• 2 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Court Of Owls Nightwing Vs Talon And Owl


00:00A secret society is no longer a secret. Here's a look at McFarlane Toys DC
00:05multiverse the gold label collection Court of Owls Nightwing versus Talon and
00:30Nightwing faces another villain claiming to be the Talon at City Hall as the
00:44Court of Owls plan to go into action but will it be able to figure out what's
00:48going on before it's too late? A clandestine organization active since
00:51the birth of Gotham City the Court of Owls is a powerful well-connected cabal
00:55of Gotham City society's elite however to bend an entire city to its will a
00:59court deployed a succession of lethal enforcers a near-invisible assassin
01:04haunting the night before vanishing without a trace the Talon served the
01:08court after undergoing a series of demanding challenges including physical
01:12and mental conditioning ensuring the loyalty to their cause above all else it
01:17does seem that court is in session again but before we look at exhibit O that's
01:21O for owls let's go ahead and grab the tape measure just see how tall the
01:24figures stand while I'm doing this as well like to thank the folks over at
01:26McFarlane Toys that were kind enough to provide this sample essentially this
01:30box set is reusing a lot of the molds we've gotten this Nightwing before we've
01:34gotten this Talon before and even though it wasn't an owl before we have gotten
01:37this body before taking though the tape measure and then we'll kind of discuss
01:41things further first though Nightwing's gonna stand at six and three-quarters of
01:44an inch in height he is that's gonna translate though to a figure that's 17
01:48centimeters tall then on to Talon with a slightly different deco that figure is
01:52gonna stand at seven inches in height translating to a figure that's 18
01:56centimeters tall and then to owl who is probably about the same size as
02:01Nightwing maybe just a tad bit taller he's actually about six and three
02:04quarters of an inch in height or about maybe 17 centimeters tall so matching up
02:09the bodies that are part of this pack Nightwing before being part of this set
02:13his body was used before as part of the build the Beast Boy wave that was the
02:16Teen Titans wave where you got the chance to build a big furry Beast Boy
02:19same body different paint different head sculpt I wish I could have said
02:24the same for Talon but essentially his body from head to toe is the same one
02:27that was used for the one that was sold separately now with Talon at least
02:31because there's been different characters that played the role in
02:33Court of Owls and I like the idea that we are getting another release of him
02:36with a different color scheme for the actual owl though well it's not an owl
02:41we've gotten before his body has been yes used before it was part of the three
02:45Joker's line and he was actually the criminal Joker down to even the fact
02:49that they still sculpted in the spats on his shoes they haven't changed that at
02:52all and just for the sake of bringing in a Batman here's also what they look like
02:56with the one from Nightfall getting a trio out of the packaging one thing
02:59confused me right away was the fact that we get ourselves three figures and yet
03:02though we only get ourselves two display stands not unless they had such
03:06assurance that one figure would stand a little bit better than the other two
03:08that only two really get afforded display stands but you would think though
03:11as a first time buying any DC multiverse figure let's say you're the first time
03:15ever buying anything from Todd and his team you'd like to think though if
03:19you're gonna get yourself three figures you'd also in fact get yourself three
03:21display stands the stands themselves are identical to one another they have the
03:25branded DC logo down below and still still managed to pull off neighboring
03:30pegs to the far corner but again you have to be really choosy as to which
03:33figure actually gets these let's move that off to the side one thing I really
03:36also like about this set is you get yourself a laminated card now while
03:40unfortunately there is no way to stand this card upright I mean not only does
03:43this set unfortunately lose one display stand for the figure but it also would
03:47have been nice had they included a display stand to help prop this up you
03:50get yourself a talon a black clad talon battling a red clad Nightwing and it's
03:55all laminated so it's got a nice surface surface space to it if you want to flip
03:59this all around I think the more impressive image though on the back is
04:02the core of the Owls so nice in fact I'm planning to actually put this on display
04:05behind the characters had it only though been a case that they included display
04:09stand it would have made displaying it so much easier let's move it off to the
04:13side as for the figures accessories you get yourself some blades for Talon those
04:16are the same blades in fact that the original Talon got before you get
04:19yourself some Eskrim a sticks for Robin and you saw yourself an owl I mean how
04:23many times can we actually say we've gotten ourselves whoo-hoo an owl first
04:28though backing up a bit the figure does come include at least for Robin to
04:31Eskrim a sticks they are molded yes in black plastic it doesn't look like
04:36they've got any additional paint on them at all and of course he does have the
04:39means prior of course he does have gripping hands to mean to hold both
04:43Eskrim a sticks unfortunately though with using this particular body of Nightwing
04:46there are no clips on the back of his body has been the time in the in the
04:50past certainly that Nightwings have come included little pegs so if you want to
04:53attach them Eskrim a sticks on the back you could do that but because again like
04:57we're looking at the Beast Boy release of Nightwing you can see that the
05:00original one didn't also have the clips on the back of his back either the
05:04Eskrim a sticks obviously you can easily put into his hand I shouldn't say super
05:07easily it does involve you prying the fingers at least away from the palm get
05:11the Eskrim a stick there in his one hand and yeah you can easily do the exact
05:14same thing on the other there are no swappable hands this time around and I
05:17don't really think either that they need them have them always anyways I always
05:21kind of feel like if you're gonna have characters with weapons just stick with
05:24the idea of gripping hands I know some people would kind of favor the idea of
05:27close fists for me at least open hands are fine and good so that's what he
05:31looks like with the Eskrim a sticks taking and removing those right now and
05:36we'll obviously bring back in the Beast Boy the Beast Boy a wave version of
05:41Nightwing you can guys see the differences between the two you know
05:44from a sculpting standpoint you can clearly see what has already been
05:47sculpted before so like the shoulder for example does have that same sculpting
05:51line right there and also as well his Nightwing logo is the exact same too the
05:56one thing though that they have done is where the original Nightwing would have
05:59had a non painted area for his trunks they've now gone in there and painted it
06:02red down below as well the exact same feet although unfortunately though while
06:06the original Nightwing would have had an outlining on the bottoms of his soles
06:09the new Nightwing doesn't have that at all what he does though have though is
06:13some additional red that they've added to the collar they've also added the red
06:16but the red being that this is now painted and the symbol down below here
06:21is clearly sculpted it's strange really that this the two reds don't quite match
06:25because they I can't imagine that obviously would have sculpted this this
06:29is all done here in black plastic so easily it would have been just for them
06:33to go in and use the same shiny red that they use for the arms they use for the
06:36top and they use for the color I guess maybe they did that also so that the
06:40symbol would stand out a little bit more the head sculpt is okay it's not one of
06:44my favorite Nightwings it's not one of my least favorite Nightwings it sort of
06:47sits in the middle for me hair sculpted well for what it is we've got sort of a
06:52Batman and Robin style of mask here for Nightwing overall the face is okay the
06:58articulation on this guy is gonna be the exact same as the other Nightwing so
07:00of course if you are familiar with that figure you'll be familiar with this
07:03figure head's gonna rotate all the way around it's gonna look up it's gonna
07:07look down you can also move it back and forth to upper torso ball joint lower
07:11torso ball joint the arms rotate all the way around you can also easily hinge
07:16them out at 90 degrees or a T pose there's a swivel at the arm at the least
07:19at the bicep there's also a possessing a double hinge on the elbow and hands
07:23rotate all the way around again when you're looking at the figure mold
07:26between the two one other thing also that's different about this figure that
07:30they did incorporate is that the original Nightwing didn't also have the
07:33gauntlet blades the new Nightwing does have that the original Nightwing doesn't
07:36so it isn't simply just a case from head to toe it's using the exact same body
07:40they have taken some new creative luxuries when it comes the new design of
07:44Nightwing not exactly the same but very still similar as we move further now
07:49with the articulation legs split out yes you can move them forward and back
07:53easily enough there's a swivel there at the top of the thigh double hinge on the
07:56knee and it still has the same possessed articulation in the ankle back and forth
08:00a little bit of a rocker there as well and yes toe articulation and I wish that
08:04they could have added still the red panel lining down below I mean that's
08:07not a big deal breaker at all in the end it's still a nice-looking Nightwing that
08:11wasn't really an issue at all with the initial Nightwing that we had gotten
08:13from the Beast Boy wave and I think that now giving him a red color scheme
08:17instead of the blue works quite well with this particular mold in fact let's
08:21go ahead I just finished talking about the display stands earlier we'll get
08:24this I in the display stand the Beast Boy Nightwing from before I always have
08:28I was seem to have a hard time getting that guy to stand so we're just gonna
08:31skip right to the idea of getting this guy standing properly with the use of
08:35the display stand again you only get two of them on to now though Talon now
08:40Talon unfortunately I don't have all the accessories from the black clad Talon but
08:45I can tell you at least though that the knives and the swords are the exact same
08:48ones that we already had gotten so this is the ones that we got free from Talon
08:52the brown version at least you can see that the coloring of the hilt and the
08:56guard molded in the same sort of brown is what they will paint then for Talon's
09:00body if I can just reach off to the side here and grab the black version Talon
09:05you can see exact same knife sorry exact same knife exact same knife exact same
09:11knife just as one black obviously one is brown he also would have come included
09:16with some swords as well I don't know the whereabouts of the swords for that
09:18Talon I certainly don't know the whereabouts for the Talon swords for
09:21this guy the blades again look to be exact exactly the same so they're just
09:25carving copies times two and also as well you can see there's the nice looking
09:29guards and hilts he does also have himself a sheath now the sheath the way
09:35it works is there's a slit on the side you basically just take yourself your
09:40swords and you slide them in place you kind of want to match up the shapes
09:43first before you start going in entry wise because unfortunately though like
09:47these swords don't sheath very well at all you always kind of feel like you're
09:52fighting against the blades and again probably one of the reasons why they
09:55make this slit all the way down like this is because they know like you're
09:59gonna have a struggle when it comes to actually getting these things that
10:02properly sit in place as you move this along you can easily see though that it
10:06splits open the sheath so it doesn't do the most successful of jobs of holding
10:10them and you can clearly see like the blade is still sticking out the sides
10:13but at least there's a place to store the swords by the way though speaking of
10:17storing the swords you can take the sheath located on the back of his body
10:20just behind his his strap here you just basically take yourself the peg plug it
10:25in place and now you got yourself the Talon that has the blades I kind of wish
10:28again like the blades could have gone a little bit further down I suppose you
10:30probably could push them a little bit further down but it loses some of the
10:33illusion if you have the blades sticking out way down here it just means that
10:36you're gonna have a lot more sticking up way up here taking this off for a second
10:40we'll just put it off to the side bringing in the original Talon I
10:44personally really liked the first released Talon that we got you can see
10:48that really again like mold wise they're exactly the same in fact unlike Nightwing
10:52that may have had a slight tweak to his gauntlets I don't think at all there's
10:56anything different between this Talon and the one we had gotten before one
10:59thing I do like though is the fact that they went in there and painted the
11:02goggles now red whereas the original version Talon would have the goggles
11:05kind of more in a bluish gray he's got the blades there on his front bandolier
11:09unfortunately you can't pull those off and one thing that was kind of
11:12interesting about this Talon that carries over the same issue I kind of
11:15had with the original one is that he has on the side here what looks to be a
11:18sheath a serviceable sheath you can see the way it's open like this and yet
11:23unfortunately though you wouldn't be able to take the blade I mean the blade
11:26look at the size of the blade look at the size of the sheath there's no way
11:28you'd be able to store the blade in there and yet though it does look like
11:32it'd be able to hold something that's for the actual outfit just done here
11:37brown the original one obviously would have done in black I really like the
11:40black I think really the black is my favorite of the two but I gotta say
11:43because again we've gotten ourselves a couple of Talons in the Court of Owls I
11:46don't mind at all that we're getting ourselves a brown version of him
11:49especially if you missed your chance to get this guy maybe maybe he's a little
11:52bit more expensive to get your hands on now you can get your hands on this guy
11:56maybe a little bit easier. Head sculpt looks again really cool I was with a big
12:00fan of Talon the Court of Owls as a whole for the articulation on this guy
12:04again it's the exact same as the original one so your heads gonna rotate
12:07all the way around now he kind of weirdly wears a mask the mask kind of
12:11conceals what will be his ball joint it does unfortunately limit a little bit of
12:15the posability but not as much as you would think that's gonna look up and
12:18down you can still rock it back and forth and yeah you can still rotate the
12:21head all the way around he also has himself a secondary piece that goes over
12:24top of his main body this isn't a piece that separates at all and basically what
12:29it is is just a collar piece that goes around the backs of his shoulders here
12:32these shoulders speaking of which though rotate all the way around you can easily
12:35again hinge them out at that T pose there's a swivel at the butt again at
12:39the bicep double hinge on the elbow and hands rotate all the way around the
12:44original Talon would have had his gauntlets here as you can see in silver
12:47the new Talon now has them in gold as say the gold looks really nice in this
12:51figure upper torso ball joints follow along with me lower torso abdomen ball
12:56joint once again you got you guys you got the legs splits on this figure legs
13:00go forward they go back a bit of a swivel again at the top of the thigh
13:03double hinge on the knee no articulation at all from this section down top of the
13:08knee or I guess the bottom of the knee all the way down to the bottom of his
13:11ankle basically is one sculpted calf piece he has however though ankle
13:15articulation you can move that back and forth ankle rocking pose ability that
13:19also works there as well and the figure again does have toe articulation so
13:22again if you missed your chance to get your hands on the first talent I would
13:25still say like source at the first talent if you can because I kind of
13:28prefer the black color of the two a little bit more and I say though the
13:32brown works really well for this mold speaking though of molds moving off now
13:36to the to the owl now again while the owl is using the same body as the
13:40criminal Joker from the three Jokers line down to even the fact that the
13:43figure still retains the same sculpted spats it would have a nice had they gone
13:48in there maybe giving them a different pair of footwear but other than that
13:51like other than that it's nothing really to tell you that this has to be
13:54necessarily a Joker body I mean we kind of recognize by now what a Joker body
13:58would be ideally though if you also want to remove the head here from the owl
14:02you could in theory also rotate in and well you can swap it around with either
14:07a Bruce Wayne head sculpt you could also maybe do that with like a Lex Luthor as
14:11well I think either one of them would work really well with just a standard
14:14suit body like this the owl mask while looking really quite good unfortunately
14:18can't remove it it's permanently adhered or permanently attached and
14:21molded to the figures face it looks okay I would love if they could release like
14:25a multi pack of owl characters you know different slightly different bills maybe
14:30slightly different masks different hairstyles but again like a trio pack I
14:33don't think I would I'd want to ask anything more than three figures in a
14:37set but maybe just a set of quarter owl characters would be ideal the mask though
14:41is looking really good on this generally quite painted well the only issue I
14:45really have with painting isn't so much really the mask it's the neck below that
14:48the mask for me or this section down below here for me it looks a little
14:52muddy and there also seems to be a sculpted line right here I don't think
14:56has anything at all to do with the fact it was used before by Joker but there's
14:59this kind of weird line right there in the sculpting the neck paint is a little
15:04on the more muddier side it's also a little muddy there also on the hands but
15:08for the rest of the figure it looks quite good the jacket is not one you'd
15:11be able to open up because they're also using the jacket overlay over top an
15:14essential body from before it means that there's also going to be this gap space
15:18see how there's a bit of a pocket space in between what would be normally his
15:22arms and his arms again are part of a suit jacket but unfortunately just to
15:26accommodate the articulation on his character he has to have a space right
15:29here which you know loses some of the illusion but it still is a nice-looking
15:32figure now he does come included with an owl I think maybe is this the first time
15:38we've gotten ourselves this owl mold I'm sure maybe they could maybe use it
15:42before again for another character I don't I can't really think of another
15:44character that could use an owl if you can think of one let me know down below
15:47owl overall looks good again they've sculpted and painted in the feathers
15:52nicely you can see there also is the the ears and the eyes whenever I think of
15:56the owl I always think of the one from Scooby-Doo is it the weep-a-woe no
16:00that's not it it's gonna come to me a little bit later anyways though he does
16:05have sort of the way to perch the owl you can see he's got an extended figure
16:09now what I ended up doing though was I took the talons the talons not this guy
16:13the talons though of the owl and what I kind of did was I tucked it underneath
16:17the finger and it does an okay enough job that if you can get it balanced just
16:22right the L seems to stay in place now again you can kind of just cheat and
16:25tuck it in between the fingers of the of the owl here not this L not this L
16:30this L here just kind of tuck the tuck the talent in between the fingers and
16:34you can kind of get in the balance I'm not really gonna do as good of a job now
16:38because everybody's watching me but you can kind of get it resting there I had
16:41it done at the head done that at the beginning of this review but for the
16:45articulation though for the owl again you got yourself your ball joint that
16:48rotates all the way around it doesn't seem like he's got himself a maybe does
16:53a ball joint at the base of his neck it doesn't seem like it moves as freely
16:56though as his head well again because he's got himself the jacket here it does
17:00impede some of the articulation that you'd expect a figure like this to have
17:03the arms though rotate all the way around you can easily hinge them out
17:06again you got yourself they swivel the swivel cuts all the way through the
17:10bicep he does also have a double hinge at his possession for his elbow hands
17:14rotate all the way around legs splits forward and back motion swivel slightly
17:19though on the top of the thigh much more of a joint though bend in his knee and
17:22again you've got yourself the articulation again it's a bit of a
17:25bummer that unfortunately the spats are still sculpted into the shoes I mean
17:28again like if they wanted to tool some new things I think one of the new things
17:31that they could easily have done is sculpted brand new shoes for the owl oh
17:34no though it's a nice-looking set one thing that kind of is for me at least
17:38the draw of getting a set like this is we first of all get ourselves a brand
17:41new talent the night wing is good I will say there's nothing really not wrong
17:44with the night wing just because again like the initial night when we've gotten
17:48from the Beast Boy wave was a fine figure for its time and I I think like
17:51the mold still holds up now they also have swapped the blue now in favor of
17:55the red giving them different head sculpt I think I still like though the
17:57head sculpt that was part of the Beast Boy wave that's probably one of my
18:00favorite sculpts for night wing but the new one that we get now is not a bad
18:04thing at all of course we got ourselves a brand new talent which is again
18:07essentially just a recolor of the first talent we gun with the exact same
18:11accessories also included him as well on then for the owl the owl honestly though
18:16I would love to really be able to build a figure that unfortunately though it
18:19would mean that I'd have to go back and keep buying this set again and I mean I
18:22already need I don't need another talent I certainly don't need another night
18:25wing I do need more accord the owl characters maybe if McFarlane and his
18:29team could see that I would love to see them maybe release a two-pack or even
18:33dare I say a three pack of owl characters just so we can have a couple
18:36of them to go be displayed along with talent here even though really all three
18:39of these figures are using molds from figures we've already gotten before the
18:43fact that they find different ways to apply paint to these characters makes
18:46them feel at least like they're brand new molds I mean like look at Talon for
18:50example head to toe he's the same Talon as the singular release of the character
18:54that we've already gotten already but the fact that they've now done him in
18:57brown instead of just the black had they say for example included the black Talon
19:01I would have looked at the set and I thought to myself well I already have
19:04one of the three figures that are part of this set I couldn't I don't know if I
19:08would be nudged just to get another night wing and to get the owl because
19:11the owl would be the one that was the most interested in but at least they
19:14gave him a brown version Talon and because we've had a couple of characters
19:17portray the role of Talon in the Court of the Owls I can get behind at least
19:21we've got ourselves two variations of Talon two different characters underneath
19:24the Talon mask one thing that's kind of interesting though about the Talon is I
19:28found a convenient way to store and have the owl displayed on his arm if you
19:33actually take the Talons of the owl and you slot it into the blades of the Talon
19:36the figure seems to be a good enough job to kind of keep the owl from falling
19:40over a night wing also is just a reused mold from the Beast Boy wave but again
19:44giving it a different deco giving a different head sculpt it feels like it's
19:47a brand new night wing and of course you got also the owl we can't have this
19:50discussion about the Court of Owls without actually including an owl and
19:53even though really the again the body is just simply the criminal Joker with a
19:57different deco yes and you know it's a bit of a bummer that they had to still
20:01keep the spats on his shoes giving him the mask on his head and giving him a
20:05different costume first of all you could use this suit for another figure I'm
20:09thinking of Bruce Wayne and first things first I was thinking of Lex Luthor I
20:12have an armored Lex Luthor I wonder if the head sculpt would work with the suit
20:16I mean I hope though that down the road McFarlane would consider the idea of
20:20releasing maybe a two-pack maybe even dare I say a three-pack of the Court of
20:24the Owls owls that would be a set would love to get in my hand get in my
20:28collection and my hands on what do you guys think of this set let me know down
20:31below in the comment section a big thank you again to the folks over at McFarlane
20:33toys that did provide the sample of the gold label collection Court of the Owls
20:37Nightwing versus Talon and owl what do you guys think of this let me know down
20:42below in the comment section would you also be interested in getting a two-pack
20:44or even three-pack of owl characters in their suits if you guys did also enjoy
20:49this video you can do it a solid and throw it a like you guys want to stick
20:51around for more so I hope so hit that subscribe yes turn on that Bell I guess
20:57the most important thing is also that you're coming back because there's a lot
20:59more reviews coming your way as always thanks for watching see you guys next
