Muppet babies episode 6-7-8 3 in 1(Read Description)

  • hier
00:01:00Oui, et ce sont des petits aliens, Fozzie.
00:01:03Ce sont des diables.
00:01:04C'était Snow White et les 7 diables.
00:01:07Vraiment? Je pensais qu'ils étaient liés à E.T.
00:01:10Je suis fatigué.
00:01:12Je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez,
00:01:14mais je vais prendre un petit repos.
00:01:16D'accord, Annie.
00:01:18Cet endroit était vraiment cool.
00:01:20Je veux devenir acteur quand j'aurai grandi.
00:01:22Moi aussi.
00:01:24Pourquoi attendre qu'on grandisse?
00:01:26On peut devenir des acteurs maintenant.
00:01:27Que veux-tu dire, Kermit?
00:01:29C'est facile.
00:01:30Tout ce qu'il nous reste à faire,
00:01:31c'est de faire un jeu de notre propre.
00:01:33Je sais.
00:01:34Faisons Snow White.
00:01:36Bonne idée, Scooter.
00:01:37Notre jeu sera encore meilleur
00:01:38que celui que nous avons vu.
00:01:40La première chose qu'il nous reste à faire,
00:01:42c'est de choisir qui joue quelle partie.
00:01:44Et vu que je suis la plus belle,
00:01:47tu veux que moi joue Snow White,
00:01:49n'est-ce pas?
00:01:50Snow White!
00:01:52Je veux jouer Snow White.
00:01:54Tu peux être la Reine Maléfique.
00:01:58La Reine Maléfique?
00:02:10Je ne joue pas la Reine Maléfique.
00:02:15Je n'ai pas un coup de pied
00:02:17de Maléfique dans moi.
00:02:19Hey, t'inquiète, Piggy.
00:02:21Oh, désolée.
00:02:23Je ne sais pas ce qui m'est arrivé.
00:02:25Il y a une bonne façon de décider
00:02:27qui sera Snow White.
00:02:28Il y en a un?
00:02:29Bien sûr.
00:02:30On va flipper une poignée.
00:02:33Voici la poignée, Maléfique.
00:02:34Tu flippes.
00:02:35Appelle-la, Piggy.
00:02:36Euh, des cheveux.
00:02:38Non, des cheveux.
00:02:43J'ai gagné.
00:02:44J'ai peur que non, Piggy.
00:02:46Maléfique a dit cheveux.
00:02:47Oh, bien, j'ai dit cheveux d'abord.
00:02:49Tu te souviens?
00:02:50Pas du tout, Piggy.
00:02:52Tu as appelé des cheveux.
00:02:53J'ai gagné de l'équilibre.
00:02:55Je serai Snow White.
00:02:58Et tu seras la Reine Mauvaise.
00:03:04Tu devrais être le directeur, Kermit.
00:03:06Et on peut être les 7 aliens.
00:03:11Je devrais commencer à directer, non?
00:03:14Piggy, Skeeter,
00:03:16regardez si vous pouvez trouver des costumes.
00:03:18Oh, mon dieu!
00:03:20Gonzo, Animal,
00:03:22vous prenez soin des props et des sets.
00:03:24Pas d'espoir, directeur.
00:03:27Pas d'espoir.
00:03:30Rolfe, tu es en charge de la musique.
00:03:32Pas de problème.
00:03:35Et, Bunsen,
00:03:36tu et Beaker gardez les effets spéciaux.
00:03:38D'accord, Kermit.
00:03:42Oh, c'est génial, les gars.
00:03:44Bien joué, Beaker.
00:03:45Prêt, Skeeter?
00:03:50Ça va être une scène parfaite.
00:03:53Il y a un livre d'images d'un papa
00:03:55avec un grand château dedans.
00:04:01Merci, Animal.
00:04:02C'était cool.
00:04:12Tu n'as pas l'air comme la Reine Vendée.
00:04:14Tu as l'air d'un voleur.
00:04:15Laissez-moi t'aider avec ce make-up, Skeeter.
00:04:19Regardez, tout le monde!
00:04:20Skeeter ferait une meilleure Reine Vendée.
00:04:23Tu vois?
00:04:25Je devrais être Snow White.
00:04:27Je devrais vraiment.
00:04:31Oublie ça, Piggy.
00:04:33J'ai le rôle et je joue Snow White.
00:04:38Oh, bien.
00:04:40C'est Snow Biz.
00:04:45Je suppose que ce n'était pas mon business.
00:04:48C'est bon, Bazooka Beak.
00:04:51OK, placez-vous, tout le monde.
00:05:01All right, let's have the first set, Animal.
00:05:05Raise the curtain.
00:05:10Hum, that's the wrong set, Animal.
00:05:18Good building.
00:05:22Quit goofing off, Animal.
00:05:26Let's have the music, Rose.
00:05:30OK, everyone, here we go.
00:05:38Once upon a time, there was a big castle in which there lived a very wicked queen.
00:05:44Hold it!
00:05:45How do you expect me to play the queen with a castle the size of a cookie?
00:05:50This is a play, Piggy.
00:05:52You've got to use your imagination.
00:05:54Oh, OK.
00:05:56I'm imagining a fabulous castle built for a queen as beautiful as one.
00:06:07Oh, I'm so cute, I can't stand it.
00:06:11You-hoo, subjects!
00:06:13You may have three seconds to feast your eyes on moi.
00:06:18That's enough.
00:06:20I don't want to blind them with my radiant beauty.
00:06:24Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the cutest one of all?
00:06:31I got something to tell you you're not gonna dig.
00:06:34Compared to Snow White, you're just a pig.
00:06:41You lying good-for-nothing mirror, you!
00:06:46Hey, take it easy, Piggy.
00:06:48This is just a play, you know.
00:06:50Gee, I guess I got carried away with my part.
00:06:53It won't happen again, Kirby.
00:06:55OK, let's go on.
00:07:00Hello? Royal Exterminators?
00:07:03I have a pest in the kingdom that I need to, uh, get rid of?
00:07:08My place in an hour? Good.
00:07:10OK, Animal, change the set.
00:07:16Animal, it's upside down.
00:07:19Too late.
00:07:23My name is Snow White, tra-la, tra-la,
00:07:26and I'm the cutest of all, tra-la, tra...
00:07:29Hey, what happened to this place?
00:07:32Animal messed up the set, Skeeter.
00:07:34Just do the best you can.
00:07:39My name is Snow White, tra-la, tra-la,
00:07:44and I'm the cutest girl.
00:07:51Hold it, Beaker. This is the place.
00:07:56I know it's upside down, Beaker, but don't worry.
00:07:59I brought a ladder for just such a situation.
00:08:04I said, I brought a ladder for just such a situation.
00:08:10I haven't quite got the hang of this prop man job yet.
00:08:16Thank you.
00:08:17No sweat.
00:08:23Beaker, hand me the hose.
00:08:26What are you girls doing?
00:08:29We're the Royal Exterminators,
00:08:31and we've come to get rid of a pest for the Wicked Queen.
00:08:34What are you talking about?
00:08:36We got a call from the Wicked Queen,
00:08:38telling us to get rid of her Snow White pest.
00:08:41Huh? That's no bug. That's me.
00:08:45I'm Snow White.
00:08:46You are?
00:08:51Please, don't hurt me. I'm not a pest.
00:08:54The Wicked Queen is just jealous of me because I'm cuter than she is.
00:09:04You're right, Beaker.
00:09:06Don't worry, Snow White.
00:09:08You run off and hide in the forest,
00:09:10and we'll tell the Wicked Queen that we debugged her castle.
00:09:13Oh, thank you.
00:09:18Watch out for that last cloud.
00:09:22Hey, you were great, Skeeter.
00:09:24Don't you think so, Piggy?
00:09:26She was fair.
00:09:28Of course, if I were playing Snow White,
00:09:31it would have been superb.
00:09:34Okay, guys, get ready for the next scene.
00:09:37Animal, try to get the set right this time, okay?
00:09:44Oh, brother, now we need new trees.
00:09:47Me meant, me meant.
00:09:49Oh, boy.
00:09:50Oh, boy.
00:10:01Animal, you're not in the scene.
00:10:12Hey, where's the little house?
00:10:17Thanks, Animal.
00:10:20Snow White came upon a little house.
00:10:23Is anybody home?
00:10:34Anybody home?
00:10:38Welcome to the Seven Dwarfs Beauty Salon.
00:10:42I am Nosy.
00:10:44I'm Doggy.
00:10:45I'm Smarty.
00:10:47I'm Nerdy.
00:10:50We crazy.
00:10:53I'm Snow White.
00:10:55And I'm looking for a place to hide from the Wicked Queen.
00:10:59Well, you came to the right place, my little snowflake.
00:11:02Sit right down and we will fix you up
00:11:05so no one will ever recognize you again.
00:11:08Get sea shampoo, silly.
00:11:12We've got lots of silly shampoo.
00:11:20These rollers will give you lots of curls.
00:11:25Animal, why are you putting a rock in Snow White's hair?
00:11:29Rock and rollers.
00:11:37A little of this chocolate sauce on Skeeter's face
00:11:40and she'll look so ugly I'll have to play Snow White.
00:11:50Ah ha, my sweet.
00:11:51There you are.
00:11:52And all are ready for my special face cream.
00:11:56I'll rub it in and make you more beautiful than ever.
00:12:03Something is wrong.
00:12:06Something is wrong.
00:12:20It wasn't my fault.
00:12:22I didn't know it was chocolate sauce.
00:12:26Oh, brother.
00:12:28Well, I guess at the end of act one.
00:12:32Oh, this chocolate is sticky and gooey.
00:12:40Would you mind telling me what you're doing?
00:12:46Make chocolate soda.
00:12:50You animal!
00:12:57Piggy, we've got to finish rehearsing.
00:13:00We've got to finish rehearsing our play.
00:13:02Come out of there, you soda jerk!
00:13:05Come on, Kermit.
00:13:07We're ready to start act two.
00:13:09Oh, okay.
00:13:10Bunsen, Beaker, hit the lights.
00:13:16Wait a minute, where's the set?
00:13:20Look out!
00:13:24And so, after the seven dwarfs
00:13:26made Snow White even more beautiful than before.
00:13:29Don't worry, Snow White.
00:13:31You can stay here and hide out from the Wicked Queen.
00:13:34And in return for your kindness,
00:13:36I'll keep your shop clean and do manicures.
00:13:41Animal, set change.
00:13:49Skeeter playing Snow White.
00:13:51Why, she's not half as pretty as...
00:13:56You're on.
00:13:57Oh, of course.
00:13:59Where was I?
00:14:00Oh, yeah.
00:14:04I'm sure my royal exterminators
00:14:07have taken care of Snow White by now.
00:14:11Wait, knock it off.
00:14:16Mirror, mirror on the wall,
00:14:18now who's the cutest?
00:14:23Snow White still lives in the Forest Glen
00:14:26and dwells with seven tiny men.
00:14:29The magic mirror tells you true,
00:14:31compared to Snow White,
00:14:33you belong in a zoo.
00:14:42Gosh, she sure takes her acting seriously.
00:14:48This'll fix that cute little Snow White.
00:14:52Uh, Piggy?
00:14:54Yes, Kermie?
00:14:55What's in the box?
00:14:56Oh, why, uh, nothing.
00:14:58Nothing at all.
00:15:05Later, at the Seven Dwarfs Beauty Salon,
00:15:09Snow White was sweeping up
00:15:11while the others were out to lunch.
00:15:13Hark, someone is knocking at the door.
00:15:16Hark, someone is knocking at the...
00:15:20Oh, hi there.
00:15:22You must be the lady who wanted a manicure.
00:15:25Actually, I...
00:15:26Come right in.
00:15:27You're lucky, I just had a cancellation.
00:15:32My, you certainly let your nails go.
00:15:35Oh, well, that's what we're here for.
00:15:37We'll fix you right up.
00:15:39I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.
00:15:42Oops, sorry.
00:15:44I'm kind of new at this.
00:15:46You're my first manicure.
00:15:48Don't worry about it.
00:15:49You won't be around to do your second.
00:15:54What did you say?
00:15:55Uh, I said you're going to get a big tip in just a second.
00:15:59I am?
00:16:00Why, thank you.
00:16:02Gee, whatever could this be?
00:16:13If I can't play Snow White, no one will!
00:16:20Hey, Piggy, that's not the way the play goes.
00:16:22You're supposed to give her an apple.
00:16:25Listen, Bananaby.
00:16:26I'm the queen and I ran out of apples, okay?
00:16:32She took the words right out of my nose.
00:16:35Animal, act four.
00:16:44Oh, poor Snow White.
00:16:46Scared stiff at the prime of her life.
00:16:49What a pity.
00:16:54Yoo-hoo, magic mirror.
00:16:57Don't hit me.
00:16:59Hit you? I won't hit you.
00:17:01You won't?
00:17:02Why, I'd never dream of even smudging you.
00:17:13Magic mirror on the wall.
00:17:15Who's the cutest one of all?
00:17:17Even with two black eyes, I can see.
00:17:20The cutest girl in the land is thee.
00:17:23Oh, you wonderful mirror, you.
00:17:30Act five.
00:17:35Later, in the forest glen where the seven dwarves live...
00:17:39Uh, where's the forest animal?
00:17:42Uh-oh, forest.
00:17:51And so in the forest glen, the seven sad dwarves cried over poor Snow White.
00:17:59Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:18:04Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:18:08She was the fairest in the land.
00:18:12The wicked queen got the upper hand.
00:18:16Now we're crying at the terrible news.
00:18:20Everybody's got the Snow White news.
00:18:24Snow White news.
00:18:27It's giving us the boo-hoo-hoo.
00:18:31Our hearts are really breaking.
00:18:33We wish you would awaken and take away the Snow White news.
00:18:38Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:18:41Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:18:45My eyes are dripping and my nose is wet.
00:18:49She was the sweetest girl I ever met.
00:18:53Something scared her and she blew a fuse.
00:18:57Everybody's got the Snow White news.
00:19:00Snow White news.
00:19:04It's giving us the boo-hoo-hoo.
00:19:08Our hearts are really breaking.
00:19:10We wish you would awaken and take away the Snow White news.
00:19:14I don't care.
00:19:16And take away the Snow White news.
00:19:18I don't care.
00:19:20And take away the Snow White news.
00:19:51Oh, no.
00:19:53She'll never wake up.
00:19:55I do know a little first aid, though.
00:19:57You do?
00:19:59Try it.
00:20:05Why, uh, um, I have never seen such a beautiful princess before.
00:20:11Her skin is soft as snow.
00:20:14Her eyes are, um, her eyes are, um, like two shimmering pearls.
00:20:21Her hair is like, like, uh, amber waves of grain.
00:20:27For purple mountain's majesty.
00:20:33That's it.
00:20:35I'm taking over as director of this play.
00:20:39That's it.
00:20:40I'm taking over as director of this play.
00:20:43And so, as the handsome prince leaned closer to Snow White.
00:20:48Uh, I can't let Cummy kiss her.
00:20:51Um, uh, the big bad wolf came looking for Red Riding Hood.
00:20:59Any of you guys know how to get to, uh, Grandma's house?
00:21:03Hey, what's he doing here?
00:21:05Excuse me, but I think you're in the wrong fairy tale.
00:21:10That's not the way the story goes, Piggy.
00:21:13It isn't?
00:21:14Oh, I'll try it again.
00:21:16And as the handsome prince, uh, was about to kiss Snow White.
00:21:20Um, the angry giant came down the beanstalk.
00:21:25Fee, fie, foe, fog.
00:21:27I smell the feet of a small green frog.
00:21:31Piggy, don't you even know the ending?
00:21:34The handsome prince has to kiss me so I can live happily ever after with him.
00:21:39Not if I can help it, toots.
00:21:42It's our play and we're gonna finish it.
00:21:45Nobody's kissing my prince but moi.
00:21:48Come on, Piggy. It's just a play.
00:21:51Let us finish it.
00:21:53What's all the yelling?
00:21:55Yelling? I didn't hear any yelling, Nanny.
00:22:01We were just practicing our play.
00:22:03Snow White.
00:22:05Would you like to see it?
00:22:07Why, I'd love to.
00:22:09Snow White, huh?
00:22:11I always wanted to play the part of the Wicked Queen.
00:22:14You did?
00:22:16She's my favorite too, Nanny.
00:22:19That's exactly why I chose to play her.
00:22:23I knew it was the best part.
00:22:25Who'd want to play that boring Snow White when you could be the Wicked Queen?
00:22:31I'll go get my glasses and I'll be right back.
00:22:34Don't start without me.
00:22:36I want to play the Wicked Queen.
00:22:38Let me play her.
00:22:39I want to be the Wicked Queen.
00:22:44I'd be the best Wicked Queen of all because I'm the funniest.
00:22:49Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the funniest bear of all?
00:22:54Fozzie Bear, I never lie.
00:22:57When you tell jokes, I want to cry.
00:23:01See? Pretty funny, huh?
00:23:31Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the weirdest one of all?
00:23:36Oh, my boy!
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00:36:25Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:36:29Logiquement, Capitaine, nous n'y arriverons pas,
00:36:32à moins que Luke et Han Solo arrivent bientôt.
00:36:35Akanjo, Luke et Han Solo ne sont pas dans ce spectacle.
00:36:39Ils ne le sont pas ?
00:36:40Et Indiana Jones ?
00:36:43Larry Moe et Curly ?
00:36:46Oh, mon Dieu.
00:36:47Ha, ha ! Leurs scènes défensives sont terminées !
00:36:50Un peu plus de tomates en plomb,
00:36:52et le Capitaine Kirkman sera le mien !
00:36:58Sortez-nous de là !
00:36:59Accélérons au Warp Vector 9 !
00:37:02Je fais le mieux que je peux, Capitaine !
00:37:05Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
00:37:08Je pense que Scooty a mis trop de Warp dans le Warp Vector !
00:37:12Là ! Le Warp s'éteint !
00:37:14Notre seule chance est de boarder ce vaisseau de Static Klingon
00:37:18et de les entrainer à se surrendre, Capitaine !
00:37:21Oh, c'est vrai !
00:37:23A l'habitacle de transport !
00:37:25Vérifiez-nous, Scooty !
00:37:27Et assurez-vous de dialer le bon numéro cette fois !
00:37:32Je suis désolée, vous avez atteint un numéro déconnecté.
00:37:37Je savais qu'il avait dialé le mauvais numéro !
00:37:40Vous devez dialer à nouveau, Scooty, et cette fois, vérifiez le directeur !
00:37:43D'accord !
00:37:46C'est mieux !
00:37:48Assurez-vous que le vaisseau s'éteint, Mr. Étrange,
00:37:51et il s'éteindra ces Static Klingons !
00:37:55Encore un Tomato Photon !
00:37:57Et le deuxième prix sera le mien !
00:37:59Feu !
00:38:02Ne touche pas à ce bouton, ou on va vous écraser !
00:38:05Et les chances d'avoir été écrasé par quelqu'un
00:38:08sont précisément 337 points...
00:38:12Je veux dire 3, c'est tout, 3 !
00:38:14Merci !
00:38:15Oh, mon Dieu ! Vous avez l'air encore meilleur que ce que j'imaginais !
00:38:21C'est ces oreilles ! Personne ne peut les écraser !
00:38:24Quoi ?
00:38:27Encore une fois, certaines personnes préfèrent mes oreilles !
00:38:31Oh, Capitaine Kirkman,
00:38:33qu'est-ce que vous pensez si nous allions faire un petit tour d'étoiles ensemble ?
00:38:40Dis, est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui veut entendre une bonne blague de l'espace ?
00:38:43Personne !
00:38:44D'accord, alors je pense que c'est le moment d'un autre commercial !
00:38:47Commercial ! Commercial !
00:38:51Tu ne peux pas faire un animal commercial ?
00:38:53Oui, tu ne peux presque pas parler !
00:38:56Je parle ! Je parle !
00:38:58Qu'est-ce que tu pourrais vendre que nous voulions acheter de toute façon ?
00:39:03De la poussière !
00:39:04Quoi ?
00:39:05De la poussière, c'est amusant !
00:39:08Bien sur le visage !
00:39:11Mieux sur les vêtements !
00:39:15Je oublie !
00:39:18La poussière...
00:39:20La poussière...
00:39:23La poussière...
00:39:27Hey, ça a l'air sympa !
00:39:29Combien ça coûte ?
00:39:31C'est gratuit !
00:39:34Hey, je ne t'ai pas demandé !
00:39:37Oh, mon vêtement !
00:39:39Mon amour !
00:39:41La poussière !
00:39:49Viens, animal !
00:39:51Maman sera fière quand elle verra ce qu'il y a !
00:39:57Je pense qu'il faut trouver un autre sponsorisateur !
00:40:00Que penses-tu ?
00:40:01Qu'est-ce qu'on va regarder maintenant, les gars ?
00:40:03Comment dire, un show de police de comédie !
00:40:06Je peux dire des blagues et arrêter l'audience pour rire sans licence !
00:40:11Oublie ça, Fuzzy ! Personne ne rirait de tes blagues !
00:40:15Hey, les gars ! Je veux mon Muppet TV !
00:40:19Je veux mon Muppet TV !
00:40:22Oh, je comprends !
00:40:24Rope veut faire une vidéo de musique !
00:40:27C'est une bonne idée !
00:40:29Prenons nos instruments !
00:40:31Bonne idée, Kermit !
00:40:37Prêt ?
00:40:381, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4 !
00:41:36Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:42:06Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:42:36Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:43:06Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:43:36Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:44:06Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:44:36Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:45:06Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:46:06Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:46:36Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:47:06Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
00:47:36Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos !
