• 2 months ago
Kahey Faqeer - Host: Abdul Rauf - Speaker: Sarfaraz Shah

#KaheyFaqeer #SarfarazShah #ARYQtv

An hour for spiritual education where our Speaker Sarfaraz A Shah will highlight the importance of Islamic teaching in our day today life and how we can balance it. As these days our young generation is going so far from these teachings but in this hour, we will give answers to those questions which are rising in their minds.

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00:00Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, Assalam-o-Alaikum, I welcome you to the program Qayyum Faqeer.
00:19We have with us, as always, Shri Sarfaraz Ahmed Shah Sahib, a renowned spiritual scholar.
00:25The format of our program is that we put your questions in front of him and answer them.
00:32We request you to keep sending us your questions.
00:35We also keep selecting topics.
00:38Your guidance is our routine.
00:41Suggest us your topic and we will, Inshallah, give you answers that will prove to be helpful in determining the best path for your life.
00:53So, Mr. Shah, with your permission, let's start.
00:58Mr. Shah, let's start with a report.
01:01Someone has sent us a report saying that there are more than 35 million women in the country who are waiting to get married.
01:11So, how does this indicate that the society has deteriorated, women have become more educated, or what has happened, and what is the solution?
01:26Unfortunately, this situation is present in the country.
01:32There can be multiple reasons for this.
01:38But the root cause, the major problem, is that the definition of a good relationship has changed with time in our society.
01:58There was a time when a good relationship was called a good relationship.
02:01Whether the boy is educated, capable of earning, and has a good family background.
02:06This is the most important thing.
02:08A person should have a good family background.
02:13This was the standard.
02:16Family background was at the top.
02:20Now, where a lot of things have changed with time,
02:25there has been a change in our society.
02:28When we look for a good relationship,
02:31to start with, when the girl is not educated,
02:39when she starts getting proposals,
02:41we start rejecting the proposals in the hope of a good relationship.
02:53There are many reasons for rejection.
02:56For example, their social status is not as good as ours.
03:02Or, they don't eat and drink as much as we think they should.
03:13The boy is not eligible for a big position.
03:18It is better to look for a good relationship and wait for it.
03:31Time goes by like this.
03:36There comes a time when the number of proposals decreases.
03:43Because of this situation, our social status is not good.
03:49The girls keep sitting because they don't have dowry.
03:53Another factor is that you said that girls are more educated than boys.
04:02It is natural that the boy should be more educated than the girl.
04:10In search of that, time goes by.
04:14And then we start compromising.
04:21You can compromise on this factor or that factor.
04:26So, once again, let's go back to where we left off.
04:33Priority number one is that the boy should be well-educated.
04:44Second is that he should be educated.
04:47Third is that he should be able to bear the burden of his father and family.
04:55If we look at the relations in this priority order,
05:02then maybe this number will not be as low as it is today.
05:11But for this, we will have to train our minds a little.
05:15So that we can limit ourselves to that.
05:19Mr. Shastri, in this report, there is a large number of women
05:28who are weak in terms of health.
05:32In our system, the child is given the best food.
05:39And women are not given that kind of food.
05:43Their nutrition is low.
05:45On the basis of which, they say that they want to become mothers in the future.
05:49And they remain weak.
05:51And their children are even weaker.
05:54What should be done to this system?
05:57What should be done to such parents who have a difference between a male child and a female child?
06:04Mr. Rao, maybe it will be unjust if all the blame is shifted to this one factor.
06:13Whatever time has passed, education has become common.
06:20And the effects of the Hindu society are decreasing.
06:26This difference is ending.
06:29Now, another thing has replaced this.
06:33That our girls want to remain strict and thin.
06:39The easiest way for that is to eat less.
06:43Although, there is no harm in that.
06:48When you are in your growing age,
06:55where you are growing,
06:58you cut yourself.
07:01The human body has a requirement according to its height and size.
07:09We cannot fix the man-to-man variation.
07:13When we feed our body less than its requirement,
07:21it eats up its own reserves.
07:25And when those reserves are depleted, then problems arise.
07:30And those problems are such that they cannot be solved.
07:34Generally, when girls get married, they suffer a lot.
07:43When it comes to the stage of becoming a mother, they suffer a lot.
07:50First of all, there are a lot of complications in their birth.
07:57Babies are born pre-tiny.
08:03The mother has to work very hard to give birth to a baby.
08:08And the baby is brought to normal size.
08:12We should remain smart.
08:15But there are many other ways to remain smart.
08:19We should feed our body and nourish it.
08:26But we have to burn our calories.
08:30The situation has changed in our society.
08:36Even after the end of our student life,
08:43in our society,
08:47a part-time servant used to come to do the household chores.
08:57He used to only help in some things.
09:00Otherwise, he used to do all the household chores himself.
09:05As our lifestyle changed,
09:09a part-time servant used to come to do the household chores.
09:14As a result, we had to get up and drink water.
09:19That also ended.
09:22We called for a servant to bring water.
09:26Our movement was completely cut off.
09:30It was completely cut off.
09:33Obviously, we gained weight because of that.
09:35The easiest way to get rid of weight gain is to start dieting.
09:42Instead of dieting, there is a new word, controlled diet.
09:47However, God has already arranged for our controlled diet.
09:53By making things halal and haram.
09:57There is a question that
10:00the delay in the marriage of women,
10:03isn't it because the media, especially our dramas,
10:09have made their dreams very big.
10:12And because of those big dreams,
10:15they have gone into a world where they are looking for ideals.
10:20And they don't get those ideals.
10:22So how do you see the role of the media?
10:25The intention of the media is not involved in this.
10:29The intention of the media is to give projections
10:33so that people are trained in this direction.
10:38I may not be able to say that there is any intention involved in this.
10:45The dramas have been made to destroy our entertainment.
10:50And the social message is conveyed during the entertainment.
10:58But sometimes it happens that
11:02our mind is not aware of all those aspects
11:06which will result in bad results.
11:09In the drama, we show a very posh life.
11:17We show a very luxurious life.
11:22Its purpose is to make the drama interesting.
11:28Nobody wants the message to go to the public.
11:33But somehow or the other,
11:35these dramas are such a strong media
11:40that it has a deep impact on the human mind.
11:45So there, it has definitely happened that
11:49we are looking for that life which is rare in real life.
11:54As a result, we have bad results.
11:59But we should not directly blame the drama.
12:05Whatever drama is made,
12:08its producer, its director,
12:11the intention is to provide entertainment to the public.
12:19the message is conveyed in a way that should not be conveyed.
12:24It is very strange that
12:27if a reality-based drama is made,
12:30it does not work.
12:32And if a dream is shown,
12:35people criticize that
12:38the dream is so small that people have lost their minds.
12:41Talk about social media.
12:44Social media is said to be very responsible.
12:46It is said that it has ruined the minds of young people.
12:52You must have learned to ride a bicycle when you were a child.
12:57Think about your childhood.
13:02You must have ridden a bicycle very fast when you were young.
13:06And wherever you could walk comfortably,
13:10you would also ride a bicycle.
13:13In fact, I say on a lighter note that
13:16when a child learns to ride a bicycle,
13:19even we were in the same situation.
13:22So, the heart wants to ride a bicycle in the bathroom.
13:26Similarly, when you learned to drive a car,
13:29you must have driven very fast.
13:31Everyone does.
13:33We have also been doing it.
13:35Whenever we come across something new,
13:38let the child play with it.
13:40He will get absorbed in it day and night.
13:43But over time, he will get used to it.
13:46So, social media has come into our lives.
13:51It is not what it was two years ago.
13:56I can give you another example from today.
14:01When our talk shows started,
14:04we used to argue with each other.
14:10Sometimes, we used to argue verbally as well.
14:16But the same participants,
14:20the same discussion,
14:22but now that argument is no longer there.
14:24It has settled down gradually.
14:26I hope that instead of saying bad things about social media,
14:30we should give it time to settle down.
14:34There is a difference now.
14:36I have seen the social media over the last two years.
14:40There has been a lot of change.
14:43And it is gradually coming.
14:45You said that the Punjab government
14:49is looking at the situation of education.
14:51In fact, the Prime Minister has announced
14:53that there will be an educational emergency.
14:56On the one hand, that is the situation.
14:57On the other hand, a report states
15:01that more than 2.5 crore children are out of schools.
15:05And a large number of them
15:09are not mentally able to understand things.
15:13They say that they do not know how to read basic ABCs.
15:16They do not know how to make basic sentences.
15:19So, what should be done about this?
15:21I mean, how should this be done?
15:23Our Prophet said that we should gain knowledge.
15:29Even if we have to go to China.
15:31And then how important it is for us to gain knowledge
15:34from the mother's womb to the womb.
15:38But we are moving very far.
15:41And our governments are also involved in this.
15:44You must have seen in many homes
15:46that we have kept a parrot.
15:49And especially that parrot
15:51which has a red band around its neck.
15:56It talks.
16:00And we are all happy to see it talking.
16:05But we never thought that the parrot
16:08which is talking,
16:10it is not applying its mind.
16:12It is talking in a reddish tone.
16:14I think I am right.
16:18Our educational system
16:23must have an emergency.
16:27I have no objection to that.
16:30But this emergency
16:34should have a motive.
16:38And that motive is
16:41that we develop an awareness within us
16:44that the education
16:47which will be given
16:50in schools, colleges and universities.
16:54What will be its fundamental purpose?
16:59Knowledge, education
17:03should be given
17:05to awaken the human mind.
17:10Knowledge should awaken our mind.
17:15When the mind awakens,
17:18we learn to apply the mind.
17:22Now the situation is that
17:24whatever we are teaching
17:26we are moving it like a parrot.
17:29We are not teaching it.
17:33The direction of that
17:36we have directed it towards one objective
17:40to get a degree.
17:43And the objective of getting a degree is
17:47to get a job.
17:50A better life is not our objective
17:54in today's education.
17:57So if you implement the emergency,
18:01may Allah make it so that
18:0450% of our children start going to school
18:08who do not go to school now.
18:10But what will happen?
18:18for new discoveries,
18:21to create facilities in our lives,
18:24for luxuries,
18:27why are we looking towards Europe and America?
18:31Why don't we get those discoveries?
18:35Because our education is not directing there.
18:40And then
18:42all over the world
18:45my own colleagues,
18:47they have also become very old,
18:51the jobs they used to do
18:53in Europe,
18:56their work culture is altogether different.
19:00Their approach is completely different from ours.
19:05That is why we are not able to settle here.
19:08So definitely implement the education emergency.
19:12Create schools.
19:14When you and I were students,
19:19in every neighborhood,
19:22there used to be a corporation run school
19:25which was absolutely free.
19:28You used to study in class 5 there.
19:32In those 5 years,
19:33in those 5 years,
19:35you did not have to pay a single penny for any work.
19:41We used to sit on the tarp and study there.
19:47those schools have disappeared.
19:50Now they do not exist anywhere.
19:52If there is one or two, I cannot say.
19:54But generally they are not visible.
19:57Reactivate them.
20:03At least 50% of these 2.5 crore children will start going to school.
20:09They will not have to spend a lot to reactivate them.
20:13By establishing new schools,
20:15at one-fourth expense,
20:17all the schools will be activated.
20:21Take advantage of that.
20:23Similarly, our basic health facilities,
20:27in every neighborhood,
20:29I am talking about my childhood,
20:33there used to be a maternity center.
20:37Reactivate it and convert it into a basic health facility.
20:49back pain,
20:51all these things will be treated there.
20:55Health facilities will be available to people.
20:59The old things that we have dormant,
21:03should be activated again.
21:08At one-fourth expense,
21:10all these things will be created.
21:13They have given an example of Jamia Naimia,
21:16that they have modernized it.
21:18Computer education,
21:20modern education.
21:22If this is used, it will be beneficial.
21:25Jamia Naimia,
21:26Mr. Raghav has done his Ph.D.
21:29He has also become the chairman of the Islamic Medical Council.
21:33He has done his doctorate.
21:36His wife is also doing her doctorate.
21:39Her other daughter is also studying.
21:41This modern concept was introduced there,
21:45because Mr. Raghav himself was very passionate about education.
21:50This madrasa is doing a great job.
21:54A great job.
21:57If we look at it carefully,
22:00it seems unbelievable.
22:03That this madrasa is doing such a great job.
22:07But the point is,
22:09that there should be someone to give them guidelines.
22:13There should be someone to move them in the right direction.
22:17Their syllabus,
22:18along with Dars-e-Nazami,
22:21should be introduced as a modern education syllabus.
22:26The child who leaves from there,
22:29will be very educated in both ways.
22:33He has a worldly education,
22:36and he also has a religious education.
22:39The government should patronize them.
22:43I am saying patronize, not nationalize.
22:45They should be patronized.
22:48They should be looked after.
22:51They should be helped and guided,
22:54so that they can walk on a special path.
22:58So that their role,
23:01which is already a very big role in the society,
23:05becomes even more productive.
23:08The system of the family,
23:10the system of the family,
23:13has been shaken up,
23:16in this current era.
23:19And in that,
23:21is there a lot of economic pressure,
23:24or have the desires increased a lot?
23:27What has happened?
23:29Have we become weak,
23:31or have we completely destroyed the entire system?
23:35the system,
23:39if we say that things have not changed,
23:42then it will become very unnatural.
23:46There is no stability in anything.
23:49Everything changes, moves.
23:52We also had a joint family system,
23:55a very well-knit joint family system.
23:58And it was spread to distant relatives.
24:02In one house,
24:03you will find your uncle living there,
24:06your aunts living there,
24:09your family living there,
24:11your children, your own children.
24:13A time has passed on us.
24:16But then,
24:18with time,
24:20there was a change,
24:22the immediate family started living together.
24:25The education that we are getting,
24:28the children are getting a lot of foreign world exposure.
24:33among the children who are getting education,
24:36you will see a large number of them going to Europe and America to study.
24:43We will be associated with them.
24:46So, in our country,
24:48that change is coming gradually.
24:51Even if we live apart,
24:54we will still be helpful to each other.
24:57We will still be helpful to each other.
25:02So, there is no harm in it.
25:05But we will still be helpful to each other.
25:11Once, there was a girl
25:14who had a connection
25:21with another sect.
25:24She was watching me closely.
25:29She said to me,
25:31Mr. Shah, I don't understand one thing.
25:34You are a man.
25:37You came from Kenya.
25:40You were born and raised there.
25:42You were of Indian origin.
25:46You are an Indian Pakistani man.
25:52Why don't you think about these little things?
25:56If a man falls ill,
25:58send him a Get Well Soon card.
26:03Send someone a Mother's Day card.
26:10Send someone a Father's Day card.
26:12Why don't you think about these things?
26:15I said to her,
26:17your observation is very correct.
26:20We really don't do this.
26:24You have a lot of pride in this.
26:28It should be appreciated.
26:31But if you don't mind,
26:34can I ask you a counter question?
26:37I said, yes, go ahead.
26:40I said to her,
26:43your brother, your sister,
26:47they are working in a bank.
26:51They have been accused of embezzlement.
26:56The bank is giving the option to the police
27:01to either return the money you have left and right,
27:08or we will give the case to the police.
27:11You will send a card to your brother and sister,
27:17saying, I heard this and I am so sorry.
27:20And that's the end of it.
27:23You will leave your brother and sister.
27:26They have committed a crime.
27:29He must pay for that.
27:33I heard today that my brother
27:36was accused of embezzlement.
27:39I will sell my house to him.
27:43I will sell my house and
27:46I will give him the money from the bank
27:48so that he doesn't file a case against him.
27:50My brother is in the hospital
27:54because of this.
27:56I will spend all my savings on him.
27:59Tell me, is it better to send a card
28:03or this attitude?
28:06I said, this is better.
28:09He said, no, this is better.
28:13We have come from a place
28:16where we sympathize with our brothers and sisters.
28:20And we sacrifice everything for our brothers and sisters.
28:27But gradually,
28:31we are being influenced by the world
28:34that these changes are necessary.
28:41These changes are coming.
28:44We should pray to God
28:47even if we don't live in a joint family.
28:50But we should sympathize with each other.
28:56These changes are natural.
28:59We cannot stop them.
29:03We were talking about education.
29:06Do you think that
29:10in the olden days,
29:13there was a metric pass or FA pass?
29:16B.A. was often written outside the board.
29:20And they were very intelligent.
29:23Was there a difference
29:27in education
29:28in the olden days?
29:31Even MA pass was not as intelligent
29:35as it was in those days.
29:38What was the difference?
29:41We had very little education.
29:45When Pakistan came into existence,
29:50the figure of 1948 was 6%.
29:54Education was 6% among Muslims.
29:59B.A. was a matter of great pride.
30:05People used to write B.A. with great pride.
30:10By the grace of God,
30:13education started increasing.
30:19As I was saying earlier,
30:22the direction of education
30:27at that time was
30:30to awaken the human mind.
30:34It should not be loaded.
30:39It should be awakened.
30:43The rest of the work should be done by the awakened mind.
30:47That was the direction of education.
30:49But with time,
30:52the direction changed.
30:55Our aims and objectives
30:58related to education changed.
31:02We achieved a good degree.
31:06And after that,
31:08we got a good job.
31:12When we go abroad for studies,
31:15the biggest problem we face
31:20is that
31:23the educational system is different in both places.
31:29We have our own university.
31:33Students become under-stressed
31:36after entering the university.
31:39The reason is that
31:41their system is the same as the system in America.
31:47We study from the system here
31:51and get admission there.
31:53To cope up with that situation,
31:56we have to work very hard.
32:00As a result, we face a lot of stress.
32:05But this does not mean
32:08that we should change the system of the university.
32:12Instead, we should change the system
32:16of our colleges and universities.
32:20Because it is better.
32:22If you listen to the names of the students of the university,
32:26you treat them with a bit of respect.
32:30We feel that the boy has come from that university.
32:36I remember,
32:39when I was young,
32:42I used to read the names of the students of Aligarh University.
32:48I had a lot of pride.
32:51Very rightly so.
32:53If you look at the students of Aligarh University,
32:58they were very helpful people.
33:02It is not necessary that the students of the university
33:07should be forthcoming for everyone.
33:10They were very forthcoming for everyone.
33:13They had a lot of human emotions.
33:16They had a special kind of brain.
33:19They were well-trained.
33:22Time has passed.
33:24That is why they used to write Aligarh with so much pride.
33:27In the book, which was written by Khakha,
33:32there are a lot of things written about Aligarh.
33:37His father, Sajjad Haider Yaldram,
33:40was associated with Aligarh.
33:43If we talk about this in the next program,
33:48we will start from here.
33:50If you allow,
33:52you can also send us your suggestions and questions.
33:55We will put them in front of Shah Sahib.
33:57God willing, you will get answers
34:00that will become a source of guidance for you.
34:03With your permission, Allah Hafiz.
