19:35something he's uncomfortable with. It's because he's not a man.
19:37He's a boy. You can talk. You hit
19:39women, mate. Who's the boy here?
19:41Yeah, I used to hit women.
19:43Yeah, I did, yeah.
19:45Yeah, I did, yeah. You used to?
19:47Because I had anger issues.
19:49Anger issues? Oh, right, so over the last
19:51month when we've been meeting up,
19:53being in the rooms and that, have I hit you? Yeah, let's talk
19:55about this. He says you've been at it behind Gary's back.
19:57No, we have not been sleeping together.
19:59You're a liar. I have seen him.
20:01We went for dinner together.
20:03I spent a long time thinking if he's changed, I'd go
20:05back, and that makes me an idiot.
20:07Did you ever lead him on in the last
20:09few dates you've seen him? Serious question.
20:11Not in the last few dates. Now, I have said to him,
20:13and I will always say to him, if you could be a decent person,
20:15things could have been different. But you're with his father!
20:17How does that sound? But that's not like
20:19I'd leave Gary. I'll trade the old one in for the
20:21young one again. It's the young one show.
20:23No, you're laughing, but that's the issue.
20:25That's not what I mean. How does Gary feel?
20:27When you get him out of here,
20:29because I want to ask Gary, how do you
20:31feel about the fact that this woman that you say you're
20:33protecting would go back to your
20:35violent son if he changed? Will you ask him to
20:37come out? Because I am sick and tired of going back.
20:39Gary, will you just come out here, mate?
20:41Will you come out here, please? Yes, fantastic.
20:53How does that sound to you? Because
20:55I appreciate that you didn't want to come.
20:57She's asked you, and I appreciate you doing that.
20:59Gaz, she's almost implied that
21:01if he changed, she'd go back to him.
21:03No, that's how she felt in the past.
21:05She's given him the option of
21:07changing. Why, is the counselling you paid for
21:09working? Yes, she's put me in counselling.
21:11The therapy that he pays for to get
21:13me out of your head. I pay for my own therapy,
21:15and it's not to get you out of my head, it's because you're
21:17a narcissist! What sort of narcissist is he?
21:19He's an abusive type,
21:21he lies, he wraps people around his fingers,
21:23he's manipulative, he makes everyone
21:25feel sorry for him.
21:27He's a compulsive damn liar!
21:29You told my team, and I quote, that
21:31she said that, this is what he said you said,
21:33if he passed the lie detector,
21:35you'd go back to him. I did not
21:37say that. I said if he passed the lie
21:39detector, and he fouled, and it turned out
21:41he'd hidden it, then we'd have a problem.
21:43That is what I said. But he hasn't done a lie detector, so we're not
21:45going to know if you've hidden it. Because he's trying to say that
21:47he hid it to, I don't know
21:49why you'd do that. I haven't took it, I haven't touched it,
21:51I haven't been near it. Someone took it!
21:53I think what I will say about you, Summer,
21:55and I respect you for this, is that
21:57you are the victim. She was the victim
21:59of your violence, right? You're talking
22:01now about emotional victim, being an
22:03emotional victim, because this has happened
22:05and it's unpalatable, and
22:07it's awful. But what you put her through
22:09makes her the victim. But I go back
22:11to you, and you've come out here fighting, and you've got something
22:13to say, and I respect you for that. It comes
22:15back to this. Are you doing
22:17it to get back at your son, be it the lie detector
22:19or sleeping with his wife? And are you
22:21doing this? And, you know,
22:23I sort of, I look at you, and you're
22:25an honest woman. Are you doing this
22:27to put one over on a horrible man who made
22:29your life a misery? Come on, be honest to me.
22:31No, I wouldn't waste... He said,
22:33and I quote, that you will go back
22:35to him if he passes the lie detector.
22:37Did you ever say that? It's nothing, we're not split up
22:39because he may have stole the bracelet.
22:41Here you are. This is a text message,
22:43don't know if you know about this. This is from him.
22:45Promise you will leave him when I prove I'm
22:47not a liar. Love you. Promise.
22:49Did you write that? No. Snapchat, come on.
22:51Not at all, I haven't even got a moment. So that's made up,
22:53is it? That is not me.
22:55That is not me. So you made that up?
22:57Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I made that up.
22:59That is not me. Do you really think I made that up?
23:01I don't know. Think I'd come on national
23:03TV if I thought he had that on me.
23:05That is not me. What about this?
23:07Love you. Love you too.
23:09I want him gone as soon as we get back
23:11I promise, bae, don't mug me if they make me
23:13look like a... And don't sit with him when
23:15your results come in. I want you to pull your chair over
23:17to me. I know and OK.
23:19Well, you best move chair and either make sure
23:21you tell him it's over or make sure he's gone next day.
23:23Your choice, I swear. No, I honestly don't
23:25need to sit and defend myself. That is not me.
23:27That is not me. Really?
23:29That is not... Prove it. Who was it?
23:31Which of the girls was it that wrote that for you?
23:33Are you sleeping with Arthur?
23:35OK, I'm sleeping with Arthur.
23:37...sent by Summer?
23:39He's seen my messages. I've got nothing to hide.
23:41Yeah, because you delete everything, Summer.
23:43It's Snapchat. Yeah, Snapchat gets deleted
23:45straight away unless you save it.
23:47Why don't you get your phone brought up here
23:49and go on to your Snapchat? Do you want me to go and get my phone
23:51and show him all the messages? I'm not even gonna do that.
23:53It's not about that. I want to know
23:55if you stole that bracelet.
23:57Go on then, go get your phone. That's it.
23:59And I want to know whether you have been leading him on.
24:01Have I been innocent? No.
24:03At the beginning, did I say a lot, yeah, I'd take you back?
24:05Did you sleep with him at the beginning? No, I was not sleeping with him.
24:07You've been sleeping with me for the last ten months, Summer.
24:09I'll always love him, yeah.
24:11In the last ten months that you've been with his dad,
24:13have you had sex with Dean?
24:15No, I have not.
24:17Tell you what I'll do, I'll go to a break, right back.
24:19Back on your leg, are you nervous?
24:23Why are you here today?
24:25If he's cheated on me.
24:27What happens if he has?
24:29Then I'm gone.
24:31How many people in this audience think that Ashley's gonna pass
24:33this test, put your hand in the air?
24:35Let's do the lie detector.
25:05Ashley, welcome back.
25:17It's almost a shame that we're doing a lie detector.
25:19I know to your mum, to your nan, it meant a lot.
25:23He came out here and he said to the audience,
25:25who thinks, he was very honest, he said,
25:27I was a drug thief, I had cellar, I was a...
25:29I went to prison, I was this, I was that.
25:31There's so much to this story.
25:33So much to this story.
25:35Tapping your leg, are you nervous?
25:39Well, he shouldn't be, cos he passed both questions.
25:41Do you have something to say?
25:43Do you have something to say?
25:45Hold on, hold on, hold on.
25:49Are you gonna do what you said you were gonna do?
25:51Well, my test's wrong, is it?
25:53I will fully apologise.
25:55I will fully apologise to you.
25:57You said you were gonna put your chair over.
25:59I did not say that, that was not me.
26:01Summer's Bedroom, answer, no.
26:03Verdict, truthful.
26:05Do you know for sure who stole the bracelet in question from Summer's Bedroom?
26:07Answer, no. Truthful.
26:09All right. There you go.
26:11Take it home as a memento.
26:13Now you owe me an apology.
26:15Are you apologising?
26:17I apologise to you.
26:19Well, I can admit one way or the other.
26:21I'm sorry. What does that mean?
26:23I'm just saying I'm sorry, as far as I'm concerned.
26:25Well, there you go then, shall I frame him?
26:27No, no, I swear on that, it's not my sort of thing.
26:29It's not your sort of thing, you've stolen his wife.
26:31Excuse me, I'm an individual.
26:33Huh? Are you gonna come and sit here then?
26:35Am I?
26:37Why? More lies.
26:39Stop, stop it.
26:41Someone can ask you a question.
26:43You're a compulsive liar.
26:45I'm a compulsive liar, are you taking the mic?
26:47What have I lied about?
26:49Everything, you lie completely, repeatedly all the time.
26:51You lie so much that you don't know what the truth is.
26:53Yes, you're right, I am the liar.
26:55I'm sitting on Jeremy Kyle because I am a liar.
26:57I thought you were sitting on my stomach.
26:59Where do we go from here?
27:01You're in love with his dad.
27:03I am.
27:05That's why you came and slept with me last, when was it?
27:07Thursday, when you were meant to be at Slimming World?
27:09Are we allowed to just make things up?
27:11Oh, my God.
27:13Are we allowed to just make things up on the telly?
27:15So you were going to Slimming World but you ended up having sex with him?
27:17I haven't even been to Slimming World in about four weeks,
27:19I've been cheating on it, I'm not gonna lie.
27:21You're lying through your teeth.
27:23No, I am not lying.
27:25When you were supposed to go to Slimming World?
27:29And you slept with me there and then you went home and he went...
27:31Can I ask you a question?
27:33This man is a compulsive liar.
27:35Please do not believe a word he says.
27:37Let me ask you a question.
27:39Who thinks I'm lying and who thinks he's not?
27:41Let me ask you a question.
27:43Do you want to do a lie detector to prove you haven't slept with him?
27:45I don't need to do a lie detector.
27:47I don't need to do a lie detector.
27:49Test, test, test, test, test, test, test.
27:51Test, test, test, test.
27:53Are you embarrassing me on public TV now?
27:55No, I'm just getting everything out of there.
27:57There is no pressure, I wanted to give you the opportunity.
27:59I don't need to prove to the damn nation that I haven't slept with you.
28:01If you're not a liar, then you've got no problem, have you?
28:03It's between my business.
28:05I didn't come on the television...
28:07If you're not lying, you haven't got a problem.
28:09You came on the television with your now partner, his father,
28:11to prove that he'd stolen a sentimental and valuable piece of jewellery,
28:13which he has passed.
28:15Yes, he has.
28:17Then I suspect some people watching this,
28:19you have to leave it to people to work it out,
28:21will think, was he trying to be framed?
28:23I want to repeat, because I think it's very important to do this,
28:25there is no part of this story
28:27that you come out with credit
28:29apart from that, OK?
28:31Now, listen to me.
28:33It's very easy, you put your hands in the air,
28:35there are people watching this
28:37that will consider anything that happened to you
28:39to not even be enough
28:41for what you did to this woman, right?
28:43Well, we have different morals.
28:45Well, morality, my friend, is perhaps not something
28:47you should educate me on, but here we go.
28:49You came here, you said, I've done this.
28:51That takes courage.
28:53You, there is no pressure.
28:55You, there was no pressure.
28:57You're together, it happens.
28:59But, you see, the thing, from my point of view,
29:01is he's proven what he said he was going to.
29:03I keep looking at you, and I keep thinking,
29:05you're a strong woman.
29:07You've been a victim, you've come out the other side.
29:09But the situation you've got yourself into,
29:13I don't know whether you've let him on,
29:15I don't know whether you've slept,
29:17I don't know if you're madly in love with Gary.
29:19Do a test, then.
29:21But I just think you've put yourself in a really difficult position.
29:23And now I'm going to say something to you which might surprise you.
29:25You probably do love her.
29:27It probably did happen from nothing
29:29when you moved in.
29:31There's no part of me that doesn't think
29:33that you haven't crossed a line that you shouldn't have.
29:35But I also believe in karma,
29:37and I think you're going to get your comeuppance,
29:39because I think you'll drop him like a hot potato
29:41when it suits you, that's what I genuinely believe.
29:43I think you are using this man right now.
29:45And if that's the case,
29:47then that's your life, and that's his life.
29:49Everybody's got here
29:51motives for wanting to do something
29:53that should be real.
29:55I sort of worry that you're with her to get back at him,
29:57you're with him to get back at him,
29:59you're saying you're sleeping with her to whack him off,
30:01but it's all one big mess,
30:03and all of this would have been avoided, darling, right?
30:05If you'd gone,
30:07do you know what? You've done too much, Dean.
30:09I'm going to be on my own,
30:11I'm going to get on with my life and meet somebody
30:13away from this nasty,
30:15horrible, incestuous, violent
30:17mess of a family,
30:19and you've landed yourself right back in it,
30:21and that is a fact, isn't it?
30:25Where do you go from here?
30:27We continue being happy
30:29and being together, and hopefully,
30:31you just...
30:33I will when you admit things.
30:35When you admit that we've been sleeping together.
30:37We have not been sleeping together.
30:39Like what?
30:41What happened just after you kicked me out?
30:43And then what happened a few weeks after that when you had to go to the hospital?
30:45Once we are separated,
30:47what I do with my life is none of your business, Dean.
30:49But you hadn't told me.
30:51The day after I got removed from the house.
30:53It did not happen.
30:55And then you had an abortion.
30:57He knows it.
30:59Look at the look on his face.
31:01Does he look impressed right now?
31:03You're just trying to make me out to be bad.
31:05All you've done is make me out to be bad.
31:07Yeah, I'm bad.
31:09Yeah, I was nasty.
31:11I've learned from my mistakes.
31:13If I've admitted I beat a woman, it's all right, isn't it?
31:15No, it's not all right.
31:17No-one ever said it was all right.
31:19If you're not lying and got nothing to hide,
31:21then why don't you do a test to prove you haven't been sleeping with me?
31:23Because I've got nothing to prove.
31:25Right, well, you know what?
31:27At the end of the day, so you two are staying together.
31:29Just one thing.
31:31When you came out here, you spoke very candidly
31:33and very honestly.
31:35Be careful.
31:37Going into the house, making threats,
31:39it'll be you in the end that gets into trouble again.
31:41If you have, hear me out,
31:43turned your life around,
31:45got off the drug dealing,
31:47not going to go to prison, not going to make threats,
31:49not going to...
31:51If you can do that, you'll have a better life.
31:53If you fall into this against her or him or anybody,
31:55you know where you'll end up, back in prison.
31:57You've been out of the cell for five days and you're a changed man, are you?
31:59Five days you've spent on the street, that's it.
32:01Five days.
32:03Because I was drunk.
32:07Can I finish with you?
32:09You are a victim,
32:11but you've come out of that, you admit that you've...
32:13You know, it's not ideal.
32:15No, it's not, no, of course not.
32:17And you weren't sleeping with him. I was not.
32:19She's a liar. I was not. You're a liar.
32:21I really appreciate you coming out and being as strong as you are,
32:23because it was important everybody had their say, all right?
32:25You two are together, sadly, no.
32:29A round of applause, thank you very much indeed.
32:39Why don't you grow up and learn how to tell the truth?
32:41Grow up, James. Go on.
32:43Be really careful, mate,
32:45because in the end, if you do something you regret,
32:47it'll be you who misses out on your family.
32:49Go that way, give them a round of applause.
32:57Good luck to them, we'll let you know.
32:59Chloe is here to find out if her boyfriend of over two years,
33:01Ashley, has cheated on her again.
33:03She says when they got together,
33:05she fell pregnant very quickly,
33:07but her world soon came crushing down
33:09as she learned that Ashley was sleeping with someone else.
33:11Now, ironically, despite his cheating,
33:13she's here today to prove to him
33:15that her two kids are in fact his.
33:17Loads to the story,
33:19a woman on the edge, Chloe's on the Jeremy Carl show.
33:21That way.
33:29You all right?
33:31You OK?
33:33Obviously you're not, cos you're on the Jeremy Carl show.
33:35Tissues straight away, please, William.
33:37All right?
33:39Thanks for coming on.
33:41Ashley is your partner for a couple of years,
33:43two and a half years, I think.
33:45Two kids, Sophia one, Brooke five months.
33:51the introduction said
33:53we're here to find out if he's cheated
33:55on you more than what you already know.
33:57Let's talk about how you got together.
33:59I was talking to him on Facebook,
34:01cos he was seeing my mate at the time.
34:05And then we started talking more and more
34:07and then we got together in September 2015.
34:09And, er...
34:11his family
34:13never liked me.
34:17Well, it all started
34:19when I found out I was pregnant
34:21with my oldest, Sophia.
34:23And I was just getting
34:25loads of harassment off of his brother on Facebook.
34:27Your brother's in the audience, aren't you? Why don't you like her?
34:29I don't like her.
34:31Sorry? I don't like her.
34:33You don't approve of her? No.
34:35He said to us that you're controlling.
34:37You've changed his brother.
34:39He thinks you're a cheat.
34:41I'm not the one that says I'm not allowed to meet mothers.
34:43He texts my mum when I'm there,
34:45what are you doing? How long is she going to be?
34:47How many kids have you got? Two.
34:49You're 18 years of age. You've got two kids
34:51with a man you don't trust who's already cheated on you
34:53and now he's saying he doesn't know if he's the father of your kids.
34:55Why are you with him?
34:57I love him, it's just that his family's got it
34:59into his head that they're not... But he cheated on you.
35:01Let's move away from the family.
35:03When you were pregnant with Sophia,
35:05something that you both planned,
35:07he was cheating on you. And I found out
35:09after I had her.
35:11Why did you stay with him, babe? We had a break.
35:13He went to live at his mum's
35:15and then I got back with him in the maze
35:17we went on holiday.
35:19You say
35:21he's a useless dad,
35:23which in itself is frightening.
35:25So you're with a man who can't keep it in his trousers,
35:27whose family don't like you,
35:29who is also
35:31no good with his kids. Why are you with him?
35:33It can be
35:35good with him sometimes, but I just,
35:37I'm getting to the point where I just don't
35:39want it anymore. I just
35:41need to not... I want to be
35:43with him, but I just don't want to be with him anymore.
35:45Does he genuinely have doubts that he's the father of both of these?
35:49I think so, it's just...
35:51Are they his? Definitely, it's just that
35:53his family's always got a... Can I tell you what I think, right?
35:55And I know it's really easy to look in
35:57from the outside, and I'm being honest to you, sweetheart.
35:59I reckon you're in a
36:01relationship that you're not happy in,
36:03with a man that you don't trust,
36:05struggling to bring up two kids. Does he work?
36:07No, that's
36:09another thing as well. He was
36:11working, and then
36:13it all went downhill, and then
36:15he started saying that he was going on
36:17work, and he's there for other hours,
36:19but he's only meant to be there an hour.
36:21Why are you with him? I'll tell you why you're with him.
36:23Because everybody spends most of their
36:25lives telling you to leave him, and telling you that you
36:27should want more in life, but you've got your head in the
36:29sand, because you want to prove them wrong. Darling,
36:31you're 18 years of age, you're not supposed
36:33to be this miserable.
36:35Why are you here today?
36:37If he's cheated on me.
36:39What happens if he has? Then I'm gone.
36:41But you're not.
36:43I don't even know...
36:45It's been horrible. You're 18, I don't even know why you lot
36:47are clapping so ridiculously. You're not going to leave him?
36:49He's cheated on you.
36:51He doesn't think the kids are his. His family
36:53don't like you, and he doesn't go to work.
36:55What part of that do you find attractive?
36:57Because I'd say he's symptomatic
36:59of what's wrong with this country.
37:01No, I'm just at breaking point.
37:03Why in the name of God, this is the other thing.
37:05Why have you done
37:07a test? Because
37:09he don't think that I'm much like
37:11my mum's when I am.
37:13This relationship sounds awful.
37:15It's a horrible time, right?
37:17All right, listen. We'll get the truth, and whatever that truth is,
37:19we'll deal with it, all right?
37:21It's never nice, but we'll see what happens.
37:23Ashley's on the Jeremy Carle show that way.
37:35What do you think she finds
37:37attractive about you? I don't know.
37:39Sorry? I don't know. Oh, here we go.
37:41Head on the floor. You cheated on her?
37:43Yeah, it's that relationship. You don't work?
37:45Been looking.
37:47Shame you didn't look before you created
37:49life so the rest of us have to fake looking.
37:53Who are you nodding for?
37:55You're right. I'm right, yeah?
37:57Your family don't like her? No.
37:59You're not particularly nice to her?
38:01You don't work, you don't do anything?
38:03What's the point?
38:05What is the point of this relationship?
38:07Enlighten me, Ashley. Why are we here?
38:09Why can't you just do the decent thing
38:11and walk away and stop dragging this woman
38:13down to a point where there's no point to her?
38:15Cos I love her. Love her?
38:17Yeah. Well, look up, Ashley.
38:19You're the big man, you've been giving it large.
38:21Come on, talk to me.
38:23Is that how you think you should treat a woman?
38:27Why is she doing a lie detector?
38:29Cos she's accusing me all the time
38:31so she might be up to something as well.
38:33My God, is it really that infantile?
38:35I feel sorry for the kids.
38:37I'm a good dad.
38:39But you don't want to be a lot of the time, do you?
38:41Because you've got it in your head they're not yours.
38:43Her family members have been
38:45putting it into their head that the kids aren't mine.
38:47My family?
38:49Your family?
38:51Not mine, yours.
38:53My family's stopped by you through everything.
38:55Why your family left you down
38:57in the ditch?
38:59My family
39:01took you in when you had nowhere else
39:03to go.
39:05My family's been there for you
39:07a hell of a lot more than your own family has
39:09and you know that.
39:11Is that true?
39:15What am I supposed to do here?
39:17You've got her doing double DNA
39:19on two kids a year and five months
39:21who you presumably don't think are yours.
39:23Cos when we have arguments she says
39:25the kids aren't mine.
39:27Have you ever said that?
39:29No, I've never said that.
39:31Have you ever said that?
39:35Did you ever say to him in a fit of pique
39:37which has been said so many times on the show
39:39even I'm bored of it, have you ever said
39:41you know what don't bother you're not the dad anyway, have you?
39:43I said he's not the dad cos I am.
39:45I said I'm both mum and dad, I do everything.
39:47So if he's cheated what's happening?
39:49I'm going.
39:51And you told my team if she's cheated
39:53I'm walking.
39:55But you cheated on her when she was pregnant.
39:57Come on.
39:59Nothing to say Ashley.
40:07You're not going to pass the test though Ash are you?
40:09Yeah, 100%.
40:11How many people in this audience think that Ashley's going to pass this test?
40:13Put your hand in the air.
40:15How many people in the audience think that she's going to pass the test?
40:17Put your hand in the air.
40:19Everybody except for your brother.
40:21Let's do the lie detector.
40:23Since the start of your relationship with Ashley
40:25apart from what you've admitted to
40:27have you passionately kissed anyone else?
40:29Tell the truth.
40:31We asked Ashley since the start of your relationship with Chloe
40:33have you passionately kissed anyone else?
40:35You said no, why did you say no?
40:37Tell the truth.
40:45Are DNA doubts ruining your relationship?
40:47Is an ex refusing to accept paternity?
40:49If you're 18 or over
40:51and you'd like to be considered for the show
40:53email talk.itd.com along with your number
40:55text talk plus your name to 63334
40:57text plus 25p plus one standard rate message
40:59or you can call my team today
41:01it's 09011
41:03it's 123456
41:05calls cost 25p plus network access charge.
41:19Who should we start with?
41:21Chloe first.
41:23Why is she doing a lie detector?
41:25Just because she keeps accusing me all the time.
41:27Chloe admitted to kissing someone else
41:29at the beginning of her relationship whilst at a Halloween party
41:31with Ashley.
41:33She also stated that Ashley kissed someone twice that night, is that true?
41:37That was alright, yeah?
41:39Since the start of your relationship with Ashley
41:41apart from what you've admitted to have you passionately kissed anyone else?
41:43You said no, Chloe, why did you say no?
41:45Tell the truth.
41:47How many of you think she was telling the truth?
41:49She was lying.
41:53You've failed every single question
41:55including sexual intercourse.
41:59I don't know how I have it,
42:01it's the only one I've been with.
42:03You've failed every single question.
42:09What's coming at them, sweetheart?
42:11That I've not been doing nothing, how have I
42:13when you've constantly controlling me all the time
42:15and not even allowed to my mums anymore?
42:17Sometimes I don't like this job.
42:19You're not allowed to your mums.
42:25Ashley admitted to sleeping with Chloe's friend
42:27on one occasion at the start of the relationship.
42:29He was asked directly if he kissed anyone at a Halloween party
42:31as stated by Chloe,
42:33but you denied this.
42:35Yeah, cos I...
42:37You just said that you did.
42:39We asked Ashley
42:41since the start of your relationship with Chloe
42:43apart from the one occasion you've just admitted to
42:45have you passionately kissed anyone else?
42:47Tell the truth.
42:49You lied on every single question as well.
42:51It's right, isn't it?
42:55Oh, do me a favour, get your head out your backside,
42:57admit the truth, you have cheated
42:59and something's happened as well,
43:01but I'm not interested in sitting here and scoring points.
43:03This is a... Do you know what I want to say?
43:05What's the point?
43:07People go into relationships
43:09for all sorts of reasons
43:11and then they stay in a relationship that's patently wrong
43:13because they can't bear the concept of being on their own.
43:15Guys, look how miserable you look.
43:17Did you sleep with her more than once?
43:21Stop lying, man. We'll start at the bottom
43:23and we'll try our best for those kids,
43:25but it needs to be true. Come on.
43:27You did, didn't you?
43:29Why did you fail the test?
43:31I don't know.
43:33She's going to stay with you anyway, tell her the truth.
43:35I need to know if it was just more than her.
43:37It wasn't.
43:39So it was more than once with her?
43:43She hit up with you all the time.
43:47Just tell this girl she's tortured.
43:49You slept with her more than once, didn't you?
43:53Just please admit it to me.
43:55I didn't.
43:57Is the test right?
44:01I feel sorry for this girl.
44:03Not man enough to tell the truth, then, no?
44:05Come on, look at me.
44:07It's not bad.
44:09Look at those kids. Turn around and look at those kids.
44:13Be honest, Ashley.
44:15It was more than once, wasn't it?
44:21Will you tell me off the cameras?
44:25Youngest child?
44:29You are Brooke's father.
44:35What about...
44:37What about Zoe?
44:41There's nothing to you, is there?
44:49And you're Sophia's father as well.
44:57Why is the ghost of my love on his face?
44:59Honesty now, Ashley.
45:01Let's not shout, let's not scream.
45:03Let's do our best to help this girl and help you
45:05and try and put this one back for the sake of those kids.
45:07It was more than once, wasn't it?
45:09Just say it, mate. It doesn't matter.
45:11The woman's at rock bottom. We'll work with her.
45:13Come on. Tell her the truth.
45:15Those kids deserve the truth. She deserves the truth.
45:17Not me, not this audience.
45:19Ash, come on, man.
45:21Just look at those kids. Man up.
45:23I haven't got anything else.
45:25Did you just sleep with her more than once?
45:27No. Admit it. Just admit it now.
45:29I haven't. And we can talk.
45:31I haven't. And you can still see the kids.
45:33Why don't you keep looking back?
45:35She failed that test because something happened.
45:37And it doesn't really matter in the end
45:39if you don't want to admit it. I'm more concerned about her.
45:41Come on.
45:43Do the right thing, mate. Be a man.
45:45I am, but I haven't.
45:49You're a weasel.
45:51You're an absolute weasel.
45:53And do you know what?
45:55She's 18 years of age
45:57and she's stuck with you.
45:59With two kids that she brings up on her own.
46:01And do you know what I know?
46:03And that's even the really sad part about this
46:05because we'll look after her. You don't even want to be with her.
46:07But you know what I'm going to do?
46:09You don't want to be with her, do you?
46:11Not after this, no. Sorry?
46:13Not after this.
46:15You don't want to be with her after this?
46:17No, she said she didn't want to be with me after this.
46:19No, Ash, you said to me...
46:21We're not going to spend our time trying to get her to leave you.
46:23We're going to spend our time teaching her
46:25that at 18 she's going to get every bit
46:27of conceivable support
46:29so that she can walk away from a low-life like you
46:31and say, do you know what?
46:33I'm better on my own than being with someone like you.
46:47Look at me.
46:49Look at me.
46:51I promise you one thing and I know right now
46:53look at me. I know you don't believe me
46:55and I know that you think it's all right.
46:57Being in your position, look at me.
46:59I know you don't believe that. I have. Look at me.
47:01Please don't. Just look.
47:03I promise you right now is the worst.
47:05I promise you right now
47:07it doesn't matter who you've been with,
47:09what you've got, what you do for a living,
47:11how big or small your house is.
47:13When that happens, when you know in your guts
47:15it's horrible, there isn't anybody that can say anything
47:17but there really is only one way
47:19and you discover that...
47:21Go away!
47:23You discover who matters. I know he's everything to you
47:25but you know something? If you were able, with our help,
47:27and look, you'd think, my God.
47:31I'm going to help you, all right?
47:33Is Graham there?
47:35Where is he?
47:37The aftercare team are in the pod.
47:39I promise you, I want you to be strong.
47:41I know they'll tell me you get home with him
47:43but I'm going to tell you something.
47:45If you were ever able to break free from that
47:47you'd be a completely different girl and you'd fly
47:49and you'd have a different life and your kids are great
47:51and that says so much about you
47:53and very little about him.
47:55Can I have a hug?
48:01Give her a round of applause.
48:05Horrible situation, we'll work with it, we'll let you know
48:07I am for this morning out of time.
48:09If you want to be on this show, you need my help,
48:11visit my website, the details are on screen.
48:13To the guests, the audience and to you four watching at home,
48:15you know who you are, I'll see you soon.
48:17Take care, bye-bye for now.
48:25This programme contains some strong language.
48:27Some people may not be able to understand.
48:29Some people may not be able to understand.
48:31Some people may not be able to understand.
48:33Some people may not be able to understand.
48:35Some people may not be able to understand.
48:37Some people may not be able to understand.
48:39Some people may not be able to understand.
48:41Some people may not be able to understand.
48:43Some people may not be able to understand.
48:45Some people may not be able to understand.
48:47Some people may not be able to understand.
48:49Some people may not be able to understand.
48:51Some people may not be able to understand.