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The Unnamed Show | The Unnamed Show
00:00Uh, we're live 10 a.m. Uh, until at least until surviving is done. Uh, Dave's here and
00:05Whitney's here. I don't know where you guys want to start. I'll start wherever you guys
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01:33Kings. Pick six. The crown is yours. Okay. I'll start everyone wants to know and Kirk
01:38and I've talked about it and I'll hand up. So I fired Kirk for 20 seconds two days ago.
01:48And here's the story of, in my opinion, how it went. And I've asked Kirk beforehand, if
01:55we can not dive deep into the Brianna O'Malley stuff, it has been a horrible two weeks for
02:03me dealing with this. I'm in the middle. And if you're not in their world, which I don't
02:09think you guys are. And I know a lot of people, but in this world, she's getting Brianna,
02:13the most hate. So it's just a horrible situation with two employees who are best friends at
02:1820 years who hate each other's guts right now. And I'm fucking in the middle of it.
02:22So I'm dealing with, when I say there's 24 hours in a day, I feel like I'm dealing with
02:27it for 12. Um, Kirk posts a V there's a video that's cut and it's blind. Mike or somebody
02:36asking about how, uh, Brianna chicken fry went from hating Taylor Swift. Now to being
02:42the biggest Swifty Kirk's like Brianna is a fraud. Brianna is a fraud. One of the biggest
02:47frauds of the planet, right? This V this video is cut, makes it way to like all the
02:53people who hate Brianna on all her like socials. And they're like, see, even her own employees
02:59fucking think she's a fraud and hater. So Brianna texts me what the fuck's up with Kirk.
03:04I've never even fucking met this guy. I want to go on this show. I call, I say of all the
03:10things that I could recommend doing, it would be not getting in a fight with Kirk. There's
03:15no win. There's no one for anybody. I don't recommend it. I call Kirk. I'm sorry. That's
03:22not that. I didn't mean to interrupt. That's not an accurate. You sent a text. You first
03:27texted me and you say, yeah, I texted you a fucking, you're a fucking piece of shit.
03:33You know, fucking correct. Well, hold on. You don't know what you're fucking talking
03:35about. Fuck you. Fuck you can read it. So I call it. So yeah, whatever. So I then call
03:40I actually called you and I was like, uh, you okay? Like literally what's going on in
03:45the car. My daughter, we're driving back from a college campus visit and you go, you're
03:50foaming at the mouth. You're like, you're as mad as I've been a long time. I've never
03:54heard you that mad at anybody. I was so mad. You're a fucking cocksucker. You fucking suck.
03:59You're fucking useless. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. You're like foaming at
04:02the mouth. I'm like facts. I have no idea about, I have no idea at this time, no idea
04:07what you're talking about. No context, nothing. So, uh, you then hang up the phone on me and
04:14I text you back and I say, I'm going to say whatever I want. And you say, which by the
04:20way, I still, I'm going to say whatever I want. And you said you're fired. And for about
04:2410 minutes I was driving in the upstate New York thinking, well, okay, like, you know,
04:29I'll, we'll see what I can do next. It wasn't 10 minutes. I don't think six minutes, me
04:34and Matt unemployed together for four minutes of whatever I'm going to do in my life. Like,
04:38you know, I, but I was like, geez, I do wonder why I got fired. Like in the past, I've understood
04:44the last time I understood why I got fired. I deserved it. So, uh, I was like, I called
04:48Dave back and he was much calmer. Um, and he said, you don't even know Brianna chicken
04:55fry. And I was like, okay, yeah. And he said, you called her the biggest fraud in the world
05:01over Taylor Swift. I think, well, no, I didn't know it was over Taylor Swift. Okay. So you
05:05didn't know what you were talking about when you fired me? Well, no, I saw a clip of you
05:09saying she's the biggest fraud on the planet. No. So, but, but, but to fight, I will just
05:15say to fire me for four minutes, if you had got public and said, I'm fired, I had a press
05:19card and said, I'm firing Kirk Minahan because he called Brianna chicken fry a fraud. You
05:23would have got fucking barbecued and her life would have been way worse. If, if, if that
05:29would happen. Wait. Yeah. I mean the minute it would be the minute fans would be coming
05:32at me for sure. I think a lot of people become, I know Whitney felt this. I think a lot of
05:37people would have been like, are you out of your fucking mind? Like you're, well, it wasn't,
05:40it wasn't a real fire. I mean, it's four minutes, but, and we both calmed down and made up within
05:46your, you said you're fired within 10 minutes. We were fine. Dave, why are you so sensitive
05:51about Brianna? Like it's so different than any other employee ever, but they are different.
05:56Every employee is different. I get that. I understand that. But I will say, and this
06:01is, this is something that I did nothing wrong. I will be very clear. I did nothing. I get
06:08her perspective. I don't, I don't know. I, I agree that once you explained it, it's like
06:15the tail Swift. Fine. I agree with it. I, you guys aren't in a world where, and neither
06:20of you have dealt with it, where you're getting the most hate. She, it's the most hate you
06:25can get on the internet right now. I'm not saying rightly or wrongly. I think she's done
06:28things wrong. O'Malley had, whatever. I'm not going to get into that. But then, but,
06:32but I, but I also like, don't, I personally don't care. You do. And I get that. And we've
06:36talked about that, but I don't, I like, she has her own life. She's more successful. Congratulations.
06:41All that stuff. Well, you said that in the conversations we had, I was saying everything
06:45I was screaming, but, but what I'm saying is I don't personally care. Like I like, so
06:50when she says to you, this guy's being mean to me and then you fire me, my attitude is
06:54fuck her. Like you may think that's an overreaction, but I think she did tell me to fire you. She
06:59actually asked to come on when she's walking. And I gave, and I gave you, I told her to call
07:05me and she hasn't, which is fine too. But like, I'm not going to get into the other stuff. Cause
07:09I don't care that much about the other stuff. But like, if you were me, would you like her?
07:13I don't like her. I've been neutral. What? You don't even know. I don't even know. Now,
07:18if I could say, I don't like her with you. Like, I don't know, but you don't know. Like,
07:21I don't even know if somebody, if somebody, all right, use it. You know what I mean? Fine. Well,
07:26all right. Wait, you said you don't care. Let me put it in a analogy. I just don't get how
07:30you are about it. Like you've been a stone cold killer with everyone for your entire existence
07:38on the internet. And all of a sudden now that is not true. That is not, I like there's certain
07:43people who all, everybody is treated differently and I'm not saying weak or whatever. It's like,
07:48we have a different relationship. This is somebody who's in a different world. And I'm telling you,
07:53I haven't seen anybody get this type of hate in 20 years of me doing this. So when she's
08:00dealing with it, you, this, this Bri just turned out $12 million. All right. And it's like, she's
08:07trying to build her career up. And then within a week and a half, she's the most hated person.
08:12And somebody who's at the same company you've never met from the clouds is being like, she's
08:17the biggest fraud. I did. Yeah. But Dave, again, that, that is hyperbole. Like, do you really
08:22believe it's hyperbole? You know what that, you know what that means? I know what hyperbole means.
08:27Yeah. It's, but I said that I don't actually think like, I think, but Kirk, it does. I think
08:32Bernie made, I know that he's a bigger fraud than Brianna chicken. I know that, but where my point
08:38is, do you think, do you think, do you really believe like under testimony Adolf Hitler killed
08:426 million Jews? Do you know, but that's not the point. I know you, I know you, I know you, everyone
08:48who hates her ass takes that clip. They don't know you from Adam. They're like, who is this
08:53bald guy? But he's the smartest guy I've ever seen. He's right. Bri is the biggest fraud,
08:57even our own people. So it just gives ammunition. I know you didn't meet that's my, what, what made
09:04my head explode in the minute is like, I'm dealing with this situation, which sucks. And I told you,
09:08I get that. So that's why we got over it. That's why we talked to him. I can get it and just be
09:13like, I don't like this person. Like, like why can't I, like, I can't, you can't have to like
09:18her. Like, no, definitely not. You don't have to. I think that's a, I think that's a weak ass move
09:22to go to you on that. In my opinion, you disagree. That's fine. I don't care about the stuff with her
09:27and grace. I really don't give a shit about it. It doesn't. But Kirk to her defense, and you're
09:32going to be wide defending her answer is something that you'd like. I want to come on this show and
09:38don't come on the show. Come on. That's not a weak ass answer though, for how you operate. That's
09:42like what you like. Yeah. But she didn't come on. Did she? Because I begged her not to, because I
09:46know you. Right. That's what I'm saying, but she didn't do it. So it's like, she knew, like,
09:50she knew she was Whitney. Would you advise her to come on or any human to come on and do this?
09:55Like you're dealing with, if she's is, if she's is, this isn't a, this isn't a chirp.
10:00Like you, you just call me a psychopath left and right, right. Left and right. But we know each
10:04other, Kirk. I know, but I, Dave, there are 5 million people. You don't know that you've shit
10:08on over the years. 10 million. Same with me. So that, that, that argument doesn't work.
10:13Dave, I would say that it's in our company. That's a different going at her personally.
10:19Kirk, he has a history of working Taylor Swift. She went to her cause. If you're a hater of hers
10:25and you see her coworkers, they do know her. You sound like they assume you do. You sound like
10:31Biden's press secretary right now. I wish, you know what I wish? I wish each one of you guys
10:36had to run this company for like, Dave, that's what I was going to say that you have that aspect,
10:41but, but she's got to realize like, it's the, like, this is all going to pass.
10:46It all passes. This isn't passing. Let me ask you, but dude, it's been, she broke up,
10:52they broke up. And then the grace thing was last week in a month. It's passed.
10:55I get it though. Dave, I get it. We talked the other day. I totally get that. You're in a
11:00different situation than we are. So I'm just saying both are true. Like I totally get where
11:04you guys are all coming from. And I don't like the person that's all like, it's not the end of
11:07the world. Like I know it's not the end of the world. And we've moved past because in however
11:13long it takes a lot for me to get to the point, like, can we just leave this alone? I, and I'm,
11:20I wouldn't say that without reason. It's not, I understand. I understand. I told you this morning.
11:25I understand. But also, but I can also be annoyed. Like both can be true.
11:31Fair. No, I don't know. Like, yes, I'm saying fair. Yeah. So, you know, am I fired?
11:37You're all fired and you should take it as a sign of respect that I feel like I can unload on you
11:42like that and be okay with it. I do. And you apologize. I did. I did. I, I, because I know,
11:50I know you didn't mean like any, I know you weren't trying to make anybody's life harder.
11:54You would just bring you who I know and we hire and I employ. So I know that, but it was like,
11:59in the scheme of me hanging up, dealing with it and then seeing that I was just like,
12:03oh my fucking God, that's how I reacted. You jumped in without all the information.
12:11Like you didn't know it was about Taylor Swift. I don't think you should keep your moron mouth
12:15fucking shut. Talk talking about shit. You don't know nothing about you fucking moron.
12:21I wouldn't say whatever I want. You're fired. Yes. That was it. And like, I don't,
12:27when we were done, I was like, I said to my daughter, I was like, I love the guy. He's
12:31been a great boss. Like if 10 minutes, we were fine 10 minutes and I did apologize.
12:35Yes. And the, but you know me, I think that's why you called this morning. Cause you know,
12:38things get in my head and you know, I get it. Yeah. You were, you were, I was pissed off this
12:43morning. I was pissed off. I was, you know, as you, I thought it was, I thought we, we reached
12:48a agreement. And so I wasn't sure what changed. Well, I don't. Yeah. I just don't. I had a job
12:54before this, where it started with saying, don't talk about this person. And then it became
12:5950 things. I don't think that's going to be the case here with you. Like, I hope not. I don't
13:04know that I've ever been. He's ever cared about what I feel like not talking about. Yeah. But
13:09this, and honestly, I've said it, this situation is different than anything I've dealt with.
13:15I like, it's just a horrible thing. Okay. So you know how you wrote on the YouTube,
13:20you wrote something on the YouTube, like that's only going to make, like, do you think that's
13:24going to make it stop? I mean, you get, you get the percept, the perception out there that seems
13:28like you're in the tank here. Like you do get, you do get that. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. I
13:34mean, I don't, I don't know anything. I'm just saying, I think it'll all pass for her. I mean,
13:38she's very successful, right? She's got a big pod. She's like very well-known TikTok social media.
13:45It all goes past it. Ryan, I have never seen anybody get hate like this. It's crazy. And it's
13:52a long, consistent hate. I don't even know how to, I don't even know what to say, what I can say
13:56about this, but like, there may be a reason for that. Like, I, I just don't know. I'm just saying
14:01like, usually there's a reason for that. No. Yeah. No. I mean, that's a fair assumption. I feel like
14:05I know her pretty well. Yeah. I don't. So, you know, you know, I, I, yeah, I don't know. So
14:11yeah, there you go. I was fired for 10 minutes and like, he was yelling at the other thing I
14:17said, then I was like, just like, you don't have to yell at me like I'm fucking mince. You can tell
14:20I was so mad. I was so mad, but you weren't even mad at me. I could tell you the correct
14:25situation. I'm frustrated, upset. Don't want to, I it's just a situation that really
14:35sucks. And, and I don't know how else it just sucks to be in the middle of it.
14:40Yeah. That's no good. Yeah. I mean, it doesn't suck. What's that? It's great. Speaking of
14:47surviving Barstool out now is presented by body armor, sports drink, real hydration,
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14:58Get yours today at Walmart or at a local store near you. Yeah. Yeah. I think just gave you a
15:06spanking just now. Yeah. Well, I'm in a position where I'm a thousand percent. Right. And he knows
15:15it like, and there's nothing worse. No, I, again, I'm right. Why would you provoke that Ryan? But
15:21well, don't do this, but I would just say, I know, I know I'm right.
15:24That's all trying to dodge the bullet from my false starts guys and boss still survivor.
15:30Well, Dave knows he was wrong. He apologized. Like he, you know, he ate it. Like he overreacted.
15:34I, I just don't like definitely overreacted person. And that's the way it is. Like that's
15:39life. Well, when I talked to Kirk, I'll finish it. When he said, Dave called back and apologized.
15:43I was like, what? Well, we had a big, we had a big shift in the conversation.
15:48No, totally. His tone was different immediately in a second call. And I was like, it was the
15:52Taylor. So he's like, well, the Taylor Swift, she hated Taylor. Now she likes him. All right.
15:56That's fine. I have no problem with that. Take that's not people saying she's a fraud overall
16:00all in life that I was like, well, you don't even know her now. So anyways, can we move past that?
16:05I also think if I said that it shouldn't be a big deal, but that's just,
16:08we, that I would take as a big deal. We just disagree. That's all you disagree on it. So
16:12then I'm going to have to be like, give me the benefit of the doubt here. Like,
16:16right. And I do. And that's fine. Congratulations. Good job. Wait. Yeah. Well, I mean, what's it?
16:22Well, I mean, which in target biggest fucking cheap shot artists in the world. I mean,
16:26my head is still ringing. So on that dude, they left out the funniest part of this.
16:32Yeah. And all right. So I don't know what they're doing sometimes with the, I look at my legs.
16:37Why didn't I wear pants? Why didn't the editors are doing a great job, but there are some things
16:44being missed out. So see me right. I know now that was early. Yeah. Go back. Rewind that.
16:53Rewind it when he's doing what the fuck. Look at my reaction. I just saw it. I knew to my
16:58hand. I just, I'm just my hand. Where are you? Where are you like behind? I put my hand on my
17:02hips. Like I don't move. It's like, that is, I don't fight for it. I'm just like, Oh man, I just
17:07look over. Like that was so early. I didn't look right at Jeff. Like, ah, did he see that?
17:16So now first off I hit him. I'm like, Oh shit. That was early. But then like my team besides
17:23Dave, my team like moves is kind of like, no, no, no. That was perfect timing. I'm like, come
17:28on, come on. I'm just standing there. But my mind is like, Oh my God, the minute fans. Oh my God,
17:34the minute fans. And then he hasn't even like, and I'm no, like something's coming from him.
17:38And then sure as shit. When they say like he hit some early, like Kirk, but then Kirk's coming at
17:44me. So I'm like, all right, we go on you. What are you going to do? I'm like, I think we're going to
17:47go. And then that was a great, you want to kick my ass? That would have been great. That'd been
17:51very funny. You said to me that you said, yeah, I could get one shot. I offered him, I go, dude,
17:57just bury me, just bury me. That's only fair. But then the funniest part about it is go into the
18:02editing is that, so then I get Taylor early to that one. I'm like, whatever. I'm not getting
18:06dummied by this guy, but I still didn't want to go early, but I did it again. Cause I'm a pussy.
18:11Then Dave comes over. He comes over. He's like, come here. He's like, just do it again.
18:15You're mine as well. I'm like, just go early again. Fuck it. Bury. We're done. We're done.
18:21And then I put, I'm like, I gotta be a man. I can't now. I'm like, why didn't I just bury
18:25will like before the countdown? And they didn't show Dave your face. You're like,
18:30just do it again. Fuck. I was like, we were out of this challenge. Just fucking bury them before
18:36the bell rings. It was fun. I also thought it was a bit. I asked you if the second one I go,
18:41are you doing a bit right now? Like I thought it was something he was doing on purpose. No,
18:46you go, you know, no, you can't, this can't be real. I'm like, no, it's real. I know. No,
18:51no. It's a bit, but I had kind of forgotten because my mind's all thinking about this.
18:55I'm like, Oh my God, Rico dummy. David threw his goddamn stuff. His head. I mean,
19:02they left that part. So I didn't see him throw it at me when I was on the ground.
19:07So I told me after Dave versus Rico up first, three, two, one fight.
19:16They did a great edit on this. I don't know what I was doing. I just want to
19:26help him up. Let's not underestimate that Rico Bosco, man. He's a pit bull. He's a pit bull.
19:34Rico is off his meds. He's been a caged dog. Rico's playing the game. Phenomenal right now.
19:40But Dave, you, you, even you beforehand saying, I think I'm going to be good at this. Cause I'm
19:45like stubby. I was surprised to hear that. There's no chance. I thought I would have
19:49good balance. I don't have a shoulder shoulders. Yeah. I was wrong. All right. Hand up. I was
19:54wrong. Him throwing that stick at me. That was like 10 years. You know, like a deadline when
20:00you watch those episodes and the husband stabs away, it was just rage. He was just,
20:07it was this moment in the sun right there. But this after, I mean, I, I, I knew it would be bad.
20:13It's what can you do? Uh, he matched himself up with you. It was like, we threw you. They could
20:19have done anyone. And he's like, I want, he wanted revenge conversation that I just, that I put out
20:25the meat head convention, the fleas, three meat heads sitting at the table talking about what is
20:32he got a paper skull? Like he's, this is the definition of a CTE convo. They think you're
20:39going to swing like that. It's just like he was going, I was like, boom, he thinks he's walking
20:45around being like Francis. He thinks he's concussed. He thinks it shut up. I don't know if he
20:49actually, I mean, there's like, this is like the beginning of that.
20:55Right. Yeah. Those are like the guards in the longest yard in the prison. They're just
21:02one of the nights we were watching, we watched like Stallone movies, those first three or four
21:05nights. And we were watching Rocky four. I don't know if you remember this or not, Dave
21:08and Luan's watching the fight. And you turned to me, you leaned over. You're like, I think he
21:12thinks this is a real fight. Yeah. Yeah. Or like the first night we're there. He's cheering. I hit
21:18him, hit him. I think he thinks this is just like on ESPN right now. I also love the edit.
21:25Well, I was like, what year was that fight? This guy takes a beating. Jesus. I love the edit when
21:32we're on the couch and, and, and, um, Taylor's like, you know, Dave, we got to get me, you,
21:37Kirk, Dan will in the final. And then I'm, I'm sitting there and then the camera just pans over
21:43buddy. You, there is no more. There is no feeling of paranoia feeling when you lose it.
21:53Will Kirk Dave. Well, I think, well, the, what does not be the best show. If it was like the
22:02people who've done well, fighting it out towards the end. Oh, I didn't say business name either.
22:11Biz already nervous already. I just, I just, this show, when you lose, when you lose a
22:18challenge, the paranoia is unmatched. I love the show. It's like, I'm sad. We don't get another
22:23one now until Tuesday. And I honestly think it's not even close. Like people probably think this
22:30is getting good. It's like no idea what's coming. We got, we got what I wanted to see last night,
22:35which you guys told me about. And I think it was the live Clemmer, the thing where he hit his heart.
22:41I've been waiting for that for since, since you guys told me that day, I was, I was crying
22:45watching it last night. Someone told me, I saw a comment. It was like, Oh, right here. Yeah.
22:5010th person eliminated. Second member of our jury Clemmer.
22:55I thought I was going to cry. I mean, he thought he was running the game guys for
23:00really. I was willing to work with some of you too, all the way to the end.
23:04Clemmer. Yeah. We'll join the jury. You'll be with Ben Mintz tonight. Wonderful. Well,
23:08your chance at 250 K has run out. All right. Thank you. Some of you had, I had, I had you guys.
23:15He's looking right at you. You think there, Oh, he was daggering me in the eyes.
23:19Well, dad had me laughing on the confessional. She's like the pizza for like his pizza for mine
23:25was like, we're doing this. We haven't. Yeah. We have an edit of him just saying it over,
23:30over in a comment or like you said, nobody has ever, this must be it, but nobody has ever
23:36thought they were running a game with doing absolutely nothing more than Clemmer.
23:42So it's myself, Dave Portnoy, Rhea, Enrico Bosco, a close fifth, not a Pete best beetle,
23:47but like I think I would be Francis. It's a pizza five pizza for, we have a true pizza for the
23:51pizza for we have pizza for Clemmer. It's like my four-year-old that's how he wipes his boogers.
24:01By the way, the other, the other, the other aspect of this now is now it's like
24:05everyone wants to win so bad, but not only are you not winning, if you get sent home,
24:11you're going to a house with Clemmer and Mincy. It's like double, like, Holy fuck.
24:16I can't lose the show, but I really can't go to that house. Yeah. Yeah. So the,
24:21the, the footage that we didn't show that I posted.
24:29So I, I saw when I watched the show, I knew it was out of order. I was like, wait a minute. When,
24:34when Francis showed me the idol, he said he only did it because other people knew and he wanted
24:42me to trust them that the show had him telling you before. Correct. I told Dan. Yeah. And I'm
24:47like, that's not right. I almost texted Rob, but I'm like, there's so much shit going on here.
24:52But then I saw Francis's blog basically saying, I just didn't do that. And then I got the footage
24:57and I was like, first of all, it was a great clip. It's a lot of intrigue. And here's the clip.
25:03I have an idol. You do? Yes. Where'd you find it? I can show it to you. Okay. But part of the
25:09reason I'm telling you this, that big cat just came up to me and told me he knows that I have
25:14an idol because they went through my fucking back. How did they go through your back?
25:19They know it's your backpack. Everyone knows I'm sleeping in there and everyone was suspicious.
25:25I didn't know that was allowed. Yeah, me neither. I definitely, I, before I didn't. People go through
25:29bags. There's no off limits stuff anywhere. I said, I have like, you know, medications.
25:33Medications. I was like, if someone went through Ria's bag, wouldn't we burn this place down?
25:39So who found it? I don't know. He wouldn't tell me. I don't know much. He doesn't know that I'm
25:43people. People pissed off like, yeah, Tom, you know, you know that he has met who found that,
25:51who was on to a bag. It seems like you're, you're trolling a little right now, Dave.
25:56I mean, I'm always in half troll mode, but the point of this, so I was like, why wouldn't this
26:02be in the show? And Rob's point is weak, which made no sense to me. And at the end, he's like,
26:07we should have put it in. He's like, we could never find anybody going through the bags.
26:12And Francis was going back and forth on whether he was like, thought that happened or didn't
26:18happen. And it's like, it just seemed insignificant because we looked, it's like,
26:24we couldn't find anyone going through a bag. So it may not have even happened.
26:29Jerry Jerry said it was claims. It was him. Some people say it was him. It didn't happen.
26:34Jerry said it was not him. I think my guess, I don't think it happens, but
26:38If anything, I don't think that happened either.
26:41You think Dan was just guessing?
26:43I think he was fucking around with Francis.
26:45Or Megan making money who was listening to confessionals and had an alliance with Dan
26:50overheard maybe, but she was listening.
26:52That's possible, I guess. Yeah. I suppose that's possible.
26:55Because she was at one point when Francis talking, he gets up in the confessional. He's like,
26:59do I hear somebody? So who knows, but it should have been in there, but it wasn't like some huge,
27:05there's a couple of things that have been, and by my misses now it's so hard.
27:09There's so much footage. Like, how do you get it all? Like we're saying the meat saying to
27:14fucking slam will. I think that should have been in there, but everybody probably has 10,
27:20like, Hey, why don't they put that in there? So, I mean, there are, there are alliances I had that
27:24weren't even discussed so far on this show. I think so much just gets lost. Like Rowan and I were.
27:29Kirk, I can't believe you guys smoked minty.
27:33I said there was a mistake. Like, if you watch the episode, what's that? No, go ahead. No,
27:40if you want just territory, but yeah, I'm not, I'm not gonna. Yeah, that's true. The three of us,
27:45the three of us sat in the bathroom there for a bit and all time clip,
27:48mincey mincey talking to biz when he's taking a shit for 20 minutes.
27:53Biz is like, dude, he's kind of like, who have you talked to? He's like, I've been taking a shit.
27:57Like he ran to the bathroom and he's like, I'm out. I'm out. Can't confirm. He was taking a shit.
28:06Yes. The other great mincey clip is mincey touring the house for the first time.
28:11And he sees the glasses on the deer. He's so happy to see that. But yeah, I, yeah,
28:15mincey was like, everybody disagreed on who to kill. And mincey was the easy one,
28:18which was a mistake. I think we'll find out. I don't know. I, I just, yeah, mincey was just,
28:25he was the sacrificial lamp, but I loved having mincey on my squad before the merger.
28:30Great. Oh, I agree. I said in the show, I think I said the episode a couple of times, a mistake.
28:34People hated me for putting him in the show. He was very good for the show. Yeah. He had a good
28:38run for sure. Yeah. I don't know how he would have done. He tried smoking me. I don't know
28:42if it was Tuesday or Wednesday. And then I wrote down on my phone. I'm like, imagine if like,
28:47I got got by him, mincey. That would be like, fuck anything. Jack pocket feeling lucky. Well,
28:55get ready to try your luck with Jack pocket. America's number one lottery app with Jack
28:58pocket and order Powerball mega millions tickets running your phone. They even have official state
29:03lottery games every day. There are millions up for grabs right on your phone. New customers can
29:07get a free lottery ticket using code Barstool. That's code Barstool for free Powerball or mega
29:12millions ticket. Don't wait. Download Jack pocket now for a chance to win big. Good luck. Uh,
29:19we did that. We did that. I think that's all, uh, all the ads. Yeah.
29:23But I tell you what, Francis, the doctor had to come though. The doctor came to the office.
29:28He was mangled, mangled after that hits from bids. Oh yeah. It would have been nice to know
29:32he had a history of concussions. Might want to have done the protocol on that.
29:36Horrible. That's another line. That's another line that Austin was telling me. He's like,
29:40I wish they put in, but he's like, don't worry. I'm not going to sue the company or anything.
29:45And I'm like, well, you just be suing me. So thank you.
29:48Wait, you were dominant, a dominant attack and defend though. Congratulations. I mean,
29:54I mean, so, so, so weirdly enough growing up playing baseball, I pitched lefty,
30:00but playing football, I throw righty. It's weird. So I got that ball and I was kind of
30:05figuring out which way to go. I went with the football throw. I mean, these two idiots,
30:09they look like Taylor looked like he's jumping out of the way of it. He looked, yeah, he looked
30:13afraid. Will knew he was dead. The very first thing he goes, that thing is whipping. But, but,
30:22but in, in fairness, we said beforehand, no penalties, no penalties. Like that's the only
30:26I kept saying it on the show. You snapped on your team at halftime. I took one, but it was already,
30:33I think it was eight with no penalties. It's a two to one game at the time. It was the,
30:38you guys scored an eight penalties. And then we, and then we had eight penalty shots.
30:41Halftime happens and we all huddle up and I'm running over. I'm doing some with biz and I come
30:45back and fucking Megan is getting ready to shoot. And I'm like, it was like, she wanted the ball.
30:51I'm like, what the fuck is going on here? I can throw him. That was, that was very old school.
30:57Dave Portnoy, funny. You, I didn't know you could hear me. I mean, she was melting down,
31:04meltdown, she was throwing muffins and you were throwing it 140. Like it was good.
31:09Penalties to be fair.
31:26Now, obviously if that's chicken Friday, he doesn't do that. He, you know, I knew you
31:30had to do that. I just saw that one coming. Maybe that was 82. That was a concussion one.
31:36That was 82. Given his team is the per balls. Here you go. The second he's
31:44been like, Oh, let's let's he's given her throwing lessons. Guys. Why are you,
31:47you don't know her? Why are you on that? Or, you know, I knew that was coming.
31:50The second I heard him say, well, wait, I knew, I knew, I knew that was hanging. It was right there.
31:59Oh fuck. I knew that was coming. Oh, but yeah. So, I mean, but the feedback I was saying,
32:05I think I was saying to winter, so like maybe we'll, during the show, you have people text you
32:10who don't even, they just don't be nine from Barstool. Like it's that kind of thing right now.
32:15It's great. I can't tell how many people are watching it because we have so many different
32:19platforms that you can watch it on. Um, like I've been watching rumble, which is the uncensored
32:24YouTube. The first one has a million, the other again, like 500, 600, 700,000. I mean, it's a
32:29great show. Can I ask you a weird one that maybe, you know, nothing about this, but like on Twitter
32:36for the first couple of episodes, it was like, it would be like you and wit or me and you for
32:39pictures. And now it's like challenge pictures. Is that a conscious decision or no? Yeah. I got.
32:46So what they did, like Jerry was on one gone. Uh, Gilly was on one gone. So I'm like, you're
32:53giving away like one of the titles had my face. And it's like, Dave struggles to stay alive.
32:59It's like, well, obviously I'm not going to get eliminated in this episode. If that's your title,
33:03I thought they were giving spoilers in it. So I'm like, just make it how they're doing it now.
33:07Like images of challenge, something that doesn't in my mind clue in what's about to happen.
33:12Okay. Is that, I mean, is that, but they obviously weren't doing that. Like they weren't,
33:17but they were quick. No, they were trying to make it click baby. Yeah. But I mean, I, the, again,
33:22the editors have done a great job. I saw a preview of the show, like, and it gave away half the show.
33:29So they're not the trailer. Yeah. So I like canceled. It's like, what are you doing? It's
33:33like, this gives away so much. So, but that is why it changed. You know, it was a classic is when,
33:38uh, Gilly went home and I'm going to say 18 hours later, he was live on Instagram,
33:44just ripping a blunt, just laughing in Philly. And everyone's like the production's trying to
33:50get in touch with them. I said to the mother producer, I was like, he doesn't know anything.
33:53He's not, he can't spoil anything. He doesn't even know what was going on in the game.
33:57You know, I kind of thought he had an idol watching though, for some reason I was like,
34:01I don't know. I wasn't buying that one. No, but God, but the thing is you still get nervous though,
34:06no matter what, like every time you go in that into the vote, you think it's you.
34:10Yeah. Bosco Bosco. When we're sitting down at a vote and it's almost always like you think
34:16white socks, Dave has the idol. I'm like, now you bring it up, Bosco. Like the vote,
34:20the votes are counted. Dave was on his game trying to get you. He was trying to get something going
34:25there. Aaron was trying to get you white socks. Dave was trying to get me, except he wrote someone
34:30else's name down when he had the idol. So if Clemmer, if Clemmer hadn't been not so like
34:35pizza for Dave, like I think he could have swung it to stab you. Oh, for sure. It was holding up.
34:44I feel like, I feel like every episode Dave is walking around saying I'm dead so far. You know,
34:50I feel, I feel like you think, which makes sense. Like if you're, if I was on your team,
34:53that's who I'd try to get. Yeah. I've emerged, you know? Yeah. Yeah. You never know. Uh,
35:02no, for sure. You don't, but yeah. I mean, I got stabbed so hard from Jerry last week,
35:07last year that I was still feeling that we're not giving women spoiling today. I would just say it
35:11gets where it gets crazier. Oh yeah. The show. I mean, just look at who's left. Yeah. The lunatics
35:18are still running. Most of them are still, most of us are still running around. That's for sure.
35:22Yeah. Fuck. What else? I've just nonstop. And yeah, I can't say anything. The biz,
35:28the biz footage came out. Oh my God. Oh, Dave was upset with me. And I was,
35:34you mentioned this to me. Yeah. Yeah. So Kirk called me. So Kirk calls me and he's like, dude,
35:38I got fired for 10 minutes today. I'm like, what? And he's telling me the story. And, and, um, and
35:43then I text him like two hours later, I'm like, Dave's on the war path. Cause he wants us dead
35:48to be fair. This was a fuck Dave conversation.
35:53I was sitting on my coach's feet. I was this motherfucker, but he's like,
35:57when he's like, when he's like, if you quit, I'll fucking quit too.
36:02We were in full. Like, I was like, this fucking guy's lost his fucking balls with a
36:06fucking loser. Meanwhile, we had a good conversation. Doesn't give a fuck about
36:13chicken fry comes along. I was like, he said, fuck you to me. He said, fuck you to me.
36:21Well, I'll take now. I didn't, I didn't. That's why I was laughing so hard at Kirk's response.
36:25I'll say whatever the fuck I want because Dave's texts with me. Um, I was pretty like,
36:30cause I did see your side and then, and then I thought about it some more and I was like,
36:34well, what is it? What is it with though? All right. So the footage. So we record
36:39on Mondays. I'm 100% right this by the way. I'm not sure. Uh, yeah, your point is right.
36:44But I think now that I can actually have some counterpoints, I'm wondering what you think.
36:48So we record chicklets Monday night, uh, Monday afternoon. They always drop Tuesday morning, 6
36:53AM. And that day biz knew the footage was coming out Tuesday afternoon. He actually knew it was
36:59going to be like Tuesday evening. So he, he had seen everything Monday morning before we recorded.
37:04So he was able to describe all of the footage to us, like what we're going to see,
37:08what we won't see and go through everything bit by bit for that. When the footage comes out,
37:12everyone kind of knows and can listen to biz describe it. So it comes out the episode in
37:17the morning and it's doing big numbers, pretty good. And then all of a sudden the video comes
37:22out and then the numbers really start like skyrocketing on YouTube for our pod. Biz has
37:27been on McAfee a bunch of different times. Every time he goes on, he's rocking chicklets gear.
37:33They're talking about a host of spit and chicklets, blah, blah, blah. Now they get the
37:37footage and he goes on McAfee after the footage has come out. So of course, yeah, that ends up
37:43being a big time viral moment where biz is talking. I think he was on there for 40 minutes, 30 minutes.
37:48And he's talking about everything in there. They're going play by play with the footage.
37:52And Dave texted me, I got to pull this up. And I knew the first text I knew he said,
37:57have you released a chicklet since the footage of biz came out? I said, and I'm like, here we go.
38:02I said, no, we released in the morning. It came out in the afternoon, but he watched it and
38:05described it all. Would have been nice to maybe not get cucked by McAfee and had the footage in
38:10there. I said, yeah, that's true. I said, I hate to say it, but I don't have a brain that would
38:15think of something like that. I also didn't know biz was going on McAfee. He says, I'm sure his
38:20advertisers and viewership loved it. It's viral everywhere. And he gets it for free. I said,
38:25that ain't good. Damn it. He said, it's crazy, stupid. It is what it is. Hey,
38:29is breaking for free on McAfee. Yeah, I'm a hundred percent right now. Here's the thing,
38:34Dave. Now here's the side. I get that, but biz going on McAfee and going through it with all
38:40the chicklet stuff, it's only going to enhance like our viewers, people that want to maybe
38:45list him. He's so entertaining on that show that it's like, people are going to go listen to our
38:50pod possibly from that. We're going to get more listeners based on that. You said there was an
38:55uptick from, yeah, there was. And I think I know what you're saying. Cause that was the, but we're
38:59not going to re-release a new episode with the, with the video in the fall. You absolutely should
39:04have waited. There was already noise from chicklets listeners kind of like over the whole,
39:09like, but the footage is such a game changer when you actually see it. And if he knew it was coming
39:15out, I talked to biz too about it. Listen, this is one of those situations. We're all on the same
39:20team. You guys like own chicklets as much as like we do. Like it. No, you said it hurts us all.
39:26You said that, which I get your point, but I don't think that, yeah, I actually, I actually,
39:32one of the texts I had to biz, I go just next time you get jumped by seven Irish travelers,
39:36maybe we break the footage on chicklets. Like I, that that's so you think we should have released
39:44an emergency episode breaking. Yeah. But then that means he's all right. So you can do footage
39:51is the game changer. You can do both. You can do McAfee and that a hundred percent,
39:55but it should be first. Plus there's watching him on McAfee. You know what I mean? All I'm
39:59saying is it should have been first. I don't care about macro magnitude platform. You're right.
40:02You'll get people go on McAfee. When you have something that big of a story in the footage
40:08comes out, the first time you have business face overlaid on the footage should have been us.
40:14That's what I was saying. And I don't think it's that crazy. Yeah. I, I, yeah, I agree. I just
40:20think, I know we just didn't, we, I didn't know. I don't it's on me. It's well, I obviously this
40:27isn't, I've had instances in the past and I don't none off hand where it's like, Oh, someone's just
40:33trying to like benefit themselves. It benefits you guys. Like I wasn't like, Oh, there, I just
40:39knew you guys are too dumb to think about it. Okay. Yeah. Like you have, you have this news
40:48story and you have your own huge platform, put the huge news story on your own platform first.
40:55That's I think the problem. Yeah. We should have waited to record till the footage came out,
41:00but then the episode would have been late. Cause besides TNT Wednesday,
41:03she wouldn't be able to do it after. Yeah. Hand up or a special episode. Like, Oh, the visual.
41:11It's one thing to talk about it. I'm sure people listen, but the visual of the footage,
41:16that's the game changer that, that that's just a viral thing. And like I said, maybe it gets
41:21jumped by seven Irish gypsy travelers in the future or whatever, and we can redo it. So
41:26him getting out of that thing though, watching it, it made it like more scary to me. I think
41:30watching that kid was kicking the kid was kicking. And then that scumbag he gets end up caught. And
41:36then they have a lawyer. They have an enormous, huge lawyer. Like that. I think he's represented
41:41a bunch of very famous, rich people. So I don't know what's going to happen, but him getting up,
41:45him continuing to get up was impressive. I still don't know how anybody didn't help him.
41:50Like nobody, not one person. It's crazy. There's guys opening the door. There's two guys that
41:56opened the door and let them all out. It's insane. I don't know. I think there was one
42:01I saw and he got like kind of beat up. Oh, is that right? I didn't see that. Like he tried to
42:07get over and they like, he was getting beat up in the corner. So that was the assistant manager
42:10from Houston's who biz, I think had originally helped out and he went over and then the guy
42:14just buries him into a car. And what was nice about that was that was the guy that biz knocked
42:19out. So at least that he got a little vendors on this guy for pushing this poor little assistant
42:23manager at Houston. You would think, you would think the manager at Houston's would be like,
42:25if biz dies, our fucking restaurant is done. Yeah. Biz would be the face of Houston's,
42:30a national ad campaign. I don't know how they don't change this salad that he goes and gets
42:36five times a fucking week to hit the biz salad. That's a no brainer. Like the clip of him with
42:41the cop and he's so concussed and he's like, Hey, great people. I go there four to five times a
42:46week. The cops were like, what? It's like a commercial. It's very bizarre. Yeah. And I mean,
42:51the guy called him the Dwayne, the rock Johnson, but I'll say this. He's Hispanic.
42:58I've seen like Raul Bissonette. I'll say this. And we said it before. These people are scary
43:06people. When you read into like more their background and just the rule of law that they
43:12don't really abide by. Biz is lucky and balls. Even like, it's like you said, it's one of those
43:18things you want justice, but it's like, damn scary people. I know he's a very tough guy,
43:24but like, it's still a brain. Like, how did he not die? I don't know. Like I don't get dying,
43:30like knocked out brain damage. How did that not here in the story? It's one thing seeing the
43:34footage. It was the kicks they were throwing was scary. I didn't see the footage till McAfee show,
43:42but yeah. I mean, you just walked into that one. I mean, you literally said my entire,
43:47you summed up my entire argument here in this story is one thing, but seeing the footage
43:51totally different. It's too bad, Whitney. It's too bad you have a platform where you can show that.
43:57I know. Maybe if I break up with my best friend, Dave will take my back.
44:02I don't say Austin, get rid of that. That's not appropriate.
44:06What else was I got? Yeah. I, but you know that like, I'm not, I'm not the guy to think of that
44:12day, but you know, you know, me, I don't have that brain. It's embarrassing to say, but that's
44:20I know I don't have that content brain. Like I don't, it was just one of those things. Like I'm
44:24on social media and you know, you're scrolling and you were on the war path. Oh yeah. Every,
44:30it was, I'm like, I can't catch a fucking break. These fucking morons. It's like every clip this
44:36and that. It's like, ah, he's mother. So I had to just get it off my, I was, did anyone else catch
44:42any heat from you on a, on Tuesday? You go at anyone else, text anyone else, anything else
44:48piss you off from the company? I actually wrote down a list of gripes that I was at my house is
44:54remolding. So I have like that. I had like a list of 10 things going on. Like the dot Donnie,
45:02this things that I was not happy with Donnie a little bit. Oh, that is a good,
45:09Donnie had a good point. You kind of dog the bolt stool. And I believe it was very successful.
45:14They were making, they didn't make money off it. Right? Yeah. I don't know that I would say dog.
45:18And you guys brought it up and I saw a picture of fucking white socks, Dave. And I'm like,
45:21are we paying for their fucking hair surgery? It wasn't the most deep comment of all time,
45:26but Donnie, then there's another clip of Donnie being like, I disrespect him or something.
45:31And there was a story that nobody knew, which I know is why. Yeah. This
45:40super chat from Luke. Don't let Dave go cheap in that content contract extension. You're the
45:45ghost. I don't know what that fucking unnamed show was about. Like the moment it was brought
45:50up, Dave acted like visibly turned off or like annoyed by ball stool content. You see the
45:56engagement that series has been getting. Why do you look visibly annoyed? It was like,
46:00is he upset with me? Like, does he not like me for some reason? Listen, he does not. There's
46:04nothing in my contract that says he has to be my friend, but I was shocked. And I was like,
46:08this guy, I don't think white. I mean, did get good, really good engagement. He's not,
46:13I like bald stool. Yeah. Okay. Don Donnie was referring to something that happened. I think
46:18while I was at playing surviving Barstool, which I forgot. So it was just never talked to. I just
46:26forgot it. But I yelled at Donnie and this guy, Corey Rutledge in production. Oh yeah. Because
46:34like on a Saturday night or random Saturday night, I got a text from the bar in Nashville, our bar
46:41being like, Hey, your Barstool guys are being assholes. And I didn't really get any further.
46:46And I kinda, I like why, what happened? I forgot about it. I don't know how it re came up when I
46:51was in Chicago, but it did. And they posted a video. Corey did at our bar in Nashville being
47:02like the bar, the, the balances are assholes. And like pushing people, tagging Barstool Nashville,
47:08being like Nashville sucks. I, first of all, I S I saw the video and they look like assholes.
47:16Like the bouncers are like, can you please move? Can you please move? And they wouldn't move. And
47:20they're like, we're Barstool. You don't know us. It was very unbecoming for both of them. I went
47:26screamed at Corey. Then Gaz tells me, first of all, who takes a video? I'm like, I own the bar.
47:32That's my bar. I don't care if they fucking hit you over the head with a hammer. Talk to me
47:36privately. I'll handle it to publicly be like Barstool Nashville. They suck. I was like,
47:41what are you doing? Donnie, who was part of it, wrote a text to Gaz being like,
47:48the bouncers are acting like assholes. You're you're lucky. I don't post this footage. And I was
47:53like, you're threatening us to post. So I was very mad at Donnie. It came in at past, but that he
48:00didn't tell that part of it, like it, nothing to do with ball stool. That was projection. And by the
48:05way, Donnie is re-signed. I talked to him where Kumbaya I'm like, I was mad at you for five
48:11minutes, Donnie. And I would be mad a hundred out of a hundred times in that circle. It's like,
48:15it's our bar. I don't care what they did. Why were you trying to make us look bad? And by the
48:18way, I don't think they were doing the video. I saw you guys are assholes. So when bald stool came
48:23up, you more thought about that? No, I had no problem with ball stool. I was the youth of,
48:29I saw white socks, Dave and fucking Nikki smokes had nothing to do with Donnie. Donnie is like a
48:35pretty ambitious, go do stuff. Unique guy. When I see white socks, Dave, who, by the way, I called
48:41for his contract negotiation. Hey, white socks, Dave, your contract's up. No, it's not. I'm like,
48:48yeah, it is. He's like, no, it's not up till January 1st. I'm like, that's up. You fucking
48:52idiot. Yes. Yes. Yes. When was this? This was like last week. It's not wrong. It's not up.
49:04It's not teams have a free agent coming. They can't chat before July 1st. It's like that's
49:09two weeks. Dave, you fucking idiot. Well, did you resign them? Yeah. Dave is resigned. That's
49:15good. Any other contract news or no at the end of the year? Nope. Nowhere we're doing. So that's
49:20another thing, by the way, I've been bonuses, fucking contracts. I have to go through every
49:27person. So I hate that. So it's been a horrible couple of weeks. Yeah. So shit that I don't like
49:32dealing with, you get the company back. And obviously this stuff, like you mentioned running
49:36this company, is it, is there like a regret? Is there not getting the company back? But are you
49:41like, I need to hire somebody again to do this or will you just deal with it? But it's kind of
49:45driving you insane. It seems like. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'll keep doing that. I don't know who else
49:51could, but yeah, these two weeks have really sucked in some, some fashion. And the thing is
49:57with the, even the Brianna I'm in that podcast, I was getting out of it. Like I would have not
50:02been nearly as involved if this just happened a month later, but yeah, it sucks. My daughter
50:08literally turned to me. Well, after that phone call and she said, dad, like I could hear like
50:12the foam and the spit coming out of his mouth. I was like, I know. I was like the fucking guy has
50:16lost his mind. He's like, sorry, honey, you can't go to college anymore. I regret I should have
50:21called Kirk and I, and this is probably a credit to me because I don't know anybody else has developed
50:25this relationship with Kirk on a professional friendship. I should, I should have just called
50:30and told them what the issue was reasonably. And it wouldn't have blown up like that. I was,
50:36that is what I apologize for because he's been reasonable since we've been here, except
50:40when he tried to get all the advertisers, obviously that was again, the layup you're
50:45going to fucking do. You love bringing that up. And that was a mistake. And we had a reasonable
50:49conversation when it happened. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was reasonable. I shouldn't try to get all our
50:54advertisers to stop advertising. Okay. And you should not tell me not to be mean to people
50:58because that's why you hired me. So, I mean, I think we've gone, we've gone full circle.
51:01Anything else with no, I'm in a Waterville Valley for a youth hockey tournament. You guys ever been
51:08up here? Yeah. Nice little spot. Nice little spot. Pretty big ski mountain. I think I'll
51:13hit the slopes after this boys. Good. All right. Anything else, Dave? All right, guys. That's it.
51:18See you next week, boys.
