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Nate | Barstool Rundown
00:00I mean, it's a little underwhelming, the story.
00:02Yeah, I mean, they're not going crazy, they're not like, you just kind of seem like a low
00:08energy blob right now, like, yeah, no, no, this is your moment, you're just like, yeah,
00:16they won the game.
00:17So it was nice.
00:18And then we went, I mean, I guess you don't even need them on the show.
00:22I don't know what you want me to do.
00:24Maybe it's the picture.
00:26Maybe it's the blowout factor again, like anti-climatic, I mean, this looks like you
00:32won a week 12 game.
00:36OK, Max, congrats.
00:42Thank you, Dave.
00:43It feels good.
00:44It feels good to be a champion again.
00:46One of the best NFL teams of all time played last night, and we've just witnessed a complete
00:51domination of a quarterback that people were trying to say is the best ever.
00:55And clearly, clearly is not in that conversation.
00:58Yeah, I don't know who was saying that.
01:01You have to have rocks in your head to compare him.
01:04And I was so I bet the Eagles.
01:06It wasn't my biggest bet of all time, because I will admit in the back of my head, it's
01:10like they win every close game.
01:12But like a significant bet on the Eagles.
01:15It's funny because when people previewed the game, almost every preview was the Eagles
01:19are better at every single position, basically.
01:22But they're worried about like voodoo like that.
01:25That was essentially how people broke the game down, took the Chiefs.
01:29But yeah, I mean, it was a demolition from the first play to the final whistle as a fan.
01:39Did that take any like I've never all the Patriots Super Bowls were close like the Patriots
01:43just play close Super Bowls.
01:46What was it like knowing the game was basically over, you know, halftime?
01:53I wouldn't say that.
01:54I thought that it was it was over for longer than most people would like the average.
01:58The average person watching the game probably tuned out around halftime.
02:03And I it really took me until the strip sack in the fourth quarter for me to be like this
02:07game quarter.
02:08Oh, yeah.
02:09Oh, yeah.
02:10I get what you're saying, but like objectively, that's crazy.
02:16But it's like the Patriots came back and I was like Patrick Holmes is like this could
02:21be another thing that like it cements himself if he comes back from this.
02:25I'm a big loser.
02:26It would be an incredible loss on me if they came back from this historic deficit or whatever.
02:33So it didn't really feel like as much of a blowout to me while I was watching it.
02:37But so like I still was was riding and dying with every play because I was like, we need
02:44We need more.
02:45We need more.
02:46I bet you you're not alone in that because obviously it ends up looking the way it looked.
02:50But, you know, I mean, after the third quarter, like, yeah, but OK, fine.
02:55But even still to that point, I mean, I think you even had a tweet being like, you know,
02:58Patriots are down twenty eight to three.
02:59We'll see.
03:00Well, I was just I was teeing it up to say, like, what is it?
03:05What is that Kendrick Lamar song?
03:07They're not like us.
03:08Like, that is the one, Dave.
03:10That is.
03:12That that shut up.
03:13All you chiefs that and we have Max on.
03:16So I do want to give him a shine and let him talk Eagles and what he's doing.
03:23I think that was almost a dynasty killer, like for the Chiefs, like they still have
03:29their rings, but they're not like the Patriots have beaten by 40.
03:35What's worse, like losing to a great Eagles team or like when Tom Brady was losing to
03:39the Jets in the playoffs?
03:42When there was that, you know, for Brady, you know, those are the Patriots have lost
03:46big in early season.
03:48Those aren't their teams.
03:49The Patriots never made it to the Super Bowl and got like just when you're like, oh, my
03:54God, they were outclassed.
03:55They didn't belong on the same field like that is.
03:58And to be honest, the Eagles should have probably beaten them two years ago.
04:02Well, you can play the should have, could have, would have game, but like if Mahomes
04:05keeps going back to the Super Bowl, they win a couple more, they I don't think they're
04:08ever going to win a Super Bowl.
04:09Well, I mean, yeah, listen, if that happens, then, yes, it's the end of the dynasty.
04:12But I don't think, you know, if Brady can go through like a decade long drought, losing
04:17the playoffs, not make the Super Bowl several times, losing the Super Bowl several times.
04:21I don't think one blowout erases a potential dynasty if they don't make it back.
04:25No, no, no.
04:26I just say I'm not saying it erases.
04:28You can't take away Super Bowls and I'll get to Max.
04:30But I'm saying.
04:33They're not like us, like right now, yeah, we have six of them spanning 20 years and
04:38never got embarrassed on national TV like they got embarrassed.
04:43What'd you do to break down the game aftermath?
04:45Like what happened?
04:47Where'd you go?
04:48What'd you do?
04:49I won the game, came came back to our condo here, did did part of my take.
04:55And then Big Dom got all the all the boys here into the after party.
05:00And I know that you've been a couple of those after parties.
05:03It's one of the greatest nights ever.
05:06Now the after party is big.
05:08It looked big, right?
05:11But we he got us the like the front, like the wristbands to like the friends and family
05:17section of it.
05:18So like there's like the like the really big after party with like I there's there's a
05:24bunch of people there.
05:26There's like a smaller section where like the players and like their friends, their
05:29friends are.
05:30So that was the entire like the entire team was just like in this small little section
05:34with us.
05:35And it was like a surreal moment to just be partying with the guys who just won the Super
05:41Bowl 20 minutes after it happened.
05:43So it was awesome.
05:44Shout out.
05:45Big Dom.
05:46What's going to be like, Oh, yeah, Gilly, Gilly wasn't there by the time that we got
05:53there because I had to go back and do the podcast.
05:56But I saw like videos of him performing.
05:59He left right out.
06:03I think there was like a bunch of different parties.
06:05Got it.
06:06I mean, it's a little underwhelming.
06:08The story.
06:10I mean, am I going crazy?
06:11They're not like they're not like you just kind of seem like a low energy blob right
06:18Like, yeah.
06:22This is your moment.
06:23You're just like, yeah, they won the game.
06:24So it was nice.
06:25And then we went.
06:26I mean, I guess you don't even need them on the show.
06:29I don't know what you want me to do.
06:30I maybe that's because maybe it's the blowout factor again, like anti climatic.
06:37I mean, this looks like you won a week 12 game.
06:42I just won the Super Bowl.
06:43What do you what do you want?
06:44What do you want me to do?
06:46I also I've done I've done my my recap.
06:50I had my I had my big my big moment last night.
06:56All right.
06:57Thanks for coming on, Max.
06:58You want me to you want me to leave?
07:02Oh, no.
07:04I mean, that was.
07:06I wish I had a better story.
07:10Congrats on your little Super Bowl.
07:11That was great.
07:13This is great.
07:14I'm like, oh, I just want to see what I see like drenched in champagne, the cars and fucking
07:20like, what are we?
07:22This is like you won week six against the fucking Panthers or something.
07:25I don't know.
07:26Let him go.
07:27I was I was doing a shooie out of my walking out of my walking boot with truly should be
07:32doing a shooie right now.
07:34This is the fucking moment.
07:35It's good.
07:36It's good.
07:37Let him go.
07:38Let him go.
07:39You got the flyers.
07:41This is absolutely dominated the Super Bowl.
07:42Get rid of it.
07:43I'm bored.
07:44I'm bored.
07:45Oh, my God.
07:46I like like think about, you know, think about what was the Arizona Super Bowl with Dave
07:51has no voice.
07:52He's puffing.
07:53This is like these are legendary moments from Barstool, bro.
07:56The one the one thing I will say to defend Max here is that, you know, I've seen my team
08:01win two Super Bowls.
08:02Both of them.
08:03It does.
08:04It does.
08:05Everybody's seen a fucking championship by now.
08:06Fuck you guys.
08:07It does.
08:08It does.
08:09Like that moment was the Malcolm Butler interception, right?
08:11That is a moment that will live on forever.
08:14I don't know.
08:15Well, I don't know.
08:16You get the Malcolm Butler.
08:17You got twenty eight three.
08:20You got Vinatieri field goal at the buzzer.
08:23I mean, we want me to keep going here.
08:26You got the Eagles.
08:27The guy McNabb puking on his shoes down the stretch.
08:30I mean, I'll go one down the list.
08:32I got a lot of moments, Steven, and I was just excited.
08:36Go, man.
08:37I'm excited.
08:38I don't know.
08:39I'm excited.
08:40I don't know.
08:41I'm excited.
08:42I'm down.
08:43I don't even know why I started to draft kings and all that.
08:45So I don't know the use of code run down and sign up.
08:49That's good.
08:50Run down.
08:51The crowd is yours.
08:52College hoops is coming for all your favorite personalities.
08:55And I'm sure he did it to Max's defense on PMT.
08:58I'm sure he went crazy and did all the stuff there.
09:00And, you know, we get to see, you know, the Fesbian was too tired to put on an act for
09:05us today.
09:06He can't do it again.
09:07You know, he's a guy.
09:08I don't.
09:09I don't.
09:10I don't.
09:11I don't.
09:12I don't.
09:13I can.
09:14I will leave.
09:15I will leave.
09:16I will respectfully leave.
09:17One of the worst post Super Bowl performances ever, ever.
09:23It's almost going to be memorable in a way.
09:25This is if you're going to do this, you know, lethargic, low energy.
09:31Well, we won the Super Bowl.
09:33Big Dom gave us a bunch of bracelets.
09:36It was cool.
09:37They were there.
09:39I aren't very good.
09:42All right.
09:44Thanks for having me to awful.
09:51I can't, man.
09:52Like, I don't know what I expect to do.
09:54Just high energy like we can't like who are their enemies.
09:58I'm more I was more fired up about the what happened in the Chiefs.
10:03And I really became a chief.
10:04That's me.
10:05I'm I'm recapping the whole fuck.
10:08I'm sticking it to Giants fans.
10:09We took St.
10:10Quad from you.
10:11We won the fucking chip.
10:12We fucking ended my homes.
10:13We Kelsey was crying.
10:14Tell us.
10:15Let's get.
10:16But I mean, there's a million things.
10:17And you just, you know, we won.
10:18Yeah, we won the game because the blowout factor.
10:22And I'm sure I haven't seen you ever.
10:25You ever had a dominant Super Bowl.
10:28You'd be running up the score on that.
10:30I will say when Michigan won the national title, I inserted myself into every single
10:35show that we had during the course of the day.
10:40And I kept the energy on one hundred million trillion.
10:43Like you got to go on tour.
10:44Oh, you got to be the car wash, man, because these clips will live on.
10:50These are the clips you get.
10:51Remember, you got to be going.
10:53You got to have confetti in your hair.
10:56You got to be holding like you just you know, it is, man.
10:59It might be.
11:00And I can't.
11:02Maybe I would be the same way.
11:03I don't know.
11:05But when you're like a loser, like born losers like us, me and Max, like you might not know
11:11how to win.
11:12I don't know.
11:13Yeah, I mean, I don't want him to fake it.
11:17It's just he's such a loud, obnoxious guy.
11:19I was expecting some level of like, fuck you or fuck you beat my homes and Brady.
11:27Like I mean, fuck, fuck, you know, like, you know, I don't know if you guys got wind of
11:33this, but on Monday night in New Orleans, like we all got there like Sunday night, Monday
11:36for the week.
11:38And Big Cat took us out to a very nice dinner, private room.
11:41Yeah, I saw the speech.
11:42Yeah, I mean, the speeches, the speech was unbelievable.
11:45Everybody about 10 of us spoke.
11:47Everyone was just like, hey, really thankful to be here.
11:48I love everyone.
11:49I work with everyone.
11:50So talented.
11:51Max gets out there.
11:52We picked randomly out of hat.
11:53Max gets up there and just gives a 90 second pump up speech about how the Eagles are better
11:57in the trenches.
11:58He doesn't thank anyone.
11:59Maybe he's just exhausted.
12:00Every single person could say that they were bested by Patrick Mahone.
12:03Yes, yes.
12:04Every team in the NFL could say that.
12:05However, it only takes one night to beat Patrick Mahone.
12:15Why not this Sunday night?
12:17Why not?
12:18We have the better trenches.
12:20We have the better running back.
12:22We have the better defense.
12:24At the end of the day, defense wins championships.
12:26All right.
12:27So Sunday night, we will fight.
12:28Uh huh.
12:29And the Philadelphia Eagles will return.
12:54You will return as Super Bowl champ.
12:55Let me get a Goldberg.
12:58You've got to get the reserve.
12:59Like, the way I look at it, the players play on the field.
13:06That's their job.
13:08Then my job starts after they win.
13:12Exactly, man.
13:13Like, all right, you did your job.
13:14Now my job is to infuriate every other fan base, rub their faces in it, and not let them
13:20up for air. That's my job.
13:23Max should have done the rundown from the top of a fucking telephone pole, a greased
13:27up telephone pole, holding the phone on fucking broad street. You've got you have the best
13:32O-line and D-line ever. You won in the trenches. The big you got Cooper Dejean pick sixes like
13:37there's so many fucking moments to dig into and run up the score and be cocky.
13:41That was what's the point of winning a Super Bowl? Honestly, I don't know. Yeah, and it's
13:50usually over the top. Mountain Dew had a blast of refreshing tropical lime to your
13:54game day of Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Tropical lime flavor. Mountain
13:59Dew. So delicious. So refreshing. So perfect. Game day. Ride the Baja wave on game day.
14:05Grab Mountain Dew Baja Blast for you and your crew whenever refreshing beverages or I will
14:10say a lot of people nailed the game.
14:13Our experts Greg Olson, when we had him on, he goes, listen, the Eagles don't win. I think
14:16they're going to beat them pretty bad. I think it was close. The magic plays will go
14:20Kansas City fair. Gruden said Philly won't be able to run the ball. They really couldn't.
14:26They stopped the run, but it was the defense, the trenches and anybody you talk to before
14:31the game, they're like the lines.
14:34Both of them go to the Eagles, but they were picking Kansas City because the Mahomes and
14:39the legacy magic. They're like everything. And by the way, it started that way on that
14:43pass interference, which is a awful call. The offensive pass interferes. Did you see
14:47Hopkins being like, what are the people going to say now about the refs? All you Kansas
14:52City babies complain about the rest. You lost by 100. I think that was the point.
14:59The I don't I don't blame people. I felt the same way, too, though, like until it does.
15:06It does feel Brady ask. Like, I know he's not there yet, but if you were if you're looking
15:10at how it's tracking, I got to a point with Brady where it's like I'm not betting against
15:14him until it happens.
15:16And now it happened. And now things change. But I don't think going into it, even despite
15:20knowing that, like, in my opinion, when you have that much better of a line and a D line
15:24like nothing else in the world matters, I think you win that football game 100 times
15:27in a row. But when there is somebody who is an all time great until they lose a game like
15:33this, I don't think it's crazy to to to believe it could happen or bad.
15:37They were down 10, nothing. And the live line was two and a half. And I was petrified.
15:40And I didn't touch it. It's just like after after the that past interference on AJ around
15:46there to punt it. And that first throw that went to Juju for the first down, we kind of,
15:50you know, pivoted one side, went to the middle.
15:53I was just like, oh, fuck, like it's going to be one of those days. And it was. Well,
15:57you know what? Because even what was it? Ten nothing. Yeah. Like they were getting their
16:02fucking ass kicked and it was still, you know, yes, it was very Kansas City asked.
16:07And then but then it was, you know, the pick and the bomb and like all of a sudden it just
16:11spiraled. And then what was it, I guess, when it was two minutes left in the half and it was
16:15like, all right, if they score here, you make a game through the pen and they threw the pick.
16:18That to me was it was awful. I mean, most awful. And again, from my perspective, I'll ask you,
16:24I'm biased to me. It ends any comparison between the Patriots and the Chiefs just ends it.
16:31I mean, like right now, but like what if he goes back and wins two in a row?
16:34We can reopen the books. Fine, fine. But I mean, if he was like 40,
16:39I understand. Well, you got to remember they're getting all like the Patriots
16:43had two runs at this. The Patriots had dynasty one, dynasty two, same coach, same quarterback.
16:49But doesn't that lend doesn't that mean to you like I've never seen Brady get embarrassed like
16:54this on a national scale. So I don't think it's the same. Brady falls behind by 25.
17:00We're dancing by the end of the night. This team's losing by 50.
17:03But again, like what is people put so much stock in? It's kind of like the LeBron and Michael
17:09thing in Montana when he was perfect in Super Bowls. Like if you're not making it to the Super
17:14Bowl every time, if you're losing, I think losing to the Jets in the playoffs is worse than this.
17:18No, why not? You want the Mark Sanchez versus like an all time? Yes,
17:24I'm memorable. Exactly. But I'm saying but, you know, like that's just like a
17:29silly point because you're just. I think that's why you're saying that,
17:33like most people, Brady, don't even remember that game. If outside of like Patriot or Jets fans,
17:40if you're like, did the Jets ever beat the Patriots? Most people probably like,
17:43no, they never did ever because it wasn't. It was an early round game.
17:46Don't remember. It doesn't mean that like this will be remembered.
17:49Pat Mahomes has been demolished now twice in the playoff in the Super Bowl box, like demolished.
17:57Like you can't these two seasons be like arguably the chiefs were the best team.
18:03They're not even close. They could play a hundred times. They're not going to be.
18:07What do you think is worse? If the homes just keeps going back, right?
18:11Having a couple blowouts on your resume versus having like a nine year drought,
18:15we'll reopen this thing if they win it. Got it.
18:19Obviously, Philadelphia fans going crazy. You got people riding horses through the streets,
18:23grabbing flagpoles. I mean, Philly's doing Philly stuff, which is what you expect.
18:29I saw some girl climbing a pole. She's wearing like that book cover as like a costume.
18:35So, I mean, Philly's doing what they're doing. And congrats, they deserve it. I did see a lot
18:39of people. Taylor Swift got booed. I see all the political people trying to turn that to like a
18:43political thing, which is hilarious. Like she's rooting for the Chiefs and it was almost all
18:47Eagle fans. So obviously she's going to be booed. By the way, Jalen Hurd stepped the fuck up.
18:52He played a good game. Yeah. I mean, I thought he made some big passes.
18:58He had a horrible interception. Yes. Let me say this, but I'm saying I guess I should say when
19:04your defense it was going to be a blowout. I thought when your defense is doing what your
19:09defense is doing, it certainly puts the quarterback in a pretty advantageous position.
19:16Like you get the ball first and goal at the 10. You have a defensive touchdown.
19:21They're playing away from a head like he he's in control of the game, basically.
19:27And that was the defense. That was all the defense.
19:33I don't know what I've been doing. I thought most of the commercials were horrible.
19:37Yeah. Not great. I don't like the was it McConaughey, whatever that commercial was,
19:42where he's in the rain, like have a new commercial for months. Yeah. The whole like
19:48leak it a month before really ruins a lot of the appeal. Yeah. Half time show.
19:55Most people hated it. I feel like most people cared about the jeans.
19:59Yo, how tall is that guy? A foot. He's like five. He's like five five. He's super tiny.
20:05He's very tiny. That was a bad Super Bowl show. It's like he's a good rapper and a good performer.
20:13The Super Bowl is a different stage, man. And when you just play like cuts off your new album
20:18that nobody fucking knows and a lot of people in the rap world are like he doesn't care.
20:23He did it for the culture. He did it for rap. You know, stop saying the culture.
20:27That's what people say to me in crypto. Do it for the culture. I don't know what the
20:31fuck that means. You know, it was it was for black people. It was for rap. It was it was not
20:36for the masses. That's all fine. But then the masses are going to critique you and be like,
20:39that fucking sucked. Why was Serena Williams in it? Because she's great.
20:45That's the other thing. It was heavily like that's like your moment. And he made it a lot
20:50about Drake. And I don't know why does Drake I'm not I'm not rock spirit. I don't particularly care
20:55for either room. But if somebody is coming at you, who's five or I feel like just keep calling
20:59a midget. Eventually you win. He did. But then Kendrick just kept calling Drake a pedophile.
21:04Who cares? You're a midget. I yeah. Hey, OK, midget. I would have gone with that, too. You're
21:10right. It's a little guy. I can't hear you up here. Are you calling me a pedophile? I can't
21:14hear you down there. It's different weather. You're in a different zip code. I don't even
21:18know you. I can't even see you. I don't want to step on you. Let me put you in my pocket,
21:21little man. He in the beginning, he was like, I'm richer than you and you're short. And then
21:25he went, no, no money, money, no. Like people can gain money, lose money, can't gain height.
21:31Hey, you're tiny. He's a little bit someone who's like five, 10 right on that average. I know.
21:38Get him that that I don't care what this little man says. Game over.
21:43Reese's peanut butter cups are the perfect combo of chocolate and peanut butter. It's an all time
21:48candy. It is bare minimum Mount Rushmore, if not top one, top two ever in the game. You've got
21:55the regular cups, you got the minis, you got the king size, different shapes, different styles.
22:01Maybe even be better when it has the layer of ooey gooey, delicious chocolate lava. And you can
22:06get Reese's cups anywhere, everywhere you go. The bodega, the corner store, the grocery store.
22:14Get your Reese's on every time because it's lava time, baby. So try Reese's new delicious
22:19chocolate lava big cups. That's the Reese's chocolate lava big cups. Try it out now.
22:25And then obviously I was. I've never been trenches, what they call it, jail stool,
22:30which is crashed. Oh, fucking mad at these crypto people. I'm so fucking mad. What's it
22:36out right now? It actually went up a little bit. But wow, it's been a wild, wild 48 hours for me.
22:43I mean, I was at the Super Bowl. I tweeted this out. I was invited to every party.
22:48Biggest talent in the world. I'm just laying in the dark.
22:51We're working on what it was, though, you know, it didn't work out. But I want to thank you
22:56because it was this was the moment, man. And these fucking crypto people just
23:00don't acknowledge it, don't understand it because they want it to be their little click,
23:04you know, and they get it. But it's what. And I'll go into this a lot more detail,
23:11but everybody basically in this inside crypto world is trying to make money, which is fine.
23:19I have no problem with being like it's it's the Draftkings like a rocket game where the
23:25rock goes up and you can eject whenever you want. And if you wait too late,
23:29your ship explodes, you get nothing. That's essentially what a lot of this crypto world is.
23:33However. I've never heard anyone playing the Draftkings game whining and blaming somebody
23:40else when the rocket explodes, whereas these crypto people are like, how do you get out?
23:46How do you eject? You fuck me over. I was you fuck me over before I could fuck you over.
23:53That's essentially what they say. I wanted to fuck you. You fuck me. You're a scumbag.
23:57So I did. I even though I bought this coin, Josh Allen MVP, and I just learned how to do it.
24:04And I've been deep studying crypto and launching coins, thought about it,
24:09still thinking about it. And I'm like, I got to kind of get the more I learn,
24:13the more before I do anything huge. I want to be in it so I can learn it, experience myself.
24:18So there's Josh Allen coin that's on there. I'm like, I tweeted. I think I said I lost a million
24:25betting the bills. I bet I can make a million on this. I'm going to try to make that money.
24:29I'm going to buy it. I'm going to flip it. I'm going to buy this. I'm going to flip it quick.
24:33I did that. And everyone, bitch, how do you flip it? You're a scumbag. It's like,
24:39why? Because I did it before you press the eject button.
24:43And they're whining and moaning hypocritical. So I'm like, all right. And everyone's making
24:48these coins and sending me them. Dave Portnoy is short. Dave's a pedophile. Dave's sex, Dave.
24:54Dave fucks his dog, everything. And I see one of them called like stool prison dent day,
25:01jail stool, a picture of bars over my face. All right. That was funny. So I was like,
25:08here, I just bought some coins in this. I don't own it. I didn't start it and I'll never sell it.
25:13I will never sell it until like it gets a billion market cap or half a bill, whatever. I'll get,
25:19it'll get to a point where if I sell it, it won't affect anything because the market cap, it's so
25:23big. Starts going crazy rocketing. Ironic that a coin that's making fun of the scammers calling
25:32me a scammer is now going. And I want to show people because I tell the truth. I'm like these
25:39people, I take a screenshot and I'm like, Hey, I could cash out for like half a million right now,
25:45if I want, but I'm not going to, I put the phone in my pocket. It sells it because I didn't get
25:51off the screen. I look, I'm like, oh my God, I just sold it after pounding my chest. Like I will
25:58not sell, trust me. And it looked like I really did a rug pull. So I'm like, oh my God, I had to
26:04put a hundred grand of my own money in to back up what I said. And once I did that, everyone's like,
26:11oh shit, he's telling the truth. And it went, it just went, went to $225 million market cap.
26:19I could have cashed out like a couple hundred dollars that I started with this thing for 6
26:24million, 6 million. I didn't touch it. I just sat, let it, it's not my coin. Other people are
26:32making money. 6 million Che. People are making money. It's crazy. Then I am talking to crack
26:41and we have a partner. They're going to onboard jail stool. Let people who don't know anything
26:48about this buy it. So I'm like, this should send it even higher. And I'm still saying I won't sell
26:53it. I could, I won't. I do a halftime press conference of the super bowl. And I do something
27:02that I think is like really nice. I'm like every a hundred grand, a hundred million, we go up in
27:08market cap. I will put a hundred thousand of my own money into it up to spending a million dollars.
27:15And I still will not touch it. It crashed. I have no idea what it went from like 200 market cap down
27:25to like one 30. And I do DDTG this morning and be like, you motherfucker. I'm working my ass off
27:32promoting this thing for free, not taking a cent, trying to get more liquidity in this thing.
27:37And these snipers, these rats, they're just profiting off me, but not normal people.
27:43Like it's the crypto experts making a bag on my back and normal people get
27:48fucked. So I did that press conference, calling them out, jail stool tanks.
27:54I will still promote jail stool forever. Not as much as I have. I'm rooting for jail stool.
28:00I'll never take a sack. I could still take out a million dollars right now. I'm not. I never will.
28:05I'm sticking to my word. I'll only even think of taking out of it. It's a billion market cap.
28:11And if it gets to 200 million, I'll put it in a hundred grand. Just I will do everything I said,
28:16but I'm not going to sit here and just work my dick off, promote this thing for nothing while
28:22I know the wrong people are profiting for it. Hopefully it goes up. I'm rooting for it to go up,
28:28but that's the elevator pitch on what happened with jail stool.
28:33If you were thinking about selling, there has to be someone on the other end buying.
28:38Would they know that it's you or is it just like a, okay.
28:41Which is great. That's what I said. I wanted it to be like, you can see what I'm doing.
28:48This thing, people are sending me like, you can send people coins. Like I have a wallet. People
28:56know what my wallet is. Okay. People send me these coins. That's what happened with jail
29:02stool. I just picked one out of a hat. That guy made a million bucks.
29:09There was that dude who put up like 70 grand. He made a million too.
29:12That guy could have made it if he held it, but people send me these coins.
29:17If I buy one, they can see it. I don't have to say a word. I can make 250 grand in 20 seconds.
29:24It's insane.
29:25Dude. I mean, I thought the same way as you that the main problem is regular people don't know how
29:31to buy these. And so that's a major problem, but it, it feels like the opposite. It feels like
29:36these crypto people don't like, it's like when your band goes pop and it's like, oh, well now
29:41it's now it's like, I think it's a combo. I think they're just greedy. There's so much money coming
29:47and they won't let it grow. And they're looking at it. Like if you're a bunch of pros sitting at
29:53a poker player at a poker table and a sucker comes in, you just suck the sucker out. So all these
30:00new liquidity, but it's so short sighted. It's so short sighted. Has there really ever been anybody
30:06of note with influence who has been like, I'm not going to sell. I will ride on the rocket ship
30:11forever. I really thought that was going to make a difference. I really thought people would be
30:15like, you know, obviously that doesn't mean it's going to just keep going up, but there's some
30:20safety. There's some level that we're going to maintain here. And the issue, I think I like,
30:26if you want your own coin and some people have major issues with it, you can control the supply
30:33a lot more. Yeah. So like you can prevent the selling. You can put more here by this thing
30:39got so big. I was just like a little Cheryl. I couldn't do it. The problem is if you launch it,
30:43I don't think anybody believes you that. Well, that hopefully now they do because I could like,
30:49yeah, I could be if I want to make, if I just wanted to be like, Hey, I'm going to hold this.
30:56I'm doing it. I'm pumping it. I, I could have made that all on jail stool. Right. I chose not
31:02to. So I, I did every, I haven't, I've been 100% truthful. So I think people believe that.
31:10What do you think people believe they see my wallet? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I'm saying that
31:14like you never will sell or they're like, I've seen a lot of people being like, he's lying.
31:17He's going to rug pull. And it's like, maybe this, you need to do this a couple of times to
31:22prove to the crypto world because literally every, about everybody else has rug pulled
31:27every 28 seconds, 26 seconds, a burglary takes place in the United States. According to FBI data.
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32:40I don't even, it's getting to the point. I don't even feel bad for like, used to be like rug pull,
32:45rug pull. I wouldn't do it. I'd never do it. It's not worth it. But at the same time,
32:50like you're just trying to rug pull them. Yeah. It's like, it's a, it's a, it's a showdown. It's
32:55a roll showdown. It's like each person has a hand on the rug. It's like, who's going to pull first
33:00and it's going up and up and up. Now when you pull, it's done going up.
33:04The main reason that is though, I think is because these coins don't have any actual
33:08value, right? Like, so it's just to make money. So why come up with the utility, but I would argue
33:16Bitcoin didn't have a whole hell of a lot of utility when it started. Doge doesn't have
33:20right. Some of them, I don't know. Fart coin. I don't understand infuriating, man. I don't
33:25understand. Why are people buying fart coin? I don't know. It's just, I think it's like
33:32kind of a thing going viral. It's just like it was too. Why did it stop?
33:36Why did it stop? When I, when I made what I thought was time, bro, that I was, I was like,
33:43I don't want to do this. Like, I'm going to just give a million dollars to a coin. I'm just giving
33:48it away. I, there has to be a level of distrust. That was just like, he's not telling the truth
33:54because everything you're saying and doing should make a coin more appealing than the average
34:00fart. Here's my only answer. When I say that suckers, normal people are like, let me put in
34:07and the sharks are like, let me pull out. So I looked and I looked into putting in. So that's
34:14probably why I crashed. I have no idea how to do any of this. If people are sending you coins,
34:18that means there is some type of, I think you said infrastructure behind it. So they can
34:23hobby it. Yeah. They're the legal part of it is like, Oh, this is cool. It's a baseball card.
34:28I own 30,000 jail stool baseball cards. So yes, there's an infrastructure you can
34:33send just shows up in my wallet. But honestly, like my wallet right now, I can go tell you like,
34:43wasn't it different to me though? Like the US dollar, the treasury just prints it. There's
34:48inflation that the people are, it's like, as long as I like crypto, listen, the stock market,
34:56Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, all these people, when they do IPOs,
34:59we don't have access to that. They get it more where the public doesn't guess what
35:03the public buys it. It goes boing. And then they go, Hey, same exact shit.
35:08Right. Right. At least there's, you know, uh, it's, it's on a controllable level for
35:13the average person. Do you think that people like, are you, if you're going to do another
35:22coin or invest in something else, are they like, like if you were to say I'm sticking
35:26with jail, still in only jail, still, you think it goes back up? No. You think it's just done?
35:32I don't know. I don't know what the other people are gonna do. I, there's a big portion,
35:38I believe of crypto who is just like, I'm going, I don't give a fuck about, which is fine. I'm
35:44going to try to make the most money and I'm going to pull when I think it is. And maybe
35:47they have algorithms and they see what's coming on and trading. But, um, I don't know.
35:53I did see somebody say like, uh, one of the people who replied, I don't know who it was
35:57to your tweet was like, you got 72 hours in a coin and then that, then that's it. The craze
36:02just dies. It's like, uh, you know, it's a viral moment and then the viral video goes away.
36:07But I don't know. It's like if someone who can continue, like you have such influence to make
36:14things viral. And I thought it was going to be, all right, he's going to start doing day-to-day
36:17trader. He's going to do the right. And it's like, but then when they tanked it, it's like,
36:22what am I doing this for? I think I'm just doing it to fill the pockets of the people who are going
36:27to take it. Like the way I look at there's, there's this money. That's just, if you look
36:32at trading it in and out at different coins. So if you're at a poker game using that analogy,
36:37this is how I look at it. And there's 10 pros at the table. You're just trading the pros money.
36:43Like the money's moving pro to pro you need other people to enter the game. So there's more money.
36:49Well, who's going to enter the game. If the second they come in, you fucking wax.
36:54Yeah. But also what are you going to tell the pros to take it easy on the new guy?
36:59So I get, you know what I mean? It's like, you're not, you're doing,
37:04but that's what I got to the jail stool. I was starting to worry. Am I leading sheep to
37:10slaughter potentially? And am I just like doing this for the sharks to eat the minnows? Like,
37:15and I'm doing this all while I'm not making a cent. But this, so this is where, all right,
37:21here's a question. How many, what's the percentage of crypto freaks versus like regular people that
37:26bought that? You think it was like 90, 95, five, 95, five. So if, if we, you know, you're talking
37:33to Kraken and, and we're like, Hey, bar stool fans. And you're talking on part of my take,
37:38and you're talking on the run or DVD trader. And you're like, use this promo code stool or some
37:42shit, use Kraken. It's easy. And now all of a sudden that's like 75, 25. Does that?
37:48Yeah. I, I, yeah, but I don't think like the money comes in and they just take it so quick
37:53and a normal person's like, I just put a thousand bucks. It's down to 400. I'm out.
37:58But yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm just like everything.
38:03It's not an easy process either. It's like, you gotta sign up, give your thing. And it,
38:08I just feel like if you, you know, stoolies always rallied to do like everything,
38:12they always have surprised us. Like every turn they've always showed out
38:15and they just don't know how to do this one. And if, if they did and it was easy and they
38:21it's just, it gets it. You can say, invest at your own risk, do all that. I don't know.
38:25Is there a way, I mean, I guess this kind of sounds like barstool gold desk,
38:30which was not a success, but it's like, if you buy jail stool, you get free tickets to
38:36chicks in the office show and you get, I don't know. That'll do. I mean,
38:39the problem is you need the cryptos people liquidity as well. Like it all plays together.
38:45Yeah. Like, I mean, this thing went to a $225 million.
38:52I thought we had five in us, Dave. I thought 500 was there, man. But I thought five was people
38:57are like, because the Trump coin people like that would have gone even more, but Melania
39:01came out and fucked it. It's like, I'm not going to touch it. I'm just going to keep
39:05doing things that help it. Now, do you think like, if you talk to coffee Zilla,
39:11if you talk to some of these people, coffee Zilla told me never to do it in the first place.
39:16I'm like coffee Zilla. I wanted car. I'm the oppo. I'm like coffee Zilk. I'm sitting there
39:21because we're doing it. That's where I thought, I mean, I guess I'm just drinking the Kool-Aid
39:25with your influence and Barstool's influence over the years, but they tell you not to do it
39:30because there's never been somebody doing it. Like you're doing it. Everyone is a scumbag,
39:35but you know, someone's not, then it could, you know, theoretically change the market,
39:40but they're just there to make money. It's hard to tell people to like,
39:43if you're here to make money and you can make the money, why, why would you not?
39:47If you're at a craps table and they're still rolling and suddenly you have a million dollars
39:54sitting on the table, but if it rolls seven, it's gone. It's really hard, I guess, to tell
39:58somebody keep leaving that because there's more coming in. Yeah. But I guess, wouldn't it be like,
40:04you know, if you said I'm going to roll with this table forever, I'm never leaving.
40:09Right. That's what I mean. Like it would, it should theoretically make that person think
40:12differently. Like I will eventually, but I don't control it. That like I was just a shareholder,
40:19not even the biggest, but that's also what I thought was good was that when you own it is
40:23when people think you're going to rug pull and it's like, I'm just an investor in the 30,000
40:28foot view though. Doesn't this prove that the next coin that you get behind, everyone's going to get
40:35in early and hopefully be around long enough to enjoy. I would hope so. Assuming you make a
40:40similar promise. I would hope so. I think I proved right. If I was trying to make money,
40:47making 6 million on a couple hundred bucks in a couple hours, pretty good. That's pretty good.
40:53And I just, I, I wants to start going. I knew that things were gone. It's like,
40:58but I haven't touched it. I even put more money back into it. I put more money in this. I put
41:0440 grand into it this morning, but then the question would be, would you rather make?
41:09And I don't even know what would be a realistic figure for you. A hundred million dollars. Would
41:12you rather make a hundred million dollars on this or break the system? Oh, listen, he said it
41:17himself. That was about ego and proven haters wrong. I'm telling the truth. Fuck you. That's
41:25this started because to show these people are coming at me, what hypocrites they were like,
41:30how dare you sell? This is for the call. And then they sold.
41:34Take a million dollar man. Everybody's got a price. What's what's the price that like,
41:38or is there, I would never ever mislead somebody ever. There's no price on that. I'd never be like,
41:45Hey, I'm holding. And then rug pie. I would never do that infinity. I would, I would set
41:51boundaries exactly like I did. Hey, if we, I originally said half a billion, then I said a
41:56billion. And if I do it, people will know exactly what I'm doing. And if they want to sell, they
42:01want to do whatever. But I think there's ways to like lock coins and not let people kind of fuck
42:08around or like, Hey, if you want to be in this, you're going to be stuck in it longer than a long
42:12game. Yeah. But isn't that kind of hard because someone has to be in the other end of your
42:17transaction. They have to know they're buying Dave Portnoy stuff. In which case they're going
42:21to lose a lot of like, is that incorrect in my thinking? As long as it keeps going up,
42:28everyone wins. Obviously, if there's no more buyers or people think it stops, you lose.
42:33I think I've always thought you have to get to a market cap where it's a fluid thing,
42:40like where people selling and buying don't affect the price and the mark goes up and you have to
42:45look for utility. What can I do? Think of a fish. What is the utility? I don't know. I mean,
42:52I was going to merge. I don't know. Yeah. You link up with things. I don't know. It's a new space
42:57that that to me is where, you know, if Barstool fans like you buy this, it's an investment.
43:02You make money. It's got to be bigger than Barstool. Yeah. But I'm saying if it's tied
43:06to Barstool in a way where it's like you're a person who buys Barstool merch anyway, you buy
43:10tickets to shows, you do these things anyway, do it through this. And it's an investment on top of
43:15the show. You look at GameStop and that was the meme frenzy. Just people are making a lot of money
43:19and people believe in us and Barstool will make a lot of money and the doubters will be like,
43:23I'm selling, but we overwhelm them with price and you make money.
43:27As long as everyone knows that the score is that you could lose money, I'm fine with it.
43:32I want it to go back up so bad, man. Fuck those people. Is there anything that you like?
43:38But I don't. It's like I'm caught. I mean, I get not wanting to put the work into it,
43:45but it's not even the work. It's like I don't know that's going to go like
43:48if I put the work in, is it just the snipers taking? It's not going to.
43:53But also, I do understand that you don't want you don't want like like you said,
43:56leading lamps to slaughter. But I think there is a longer, bigger play of being like
44:02the guy who breaks the system sort of thing. Well, that that is what I want to look at this
44:06one. I have no control. This was just like a joke thing that went viral and like I got behind it.
44:12But I have absolutely nothing to do with it. I don't control any of it.
44:16Right. Could you do like a a coin launch and announce it like, you know, on March 1st,
44:23I'm going to be launching Dave coins. Stoolies get in. I'm going to be with this for the next
44:29two weeks or something like that doesn't exist. No, you can. But if you announce early,
44:34all these pros have these things called sniper bots. So think of a ticket agency.
44:40Taylor Swift goes on sale, who gets 90 percent ticket, the resellers,
44:43and they jack them up so people can't. That's what I thought people loved about this.
44:48That was why it was organic. This was the one to cut that out because I didn't know I was going
44:52to do it till I did it. Yeah, that wasn't like people. There's no one in a million years who
44:58could have thought jail stool was going to be like a thing. I just was like, oh, that's funny.
45:03That that's why I think it's such a knock on the crypto community, because it's like
45:08this the stars aligned for everything you've ever talked about and the complete opposite
45:13of everything they've hated. Still, I will never know why it tanked at that halftime show. I
45:19couldn't believe it. I asked how high is it goes is tank and I go, what? Crazy. I was ready for
45:24that, too, man. I was like, I mean, it tanked. I said I'm committed to this thing, like basically
45:30forever, but put my own capital in it for no reason. And it tanked. That to me, though, feels
45:35like when you when. It became a crack in mainstream thing that these fucking maybe
45:43like it's just our little crypto thing, we don't want the normies, we I don't know what that means.
45:47That's that's crazy to me. So stupid. But that's kind of like like I said, with music, like you
45:52want to have the underground band, you don't want to have the pop band like. But this is money like
45:56you don't want the normies money like now. I know that's what they should want is is a bunch of
46:02somebody in the crypto world will have to explain to me why that when we did the crack announcement
46:10that very much seemed to tank it. I'd have no idea. I found that if that's me, you got a bunch
46:17of Stephen Chase who don't know what they're doing. Me, people don't know what they're doing,
46:21throwing their money in. That's only going up and it's only more for you're in at like 20 cents
46:27could go to 10 bucks. Like, yeah, that's what I thought. I thought I was drinking the Kool-Aid,
46:32man. I really thought this is the one. I hope it still is. I, you know. Yeah, I'm still rooting
46:37for it. I like I still money in it. I stand by everything said, but because I'm down to
46:43nine hundred and eight grand now and it was at six million at one point. Yeah, I'm down to
46:48a crazy. All right, Rhonda.
