• 2 months ago
00:00Honestly, I have no idea I
00:02Wish I we're gonna try to figure it out, but I don't have an answer right now on that
00:07Now back to Willard and dibs take it away mark
00:12Okay Steph
00:14Can you do it here?
00:16That might have been the next question. Yeah. Yeah, how do you score more points? I have no idea
00:21Can it be in this uniform? I mean, that's what they just did with Jimmy Butler
00:25Remember what he's like I need to find my happiness. Yeah, can you find it here? No, probably not
00:30He said probably not. Well, how can you score more points?
00:34Well, can you do it here buddy healed can stop being so bad. Well, I mean in November
00:4145% from the floor and
00:4341% from three not sustainable 41 is only a few clicks higher than his career, but
00:5136% from the floor and 30% from three right and then this month January through four games about the same
00:58So, how do you score more points?
01:00Well, buddy could stop sucking that would be a start that would be good coming
01:04It could get healthy in a month Andrew Wiggins can act like he actually gives a crap about playing basketball
01:12Dennis Schroeder can figure out that it's okay to like be a good basketball player here in California
01:18Like of course every point you're making is is fair. And I think that that would be hope number one, but again
01:26Every time we do this and let's not act like this is just this season. It's last season
01:30Also, there's a clock that's ticking and it started like Steph has literally used that phrase
01:36it's starting to get pretty loud in his head this clock is ticking and
01:40How long do you wait for the same people to wake up or do it different or be hot or whatever?
01:48And and I think that that's what this month is all about
01:51That's what this month is is they have got to weigh the likelihood of current players playing better
01:58Versus the idea of what's available out there and and we have these conversations without knowing
02:05What is actually available and what's being asked?
02:08But Jimmy Butler you and I are in agreement is that that to me is a non-starter he's available
02:15I know but I do not I do not think that that is a good move for the Warriors
02:18But I know that there are other moves out there
02:21And I think that every time you have performances like this you get one step closer
02:25To doing it and and I'd argue that the way this looks right now. It's only January 8th
02:31You wait till February to make a move because coming is not back till February man roughly if you wait till
02:37February to find somebody else who can put the dang ball in the bucket
02:43You might be in real trouble
02:44you might not even be making the playoffs or the play in this year right or you can make a deal now and
02:51you can still wind up in the same spot and you can give up either draft picks or
02:57Pieces or future players or the rest of it and and be no better just because you want to bring in another
03:03Score doesn't mean that you try you try. Well, do you? Yes. I don't think you have to try
03:10You have to try he's telling you you got to try well, I mean, that's what they're all doing
03:14He's telling you that he wants them to be better and score more and I get that but it doesn't mean that you have to
03:20Just try everything you can over the next month or the next couple of days because we're gonna panic
03:25We're a 500 club. That's I make a bad move, but right like you got like that's what I'm saying
03:30You don't make a bad move just because he's down in the dollar about it. I'm not in favor of making a bad move
03:36I'm in favor of making a move because this right now is bad
03:40So making a move kind of becomes a little bit more risk-free. It's not like you've got anything to lose this stinks
03:46So you're not putting that much on the line now. Let me ask you this you referenced it Joe Lakob
03:53Firm conversation with Mike Dunleavy right in front of reporters. Yep. You think that was on purpose?
03:59Absolutely. Okay, everything Joe does is intentional, right?
04:02I'm sure Joe courtside at every game and the number one warrior fan
04:07By virtue of the fact he goes to every game every home game and he owns the team
04:12There's no one more passionate about the product and there's no one who wants to win more
04:16Outside the players and the coaches than Joe Lakob. So he comes off a game like that, which was embarrassing
04:22Against a team who came in tired. They played zone against you for half the game and
04:28Offensively, you didn't make much of an adjustment. You were flummoxed by a zone
04:32From a tired team on the second half of back-to-back
04:35So Lakob storms into the tunnel and he's mad and so he's talking to Dunleavy and probably saying
04:42You better start working the phones Mike because we need to get this thing fixed. Yes, and so yeah urgency
04:48There is that I get it. That's my point like this. This cannot be you can't do three more weeks of this
04:54Well, you already did make a trade and how'd that work out for you? Well, I'm not done with that yet
05:00I think it's a little unfair for us to act like the Dennis Schroeder thing is a completed story
05:05I don't think it is either but you're 47 since you acquired Schroeder. Yeah, not good. No good so far
05:11he hasn't been good and
05:13it doesn't seem like he fits with his offense Draymond said as much when they acquired him and
05:19So you're 11 games into that move and the team has gotten worse
05:22um, I mean the best performance that he had was I think their best performance of
05:28Of the last month or so, which was when they rallied to beat the Phoenix Suns on
05:34December 28th and Schroeder was pretty good
05:37Schroeder was pretty good. Like I would argue right now the way things look if
05:43Steph is playing his game and and you get some other people to knock down shots. Warriors are pretty good
05:48They just don't do that consistently enough, right?
05:51So you need more I would try to go get some more people who can do that and to be fair
05:55Steph doesn't do it as consistently as he used no, but he's been fine. Like Steph is not your problem
06:00no, your problem is eightfold and
06:04So yeah, you can go out there and you can get rid of two or three your players and bring in a better player
06:09That solves a little bit of your problem
06:11But I still don't think that it makes you good enough to where you're a surefire top six seed
06:16Well, nothing's sure
06:18Yeah, nothing's sure
06:19But I think you got to try things and I don't think that they have a lot to lose right now because this ain't going
06:25Anywhere and that's what I think the realization that's really setting in. Let's go to Roger in the city. Hey Roger
06:31Thanks for calling Willard in-depth. What's up?
06:35Hey, what's happening, uh, you know
06:37I just wanted to say that if we didn't know what coming meant to this team before he got hurt
06:44We definitely know now because this thing is further
06:48Unraveling and as to the comment of that Willard that you just made about that's not being the problem
06:55Well other people can't score if you don't pass the ball
06:59So he didn't have any assist last night and that was a problem
07:04So I've been saying this for a while and it's that Steph
07:08if he's gonna sunset with the Warriors and it's gonna work out he needs to be a
07:14Facilitating point guard he needs to quit scoring off the ball
07:18His numbers need to come down and he needs to get other people involved a Roger if it's gonna work. That's gotta happen
07:24Can I tell you something that you won't know because this is a radio show and you can't see us and we can't see you
07:29You literally just made Mark Grandy yell so loud in a studio
07:34That's soundproof that I could hear what he said
07:37The reason Steph Curry and I'll speak for him and then you can jump in and and back me on this
07:42Grandy like the because I bet there were people driving around and wanted to say the same thing
07:47You want to know why Steph didn't have any assist last night? You want to know why?
07:52Because the rest of his teammates stink at making shots
07:57That's why so I get where you're coming from
08:00I'm not trying to like blow your point out of the water
08:04but the offense that the Warriors run I would argue is tried and true and
08:09The defense is running at Steph at such a level and he is battling on an on a
08:15possession by possession basis the idea of
08:18trusting his teammates or
08:20Shooting his own shot and last night. He was the only one knocking him down
08:25So I would argue on a night like that. I would much rather Steph
08:30Keep taking shots even bad shots rather than open up one for buddy healed and let him break it. Don't you think?
08:39I mean, I mean he's proven this season and the last couple seasons really that he can't get open as well off the ball
08:47So he's still your best ball handler. He still gets into the lane better than anybody
08:52I mean last night
08:54No one could get into the lane step can still get into the lane to get anywhere
08:58He wants to go on the floor, but he's running off of screens. He's getting grabbed
09:02He's trying to get open in that in that off the ball way and it's like it's obviously not working anymore
09:08He's just too slow. He's too old
09:11Games with no assist by the way. Yeah
09:14You can't get an assist if your teammate doesn't make the shot
09:17Yeah, and I mentioned it before they shot outside of Steph
09:20They shot 16% from three and they shot about 33% from the floor
09:25So if you look at Steph's numbers, and I know numbers are just numbers but assist wise
09:30He's where he has been throughout his whole career about six a game
09:34Turnovers are the same about three a game
09:37So I do think that he was right about the amount of pressure that's on Steph and I do see him giving up the ball
09:43More he's shooting the ball less than he has throughout his whole career, but he's got no help
09:48So last night's a great example where he took 17 threes
09:52He made eight of them and that wasn't enough because nobody else was contributing other than TJD
09:58Yeah, I don't like I've never really looked at Steph and be like we're gonna need you to really focus on passing
10:03I do still think he gets open off of the ball
10:06I think that yeah, he but whether he's 85% of what he used to be or whatever to me
10:11He's still very effective largely at what he does, but he's also assessing on a night-in and night-out basis
10:17It's almost like a team-wide heat check
10:19If I'm Steph Curry and I get to the end of a game like that and I realize nobody's hitting but me
10:24Why would I be looking to pass? I'm the only one who's hitting anything. Yeah
10:29Yeah, right, granny. I literally heard you through the soundproof glass was incredible. You basically summed up what I said
10:37mean at a certain point is just
10:39Steph take 30 shots a night like
10:42From half-court. It's better than a buddy. He'll the right-wing three at this point. No doubt
10:48Wide open three. Yeah. Oh and that's the one that's Lucas director of sports right there the more I watch his shot
10:56I mean, yeah, it's just kind of an awkward. I don't know. He's an awkward crisis of confidence though
11:02He's shot from between now and when he first became a warrior
11:06Yeah, it looks to me like he's just kind of stabbing at the air a little bit
11:10He looks like a guy who's completely lost his confidence agreed and I've never seen Dennis Schroeder look like this in his career, right?
11:17He's like a swag guy. Like he's a guy that gets under your skin
11:20And yeah, he's a creative little scorer and like he's always been I've never seen him look like this
11:25But which to which I can only attribute the fact that he's in a new place with a new system and there's either some
11:32discomfort or too much thinking or both looks like too much thinking but there is some discomfort and just go and watch the
11:4033 three-pointers that were taken not by Steph Curry and you'll see a grand total of six makes and
11:46It's just a series of buddy clanks
11:49There's a buddy near air ball Schroeder missed six threes and none of them were close including one
11:55That was a wedgie. I don't know if you saw that one. It got wedged in the rim
12:00You know, you're really missing badly when you shoot a three and it it's a wedge
12:05Yeah, you're short. Yeah, and you're off to the right completely. Oh, yeah, that's a bad break. That's a bad break
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12:26If you heard us earlier say Steve Kerr at 5 and you're checking back in in order to hear Steve Kerr
12:33He will not be with us today
12:35We are hoping that we can move it to tomorrow a lot going on with the Warriors in terms of travel a lot going on
12:41With Steve Kerr, obviously he talked about it at the podium last night
12:46Family stuff the Palisades fire. We're thinking about everybody there
12:50Our hearts are broken and his his mom lives there and he mentioned was evacuated. So
12:55Difficult times for for the Warriors
12:57So we will get Steve on as as soon as he and we are all able to do it
13:02Let's keep taking your calls in the meantime mark in Alameda next up on Willard and dibs. Hey mark, what's up?
13:09Hey guys, first time caller. Love the show. You guys are doing great. Thank you
13:14I've got a trade from I got a trade proposal for the Warriors that I put this through the SPN
13:19Trade machine and it works salary-wise. I haven't heard anybody talk about it
13:23I think I'd bundle up Draymond
13:26Looney healed and Peyton and draft picks
13:31Call up Charlotte for Lamela ball and Mark Williams. I
13:36Think ball gives you a replacement a pre-injury replacement for clay and you get a young seven-footer in the middle
13:43I guess I guess my first question is why would Charlotte do that?
13:49Well, you get 17 million in expiring contracts from the Warriors, right and a first-round pick from the Warriors and
13:58Something like 2027 2028 that's unprotected
14:02Let's face it. This is a last gasp for the Warriors. They're in desperation mode
14:06That could be a very high lottery pick in two or three years
14:10Well, I mean it could Charlotte's not going anywhere with them. They got either right?
14:14I guess and you know, just devil's advocate on a mark. Thank you very much. Appreciate it
14:19I would imagine like when a team like Charlotte is like, ooh, we could get you know
14:24we get a really early draft pick on this like if we're lucky we could get someone like
14:28Lamela ball right like I don't you know, I mean, why would they he's averaging 30 a night? Yeah, it's empty calories. I get it
14:35They're terrible
14:36But I if I were running Charlotte, I would be thinking about how I could build my team better around him as
14:43Opposed to moving him right and I I mean you can say empty calories, which is mostly true
14:49But he's been a pretty efficient scorer for the most part averaging 30
14:54And when you're on a bad team, all you can do as a player is be a good player
14:58So I don't fault him for empty calories. He might lead the league and field goal attempts a game
15:03He's shooting it 25 times a night wolf to get his 30. So he hoisted a bunch 13 threes a game
15:10He's taking so now with those numbers translate here, of course not but he is a player who just signed a monster contract
15:19It was that five-year extension for the rookie. So not huge but big numbers going forward
15:24You'd have to really love the player
15:26But I'm kind of with you like if you're Charlotte and you're trying to start a rebuild
15:31Will you have a foundational piece right there and and there was another piece to his trade idea, which I think is
15:38Problematic and I know there are a lot of warrior fans who feel this way
15:42I just don't think the Warriors agree with you and that is the idea of moving on from Draymond Green
15:49I like if Steph were we're sitting right here and
15:53We're granted total honesty and anonymity
15:57Like I don't think that that would be on his top 20 list of things that they could do to fix the Warriors is
16:03Move on from the guy who's been there by his side passing him the ball and opening up lanes for him his entire career
16:10I just and I also don't think any other team wants Draymond Green. You think Draymond's going to Charlotte?
16:15I mean, I want to just answer that part of it. No, so the deal is announced and
16:22Draymond and GP to and Looney and picks and I don't even know there's another name he threw in there
16:27But off to Charlotte you go and Draymond's like, you know what?
16:30I can't wait to be a part of a of a rebuild for the last two years of my deal
16:34Yeah, he would go full Iguodala who famously didn't even didn't even fly to Memphis to tell him in person
16:42He wasn't gonna be there, right? Yeah, like so I'm an email. Yeah, I just I don't I don't think Draymond is
16:48You know, the Warriors have said out loud all people not named Steph Curry are on the table. I don't think it's like
16:55Completely out of the realm of possibility
16:58But it would have to I don't know. I'd have to make some sort of a sense
17:01like I don't know who that player is who's on someone who's a contender that feels like
17:08Draymond Green would give them the toughness they need to get over the top
17:12You know what?
17:12I mean, that's very very few rosters out there that feel that way and those rosters are generally ones that don't want to give up
17:18Good players anyway, right and those are also teams that mostly don't have a lot of big dead contracts lying around the one that actually
17:26Is just striking me as a thought would be Houston with Fred van Vliet
17:31He's making a ton and you know, if Houston had Draymond Green
17:35Maybe the toughness of Shenzhen
17:37I like that you want to know the team that comes to mind this would never happen the teams that comes to mind to me
17:41is the Sacramento Kings
17:43Like the rumored to almost have gotten Draymond or had made him a big offer
17:48When he was a free agent and then you look at them and you're like, okay
17:51Wait a minute
17:51You were you were interesting and good two years ago
17:54and now you brought in DeMar DeRozan and you thought that this was gonna launch you over the top and instead you guys have
18:01Backtracked you've gotten worse your coach got fired and seemingly DeAaron Fox is unhappy that team needs someone
18:08To come in they've needed it all along like they need someone with a ring
18:13To come in and be like, this is how you do it. Y'all shut up and listen to me
18:16I don't but but that doesn't work
18:18I don't like I'm not saying that there's a deal there to be and I think you know as we're gonna have these
18:23Conversations between now and four weeks from tomorrow
18:25we have to keep ourselves in the mind of the Warriors adding and not subtracting and you can think what you want about Draymond's histrionics and
18:35deteriorating skill set getting rid of Draymond is still a
18:39Subtraction for you being a good team no matter what you think of his offense and his countenance and his demeanor and the rest
18:46of it the Warriors would see that as a
18:49Subtraction and if we're talking about trades, we should only be dealing with additions not subtractions. I agreed completely
18:56So, you know look, I mean, maybe there is something out there that surprises us though
19:01You know, that's the other thing some of these things get so discussed
19:05Jimmy Butler
19:06Zion Williamson the Kola Vucevich. Okay. What do you want to do? Well, maybe something's about to happen that we don't see coming
19:14Like that's that's possible. You know, the Schroeder thing felt like we kind of saw it coming and sometimes you do
19:20but maybe sometimes you don't and
19:23And I'm sure that that's what's being discussed right now
