• 2 months ago
The Unnamed Show | The Unnamed Show
00:00:00Okay, unnamed Dave Whitney, I mean ultimately just three losers three losers
00:00:07$0 0 cents three losers
00:00:10Second place eighth place for Tammy. It looks a difference. I'm saying let me let me do the ads
00:00:16Okay, sure talking to the new one. What talking to the mic? I can't hear you that well. It's my mic. No, I mean
00:00:22I'm okay. Yeah
00:00:25Is there something wrong with the sound you're okay good
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00:01:13That's 50% off your first week by using code unnamed or go to cook unity comm slash unnamed
00:01:22Before we get in the show, I need to do something
00:01:25What's up, I
00:01:2920 years Barstow. Mm-hmm. I was disrespected
00:01:36More than I would say I have ever been disrespected in 20 years of doing this
00:01:44Don't have an answer to it yet. I don't know what happened
00:01:48It took every ounce of willpower for me to wait to talk about this story
00:01:55to this show
00:01:57What is this? Oh, I think I know what he's talking. You know, it is it's Francis get Francis on here. Oh
00:02:06Let's go so, all right after
00:02:10Surviving it's over
00:02:13Right back to start here. It's over
00:02:16Compton comes up to me about 5 p.m
00:02:19Let's get dinner. You want to do a dinner Dave? I go. Yeah. Sure. I'll go to dinner
00:02:23All right. All right, cool. Cool. Go up to talk to Dan for a bit come down people are leaving
00:02:29I text will Compton we doing dinner or no, he's like and here we go. Uh, I
00:02:36Saved this. So let me let me pull up the exact to change
00:02:40Are we doing a dinner or no now keep in mind will ask me to go to dinner
00:02:45I don't get fuck because after the reunion you're saying yeah, I've never had success by the way with the Boston boys going to dinner
00:02:52They don't have basic New York. So he asked me to go dinner. I said are we doing dinner or no?
00:02:58He writes back about to talk to wit I'd even know what was involved to figure out what's going on
00:03:03Just checked into the hotel an hour goes by I know these guys
00:03:07I ordered food on my own whatever because I don't trust these guys, but then he writes back to me at 8
00:03:13No dinner
00:03:15Francis had us locked into a reservation a few weeks ago and couldn't find wiggle room. I
00:03:21Literally wrote back to Compton dead serious. Haha. That's literally
00:03:28Negative infinity chance. That's a real text. Like you have a group dinner
00:03:32You can't add one person or like in me
00:03:35Like I could get your reservation canceled if I want like what are you talking about? You can't have one
00:03:39He says ha ha ha wit will tell you that was his response. So let me regroup
00:03:45Will Compton asked me to go to dick. I'm like sure fine
00:03:49Text him what's the deal with dinner? I'll let you know in an hour
00:03:52I got the hotel out of the blue text me you're out for dinner Francis made a reservation two weeks ago
00:03:58Can't no wiggle room. Well, I'm like this can't be real
00:04:03Whitwell, then he's like whit will tell you what the deal is never heard any that's it. I never heard a thing after that
00:04:13One thing I'm sorry Francis you invited me to that very dinner that day
00:04:19So, so what is this dinner he invited Dave he invited me
00:04:24So let's hear it. What is it? Go? Yeah, I'm so glad we're addressing this because you guys aren't the only two people that had an
00:04:31issue with this
00:04:32I made a reservation. I told you for a couple of
00:04:36Issues just so you know Francis you're like I pulled you off the book if I don't like this answer. So go ahead
00:04:44First of all, I didn't know if that was public. So that's interesting
00:04:49secondly, I
00:04:52Made a reservation two or three weeks ago. And
00:04:56The most people that I could get on the reservation was six
00:05:00And I reached out to just a bunch of the guys that had been in the house
00:05:05Together and said do you guys want to go grab dinner?
00:05:09And everyone said sure and then as things were evolving like
00:05:15Will ask me if Kirk could come I said, let me try
00:05:19Went up to Kirk and I said, do you want to come to dinner?
00:05:21And let me see if I can expand our reservation and he said what time is it and I said it's at 8
00:05:2615 and he goes that's way too late for me. I'm not gonna I'm not I can't be eating that late
00:05:32I said, okay will never told me anything about you Dave wanting to come and
00:05:38He asked me I didn't know
00:05:40Will went out of his way. It's like you want to go to dinner tonight
00:05:44Yeah, so I mean at this point if anyone's trusting wills ability to text this
00:05:51Text situation. We've learned. Did you know I was in this dinner?
00:05:56No, I didn't I didn't Dave I would have fucking
00:06:00Burned the restaurant down to create a place for you in fairness to Francis when I talked to will
00:06:06He's like Dave wants to do dinner. So then I said to Francis
00:06:10I think Dave wants to do dinner too. And then France said oh, oh like right away like oh, we'll get we'll get him in
00:06:17And then we'll showed up to the hotel and he's like, oh he already he already ate
00:06:21I mean, nobody loves will more than me but like intellect
00:06:25You think Francis is gonna say fuck you to you know, but it makes no sense. No, I don't but but
00:06:31How does any of that conversation make any sense
00:06:34Why didn't he said wit his last comment was you were gonna reach out to me?
00:06:39Well, he never told me that what happened was he said what's up for dinner?
00:06:42I said Francis has a reservation for six. I said does Dave want to go in Dave want to come?
00:06:48He said yeah, I think Dave wants to come again
00:06:50He asked me out of the blue to go to yeah, but but but then will never told me to call or text you
00:06:55I just figured so I told Francis
00:06:57There's a will thing not a Francis
00:07:01Fairness I was the first one to tell Francis that you wanted to come after
00:07:05Will had told me that you wanted to come and Francis was like frantically like oh
00:07:11Oh Dave needs to eat. Oh, David dinner. There's quite. I don't know. Where did you eat?
00:07:19Veraday in Chicago
00:07:21Because there's no
00:07:23Veraday in Chicago because there's no restaurant. I don't want to I can get into any restaurant
00:07:32Basically in the world on a second notice congratulations. Well, I'm just saying Kirk to hear there's no wiggle room
00:07:39Well, you know, I like Francis is saying that though. I
00:07:43once Francis found out that you wanted to
00:07:45Get on it and then we'll take it on we gotta get compton on we're gonna get my anyway
00:07:49So, all right, Francis will text in game is an absolute. No, he has no
00:07:55I think he has no basic decency. I this is fine Francis your excuse. I figured you would be this good
00:08:01That's how mad I was because I'm I put it
00:08:05Level of that level of fear from Francis is a participant in last season of surviving Barstow. Just so you know
00:08:12Just read to you the exact exchange. I have never felt more disrespected in my life
00:08:18And now I get it will Compton. I would go to Francis. Let's go. Well, thanks Francis
00:08:23Well, what if he says that will Compton doesn't have an ounce of basic decency?
00:08:28He has no that's not true. No, it is true
00:08:31It's a basic he's a very nice guys, you know, you know, he doesn't know like basic this is that I've gone out with them
00:08:38If you want to count this is the third time the first time dinner. They just skipped out on the check
00:08:43They just got up and left
00:08:45The second they were second time. They were an hour late. They said hey, we'll meet you there. They stopped at a party
00:08:51I got a fight at the restaurant because they're like no we got to wait for them
00:08:55I go I'm not fucking wait as they came in
00:08:58In this to get invited to go to dinner and I'm like you Kirk it was like, all right
00:09:03It's a this late, but that's did not happen. I didn't tell he was eating. I have a total exchange
00:09:07He he literally invited me to dinner and writes back. There's no wiggle room. Whit will tell you
00:09:14Yeah, that's I don't know how I'm getting dragged in this and also
00:09:18You never told him you were eating though. You never told him you're all set. No
00:09:23Okay, so in in a car he's like I go what about Dave and then he's like he's he's already ate no
00:09:29Blatant lie. I have never said never said blatant lie
00:09:34Also, is it that difficult for a table of five or six to be expanded by one?
00:09:40It's like 30 people showed up it's quite literally insane I agree I would agree but I think I think
00:09:46I'm a will guy, but I think you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're
00:09:53Anger toward Francis was misdirected. I hand up
00:09:57Francis eyes when he found out you wanted to call it said to me in a player in surviving last year not afraid of all
00:10:02I'm just reading what was said to me. I'm reading exactly what will Compton where's where's will where is he? I don't know
00:10:11Did this guy you know, maybe he doesn't want to text anymore he might be think of retired
00:10:15Yeah, the texting might be done. Well, let's get to the other
00:10:18I mean, we have five million surviving things to get to subs. I hate Will Compton again. I hate sure. Well, sure
00:10:25Well, you I was texting with you last night and you think you should have lost his vote
00:10:30Yeah, you should have a hundred percent. Yeah, I mean I can I can understand that notion
00:10:34but people saying you can do whatever you want like we played the game the first year and tried to improve it because of so
00:10:41That was a you know
00:10:43But as Roan said in the in the wrap-up show like there was a bunch of texting from the other side to the house, too
00:10:51So Megan's goes no and Dave you go I didn't and Ria kind of just sat there
00:10:55Yeah, so that's illegal to should she be should she lose her? Yeah thousand. You should be the winner
00:11:00That's an interesting wrinkle you there shouldn't have been now. I
00:11:05Don't know who she texted or what like is it? She's responding to text or she's
00:11:10Initiating text and then she shouldn't buy that letter of the law. She should not respond. Yeah, it's a little gray if they're yeah
00:11:18But you wait, I did not send a single text to anybody left in the first line
00:11:21The only thing I did that was a considered I guess offside was when I got eliminated
00:11:26I said Rico Francis has an idol, but you're in the house. They're in the game in a way
00:11:30Yeah, yeah, I was out of the game, but I was in the house. Also, I
00:11:34Will I will say like that game got so
00:11:38Heated and like angry and disgusted that I get it I get it
00:11:43It's like an impossible rule to enforce when the emotions are that high
00:11:48Is to literally take every single person's phone the entire time I don't think anybody or very few would I love that I will say
00:11:56like will
00:11:57He shouldn't have the Texas a violation. We knew the rules but Ria
00:12:01Wholly misinterpreted the message big-time
00:12:04Completely message and will was was saying like go get him like get this rid of this guy. You're gonna win. Yeah, I mean she did
00:12:10She she misinterpreted but the the thesis was the same
00:12:15Will didn't want me to win. I honestly I think the two most embarrassing games
00:12:21Were will Compton and Kelly Keeks to me?
00:12:25Those were the two people got played by far the most like I don't I put Rico up there
00:12:30I mean you played Rico all you got him at the end
00:12:33fuck Rico ended up having a decent tweet saying like
00:12:36talking about him giving the idol to Dave is kind of like talking about a
00:12:40Regular season loss for a team who makes the final four in basketball. He then wrote final five in this case
00:12:46I ended up getting pretty far solely because of that necklace handle
00:12:51But if Dave had just returned the favor
00:12:57Let me ask him Dave Kirk if if
00:13:01Dave hands off that idol the immunity necklace to Rico to save him. Mm-hmm. Dave's convinced the girls vote him out
00:13:07I said no way cuz they all needed him there at the final. No
00:13:12Maybe I wouldn't vote like
00:13:15Rico would have saved him Dave Rico would have had to make a move move for me to vote for him in the final three
00:13:22He did I know you're like not the brightest guy
00:13:25but that way this game know that if I give Rico the the immunity that
00:13:31Immediately means everybody is on the table and I've broken my alliance
00:13:35Yeah, but Rhea needed you in her mind needed the whole goal was you know, the final? Yeah, but it I could still take her
00:13:42Out like I've broken the trust. I think I think Rhea is also thinking maybe like potentially
00:13:49Hey, if it's me movie and and Megan, I'm gonna win
00:14:00Dave should have done it. He should have fucking done it all the years all the years of beating him down
00:14:05It's not what this games about. I hate that shit, but that's what it turned into
00:14:10That's why he saved like Dave was never gonna get Rhea. She's talking about chicks in the office leaving the fucking company
00:14:17Either I don't like that timeout and that's just the nature of the game
00:14:21If Rico leaves the company
00:14:24We're in the black
00:14:26You make money
00:14:28Obviously the company, you know who what I can't pay Rico. So like there's
00:14:33differences in them
00:14:35How I view the world now you can argue
00:14:39Maybe I should have hitched my
00:14:41Tent to Clemmer and he would have got me as far as Rhea
00:14:44I don't think so because I would kill Clemmer at at the drop of a hat at the end
00:14:51Whereas Rhea I wasn't it got to the point. I thought about it. It got so crazy
00:14:56But she oh, listen, I think I played the right game the best game
00:15:00But she's ultimately right because I played a perfect game and you guys just couldn't stomach voting for you
00:15:05Told me when I asked you
00:15:0760-40 Rhea that to me. I told you you texted me last night. So he said it on the show
00:15:11I said that to him too last night told me last night. He texted me right away. You're a bear
00:15:15I'm embarrassed for you for voting for me after the game and and him both in both of you guys were like kind of like
00:15:21Yes, no, not true. You know what I said was had I saw how Rhea was acting in that house
00:15:27I never would have voted for I didn't see the celebration in Rico's face
00:15:31I didn't see all the crying would have never voted for me wet ever buddy
00:15:34I walked into that room voting for you and you couldn't and I grabbed the pen and I said it was like Jimmy Fallon and
00:15:41Sign away the season tickets. This couldn't do it 6040 Kirk. You cut me off at the end
00:15:47It is 6040 but every major decision was my wedding. You're saying? Yeah, the pink one not only that it's like we agreed on
00:15:55Virtually everything Rhea and I so Rhea would go do the dirty work a lie cheat keep me in the game
00:16:01And that's great, but if you look at it, it's like and I tried Kelly Keegs it's like
00:16:07My Alliance was in the final Kelly not yours like at that. Yeah
00:16:11No, you put I was very close to me 50 like you definitely could have got I that's I said to you like she was
00:16:16I didn't lie to Kelly. So when I say 60, but I was doing the the behind-the-scenes grunt work
00:16:24Texting lying. Let it go. Let's get a part of the game, but every but I was
00:16:30Running on the show in my mind. Yeah, I was well, yes, like we didn't say you didn't say that
00:16:36You didn't say that you cut me off. Yeah, I
00:16:38Go, that's enough and you walked away and then my final
00:16:43Speech was the pink wedding and I thought you guys were intelligent enough to realize that was the game
00:16:48I agree as I said like
00:16:51Major conversations who's next Clemmer Francis like wrong like we just went we'd be like, who is it?
00:16:57We talked for a minute and then she'd go make sure it was in place
00:17:00Yeah, he deserved to win based on the fact
00:17:03She was right people won't vote for me because I cannot play better and I didn't win
00:17:08Well, I think there was also a tremendous amount of hate for Dan at that time
00:17:12That's that's her speech certainly got me right where I wanted it. So and I think other people too because you were winning
00:17:18Comfortably when we drove there. Well, that's not really the game. There's nothing I can do there. I agree
00:17:23No, I agree emotion play
00:17:24I told you that emotion played a big factor in it
00:17:26But also Rio, I think she's a deserving winner as you would have been Megan
00:17:29No, but I mean like Rico and Mincy voted for Megan
00:17:34But Rico immediate it was like I can't believe I did it but he did it, but he did it
00:17:46Rico's complain
00:17:49It has nothing to do with dinner. I was already eating by the time you respond
00:17:53The second I didn't hear back in 45 minutes, I got I ordered dinner, but he didn't know that
00:17:57Well, I actually went out that night that same night little earlier ate with a couple of people and Whitney saw this later
00:18:03Clemmer was so fucking drunk. It was unbelievable and he snaps on me
00:18:09He always snap every time I've ever been with this guy and he's drinking or on 200 milligrams of edibles
00:18:15He snaps on me and I guess yeah, the guy loses his mind
00:18:19So we I brought up the amazing race at the reunion show because he has rat race
00:18:24Yeah, yeah
00:18:26And he gets so defensive and I and I was kind of like and you know what he said to me
00:18:30I just give it a chance. I'm like, all right watch it and then I actually agreed
00:18:33This is what pissed me off the most at that at the lobby bar Kirk. Mm-hmm
00:18:37I I said he said will you come on the show? I said, you know what if I could play with Kirk and it's in
00:18:42Boston, I'll do it. It's how many days one day? All right, I'm in like buddy
00:18:46I'm giving you a day of my time and then I see him later this fucking drunk
00:18:51Skeletor fucking asshole, and I'm still gonna do the game
00:18:55and I'm like Clemmer you do understand though that if they were to do if Dave was there to go all-in with the budget that
00:19:00They did for survivor with amazing race even call it rat race
00:19:03Like you might might not be in charge you get that right and what did he say not he could not comprehend it
00:19:10He's not even that Dave. He said if he's not the executive producer quitting the amazing race. He's quitting the company
00:19:15Yeah, I I can say this as loudly as clearly as straightforward. There is zero point zero chance
00:19:22He will be exactly he may not even be involved in the game
00:19:24I'm not saying we're doing that but I don't have an ounce of
00:19:30Responsibility to him
00:19:33To make him that get like no one said that about surviving like surviving was a couple of years. I wasn't involved
00:19:39Like he said he said I said Clemmer like he's like it's my thing. I brought here
00:19:44No, buddy CBS brought it to the world
00:19:48What are you talking about? It's like you invented it. It's like trying to say Jeff invented survivor for barstool
00:19:54I and I I respect he's trying like I will give Clemmer credit as Kirk and I said to him dude
00:20:00You try a lot. That's great. That's kind of what Dave asked but to then sit there and say you're gonna quit
00:20:05I go you're gonna quit your dreams. I'll hang I'll go hang with my cat. No, he did the thing
00:20:09He's like he's like I've done. He's like I've done enough. He's like I can just sit back now
00:20:12I've accomplished what I want to accomplished. What does that even mean?
00:20:16This is exactly why I went with Ria to the end and not climber
00:20:21I couldn't imagine being a week locked in the room with him again. I
00:20:26Hear oh, I hate you
00:20:33This dinner thing that you did
00:20:36Hit he's ego got hurt here. Well, he got disrespected. I was disrespected on level
00:20:41I haven't been disrespected in 20 years
00:20:43the dinner a timeout
00:20:45The dinner like the dinner that you that you asked me on Saturday after surviving
00:20:50You're like, hey, you want to go to dinner? Yeah. All right. Let's grab dinner. Then I then at the hotel
00:20:55What what what what Dave I said just like I was walking around the office and we can attest to this Kirk as well
00:21:01I was like, hey, are we doing a dinner tonight? And you said you I'm done for dinner
00:21:05You want to get dinner and I was like, yeah, I'm down to do a dinner
00:21:08Okay, we're on the same page at this point and we were locked we were locked into a six-person dinner
00:21:14Under Francis's ticket like a month or two before that nobody and what you know in that group chat nobody responded
00:21:21Nobody said nothing except for Rowan's like I love dinner
00:21:24So I didn't know we were fully locked into the dinner the surviving thing went from Wednesday
00:21:29Then we recorded it to Tuesday and all the dinner stuff kind of got like miscombobulated
00:21:34I thought everybody's going to dinner then when I was talking to you and then I find out we're also still doing the Francis dinner
00:21:39I'm like, are we just not going to combine the dinners or make it bigger?
00:21:41Like hey, you should talk to Francis. I show you I go to Francis like when you text me here
00:21:46Are we doing dinner or no? We're sitting down at the bar. I'm trying to find a landing bag
00:21:49Hey Francis, are we going to you know, clearly a lot of people want to go to dinner here
00:21:53Are we gonna try and get everybody together and do dinner or we just kind of staying with our six?
00:21:57And he locked us into some high-end restaurant to where he couldn't expand it
00:22:01It seemed like we didn't he didn't want to move off that spot. So it was just like, all right
00:22:04Well, I I'm committed to this dinner. So I'm gonna do this dinner. That's when I text you
00:22:08Hey, there's no dinner going on because Jeff's Texan. I'm also talking with Kirk in the lobby
00:22:12So we were all trying to figure out to do a bigger dinner. I was talking to wait about hair
00:22:16We're gonna do a bigger dinner just didn't seem like it was gonna happen
00:22:19So once I I realized I was committed with the the six-person dinner. I just stayed doing that one
00:22:25There's no wiggle room
00:22:28When I said when I said the wiggle room thing like I was like, hey Francis, can I borrow you?
00:22:32Cuz he's in a conversation. I was like, hey, are we going to expand this dinner? Like Dave's asking about dinner?
00:22:41Yeah, Francis said that did not Francis
00:22:43And when I'm like reading his body language on he seemed like he was getting stressed
00:22:49Look it's not a big deal. Like I'll just you know, I'll just say we're not doing
00:22:54Well came to me about you Dave and then I said it to Francis and then he was kind of like panic mode
00:22:59But then in the car when I said what remember in the car? I was like is Dave coming you were like he already ate
00:23:05Or he was he's not he's he's eating or something
00:23:09No, I said I texted a Jeff. I think Jeff or somebody said that
00:23:13It might have been Jeff was like Dave said he wasn't gonna do dinner
00:23:15Like he was just gonna order out or something like that. I was like, well, I texted him that we already
00:23:21Driving to the restaurant at this point. Oh, I got you. I
00:23:27Don't I just don't know how it can't
00:23:30Six can't turn into seven at this restaurant. That's what I don't get. It's like it's six turning the 20
00:23:35Yeah, I'm not you know
00:23:38Once I was reading his body language and it just didn't seem like it was gonna work out
00:23:41I kind of just didn't want to so it's French and everybody everybody used do what you you you
00:23:50You can can people hear me refer you asked me at the office to do dinner I was like, yeah dinner
00:23:56I said are we doing a dinner?
00:23:59Can we can this group?
00:24:02Can we can this group?
00:24:04Confirm that
00:24:06That feels like a dinner invitation to me when somebody says you're saying Dave at that point
00:24:10We should have backed out and gone to dinner with you. No
00:24:14When did when when will ask me to go to dinner?
00:24:19The response I'm expecting is hey
00:24:23I don't even know anybody else is going to this. I
00:24:27Wasn't walking. I didn't know that groups. Well, I didn't nothing will ask me. Hey, are we gonna do dinner?
00:24:32Hey, are we gonna do dinner? Yeah, let's do dinner. Then he says been at the hotel. Yeah figuring out
00:24:37I'll let you know the next text being from will you're out
00:24:42We're six with Francis. No wiggle room. It doesn't make you look like an asshole kind of
00:24:48You Dave you look yeah, it looks like you're almost like
00:24:56For the life of me I've never gotten this dinner shit right with Dave Portnoy
00:25:00Well, because you're maybe the dumbest human like you you invited me to dinner I'm Jerry
00:25:10They when I'm asking about dinner like in my brain, I'm thinking alright every time we were doing some of this stuff
00:25:15There's usually dinner happening. So when I was asking that part of me was like you're just gonna tell me that hey
00:25:19There's this dinner happening
00:25:21Actually Dave Dave leading from the front would have been all 16 you guys that gave us a week of your time
00:25:27I'm gonna plan a dinner and we're all gonna go to a big ol sit-down and enjoy
00:25:33I didn't even know who was staying to be honest. Like I asked Rico Rico's like I'm flying out that night
00:25:38Like he was rage texting on that flight
00:25:44All of us individually Oh so pissed
00:25:49You almost got Francis fired
00:25:53Dave now you mentioned it for the day. You blamed it on Francis
00:25:58Ah, wait, do you do it? Do you understand the little puzzle I was in? I actually I don't with I don't
00:26:07Yeah, yeah, but I thought you said to for I thought you said to Francis like Dave wants to come I know I did
00:26:14But I get what you're saying that it was like six and I mean, I remember Frank
00:26:19I was like, can we eat earlier? And then he called he said can we move it up?
00:26:22They're like, no. No, it's packed tonight. Can't change anything
00:26:24but I I was so like just all I'm just curious another one like
00:26:31I've been in a situation. It's like Nate calls up. I'm like, of course come I would never tell
00:26:38Anybody and if it's like, oh, we can't get that many. I just be like, alright fine. We'll go to different restaurant
00:26:44It's a pretty big city. We can I like to be told
00:26:48There's six but to get invited to dinner when you're not even thinking about it by a guy and then be sorry you're out
00:26:56There's no wiggle room. It's like what do you even like?
00:27:00It's so very weird
00:27:08Trust me. Trust me. I'm like man. This would have been a great if Dave was with us. It would have been great
00:27:13If I
00:27:14Took every ounce of my I almost didn't text anybody about the game. I I wasn't texting anybody
00:27:20I was just like I don't want to talk about this because if Francis doesn't have the answer that I'm looking for
00:27:28I'm going to fire him on the spot like quite literally on the spot if if it came across to me
00:27:35Like yeah, sorry, we had six Dave couldn't come. I'll be like you're out
00:27:40You're out
00:27:42Yeah, that was never that sense though. No, thankfully it's him and I don't have to deal with him anymore. That's true. You can't fire him
00:27:48Like honestly, you don't know how to do it
00:27:51So did I I don't even who invites somebody dinner and it's like you're out before they even
00:27:57You probably shouldn't have invited. Well, that probably wasn't
00:28:04Why do dinner all right, where are we going? I'll let you know
00:28:16Wrote to him dead serious. That's a joke. I know that's not a real like, what do you mean?
00:28:21There's no wiggle room for a big group. There's so many and again, I'm not trying to my own horn like yeah
00:28:27Yeah, yes, you I can get in anywhere. What do you mean? There's no wiggle room?
00:28:33Well, how
00:28:36My fault my fault man, I'm sorry. I see you're getting hated back there
00:28:39Let me ask let me ask will this cuz Dave thinks you should have lost your vote
00:28:44Texting Rhea in the game
00:28:48Yeah, look, I'm glad Jeff said whatever he needed to to keep the vote alive
00:28:52Well, it wasn't even brought up. Like I was in the game like that. You didn't know about it. No, yeah
00:28:59Jim no
00:29:01Like that wasn't proposed like you think we should strip his vote that was never brought to me. Oh
00:29:07I got you. Jeff was telling me on the phone when it was all happening
00:29:10He's like the thing about taking away your vote and I was like, oh man, that would
00:29:13That would suck cuz that obviously wasn't my intention the way she kind of filtered out my text message
00:29:19So who decided you got to keep it?
00:29:22I'm not even sure
00:29:27But I had nothing to do with it like I mean obviously I knew he texted now you see it in the game when I
00:29:31Figured out but I I mean that was blatant cheating. That's a rule
00:29:35I know what like we set it up to try to make the game fairer
00:29:39By not doing that based on last year, and he was so mad that I gutted him. He
00:29:44He broke the rules
00:29:46And by the way, you played the worst game you and keegs two worst games
00:29:50Most embarrassing games you saying my game is the worst game you and keys
00:30:00Just shows that you can't watch the game when when movie and Megan are sitting there at the end like they
00:30:05If you're gonna say we got outplayed by movie like that's the biggest load of shit
00:30:13Wait, no, I'm saying why was he still helping Ria the entire why was he so team Ria when Ria's
00:30:22No, no
00:30:23No, Dave like it the rivalry with you
00:30:25Like once I learned the whole contract thing like as I was going out
00:30:29And we shook hands in the hallway and you're like I had a couple yeah
00:30:31But I just couldn't win this game and I was like, I'll get it on the back end when I walked up from there
00:30:36I just stood over and I was like, I gotta get this cocksucker out of the game
00:30:39I don't know how I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I'm gonna try
00:30:43So it doesn't matter to you that I
00:30:47Was truthful never lied to and you got absolutely steamrolled by Ria
00:30:51Like if someone steamrolled me the way you got steamrolled
00:30:55I would want them out most which by the way you steamrolled me
00:31:02Didn't steam timeout there's two things a lot of all the comments like Dave
00:31:06There's so things like this sucks. Dave took all the girls every guy wanted me out
00:31:11Maybe not Kirk
00:31:12But all the others like I tried to
00:31:14Wait, I offered you a chance to be like you won't play the game together
00:31:18And you said no after these two morons didn't him and Taylor and biz didn't know what was going on
00:31:24I'm like, let's go. They didn't want any part of me
00:31:26It was obvious. My only path to continue was the girls. I
00:31:32Couldn't sleep at night if I'd gone with you
00:31:36What I had no choice like why didn't I keep more entertaining players or guys around they all want to kill me
00:31:42They all that clip when Ria's like you guys are all afraid of Dave and you guys almost rioted in the back
00:31:55Keep talking about me getting steamrolled by Ria like me coming into this game. I had like two alliances. It was uh,
00:32:01It was it was Taylor was a natural alliance
00:32:04and then Kirk was another alliance of mine and if I was gonna play a game that was
00:32:10When I got toward the end and Taylor was next to me and Kirk was next to me
00:32:13You still needed something in the shadows that nobody might not
00:32:17Realize and so I try to make it an alliance with Ria because I understood that she had beef with you
00:32:22I understood that she had beef with Dan
00:32:24So I thought okay
00:32:25This is one that nobody might figure out if we're able to work together at some point in the end
00:32:28Whether Ria's playing such a good game
00:32:31She thinks I'm allied with her and then I'm gonna go with Kirk or Taylor or vice versa with with any of those in the in
00:32:36That Ford so that was kind of the game
00:32:38I was playing whenever Dan came back to the house and said he was allied with Ria in my head
00:32:41I was like, okay
00:32:42That one's gonna take precedent over the one that I thought I might have with Ria
00:32:54You literally changed your wife's number you thought it was Ria it was never Ria
00:32:59It was obvious. It wasn't Ria and I still like go Ria. I don't get it
00:33:04I know the changing of the name is just if somebody's like, hey, will you text I could just say my wife like if I'm
00:33:10Trying to strategize
00:33:16You actually at one point walk to her and you're like, can we flip and get Dan or Dave I forget which one she's like
00:33:22You you're like, you don't have control yet to do it and she's like no not yet
00:33:26but and then you're gone the next second like she's
00:33:35Knives in you and I and you rooted for I just don't get it. I
00:33:40Rooted against you I
00:33:42Rooted against you and that was my only win left because I knew biz was done whenever us three left
00:33:47I was like all business either definitely
00:33:58Is that why you didn't do the key because you're like real turn and the Alliance is gonna take effect now
00:34:06Was hopeful of that like what she's like, hey talk to biz and oh my god
00:34:10This is really my only lifeline right now and biz and I were talking Rico
00:34:14Biz came and sat back down next to me after voting said I kept my promise
00:34:22Ria muscle winner Rico, then she probably has Kelly. I didn't know like I never trusted Kelly the whole time
00:34:27It's like for Kelly to win. I knew she wanted to get Taylor you criticize
00:34:32Game like our team flipped on us going into that pink wedding you criticize
00:34:36Well, if you want I'd much rather go out the way we went out
00:34:39I asked playing playing aggressive then being like Megan or moves and just waiting to get your head cut off and having no
00:34:48I would rather go out like just at least trying
00:34:55Myself in the bathroom. I was so sick
00:34:58The pink wedding was the game that's the way after that they didn't make the moves and like I said
00:35:03I think we'll play the worst game and and keegs played number two worst game. I or interchange him like keegs his speech
00:35:11I like watching how I'm getting dragged and doing this and not figuring out that
00:35:17You're out
00:35:20By her speech, how are you surprised by her speech if she had already made it clear she was willing to die for Ria like
00:35:29I think it's tough to be in the game
00:35:31If you like want somebody to win more than you going in great very that's very weird
00:35:37I mean, that's why the Rico stuff. I don't get I want Rico
00:35:40I wasn't gonna kill myself to like put people want it both ways like Dan asked out
00:35:46Well, like you want me just to kill myself. I'm not gonna do that. I won't agree. I agree with you
00:35:50No used you the it's crazy. If you want somebody else to win. I would Dan gave Rico those keys
00:35:54I want to puke like I don't understand it. I don't get it
00:35:59Yeah, Dave, you could have still won the game if you were to gave a better speech. No shot. Oh
00:36:04That's not true. Well, no shot
00:36:06I do Dave
00:36:09Speeches and then saying you were gonna spend the money
00:36:12Like you could have like I know you're sitting there watching like you could have won that game in my opinion
00:36:17You had the money you had a you had the majority of the house before we walked in there
00:36:20I swear to God, you know, you can go one by one. Would you ever vote for me? No
00:36:26No, no, I
00:36:32There's nothing my speech could have done
00:36:37When I vote for you theoretically in a game, I definitely would but once Rhea and Dan fought there's nothing
00:36:43He's never gonna do it and people just couldn't stomach putting the big bad boss man's name on there
00:36:49And Rio was correct in that the only people with integrity were Taylor and biz who did the bet but I I
00:36:56Won the game. Let me watch the whole thing. I was the best player
00:37:00Let me ask you this is Rico really your is Rico really your dog now he it could have come down to that vote theoretically
00:37:08He's not a writer. He's not a writer go could have cost you the championship
00:37:12He voted not a writer. Of course. I'm a writer. I don't think you're not a writer
00:37:16He didn't even vote for you. That was disappointing apologize right away doesn't matter. So what who cares?
00:37:22He didn't vote when it comes down to it. He didn't vote for you. I
00:37:25Think he was so at the moment
00:37:27He like just couldn't believe it was the the one-way street of the immunity and then did although Dave when Rico said was never gonna
00:37:34Vote for me
00:37:35There's not enough votes
00:37:37What when when Rico said at the reunion that you didn't even need to give him the immunity necklace that you just needed to vote
00:37:42for Megan
00:37:44It would have been to to write like that. He's saying he could have pressured me in the revote. I
00:37:50mean Dave you make a move on Rio like somebody that everybody felt you were allied with the whole time if you spin it on
00:37:55Them toward the end like you're you can win the game. Yeah, but then they leave the company
00:37:59It's like if Rico would have took you out. He could have won the game
00:38:08Never at that point have
00:38:11And Rhea said it I would have never stabbed Rhea in the back at that point. Never
00:38:17If we're not which is not the real survivor game. That's the barstool survivor
00:38:25One by doing that if Rhea had given you but Rhea should have stabbed me in the back and she didn't but I'm just I'm saying
00:38:32If Rhea had had you I actually was smarter. Why why should she have done that?
00:38:36Her plan worked to perfection because according you guys all right in the end
00:38:42But according to you, which I don't believe like I could have won
00:38:45What I'm saying is that the final?
00:38:48I don't disagree with Dave on that
00:38:50like if Rhea would have done it before like
00:38:52By the time you're all sitting there and everything like the dance stuff and everything like that
00:38:56Like it kind of all the votes went Rhea's way
00:38:59But if Rhea makes the move on day before you even get to that point
00:39:01Like say she did she say say she does it before we get there
00:39:05She wins the game easy because the house is now with her going into that
00:39:09Rhea are going into that finale a lot of the house like even I was thinking like I should penalize Rhea for this whole thing
00:39:15Because ultimately she butchered the entire thing. She thought that you just walk in there, which she still is the champion again
00:39:22We're kind of just talking in the back end
00:39:23but if she walks in there thinking that everyone's just gonna vote for because they're not gonna give Dave the money at that point of
00:39:29The house everybody was like that is a massive mistake the way this game is going if we revoted now
00:39:34I would win I think easily. Oh
00:39:37I'd vote for you now. Maybe maybe all right
00:39:40I can't I'll never give you that especially. Yeah. Yeah, I would never give you that. Yeah. I mean, I hate well
00:39:46I mean, he's disrespectful human. All right. Well, we'll talk to you. I want to go to dinner. Sorry, you're out. I
00:39:53Love you guys all three
00:39:55Let me ask one question way because I was trying to ask so the part where
00:40:00Why is woke the part where it was it got from four down to three and Rhea gave you the immunity to get to?
00:40:06the final
00:40:07If she chooses somebody else and you have to go one-on-one in that thing was your shoulder bad enough like we would you've not
00:40:13Been able to do that. No, I would have been able to do that
00:40:15And then I would have given probably a very different speech better than Whitney would have anyway, that's for sure
00:40:19Yeah, I mean, that's what people don't get
00:40:21I I get what everyone's saying and I think it's one of the you can say it's good or bad about Barstool
00:40:27Normal survivor. Nobody knows each other. Nobody has to see each other at the end. I
00:40:33Rewatch it. I would do the same. I was never going to give a game of savage speech
00:40:39Against Rhea at that not a million years with where her headspace
00:40:43she's too important to the company and there's a difference like I would do it to Whitney and and
00:40:49Spit and chicklets is very important the company, but I think I'm not worried about that last longer
00:40:55So there's the flaw within the game if you want to make that argument you would not deny that
00:40:59You could say it's a flaw. Oh, you could say it makes it more interesting. Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah, I get that
00:41:05I think that's fair
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00:41:29I didn't think I'd be able to get with that mad during this game. That was a blessing. Dan got me that mad
00:41:36But you I mean you were part of it, but Dan got me that mad
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00:42:04The crown is yours
00:42:06I'd argue Dan by the played the worst game because he played it in a way that he wasn't able to control himself when things
00:42:12Didn't go the way he wanted and he quit and if Dan hadn't quit like if he hadn't gotten fucked up from everything
00:42:17That would have been an electric ending Dan verse Dave
00:42:21Like that would have that would have made the show a lot different coming down
00:42:24The guy should quit like it doesn't get worse than that. I think he really regrets it
00:42:29100% like they're Dan the thing about
00:42:35Like he was
00:42:36Mentally broken like he truly was so I mean, yeah, so so and so is Rhea at the end
00:42:41So it like if they were out listen that video that they put when Rhea's telling me what happened and like I'm just like
00:42:50That is basically what was in that in that house, so yeah, I mean Dan couldn't have had it gone worse
00:42:57He he hated how he went out and gate in the year before and he came back and he was ready to go
00:43:04And then you know all hell broke loose and he was playing fucking well, I don't think so
00:43:09I think he's playing. I think he's playing reckless like he's
00:43:12He was yeah, I thought he was like super amped up, which is not how he is
00:43:16So I think that well Dan talked to me after the reunion show and he's like I thought everything back a million different ways
00:43:23Had I ever known Dave would never ever get rid of movie. She's new to the company
00:43:29I just brought her in then I would have never done what I had done
00:43:33But I thought that he would be willing to get out movie and once he told me no I was dead anyways
00:43:39And my brain was fucked up. That is why that is why Kelly Keegs being like dragging on I picked the final
00:43:47Moves is me like real wanted moves out and like we're keeping moves Dan wanted moves out of my we're keeping moves
00:43:53And it was perfect to keep moves
00:43:55Yeah, she wasn't zero. She wasn't gonna do anything. She was a lock. I knew I had now in the beginning of the game
00:44:01There's a point like I thought Rhea for I knew Rhea hated me. I had no idea
00:44:06They never put it in I said ten times in the confessional like this could be a Marty mush revenge game
00:44:12I have no idea but as the game went every single thing that Rhea was telling me was the truth
00:44:18So I became totally 100% believed her and in the beginning whenever my name was mentioned
00:44:24She would put it in the back burner. She had not yet. Whatever and keep me safe
00:44:28So in that respect when I say 6040, that's what she was doing
00:44:32Well, you told me you said they she did the useless moves and you did the big moves
00:44:37Yes, I was yes, and she did the dirty work
00:44:39She was the one because people are gunning for me and she kept being like no and I said it the thing
00:44:45I don't know why people just didn't be like, why does Rhea keep defending Dave?
00:44:48We gotta get rid of Rhea that I was crazy. She is getting absolutely torched on
00:44:55Twitter Rhea, I mean destroyed
00:44:58Yeah, I mean
00:45:01Twitter Instagram like Twitter is more mid a fan world and like she's probably getting a ton of love on like Instagram
00:45:08I think it's cuz she she played the game ruthlessly and people don't like it the guy she played it
00:45:13I have no problem people like the crying people. Hey, I agree
00:45:16But that's but that's like that's just you know, she but like sure that's bad
00:45:20But doesn't mean do with how she played the game Rhea played in a great case
00:45:24I think I played better than Rhea because I would say and
00:45:29This is where people disagree
00:45:31I had a huge target on my back coming into the game like people were gunning for me
00:45:36Nobody came in gunning for Rhea and I danced through with her help, but she was a hundred percent, right?
00:45:43People would not vote for me at the end
00:45:45Which I I don't think I could play this game in my position
00:45:49Better than I did except if it was Clemmer next to me because then I would have killed Clemmer at the end
00:45:54But I wasn't gonna kill I wasn't gonna kill Rhea
00:45:57Oh, so you can say minute fans all you want and I know they can be tough
00:46:00But I'll like dance right has been ruthless on social media with us this week, too
00:46:04So it's like but like bring it on. Well, well, I mean you guys you guys initiated the entire fight, but not true
00:46:11He came up to me before and said if you vote me out, it'll affect our friendship personally
00:46:17Said okay, that's it. We're gonna play that way. We'll play that way. I wasn't gonna play that way
00:46:22And now he's on this apology tour like he's you know, well, this is great
00:46:26This is this is this is like the he's the son of Sam
00:46:30The way the media is running and you're like, you know, I totally disagree with that
00:46:34I see a lot of blue checkmark people being like I don't see anything wrong with that
00:46:38I see. Well, I mean Darrell Darrell you and Darrell have a problem with it you you and
00:46:44Their problem of it. I work in there and sit in the truck
00:46:46I'm a problem that you're the one according to Dan who sat down with him and said keep it quiet years ago
00:46:50Not me. Yeah, Dave. Why did you that's what you that's why did you think I don't know was the play then?
00:46:56To be honest, I don't recall that combo
00:46:58But I'm sure if he's like should I say right off the bat and like probably not just go he was in Chicago
00:47:03I don't it was never a big deal to me. Like I would have revealed it
00:47:08I don't think from the beginning it would have been a big deal to anyone if it was I don't it's a big deal either
00:47:12He thinks it's a big deal. I don't
00:47:16Listen Kirkman a hand will see a guy walking with a little like open wound and he'll take a stick burn it
00:47:24But red ants on it and stick it into that wound and just keep going all Kirk did was saw his weak spot
00:47:30What gets him anyone out? It's not the issue. It's not what it is. It could have been anything
00:47:35It could have been he committed a murder. It could be he has dyslexia it whatever bothered Dan at this point
00:47:42Kirk was gonna find it and stick a stick the issue itself is such a non-issue to me and to see the Darren Revelle's
00:47:49World, I think I think let's be honest if you found out Big Ev
00:47:54Was a Michigan fan until he was 16 or 17. You would crucify him for three years on social media. No
00:48:01Well, here's the difference
00:48:03I've known Dan grew up where he grew up and people have known that why he got so defensive
00:48:09That's his head issue. Okay, but I'm just saying you would it was somebody else like I actually think it's not a big deal
00:48:15But I do think it's weird
00:48:16That the biggest sports podcast in the world is kind of built a persona around something and its core isn't quite true
00:48:22See, I disagree with that. I
00:48:25Think he rooted for them growing up based on what it says uncle and we know no, no, no
00:48:29He didn't root for them growing up. That's not true. We've seen the pictures of him like the Tom Brady picture
00:48:33I mean, yeah, I mean the biggest part of all of this is the fact it doesn't matter
00:48:36You can root for the he say wrote root for both
00:48:40Okay, what's that? And then you go to Chicago?
00:48:42I I think that I mean the biggest part of all of it is that this poor bastard stopped rooting for
00:48:47Boston as we became the greatest sports city in the planet. Well, he got three titles
00:48:52He got three Patriots titles and a Red Sox championship. So yeah, I guess I mean, I don't I mean I could tell Dave
00:48:58there's a non-issue like
00:49:00Absolute non-issue to me and anybody first of all, everyone basically knew
00:49:06Outside in parcel world at least it's like a secret that he tried
00:49:10He just didn't like talk about but he had
00:49:13Nate joked about the 20th anniversary. We have called we like people knew that's why I said him
00:49:18I said to him I was like this will be a good thing for you
00:49:20like it's literally he wrote ripping the bay if he
00:49:24Just said right off the bat and he's not he's different guy and one confessional
00:49:30I think I said I could probably use a little more what Dan has which is caring what people think
00:49:34You have it now, bro. Oh
00:49:36You sure used to not give a fuck. No, you really have no no
00:49:40No, you're you didn't give a fuck about anyone's feelings ever ever
00:49:45No, you're you're just wrong Dave Dave play this out. Okay, so so it said it said hold on instead of movie and Rhea
00:49:53Whitney and I are on your team. We're in the game
00:49:55I get a text from will and it says hey go get Dave get his throat and I start weeping and wailing and
00:50:01Whitney comes in and you walk in and Whitney is hugging me consoling me while this is going on
00:50:06I think you might find it a little stranger than when when movie and
00:50:10100k Pat's with us to Kirk
00:50:16100% you wouldn't have won that way eight years ago. No, that's not fucking true
00:50:21Yeah, you told Rhea she was gonna be like ugly when she's 50 a couple of Rhea burst into a live radio show
00:50:28Here's a different example. I listen
00:50:31I'm running a company that I need employees who don't want to kill themselves and want to leave the company
00:50:37So you want to go back to Jenna Marbles back in the day?
00:50:40We had videos of her being an absolute piece of shit cocksucker
00:50:45She didn't know she was being recorded never saw the light of day never did I treat people differently?
00:50:51I've said I treat people differently from day one. I don't treat everybody the same. I never have
00:51:01No, not even that to a degree Whitney I've been like once I don't think I
00:51:06Said it to Smitty when he came out of the shower in Philadelphia. I'm like, okay
00:51:12You can't like bust balls. Like I'm not comfortable like being myself around you
00:51:18So I just won't even like interact really like that
00:51:22I choose I'm comfortable with you too, and no I can do whatever but that doesn't mean
00:51:28People want like me to be surrounded like we'd never have gotten out of milk
00:51:32Like I can't I treat people differently based on their personalities. I always have
00:51:37Okay people within the company then whereas yeah outside the company you were savage to anyone and that's changed a little I think
00:51:46Obviously there's shit that's happened in your life where I get it
00:51:48Like there's hit pieces and all their stuff and you've become so big that when you start chirping people it's just way bigger news
00:51:55So it's natural but like you were you were savage before
00:52:00yeah, but I still look at everything whether people won't believe or not like as I'm running the company like so I'm I
00:52:07if I think it's going to damage the company damage the bottom line make things harder not even for me like
00:52:13We have cut I have to run this company and people want contracts
00:52:16but like I factor that in on when I'm gonna like and sometimes I have to bite my tongue or do whatever treat people like
00:52:23Differently. So yes Ria's and Ria said it in the game
00:52:27She's like I would have killed and I asked her at the reunion. I'm like, would you have helped me?
00:52:33Like would you have been like hated my guts and and treated me bad like different would have hurt our relationship if I backstabbed you
00:52:40Like so that's what I thought and I and we know personal relationships you see what happened not just me and her but a lot of
00:52:47Personal things so it's not worth the risk to fuck up chicks in the office and our relationship for what my ego
00:52:54I don't care about the money. It's like I made it as far. So yeah things
00:52:59100% if I'm with you guys at the end I act differently
00:53:02I asked Ryan Whitney if he would play with me at the end of the day
00:53:07Ryan Whitney if he would play with me after the merch he said fucking no
00:53:13But you wouldn't you would have got me anyway, because yeah, I'm right, right
00:53:17I would have got you but I would have lied like in tried to like
00:53:24Your points if you stab Whitney back or me in the back would be mad, but then we wouldn't be mad a month
00:53:29I just don't think it's crazy for you to say you got 200 fucking million dollars
00:53:35You can go into any restaurant Chicago he wants with him
00:53:38You can do it. I'm just trying to say how crazy it is not to get wiggle room for one person
00:53:44They treat me like I was fucking Nate
00:53:47Your best point is like I don't know if I had a reservation for six in the bunch of my friends
00:53:52But you and other people I'd say, all right. Well, if it doesn't work, we're fucking don't even have to ask
00:53:56We're just going to a different restaurant. Like it's crazy. That's the most disrespectful thing. That's happened to me in 20 years
00:54:04But nobody but you're blaming it on
00:54:06But it seems like there is maybe a Francis Hellman to this though. I don't know. Well wait you said you did tell
00:54:13It was me. I was like is will had mentioned is Dave coming to dinner
00:54:19I was like, hey Fritz. I think Dave wants to come and all of a sudden he's fucking panicking around like
00:54:24Really like truthfully like oh my god, Dave wants to come. I thought he was flying out right after and then will said
00:54:31He's already ate or he went to dinner, I mean
00:54:37Yeah, I was I was there throughout this totally like passenger wise but when Francis found out that you like wanted to eat dinner
00:54:45he was like
00:54:46He was like everyone else during the pink wedding like just like panic. It's just a reiterate
00:54:53Will Compton asked me to go to dinner. That's what you who asked somebody and then kicks him out
00:55:00Francis brought something up and then he or you brought something up and then he said I don't know if we could talk about this
00:55:05Now he talked to me about this said don't say anything. But can we can we talk about this book?
00:55:10He's probably not gonna be involved in it now Francis. What is he?
00:55:15Yeah, so what?
00:55:18Really why what book is it? What is it? Francis is gonna write Dave's autobiography, which I
00:55:25He was till he fucked me on dinner Dave don't be dumb I think it would be unreal I think it'd be really good I
00:55:33You don't Dave?
00:55:35Well, I'm the one who well, no what happened was how can he trust him to meet up if he can't because there's a book
00:55:41Out there right now about you
00:55:44Yeah, that I have nothing to do with that. Oh, I'm authorized. Yeah, so
00:55:51Books always I always have been approached by a book with UTA. So a story of Barstow ish like through my lens
00:55:59We had kind of started and then Francis randomly is like, can I write your book?
00:56:04He's like if you're a thought of writing a book
00:56:06So I'm like, maybe we can get it
00:56:08Collab and get him involved and then I got a text from Will Compton being like Francis said you're out for dinner
00:56:14There's no way you can't do it. I mean think of it wait days
00:56:17I want to meet for lunches for meetings. How can he trust Francis to do that?
00:56:20He's no
00:56:21Do this you can't do it this
00:56:23You need somebody you need somebody that like knows what you're like to write this book
00:56:28This book is gonna be an enormous seller France. That's a great writer. So Tommy
00:56:33Tommy's a great pick. Oh, yeah. He's a fucking sick. Tommy's a great right?
00:56:36I had dinner with Tommy the other night that night and you know what we had dinner together
00:56:40He invited me to dinner. We ate together. You can trust him. Tommy is the pick. Let me just I just want to
00:56:47One second here read this exchange again work. So are we doing a dinner or no this is after he invited me
00:56:55About to talk to wit to figure out what's going on. Just checked into the hotel. Okay?
00:56:59And so an hour and 15 minutes later from well, no dinner Francis has locked into a reservation a few weeks ago. No wiggle room
00:57:08That is taking a shit in your mouth. Really? It's
00:57:20Negative infinity chance. That's a real text
00:57:22He goes ha ha wit will tell you never Tommy would have been the boss boy
00:57:26Tommy would have been the boss boy at the dinner before
00:57:29done I
00:57:32Literal steam coming out of my ears. I was so mad
00:57:37I was so fucking mad. I
00:57:43Win though, don't you kind of want to eat by yourself in the hotel after that thing?
00:57:46Do you really hurt I had already or I was already eating by the time they because he didn't get back to me for an
00:57:51Hour and 15 minutes didn't matter. That's why I didn't tell him I was eating the
00:57:55The idea of it. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yeah, you don't get that way. Oh
00:58:00I get how he's human from this. I get it completely. I just don't think it's on Francis
00:58:06Imagine getting invited to a dinner and then the guy who invites you it's like you're out. You're out
00:58:12Just pigeon-tossing you who just it's like you you asked me to go to dinner and then he's so stupid
00:58:17He's like I didn't ask you. I just saw you in the office and I was like you wanna go to dinner tonight
00:58:22You were there with you were there like with was the best part the funniest part about the dinner was and I don't remember who
00:58:28Said it
00:58:29Biz was across. I think it was busy. He's like, how great would it be if Dave was at this dinner?
00:58:39Classic to have a chair to that where you were was it like that inflexible?
00:58:45Now, I mean I think you can add a chair to any table in the world
00:58:52I mean six the sound could have got him a little like baby chair baby seat
00:58:57It's the most disrespected
00:59:00Probably I've ever been so I think else from surviving and now we're funny. It's finally over it's over. It was ugly
00:59:07It was brutal. Dave. Do you think it lived up?
00:59:10Oh, thank you. Yeah, I mean everyone's complaining at the end. Listen, you can't like
00:59:16but they can play
00:59:18Everyone can place about everything right? It had big numbers in the beginning. It's like they're so stupid
00:59:23They're knocking out the alphas. We wipe out the alphas. Where's the alphas?
00:59:27They go
00:59:28You can't it survivor. That's the game and a lot of times even real survivor does kind of it hits
00:59:36It's crescendo and then when the big team makes the move it does sort of now it must get quiet right and survive
00:59:42it can because it's like you don't know they again Rico Megan and and
00:59:49Dummies, maybe not Rico Rico would have made a move but the other two just stupid
00:59:53They it was so obvious who the Allies were and they never did anything. So but overall
00:59:59Listen people it got very personal to personal Kirk is Kirk
01:00:05Rhea and Dan like I do think
01:00:09Like Rhea's
01:00:11Rant on Dan trying to control her was not like Dan just wanted out of the game
01:00:15Dan was just like let me get out of here with my limbs intact
01:00:18I don't think he was intentionally trying to like control Rhea
01:00:22But you know, I knew going in you can only play this game so many times before we don't have a company
01:00:30Dave called me on the way to the airport. I'm like, oh I answered he's like what the hell was that with Kirk and Dan?
01:00:37I'm like he got out. He got out Dan got him out
01:00:42He got I because I didn't know like I was I was clueless on what like outside you got eliminated
01:00:48Which I think is basically
01:00:51What happened yes, yes you go you call me to that morning as well
01:00:56You hate Dan. I'm like, well, he got me out. He said to me. I'll take this
01:00:59You're gonna he said he would take it personally
01:01:01So I took it personally and then you were like you said this to me you said he's not like me and you
01:01:06Correct in which is which I think Dan would say like he's like you and I totally you could fucking say anything to me
01:01:12I don't I literally don't care the difference between me and you is you then will equate that?
01:01:19Yes, everybody should be like that where I'm a normal human and can realize I'm talking to Kirk Kirk's talking to me
01:01:26We even wit like biz Taylor will and then there's people who aren't like that who take things more personally
01:01:33As I said to Dan after the reunion, you know, that's on him because he knows I'm insane
01:01:38Which I think which I think made his move on you that much more like
01:01:43Impressive at the time because he knew what was coming, but then I think once you walked off and said Newton
01:01:49He's like it just like hit him. Like yeah. Yeah, it was a kill
01:01:52I knew this was coming, but now it's the tidal wave is ashore
01:01:56Kirk was Kirk. It's hot and I said that to Dan too. I was like
01:02:01It he's predictably unpredictable
01:02:04I think we can't real like whoever Kirk deemed
01:02:08The guy who I'm not really got him out because I got you out like Dan didn't want to but I never said anything to
01:02:14You like you knew I was gonna face the face. We see. Yep
01:02:16I know I have no problem with that
01:02:17Which is crazy that you didn't vote for me when I didn't tell one lie the whole fucking game and still made it to the end
01:02:23There's a great game and you finish in second place
01:02:27I congratulations you for those people just like which face when I came in like
01:02:35Was just like I saw the Compton jersey, I just fucking lost it inside. I lost it
01:02:42The quotes he owns you even Taylor's like oh my god. He owns you now. Well, yeah
01:02:46Yeah, well, would you let those guys play next season if we do it again? I?
01:02:52Don't know because you're because your reasoning was so they're officially have they announced anything
01:02:57Well, I mean no, but they I mean everybody knows they're leaving
01:03:02No, yes based on the way we're talking right now. Well, I want to let them announce it
01:03:06Well, it's out there and I think they've they've said that I think everything
01:03:11Sure, okay, well you just so okay
01:03:14Well, they're well seven months from now when we're playing the game again, or they're eight there
01:03:18They won't be with the company probably so would that affect them with the yeah, I don't know
01:03:23I don't know whether I don't know
01:03:26Okay, anything new with anybody else coming going no, I I mean I
01:03:31Think well again, I want to let them say it. They'll say it. They'll do their thing. It's different. I
01:03:39We lost
01:03:41Caleb we lost those guys. I
01:03:49That's it. And you know, it sucks. Like I told them I told busin
01:03:56I've made what I would say was my most aggressive
01:04:00Move to keep them like I really really really and when we played the game, by the way, I thought there's thing
01:04:06I remember talking to me about that then. Yeah. Yeah, I thought that I thought they were staying
01:04:12But this is this is the world that
01:04:16We're in
01:04:17Really and we've been in whether it's Jenna marbles Cooper McAfee them Caleb the they're getting
01:04:25There's always more value
01:04:27for a company
01:04:30talent than already here, but like
01:04:33they got
01:04:35They're like the caribou times a million good for them. They got an offer. That was so big good
01:04:41It's like I can't and they said they're like listen
01:04:44We we go out and this is almost everybody leaves Barstool says
01:04:48When they leave you better make us an offer that isn't even close to what they are because we want to stay
01:04:54like will wants to stay Taylor wants to stay they want to do but
01:04:59People it's a compliment to Barstool. These people just pillage us there. They can't build people up. They can't make the stars
01:05:06They it's Saturday night live. We make stars and if we paid
01:05:10Those guys what they wanted and we paid Cooper what we wanted Mac. We'd have no company. It just wouldn't right
01:05:18We don't know those other companies are those other companies no matter how great that show is
01:05:23Like they're taking a bath on them bath
01:05:26Bath in their mind. It's a lost leader, right?
01:05:29But we're there. These are I don't billion-dollar companies hundred minute like they're there
01:05:35you know, it's like the NFL a team like I
01:05:40Was willing to pay them money that we do would have been losing money
01:05:44Like we there's no way we would have made money and then it went so far over that
01:05:49It's like we'd be losing tens of millions of dollars. Basically. It's like
01:05:53I can't do that. So it makes it easy when the offer from our bottom right now made these companies at different models
01:06:00But I talked to everybody like hey, this makes to try to cobble it up
01:06:05It just I talked to our sales if we pay this how much we losing like we're gonna take a bloodbath
01:06:11So it it just can't work. So it sucks
01:06:15But that's it and you look at and I'll let them say well
01:06:19There's an underdog like a prize picks a fan these gambling companies are operating still
01:06:24Losing millions and millions a million. They don't care like so I we can't go like oh
01:06:31We're gonna lose a hundred million this year. It's like you can't do that. So it it really sucked. I've made like Caleb I
01:06:40Didn't care nearly as much like at one point with the Caleb negotiations
01:06:43Like you should go like because how much and as you're not involved in any of our content Sunday conversation home run big hit
01:06:51But like these guys were involved sure with us. So I did everything I really tried
01:06:57I didn't go I and I am disappointed. It's the first time. I'm really god
01:07:02That that hurts
01:07:04Yeah, and I think they feel the same way to be totally honest
01:07:07It seems like obviously the doors open though, whatever two three if they want to come back. Yeah, I've never had problems
01:07:12Like I said the people who have left
01:07:16They've gotten such
01:07:18Overwhelmingly great offers. I actually think it speaks to like when we try to get new people
01:07:22It's like look at the people are here are doing great. But look at the people have left. They're getting these monster deals
01:07:29So the barstool effect works. It's what we tell people when you come in. There's no way I could ever begrudge them
01:07:36I I would take their deal probably to advise in their shoes
01:07:41It's just so much fucking money
01:07:45Would have would have held up that dinner invite though. Yeah, that's a thing to do
01:07:49You can't bring it back after this dinner
01:07:50I honestly that's been the worst part of it is that they're not under contract
01:07:56When this dinner thing happens, so I can't like torture that it's like not only is this like wills too stupid
01:08:02He doesn't even realize he sort of got the last laugh by being a total cocksucker. It's true
01:08:08Like he couldn't even on purpose. I know I know he unintentionally by just being an
01:08:14absolute fucking like caveman mutant with no basic manners
01:08:19Disrespected me on a level that like honestly, I wanted to kill something far more than anything that happened in the game
01:08:26How about at the end when Kirk's like I'm winning this fucking game and I went up to him after I was like
01:08:30I don't think you're ever winning this game. I'm winning again. I'm winning next year. I am winning. He's like keep thinking that
01:08:36I'm playing that season and I'm winning next season. I
01:08:40Get the I'd love to do an All-Stars
01:08:42But I don't know whether we can get people back like imagine getting Cooper McAfee like all these exes back in there
01:08:50I don't think they'd ever do it. Oh, do you like like half and half or something? Yeah, that's a that's not a bad
01:08:55That's a good idea. Yeah, I don't think they do it
01:08:58Because the game's so savage. Yeah, and it's like they're so big and huge you like you want to go like Alex Cooper
01:09:05I know but like look how much more I mean, I don't know when you're in it though. It's so fucking great
01:09:11You know, I did not think it was great
01:09:13Oh, really, but I was but I but that's cuz I was so lost and I had no clue
01:09:17You have fun like doing the challenges and I had fun like hanging with everyone
01:09:21But like once the game's getting going, I'm like buddy. I'm like, yeah, I'm on another plane. I'm watching the President's Cup
01:09:27It's five nothing USA. It's true. There's a key two feet from me. What?
01:09:31What do you want to do time-wise for the show now that surviving go back to the normal, okay, that's fine. That's good. Yeah
01:09:38Yeah, once a week
01:09:42As opposed to what every week
01:09:45Like it was once every two weeks
01:09:48So we let like stuff build up. I don't care. I don't mind doing it is it's
01:09:54Let me talk to sales with how much that matters because I don't mind being like, oh we have stuff do it this week
01:09:59There's nothing no point to do it. Yeah, that's kind of what I'm saying
01:10:03But I don't know the rhythm of them selling it whether they can do it that way. Okay? Okay. All right, we're good. Otherwise
01:10:09Anything else Dave wait, so you're having big cat on your show big cat
01:10:13It's coming home
01:10:14water that like to be honest all that stuff hurt me like the big cap because I could tell when Kirk was talking that camera
01:10:21Went to you and you were just like what is going hurt right now because I know Dan and and honestly
01:10:27Like he's from his perspective the amount of work and nobody works harder and the amount of effort and everything just to be
01:10:34Dragged into it. It's like for what like I so I got his point of view
01:10:41That was that was hurting me yet at the same time. I know Kirk. It's like I wasn't totally shocked, but it sucked sucked
01:10:49I'm glad I get I was getting that's the best thing. I've heard so far. Thank you. I've got some messages like
01:10:54How did you not back up your friend big cat he's done so much for you
01:10:58I was like I fucking despised Dan at the time and obviously like a week later
01:11:03I'm like if you know if you know the test like people within the game who were like that was fucking great still that was
01:11:08Fucking great. That was fucking great. So
01:11:10Somebody has to be the guy who goes and does it, you know
01:11:13That's you baby heavy. The crown is heavy, but I like I you know, I want to say I think we'll be fine now
01:11:20I think we'll be fine now, you know, it was a it was ugly, but the game's ugly. It's it that's the game. I don't
01:11:26I wasn't ugly. I didn't tell a goddamn lie. I just I told everyone to their fam. You're next. You know, and I didn't get them
01:11:32It's crazy
01:11:33I didn't get the book to be me to be have everyone like I want Dave
01:11:37I want Dave these guys fistfighting on the panel when they're like nobody would go for Dave like we boy
01:11:42That's all we wanted and I took them all out one by one
01:11:46One by one telling them I was doing it not to win the but I don't know how I can play any better. I don't
01:11:52Didn't win didn't get invited to dinner
01:11:55The biggest loser in the game
01:11:58Dave Portnoy. All right back. I guess Thursday. We'll talk to you then. All right
