Funny Company 5 Funny, Funny Episodes

  • avant-hier
00:00Cartoon Nock est un channel de comédie pour enfants de tous âges, de 9 à 99 ans.
00:14Que votre passion soit des voitures classiques à des cartoons classiques,
00:19de Howdy Do to Coco the Clown ou de Space Patrol à Buffalo Bill Junior,
00:25visitez Cartoon Nock et regardez toute la journée.
00:28Tournez votre monde vers l'envers.
00:55So come a running when you hear our song.
00:59Come to order, come to order, says the resident.
01:03And when the funny company meets, here's just what we present.
01:07Things to see and things to do.
01:09Story, fun, toys, all sorts of things of interest.
01:13It's fun for girls and boys.
01:46Oh, say no more! I'll get my broom and where's my knife? Where's my order book? Oh, I can't find anything!
01:52You know, we've got to get better organized.
01:55Why don't I outfit everyone's attaché case with the things each one needs most?
02:00Everyone's what case?
02:02Attachés. That's how this little suitcase was first used, by attachés.
02:07Oh yeah, those French guys in the striped shirts who drove the lady dancers around?
02:11Terry, that's Apache. Apache dancers, like Apache Indians.
02:16You'll find attachés in Washington, D.C., Terry. I've known any number of them.
02:21You see, he does do work for the government.
02:23Dr. Todd, tell us about Washington and the, the, the attachés.
02:31I can just imagine a little girl like you going to our nation's capital, Mary.
02:35Think of what you'd see.
02:37I am thinking.
02:39Well, you'd see the Capitol Building.
02:42Oh, it's beautiful.
02:44On one side, there's the Senate of the United States. On the other, the House of Representatives.
02:49Oh, someone fell down here the other day.
02:52Yeah, I heard a representative delivered a speech from the floor of the House.
02:56Terry, that's a figure of speech.
02:58Yeah, a reclining figure, though.
03:01And then you would go to the Washington Monument and walk up or go up in the elevator inside the monument, up, up, up, 550 feet.
03:08To get a wonderful view of down the mall.
03:15And then there's the Lincoln Memorial.
03:17Isn't it wonderful?
03:20And Mr. Lincoln looks as though he could speak.
03:30But what about those attachés?
03:32Attachés, Terry?
03:35Well, in the northwest corner of Washington is what's called Embassy Row.
03:40Countries all over the world have their embassies here.
03:43And sometimes the ambassadors of these countries living in these interesting embassies
03:48and representing their homelands in our country have the help of special diplomats called attachés.
03:54Attaché is a French word meaning attached.
03:58And the attaché case was supposedly first used by these people to carry important documents and treaties.
04:05Some say the case is named after the person, the attaché.
04:09But others say it's called that because these cases are sometimes chained to the wrist of these important government couriers
04:17so it wouldn't be easily stolen.
04:19In other words, it's attached, an attaché case.
04:23Oh, I get it.
04:25Well, I've got all the attaché cases ready.
04:27Here's yours, Mary. It's packed with the things you need most.
04:30Oh, food! You never know when we'll need it.
04:34Thanks, Jasper.
04:36And Buzzer?
04:37Oh, that's great, Jasper. A real funny company portable office.
04:42And Super Chief?
04:44What did he say?
04:45Him ask why you give him tape recorder.
04:48I didn't do that.
04:49This isn't the attaché case I fixed for Super Chief.
04:52Look, that hand coming in the window.
04:56Now we have the tape recordings all about Washington.
05:00Just let me open up this...
05:06Now that's the attaché case I built for Super Chief.
05:09With his Apache peacemaker inside.
05:11So would you call them Apache dancers, too?
05:14Ha! Ha! Ha!
05:44And kids in every neighborhood belong.
05:47It's a funny company, cause it's just for fun, you see.
05:51So come a-running when you hear our song.
05:55Come to order! Come to order!
05:57Says the president.
05:59And when the funny company meets, here's just what we present.
06:02Things to see!
06:04And things to do!
06:08All sorts of things of interest, and fun for girls and boys!
06:15Hey gang, we ought to start a messenger service.
06:18Or make deliveries for stores after school.
06:21Hey, I bet they'd hire us to deliver prescriptions over at Mr. Tranquil's drug store.
06:26And I could work at the ice cream counter while you were on your route.
06:30But we need some fast, efficient way of getting around.
06:33Well, what about my pterodactyl flying wheels?
06:36You know, my invention.
06:37They won't work, Terry.
06:39They'll work. Let me show you.
06:41Now look.
06:42I just put an electric motor on my roller skates.
06:45I'll plug it in, and just watch me go.
06:48But Terry...
06:50How about this?
06:54You said it would work!
06:58See what I mean?
07:00I just need a longer wire, that's all. An extension cord.
07:04If you wanted to go across town, there wouldn't be a wire long enough.
07:08I doubt that, Mary.
07:10They make pretty long wires these days.
07:12With power and telephones, and it's amazing how wire is made.
07:16I'll say. Look here.
07:20It starts with an ingot, or shape of metal, made red hot.
07:25And then it's drawn and pulled through dies and holes and over rollers
07:31until it's stretched to hundreds of feet in length.
07:34Now watch.
07:36Oh boy, that's red hot!
07:38Hey, look at the way that snake's around!
07:51And then these snakes of red hot metal are drawn through smaller and smaller holes
07:57and over narrower and narrower rollers.
08:00And pulled out and stretched into miles and miles of thin wire.
08:08Then these wires have to be treated and coated with different colored plastic coverings.
08:14And then these many, many little wires are twisted together into big cables.
08:22Next, these bunches of wires are tied together and twisted together
08:27Next, these bunches of wires are tied together to make them very compact.
08:33And then as a group, they are all covered once more with an outer cable sheath.
08:39Often this sheath is made of the metal lead, which resists moisture and corrosion
08:45and other causes of deterioration that can attack a cable underground.
08:50Hey, I bet they can make a really long distance call on that wire!
08:58And then the cable is cut in lengths and rolled up on gigantic spools, just like thread spools.
09:06And these in turn are stored for our many telephone and other communication needs.
09:11That was fascinating!
09:13I'll say!
09:16So you see, we could get a wire long enough for Terry's electric motor skates,
09:20but I think my motorized skates are better.
09:23Their power is self-contained. You don't have to be hooked up for them to run.
09:27You just push the starter and you get full power.
09:32Now I'll just put this on the left skate and...
09:35Hey! My skates are gone!
09:38And only one of them is motorized!
09:41Ha ha! I got your inventions now!
09:44So it's goodbye forever!
09:47Hey! What's going on?
09:50Hey! What's going on?
09:52I'll call for help on our two-way Jasper radio!
09:55Don't bother! He's in trouble already!
09:58Help! The right skate is on full power and the left is stuck!
10:06Somebody stop him!
10:08Let him drill himself into the ground!
10:11Yeah! He might even strike oil!
10:14Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
10:44Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
11:15Where are you going?
11:17I'm going skiing!
11:18But there's no snow, silly!
11:20I'm going water-skiing!
11:22My heavens! There's no place to water-ski around here!
11:25I know, but I took care of that!
11:27Yeah, but how can you ski with no water?
11:30I ski in a bathtub!
11:32What? Oh, how can you do that?
11:34I'll show you!
11:36See, the bathtub is hooked on to our Mighty Type bike.
11:39I get in the bathtub with my water-skis on,
11:42and you pull me around and I ski!
11:57Oh, I thought it was!
12:01What you need is a few quick lessons in water-skiing.
12:04Dr. Todd, may we have the portable Weisenheimer, please?
12:07At your service, buzzer!
12:09Yeah, me too!
12:11Your subject, water-skiing.
12:14Water-skiing is one of our newest outdoor sports.
12:17Oh boy, look at him go!
12:19Gee whiz, I'd like to try that sometime!
12:22Oh, I'd be afraid of that!
12:25A great deal of the credit for inventing this popular pastime
12:29goes to the same man who invented the Cinerama process for motion pictures.
12:34Name is Mr. Fred Waller.
12:36One day in the year 1924,
12:39he fashioned a pair of water skimmers for his feet.
12:42They actually looked more like small surfboards than skis.
12:46And he took off behind a motorboat in the choppy waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
12:51On that day, the sport of water-skiing was born.
12:55Hey, I'm going to have to try that sometime!
12:58Today, it is a good estimate that there are 17 million water-skiers in the USA.
13:04Some of the best in the world come to ski in the smooth waters of Acapulco Bay in Mexico.
13:10At the skiing club in Acapulco, you'll meet people like Señor Morlet,
13:15who is perfectly at home on water-skis.
13:17In fact, he spends a good deal of his time on skis teaching other people to ski.
13:23There are some water-skiers, like Señor Morlet,
13:26who are so good on skis that they can even do ski acrobatics.
13:31But there aren't many who can ski from atop a kitchen stool.
13:36Oh, golly, that looks like fun!
13:38Boy, that's rugged!
13:40Probably the most unusual and most difficult methods of water-skiing,
13:45skiing without skis.
13:49Yoo-hoo-hoo! I can feel it on my feet right now!
13:53There aren't many skiers who can do this, either.
13:56And if you've ever skimmed your hand over the surface of the water
14:00while speeding along in a boat,
14:02you'll understand what barefoot skiing feels like.
14:05It is not for the tenderfoot.
14:08I have spoken. Subject over.
14:10What's going on?
14:12You missed it. We just had some lessons in water-skiing.
14:16Oh, I know how to water-ski.
14:19You're just saying that because you know there's no lake around here
14:22and you won't have to prove it.
14:24Okay, Mr. Smarty, I'll show you.
14:26Can I use that bathtub?
14:28Sure, why not?
14:30Okay, Buzzer, wind up this little motorboat.
14:37All set, Violet?
14:38Let her rip, Buzz!
14:42Look at her go!
14:43Say, she's very proficient.
14:45She's so graceful!
14:47She's really good!
14:51Oh, that's nothing!
14:52I could even ski like that fella did on his bare feet,
14:55except for one reason.
14:56What's that?
14:57The bottom of my feet are too ticklish!
15:28We have a company
15:30That you can join for free
15:32And kids in every neighborhood belong
15:35It's the Funny Company
15:37Cause it's just for fun, you see
15:39So come a-running when you hear our song
15:43Come to order! Come to order!
15:45Says our president
15:47And when the Funny Company meets you
15:49Guess what meet we get?
15:51Things to see!
15:52And things to do!
15:56Lots of things of interest!
15:57And fun for girls and boys!
16:09Hans, we wait fifteen minutes more
16:11to see if that Dr. Todd Goodheart shows up.
16:14Yeah, then we'll kidnap him for his scientific knowledge.
16:19Oh, it's getting dark.
16:21I wish the boys would get back from beachcombing.
16:26It wouldn't be so bad, but Spot is growling like someone's outside.
16:31It's so spooky!
16:33I wish we had more protection.
16:35Maybe if we had a big gate and a moat with a drought bridge over it.
16:40A what?
16:42You know, a bridge that could be drawn up to keep enemies out.
16:46The castle walls were high and thick with towers,
16:50and the people inside could throw stones down,
16:54or tar on anyone they wanted to chase away.
16:57Oh, golly!
16:58Sometimes they threw live coals or firebrands,
17:01or flaming torches down on attackers.
17:05Inside the walls, the lord of the castle and all his subjects were safe from enemies
17:10who could be from other countries,
17:12or might even be a prince or nobleman from their own country.
17:18All of them lived under what was called the feudal system,
17:21which was a system of property ownership.
17:24Property was given for service.
17:26The man who gave it was called a lord.
17:29The man who received it was called a vassal.
17:32And the property itself was called a fief.
17:36I'll take 15 acres, please.
17:40Oh, Mary.
17:41Many of these castles in England are standing today.
17:44This is Windsor Castle as it stands today,
17:47one of the many homes of the kings of England.
17:50The kings in the olden days depended on their noblemen
17:53for help and money and armies.
17:56But by the end of the 14th century,
17:58commerce increased and kings could be more independent.
18:02Kings and countries then could have their own standing armies and guards.
18:07And although today you wouldn't expect any noblemen or enemy to attack a castle,
18:12the tradition of protection is still there.
18:15And when people see the guards,
18:17their country's wonderful soldiers parading or changing the guard,
18:21that reminds them of all their colorful and exciting history.
18:25And we can share it with them.
18:33Hi, girls.
18:36We found all sorts of things at the beach.
18:39And we sold our decorated waste baskets and found Spot.
18:43He's trying to be our watchdog.
18:46Meet Buzzer Bell, our president.
18:48Hi, Spot.
18:49And Jasper National Park and Broken Feather.
18:53And Super Chief.
18:55Him say how, too.
18:56And Terry Daxell.
18:58Great, huh?
19:00What is he, a bird dog?
19:03Oh, and Dr. Todd Goodheart.
19:06How do you do?
19:08Ah, so I hear the name Goodheart.
19:13Let's go get him for the forces of evil.
19:17Ah! Oh, I'm shocked!
19:20Why don't you try backing in like a big fat garbage cow?
19:32Oh, I hate dogs!
19:34Dogs hate me!
19:36Spot, what was that all about?
19:39Isn't that cute?
19:42He's trying so hard to be a watchdog.
19:45Look, he's stamping on the ground.
19:48Just like the guards at Windsor Castle.
19:51He'll probably want one of those big fur hats next.
19:55Why, he's already got a big fur head!
19:58Oh, Terry!
20:28Come to order! Come to order!
20:49Things to see!
20:50And things to do!
21:28Jasper Park, come in!
21:30This is Jasper. Hello, Funny Company!
21:33Hi, Jasper!
21:34How are you, Jasper?
21:35You feeling any better today, Jasper?
21:37Yes, I am.
21:38And my mother says I can get out of bed tomorrow.
21:41Well, take good care of yourself.
21:43How's the Weisenheimer?
21:45Oh, it's okay, I guess.
21:47But I think it needs your tender care, Jasper.
21:51Hurry back!
21:52Get well soon!
21:54Over and out!
21:55Gee, hope he gets back soon!
21:59Hey, I've just about got this contraption fixed, team!
22:05It doesn't sound good.
22:07I think it has indigestion.
22:10One of the most essential things to good digestion...
22:13Look, he's in quiet with a rodeo!
22:16...are always advisable when you sit down to eat a meal.
22:20Boy, you fixed it all right!
22:22Well, wait a minute, let's try a real subject!
22:25Mary, you pick it.
22:26I'd like to know about beauty treatment.
22:29What a drippy subject! But you asked for it!
22:32Beauty treatment!
22:33Your subject, beauty.
22:35To have a beautiful complexion, you must bathe in water every day.
22:39What's the crocodile doing there?
22:42Water cleanses the skin moist,
22:45makes eyes shiny,
22:47and in general adds to the glow of health.
22:50The Weisenheimer has flipped!
22:52It's got a short circuit or something!
22:54This animal is one of the most ferocious of all jungle beasts,
22:58and can literally chew up a lion or titan.
23:01And so, members of the big cat family run
23:04when they see one of these terrifying beasts coming at them.
23:07Oh, no!
23:08You know, it's kind of funny, though!
23:11Now, stick your head in there, glorious excellency,
23:15and you will see computer brain to end all computer brains!
23:19And it's invented by kid, very easy to steal.
23:23Try the subject of transportation.
23:25In today's high-speed setting,
23:27perhaps the jet is the most welcome invention.
23:30This supersonic method of transportation has been a boon to mankind,
23:34whisking people from one city to another in a matter of minutes.
23:38And now, experiments are underway
23:40in which jets and jet engines have been tried in water transportation.
23:44Jet-powered boats are now used everywhere.
23:49Don't speak, your excellency.
23:51I know, you are so excited by wonderful invention,
23:55you are overcome with gratitude to me.
23:58The way to certain success is by hard labor.
24:01Work, work, work is what most business leaders desire.
24:05I don't know what's doing it, but it sure is funny.
24:08You know, we ought to keep the wires crossed
24:10and put the Weisenheimer on a stage.
24:13Next time a few of your friends drop in,
24:16why not try this idea?
24:18Just take a pound and a half of cream cheese,
24:20stand it in the rain for 25 minutes,
24:22and then jump on it from a great height.
24:25Hey, I think it's just about ready to blow a fuse.
24:28That did it. Better turn it off.
24:30Jasper won't be back a minute too soon.
24:33Excellency, I would like big gold medal for being super sneak
24:38to find such wonderful invention.
24:41I, your excellency, you got fire on your face.
24:45Oh! Oh!
24:47Oh! But boss, why do you treat me like this?
24:52Oh! Please!
24:55But, your excellency!
25:00And now it's time to go
25:02We hope you liked our show
25:04And we'll be back as quick as one, two, three
25:07And when we meet again
25:09We hope you'll be here then
25:11For now you're in the funny company
