• 5 hours ago


00:01:11Bienvenido a casa hijo muchas gracias por vivir aquí
00:01:21Mamá ya me voy luego vengo
00:02:31Diga me tuvo oportunidad de traer su certificado
00:02:37Que aquí tiene
00:02:56El clan de su madre era cuál es su plan
00:03:00Sí, de qué clan es el apellido Lee de qué clan es Lee
00:03:08Necesito saber su clan familiar puede ir a un registro y una vez que amanezca el clan de Inchon
00:03:18Bien y usted de su hija liste los nombres de los familiares que vengan
00:03:32Ella es la única familiar que hay pero que él no era su marido
00:03:40Solo anoté mi nombre por favor son geyong
00:03:49Necesito que seleccione el altar que le gustaría usar primero
00:03:54Quiero el mejor que tengan aquí también tenemos que elegir el sudario para colocarlo
00:04:01No sé cuál es la diferencia
00:04:04Con gusto le explico
00:04:28Vamos a presentar nuestros respetos para que pueda descansar en paz
00:05:17Porque vinieron tantos jefes no sé lo avisaron
00:05:47Apenas es el primer día cuando lleguen los demás no podrá descansar mejor vaya a sentarse
00:05:58Hey young
00:06:02Sería que la tía hubiera vivido un poco más
00:06:08Qué bueno que llegaron
00:06:25Una cosa le voy a dar a mamá uno de los cigarros que tanto quería que pero mi mamá no fumaba no lo sabías
00:06:32Tu mamá fumaba mucho y le dije que me llevaría su secreto a la tumba
00:06:36Eso significa que debes llevárselo a tu tumba no a la de ella es en serio
00:06:43Adelante todo está listo
00:06:57Oye que yo te digo una cosa cuando estaba en la escuela mamá se peleó con el matón de mi salón
00:07:03El matón que matón
00:07:05Es que ahí los niños me trataban como a un vándalo y cuando mamá se enteró fue y los desafió a una pelea
00:07:14Qué crees que pasó sabes muy bien como era mamá bueno primero se asustó y se agachó así al piso pero ni siquiera se
00:07:21puso en guardia y se quedó ahí y le dijo
00:07:26Te juro que lo hizo
00:07:33Me siento mucho tu pérdida
00:07:53Vino mucha gente y sólo lleva un día
00:07:58Creo que su vida fue muy valiosa
00:08:05Parece que la tuya también
00:08:08Muchos invitados son tuyos
00:08:11Quizás sólo envíe dinero en ocasiones pero siempre estuve ahí para ayudar
00:08:16Y la regla es corresponder a esa atención
00:08:24Wilson te sientes cansada el productor cuando va a venir
00:08:28El no va a venir yo le dije que mejor no viniera no pienses mal porque no viene
00:08:35Ya terminamos que en serio si yo terminé con él no sentía que fuera lo correcto
00:08:45Hiciste bien tú no tenías interés en tener un bebé o en casarte
00:08:58Voy a tenerlo
00:09:01Chavo is on hey young
00:09:03quiero disfrutar una larga vida
00:09:09Quiero vivir para siempre como lo hizo mamá
00:09:18Aunque ella ya no está con nosotros
00:09:24Una stacky
00:09:27Puedo verla en tu cara
00:09:31Está en tu personalidad
00:09:33En cómo hablas y nos escuchas
00:09:42Mamá nunca va a morir
00:09:44Sí, pero
00:09:47Oye que yo
00:09:49Déjame darle sólo un cigarro uno de alquitrán de seis milímetros
00:09:53Ya vete a casa ya dejen de beber por favor. No que voy a dormir aquí, pero antes voy a ver a mamá en su mortad
00:10:01Dejanos irnos mañana
00:10:16Cuídate no dejes de comer y descansar muchas gracias
00:10:37Tuvo una boda falsa con un marido falso yo sé que usted puede hablar
00:10:48Pensaba que siempre
00:10:51Eras tú la que salías perdiendo en la vida
00:10:54Pero me equivoqué
00:10:55Mira nada más cuántos hijos tienes
00:11:00Me anotó como si fuera un sueño
00:11:02Mira nada más cuántos hijos tienes
00:11:06Me anotó como el hijo menor
00:11:10No quería ponerte en la lista como si fuera su yerno
00:11:14Porque antes de conocerte ya era su hijo el hijo de león
00:11:24Muchas gracias Hugh por estar al lado de mamá
00:11:28Muchas gracias a usted por decirlo
00:11:36Desde hoy le prometo que nunca más le ocultaré algo
00:11:42Se lo prometo
00:12:13Mamaya stacky
00:12:18Vino muy rápido no
00:12:21No vayan a pelear entre ustedes
00:12:23Este es la primera vez que vienes ya un
00:12:32Papá debe estar contento vamos a venir seguido
00:12:46Desde hoy mamá va a poder descansar en este lugar con él no se va a sentir sola
00:12:51También tiene una amiga ahí
00:13:02Las dos están juntas de nuevo cuando mi abuelita falleció fue mi mamá
00:13:09La que eligió este lugar
00:13:13Parece que mamá tenía
00:13:16Un plan
00:13:19Preparado para cuando por fin llegar aquí para no aburrirse si yo tuviera su edad no creo que hubiera sido su amiga
00:13:27Éramos tan diferentes en todos los sentidos
00:13:31Necesitarías oír la opinión de mamá
00:13:34Si mamá tuviera tu edad no sería tu amiga
00:13:38Tú crees
00:13:41Fue por eso que terminaron como madre hija
00:13:47Si hubiera nacido el mismo día nunca habrían sido amigas o se habrían querido como tenían que hacerlo
00:14:01Siento no haber cumplido la promesa que hice pero a cambio me quedaré a su lado
00:14:09Te prometo que nunca la dejaré
00:14:26Le hice una promesa a su madre quedarme con usted y nunca soltar su mano
00:14:34Mi abuela lo quiso así y si voy a verla la metería en problemas tengo que vivir y yo solo
00:14:41No se lo dije porque se lo prometí a su madre si te enamoraste por qué irte tenía miedo de romper la promesa que le hice
00:14:47a su madre no sabía qué hacer
00:15:00Ya no necesitas mantener más promesas
00:15:05Ya eres libre
00:15:08No hay nadie a quien proteger
00:15:11Ni más promesas que cumplir
00:15:14Solo tienes que pensar en ti
00:15:18Qué quiere decir con eso solo viviste para
00:15:22tu mamá tu abuela
00:15:25y mi madre siempre haciendo promesas
00:15:28evitando ir a ver a tu mamá canadá aunque la extrañaras
00:15:32Y evitando poder enamorarte
00:15:38En tu vida ya solo estoy yo
00:15:41Qué más vas a hacer
00:15:43O qué sentimientos vas a guardarte
00:15:46con tal de mantener las promesas que haces pero
00:15:51Lo hago por la persona que amo perdón pero
00:15:55No quiero ser tu única razón y que así estés conmigo el resto de tu vida
00:16:03Eso es
00:16:07Demasiado para ti Hugh
00:16:15Una carga pesada
00:16:35Una vez más
00:16:38Pero déjame una última vez para que pueda ser yo
00:16:48Y quiera estar contigo
00:17:29Por que se va sola?
00:17:37Por que se va sola?
00:18:07Por que se va sola?
00:18:31Podrías haberse lo dicho más tarde el cuñado
00:18:38Hugh también debe estar sufriendo mucho por mamá
00:18:44Si no se lo decía ahora
00:18:49No hubiera podido hacerlo luego
00:18:53Creí que quería que me consulara
00:18:57Y seguir confiando en él siempre pues deja que te consuela y confía en él porque tienes que complicarte tanto
00:19:03y él ni siquiera intentó detenerte
00:19:06Cuando rompiste con él solo aceptó
00:19:10Es como un niño consentido que por todo se pone a llorar así es él
00:19:18Y esos niños saben muy bien
00:19:23Que pase lo que pase
00:19:29Que no importa lo que hagan nadie nunca los abandonará
00:19:36Aunque yo quería
00:19:44Aunque yo quería
00:20:35Aunque yo quería
00:21:05Aunque yo quería
00:21:35Aunque yo quería
00:21:37Aunque yo quería
00:21:39Aunque yo quería
00:21:41Aunque yo quería
00:21:43Aunque yo quería
00:21:45Aunque yo quería
00:21:47Aunque yo quería
00:21:49Aunque yo quería
00:21:51Aunque yo quería
00:22:05Un Photoshop
00:22:07Grab dieses
00:22:11Para tener una ube casión de par股 infantil
00:22:29Vamos a tomarnos una.poto
00:22:32Así que los niños al frente
00:22:34Muy bien
00:22:34You over here, and you over there, without pushing each other.
00:22:40Listen, kids.
00:22:42I'm going to introduce you to someone.
00:22:44Yes, it's the man who brought us this gift.
00:22:47The president of the company...
00:22:49Hey, sir.
00:22:50Do you want to play with us?
00:22:52Of course I want to play with you.
00:22:54Nobody beats me at football.
00:22:57Thank you very much.
00:22:58A round of applause!
00:23:03He did a good job.
00:23:05Thank you very much, president.
00:23:10Oh, that bastard.
00:23:14How lucky are those who don't bathe.
00:23:16Plus, he steals ideas.
00:23:18Did he find out?
00:23:20You told us all.
00:23:22But I'm going to be honest with you.
00:23:24You behaved like a saint.
00:23:26If I were you, I would pray to all the gods in heaven
00:23:28that your plan ends up failing.
00:23:31It may be wrong and it may be unfair,
00:23:33but to survive in a company,
00:23:35you have to follow the trend.
00:23:44Again, very good job, director.
00:23:46Thank you very much for coming to visit us, president.
00:23:48You too, director.
00:23:50And Mrs...
00:23:52Mrs. Sun?
00:23:53What are you doing here?
00:23:56I wanted to see this.
00:23:58At the beginning, I was the one with the idea.
00:24:00I wanted to see the kids.
00:24:01No, that's not why.
00:24:07Aren't you going to the airport?
00:24:09Hugh's flight is about to leave.
00:24:13Is he leaving today?
00:24:15We have to go together.
00:24:16They got divorced, but he always stayed by her side.
00:24:19He never abandoned her.
00:24:21I don't care.
00:24:22You don't care?
00:24:23No, Mrs. Sun.
00:24:24Don't get me wrong.
00:24:25Yes, I'm John's boyfriend, but I'm asking you
00:24:27to treat me with respect...
00:24:28Director Anam!
00:24:32How are you?
00:24:53How are you?
00:25:16It's by the door, sir.
00:25:17Yes, thank you.
00:25:24Kim Hugh!
00:25:29Are you really leaving?
00:25:31I don't understand why you're leaving.
00:25:32I'm leaving because you threatened me.
00:25:34What did you say?
00:25:35That my existence was a problem
00:25:37and that I'm a risk to the owners?
00:25:41I know a lot has happened between you and me.
00:25:45But even though I never told you, I thought...
00:25:47Your threats.
00:25:48That was the only thing you told me.
00:25:50When I land, you'll find the staff waiting for you.
00:25:53We'll prepare a place for you to stay,
00:25:55and if there's anything else you want...
00:25:56That's not what's important right now.
00:25:59But take good care of yourself, Director Young.
00:26:06We really want to know why you're leaving.
00:26:20Just because.
00:26:23I have a message for President Buck.
00:26:25Tell him thank you very much for helping me with everything.
00:26:33Have a good trip.
00:26:35One day...
00:26:36Are you coming back?
00:26:38Oh, well...
00:26:39If my brother asks me to.
00:26:41What about me? You don't have to tell me that...
00:26:48See you later, brother.
00:27:08What did he say? I thought I heard him give you the message.
00:27:12He asked me to thank him,
00:27:14and to beg him to be a very decent man one day.
00:27:20I think...
00:27:21I should go now.
00:27:24What did you do after I said goodbye?
00:27:26I cleaned the horse manure.
00:27:29What's the point of cleaning manure?
00:27:31It's much better than cleaning someone else's mess.
00:27:50Hey, Jung.
00:27:52Hugh just got on his flight.
00:28:11Congratulations on your marriage, Ms. Song Hye Jung.
00:28:42Are you scared?
00:28:44Not anymore.
00:28:46Then get ready, because I am.
00:28:52This world would be better if I didn't lose anything for being single.
00:28:56Also, if this wedding were real and I was marrying the person I love.
00:29:02I love you.
00:29:11I love you, Ms. Song Hye Jung.
00:29:14Even if you chose this to be happy,
00:29:18even if it's fake, if this worked for you to be successful,
00:29:21I think it's enough justification.
00:29:30I hope all your choices bring you a lot of luck.
00:29:34From your fake and temporary husband,
00:29:38I wish you true happiness.
00:29:46Hugh, I also hope you are happy, sincere and eternally.
00:29:53And that your choices bring you a lot of luck.
00:30:07I love you.
00:30:13Baby, what if we get along?
00:30:38Hong Ha, we need another housekeeper.
00:30:41I prefer a new husband to another housekeeper.
00:30:49President Bok.
00:30:59I fulfilled my promise.
00:31:01And what is that?
00:31:02As we agreed, I will be the one who decides who I will marry.
00:31:08Why don't the three of us go out for dinner tonight to celebrate our son?
00:31:14What? You don't want to?
00:31:17It's not that.
00:31:18I'm going to make a reservation at your favorite restaurant.
00:31:21Enjoy your meal.
00:31:25And what are you planning?
00:31:28I'm not going to let my son give me a housekeeper like Noera.
00:31:32A housekeeper like Noera?
00:31:37A housekeeper like Noera?
00:31:40The End
00:32:04Yes, Miss Editor.
00:32:06Yes, thank you very much for your help, too.
00:32:15Would it be today?
00:32:27And so much that I had avoided it.
00:32:29Why did they have to change the studio?
00:32:31The discomfort is temporary.
00:32:36The money is forever.
00:32:51How long without...
00:32:52What happened? And that belly, what?
00:32:55Don't you know that fat is the root of the disease?
00:32:59Start exercising.
00:33:21Are you really going to keep working like this?
00:33:27Are you really going to keep talking to me like that?
00:33:28I'm not your secretary!
00:33:32Now I'm a director.
00:33:35When he left his job and convinced me to open this with you.
00:33:38Do you remember what he told me, right?
00:33:41Anuche! Anuche! Anuche!
00:33:52Today I'm going to leave this filthy company.
00:33:57And I'll start mine.
00:34:00I'm going to become a success.
00:34:03And then what?
00:34:05Gulbi will know what she missed.
00:34:10I also want to go and work coding.
00:34:20How are you, Mr. Developer?
00:34:26I'm the winner of that ideas contest.
00:34:29I'm Song Hye Young.
00:34:30And I have an idea for a business.
00:34:35And then?
00:34:37Well, I'm going to need someone like you.
00:34:47And you're doing it. Coding.
00:34:54I said I just wanted to code instead of doing a secretary's job again.
00:34:59Or did you hear something else?
00:35:02Secretary Jo.
00:35:03You have many friends who also work in startups.
00:35:06Didn't they tell you how they're doing?
00:35:08The first few days are like this.
00:35:10When we have more money...
00:35:12Now I am...
00:35:15a director.
00:35:18And yes, about money.
00:35:20Where or how are we going to get people to invest?
00:35:25A person being cute.
00:35:34Instead of being spiteful,
00:35:36can we ask Colby for help just once?
00:35:41Who are we?
00:35:48How dare you suggest that to me?
00:35:57Welcome, President Park.
00:35:59My parents aren't here yet, right?
00:36:02Oh, yes.
00:36:03Come with me. I'll take you to your table.
00:36:26Sit down. Let's get this over with.
00:36:28Who are you? Do I know you?
00:36:30You are Bokyung, president of the company Colby.
00:36:33And I am...
00:36:35the younger sister of Ongye...
00:36:40of the art gallery, Ong.
00:36:41The younger sister of the director.
00:36:43The daughter who appeared out of nowhere at 20.
00:36:50Only today's illegitimate children.
00:36:54I heard your family has one.
00:36:57Who told you?
00:36:59That's why we're both on these blind dates.
00:37:02I'm one.
00:37:03And you have one.
00:37:05A date?
00:37:11A date?
00:37:13Here you go.
00:37:16Sorry to ask you to come all of a sudden.
00:37:18No problem.
00:37:20I had to tell you something in person.
00:37:22And I wanted to introduce you to our intern.
00:37:26How are you?
00:37:27I'm Bora. Nice to meet you.
00:37:29It's a pleasure to meet you.
00:37:31My name is Ming Huan.
00:37:33It's a pleasure to work with you.
00:37:37I'm a great admirer.
00:37:47So they organized a blind date for us.
00:37:49But without our consent.
00:37:56But listen.
00:37:57You only need to know three things.
00:38:00I have absolutely no desire to get married.
00:38:03I have absolutely no desire to get married to you.
00:38:06In life.
00:38:12I wonder what the third one will be.
00:38:16It's only two things.
00:38:23Give a university conference?
00:38:25Who? Me?
00:38:27The University of San Guillaume has an important department of Web Novels and Webtoons.
00:38:31And last year they asked us to give a conference as a guest.
00:38:35But I had been postponing that until it was over.
00:38:39I know that in general you refrain from doing something public.
00:38:46Miss John?
00:38:49Give me a moment.
00:38:52Yes, professor.
00:38:55I won't be long. I'm going to the bathroom.
00:38:56Yes, okay.
00:39:23And why did you take the bouquet of flowers I bought? I didn't even buy it for you.
00:39:29The third thing you should know.
00:39:31Flowers are something I love.
00:39:35Let's see, look this way.
00:39:38Three, two, one.
00:39:51Three, two, one.
00:39:53Why do you have to take a picture of us?
00:39:55I see.
00:39:56It's the first time you've been cheated, right?
00:39:59And tell your mom that the atmosphere of the date was...
00:40:03Yes, friendly.
00:40:04It was quite friendly.
00:40:05Unless you got sick.
00:40:07A date?
00:40:09Uh, John.
00:40:13How dare you cheat on me!
00:40:16You said you would love me forever.
00:40:18And now it turns out you have someone else!
00:40:21Baby, why do you say something like that?
00:40:24I have a very good reason for what I...
00:40:25Shut up!
00:40:30And you dare to swear fidelity to me?
00:40:42You are a cockroach and a whore!
00:40:44I swear I have no expectations.
00:40:46I hate you!
00:40:48I hate you!
00:41:04Hong A.
00:41:05Call Director Ong.
00:41:06To see if the date went well.
00:41:08Surely not.
00:41:09Her younger sister always goes against her.
00:41:11So much so that if I told her that the sky is blue,
00:41:13she would say it's red.
00:41:16And why didn't you tell me anything if you already knew her?
00:41:18Because always...
00:41:21going out with a rich man whose parents don't accept him
00:41:23and forcing him to obey is very entertaining.
00:41:26The clichés exist for a reason.
00:41:29What the hell are you talking about?
00:41:31Listen to me.
00:41:36Is the president a hateful man?
00:41:37I'm going to give you the privilege of having a writing wife.
00:41:43Just like a daughter-in-law.
00:41:47Something is very wrong.
00:41:48There is something here that is very wrong.
00:42:06Didn't you say you would sleep 10 hours when you delivered your last chapter?
00:42:10I didn't tell you because I didn't want to interrupt your lunch with your mom and your dad.
00:42:14Who was the man we saw before?
00:42:16Find out that it wasn't a date.
00:42:17And why did that idiot hug you so much?
00:42:19Did you see that while you took a selfie with that woman?
00:42:24It's a wolf!
00:42:25It can't be, it's a wolf!
00:42:26The young man shouted loudly at the villagers, but they didn't hear him.
00:42:30No, that boy is lying again.
00:42:32This time it's a real wolf, they have to help us!
00:42:35We won't let you fool us!
00:42:36You're a liar!
00:42:38No one in the whole town wanted to help the poor wolf.
00:42:42And the sheep, unfortunately, were devoured.
00:42:45Thank you very much.
00:42:46Thank you, team.
00:42:47Great job.
00:42:48See you later.
00:42:49Chang Huizon.
00:42:50I've been thinking about it.
00:42:52I really can't live without you.
00:42:53Oh, what's wrong with him?
00:42:55Why is he saying that?
00:43:02Oh, what a horror!
00:43:03What is that?
00:43:04Did he kill him?
00:43:05Yes, why is he using that?
00:43:07You've already lost your mind.
00:43:10You've already lost your mind.
00:43:12No matter how hard I try, I can't become Chang Huizon.
00:43:15And no matter how hard I try, I can't be the version of me that didn't love you.
00:43:20And for that, give me another chance.
00:43:24I think we better go.
00:43:27Excuse me.
00:43:28See you later.
00:43:31This baby is not yours.
00:43:33I already saw the ultrasound and you don't look like him at all.
00:43:38I didn't love you because you were my son's mother.
00:43:40But because...
00:43:41Because you're the woman I love.
00:43:44And I will love everyone you love.
00:43:46I swear.
00:43:47Your son.
00:43:48Your friends.
00:43:52I have to work harder with Heizhong.
00:43:56Give me another chance, please.
00:44:05There is only one chance for someone to become a good father.
00:44:09And you already wasted that chance.
00:44:34I read that doing this feels good.
00:44:38It's just that...
00:44:39I pretended to be pregnant.
00:44:41And I took classes to be a good father.
00:44:44I beg you, Huizon.
00:44:46Yun Teong.
00:44:47Don't you remember what happened when you were going to be born?
00:44:52Chang Huizon.
00:45:03You can't accept it.
00:45:05Why not?
00:45:07Weren't you sick of him?
00:45:10I'm not sick of him.
00:45:12On the contrary, he makes me laugh a lot.
00:45:15That's why?
00:45:17That's not even the case.
00:45:19Four, three, two, one.
00:45:21May the baby be born very well.
00:45:24May the baby be born very well.
00:45:26Congratulations, Huizon.
00:45:29May the baby be born very well.
00:45:34Turn it off.
00:45:40Thank you so much.
00:45:42Open it.
00:45:44Isn't it cute?
00:45:50Happy birthday to you.
00:45:52Happy birthday to you.
00:45:54Happy birthday, Song Hye Jong.
00:45:57Happy birthday to you.
00:46:00Thank you both so much.
00:46:04May my new company find an investor very soon.
00:46:10Please, please, please.
00:46:15And forgive me.
00:46:17Because the conference is just that day.
00:46:19Don't worry about that.
00:46:21The gift for me this year is that you go.
00:46:24And missing.
00:46:25I'm going to invest in your company as a gift.
00:46:28How much do you need?
00:46:29You already made an investment.
00:46:30If I need your help, I'll tell you.
00:46:35But if you end up bankrupt, don't drag Yaon with you.
00:46:39I already have my gift.
00:46:41I chose each continent for you.
00:46:45But take it because it weighs.
00:46:47But it is that ...
00:46:49Do you see this again?
00:46:51Seriously, don't look.
00:46:57They are very beautiful.
00:47:00You wouldn't have bothered.
00:47:03Thank you very much.
00:47:05Did you like the gift?
00:47:07I asked them in favor of Hyuk and he sent them to me.
00:47:11And why did you make Hyuk buy them all?
00:47:18Are you still in contact with Hyuk?
00:47:22What? I didn't tell you?
00:47:24He even sent me a gift for the baby recently.
00:47:31You too?
00:47:34I wouldn't say I'm in contact, just ...
00:47:37Sometimes I send him pictures of the baby.
00:47:44So you're also in contact with him.
00:47:57And before I saw him at the hotel.
00:48:01To whom?
00:48:04To a ... that ... I'm not sure.
00:48:09Boki went there for a date.
00:48:12A date?
00:48:14And why did he do that to you?
00:48:16Stop it.
00:48:17Let him talk.
00:48:18He must have a good reason.
00:48:19In a hotel?
00:48:20He's an idiot.
00:48:21And if it was because he had a business meeting?
00:48:23It's true.
00:48:31These are all the countries he has traveled to.
00:48:39And he talks to everyone except me.
00:48:44He's still ...
00:48:47Very good at keeping his promises.
00:49:01We are from the real estate agency.
00:49:04I would like to go see the house with a client.
00:49:06If you are looking to sell, it is good that you know him.
00:49:18Don't be mad at me.
00:49:20Consider it your investment.
00:49:23Don't be mad at me.
00:49:25Consider it your investment.
00:49:53I love it here.
00:50:24Did you see the birds?
00:50:28Oh no. Where is it?
00:50:30It's so pretty.
00:50:43Call me later.
00:50:44I will. Thank you very much.
00:50:45You're welcome.
00:51:00Why did it take so long?
00:51:01The client just left.
00:51:04Is that the person who is interested in buying it?
00:51:08Don't tell me you already knew that man.
00:51:13It's just that the young woman liked the house a lot.
00:51:15But the gentleman said he would never buy it.
00:51:26What's wrong?
00:51:28You look upset.
00:51:32I think...
00:51:35I thought too many abandoned houses as I passed by.
00:51:54Hey John.
00:51:55Aren't you sleepy?
00:52:00And then?
00:52:02Why didn't you sell the house?
00:52:05You know that if you want...
00:52:08I have a meeting with an investor this morning.
00:52:11And I'm going to make him invest.
00:52:14I'm going to make him invest.
00:52:16I'm going to make him invest.
00:52:18I'm going to make him invest.
00:52:20I'm going to make him invest.
00:52:21I'm going to make him invest.
00:52:24What? Did you get up very early?
00:52:28My conference is this late.
00:52:33Don't be scared.
00:52:36Just choose someone among all the crowd and look at him all the time.
00:52:39Did you hear me?
00:52:48Happy birthday.
00:53:15Do you really think this is the right thing to do?
00:53:17I'm not a secretary anymore.
00:53:19I'm the general manager.
00:53:22And now that Colby is at the top of the industry,
00:53:24he's looking to expand aggressively.
00:53:28That's why he's looking for companies to invest.
00:53:31I don't even want to look at this building.
00:53:33The things these bastards made me do.
00:53:37For the moment, we have no other option.
00:53:39That's why...
00:53:41We're going to take all the money from Kihun.
00:53:47Let's go.
00:54:11And who do we have here?
00:54:13Traitor 1 and Traitor 2.
00:54:18These books are for the elderly.
00:54:21A fundamental value here in Jalea Real
00:54:24to prevent dementia.
00:54:28Yes, write on this page using this pen with artificial intelligence.
00:54:33He's connected to his cell phone,
00:54:34so a text message is sent to the phone he connected to.
00:54:46A handwritten message.
00:54:48With all my heart.
00:54:54And if I refuse to invest, what happens?
00:54:56What are you going to do?
00:55:02could get mad.
00:55:05I swear...
00:55:07I was going to make you happy.
00:55:21Well, I wish you all the luck.
00:55:23Traitor 1 and Traitor 2.
00:55:38I'll let the planning office know.
00:55:40Come on Monday.
00:55:41And prepare a good presentation.
00:55:47We did it!
00:55:50Equality of services regardless of their civil status.
00:55:55They should have done it before.
00:56:05Did you know Hyuk came back?
00:56:07Yes, I think he came to the wedding, right?
00:56:09He says he'll leave right after, so we have to see each other before.
00:56:12Oh, yes. Okay.
00:56:15I hope.
00:56:34Ms. John Bora?
00:56:35Yes, hello, it's me.
00:56:37You're Professor Joo, right?
00:56:39Thank you for agreeing to give a lecture.
00:56:41The students are looking forward to it.
00:56:46Follow me.
00:56:49Could you tell me how many there are?
00:57:05Come in, here it is.
00:57:10Don't be scared.
00:57:12Just choose someone among the crowd and look at him all the time.
00:57:18Writer, I wish you good luck.
00:57:20Call me when you're done.
00:57:21What's going on?
00:57:22Is he still angry?
00:57:25Look at him, look at him.
00:57:38John Bora, the best author in history.
00:57:53Hello everyone, I am a novelist, job proposal and what happens to President Kim are some of my works.
00:58:11Everyone is here because they want to know how to write a novel that is successful.
00:58:21Then they should not be here, they should be sitting writing.
00:58:25In my opinion, the most important thing is your imagination in this art.
00:58:29Thank you very much again, President.
00:58:32I am the one who thanks you.
00:58:36Can you give us your autograph here?
00:58:38We liked your conference very much.
00:58:53Thank you for coming.
00:59:06What is this?
00:59:07I am the president of an educational company.
00:59:09Preparation is the basis.
00:59:12Where do you want to go? Choose the place and let's go.
00:59:18Here, here, here, here, here I want and here.
00:59:26We can not?
00:59:27No, it's not that.
00:59:32Can we not come back?
00:59:37Go here, here, here, here and here.
00:59:39It will be very late one day.
00:59:41It will not be enough.
00:59:43We stay.
00:59:45And then...
00:59:47No, do not even think about it.
00:59:51I'm worried that you end up very tired.
00:59:56Wait, wait, Yaon.
00:59:57Yaon, do not go, look.
00:59:59Ah, no, if it's out there.
01:00:00Come on.
01:00:06But it's true.
01:00:14This is very hot.
01:00:16And this?
01:00:20No, I'll show you.
01:00:21How do I do this?
01:00:22Look in the center here.
01:00:25It can not be!
01:00:31Do not you have a cold?
01:00:41Hey, I have to use my legs.
01:00:43I'm going to die.
01:00:44No, no, no.
01:01:02Ah, what a great day.
01:01:05I think the same.
01:01:12And what if we take another picture here?
01:01:21Three, two, one.
01:01:24One more.
01:01:25Three, two, one.
01:01:33I would like the view to stand out better in the photo.
01:01:38Give me a minute.
01:02:07Would you like us to wear couple rings?
01:02:13Do you like these?
01:02:19Do you want to accept it?
01:02:46Our second season will be fun and even happier.
01:02:53You do not know how happy I am.
01:02:57Are you sure?
01:03:27Let me go! Let me go!
01:03:50Because we are still family.
01:03:57Because we are still family.
01:04:27Because we are still family.
01:04:43Because we are still family.
01:04:57Because we are still family.
01:04:59Because we are still family.
01:05:01Because we are still family.
01:05:03Because we are still family.
01:05:22If he says yes, I will give him all the gummies left on this earth.
01:05:27And as a bonus to me.
01:05:29If he says yes.
01:05:31Do you need a bag, ma'am?
01:05:55Is she crying?
01:05:58Why is she crying?
01:06:00I'm crying because the store is already broken.
01:06:03Now where will I buy my alcohol and my cigarettes?
01:06:11Thank you very much for being a client.
01:06:16Give it to the store.
01:06:19Accept this drink.
01:06:21I give it to you with pleasure.
01:06:25Oh, Hugh.
01:06:26If you want this, go ahead.
01:06:30Thank you for bringing her here.
01:06:33I promise I will go without fail.
01:06:36Have a good night.
01:06:37You too.
01:06:48Hasn't he left the vice yet?
01:06:53He should eat a jelly.
01:06:55Aren't you going to get married?
01:06:58I heard you only came back to get married.
01:07:09And your girlfriend is very pretty.
01:07:15Yesterday I went to see my mom's house.
01:07:18I debated whether to greet her or not.
01:07:21What a relief that I didn't do it.
01:07:27That's all.
01:07:30I'm going to get married.
01:07:38Your gift?
01:07:41It would be a little strange if it were, right?
01:07:44I'd better give it to him now, Hugh.
01:07:47Would that be uncomfortable too?
01:07:51That would also be uncomfortable.
01:07:54I better wish you good luck.
01:07:57I don't need much luck.
01:08:24The first person who taught me to smoke.
01:08:27I already remembered who it was.
01:08:31When my dad died.
01:08:34For the first time I bought cigarettes.
01:08:37But I didn't buy a lighter.
01:08:39And I decided I was going to ask someone to pass.
01:08:44If he gave it to me, I was going to smoke.
01:08:47But if not, I wouldn't.
01:08:52Do you have a lighter?
01:08:56It doesn't matter anymore.
01:09:00I guess he started smoking since he was a teenager.
01:09:13Do you know why?
01:09:17Do you know why?
01:09:19Because you'll never forget the first person who taught you.
01:09:48It's mine.
01:09:56Why did you have to tell me that?
01:09:59Why did you tell a man who was about to get married that he was the one who taught him to smoke?
01:10:06because I saw your face.
01:10:08That means you won't be able to forget me.
01:10:11And that you also miss me.
01:10:14And that you also miss me.
01:10:19That you regret...
01:10:22letting me go.
01:10:29Of course I miss you.
01:10:32And I still can't forget you.
01:10:36But I didn't regret letting you go.
01:10:46Tell me how you felt.
01:10:49What did you feel when you didn't have to protect anything or anyone?
01:10:58It was very comfortable.
01:11:02What a joy.
01:11:06I didn't like any bed.
01:11:09No bed is as comfortable as the one you gave me.
01:11:14I also missed it.
01:11:21You really don't have to do it.
01:11:27I came to give you this.
01:11:30Today is your birthday, right?
01:11:38Sara is beautiful.
01:11:40Sara is beautiful.
01:11:43She looks a lot like my mother.
01:11:47Sara's father and I...
01:11:51He's my stepfather.
01:11:54We became friends.
01:11:56So much so that he asked me to find a house
01:11:59and that a relative's wedding would come in his name.
01:12:05I'm not getting married.
01:12:10I just wanted to go back to the place where I left my heart.
01:12:24I'd appreciate it if you helped me.
01:12:27I'm not as heavy as I look.
01:12:36I'm not heavy.
01:12:40Are you drunk?
01:12:42Oh, no.
01:12:44I already told you I'm not heavy.
01:12:47I'm not heavy at all.
01:12:49Oh, you are heavy.
01:12:54Yes, I like that bed.
01:13:03This is the good one.
01:14:08Kim Hugh.
01:14:10Kim Hugh.
01:14:43Where did you go?
01:14:46I went to buy my cuckoo.
01:14:49I remembered that we already had dinner yesterday.
01:14:53I thought I had been an idiot to you.
01:14:57And to leave it with my ring?
01:15:23Welcome home.
01:15:32You, who protected me
01:15:35and now you can fully trust me.
01:15:41I love you.
01:15:44Without calculations or reserves.
01:15:47I give you my heart.
01:15:50I love you, Kim Hugh.
01:16:10I love you, Hugh.
01:16:40I love you.
01:16:43I love you.
01:17:10I love you.
01:17:40I love you.
01:17:41I love you.
01:17:42I love you.
01:17:43I love you.
01:17:44I love you.
01:17:45I love you.
01:17:46I love you.
01:17:47I love you.
01:17:48I love you.
01:17:49I love you.
01:17:50I love you.
01:17:51I love you.
01:17:52I love you.
01:17:53I love you.
01:17:54I love you.
01:17:55I love you.
01:17:56I love you.
01:17:57I love you.
01:17:58I love you.
01:17:59I love you.
01:18:00I love you.
01:18:01I love you.
01:18:02I love you.
01:18:03I love you.
01:18:04I love you.
01:18:05I love you.
01:18:06I love you.
01:18:07I love you.
01:18:08I love you.
01:18:09I love you.
01:18:10I love you.
01:18:11I love you.
01:18:12I love you.
01:18:13I love you.
01:18:14I love you.
01:18:15I love you.
01:18:16I love you.
01:18:17I love you.
01:18:18I love you.
01:18:19I love you.
01:18:20I love you.
01:18:21I love you.
01:18:22I love you.
01:18:23I love you.
01:18:24I love you.
01:18:25I love you.
01:18:26I love you.
01:18:27I love you.
01:18:28I love you.
01:18:29I love you.
01:18:30I love you.
01:18:31I love you.
01:18:32I love you.
01:18:33I love you.
01:18:34I love you.
01:18:35I love you.
01:18:36I love you.
01:18:37I love you.
