• 4 minutes ago
00:00Pretty amazing, really. And the question is, will it be 12 guys night in and night out?
00:07It's just going to be so tough. And the other thing that I think is a little bit risky there,
00:13but if they're going to do it, they're going to do it, is if he plays certain guys against Utah
00:19and certain guys obviously play less than other guys and they get beat one night,
00:25it's going to invite, well maybe he should have played more and that guy shouldn't have played as much.
00:31No doubt.
00:32If everybody's on the same page, at least that's the way they're going to start out the season.
00:38We'll see if it works or not.
00:39Yeah, and don't forget foul trouble too. And that didn't rear its head last night.
00:42I know Moody got three. I was like, oh boy, you're about to see it.
00:45But it turned into a blowout and he got more minutes.
00:47But Stonnie, that'll be, guys will get two quick ones and you're taking yourself out the game.
00:53And if my backup or whoever's behind me checks in and takes advantage of it, that's how this thing is going to go.
00:598-8-8, 9-5-7, 9-5-7-0 is the number and the Warriors, their season's off to a solid start.
01:09No doubt about it. So many things fell into place. Draymond Green, technical foul.
01:15I wouldn't expect anything different. Technical foul's nothing to see here.
01:20And there we go. Nothing to see here with that.
01:26But let's go to Danny. Danny's in Vancouver. Hey, Danny, how you doing?
01:31Good morning, gentlemen. Always a pleasure. I love your work.
01:36Stonnie, I've got to tell you, my equilibrium is thrown off a little bit by your optimism this morning about the Warriors, but I love it.
01:46I thought it was a really good start. There's no question in my mind this team is deeper than it has been in a while, in at least three years.
01:58And they just seem to be more cohesive. It seems like all the troublemakers are gone and it's sort of a fresh start.
02:12I love what Buddy Heels bring. I love Melton. I think they're just awesome.
02:18They bring the ha as your colleague likes to say.
02:24And regarding the last point, regarding playing 12 men, I think you guys have hit on it.
02:31That'll take care of itself because with rest and foul trouble and hopefully nothing serious in injuries, I think that's going to be fine.
02:40So I like what Kerr's doing. I like the idea of trying to play 12 as long as you possibly can.
02:47It's such a long season and I'm feeling good. I think it'll be fun to watch.
02:53I thought it was really a fun team to watch yesterday. And yeah, I think we're going to have some good things happening this year.
03:00Thank you, gentlemen.
03:01No, thank you, Danny. Appreciate it.
03:03Yes, Donnie. And it starts for me. You can back me up here. You probably won't.
03:08But you remember a couple of years ago I said, you know what? I feel like the Warriors stabbed me in the back as a lifelong fan because Mike Dunleavy told me in his first year that the word that they worked on was connectivity.
03:20And we found out they were still and I'm not putting it all at Clay's doorstep, but there were still some side eye and whatever.
03:26There was not connectivity to the max. But I feel that now.
03:31And it's not just this one game. It's when we were out there. It's Kerr on with Willard and Dibbs.
03:36But for 48 minutes, I feel like this team is rooting for everybody.
03:41Yeah, I mean.
03:42And Kerr can make any sub and feel free about it. Just think, you know what I mean?
03:47There's no rat on the table. I got to leave him in or, you know, that's got to mean something.
03:53Well, you know what I was thinking last night watching that game is Pigpen.
04:00My favorite character from the Peanuts.
04:03Yeah. He had the curly hair.
04:05He didn't have much of it.
04:06I hope this never gets back to him, but that's who Clay Thompson reminded me of last year. Pigpen.
04:12If you ever saw the cartoon The Peanuts or Peanuts, Pigpen was always the unkempt character.
04:20He was dirty.
04:21He was a little bit dirty.
04:23And he was always followed around by a cloud, by a dark cloud of dirt.
04:28I love you, Clay.
04:29We did.
04:30We played tonight.
04:31I think this is going to be something that's good for both Clay Thompson and the Warriors.
04:35No doubt.
04:36No doubt about it, man.
04:37And good luck to Clay Thompson tonight making his debut for the Dallas Mavericks.
04:42And you gave me the, just back to the victory lap, because I really don't want to, I feel like I want to take it back.
04:48Maybe I'll only run half the track.
04:50Steini, we don't know how long this is going to be, and it makes it exciting, too.
04:54But obviously, we don't know how long Kerr is going to implement this starting lineup.
04:58It's what he started with, you know what I'm saying?
05:00But if we get 12, 10, 15, 20 games down the road, this thing, and that's the beauty of it, it's like a Rubik's Cube.
05:07It can change.
05:08If the Warriors change their starting lineup, you're going to be like, Steini, I don't like it.
05:14Oh, no.
05:15See, you don't know me.
05:16Austin in San Jose.
05:17My man.
05:18What's up, Austin?
05:20Hey, guys.
05:21Listen, the game last night, I think it was good to see the team and the way they played together.
05:26More importantly, to see the shooting.
05:28But let's pause a little bit.
05:30We did play one of the worst teams in the NBA.
05:32I love you, Austin.
05:33I mean, and certainly in the second half, they basically went away from fundamentals, Portland did.
05:40There were some clear runs to the lane.
05:43It turned into a practice.
05:45I'm excited about what I saw, but I'm not going to sit here and act like this was some revelation.
05:51I mean, we got to see all this, Steini.
05:52I mean, we're talking about starting lineup.
05:54By the way, that will change.
05:55I don't think that lineup is going to stay in place.
05:58The one thing that's interesting to me, though, is can we put Buddy Heald, have him run with Steph more?
06:04Because I think that's something that needs to be looked at.
06:07If Buddy continues to shoot the way he shoots, I mean, that's going to take a lot of pressure.
06:12That takes a lot of pressure off Steph.
06:14I'm not sure about the Wiggins and J.K. thing.
06:18I don't know that that's something that long-term we should be expecting to continue.
06:24J.K. still showed some struggles last night to me with trying to force the ball.
06:29He had some charging fouls.
06:30He committed some kind of stupid turnovers, and they had to take him out of the game.
06:34So, I mean, we can all revel in the victory, but I think there's going to be some trouble ahead.
06:39I think they've got to be better defensively down low.
06:42What happens?
06:43Trace Jackson Davis, by the way, had a really good game, but I can see that he's new.
06:47There's going to be teams that are going to be more experienced, and they're going to exploit him.
06:51He's still got a lot to learn in the post.
06:53So, what happens if he has to go out?
06:55The other thing is they still need somebody to be able to facilitate when things aren't going well.
07:01Last night was not a good way to judge him because he's going to play teams where somebody's got to handle the ball when Steph's not there.
07:08So, who's going to be facilitating?
07:10I see all these guys shooting, but who can actually facilitate offense?
07:14So, those are some of the things that I want to see, and I want to see like 10, 15 games before I decide whether this team's going to be any good.
07:21That's where I'm at.
07:22Good stuff, Austin.
07:23Yeah, I appreciate it, Austin.
07:24Yeah, nobody – I was playing, Austin, when I said bring on the Celtics.
07:29But, Stani, nobody's throwing a parade or printing the playoff tickets after one game.
07:33But, this was just, you know, 21-21 after the first quarter.
07:37I'm like, oh boy, this is kind of clunky.
07:39Couldn't hit a shot.
07:40And then they figured it out.
07:42And I got to – I know he wasn't the first off the bench pods, but he can initiate offense running the point when Curry's out.
07:49Like, I expect to see more of that.
07:50And last night it was.
07:51Portland was – Stani, they represented Open Gym.
07:54That's what that thing turned into.
07:568-8-8, 9-5-7, 9-5-7-0 is the number.
08:00Look, knowing that the Warriors beat the Blazers, nobody's ordering championship rings right now.
08:08We know that.
08:09But it beats the alternative, which is getting beat.
08:12Yeah, wow.
08:13And the Warriors had a great, feel-good first victory over a team that's probably not going to be very good.
08:21But you look up and down that lineup and they got contributions from everybody.
08:26And as far as first games go, it's nothing but encouraging.
08:31And I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow against Utah or Sunday against the Clippers, but they're 1-0 right now.
08:39And they look like they're developing a style of what they want to do and how they want to play.
08:50And it's clear that – and this is where I do compare them to Portland.
08:55I'm looking at Portland and they just have guys.
08:58They don't fit together.
09:01Some of them are great individual players.
09:04They don't even try to fit, Stiney.
09:06Then they just go out and they just play.
09:09I have no idea what Portland's game plan is or what their directive is from Chauncey Billups.
09:18But for the Warriors, it's clear that Steve Kerr wants that starting lineup as long as it's going to be Wiggins and Kamenga.
09:24He's looking at defense first.
09:27He's going to play a lot of guys.
09:29A lot of guys are probably not going to get a ton of minutes, but that's the way he's going to start to do it.
09:36And we'll see if the depth of this team can be one of its defining qualities.
09:42I don't see how it's not.
09:44And you look at a game last night and there's probably going to be times down the road where Kerr's going to have tougher decisions to make
09:52because the game's going to be closer.
09:54All those kinds of things.
09:56But they've got 11 or 12 legitimate professional basketball players who know how to play
10:03and have had success at various points in this league.
10:07So it's kind of no surprise that they can handle a team like Portland.
10:13And Austin, I appreciate the call.
10:15But Stiney, I feel like he's overzealous and we all are.
10:20He has so many questions and yet you couldn't get them from that game, get those answers in that game per se.
10:26But two years ago, what did the Warriors do?
10:29Shocked the world and they went on their home court and then they can't win on the road.
10:34And I lost a bet to that.
10:36Last year they went on the road, can't win at home.
10:39So now we've got to focus on tomorrow's game against Utah.
10:42But when I see you again Monday, we'll know how they fared at home against the Clippers.
10:46So there's so many questions out there.
10:48And I'll just tell Austin and all Warrior fans, just chill, relax, take a deep breath.
10:53Because we're going to get those answers.
10:55But not just in one game.
10:57888-957-9570 is the number if you're a Warrior fan.
11:02How can you not be encouraged about what you saw last night?
11:07Of course it's only one of 82.
11:09But you've got to be happy with the way this team looked.
11:14After the last two years when it felt like we all knew that something wasn't right.
