• 2 days ago
2:22 je naučnofantastični triler iz 2017. godine u režiji Paul Currieja, scenarista Nathana Parkera i Todda Steina, a glume Michiel Huisman, Teresa Palmer i Sam Reid.
00:00Hi, the movie is here.
00:02Today we're doing a review of a 2017 movie called 2.22.
00:10The movie starts with a man walking around Grand Central Station in New York with a gun in his hand.
00:15People around him notice the gun and start running.
00:18A second man comes, who seems to be protecting the girl.
00:21Both men point their guns at each other when the security stops them.
00:26The camera zooms in on the time, which is currently 2.22.
00:30Then we hear gunshots.
00:32It turns out that it was just a dream.
00:34A man named Dylan wakes up from his sleep and starts his routine by listening to the news.
00:38The news is about the star Hemlin, which was destroyed 30 years ago,
00:42but its light is now coming to Earth, and this supernova will have its impact on Earth and its inhabitants.
00:48Dylan is then shown on his way to work,
00:50riding a bicycle and heading to the previously mentioned station to get to the train.
00:55He works as a flight controller and is extremely talented at visualizing samples.
00:59After work, he goes to the club and drinks with his colleagues,
01:02and gets a ticket to the ballet as a gift for his upcoming birthday.
01:06The next day at work, he begins to see constellation samples.
01:09He begins to hallucinate because of his dreams and cannot communicate with the planes.
01:14He looks at the clock and sees that it is exactly 2.22.
01:17Looking closer, he sees that the clock has stopped.
01:19Dylan returns to reality only when he hears his colleagues calling him.
01:22Then he sees that the planes are moving from one to the other because of his pause.
01:26He quickly reports to the pilots and manages to save Zadlak.
01:29The passengers in the plane were immediately alarmed.
01:32Dylan notices that the clock has stopped ticking.
01:35Because of this incident, he is suspended for 4 weeks.
01:38After being suspended, he goes to the ballet, where he sees a woman named Sarah,
01:42and is fascinated by her appearance.
01:44After the ballet, everyone goes to the after-party.
01:47Dylan comes to Sarah and introduces himself.
01:50He goes to the restaurant and starts a conversation.
01:53Dylan says that his father was a pilot and that he also trained as a pilot,
01:57but he never became one because of his fear of flying.
02:00Sarah says that she works at the Harvard Pace Art Gallery.
02:03He also tells her about his suspension from work,
02:06and finds out that Sarah was in one of the planes that crashed with the other in 2.22.
02:11Dylan apologizes, but Sarah is grateful to him because he saved her life.
02:15As they grow up, they admit to each other that for the first meeting
02:18they felt a deep connection and feel like they have known each other for years.
02:22The next day, while on the way to Grand Central,
02:25Dylan notices the same events as the day before.
02:28The siren, the laughter of the woman, the sound of the work,
02:31the man who speaks, could he help you, and the glass breaking.
02:34When he arrived in 2.21, he saw the man reading the news,
02:38a couple hugging each other, a row of small children,
02:41and in the last row, something falls out, and the mill that stands under the clock.
02:45In exactly 2.22, the window on the station breaks.
02:48Then he goes to Sarah and invites her to dinner.
02:51He goes to the Central Park on ice cream.
02:54Sarah discovers that she stopped dancing because of the injury.
02:57Dylan feels bad and to make him feel better,
03:00he plays a song and starts dancing in front of her.
03:03She joins him, and they dance together in the middle of the full park.
03:06In the end, they kiss.
03:09The next morning, they lie together on the bed and brush their teeth.
03:12Dylan asks Sarah where Lanchich comes from,
03:15and she tells him that it's from her ex-boyfriend, John Assah,
03:18who is the main artist of the gallery where she works.
03:21Dylan asks Sarah when her birthday is,
03:23and the two of them find out that they were born on the same day,
03:26April 18, 1986, and both turn 30 in a week.
03:31Dylan hears a car crash in front of his apartment at exactly 9.15,
03:35and tells Sarah that this is the third day
03:37that the same incident is taking place.
03:39Dylan takes a taxi and goes to Grand Central.
03:42As the driver was driving a short distance,
03:44Dylan tells him to stop the car and sees the same things.
03:47A siren, laughter, joy, and a man who says,
03:50''Can I help you?''
03:52Dylan yells at the driver to stop,
03:54because the driver, who turns, is also angry with Dylan.
03:56Just then, another car hits them,
03:58resulting in a broken window on the car.
04:00Although injured, Dylan goes to the Grand Central station
04:03and sees the same events again.
04:05A man with newspapers, an old, burnt couple,
04:07children in a column, and a hard-working woman under an hour.
04:12He tells Sarah about these events,
04:14but how different people do those things that happen again.
04:17Sarah does not believe Dylan,
04:19but helps him clean up the wounds of misfortune.
04:21Dylan goes home and records everything that happens in the day,
04:24starting at 9.10 in the morning.
04:26First he writes about water, then about the death of an insect,
04:29and about the violin that pierces him.
04:31The next day, Dylan goes to the roof of the building
04:33to see if he wants to repeat everything.
04:35He waits for the water in the sky to be clean,
04:37but exactly at 9.10, a drop falls on his conscience.
04:40Surprised, he closes his conscience,
04:42but when he opens it, he sees a dead insect inside.
04:46The plane then pierces him.
04:48Everything is repeated, and Dylan cannot believe it.
04:51Then he goes to the gallery in search of Sarah,
04:53but sees that the gallery has an exhibition
04:55with Jonas' artworks as the main attraction.
04:59Jonas created a bright hologram of the Grand Central Station,
05:02and Dylan sees that it is the same as the events
05:04that he experiences every day.
05:09A man with newspapers, a couple of people,
05:11children in a line, a workshop under the clock.
05:13Dylan assumes that Jonas is following him
05:15because he is the only one who knows about these events.
05:17He attacks Jonas.
05:19He interrogates him about the insects and whether he is following him.
05:22In the audience is the owner of the Kajfer Gallery.
05:24He applauds, saying that this is a great idea,
05:26to reenact the murder that took place
05:28in the Grand Central Station 30 years ago.
05:31Sarah apologizes to Jonas for Dylan's attack
05:33and takes a break with Dylan.
05:35Later that day, Dylan texts Sarah asking for forgiveness.
05:38In the meantime, he finds a lot of envelopes
05:40hidden in his house.
05:42He finds out that the man, Jake Redmond,
05:44wrote letters to his wife Evelyn.
05:46With further investigation, he finds out that Jake Redmond
05:48lived in this apartment 30 years ago,
05:50that is, in 1987.
05:53He also finds on the Internet about the murder
05:55that took place 30 years ago,
05:57which they mentioned.
05:59Jake Redmond was a killer and killed his love,
06:01Evelyn, and a policeman in the middle of the Grand Central.
06:04Evelyn was pregnant at that time.
06:06The murder took place exactly in 2022.
06:09Jake killed Evelyn out of love
06:11because she was in love with a policeman,
06:13Noah Marks, who Jake also killed that day.
06:16He also finds out that Jake, Evelyn,
06:18him and Sarah share the same date of birth.
06:20That is, he and Sarah were born on the same day
06:22when Jake and Evelyn passed away.
06:24Dylan connects all the dots
06:26and realizes that he and Sarah are actually
06:28Evelyn and Jake in another life.
06:30Then he finds out Evelyn's address in the letters
06:32and goes to her.
06:34Dylan meets her sister and tells her
06:36that Evelyn loved Jake very much
06:38and believes that the theory that Jake killed Evelyn
06:40because she loved someone else is completely inaccurate.
06:43He also informs him that the policeman Noah
06:45was also in love with Evelyn.
06:47How Dylan came home connects events
06:49from 30 years ago and today.
06:51He sees that the three stars included in this
06:53are Jake, Evelyn and Noah.
06:55At the moment, they are Dylan, Sarah and Jonas.
06:57Since everything repeats,
06:59their fates will also repeat.
07:01Sarah reveals everything she saw
07:03and asks to be found.
07:05Sarah is in the gallery and follows Jonas' hologram.
07:07She talks to Jonas about Dylan's investigation,
07:09but Jonas thinks he's really full of illusions.
07:12Later that day, Dylan is in his apartment
07:14when Sarah visits him.
07:16She sees him nervous and tries to calm him down.
07:18Dylan tells her how tomorrow is their birthday
07:20and how it could happen
07:22that he kills her tomorrow,
07:24just like Jake killed Evelyn.
07:26He tells her to go and never see him again,
07:28for their own good.
07:30After a crazy trip, Dylan loses control
07:32and breaks things in the apartment.
07:34He goes to the terrace and wants to jump,
07:36but he still thinks too much.
07:38Sarah goes to Jonas in the other hand
07:40and tells him everything that happened.
07:42Jonas offers them to go on vacation
07:44to get away from Dylan for a while.
07:47The next morning, Dylan realizes
07:49that the chapel, Insectavion and everything
07:51that happens to him also happened to Jake
07:53the day he died.
07:55Those events are actually a warning
07:57to Dylan that Sarah is in danger.
07:59After realizing this, he rushes to save her.
08:01He calls her several times,
08:03but no one answers.
08:05He goes to Jonas' office where he finds
08:07a wall hung with Sarah's pictures
08:09and several of her holograms.
08:11He realizes that Jonas is obsessed with Sarah.
08:13He also finds an empty weapon bag
08:15with Sarah in danger.
08:17He rushes to the station to find her.
08:19Meanwhile, Jonas and Sarah are at the station
08:21and buy tickets.
08:23Jonas tells Sarah to wait for him for under an hour.
08:25The story repeats itself.
08:27Jonas returns with the tickets.
08:29He also realizes that they live in the past.
08:31Sarah tells him that she can't go with him
08:33because she loves Dylan.
08:35Angry, he asks Sarah to tell him
08:37how much she loves him, but she refuses
08:39while Dylan enters the station.
08:41Jonas, thinking that Sarah called him
08:43turns towards Dylan with a weapon.
08:45Sarah sees all the people that Dylan
08:47described to her before.
08:49A man with newspapers, a married couple,
08:51children, and so on.
08:53Now she understands that everything
08:55that Dylan said was actually true.
08:57But that also means that she is a woman
08:59under an hour and that she is so difficult.
09:01Jonas first shoots Dylan, and then Sarah,
09:03saying that if he can't have her,
09:05he can't have Dylan either.
09:07Dylan is on time, but he is shot
09:09in 2 hours and 21 minutes.
09:11This happens like 30 years ago.
09:13Exactly at 2.22, Jonas is shot
09:15by the police that followed Dylan.
09:17Dylan falls into Sarah's arms
09:19and closes his eyes.
09:21He has visions of Jake and Evelyn and their love.
09:23Luckily, he doesn't die.
09:25Sarah then looks at the time
09:27and now it's 2.23, which means
09:29that they managed to survive and change their fate.
09:31Finally, we find out what happened
09:33in the past. The police officer Noah
09:35is the one who killed Evelyn and Jake,
09:37but the police turned the story around
09:39and changed their reputation.
09:41The dying star Hamlin, mentioned at the beginning
09:43of the movie, finally disappears,
09:45but a new star is born.
09:47In the last scene, we see Dylan and Sarah
09:49living happily, and Dylan has overcome
09:51his fear of flying and is now a pilot,
09:53and Sarah is laughing while looking
09:55at their baby in the crib.
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