• 2 days ago


00:00I'm Detroit Lions quarterback Jared, as always, thank you very much for being with us.
00:03And, you know, Sunday's game, I guess we'll get it out of the way with the Hutch stuff.
00:08Such a great performance, yet it felt like it kind of cast a pall over what happened.
00:13How do you as a team make sure, I mean, you don't want it to hurt you long term,
00:18how do you process that injury when the team played so well?
00:23Yeah, it's hard, you know, it really is. I mean, Hutch is as important to our team as anybody and
00:28the type of guy he is, the type of teammate he is, the type of player he is,
00:32obviously the year he was having was helping us tremendously.
00:35So, yeah, you're never going to be able to replace him if you can't, but having guys step
00:39up in his place and make plays and do their own thing is what's going to be most important moving
00:44forward. And it sucks for him and it sucks that he has to go through this, but if I know him
00:50as well as I think I do, he's going to come back even stronger and going to be even better.
00:54Well, you just mentioned something about guys having to step up. You have a unique perspective,
00:58you go against this defense, you see guys like Mitchell Agude like every day,
01:03and then players that we never see. Is there an underrated player on the practice squad or that's
01:09on the defense every day that you're like, this is a guy that I know can give us more that maybe
01:14we out here aren't as aware of? Yeah, you know, there's a bunch of them.
01:18And again, I don't think you're not going to have someone step in that's going to be getting the
01:23type of production he was doing. It's just he was at the top of the league. It doesn't really exist
01:27anywhere else. So you're going to try to find it in different ways and it's going to be more than
01:31one guy. It's going to be a multitude of guys. It's going to be guys that were already in there
01:34stepping up and playing even better. It's going to be the secondary having to step up and us on
01:38offense having to do more as well. So it's a multitude of things. It's not going to be one guy
01:42and he's a hell of a player for us, Hutch is, and it's tough to lose him. An injury like that leads
01:49to a lot of trade talk. And one thing that we seem to be able to glean out of this regime is that
01:55football character matters. Do you notice it when new players come into the locker room
02:00that they emphasize the football character and the professionalism?
02:04Oh yeah, totally. I think more than anything, they bring in guys who love the game and who
02:09want to play and who are typically unselfish. And even the guys that are on the practice squad that
02:16may only be here for a few weeks, they get picked up elsewhere. You can tell right away,
02:19like, okay, this guy practices hard. He loves football. He wants to be here. And they kind of
02:23just bring one after another in like that. One of the aspects that Hutch clearly has is leadership
02:30and losing that leadership is tough, but you guys are chock full of players on this team that look
02:36like they're leaders. Alex Anzalone is certainly on the defense, you on the offense. I mean,
02:40can you talk about how important leadership is with this team, even with him out?
02:44Yeah, certainly. That's a good point that we do miss as well, not just his play on the field,
02:49but he's a dang good leader and he leads by example and the way he practices and
02:53just does everything right. And yeah, again, having other guys that are going to have to
02:57fill those shoes a little bit and whether it's already the guys that are in places,
03:01captains and leaders doing a little bit more or guys that haven't had that role yet,
03:05having to step into that. One of the examples that I look at when I see leadership, what happened
03:10after the game when Dan Campbell gives you the game ball and you gave it right back to him
03:14and gave your reasons why, and I thought it was pretty awesome. Who influenced you
03:17in becoming a leader and who did you most learn from about leadership?
03:22Oh, that's a great question. I've just tried to learn and as I've gotten older, I think mostly
03:29when I've gotten to Detroit since the trade is when I've been able to kind of come into my own
03:33as a leader. Obviously seeing Dan do it, I mean, he's as good as I've been around as far as reading
03:40the room and knowing when to push, when to pull. So I've learned a ton from him. There's a ton of
03:44guys on our team right now. I mean, Panay is a great leader. I think St. Lee is incredibly well.
03:48Angeloni, like you mentioned, Decker, Frank, like we got a ton of great leaders. I mean,
03:53David, obviously, you know, it's hard to continue to list them, but you know, I try to learn from
03:57those guys every day and try to get better. It's an aspect of my game, my career that I've been
04:03intentional about in the last four or five years.
04:06There's a saying I've heard offenses say that when a game is over, we left a lot of meat on
04:11the bone. I don't feel like you left a lot of meat on the bone Sunday in Dallas. I felt like you guys
04:16capitalized and Ben Johnson's game plan seemed to be savage, like he was sending a message.
04:24What was your take on that? Yeah, I don't know if we didn't leave any meat on the bone, like you
04:29said. And yeah, we were just going out there trying to play well. I don't think we were trying to
04:34be savage or anything like that. We were just trying to, you know, play well and execute our
04:38plays. And we kind of hit on a lot of them. And when that happens, you score a lot of points. And
04:42I thought at the end there, you know, we weren't, we weren't trying to pull it on or anything. We
04:45were just running the plays that were presented by their defense. And it was a good day for us,
04:49for sure. All right. Because Doug and I both kind of looked at each other and said, this is
04:53interesting. So now that the game's over with, right. And we know that each game, it matters
04:57like as much as the next game, right. But can you admit the Dallas game meant a little bit more? I
05:02mean, Ben Johnson's throwing out plays for offensive linemen. Penny Sewell is catching,
05:06you know, a, a lateral and he's diving into the end zone. There were specific
05:11plays set up for offensive linemen to score. That has to be in retaliation of last year.
05:17Retaliation of what for the referees making a mistake. Like we weren't trying to,
05:22like we weren't trying to prove them. Like it was just, we're just trying to win the game.
05:26The play to Decker. Yeah. You know, there may have been a little tongue in cheek there, but
05:29like it was, it was part of the game plan that was, that was, we thought it was going to work.
05:33We wouldn't have ran it if we didn't think it was going to work. And the same thing with the
05:36play, the play, like we've been practicing that play for, for a few years now. And this week,
05:41the defense, they were running presented. It wasn't like we were trying to, you know,
05:45force feed it to them. It's just the way the game was going and the way it set up, it worked.
05:49Well, one thing we, we love seeing Penny Sewell involved in the game plan. We've seen him do some
05:53other, other plays lined up wide, whatever he's fun to watch. Is he the best athlete on the team
05:58or is he just out to prove that he should be considered the best athlete on the team?
06:03He might be the, he might be the best athlete in the league, you know,
06:06pound for pound that you find somebody that runs like that. It can move like that. It has
06:09a little bit of wiggle like he has. He's as good as I've ever seen.
06:14Okay. You guys ran a bunch of interesting plays. The, the reverse flea flicker to Laporta,
06:20the pass to Decker, the pass to Sewell, you had skipper split out wide on a play,
06:25any nicknames or what these plays are called that you can share with us? Cause we've,
06:30we've learned a lot. Now you guys really have fun. This is, yeah. What'd you name these plays?
06:34Is there any, you can share with us? Sure. So the play that we ran to Sam,
06:40we ran, we ran last year in Carol, against Carolina, if you remember. And that play is
06:46called Boilermaker and it's called Boilermaker because David Blau ran it in college. And that's
06:53what they, they called it in college. Okay. How about the one to Sewell?
07:00Uh, nothing special there. That was just, there's, there's no special name for that.
07:04All right. Now when skipper was split out wide, would you have actually thrown it to him?
07:10He's a part of it. Yeah. I mean, I threw it to him last year against Carolina. Like
07:13he's, he's a part of the read. He's no, he's number four or five on the read, but he's,
07:17you can get there if the pocket allows and everyone else is covered. He's,
07:20he's a part, definitely a part of it. How do you keep your composure in the,
07:23in the huddle when the play comes through your helmet from Ben Johnson? Do you know what's,
07:28I mean, and you gotta, you gotta bark it out to the team. How do you keep your composure
07:32and not laugh or smile when you're about to run one of these plays? Um, yeah, it's a good question.
07:38The one that, you know, you kind of, you start getting excited and I kind of like wink at him,
07:42like here it comes. Um, but every, everything else to be honest was, was part of stuff that
07:47we've done before and they're not plays or play calls that are, um, any bit more exciting,
07:51you know, just plays that we have to execute, to be honest with you. And the one that is fun,
07:55and we were kind of waiting for that one to come up for a year or two now. And sure enough,
07:59there it was. But, um, other than that, yeah, it was all just standard operating procedure.
08:04Jamo's been great when, but when he dropped that pass, did you guys intentionally go back to him,
08:08say, all right, let's get this out of the way next place coming to you as well.
08:12Um, even Ben may have, I haven't asked him that. Uh, but yeah, I, I think that's,
08:17that's been one of the biggest parts of Jamo's game that has gotten so much better is, um,
08:22he doesn't dwell on those, those mistakes, you know, at all really anymore. And, um,
08:27he's very, very online in that way where I'm like, dude, you're going to drop a ball. Like
08:31it happens to everybody. I'm going to make a bad throw. I'm going to throw an interception.
08:33You're going to drop a ball. And I think in his younger years, he was so hard on himself about it.
08:37And, um, to see him come back and I had a pretty good feeling that ball was going to go to him on
08:41the next play and to see him come back and make a really good catch on not a great throw. And, um,
08:45it was good to see. You can answer this question. You're more qualified than anybody. Is this year's
08:50offense better than last year's offense? You know, I'll, I'll tell you in like 12 weeks.
08:58I don't know. It's week five, about three weeks ago, you guys said that we were, you know, maybe
09:02one of the worst in the league. We couldn't score in the red zone. Remember all that. So I don't
09:05know. We'll see. We'll see as the weeks go on. Well, look, it's hard to imagine that the offense
09:09can be better than what you guys have played the last couple of weeks. And yet it seems like
09:13LaPorta and St. Brown really have yet to, to have their number called like it was last year. Can you
09:18guys be even more explosive offensively? I think so. Yeah, I do. I think, you know,
09:23just continue to get everyone involved. And, um, I think that game was kind of representative of
09:28what we can do if we're hitting on all cylinders, but yeah, I think there's, there's more there,
09:31you know, with, with saying, obviously not getting as many touches this past game. And,
09:35um, you know, Gibbs has the ability to be explosive as well. We weren't able to like
09:38kind of get him on too many big plays down the field or anything like that. But yeah,
09:42there's, there's a ton left out there. We got so many great players. Our offensive line is so great.
09:46Um, I like to think I'm pretty accurate and get it to them. And I think we can continue to grow.
09:51Tim Patrick is looking like another Brad Holmes special, uh, guy claimed off waivers that you
09:56guys turn into a very useful player. You got to be pretty excited about his emergence.
10:01Yeah, absolutely. And he's been a great player. We didn't turn him into anything. He just hasn't
10:05been able to play for the last couple of years. So he's been a great player when he was available.
10:09I was pounding on, uh, you know, on the table, try to get him and, um, I'm, I'm happy we did.
10:13And Brad made a great call with him and he fits us. He really does. He blocks hard. He does
10:18everything right. He's, he's a hell of a player. How impressed are you with David Montgomery's
10:22running style? Yeah, he's, he's, he's damn good on it. He's fun to watch and it seems like the
10:28run is never over with him. And, um, he's run, he's won that angry run thing now twice. He's
10:33gotten the double scepter. It's called, I don't know how many guys have gotten that and we'll see
10:36if he can get a triple scepter coming up here. Final thing, Minnesota, one of the big surprises
10:41in the NFL. Uh, what have you seen from them? Yeah, I'm not surprised at all. They were,
10:47they were a good team last year. They were banged up quite a bit and lost their quarterback for
10:51half the year. But other than that, they, they, they were a dang good team and they're
10:54dang good again. Um, they're good on defense. They're well coached for as a great coach,
10:58a lot of respect for him. Obviously, Kevin O'Connell, I was with a ton of respect for him,
11:02what they're doing offensively. They're, they're as, they're as good as any other team in the
11:05league right now. And I'm going to their place. These are the games you dream about.
11:10Hey, you're not 29 anymore. Did you do anything special last night?
11:15Oh yeah. Just, you know, just went to dinner, just had a nice little night with, uh,
11:18with my wife and, uh, it was good. Well, happy birthday.
11:22Thank you guys. Thank you. I appreciate that.
11:24We'll see you and talk next week. Good luck at Minnesota.
11:28All right, guys. Appreciate it.
11:29There he is. Lions quarterback, Jared Goff, here on 97.1 The Ticket.
