• 2 months ago
00:00Oh and the Warriors right now one game over 500 and they play the Miami Heat like I said tonight.
00:06Who played a double overtime thriller last night. You think they would be tired right?
00:11Can't count on it. Can't count on it. Gotta go out and play like they didn't play last night.
00:18The one thing we're talking about is in on ESPN's website today Tim Kuhn had great he's a great
00:24writer and he had a great story about Steph Curry and it really put into focus what they're trying
00:29to pull off here with Steph Curry and I want to I want you to listen to this quote. This is from
00:34Steve Kerr and what Kuhn did was he talked about the the Brooklyn Nets game and how the Warriors
00:43lead began to vanish and he wanted to put Curry back in the game but he just didn't because he
00:50wanted to keep him below a certain minutes threshold. So Steve Kerr said I'm not going
00:56to do it meaning run Steph into the ground. Listen to this for me it's more like this.
01:04We want to put ourselves in a position to give him a chance in the playoffs. We did that when
01:11we won the title in in 22. We caught lightning in a bottle and the matchups worked our way and
01:19Steph does what Steph does. We want to give him that chance again. We want that at bat.
01:27What do you think when I just read that to you? That I hear the the ideology behind it but the
01:35bottom line is if he's not going to play you're lesser without him duh but now this is probably
01:42the worst it's been in a long time so I get what you're trying to do but at the end of the day
01:50what you're saving them for it may not manifest into you getting that chance to reap the benefits
01:56of why you were saving them. I mean to me the thing that jumps out is he references the 22 title
02:05which I never knew they even were pulling back on his minutes and that title by the time the finals
02:13are this year that like this is why this is where what I think this is what just doesn't
02:19it this is where I just don't think things are based in reality with the Warriors.
02:27Kerr acknowledges that it's like what we did in 2022. He says we caught lightning in a bottle
02:36and the matchups worked our way so he's acknowledging that three years ago
02:43they they had everything break their way and they had size they won a title how how can you think
02:51that you're that close net that you know what the Warriors were because there's no Otto Porter Jr.
02:56you know what the Warriors were halfway through their 2022 season I'm gonna get 22 and four they
03:03were 30 and nine oh halfway the 22 season they were 30 and nine right now they're one game over
03:13500 so so there's a team that was 30 and nine and Kerr acknowledged they caught lightning in a bottle
03:2118 and 17 can they really catch enough lightning in a bottle well they didn't last year hell they
03:28didn't last year and they didn't the year before so the the unique aspect of this and the unique
03:39position the Warriors in just makes it I mean they and here's the other thing I I felt like
03:45and I kind of want Evan to jump in here if that's all right yeah I kind of want Evan to jump here
03:51jump in here if that's right and some of it was it was like half tongue-in-cheek I read the article
03:57and I heard Kerr and I heard Don Levy and I heard uh staff and at the end of it I said to Evan
04:05they have no idea what they're doing is that too harsh to say that what like
04:14did it sound like there's a million options and they're not really sure which way to go down
04:19it sounded like basically they're
04:21they're I think they are coming to a head where they have to do something but it sounded the exact
04:29same as the messaging from even during the championship season like they've gone into
04:34each season with this blank canvas of options or optionality which is a word we got to leave behind
04:39yeah and it feels like because the team has struggled looks like it's going to continue
04:47to struggle that they're finally their hands are going to be forced I don't know what you felt
04:53about it listening to the curry quotes but I feel like that this is the closest we've gotten to him
04:58calling out the front office no that's beautiful and I feel like we're behind
05:05reality in the terms of the whole staff discussion like if he's made that public I do believe he's
05:13done stuff behind closed doors in private to kind of I don't know put the heat on him is the right
05:19word but I don't think that he would speak and has spoken as outwardly at you know the podium
05:24and a press conference as he has about this team unless he's gone to them first yeah like I reading
05:30this story my first thought was boy I think we're closer to Steph whatever something with Steph than
05:40we think that's what I got when I read the story and I'm a double back to coming into this season
05:45and I told you you know where they're not having tryouts remember I didn't like I told you 14 15
05:51deep or 12 13 man rotation what the hell I didn't like that but that was sold the team got the
05:58benefit of the doubt they got off to the uh the good start but study that was fool's gold and it
06:04didn't make any sense to me and then now what should they have done well they tried to go get
06:09paul george and marketing so I gave them credit for that so I just shut my yapper shout out koz I
06:16shut my yapper because they got off to the start and I'm like okay strength in numbers is back
06:21but it wasn't back and then to follow up now we watch this this 4 and 16 skid or whatever it is
06:28the last 20 games and we hear Steve Kerr say we're going to have another trial period of two weeks
06:36to see if we need to make a move like as a diehard there might not be a move out here okay there
06:41might not be a move but don't say you need to see two more weeks of of crap you are what you are
06:48ain't nothing changing in two weeks well of course something could change in two weeks
06:52certain players could on other teams could become available I took that sound bite as your own
06:58that Gary Payton would do this and and then this player would do that like that's how I took that
07:04you're right opportunities elsewhere I'm talking no he said we want to see what we do as a team
07:09two more weeks that's too too too long well I mean I I do like just from a practical standpoint
07:18like call me you're well you're 12 are you 12 and 3 are you 6 and 14 you're 6 and 14 Stiney all right
07:26there's no way I'm just asking you this you can I dare ask you that you think this team is the 12
07:33and 3 team I think it's like a 40 40 now I think it's like 44 maybe 44 wins is that good enough
07:40for Steph but Steph's part of he's running out of patience and this is what I'm Steph's part of the
07:45reason they're only a 44 wins and he's part of the reason you got four rings okay like this is
07:52a debt you owe to him even as he declines or gets older I'm I'm not with you there but the
07:58warriors are well we'll see clearly they're not and that's what that's kind of what I'm getting
08:02at too if if they want to quote is everything well then why haven't they made a deal you know
08:08why because the deals that are out there are are too constricting for the future so you can say
08:18whatever you want about uh you know the Warriors are trying to get Steph help no they're not I
08:25mean yes they are but they still need to get a move for Steph on their terms and what I'm realizing
08:34is there's and I think Steph's realize that there's not a deal out there there's not a deal
08:41out there that that gets Steph Curry what that's what I saw in the story that they're all starting
08:48to realize there's not a move out there that's going to bring somebody in to get the Warriors
08:54back into title contention certainly not in the next month and so now what are we going to do
09:00how do we approach it how do we approach it I don't because you you can't tell me that the
09:08Warriors couldn't have brought somebody in here like they can make they can go get Jimmy Butler
09:14let's just say they could theoretically go get Jimmy Butler and let's let's let's say they they
09:21don't even have to give up Kaminga I don't know how but the like the Warriors I don't think would
09:26say we'll take Jimmy Butler and we'll give you four first round for future first like and Miami
09:33would be like okay we'll do that well the Warriors aren't going to do that so they they're not they're
09:39not going to totally mortgage the future even though they say they're willing to do to do
09:45anything for a big fish that's what I'm seeing you're going to laugh but how many teams do you
09:51think because I got like six of them that would be lined up to try to expedite a trade for Curry
09:58that's funny because Evan and I went give me some names because Evan and I
10:02kind of looked at it last week people got pissed if they can't oh I missed it if the Cavs got
10:07Steph Curry oh my god and they're already oh my god I gotta see it to believe it but if they had
10:12Steph good god that was my first team okay wow Orlando Magic I like he puts him that was a team
10:20we mentioned uh the Indiana Pacers I didn't mention those them you're gonna laugh how about the old KC
10:26Thunder yeah I they I mean they obviously but I I think there's like they've won 15 in a row the
10:32Rockets do they are maybe maybe uh let's take a call real quick let's go to Matt in Oakland
10:39uh get the get the ball rolling here hey Matt how are you hey guys how are you it's gorgeous out
10:46um that was a great article by Q and it really was great article yeah um there's this scripture
10:53about uh well they're talking about rich people get a camel going through the eye of a needle um
10:59but that's what they got to try to do we know it's virtually impossible and the reason why is
11:05first of all the league designed rules which were virtually exclusively designed to screw over the
11:11Warriors and that's what it did that number two they didn't sign coming if they cannot
11:17trade him he doesn't make enough money the other thing is that they've got Curry with
11:22two mediocre shooters and two non-shooters that's never ever gonna work ever so I for me the breaking
11:32point was the last game there was that was I don't really mean to use this word that was a disgrace
11:39I don't I don't know another word that was disgraceful I mean Buddy Heald more Nick Young
11:45than he is Jordan Poole the good Jordan Poole they just don't have the personnel and there is
11:52no deal that they can make it's not Kerr's fault it's not Curry's fault it's not Dunleavy's fault
11:59it's just the nature of things let me right now the thing to do would be you know they they can
12:06make a move between 6 and 12 because basically I mean you can't keep set sending and sending out
12:12non-shooters with Curry you double up on Curry and then you win that's it that's all people need
12:18to do and I think the whole uh load management is to try to get them to play two to three more
12:24years instead of one to two and obviously you can't I mean yeah yeah I think the article said
12:29if it was Tibbs he'd be playing 42 minutes a game and he probably yeah end his career next year yeah
12:34but uh you know it's just the nature of things I don't think there is a thing to do I don't think
12:39it's anybody's fault personally the guy I would absolutely get rid of is Draymond because he's
12:44kind of useless on a team that doesn't have like lights out shooters around him and I mean I'm kind
12:50of cracking up at his three-point shot that's kind of nice but he's not an offensive player
12:54TJD's not enough a player and neither is Looney you know Wiggs is probably best it's the fourth
12:59option third to fourth option and then what do they got a 22 year old who may or may not be
13:05great in three years they they don't have anything I mean yeah for me I would lie right
13:11out the year um try you know maybe bring Vukovic in to get rid of the log jam because they do have
13:18one and then possibly next year in the off season they can do something possibly at the trading
13:23deadline but for all intents and purposes this is over I mean they could get very very lucky
13:28but Steiner you said to yourself they caught lightning in a bottle that was three years ago
13:32that is an absolute eternity in an athlete's life especially when they're 36 yeah or what
13:38was he 33 yeah thanks man we got some other people who want to get in but yeah how many
13:43good players does this team really have outside of Steph and Draymond two two two I'm on Kaminga
13:49I'm not I'm counting him I'm putting but Stiney let's go down you could go down and
13:53you'd be perplexed to you almost shouldn't even be mad that's what's settling in for me like
13:59I'm expecting too much for guys that are just guys I think I
14:08you know I like I I get Steph needs help but why was Wiggins good enough a couple years ago and
14:14like now like but you had Clay out there shooting who was starting but when you got three fifth two
14:20dudes in your starting lineup Looney and Dre that are no threats they have figured that out and who
14:26does that hurt the most partner here's a guy this the chef just it hurts the warriors I know I'm just
14:35talking about the points per game average being down and it's harder to hoist up shots that that's
14:41part of it right so you have a diminished Steph Curry he's he's he's he's not like not me yeah
14:49he's acknowledged Steph Curry has said is that an every night thing maybe not but it's about
14:57picking and choosing your spots so when I'm getting mad that he's choosing acknowledging
15:02that he can't be a 30 point per game score which we all knew right so how did like once he
15:09acknowledges that I just I think it's so you're telling me that you said something during the
15:14break to me that is absolutely positively the problem and it's an indication to me that they
15:21don't know what you said Steining Vucevich that's it like that's the guy what yeah but you know what
15:30he's not a guy he's just a guy he's a guy that but I didn't get you my point is is you don't
15:35know what you're doing because you wanted George you wanted marketing you called about LeBron now
15:40is a guy that could put the ball in the hole that has size can shoot the three that's just
15:45desperation but that's where they're at no I don't think it is like oh my gosh now what
15:50word would you call what they're the general manager said it's scary like this is this is
15:56about life after Steph and life with it it's where we're at now well I I think they are desperate
16:04and that's why you went out got Schroeder even though you got a bargain they got and I'm not
16:08even mad at him nothing you're right for Schroeder and what have they gotten he helped
16:13him win a game yeah he did no I'm not mad at him but you know what I mean you didn't get Chris Paul
16:18in his prime I'm not knocking Schroeder I like him but there was a reason you got him for that
16:24Chris Paul the second yeah you're making my point just they're desperate though is all that I'm not
16:31making a trade for anybody just because it's anybody well Sonny they need a big that can score
16:38who's a bitch fits that and it's not he's not shagging is it a better
16:42voodoo the bulls and voodoo of it now if you say in a better spot in the east than the warriors
16:47are in the way I got nothing for you on that like this idea that I got nothing for you on that let's
16:53go to David in San Francisco hey David what's going on man just listening to you and there's
17:01so much going on yeah the fact of the matter is they don't have players and who gets the players
17:08the general manager and the ownership and all you can just forget about coaching and knowing what
17:16you I hear you guys second guessing Kerr and there's only a certain amount of a coach can do
17:21he can only do what he asks you got to get them players the fact of the matter is you guys have
17:27never said anything about the front of the last GM left because he didn't do enough to keep him
17:34going okay understand that so he left that was a cowardly move if you want to talk about because
17:39that was his responsibility to get the players he didn't get the players so now the other guy gets
17:44these piecemeal players to come in and you guys talk about how good he is they have their front
17:50office hasn't done anything okay that's the fact of the matter the young players they have in there
17:57aren't good enough and that's put them behind the eight ball bottom line you talk about all
18:02this other stuff but it's the fact of the matter that they haven't gotten players that's it all
18:08the courage and they say pods was untouchable at the end of the last season are you kidding me
18:14if you had a deal you could make a deal they said he was untouched they would not include him
18:18you are crazy are you serious you're looking at the players in the NBA and these players that we have
18:24and the answer is the front office has been terrible they were lucky as hell to have the
18:32players that they had and the coach they brought in bottom line thanks david thanks david uh you
18:39know what wake up find what i said vucevic is not just a guy he's the missing piece what i'm really
18:45mad you're right i don't i don't think he's a jag but what i meant is he's just the next guy on the
18:49list oh we're just coming down a list but that's what you do in life donnie well yeah yeah but you
18:54know as you get further along down that list you realize you're just you're kind of but you
18:58understand they're under pressure mike dunleavy's telling you that i you can't operate like that
19:05i but what why okay why aren't people gonna there's not what if i'm telling you right now
19:14just pretend i'm right there's not a move out there okay so now what this is going to be really
19:20there's not a move out there so now what i i hope i'm wrong i think this team doesn't make the
19:26playoffs and then it becomes about the real it really kicks off if curry's going to end his
19:32career in a warrior uniform i'm hoping i'm wrong but that's what i see right now on my radar and
19:39let's just say one thing about the passionate caller he said a lot uh kerr wow stoddy the dude's
19:46got four rings and you would think he has none just listening to people call and second guess
19:51them but i just want to double back because we don't have proof and nobody's asked joe lakob
19:56did he really it it does i do get goosebumps when i think about this team identifying pods as being
20:04untouchable that you know that's it i just that's a report that i take okay with uh grain of salt
20:11yes all right yes i mean but did it feel like that for a second though it felt like they might
20:18that they could look at him and stein he'll he'll let you know how he's feeling he said they told
20:24him to shoot and let the ball fly this season and i'm not hating on that but just imagine if they
20:31really did say those things about this player those people are in control of trying to do
20:37something that that makes me nervous if you identified that guy is untouchable it's almost
20:45like the basketball gods are telling you in two months yeah that that if you thought that here you
20:51go well nobody's untouchable that's just the word elliot ness the you know it's it probably more
20:59fair to say the warriors don't want to get didn't want to give up pods right but i i i find it hard
21:04to believe that he's untouchable and you know for those that say and like bob myers this bob myers
21:10that oh yeah he did say you know one of the the among the reasons that bob myers left is because
21:18joe lakob is so competitive and he's he's like ubiquitous he's texting like he lives and dies
21:31basketball okay and bob myers was at the end of his deal and joe lakob is like we got to figure
21:38out what joe lakob thinks that they can keep this thing going like joe lakob thinks that they can
21:44win a title next year or this year and i think bob myers knew that as with any dynasty we are
21:53facing a down period and if you're not willing to live with a little bit of a down period i i can't
22:01continue to work for you with you thinking we're going to have a dynasty after steph curry when
22:08we've already put all our resources into the team around steph curry when he was here in his prime
22:15like i think bob myers sensed it's an undoable job which is okay but i should have some leeway
22:25because it's going to take a couple years but he knew joe lakob wasn't that patient wow and he just
22:30was like i'm i'm being asked to do something that is virtually impossible and while i'm doing this
22:39task of doing something that is virtually impossible impossible the owner's going to be on
22:44my back 24 7 and i think that's where he was like it's just not it's just not it's not worth it
22:51because it's not possible
