• 2 days ago
Dana B
00:00Hello. What's up, Franny Lou?
00:07Today I'm here to talk to you about something that is near and dear to your heart.
00:14No, no.
00:17No, we're not. I don't want to know. You don't get to choose what you learn.
00:22Ozempic was created as a treatment for type 2 diabetes. Okay. It can
00:29make your brain think you're full when people who have big appetites might otherwise have continued eating.
00:37This boy. This fucking fat fuck. Correct.
00:41Ozempic acts like a hormone called
00:46Peptide 1, GLP-1, sends hormones to your brain that tell you you're full
00:52after eating. You told me you've been on the Ozempic. Yeah.
00:56It's supposed to say, I don't want to eat anymore. I'm full. And yet you say, sure, but hold on a second.
01:03What if I had four more frozen pizzas? The fucking brewskis take over.
01:08I think the brewskis are stronger than the hormones. Yeah, it says quiet down, hormone. Shut up now.
01:14I'm probably just mentally stronger. I think that you are, through sheer force of appetite-driven will,
01:21you are
01:23counteracting the effects of a pharmaceutical drug that has
01:26fundamentally changed the landscape of obesity in America. You are an outlier.
01:32You are impervious. To be fair, I was 280 pounds.
01:37I went down to about 250, and then I put some back on.
01:41Yeah, they say that a lot of people when they go off the drug immediately,
01:45I don't want to be on the big O my whole life. I don't think you should be.
01:47I don't think I should be either. You know that little voice that when you were on the drug said, we're full.
01:52Yeah. No more. Yeah. No more frozen pizza.
01:55Yeah. If we can give that voice a microphone when you're off the drug,
02:00I think that is the big leap that we need. I
02:04fucking love food. I do too. No, but like. But it's portion control. I don't got it.
02:10I've always said I have historically bad portion control. You're the guy who says, take it away.
02:17Take it away from me. I am. I can't stop.
02:23Every meal Dana eats ends with him pushing the plate away.
02:29You strike me as the type of guy who takes his napkin and throws it on the top of his plate
02:34as some white flag of truce. I put hot sauce in my
02:39cereal once just to get it out of my face. Right. Putting shampoo on your fucking. Oh God.
02:45Yeah, you ever do that? No, I don't bring shampoo to the dinner table. You run to the bathroom.
02:50Well, at least a little exercise for you. Yeah. Ozempic also slows digestion. Is that why I have the big old logs?
02:58When I dump, I dump. Yes, I had a feeling. I've had to
03:03crack them in half.
03:06How do you do that? Yeah, like a. I don't want to know the answer to that. Toothbrush.
03:12Dear God.
03:14Sugar is a big thing. Sugar regulation, insulin regulation is a big thing that Ozempic apparently helps. I eat at least
03:22like some sort of ice cream or cereal after every dinner.
03:26Every night, dude. You eat cereal? I eat cereal. After dinner? Dr. Franken-whatever-the-fuck. Frankenberries.
03:34Crunch berries. I eat all the berries, dude.
03:37You're the type of guy who won't eat a cereal unless there's a maze on the back of the box. A pair of 3D goggles inside.
03:45If I mail in enough proofs of purchase from this box of Dracula cereal, I'll get a boogie board in time for August.
03:54I haven't eaten cereal in so many years. You're missing out, dude. It's amazing. It just makes me
04:00unbelievably tired. That's the point. You eat it and you go to bed. I mean, I eat oatmeal. That doesn't count. Some chia seeds.
04:07Coconut flakes. That ain't cereal, brother. Shaved almonds.
04:10I need you to come to my side of the aisle. If I started eating cereal the way you do, which is to say after
04:15dinner, I wouldn't make it to work. A little Italian ice. That's good. With some fucking custard.
04:21Yeah, dude. Mixed. Oh, yeah. No. You're missing out on the fun side of life.
04:26You're eating fucking chia seeds and quinoa. Let's look up some side effects.
04:31Here are some potential side effects of Ozempic. La la la la la la la la la la.
04:37Breathing problems or wheezing.
04:41Ding ding ding.
04:44Fever or general ill feeling. Mmm, a little nausea.
04:49Swelling of the face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat.
04:53Definitely. Really. Trouble swallowing or throat tightness. I can swallow with the best of them.
04:59Uh-huh. Nausea or vomiting. You just said nausea. No vomit, but every morning I feel sick.
05:04Every single morning? Yeah, at about 8.30. It's like you're pregnant. Dizziness, feeling lightheaded or fainting.
05:12I've been lightheaded since I was 18, so that's whatever. Headache, crankiness or anxiety, hunger, dizziness or confusion or drowsiness.
05:20Blurry vision, slurred speech, sweating. I'm sweating right now. That's weakness.
05:26It's like you've robbed a bank, and I'm a detective being like, have you seen this man? He's sweating.
05:33Weak. His throat is swollen.
05:37You may have seen him on his way out of the bank. He grabbed a handful of breath mints.
05:41He said, I want to take a few of these for the road.
05:45Stole our entire stockpile of hard candies.
05:49Werther's Originals. Gone. Those things are fucking really good. Can you stay on it? Once I get married, no. You'll go off.
05:56I'll hit 300. The goal's in sight, brother. Yeah, 6'4", 300.
06:01Left tackle. That's a nice round number. I know. All right, that's those epic Dana beers. Good luck to you, brother. Thank you, Franny.
