El Despertar de los Muertos Vivientes (2017) Película Completa en Español Latino
El Despertar de los Muertos Vivientes (2017) Película Completa en Español Latino
El Despertar de los Muertos Vivientes (2017) Película Completa en Español Latino
El Despertar de los Muertos Vivientes (2017) Película Completa en Español Latino
El Despertar de los Muertos Vivientes (2017) Película Completa en Español Latino
00:02:22Yeah, or I can este momento podemos verlo muerto la pregunta que les hago es
00:02:29Como murió
00:02:33Primero recuerden que el paciente se quejó de dolor de garganta fiebre y dos
00:02:41Considerando estos factores pueden encontrar la causa de muerte de esta persona
00:02:55Bien alguno de ustedes tiene una teoría basada en esta información si feliz
00:03:03Abby no creo que la sífilis infecte los pulmones
00:03:23Correcto ahora soy que clase de influenza es h1n5
00:03:30cerca h1n1
00:03:32Miren los pulmones colapsados no podían inflarse y tampoco proveer oxígeno eso fue lo que lo mató
00:03:40No te preocupes hoy este no es un examen
00:03:56Quiera venir a la fiesta de fin de semestre a beber con mis estudiantes
00:04:02No, gracias
00:04:05Tú si vienes cierto no ve tú yo debo terminar unas pruebas
00:04:09Oye no sea tan dura contigo sé que estas cosas te obsesionan lo sé es solo
00:04:15Que como no lo vi
00:04:19Bueno llámame claro
00:04:44Perdón por interrumpir soy
00:04:46tu paciente acaba de llegar para la muestra de sangre
00:04:50Me ayuda a mí el me pone incómoda sé que es un poco extraño pero los anticuerpos en su sangre son cien por ciento más
00:04:57elevados de lo normal es algo que nunca antes hemos visto
00:05:01créeme soy esta es una gran oportunidad para ti
00:05:26Hola soy hola más
00:05:29Es bueno verte otra vez tu brazo
00:05:35Lo que tú quieras por favor sube tu manga
00:05:54Pensaste sobre lo que te dije antes te dije que no me interesa max
00:06:04No me rendiré jamás quiero una oportunidad
00:06:11Aprieta el puño
00:06:22Como vampiro
00:06:25Me chupas la sangre
00:06:35Soy gracias por ser tan linda el otro brazo
00:06:56Qué es eso te gusta
00:07:01No vuelvas a hacerlo soy hay algún problema no
00:07:06Solo estoy dando mis muestras sal de aquí maldito enfermo
00:07:18Ese tipo está loco no me dejen paz no permitas que los pacientes te hagan eso se fuerte para la próxima
00:07:27Camina la fiesta espera
00:07:44Esta buena
00:07:48Conviene bebé ya me conoces no soy tan social todos los días ves personas hoy bebé donde estabas
00:07:57Intento sacar a mi amiga la tímida
00:07:59Vamos por una cerveza se acabó el primer barril pero tenemos más en la morgue me ayudan
00:08:06Con vivo después lo juro
00:08:30Peter donde estás
00:08:39Es un idiota por favor sabes que todos queremos hacer esto no solo los idiotas como tú
00:08:48Perdón soy un tonto y lo sabes ahora vayamos a embriagar nos
00:08:54No me vuelvas a hacer eso
00:09:21Qué haces aquí
00:09:25Tranquilo soy
00:09:28Solo quiero hablar
00:09:30No hay nada de qué hablar
00:09:34Estamos conectados no hay ninguna conexión fuimos hechos
00:10:02Tú eres mía
00:11:54I'm pasado cinco años desde el primer brote cuando reportes de todo el mundo publicaron que el virus se convertía en una emergencia internacional
00:12:03Ya era muy tarde muy poco sobrevivimos los demás se volvieron carroñeros
00:12:12Yo fui una de las pocas con suerte en llegar a un campo de refugiados a tiempo
00:12:17Solo para ser asignada al bunker high rock
00:12:20una estación militar de reconocimiento para reunir información sobre los carroñeros para el centro de prevención de enfermedades
00:12:27el problema es que ha pasado un año desde nuestro último contacto con ellos
00:12:34Y mucho más desde que vimos a un sobreviviente
00:12:40Este es nuestro hogar ahora parte base militar y parte campo de refugiados
00:12:46Hay que conformarse con lo que hay purgar por todos lados
00:12:51después de todo
00:12:53Este será nuestro hogar por mucho tiempo
00:13:03Hola Shannon como te sientes mucho mejor gracias hoy más te vale dejar dormir hoy a tu madre
00:13:15No corras Jeremy nunca
00:13:18Oiga doctora una ducha después de su ejercicio dígame si necesita ayuda tranquilo ya está apartada es una simple broma lucy
00:13:25Solo quiero mantenerme fresco hasta que llegue la indicada te quedarás esperando
00:13:30Eso fue duro doctora muy duro
00:13:36Crees que el teniente tiene razón y solo
00:13:39Estamos perdiendo nuestro tiempo aquí tal vez dios no quiere que reglemos lo que sucedió
00:13:43No importa lo que miguel piense tenemos una misión
00:13:48y te apoyo
00:13:58Me pasas la muestra del carroñero ocho por supuesto
00:14:06Aquí tienes
00:14:10Recuerdo este
00:14:12Este tipo tenía unas horribles mordidas en las manos que crees que le pasó
00:14:18puso las manos en los calzoncillos equivocados
00:14:27Lily tiene más fiebre el medicamento no funcionó bien iré a urgencias
00:14:46Dime dónde te duele cariño en todas partes
00:14:51Eres una chica muy valiente
00:14:54Cierra los ojos y descansa
00:14:56Pronto te sentirás mejor si
00:15:05Si jeff logra una buena cosecha
00:15:08Podremos sobrevivir veré que puedo hacer esperemos que la madre naturaleza coopera algún otro problema
00:15:13Si encontramos más ratas pero este se encargará he notado descuidos estamos en guerra
00:15:20un error
00:15:22Puede arruinar todo lo que hemos logrado no voy a tolerar ninguno soy llegas tarde siento interrumpir pero es algo serio
00:15:31Los antibióticos que usé con lily no funcionaron está peor
00:15:35Creo que es neumonía bacteriana y es altamente contagiosa
00:15:38Está en cuarentena pero aún así tú eres la doctora y me dices que no hay nada que hacer no tengo los antibióticos para tratar a
00:15:46Debemos ir por su ministro ya saqueamos todos los lugares dentro del área designada para tu estúpida investigación de carroñeros
00:15:52Debemos ir más allá de donde siempre vamos
00:15:55Arriesgarnos yo era estudiante de la universidad
00:15:58Arriesgarnos yo era estudiante de la universidad de Whitman
00:16:02El almacén de suministros médicos estaba en una bóveda con código
00:16:06Y yo sé el código no está muy lejos
00:16:09sé que está lejos pero vale la pena ir tendríamos suficiente medicamento para lily y evitar que se propague su enfermedad o mejor sólo
00:16:17la islamos
00:16:20Aislarla no ayudará en nada su enfermedad se propagará por todo el búnker muchos moriremos
00:16:28es una sugerencia médica
00:16:36De acuerdo
00:16:37mi hermano vaca se encargará de su pequeño paseo
00:16:40se van mañana temprano y vuelven en la tarde no paseen ni se desvíen está claro si señor
00:17:08Todo estará bien
00:17:15Te extraño
00:18:01Que pasa
00:18:07Porque esta cara
00:18:10Me tengo que ir
00:18:13En serio hablamos de esto la última vez es que tengo cosas en la cabeza y nosotros
00:18:21Eso no importa te amo soy mira me importas
00:18:28En serio, pero
00:18:30Tengo que ir a revisar a lily
00:19:02Hola soy hola cielo
00:19:08Mañana temprano iré a buscar algo para hacerte sentir mejor
00:19:14Hay que arruinaros allá afuera no está bien
00:19:18No me asustan
00:19:21Hazme un favor
00:19:23Me cuidas esto mientras me voy era de mi mamá
00:19:30Solía protegerme cuando era pequeña
00:19:34Ahora hará lo mismo contigo
00:19:38Buenas noches cielo
00:19:42Buenas noches
00:20:06Don't know
00:20:20Don't borrow the notch
00:20:27My demos por estas medicinas
00:21:22Hacía esto cuando era niña
00:21:29Nunca antes había hablado de tu infancia
00:21:34De tu madre de tu padre no hay mucho que contar
00:21:42Y tú
00:21:44Mi papá era soldado nunca sonreía
00:21:50Excepto cuando me llevó a casar con miguel
00:21:53Es difícil creer que sean hermanos son tan diferentes miguel siempre ha sido así
00:22:01Siempre queriendo ser superior
00:22:06Siempre queriendo controlar todo
00:22:09Como mi padre
00:22:18Sabes que extraño
00:22:20una rica hamburguesa con papas fritas
00:22:23Yo extraño las pizzas de masa gruesa al estilo chicago genial y tú elis
00:22:31magis plays
00:22:34Un restaurante de wichita donde nos llevaba mi madre
00:22:37La mejor tarta de manzana que he probado que rico frank
00:22:41tu que extrañas
00:22:43helado pollo frito o que extraño cuando la gente se calla
00:23:14Segura en el perímetro
00:23:17Este es un lugar de carroñeros
00:23:19Los veremos hasta que estén encima nosotros no tenemos la culpa de esto alfons pueden callarse y cuidar sus espaldas dime que es lucy
00:23:29Vamos otra vez el radiador
00:23:31Dijeron que ya estaba bien en cuanto tiempo lo arreglas
00:23:35No sé
00:23:37El anticongelante no llega al bloque del motor el teniente se enojará si llegamos tarde y lo sé
00:23:42está deprisa lucy a oscurecer pronto lo sé
00:23:47Ya lo escucharon
00:23:49El primer equipo asegura el perímetro el segundo vayan al este
00:24:04Oye tomas
00:24:19Ya pasó tiempo
00:24:22Deberíamos volver volvamos en un par de días
00:24:26Lili no puede esperar unos días lo siento pero no veo por qué arriesgar ocho vidas por una
00:24:32Espero que entienda te lo explicaré de esta forma y si lily fuera tu hija o tú el enfermo del bunker
00:24:41Porque si no lo logramos eso pasará
00:24:48Carroñeros todos en posición
00:24:53Ya casi acabo un minuto más
00:24:57Parece un enjambre
00:25:01Esto lo tengo
00:26:09Lucy Derek y Tomas quedense aquí los demás conmigo
00:26:26Derecho y luego a la izquierda
00:26:35Al final doble a la izquierda
00:27:15Despejado sigamos
00:27:54Okay, let's get
00:28:13Esas son vacunas y estos antibióticos hay que llevarnos todo
00:28:34Están alertas llegamos en cinco
00:28:40Bien estamos listos vámonos muy bien
00:30:37Y soy los disparos vienen de la razón rápido venga
00:31:17Por Dios soy que diablos de paso estás bien estoy bien está bien debemos irnos ya
00:31:41Frank debemos irnos por dios está infectado
00:32:06Díganos si de prisa mueve
00:32:11Vaca y Frank
00:32:13Lo perdimos
00:32:16De prisa
00:33:02Revisa los homers
00:33:06Llegaron muy tarde
00:33:08Tuvimos problemas con el vehículo
00:33:12Y perdimos a Frank
00:33:15Murió es por eso que no salimos de este lugar para que la gente no muera en vano no fue así las medicinas las tenemos
00:33:24Dime teniente de vieron abortar la misión necesitábamos los suministros
00:33:31Y Frank
00:33:34Porque no le dices hoy
00:33:42Lo siento él
00:33:46Esto es tu culpa fue tu idea ir a ese lugar
00:34:39Todo los residentes vuelvan al bunker de inmediato
00:34:41All residents return to the main road.
00:34:49All residents return to the main road.
00:34:52All residents return to the main road.
00:35:05Didn't you hear the warning?
00:35:06I'm looking for my ball.
00:35:09I'll go get it, you go.
00:35:11I'll go get it, you go.
00:35:34I'm sorry, I thought you were okay.
00:35:37An apology won't work when the policemen come for you.
00:35:41I'm sorry.
00:36:12I've got it.
00:36:17Hi, honey.
00:36:19You're back.
00:36:21A promise is a promise.
00:36:28Maybe this looks bad, but you're very brave.
00:36:36A little more.
00:36:38A little more.
00:36:41Very good.
00:36:55Thank you very much.
00:36:57You're welcome.
00:37:38I'm sorry.
00:37:42I'm sorry.
00:37:54I'm sorry.
00:37:57I'm sorry.
00:38:08I'm sorry.
00:38:29This is the emergency bunker, High Rocks.
00:38:31If you can hear me, respond at this frequency.
00:38:38This is the emergency bunker, High Rocks.
00:38:40If you can hear me, respond at this frequency.
00:38:46This is the emergency bunker, High Rocks.
00:38:48If you can hear me...
00:38:50Did you want to see me?
00:38:53Leave us alone.
00:38:54Leave us alone.
00:39:05Zoe, I wanted to see you because I think we've had some misunderstandings.
00:39:17Don't talk to me like that in front of others.
00:39:20I'm in charge.
00:39:21My job is to keep people safe and decide what to do.
00:39:31You can go.
00:39:51You can go.
00:40:43What did you want?
00:40:45Ask him, Baca.
00:40:47He's your brother.
00:40:48Hey, hey, hey.
00:40:51Miguel shouldn't have blamed you for Frank.
00:40:54Yes, it's not your fault.
00:40:56Frank knew the risks we took when we left.
00:40:58What matters is that you saved Lily and all of us.
00:41:03And we thank you.
00:41:18I have to get back to work.
00:41:22I have to get back to work.
00:41:31Damn rats.
00:41:51Damn rats.
00:42:08I was in the game.
00:42:09I mean it.
00:42:11Your pitchers couldn't even throw a fastball.
00:42:14You need a good space to warm up for a good game.
00:42:18I don't care what you saw.
00:42:19The Yankees are the best.
00:42:21If it wasn't for the Carroñeros, we would have won the season.
00:42:24Yeah, sure.
00:42:25The Rangers would have destroyed them.
00:42:27High Rock's best.
00:42:29Chet's words.
00:42:33Here you go.
00:42:35What's up with this line?
00:42:36People have work to do.
00:42:38I'm sorry.
00:42:39I started very late in the morning.
00:42:40Steve was supposed to fix the stove, but he hasn't arrived yet.
00:42:46Go talk to your boyfriend.
00:42:47And tell him to come fix the stove right away.
00:42:50Yes, sir.
00:42:55Move it, soldier.
00:43:05Where are you, honey?
00:43:10They're looking for you in the dining room.
00:43:17Miguel is mad!
00:44:01Hi, Lily.
00:44:04Hi, Zoe.
00:44:05She's asleep.
00:44:06Let her rest.
00:44:09You can come back tomorrow, okay?
00:44:12See you tomorrow, Lily.
00:44:15Hi, Zelo.
00:44:21I wanted to give this back to you.
00:44:23Not at all.
00:44:24It looks better on you.
00:44:32Very good.
00:44:33It's bedtime.
00:44:35My mom has to wish me good night.
00:44:39She'll be with you when she gets home from work.
00:44:44Get some rest, Zelo.
00:44:46Sweet dreams.
00:45:16Alarm in the medical wing.
00:45:17I repeat, alarm in the medical wing.
00:45:20Run, run, run!
00:45:23Keep going!
00:45:29Please, no, no, no!
00:46:06Do you recognize me?
00:46:07Why are you still alive?
00:46:22Don't kill him!
00:46:23He's not a scavenger!
00:46:24Zoe, to the side!
00:46:25Look at me!
00:46:26We need him alive!
00:46:27No, he's one of them!
00:46:30It's not true!
00:46:31His name is Max.
00:46:32He was my patient.
00:46:33He was the one we were looking for!
00:46:46We got you, damn animal!
00:46:52What did you do?
00:46:54Are you crazy?
00:46:55Why didn't you kill him?
00:46:57He's alive.
00:46:59I need him for my investigation.
00:47:01For me, he's a scavenger.
00:47:05But scavengers always bite.
00:47:08He had a chance to bite me, and he didn't.
00:47:11He had a chance to bite me, and he didn't.
00:47:15Try it.
00:47:21Zoe, you don't have to do it.
00:47:56Can you see him?
00:47:59His brain is still working.
00:48:01He was bitten, but something in his body stopped his development.
00:48:04It could be the answer to fighting the virus.
00:48:06You can't cure a scavenger.
00:48:08I'm not talking about a cure for scavengers.
00:48:10I'm talking about a vaccine to protect us.
00:48:13A bite wouldn't be lethal anymore.
00:48:19Give me a chance.
00:48:21This is all nonsense.
00:48:22Shoot him.
00:48:23Miguel, wait.
00:48:24If there's a chance to do it,
00:48:27let him try.
00:48:30That vaccine
00:48:32could save Frank.
00:48:40Do your tests.
00:48:42I want him locked up.
00:48:44If there's a problem,
00:48:46kill him on the spot.
00:48:49Yes, sir.
00:48:54It's only been 12 hours since Max was put under observation.
00:48:59And the residents of Bunker High Rock
00:49:01already have opinions about what to do with him.
00:49:05Miguel is looking for any excuse to kill him.
00:49:09With a significant decrease in blood samples from scavengers,
00:49:13I need to get more samples to continue investigating
00:49:17and find specific evidence that Max is different.
00:49:21Max's organs...
00:49:27Look at this.
00:49:29It's incredible.
00:49:31Some of his internal and external organs are dead,
00:49:35but others are incredibly alive.
00:49:38The heart, eyes, legs, and cranial area
00:49:42still have human functions.
00:49:44And do you know why?
00:49:46No, I don't know yet.
00:49:50I have to take blood samples.
00:49:54You know the protocol, Zoe.
00:49:56A false move and I shoot.
00:50:01Relax, Max.
00:50:06You want me, right?
00:50:10I know.
00:50:15I'm your Zoe.
00:50:18Don't worry.
00:50:22I know you came here just for me.
00:50:31You like it when I'm nice to you.
00:50:39I'm going to blow your head off, you disgusting bastard.
00:50:41No, no, Luis.
00:50:44I'm fine.
00:51:37What did you find?
00:51:39According to the blood sample,
00:51:41his hormones are strange.
00:51:44I've never seen anything like it.
00:51:46And do you think that stopped the virus?
00:51:49Maybe, but there are nine hormonal glands.
00:51:52I still don't know which one.
00:51:54If I can find the source,
00:51:56maybe I can extract it to make a sample.
00:51:59What do you need?
00:52:01I need cells of the live scavenger virus.
00:52:05Maybe we can go get one to make a sample.
00:52:09Of course not.
00:52:10Do you know how much we risk
00:52:11by letting that thing stay here?
00:52:13I need a live sample to compare it to Max's.
00:52:16It's the only way to know what hormone it is.
00:52:19Please, there must be a way.
00:52:23I don't know.
00:52:25Please, there must be a way.
00:52:33The perimeter fence.
00:52:36We'll use the doors to get them in one by one,
00:52:38in an orderly manner.
00:52:41When do we do it?
00:52:55This door is locked.
00:52:58Very good, team.
00:52:59We'll do it quickly and efficiently.
00:53:01No one will play hero.
00:53:03We'll get one scavenger in at a time.
00:53:05Bravo at the door.
00:53:06I'll follow the scavengers.
00:53:07I don't want Soy to get close
00:53:08until the scavenger is secured.
00:53:25It's time to fish.
00:53:26Let's do it.
00:53:35Get one in at a time.
00:53:37Weapons ready!
00:53:55Derek, act!
00:53:56Mobilize him!
00:54:03They're getting very close!
00:54:04Let's hurry!
00:54:15Another one!
00:54:17We have the test sample!
00:54:18Just one more!
00:54:20We have the test sample!
00:54:21Just one more!
00:54:26Let him in!
00:54:29Hurry up!
00:54:31Don't let them get away!
00:54:33Why are they taking so long?
00:54:35They'll break the fence!
00:54:40Get down!
00:54:41The fence will break!
00:54:42Where are you?
00:55:20You think you're scaring me?
00:55:22I've killed hundreds of scavengers like you
00:55:24and I'd like to kill you right now.
00:55:34Soy is your girlfriend?
00:55:39She's a manipulative bitch.
00:55:44Miguel, come quick!
00:55:45They're taking him out!
00:55:47Miguel, come quick!
00:55:48They're taking him out!
00:56:00Open the door!
00:56:04Open your eyes!
00:56:17How the hell are the scavengers here?
00:56:23We went to get the samples.
00:56:24You let them in, didn't you?
00:56:29What the hell?
00:56:37What the hell are you doing?
00:56:40My job.
00:56:41I must protect them.
00:56:43Lieutenant, please.
00:56:46Soy can help.
00:56:47It's too late. There's nothing we can do.
00:56:48It wasn't in the head.
00:56:49The infection takes time in a bite like that.
00:56:51The vaccine may work if it hasn't spread yet.
00:56:56And you already have that vaccine?
00:57:01I thought so.
00:57:08Are you crazy?
00:57:10A bite or a bullet.
00:57:11Just because you have a gun
00:57:13doesn't mean you can decide who lives and who dies.
00:57:16Are you sure about that?
00:57:19I think I asked you not to talk to me like that.
00:57:23Put her down.
00:57:35Twelve hours.
00:57:36And I'll kill him.
00:57:38With or without the vaccine.
00:57:53What the hell did you do?
00:57:55Are you crazy?
00:57:57Pointing a gun at Soy like that?
00:57:58I'm the officer in charge,
00:57:59who her brother betrayed and put this place in danger.
00:58:02Soy needed those samples for everything.
00:58:04You know that.
00:58:05Now you're following orders?
00:58:06I'll remind you who's in charge.
00:58:08Not her.
00:58:09Not you.
00:58:10Just me.
00:58:11Hey, Miguel.
00:58:12Are you crazy?
00:58:13What you did was stupid.
00:58:15I'm the only one who uses reason.
00:58:17Everyone believes in their promises about that vaccine.
00:58:20I'm your brother, Baca.
00:58:22Your own blood.
00:58:23Believe me when I say he's cheating on you.
00:58:27Don't you see what he's doing?
00:58:28Why do you think he's keeping him alive?
00:58:32What are you trying to say?
00:58:33The bodyguard has Soy's name carved on his arm.
00:58:36Wake up, Baca.
00:58:37Wake up, Baca!
00:59:38I'm sorry about Elise.
00:59:41I know you loved her.
00:59:55I need you to tell me you can really create that vaccine.
01:00:02Do you doubt me now?
01:00:04Do you doubt me now?
01:00:08Of course not.
01:00:13But you don't understand.
01:00:17Tomas, Elise...
01:00:20I sent them for you.
01:00:23For your vaccine.
01:00:24And they died.
01:00:27You're blaming me.
01:00:29Do you really think I'd risk their lives if I didn't think it was worth it?
01:00:32I don't know what to think of you right now.
01:00:34What does that mean?
01:00:35What does that thing mean to you?
01:00:38That thing...
01:00:40has your name on its arm.
01:00:48I know you're hiding something from me, Soy.
01:00:51I need you to tell me.
01:00:56Who was he to you?
01:00:59He was a psychopath.
01:01:02He tried to rape me.
01:01:05He tried to take what I loved so much from me.
01:01:09That's him.
01:01:13That's all.
01:01:15Are you happy now?
01:01:19Much better?
01:01:22Why didn't you tell me?
01:01:24Why didn't you tell me?
01:01:28Every time I talk...
01:01:32or look at him...
01:01:34I have to...
01:01:38I have to relive the worst day of my life.
01:01:44I just need you to trust me and believe in me.
01:01:51And if that's not the case...
01:01:54I'll do it myself.
01:02:55A toast to those who are no longer here.
01:02:58To Frank.
01:03:00My dear husband.
01:03:02Well, this is to Thomas.
01:03:04The one who made us all...
01:03:06better people.
01:03:08To Elise.
01:03:09We'll miss her.
01:03:14To our friends.
01:03:16To all of them.
01:03:17To our friends.
01:03:33Hello, Doc.
01:03:35This will do you good.
01:03:37I know you've been working hard.
01:03:39Thank you, Alphonse.
01:03:51You're so ugly.
01:03:54Don't get so close.
01:03:57The lieutenant was right.
01:03:59We must kill him.
01:04:01Stay away, Lucy.
01:04:09Did he bite you?
01:04:11I don't think so.
01:04:18Are you okay?
01:04:19Did he bite you?
01:04:21Lucy, go put some ice on your head.
01:04:24Al, take her to the doctor.
01:04:25Come with me.
01:04:40One day...
01:04:43and you're screwing up my life again.
01:04:51I'm sorry.
01:05:20You're nothing...
01:05:23but trash.
01:05:26You are mine.
01:05:50Go away.
01:06:16Go away.
01:06:17Go away.
01:06:21Go away.
01:06:24I'm tired of all this.
01:06:28I know what you're trying to do and it won't work.
01:06:31I only have a few hours to stop this virus
01:06:33and nothing you say or do will make me stop.
01:06:36Starting test for patient 15009, Max.
01:06:41Starting with current sample hypothesis.
01:06:44Homo sapiens blood and abnormal cells.
01:06:47Also known as carrion blood.
01:06:50Existing samples show that Homo sapiens blood,
01:06:53despite the different amounts,
01:06:55has a higher chance of becoming carrion blood.
01:06:58This means that there is a higher chance
01:07:01of becoming carrion blood.
01:07:02This means that Homo sapiens blood,
01:07:04despite the different amounts,
01:07:06reacts continuously with our tests.
01:07:08The virus does not give signs of giving up.
01:07:10It has infected and will always do so in alarming amounts.
01:07:13However, patient 15009's blood
01:07:16shows signs of lethargic activity
01:07:18with all human blood cells.
01:07:20They seem to coexist without any sign of threat
01:07:23for the living blood samples.
01:07:26Although the fact that your blood is inside someone else's,
01:07:29not to say mine,
01:07:30is disgusting.
01:07:32It is a critical point for my cure hypothesis.
01:07:35The moment of truth is near.
01:07:37Evaluating patient 15009's blood
01:07:40against the abnormal carrion cells.
01:07:43If this works,
01:07:45patient's blood can be satisfactorily inserted
01:07:47into our bloodstream
01:07:49to kill any carrion cell before it spreads.
01:07:52Patient's blood 15009
01:07:55is the answer to be able to destroy
01:07:57carrion cells in infected bodies.
01:07:59If it's not too late.
01:08:05come immediately.
01:08:26Hey, hey,
01:08:28It's Max.
01:08:29He's loose.
01:08:30Where is he?
01:08:31In my lab.
01:08:33Don't shoot him! I need him alive!
01:08:41Damn it!
01:08:43Turn on the alarm and send everyone to zone 3, now!
01:08:50All military personnel are to report to the emergency room.
01:08:54Civilian population must remain secure in zone 3.
01:08:58Civilian population must remain secure in zone 3.
01:09:02All residents are to report to zone 3.
01:09:05I repeat,
01:09:06all residents are to report to zone 3 immediately.
01:09:09Civilian population must remain secure in zone 3.
01:09:29Go to zone 3!
01:09:30I'll meet you there!
01:09:31Be careful!
01:09:32Are you okay?
01:10:06Help me!
01:10:08Oh my God, Lily!
01:10:09What are you doing here?
01:10:10He's coming!
01:10:24Mom, no!
01:10:25Please, no!
01:10:31What's going on?
01:10:32What's going on?
01:10:33Did something happen?
01:10:34What do we do?
01:10:36Why didn't the alarm go off?
01:10:38Calm down!
01:10:39What the hell is going on?
01:10:40What happened?
01:10:41We must be careful!
01:10:42The cop.
01:10:43I don't want to die!
01:10:45He's loose in the bunker.
01:10:47Tell us the truth.
01:10:48You don't have to lie to us, but you know how you are.
01:10:51Don't worry.
01:10:52Go back to sleep.
01:10:53Everything is under control.
01:10:55Lieutenant, something is wrong.
01:10:56We must know.
01:10:57Please, everything is fine.
01:10:58Just go back to your places.
01:11:03Let's go.
01:11:05Let's hope it's true.
01:11:09Are you happy?
01:11:10I told you not to trust Zoe.
01:11:12Kill the cop.
01:11:13No, we need him alive.
01:11:14Only then can we get the vaccine.
01:11:16Those who disobey my orders will be executed immediately.
01:11:19We have a problem in the barn.
01:11:21The guards are not responding.
01:11:22Let's go to the barn.
01:11:23Lucy, Alphonse, stay here to protect the people.
01:11:25The rest, come.
01:12:38Let her go.
01:12:45Let her go, Max.
01:12:49I am here.
01:12:56You need me, don't you?
01:13:02Do you love me?
01:13:07Let her go.
01:13:14It's okay.
01:13:19It's okay.
01:14:35Kill him!
01:14:36Kill him!
01:14:37Kill him!
01:14:39Kill him!
01:14:51What is the report from the barn?
01:14:58Lieutenant, do you copy?
01:15:02Watch out!
01:15:56Cover me, I'm going to close the door!
01:16:08Miguel, open the damn door!
01:16:10Lily and Zoe, stay outside!
01:16:12I don't care!
01:16:13The cops came in because of Zoe, so that's how it is.
01:16:16I won't let them out!
01:16:17Don't try anything.
01:16:19Or what?
01:16:21Will you shoot your own brother?
01:16:22If it's necessary.
01:16:27Don't force me.
01:17:30Cielo, are you okay?
01:17:38Come, Cielo.
01:19:12You are mine.
01:19:17You are mine!
01:19:23Get out of there, Lily.
01:19:47Don't do it.
01:20:02It's too late.
01:20:05I can feel it.
01:20:07In my body.
01:20:10It's becoming me.
01:20:12I don't want you to give up.
01:20:14The vaccine may work.
01:20:21I swear I don't want to be one of those things.
01:20:24Cow, please.
01:20:28I'm sorry.
01:20:29I'll stop the virus.
01:20:34Believe me.
01:20:37I can stop the virus.
01:20:40If I have to.
01:20:41I can stop the virus.
01:20:43You just have to trust me.
01:20:49I love you.
01:21:05I used what I could from the patient.
01:21:08From Max's blood in cow.
01:21:11I only used what was necessary.
01:21:13Since I needed the remaining samples to create a mass production for the antivirus.
01:21:20Technically, this was my first test on a human being.
01:21:26But I'm sure this will speed things up to make a mass production of the antivirus.
01:21:42Attention everyone.
01:21:44To those who are listening.
01:21:46I'm transmitting from the bunker of High Rock.
01:21:49Our doors are open.
01:21:51We have a vaccine against the bite of a scavenger.
01:21:54A vaccine that will prevent you from becoming one of them.
01:21:59From this moment on,
01:22:02know that the world is no longer as dangerous as before.
01:22:06Things are changing.
01:22:09Things are changing.
01:22:12And although we cannot return to the world of before,
01:22:15there is still beauty in it.
01:22:18There is still hope of being safe.
01:22:23For the moment, we can lower our guard.
01:22:27Be happy.
01:22:30And love.
01:23:41It won't happen if you just wait.
01:23:48Before it becomes too late.
01:23:55Is going away too fast.
01:24:01Your future's not in your past.
01:24:10Your future's not in your past.
01:24:15Your future's not in your past.
01:24:20Your future's not in your past.
01:24:25Your future's not in your past.
01:24:30Your future's not in your past.
01:24:35Your future's not in your past.
01:24:40Your future's not in your past.
01:24:45Your future's not in your past.
01:24:50Your future's not in your past.
01:24:55Your future's not in your past.
01:25:00Your future's not in your past.
01:25:05Your future's not in your past.
01:25:10Your future's not in your past.
01:25:38Fade into Black!
01:25:54It won't happen if you just wait.
01:26:01Before it becomes too late.
01:26:07It's going away too fast
01:26:12No, no future's not in your past
01:26:19Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:26:26Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:26:32Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:26:37Change, change, change
01:27:07Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:27:12Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:27:17Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:27:22Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:27:27Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:27:32Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:27:37Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:28:07Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:28:12Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:28:37Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:08Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:12Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:16Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:20Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:24Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:28Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:32Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:37Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:42Change, it won't happen if you just wait
01:29:46Change, it won't happen if you just wait