• 15 hours ago


00:00Here we go, first question.
00:02USC, they allow fans to pay to run out on to the field
00:06with the team on game day.
00:08The last Saturday, a Penn State fan did this.
00:10He paid and he ran out with the Trojans, but he's dressed all in Penn State
00:15Penn State gear.
00:16Should this be allowed?
00:17OK, I give the Penn State fan credit a little bit.
00:21The cost is fourteen hundred to eighteen hundred dollars, depending on the game.
00:25And I'm guessing that this one was a big game.
00:27Eighteen hundred bucks.
00:28Yeah, there may have been 40,000 people there.
00:30I give that I give the fan credit for kind of trolling.
00:33And he went at the back of the pack, I guess, where he could see the Penn State
00:36team who was yelling at them and put it out on how to YouTube video they put out.
00:41But look, I think from the time the players get to the stadium,
00:46to the time they walk out after the game, it should be a sanctuary.
00:50I don't like letting I mean, I love accessibility
00:54and kind of getting people places they can't otherwise go.
00:57But not on game day.
00:59Let the players have their sanctuary.
01:01I I know that the almighty dollar rules everything.
01:04I can't imagine that USC is making that much money doing this.
01:07How many fans are actually paying to do this?
01:09So I don't like it.
01:11I don't like it either.
01:12I kind of agree with you.
01:13This is it's about the players.
01:14It's not about the fans.
01:15Fans are in the stands cheering on the players.
01:18So they don't belong on a field at all.
01:20I'm not you know, if you win a big game, should fans
01:24even be on the field after the game?
01:26That's even that debatable.
01:27But prior to the game, absolutely not.
01:30And by the way, nice screening process.
01:32OK, when you see the guy in the tunnel, he's decked out in Penn State gear.
01:36You know what you do?
01:37You get him his money back and you say, here, OK,
01:39we're going to escort you back to your seat.
01:40You don't get to run through the tunnel.
01:42We're in the opposite team gear.
01:43It's so stupid.
01:45But look, USC, they've done some dumb things.
01:48And frankly, they're they're hurting to get people to show up in the stadium
01:51anyway. So I guess I understand it.
01:54Yeah. How hard up for money are you if you're allowing this?
01:56Like, I don't get it.
01:57I mean, I don't think you should.
01:59They should be doing this.
02:00But if you're going to allow it, hell yeah.
02:02If you're a fan and you got the money to spend, go go for it.
02:06I I don't know how this is not a rule, by the way.
02:10If you're going to allow this, you cannot wear the opposing team's gear.
02:13I don't care if you're going to be at the back of the pack.
02:15Like, this is ridiculous.
02:17I guess it just proves Big Ten schools are smarter than Pac-10 schools.
02:19Like, it shouldn't even be in fine print.
02:22It should be in boldface letters.
02:24Hey, don't do this.
02:25You do this. You know, it's over.
02:28You can't do it anymore.
02:29So yeah, but they allow it.
02:30So kudos to the Penn State fan.
02:34All right.
02:35Which teams would you guarantee right now would make the college football playoff?
02:39Oh, well, I think it got a guarantee
02:42at least two from the SEC and at least two from the Big Ten.
02:45So from that standpoint, I'm looking at Texas and Georgia
02:49and I'm looking at Ohio State and Penn State.
02:52I think those and also Oregon, for that matter.
02:54I think there are three that I would guarantee from the Big Ten.
02:59I'm sure there's going to be a third from the SEC.
03:01I just don't know who it is.
03:02I can't tell you it's going to be Alabama,
03:04because Bama still has a couple of tough games left.
03:05So I don't know.
03:06I can't tell you it's going to be Tennessee, because Tennessee has some
03:09tough games left.
03:10The other teams I think are definitely in
03:13are Miami, because they don't play anybody the rest of the way.
03:16And Iowa State, who really plays nobody the rest of the way,
03:18but they're in a bigger conference, so they're going to reap the benefits of that.
03:22OK, so I think you're right.
03:24There'll be multiple Big Ten teams and multiple SEC teams,
03:27but I'm only going to guarantee two teams are going to get in.
03:29And it's based upon their current record and their schedule the rest of the way.
03:32And the most losses that I think they can realistically absorb and still make it.
03:37I'm guaranteeing Oregon and Miami, and that's it based upon their schedules.
03:41I don't think Oregon's losing more than if they lose in the Big Ten title game.
03:44That'll be two.
03:45And I still think they'll get in.
03:46And Miami, the SEC is dreadful.
03:49I don't think they have a ranked team the rest of the way.
03:51So I'm ACC. Sorry, ACC is dreadful.
03:55So those are the only two that have a schedule, right?
03:58No, they don't. It's an easy schedule for them.
04:01Come on, Doug. Only two teams.
04:02I'm going six guarantee.
04:04I got Texas, Oregon, Penn State, Ohio State, Georgia and Alabama.
04:07The Miami thing. Yeah, their schedule looks off.
04:09They got the same coach, though, right?
04:10They can they could screw this up.
04:12I mean, I mean, he doesn't kneel down on the ball
04:13when they have a chance to close out a game.
04:15So who knows what happens in Miami?
04:17But I got six, not including Miami.
04:20All right.
04:21Is a monster TV deal between the Big Ten and the SEC
04:25a good thing for college football?
04:27No, it's not a good thing for all of college football.
04:30It would be healthy for Big Ten and SEC fans.
04:34But I'm going to tell you something that the fans need to get used to.
04:36You need to stop treating one loss like it's the end of the world,
04:39because the way the schedules are going to be now like Ohio State.
04:43They still are fine.
04:45Like teams can lose a game, maybe even two.
04:48And if you're playing a tough schedule, you're going to be fine.
04:51This is turning into the NFL.
04:52And I guess we shouldn't be shocked.
04:53The biggest revenue driver in college athletics is their media,
04:58their media deals, their network TV deals.
05:01And if this goes down, essentially, we need to just change
05:05the name of the conference.
05:05This is the big Fox or the big NBC or the big CBS.
05:09And and the Southeastern Conference is the big ESPN.
05:13And we're throwing away jugs and oaken buckets and spittoons
05:17for deposit slips.
05:19You never throw away jugs ever.
05:23I hate this.
05:24I think this is just it's sheer arrogance on behalf of the Big Ten
05:29and the SEC.
05:30And they know that they can get away with stuff like this
05:32with negotiating a TV contract that's going to benefit the SEC
05:36and the Big Ten, right?
05:38This is terrible for college football.
05:39College football is going down in the toilet in the next few years.
05:42If it continues down this path, you're only having the haves
05:45and the have nots.
05:47And it's disgusting.
05:48Eventually, you're just going to have employees of the university
05:51that play football.
05:53And this is where we're going.
05:54I think this is a horrible idea.
05:57I hated seeing this story the other day because this is this is the
06:01it's not even the beginning.
06:02The beginning of the demise of college football began a couple of years ago.
06:05But the way college football is going to look a few years from now.
06:10Yeah, I guess when I ask this question,
06:12is this a good thing for college football and define good thing
06:15for college football, right?
06:16I mean, if good thing for college football is making money.
06:19Yeah, this is going to be a good thing for college football.
06:21If good thing for college football, if you're an old school football fan.
06:25No, it's not going to be like you said, Gator, unrecognizable.
06:28This is this is professional sports.
06:31And what this is turning into if you do things like this
06:34is you're turning into the NFC versus the AFC.
06:36This is two conferences.
06:37Eventually is what they want to do.
06:39They're going to put the ACC somewhere and they're going to put,
06:41you know, the whatever conferences are left over.
06:45The Mountain West is going to be part of the, you know, the Big Ten,
06:47whatever they're going to do.
06:48Is it just two superpower conferences?
06:50And hey, let's make this closest to the NFL as possible.
06:53I don't like it personally, but if they're making money off it,
06:56you know, they're going to do it.
06:57So it is the way it is until we stop watching people.
07:00We have a say in this.
07:03All right, halfway through the season, who's your Heisman leader?
07:07All right, so typically it's going to be a quarterback,
07:09and there's a couple of quarterbacks have had phenomenal years to this point.
07:13You know, Cam Ward's had a great year with Miami, Shador Sanders with Colorado.
07:17These guys have been great, but.
07:21You're sleeping under a rock
07:22if you haven't seen what Ashton Gente has done at Boise State.
07:26This guy's averaging over 200 yards a game over 10.
07:30He's averaging just under 10 yards per rush.
07:33And he's got 17 touchdowns in six games ish
07:37because he doesn't play much of the second half of games
07:40because Boise gets out to big leads.
07:42Boise is a ranked team.
07:44Boise has an easier schedule the rest of the way.
07:45Boise might find themselves in the college football playoff as well,
07:49which would only benefit him.
07:51This guy is the best player in the country right now.
07:53So I agree with you.
07:54And I'll add this on Ashton Gente is it's not unusual for a group of five
08:00or smaller school guy to put up video game numbers.
08:04But when he played against Oregon, he averaged 7.7 yards a carry
08:08when they played against Washington State.
08:10He averaged 10 yards a carry.
08:11They play Oregon State later this year.
08:13So he has a chance to go up against the power five teams
08:17and and prove that he is an elite player.
08:19And so I give him a ton of credit for for doing what he's done
08:23in those other games and then outperforming guys in in the biggest games
08:27and by outperforming at Travion Henderson had a good game.
08:30But Quenshawn Jenkins, Jenkins did not.
08:32Oregon can stop some people.
08:34But Gente is doing it against those same opponents.
08:39And that's why he he gets the nod now.
08:41Yeah, make it three for three has to be Gente.
08:43Those numbers are just way too, too impressive to be ignored.
08:46As of right now, he's your leader for the Heisman.
08:51All right, the NCAA is looking at the Dan Lanning loophole.
08:54That's right.
08:55He intentionally put out a 12th player on defense
08:57trading five yards for time off the clock.
08:59Should the NCAA change the rule?
09:01And if so, what should they do is pretty simple.
09:04Inside of two minutes, the play is allowed to run.
09:08And then if you accept the penalty, you get the five yards in the time back.
09:12It's a quick and easy fix and closes a loophole.
09:16I agree 100%.
09:17It's exactly how they should handle it.
09:18I think, you know, the big ten came out right away
09:21and changed the rule on an onside kicks that you they need to have
09:26another official out there because they screwed up the play.
09:28Minnesota should have had a recovered onside kick against Michigan.
09:31They came out the following week and changed the rule.
09:34I think NCAA should absolutely change this rule.
09:36How would you guys prove it's unintentional or intentional?
09:38I guess it doesn't matter.
09:39It's doesn't matter. It's 12 minutes.
09:42Because you could do it other ways.
09:43Doesn't have to be 12 minutes.
09:43It could be other ways, other penalties that you could do to extend,
09:46you know, to take time off the clock.
09:48So I think they should definitely change the rule somehow.
09:50They got to look deeper into this, though.
09:52It's not just 12 men on the field. It's any penalty.
09:54But the option should be give the time back, of course.
09:57And at some point, you have to do an unsportsmanlike penalty where, hey,
10:00this is really going to penalize you guys.
10:01You don't want to do this on purpose.
10:07All right, James Franklin, did he actually do something cool this weekend?
10:10He kept his team from planting a flag on USC's field.
10:14Yeah, that's cool. That's fine.
10:16And that's really all I have to say about it.
10:17I mean, he's still a massive tool.
10:19And in some way, some way, this is going to affect his team.
10:22It's going to screw him in the long run.
10:23Probably cost his team a timeout or an extra point or a scholarship.
10:26I have no idea how it's going to end up getting him in the end,
10:28but it probably will because he's he's coach Franklin.
10:31I don't get you. What do you mean it's going to cost this?
10:33I just I just at some point, maybe there'll be a repeat of this.
10:36And I don't know. Here's the thing about it's just it's Franklin, man.
10:40What he did, I actually give him credit for.
10:43And I have more respect for James Franklin for doing that.
10:46There's not one time that I've watched a team that win a game.
10:48And I thought, yeah, it's cool.
10:50They won, but they didn't even plant a flag.
10:52So I'm glad I'm glad to see him do it.
10:55I hope more coaches do do it.
10:57Yeah, I approve of him, you know, doing this.
10:59But it's things like this, though, Doug, that make rivalries
11:02and make college football different from other professional sports,
11:05even though they're trying to be like professional sports.
11:07But with that being said, I understand that's not James Franklin's job
11:10to sell games and make rivalries.
11:12Those happen organically.
11:13But I do approve of what he did, even though I don't like him either, Gator.
11:17And that concludes the college football blitz thing.
