• last month
00:00whether it's the Warriors fault or not,
00:03America is sitting here.
00:05It is 4.49 on Tuesday, February 4th,
00:11which means, you do the math better than me,
00:1524 hours plus then about 19 to 20 more.
00:21Yep, 43 hours.
00:22Okay, so 43 to 44 hours are left to go.
00:27And the full-blown demanding expectation
00:32is that a major name will be on this team by then.
00:38That's a big ask.
00:39It's a very big ask.
00:41This from Anthony Slater on Twitter just seconds ago.
00:44Draymond Green and Andrew Wiggins are both
00:47probable tomorrow at the Jazz.
00:51Stephen Curry not listed on the injury report.
00:54That's good.
00:54Moses Moody questionable.
00:57It's the last game before the deadline.
00:59Draymond and Wiggins are probable tomorrow.
01:02Well, it gives them plausible deniability though.
01:06Like it's the allowance to pull them
01:12if something is consummated between now and then
01:15and then you don't want to risk injury.
01:17Especially in Utah.
01:19We're playing out loud.
01:20You ought to be able to go win that game
01:21no matter who you play.
01:21Exactly, so you list them both as probable.
01:23Steph Curry not on the injury report, which is.
01:27Because he's not being traded.
01:28Right, but the Warriors are at the Lakers on Thursday.
01:32So the expectation I thought would be
01:34that he wouldn't play in the back-to-backs.
01:37Well, that's been going back and forth a little bit.
01:39So I thought that maybe they would list him
01:41at least on the injury report going into Utah as probable,
01:44but he's not even listed.
01:46So something to watch.
01:48And the other piece of this is the Dennis Schroeder piece
01:51where he can't be traded until tomorrow.
01:54And tomorrow is now seven hours and nine minutes away,
01:58as far as I can tell.
01:59Well, it's probably East Coast tomorrow.
02:01So tomorrow then would be four hours and nine minutes away.
02:03Yeah, yeah.
02:05So, I mean, tomorrow's coming up.
02:07If you're Dennis Schroeder,
02:08and you can be traded come tomorrow
02:12based on when he was last traded.
02:14So if anything is gonna happen with anything,
02:17I would imagine it doesn't happen until midnight Eastern.
02:20Well, I mean, can you get a drink in Utah?
02:23Can you go get a drink in Utah?
02:25I haven't been there in a long time.
02:26I haven't been there in a really long time.
02:28Just a quick story.
02:28And I know that we've got a lot of callers
02:30and we've got Steve Kerr coming up at 508,
02:32but Matt Steinmetz and I went there
02:34to watch a former coworker named Sean O'Connell,
02:38who was a 95-7 the game host.
02:40He was also a UFC fighter.
02:42So I said, Stein, let's go out and watch him fight.
02:45So we went to Salt Lake and spent a couple of nights
02:48and darn it if we couldn't get a drink,
02:51it was the hardest thing we ever tried to do.
02:54Every place we went, they said, yeah, I'm sorry,
02:56you're gonna need to order food.
02:58And so we said, what's the cheapest thing you had?
03:00Chips and salsa.
03:01Oh, I've never had more chips and salsa in my life.
03:05That's funny because-
03:07That's Utah.
03:08Because I have eight buckets of chips and salsa
03:10every single time I go to a Mexican restaurant.
03:12Well, then you should be in Utah.
03:14Because you can have your one drink
03:16with your chips and salsa.
03:18Here's why I ask, because Dennis Schroeder
03:21may want to go get a drink tonight
03:22because it might be an uncomfortable, sleepless night.
03:25And Dalton Johnson, our friend over at NBC Sports Bay Area,
03:28has a piece on Dennis Schroeder ahead of the deadline
03:31where he literally, and this is a quote from Schroeder,
03:34quote, it's modern slavery at the end of the day.
03:39I mean, someone who's been traded many, many times.
03:41I know that's a big quote,
03:42but take it through the context
03:44of the conversation they're having.
03:46And Schroeder, who's been on like, you know,
03:49eight to 10 different rosters in the NBA,
03:52and just got here-
03:53Eight is the answer.
03:54Is squaring, I mean, he's staring down
03:57the possibility of yet another uniform come Thursday.
04:02So, not pleased with it.
04:04At the end of this year,
04:06his career earnings will be $103 million.
04:10And he says in there, I know we make a lot of money, but-
04:15I'm just pointing out-
04:17I'm just pointing out the facts of it.
04:19And those are there, and they do make a ton of money,
04:22but I'm not going to act like,
04:23because they make a ton of money,
04:24that it's just easy to have your employer
04:26ship you across the country on a moment's notice,
04:29sometimes multiple times a year.
04:31That's hard.
04:32I mean, and I'm looking at his transaction log,
04:34and he went from Atlanta to the Bakersfield Jam,
04:37back to Atlanta.
04:39He was a part of a three-team trade
04:41where he was dealt by Atlanta to OKC,
04:44and then he was traded by OKC.
04:46And then he was signed with Boston,
04:48traded by Boston, signed with the Lakers,
04:51and he signed with Toronto, traded by Toronto.
04:54And then 10 months later,
04:56traded by the Nets to the Warriors,
04:58and maybe four months after that,
05:01he'll be traded by the Warriors to fill in the blank.
05:04Who knows where.
05:05The last time he was traded was December,
05:06and before that it was February 8th.
05:08He might be traded three times within 12 months.
05:11So I get it.
05:12Yeah, that's a lot.
05:13Think about you and I,
05:14and you with your fiance, and your three kids,
05:18and she's got the two kids,
05:19and all of a sudden you get dealt
05:20to a radio station in Houston,
05:23and you got to be there by Friday morning.
05:25It's like.
05:26I'm not going.
05:28I'd iguodala the hell out of that sucker.
05:30I'm not going.
05:31Depends on what you're making.
05:32Yeah, exactly, exactly.
05:35So I mean, I have some grace for what he's talking about,
05:38but sometimes when you think about
05:41how much money they're making,
05:44I'm trying not to be that guy anymore, but.
05:46Yeah, it's probably not a word that I would have used.
05:48It's probably not a word that I would have used,
05:50but he did, and it's his experience,
05:53and we've not had it.
05:54So 888-957-9570, the number.
05:57Again, if you're just joining us,
05:59what kind of started percolating here earlier in the hour
06:03are three things.
06:04Kevin Durant was pulled off of the overseas markets
06:06by Bovada with regard to where he would land.
06:10He was called doubtful for tomorrow night's game,
06:13even though he played 46 minutes just last night.
06:16And then lastly, the Athletic releases a report
06:19that the Phoenix Suns ownership covets Draymond Green,
06:23known to covet Draymond Green.
06:26So if the Warriors and the Suns are a match,
06:29and if Durant can be made a Warrior again,
06:32if you had to give up Wiggins or Draymond,
06:35which one would you give up?
06:40Let's go to Waleed in San Ramon.
06:43Hey, Waleed, what's up?
06:45Hey, how's it going?
06:46First off, for all the callers that are blaming Draymond,
06:49come on, guys.
06:50It was a punch, it was a mistake.
06:52It's not a life sentence.
06:53Just move on from that.
06:55But second, about your point on trading Wiggins or Draymond,
06:59I would send Wiggins and keep Draymond
07:01because you know it works.
07:03But if they want Draymond and Kaminga,
07:06you send them to him,
07:07and then you have Wiggins and a pig
07:10to go out there and get a superstar.
07:12Heck, depending on the timing of this,
07:14you can even get Jimmy Butler for Wiggins and a pig,
07:17and now you got that dog that you guys are referring to
07:19playing with Steph and KD.
07:21Yeah, I will say this, Waleed, thanks.
07:25I don't know if Jimmy Butler ends up with the Warriors
07:27because the latest on that is Butler is Suns or bust.
07:32Like Suns or I'll just keep sitting in the Sun
07:35and we'll just wait for the offseason.
07:38I don't know where the whole Butler thing is going.
07:40That feels like it's getting further and further away
07:43for the Warriors.
07:45But I will say this,
07:47if the Warriors and the Suns are a match,
07:50and let's say it was Draymond and Kaminga and Schroeder
07:55or whatever, and that's a match,
07:58depending on the number of picks
08:00that might be involved in it as well,
08:03what if it's only one, what if it's even just two,
08:05it does not take the Warriors out of the running
08:08for even another deal.
08:10Like, don't forget names like Vujovic or Cam Johnson
08:16or whatever.
08:17I don't even necessarily know what exactly
08:18the play would be, and I don't know if you can rip
08:21your defense apart so bad.
08:24Like if Draymond, Kaminga, and Wiggins are all off the team,
08:27I don't know who the hell's guarding anybody anymore.
08:30But I do think that you could make this deal with the Suns
08:33and still have enough in the tank
08:35to at least have other conversations too.
08:37Right, if you wanna part with picks,
08:39if you wind up doing Schroeder and Draymond
08:42and Kaminga for KD, and you have to take a pick
08:45and send it that way, you could do something
08:48with GP2 and Kavon and bring in Vujovic
08:51because that almost matches up evenly,
08:54and maybe that involves a pick as well.
08:56So you wind up with Vujovic and KD,
08:59and you lose Draymond, Schroeder, Kaminga, GP2, and Looney,
09:03and it hurts your depth, but you look at your top line
09:06and you still have Wiggins, and you'd have KD and Steph,
09:08and you'd have Vujovic, and then you'd have Buddy Heald
09:11and Pods and TJD and some of the other young guys.
09:14I mean, yeah, it's like it starts to get
09:16a little bit head-spinning about all the roster,
09:18different scenarios that are out there,
09:21and I don't think you wanna turn a roster over so much
09:24that you suddenly need to totally relearn one another
09:27in the middle of the season.
09:29Like, there's not that many games left.
09:30You're gonna have to be at your best here pretty soon,
09:33so I'd be more in favor of, you know,
09:36kind of like one big move that you feel like lands,
09:40and I do think Durant would qualify for that.
09:43I'd be in favor of that.
09:44If you start doing like, let's change the entire
09:46starting five except for Steph,
09:48it's like training camp all over again,
09:51and you've only got 30 games left.
09:54So, eight, eight, nine, five, seven, nine, five, 70.
09:57How about Bilal and Saratoga?
09:59Hey, Bilal, what's up?
10:01All right, hey, guys.
10:02I love this show, love what you're all doing.
10:04I really hope the Dubs make a big move
10:06because we gotta do something.
10:08If you ask me, I think we gotta stay with Draymond,
10:11give up Wiggins.
10:11Draymond has the IQ that very few basketball players have,
10:15and so if we're gonna bring a superstar in
10:17and try and turn things around so quickly,
10:19both this season and then next,
10:21we're gonna need someone really smart to help us do that,
10:23and I think Draymond's gonna do a better job
10:25of that than Wiggins.
10:26I think we gotta give up Domingo.
10:27We gotta do that, too.
10:28We do gotta make sure we keep some athleticism
10:30because we can't be all a bunch of old guys,
10:32but I really think we gotta keep Draymond.
10:35Bilal, I get it.
10:37Again, Dibs and I are both on the side
10:39of if you had to pick one,
10:41I think the timing suggests you let Draymond go,
10:44but I don't think you're crazy if you disagree.
10:47There is a lot you're giving up.
10:49I'm not on the, like, I do think there's a section
10:51of Warrior fans who are like,
10:53man, I'll buy him a plane ticket.
10:56And we've heard that already.
10:58I'm not in that camp.
10:59I do think Draymond adds a lot.
11:01He does, and so does Andrew Wiggins,
11:03and it becomes a number of different things.
11:05One is if you get KD, would he and Draymond work out?
11:10Would they wanna play with each other?
11:11Would KD wanna come here and play with Draymond?
11:15That's one that we can't answer.
11:16Only a few people would know the real answer,
11:18and the other piece of it is,
11:20obviously, what does Phoenix want?
11:22Who would they prefer, Wiggins or Draymond,
11:25in the deal?
11:26I do think that Kaminga would have to be a part
11:28of the trade, because if you're Phoenix,
11:31and you just get Kaminga, or if you get Wiggins
11:34or Draymond, and then a bunch of filler and picks,
11:37that, to me, is not enough to satisfy a team
11:40that thinks that they're still in some sort
11:43of a competitive window.
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11:59Steve Kerr, about seven minutes away,
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12:55Gene in Oakland is next.
12:57Hi, Gene.
12:59Hey, guys.
13:01Okay, listen.
13:04I've been one of Ray's biggest fans over the years,
13:07but I'd be open to trading him
13:11simply because he's breaking down.
13:13I mean, if you could get something really of value for him,
13:17I'd be open to that, but if you can't,
13:22he still has value to the team.
13:24Frankly, I was hoping he'd stick around
13:27and be a coach one day and stay with the organization.
13:31As far as Wiggins goes, I just get very frustrated
13:34with people undervaluing what this guy means to this team.
13:39I was at the game last night,
13:41and just watching this dude work his ass off,
13:45he's the hardest working player on the team.
13:48And beyond that, I mean, I saw him sitting down
13:50with his arm around Moody's back,
13:53and he clearly said something of encouragement to him,
13:57probably gave him some advice, too.
13:59So I think he's quietly better than the locker room.
14:04In fact, if I was interviewing Steve Kerr,
14:07I'd like to ask him,
14:08how does the locker room feel about Andrew Wiggins?
14:14He's 29 years old, he's at his peak physically,
14:17and he's playing pretty damn close to what he did
14:19in his all-star year a few years ago.
14:22I think he's the best player on the team right now,
14:24so no, I would leave him alone unless you can package him
14:28with Kaminga and get Durant or something.
14:31I mean, that's largely what we're talking about here, Gene,
14:34but Gene, thanks, I think it is a very fair point.
14:37And again, I started the show by saying,
14:39I think Andrew Wiggins is really being undervalued
14:42with the way we talk about him,
14:43Jonathan Kaminga being overvalued,
14:45because they're essentially very similar production.
14:50I like them both,
14:51I just think that's the way we talk about them right now.
14:53Gene's point, though, about health cannot be understated.
14:57That's a very, very fair point.
14:59If you are comparing these two players,
15:01and you've said this a time or two
15:03the last couple hours as well,
15:05if you're comparing these two players,
15:07it might even be the number one thing to think about,
15:10simply which one of them is gonna play the games,
15:13and which one of them has a higher risk
15:15of not playing the games.
15:16So, I'm gonna keep the guy who's gonna play the games.
15:19Right now, that's Andrew Wiggins.
15:20And I do think there's a lot to be said
15:22for what Wiggins does on both ends of the floor,
15:25and if you look at this Warrior team this year,
15:27what are they deficient in?
15:30Well, both.
15:31Their offense doesn't have secondary and tertiary scoring,
15:34and their defense is, man, not very good.
15:37You don't have a real group of lockdown defenders
15:41that you can rely on.
15:42So, if you get rid of Draymond Green,
15:45it hurts your defense a lot.
15:46Your offense doesn't really get hurt.
15:48It actually gets better when KD comes.
15:50If you lose Andrew Wiggins,
15:52your defense gets worse and your offense gets worse.
15:54So, I think about just the plus minus of the players,
15:59assuming that they play the same amount of games,
16:01and I do think health is a factor,
16:03but when you lose Andrew Wiggins,
16:05you're losing 16 a night and a really good defender,
16:08a guy who's gonna guard the other team's best player.
16:11With Draymond, you lose playmaking,
16:13the highest basketball IQ maybe we've ever seen,
16:16great defense, but you don't lose any scoring.
16:18So, it becomes a balance sheet of-
16:22You know, and culture-wise,
16:23Draymond's a great culture fit,
16:25but he also can rub people the wrong way.
16:27Oh, like how many years has it been since we've heard
16:30that there are those in the organization
16:33who have grown tired of, like, I mean, my God,
16:36we've been hearing that for five years.
16:39Or more, yeah.
16:39To be honest with you.
16:41Steve Kerr in a couple of minutes.
16:43Sam in San Ramon.
16:44Hi, Sam, what's up?
16:46Oh, great show, fellas.
16:48I was gonna say, I think it's okay if they trade Draymond.
16:51Maybe even trade Wiggins, too.
16:52If we get draft picks, that won't hurt too much.
16:55But I was thinking about Dennis Schroeder
16:57and the modern-day slavery.
16:58I was thinking, Magic Johnson, Jordan, and LeBron,
17:02those are the only three billionaires in basketball.
17:06And I was thinking, well, you know, he did say modern.
17:08It's a very modern type of slavery.
17:10It's not the old type of slavery.
17:12The old type of slavery would mean you have no money.
17:14Or any women or girlfriends.
17:17The basketball players, they got it good, man.
17:19You get college for free.
17:22In modern-day slavery, you get billions of dollars.
17:25Shaq is doing pretty darn good, too.
17:26He's almost a billionaire, too.
17:28He's on that list.
17:29Sam, I'm gonna jump in on this one,
17:31because, A, I'm getting a little uncomfortable
17:34with the tone of that whole thing.
17:36And you're naming four players.
17:38That's four players.
17:40Out of the entire, like, lot of NBA players,
17:44Dennis Schroeder is not gonna have the same perspective
17:47as Michael Jordan.
17:48Right, and if I'm reading between the lines
17:50of what Dennis said, he is saying it's really,
17:55to some degree, it's unfair and unfortunate
17:58that you're in a profession where they get to decide
18:01where you live and where you go.
18:03And I think that is what he was trying to underscore.
18:07And again, if he gets traded,
18:09and he's eligible to be traded now
18:11in three hours and 52 minutes,
18:13and if he gets traded at midnight tonight,
18:16it will be the third time he's traded within 365 days.
18:20And all of you listening, forget the money.
18:22Think about you and your profession,
18:24what you do and what you make.
18:26If you were forced, quote-unquote,
18:29and I know he doesn't have to go.
18:30He can always pull an Iguodala and say,
18:32I'm not going, or decide that he wants
18:34to go be a carpenter, I get that.
18:37But imagine if you had to go to a third different city
18:40within the course of 365 days, largely against your will.
18:44It would be uncomfortable.
18:46It would get frustrating.
18:47And I know you don't have to put aside
18:48the fact that he's made 100 million.
18:50Right, but you would want some sort of change
18:54to the process.
18:55In other words, when you're an expiring deal,
18:59and I don't think this was the way it was all written up,
19:01but when you're an expiring deal,
19:03you automatically just become this piece of paper.
19:07That everybody wants to move around
19:09simply because your deal's coming to an end.
19:11That's not the way most contracts are written.
19:14So. Think about D'Anthony Melton, too,
19:15who was an expiring deal, and he got hurt.
19:18He gets hurt, season-ender, career-threatening.
19:21Ooh, now all of a sudden you're a coveted,
19:23you're a coveted trade target, what?
19:24You're a big piece of meat.
19:26Let's season that thing.
19:28Yeah, it gets weird.
19:30There's no two ways about it.
