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00:00I was just refreshing my memory of Kipling's great poem, Gunga Din.
00:04Now, in our version, I play the starring role, Gunga Din, humble servant to the whole British army.
00:11I help fight that evil tribesman, Hamzilla, who burns my village and kidnaps my grandson.
00:17But we chase him across the burning sand, marching through the scorching Indian sun.
00:23Why, it's enough to drive a man to drink.
00:25Oh, water! Water!
00:29I can smell the night-blooming jasmine.
00:32In fact, I can taste it.
00:35Well, if I'm going to play Gunga Din, I'd better get back to studying my lines.
00:40Let's see now. Where was I?
00:43Marinate for three hours, and then let simmer, and...
00:47Oh, those soldiers may have been thirsty, but by George, they sure ate well.
00:59It's not much farther, bamboo old friend.
01:02Just over that hill.
01:04We're coming home in plenty of time for dinner.
01:07Well now, isn't that a nice sight?
01:10Smoke rising above our little lily.
01:13They're cooking something good for dinner.
01:16Maybe boiled goat meat.
01:17My little grandson likes that. It's so good for him.
01:20It makes him grow.
01:22He's a good boy.
01:23Oh, no! No, it can't be!
01:25No! No, it's too terrible!
01:28My village, burned to the ground!
01:31Everything gone!
01:35Oh, no! Ali, my little grandson!
01:38My friends! Oh, no! Where are they?
01:42Oh, what is this? A dagger!
01:44Oh, no! Ali, my little grandson!
01:47My friends! Oh, no! Where are they?
01:50Oh, what is this? A dagger!
01:53It is from the tribe of Hamzilla, the wild people from the north.
01:56They have taken everyone prisoner.
01:58They will sell them into slavery.
02:00All of them! My grandson Ali!
02:02I am all alone.
02:04Never shall I see them again.
02:07No, no! I must follow and find them.
02:09At least that way, I'll not die alone.
02:12Babu! Babu! Where are you?
02:15Oh, he's gone.
02:17Run off. I don't blame you, Babu.
02:20At least you have someone to go to.
02:23I've lost the trail.
02:25I can't see.
02:27It's too dark.
02:29A horse. Oh, they must be near.
02:44Ali! Little Ali!
02:51Little Ali!
02:53Grandpa, just...
02:55We must not wake the guard, Ali.
02:57You found us, Grandpa. They burned the village.
03:00Hamzilla? Yes. He's sleeping over in that dent.
03:03Oh, if only I could get to him.
03:05It would do no good. There are too many of them.
03:07Yes. Yes, Ali, you are right.
03:09I can only join you and hope that we will be sold as slaves together.
03:13No, Grandpa. You must hurry off and bring soldiers.
03:17I heard Hamzilla's men talking about an outpost to the south.
03:20You must go there and bring the soldiers to save us.
03:23But how can I leave you and the others?
03:26You must, Grandpa. It is the only hope for us.
03:29Hurry. Go.
03:31Be brave, my grandson, and tell the others we may awake.
03:44Wait, friend. May I ask you something?
03:47I am looking for a garrison of soldiers to the south.
03:50Do you know where it is?
03:52I was their water carrier until this morning.
03:55You left them?
03:57They're crazy. They want to fight Hamzilla.
04:00I am in no hurry to die.
04:02But I can tell the soldiers where he is.
04:04I was in Hamzilla's camp last night.
04:07You were in Hamzilla's camp?
04:09Yes, but they did not know it.
04:11And where is their camp?
04:13Just over those hills.
04:15Wait, sir. You have not told me where the garrison of soldiers is.
04:19It is an hour's journey on that trail south.
04:22May Allah protect you.
04:33Sergeant Blevins.
04:36Sergeant Blevins reporting, sir.
04:39Full packs for today, Sergeant.
04:41We march to the Karthine hills and drill in our battle manoeuvres.
04:45Begging your pardon, Captain Plimpton, sir.
04:48But with this blasted heat and full packs,
04:51some of the men are new out here.
04:53Sergeant, are you a non-commissioned officer of the Khyber Rifles
04:56or a nursemaid to a gaggle of poppin' jazz?
04:59You may carry out your orders and be sure my horse has plenty of oats.
05:03Yes, sir.
05:11All right, you stragglers, look alive.
05:13You're not here to play ring around the rosies.
05:16That must be the Sahib in charge.
05:19I'll talk to him.
05:21Stop that blabbing in the ranks.
05:23You'll have plenty to talk about by tonight,
05:26if you can still talk by then.
05:29Please, Sahib, begging pardon,
05:32I can be of help to you.
05:34I would like to be a soldier.
05:41Oh, you would, would you?
05:44See those mountains?
05:46Well, soldier, put yourself to the other side of them
05:49as fast as your old legs will carry you.
05:52Now, whop it, old men.
05:54But, Sahib, I have just come from those mountains.
05:57Hamzilla and his men are there.
05:59I could... I could lead you to him.
06:02Sure, sure.
06:04And while you're at it, you could lead us to the fountain of youth.
06:09Now, clear out before we march over you.
06:13Corporal, all prisoners accounted for?
06:16No, Sergeant. Waterboy's missing.
06:18What happened to him?
06:20He just took off.
06:21When I went looking for another boy,
06:23the rest of the natives all scampered to the hills like kangaroos.
06:27They're all afraid of Hamzilla and his bandy cutthroats.
06:31Oh, we're in the soup now.
06:34If you think that sun's hot,
06:36wait till you see the captain's collar when he hears about this.
06:39But please, Sahib, I will gladly be your beastie,
06:43your water carrier.
06:45You still here, old leatherface?
06:47You wouldn't last an hour with us under that sizzling sun.
06:51True, I'm old, Sahib, but like an old bird, I'm tough.
06:55We're not looking for our dinner.
06:57We want someone to carry our water.
07:01All I ask is that you try me, Sahib.
07:04Even you lose, Sergeant.
07:06Even he will be better than having the captain
07:08see an empty space in the ranks.
07:11What's your name?
07:13Gunga Din, Sahib.
07:15And to help destroy Hamzilla,
07:17I will do anything you ask.
07:19I will serve you with my last breath.
07:21How old are you?
07:23How old are those mountains?
07:25No one knows, but they are strong
07:27and can carry much on their backs.
07:29Ding, I'll make a bargain with you.
07:32I'll be your water carrier for the march today.
07:34Oh, you are most kind, Sahib.
07:36Ding, you'll be given no special treatment
07:38because of your age.
07:40If you can take it, the job is yours from now on.
07:44I am your slave, Sahib.
07:46Here, Din, none of that.
07:48Things are military around here.
07:50We don't salam to nobody.
07:52We salute.
07:56Corporal, get him an army jacket
07:58or some kind and a water bag.
08:00Ready, Sergeant?
08:02Yes, Captain.
08:04You may proceed.
08:06Right face!
08:08Sergeant Blevins!
08:10Yes, Captain.
08:12What do you call that?
08:16Our new water boy, sir.
08:20He looks like a very ancient water boy to me.
08:22Please, please, Sahib Captain.
08:24Do not judge this humble book
08:26by its cover.
08:28Well, Sergeant, it's your responsibility.
08:30See that he doesn't fall behind.
08:32Carry on, Sergeant.
08:34Mind you,
08:36up to it, Din,
08:38or it'll be your eyes, scalp and neck
08:40all at the same time and together.
08:42I shall make you very pleased, Sahib.
08:44All the men will have water,
08:46water when they call for it.
08:48Forward, march!
08:50Now, in ancient sunny time,
08:52where I used to spend me time
08:54as servant of Her Majesty the Queen,
08:56of all them hard-faced crew,
08:58the finest man I knew
09:00was our regimental bestie,
09:02Ganga Din.
09:04Din! Water!
09:06Din, up here, old man!
09:08Up here, old boy! Water!
09:10Water, Din!
09:12Water, Din!
09:14Water, Din!
09:16Water, Din!
09:18It was Din, Din, Din!
09:20Where the mischief have you been?
09:22You put some water in it,
09:24or I'll pommel you this minute
09:26if you don't fill up this helmet, Ganga Din.
09:28Platoon, halt!
09:32We are here, Sergeant.
09:34Have my tent pitched there under that tree.
09:36We shall assume that the enemy
09:38is over there in those rocks.
09:40Now, your orders are to break into individual squads
09:42and prepare for battle.
09:44Yes, sir.
09:46Your orders are to break into individual squads
09:48and flank him.
09:50Each head I see exposed for more than two seconds
09:52shall be a point against us.
09:54I shall be watching through these glasses.
09:56Oh, Sergeant,
09:58send the waterboy to my tent.
10:00I need a spot of tea.
10:02Yes, sir.
10:04All right, men, you heard what the captain said.
10:06Up to it, lively like.
10:12Pardon, sahib.
10:14I didn't tell you how to fight Hamzilla.
10:16He always goes to the high places and...
10:18Oh, man, I don't see any officers' pips
10:20on your shoulders.
10:22Now get some water to the captain on the double.
10:24Then stay with the men
10:26and keep their whistles wet.
10:28Yes, yes, sahib, yes.
10:32I am your servant, captain.
10:34I have nice, fresh water for you.
10:36Fill that pot and be quick about it.
10:38Yes, sir.
10:40Now, if you fight Hamzilla,
10:43you must never let him...
10:45Will you stop babbling and hurry it up with that water?
10:47I will hurry, sahib.
10:49I will pour it, I will pour it.
10:51Oh, you fool!
10:53Are you trying to drown me?
10:55Oh, sahib, forgive me.
10:57Look what you've done. You've ruined my uniform.
11:01You may beat me, sahib.
11:03I was only trying to help.
11:05You blustered fool, you...
11:13That Gunga Dean
11:15simply must go, Blivins.
11:17If I didn't know better,
11:19I'd say he was an enemy spy
11:21sent here to destroy me.
11:23I'd put him on kitchen police, captain.
11:25I'll replace him.
11:27You'll have to conduct the security inspection
11:29without me, Blivins.
11:31That ruddy water boy and his blooming bungling
11:33brought on my blasted gout.
11:35Very sorry, sir.
11:37And take every precaution against these heathen tribesmen.
11:39They even infiltrate and attack by night.
11:41Most unsporting of them.
11:43Indeed it is, sir.
11:45All right, carry on, sergeant.
11:47Oh, problems.
11:55Where? A dagger!
11:57Oh, no, no, no!
11:59Dean, what in blazes are you doing out here?
12:01Oh, I'm...
12:03I'm sleeping, sahib.
12:05I do not want to disturb anyone.
12:07Corporal of the guard!
12:09You're going to put me in the guardhouse?
12:11I ought to, after what you did to the captain today.
12:13I was only trying so hard to please.
12:15You tried too hard.
12:17Hello, sarge.
12:19Trouble with the old gout?
12:21I don't want him to freeze to death
12:23before we get rid of him.
12:25Wouldn't look good.
12:27Get him a blanket, corporal.
12:29Oh, sahib, you were a kind man.
12:31Nothing of the sort, old man.
12:33I'm just a soldier doing me duty.
12:35Hey, then, sahib,
12:37I beg you to give me another chance
12:39to do mine.
12:41What are you trying to do, old man?
12:43Get yourself killed?
12:45You need a water carrier,
12:47and I try to help you.
12:49Haven't you friends or a family?
12:51An old blighter like you shouldn't be scrambling
12:53through the rocks like a monkey on a stick.
12:55I had a warm hut and a family,
12:57and then Hamzilla raided our village.
12:59I was away,
13:01and when I returned,
13:03all I had and loved was gone,
13:07Now, do you understand why
13:09I want to help you?
13:11We're professionals, Dean.
13:13We gets paid for it.
13:15I will be paid, too,
13:17in the memory of my son and my grandson.
13:21it may mean me stripes,
13:23but be at the mess hall at dawn now
13:25and no oversleeping.
13:27Yes, sahib.
13:29Yes, sahib.
13:31A thousand thanks, sahib.
13:33Well, gotcha.
13:35Come on, corporal.
13:37Yes, I'll rest
13:39when I have seen
13:41Hamzilla in destroyed.
13:53Here it is, sir.
13:55An immediate answer, respectfully requested.
13:57Hamzilla and his men
13:59attacked and destroyed a camel train
14:01that passed yesterday.
14:03You are ordered to pursue the attackers
14:05and take whatever steps necessary
14:07to destroy them.
14:09Send this reply, signalman.
14:11Message received.
14:13We'll proceed on your orders immediately.
14:17Come, blivins.
14:19At last, we have something to break this boredom.
14:23Everything on the double, blivins.
14:25We wouldn't want to miss this chance now, would we?
14:27The men are snapping to it, sahib.
14:29Reporting for duty, sahib.
14:31Sergeant Blivins,
14:33didn't I tell you to get rid of that fellow?
14:35Do you know what disobeying an order means?
14:37Next time, I shall have your stripes for it.
14:39You heard the captain's orders, dean.
14:41Be off and step lively.
14:45but I must go with you.
14:47You know what getting Hamzilla means to me.
14:49If I die, it doesn't matter.
14:51I die happy.
14:53I know what it means to you, old fella,
14:55but I ain't running the show.
14:57I will hide from him, sahib.
14:59Orders is orders, dean, and you heard them.
15:01Make yourself scarce,
15:03or we're both in the soup.
15:05All right, you lucky chips.
15:07Fall in and look alive about it.
15:09Damn it!
15:26Stop the wagon, driver.
15:28I'm sorry, sahib.
15:30I went to sleep in the wagon.
15:32I didn't know it was moving.
15:34Stop lying, you old faker.
15:36Back to where ever you were.
15:38Retourne où tu vas, et ça devrait être de cette façon !
15:58Oh, oh ! Je suis désolé, Sahib ! J'étais juste en train de prendre un coup de couteau à Rangoon.
16:03Oh, je peux t'offrir de l'eau fraîche et calme ?
16:08C'est ta dernière chance, Jean ! Encore une fois, vous avez tout flippé !
16:20Jean !
16:21Ne me frappe pas à la mort, Sahib !
16:23Tout d'abord, laissez-moi t'aider à combattre Hamzilla !
16:25Jean ! Donne-moi tes sandales !
16:27S'il te plaît, Sahib ! Les rochers sont chauds et durs !
16:32Si je dois les prendre, je pourrais prendre tes pieds avec eux !
16:38Tu es un imbécile ! Ceci pourrait te sauver la vie !
16:49Capitaine, regarde ! Hamzilla est au-dessus de vous !
16:54Déployez-vous et prenez le couvre-feu !
16:57Le couvre-feu a disparu, Capitaine !
16:59Bonne chance ! J'aurais dû promettre que la voix qui s'éloignait, c'était le garçon d'eau, Gunga-D !
17:05Impossible, Capitaine ! Vous avez perdu votre canteen d'eau, Capitaine !
17:10Prenez-le ! Il a l'air d'une longue soirée brillante !
17:14De l'eau ? Oh !
17:16Ne touchez jamais à l'objet, Blivins !
17:18Revenez à votre flanc !
17:27Blivins !
17:29Ne nous laissons pas le couvre-feu !
17:31Les éclats de chaleur sont trop fortes !
17:33Pourquoi les sauvages ne nous pas chargent pas ?
17:36Pourquoi devraient-ils ?
17:37Les éclats de chaleur font que nous n'arrivons pas à citer le feu !
17:42Ils s'y débarqueront, alors !
17:46Désolé, Capitaine !
17:47Comment vous pouvez-vous expliquer que ces deux mecs n'ont pas un couteau ?
17:51Comment ça va, corporal ?
17:53Comment peut-on attendre qu'il soit dans cet oiseau sans un coup de l'eau ?
17:57C'est pas humide, c'est pas ?
17:59Cinq ans dans ce désert et je n'ai jamais vu un écureuil comme celui-ci.
18:03Nous devons attendre jusqu'à ce qu'il soit sombre.
18:05Sans eau ! Il a joué comme un oiseau.
18:09L'eau ! L'eau ! Qui veut de l'eau ?
18:13Glory Bay ! C'est Gungor Dave !
18:16C'est la nourriture, corporal. J'ai compris.
18:19C'est la nourriture, corporal. J'ai compris.
18:22Une bonne eau fraîche !
18:24Regarde, c'est Dave !
18:27J'ai compris aussi !
18:31Gene !
18:32Ici, Gene, mon garçon !
18:35Gene, garde ta tête !
18:39Garde ta tête !
18:44Toi ! Tu vois, j'avais raison. Tu as besoin de moi.
18:47Oui, je peux t'aider.
18:48Alors c'est toi qui a crié une alerte d'en haut.
18:51J'étais sur les rochers et j'ai pu voir Hamsel.
18:54Oui, je sais comment il lutte.
18:56Gene !
18:57Gene !
18:58Gene !
18:59Gene !
19:00Gene !
19:01Gene !
19:02Gene !
19:03Gene !
19:04Gene !
19:05Gene !
19:06Gene !
19:07Gene !
19:08Blibbins, c'est la deuxième fois que tu n'obéis à mes ordres concernant ce garçon d'eau.
19:13Je t'offrirai des bandes pour ça et ce vieux mec sera flippé jusqu'à...
19:22Capitaine !
19:23Ah, vous y êtes, Capitaine.
19:26Une bonne eau fraîche.
19:30Gene !
19:31Tu seras tué !
19:33Laisse-moi ici.
19:34C'est un ordre.
19:36Arrête, Gene !
19:38Tu peux le faire !
19:40Gene !
19:42Gene !
19:43Tu es en sécurité, Capitaine.
19:45Gene t'a attiré.
19:47Gene !
19:48Gene !
19:49Reviens !
19:50Ne t'inquiète pas !
19:51La bague d'eau !
19:52Tu n'as pas besoin d'elle !
20:02Je l'ai eu, Capitaine !
20:03C'est la fin de Hamsel !
20:05Je l'ai tué !
20:07Bien joué, Capitaine.
20:08Ordre à charge, Blibbins.
20:10C'est le moment !
20:12Charge !
20:19Tu vas bien, Gene.
20:21On prendra soin médical.
20:23On a tué Hamsel.
20:25J'espère que tu t'en souviens.
20:29La bague est à nous.
20:41Je te rencontrerai plus tard dans le lieu où tu es parti.
20:46Il n'y a toujours pas de cantine.
20:50Même si nous t'avons battu et t'avions tué,
20:54par le Dieu qui t'a fait,
20:57tu es en sécurité.