• 2 months ago
00:00My observation so far less than 24 hours after Steph Curry said this all the Twitter fingers
00:07Who's got deals that they that we need to make?
00:09And kind of just shut up a little bit and let us figure this thing out like we we know we can be competitive
00:15We showed you know that that toughness tonight
00:17Obviously every team is trying to find ways to get better and for us we've been great for a very long time
00:22This is just a unique year
00:24We have to be able to stay relevant and give ourselves a chance and just have some life in a playoff series
00:29And we have a whole lot of confidence that we can you know beat anybody so
00:33Yeah, that's it. Yeah. That's it. Well. Here's my quick observation people have not put down their Twitter fingers
00:39No, I mean just cuz Steph says
00:43a little bit and
00:45You know with all due respect to the chef
00:47I you don't get to tell us or me what to do with my Twitter fingers
00:52Oh, he does Twitter fingers gonna stay active same way. We tell them what to do come on Andrew be more aggressive
00:58Yeah, his life. I have no problem with that whatsoever and yes
01:02I'm aware it does not mean that ESPN's trade machine will not be visited today. Oh, no they shut it down
01:08It's no longer available cuz Steph said put down your Twitter finger. I get it. I guess this is this this is funny
01:14I mean the conversation has gotten a little bit intricate
01:17Which I'm fine with because I feel like everyone's opinions have some sort of overlap
01:23Like granny you can kick and scream about it. I don't disagree with you across the board at all
01:30Yeah, I don't
01:32But I guess my thought is is I don't want it to be that black and white
01:36I don't want it to be admit you suck make a deal
01:41What if there's no deal to be made I?
01:43Do think this and I mean this now across the board
01:48GM's too often get ripped for quote not making a deal. You don't know what deal was offered
01:55Trades are hard
01:56You like do we do this with the Giants every July?
02:01Stupid you didn't trade mad bum. I have no clue what they offered. I don't know if anybody offered anything
02:10You dummy you didn't trade Blake Snell I?
02:13Don't know what was offered
02:15It seems likely that something was but I have no idea
02:20So I'm not going to and this is in my opinion what they meant at the beginning of the week
02:25We're not here to do something irresponsible
02:29So we're not gonna just make a deal
02:32Because we're supposed to make a deal and because Brian Windhorst has been talking about it in charms has been talking about it every day
02:37For the last three months. I guess we're supposed to make a deal. No it has to be a good deal, right?
02:44That's all they were saying it does not mean white flag, or we're not making a deal
02:49I didn't take it that way at least I didn't either and again
02:52I said it yesterday that I thought it was a yellow flag
02:55It's not a green flag, which is kind of where Brooklyn is right now Brooklyn is wide open
03:02Which I know you love
03:04Shout out Creed Brooklyn is open for business
03:07I believe and they're clearly in sell mode and Washington is probably the same in Chicago
03:12They're begging somebody to trade for Zach Levine nobody wants to take on the contract
03:16So the Warriors are not in a red flag spot
03:20They're not in a white flag spot where they're giving up there in a yellow flag
03:23Which is we'd like to make a deal that makes us better
03:26Yes, but we don't want to make a deal that makes us worse now and or into the future
03:31So you've got 20 days you can wait and see you're 20 and 20
03:37Which is kind of where you don't want to be you don't want to be in the middle
03:40But you can win 8 of 10 and be a six seed you could lose 8 of 10 and be the 12 seed
03:46We just don't know where they're going to be so right now three weeks out from the trade deadline
03:51I like them being in a yellow flag
03:55Cautious position because you don't know what trade is out there to your point and you also don't know
04:01What assets you have Jonathan Kaminga now out of a walking boot according to Anthony Slater looks like he'll be re-evaluated in
04:09About a week that would be three weeks from the injury and which was what they said the original timeline
04:15So in a week, we should be able to get an idea of whether or not he'll be able to even play before the deadline
04:24First of all, I love the way you broke that down second of all
04:28This is the kind this just came in in our text line. I wonder do you agree with this?
04:32You agree with I don't know yet. I know
04:35Okay, this and I'll tell you right off the bat I don't this is the kind of thinking that
04:41Personally, I don't understand not saying it's wrong. I just don't get it
04:45707 text in not doing a deal is a white flag
04:50Period that kind of definitive reaction. I just can't get with I can't do that
04:57Like you're basically telling them you have to make a deal even if there isn't a good one out there
05:04Even if there isn't a responsible one out there
05:06So you would rather the Warriors send out Kaminga and Wiggins to get Jimmy Butler
05:12Cower underneath his demands give him massive money going into the future as he's Steph and Draymond all go into their late 30s
05:20That somehow is translated in your mind to mean going for it
05:25It translates into my mind is going dude. You are like
05:30Mentally disabled right now
05:32Why would you do that that makes no sense and that's what Steph in my opinion is saying
05:40You're like we gotta stop this trigger reaction of like must make deal
05:47Must save the Queen. Yeah, like no, it's gotta be smart
05:52It has to be the right thing
05:55yeah, and I don't necessarily agree with the notion of no trade is the white flag because
06:01you are gonna get Kaminga back and
06:04if you can get your entire team as you thought you're gonna be comprised at the start of the year with the
06:10Exception of Schroeder in for Melton and if we can say that that is at least somewhat of a lateral move
06:16Well, then you're back to the team that started 12 and 3 and that's kind of I think what Steph is getting at like
06:22Let us all get back healthy and whole let us figure it out with a new player in Dennis
06:28You know, we're not gonna have a 12-man rotation
06:30Once pods is back and everybody's back healthy
06:33Let us then figure out if we can be the same team we were when we were 12 and 3
06:39They don't believe that they're the team that was 7 and 17 over a 24 game stretch
06:44So let them figure it out at the same time Mike Dunleavy. I'm sure is working the phones
06:50Yes, he's not thinking while we beat, Minnesota. So I'm gonna white flag it. I'm not good. I'm not anti deal. I
06:57Been sitting here for four weeks saying that I'd love to see butch of itch on this team
07:02Every time you've brought up Cam Johnson, I'm interested. I'd like to know what it takes to get him
07:09But I'm not anti deal. I'm anti bad deal. Yeah, and that's all I heard them say this week
07:17That's all I heard the Warriors say this week. They are anti bad deal. Well, every team should be anti bad deal
07:24Although if you're a team like Miami, for example, and you just really really want Jimmy Butler off your team and
07:32You suspended him for seven games because you were so mad at the way he's acting you might accept a lesser deal
07:40You probably won't accept a bad deal because you're Pat Riley and you don't do that
07:43But you might end up taking a worse deal than you'd like based on your situation might however
07:49There's already rules in place that make that one to me a non-starter for the Warriors big which is Jimmy's money
07:55Yeah, Jimmy's money and the Warriors situation financially to me makes it a complete non-start. It's tough big because it's it
08:03It's at least Wiggins and a bunch more and I'm just like that doesn't make you any better
08:08Yeah, it doesn't make you any better now and it makes you way worse into the future. So that's a great definition
08:14That's a bad deal
08:15I just did Wiggins Schroeder and GP 2 and
08:19You're still about 300 grand short of what you need to come up with and that's and they're gonna want to pick to yeah
08:25You're worse team, right? You are worse basketball team. Yeah, so you lose your best wing defender
08:31You lose your probably your best on ball defender and you lose your glue guy and you get a Jimmy Butler for two months
08:39Maybe more and if it's more he's gonna want 50 million a year or he's gonna opt in
08:45Yeah, I just that way you can't you look you just can't force it
08:50Like yeah, and I can't I can't trade ghee anymore. Unfortunately, cuz he's actually playing like him now, huh? He's been my throw
08:59It works if you throw ghee in but
09:01Until this week, that's what was on the back of his jersey when he walked out on the court
09:05This is salary matcher, but now you're like, oh, hold on a second. You play a little bit
09:11So the Hollinger the Hollinger analysis of that when I throw ghee in it's successful
09:16But the Warriors turned out to be minus six in the wind column. No, thanks. No, thanks
09:20and and then what are they next year when they've got to pay Jimmy a
09:25Hundred million dollars or whatever the hell he's already at center. I wouldn't post. I know it's gonna D in Walnut Creek
09:32We're taking your calls throughout the afternoon Bob Fitzgerald joins us in 15 minutes. Hey D. What's going on?
09:38Hey guys, how's it going? I used to like it when you used to ask. Hey, what are you doing now?
09:43And then I tell you what I was cooking in my kitchen. What are you doing deep?
09:47I'm sitting here waiting for you guys. Hey, you know Tom Brady took a pay cut to go to Tampa
09:54Because he wanted to win. Why can't step?
09:58Do the same thing if he really is serious about winning another championship. I'll tell you why the league is all about
10:06Contracts and money and nobody's gonna take a pay cut just because they want to win a championship D
10:11What do you mean by define that for us? Take a pay cut because by the way, I don't I don't know what you mean
10:16By Tom Brady took a pay cut. He signed as a free agent. He signed as a free
10:22Less than what he could have gotten. Yes
10:25Well, I don't even know what he could have gotten. There was no max
10:33Collective bargaining once you sign it. That's your deal. You can like in football you can restructure in the
10:40Association you are not allowed to do that. So Steph is gonna get paid what Steph signed up to get paid
10:45I mean the only thing that like two years from now and now he just signed an extension but two years from now
10:51I mean, he's allowed to go say just pay me 30
10:55Pay me the vet man. He could do that
10:58I think the Players Union and stars around the league might might take issue with that
11:03Well, he'll be 39 going on 40. Yeah, but but like the bottom line is is there's no way
11:09There's almost no way to pay Steph what he's worth you heard what I mean Nick was in here yesterday
11:15Talking about globally how many people show up to watch him warm up?
11:20Yeah, like I understand where you're coming from D
11:23It'd be wonderful if everybody was just like don't pay me I've made enough
11:27But that's not life. That's not the structure and I would never ask someone to do that. Whatever Steph makes it's not enough
11:36Period he's the entire organization right now as far as branding as far as watchability as far as viewership
11:44Excitement all of that stuff. And so he deserves to be paid for that exactly what he's worth
11:50You're listening to 95 7 the game KGM ZFM and HD 1 San Francisco an Odyssey Sports Station
11:56Always live on the free Odyssey app Twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal credit union for a low-rate auto loan
12:01Apply online or just ask for first NorCal financing at the dealer, you know the Brady thing
12:05He brought up again, like how old was he when he went to Tampa as a free agent? Was he 40 yet?
12:11Yeah had to be right. So there's a reason why he wasn't commanding a top salary who didn't take a pay cut
12:17That's what that's what the market offered him in that moment
12:21Maybe a better way to say it is what he did throughout his career in New England
12:24Yeah, yeah, and that might have been what he was referring to where but you can't do that in the NBA, right?
12:29And when you're Tom Brady and you're the second highest earner in your own household with Giselle Bunchan
12:36Making more money than you it's a little bit easier to settle for 15 million
12:40I wonder if that ever crosses people's minds. I know that we we talk about that
12:44I refer to just cuz her net worth is greater than his net worth
12:48Yeah, but for all we knew they were arguing for five years before they split
12:53I don't know. She you know now that she is with child. Yes. She's about to run it back
12:58Yes, so congrats to the Bunchan's everywhere. Who's the who's the is it a trainer the yoga guy?
13:04I believe her personal trainer. I don't know who the yoga guy is. I don't follow the whole way
13:08Yeah, it's uh, I know Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey
13:11That's right as far as I go on celebrity couple when they broke up. She immediately was
13:17Mingling with said fitness instructor good for her. Sure. Yeah, okay Pilates or yoga
13:24Be healthy. Sure. Yeah, but in life
13:29Yeah, do you think anyway anyhow, yeah like
13:34Can't do it in the NBA everything's guaranteed but also
13:39As far as assessing teams in general, like we can take that conversation just for a minute over to Brock Purdy
13:47Stop stop asking him to take less than he's worth because he has rosy cheeks
13:52Stop it
13:53Stop it, but Steph's a really good guy mark
13:57And he's made off it. You don't do that in life. You shouldn't do that in life
14:01They shouldn't do that in life. You should get every single dollar that you can after this year his career earnings will be
14:11413 million dollars and he's got another
14:15Buck 20 to go
14:21And that's just on the court
14:22Correct. What's under armor paying him a lot a lot. I don't know about how many that's a lot
14:29Yeah, so yeah, he's doing he's doing all right. So Steph go ahead and restructure
14:35I'll tell you what Steph take the remaining
14:38122 on your contract and rip it up and play for the vet men do it for the fellas. Are you kidding me?
14:45if he was allowed to write about the interesting one will be
14:48After he makes sixty two point six in his last year when he is 39 if he does want to continue
14:54What would that look like? I don't know if he gets a raise
14:57I mean, you're right. He's worth every penny and what he brings to the arena is after this one already locked
15:03Yeah, right. Yeah. Okay, and the and the one the extension that he just signed sixty two point six
15:08Right. Yep
15:11So good, I mean, it's so good get it. Yeah, if you can get it
15:16It's kind of rude of us when we when we do that and then we break it down per game
15:21Cuz 62 you're getting damn close. If not, you're right around 750 K per game exactly somewhere in that neighborhood or not
15:28He plays right and he's not gonna play for all of them
15:31He's played in 32 of 40 this year kind of tracking toward a million per game
15:35But that just totally flicks off what that guy does every day. Yeah to be ready for these basketball games
15:42Which I'm pretty sure
15:44Even though I've never been a professional athlete is pretty flippin intense. I can imagine pretty intense
15:50So this year he makes about 700 grand a game. It's a little bit less, but let's just call it 700 K
15:56Okay, and he's missed eight games. So that is five point six million dollars for not playing. We're not playing, right?
16:03Well clay Thompson got a whole max deal to not play the whole year
16:07Yeah, it turned out to be longer, but you're right. But again, I would never but I mean they're all worth it
16:12Look what they're completely with what has happened to the worth of the Warriors since he arrived, right?
16:18And you mentioned it like Steph comes out an hour and a half before a game on the road and you've got people
16:24videotaping him dribbling the basketball and
16:27Shooting left-handed layup. Yeah, and by the way, and if you ever that this is kind of a fun
16:32I think it's a fun mental exercise. You ever watch people in a situation like that
16:37We go to a lot of warrior games you watch him come out on the court. Just imagine for a second being him
16:45Arenas filling up
16:48Everybody's there. Everybody's spending more money than they got
16:52Popcorns expensive beers expensive. We're all like and we're all there to see him in an
17:01unscripted performance
17:03We're trained
17:05Millionaire professionals are there to stop him
17:09That sounds so nauseatingly scary
17:13Like the tension headache that must accompany being that kind of a performer. I can't even imagine it
17:21Never never ask him to take one dollar less. Yeah ever
17:26Ever I was there to see him right and think about it in terms of Taylor Swift when she goes on stage
17:34Yes, there's pressure because you know
17:36It takes a certain amount of physicality to dance and hit the notes and and perform, but she's not being guarded totally scripted
17:44Okay, it's totally script only script
17:46Occasionally fans will try to burst up on stage and she's got a cadre of security who are gonna try to defend her
17:51But you know she goes through her 18 songs and her four encores, and it's we're on to the next act
17:58And you know she's got everybody looking out for her, and it's scripted, and there's no defense
18:03I love six to running around with three grown men
18:08hounding him right physically and
18:12Emotionally trying to stop him
18:14Lovely Christy, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this years ago
18:17She would tend bar
18:18And it was she did some stuff around the where the 49ers play
18:23And I guess there were certain 49er players
18:26I won't name them because alcohol involved, but anyway there are certain 49ers that would come into the bar and
18:32They would get to talking about
18:34their their jobs and
18:37You know they would always be like I you do such a good job
18:39You know we love you, whatever, but and and she'd be like my job is easy. There's nobody here trying to stop me
18:47That's what I admire about your jobs imagine. I don't care what you do in life, but imagine when you got to work
18:57There are trained millionaires they're trying to tackle you yeah, or or or stop you or block your shot or whatever
19:05It's all unscripted, and we're all there spending hundreds in some case thousands of dollars
19:11We're there to watch him do it like not only watch him do it
19:16But you better have a good game. I paid a lot of money
19:19I'm in Indiana, and I just dropped 300 bucks a ticket to come and watch yeah the Pacers whatever
19:25I came to watch you make 7-3 Steph you better be on your game, or I'm gonna be mad. It's funny
19:31This is a funny way to think about it. That's all think about our job like we have people trying to stop us
19:37But it's just one click away, and it's what they text us. They're like you suck at this. Okay. That's good, okay?
19:43Let's go to skills in Vallejo. Hi skills. How you doing?
19:47Hey, I'm doing good Willard. Hello, Willard and dibs
19:51The reason why let me just say I like the Warriors winning games as much as anybody
19:55I was going nuts last night when Steph was
19:59When Steph hit his late three-pointer when Wiggins was getting all the rebounds the people I was I was going crazy
20:04I love the Warriors winning as much as anybody and that being said
20:08I'm not saying they should start losing games
20:10I'm not saying they should give up on trying to continue to win, but I am saying that
20:14All this talk about maximizing stuff
20:17maximizing stuff getting him one more championship
20:20Why I mean we don't have it's not the end of the world if Steph doesn't get his fill
20:25It's not gonna change his legacy. He's still gonna go into the Hall of Fame. He's still gonna have number 30 retired
20:31He's still gonna be gazillionaire time and time over again. It's not gonna change anything
20:36What will change though if we go if we go all in and it turns out we go all in for the wrong guy
20:43Or who ends up being the wrong guy somebody like and using guys from it
20:46You guys throwing around the names on Williamson earlier as I am Williamson can be counted on to come into
20:51The Chase Center and score a few points or a few basket throws wait around for about a week or two
20:55And then they're gonna be off for six weeks
20:57And then what we've already mortgaged
20:59This is gonna cost for draft pick after draft pick after draft pick plus the few assets we have now to get in a superstar
21:06Yeah right now the Milwaukee Bucks want to say hey, you know
21:09We really like that guy Peyton or we really like that guy movie
21:12We're gonna give you if we give you Giannis, will you give us Moody and Peyton now if they want to do that?
21:16I'm not gonna stop it. I'm not gonna argue with that. That's not likely though
21:21but if you get the
21:23Milwaukee Bucks or whoever the team superstar is gonna cost us
21:27Eight draft picks over the next six years and by the time 2028 rolls around
21:32We got Steph Curry retired and our best player is somebody like I don't know
21:37Kira Lewis off the know the former Pelican or somebody like the big guy that they just traded away
21:43Hartenstein or somebody like that and that's our best player who we're building around. I don't want that
21:49Skills that totally get it. I think what your point is and thank you is if you're gonna do something like this
21:55And it's gonna be really like an over-the-top big deal
21:57You want to be as sure as you can be you never can be sure but you want to
22:03Minimize the risk on on something like that. The one area where I do disagree with you though is where you're like chasing
22:10Winning for Steph. What's the point?
22:13Legacy is firm and
22:15He's got all the money
22:16Kind of like why why are we chasing that? Well, cuz that's what we do
22:20That's that's sports like Steph Curry if he felt the way that skills just sort of categorized it then he would retire
22:28But he doesn't want to retire yet, right?
22:30What's he keep playing of course, but you can chase it what without making a big deal and that's kind of what he was saying
22:36Last night, he's possibly he's up on the Twitter fingers
22:39Shut up and let us work this out and
22:42See if what they have is close enough to where you can make a small move and you don't have to chase it by making
22:48a giant move