• yesterday
00:00:10Ready little guy I meant to scare him not you bad criminals beware
00:00:23Righteous, that's my old bud has the key
00:00:34It's totally my fault
00:00:37Why am I such an idiot?
00:00:39Calm down if I hadn't opened my big trap and Grodd wouldn't even know about Science Island now
00:00:44He does and he's gonna take it over all because of what I said. I'm sure it wasn't that bad well
00:01:06Okay, that's pretty bad
00:01:13Our plan is to infiltrate the blue beetle complex hopefully before Grodd and his soldiers have reached it themselves
00:01:18I know a secret entrance so we should have an easier time getting in than they will once we're in we need to
00:01:24Hi, May. Are you listening? What? Yeah, I mean, I just feel like such a loudmouth
00:01:30This isn't like some other crime where we just show up to save the day. We're here to clean up my mess
00:01:35That's right. So stay focused and listen to my plan
00:01:39Once we're inside we can take control of the complex and enable its defenses
00:01:43Whoa, what is that thing? It's huge looks like an official licensed Batman trash can
00:01:52You can talk I mean, uh, hey buddy, you know, sorry about that
00:01:57I didn't mean the whole trashcan comment more like a dumpster if anything or a tank. Yeah tank is much better
00:02:05This is protobot, he's one of the sentient armored robots I've developed
00:02:09This is protobot, he's one of the sentient armored robots I've developed I can tell he has your ears Proto
00:02:15I'd like you to stay here and guard the Bat jet. We'll call you if we need any backup
00:02:26Let's get going
00:03:09With any luck Grodd hasn't reached the complex yet and even if he has it'll still take him some time to get inside
00:03:20And that protobot guy is huge. I bet he could just sit on broad splat. No more monkey troubles. Hi, May stay focused, right?
00:03:28Focused I can do that. Why do I seem unfocused to you? Hey, do you think they have coconuts on this island?
00:04:09Don't know
00:04:46You can also turn your arms into laser
00:04:48Gorillas up ahead. You don't need to tell me I smelled them 20 feet back Grodd's leaving some of his soldiers behind
00:04:54He's obviously anticipating us following him. Maybe they got lost. No primates aren't the smartest animals, you know, actually they are
00:05:01Come on, we need to take them out before they can radio in. I was just joking about the smart animal thing
00:05:06I mean, of course I knew that
00:05:09All right, fine, I'll take the one on the left
00:05:53So, what's the deal with protobot I just told you I mean he doesn't talk like your typical robot
00:05:58Proto was the first in a series of defensive
00:06:04Robots are created in some ways. He's less advanced than the latest models, but he also ended up being a great friend
00:06:10I get you. You know, I wanted a robot for a best friend, too. Of course. I was seven at the time
00:06:16You sure you don't want to bring him along? I mean, maybe we could be his backup right now
00:06:19The name of the game is stealth. That's one area proto doesn't excel at I can imagine we're going pretty far
00:06:24You sure you don't want to hop back in your jet and land a little closer
00:06:27I'm sure the complex has a landing strip, right right now Grodd has no idea
00:06:31We're on this island. The last thing I want to do is alert him and turn this into a race
00:06:35I could fly us there right scarab. I've seen you fly. It would be quieter taking the jet
00:06:49Arkham's going to be busy tonight
00:07:01Welcome to the gadgets rack Batman, please make a selection, too. Would you like to purchase this gadget?
00:07:08Has now been purchased
00:07:32Perfect night for saving the city locked and loaded. This is gonna be fun
00:07:42Righteous, that's my old bud. How's the cape?
00:08:10Right send in the robot cavalry blue beetles represent go blue
00:08:15Can you try not to embarrass us for five minutes? Hey, wait, are those things gonna attack us next?
00:08:20We've been here before remember I may that's right. These robots
00:08:24Beware criminals for the entire ocean is my army
00:08:34Once again evil is washed away
00:08:37Your predecessor so let them do their thing and we'll do ours. Their thing looks a lot cooler
00:08:43You're pretty cool, too
00:09:02Must be annoying hopping between those rocks Batman. You sure you don't want me to fly us the rest of the way there
00:09:07I bet I could get us there in five minutes flat. Well, maybe ten actually which way we headed again. I'll stick with the rocks
00:10:28What happens when we get there knock on the front door check under the mat for a key
00:10:33Like I said, I know a few secret entrances into the compound
00:10:36Rod shouldn't have any idea about them and it'll take him a while to get in through the front gate, right?
00:10:41Right. I don't suppose we pass one of these secret doorways already like a shortcut so we can get off these rocks
00:10:48I said secret entrance Jaime not secret tunnel. Gotcha
00:10:51Harmon asking, right
00:11:51Well, what did you expect
00:12:51Time to head upward since you don't want my help
00:13:05Would you mind if I rode on your back?
00:13:06My wings are getting a little tired with all this flying over every obstacle. Was that a joke sort of don't quit your day job
00:13:23Guess you think I'm a pretty bad superhero for letting Grodd know about this place
00:13:52You're not a bad hero, but you could learn to keep quiet once in a while, right good advice good advice
00:13:57I'm actually really good at staying quiet. Not a lot of people know that about me
00:14:01There's this one time a couple years ago might maybe like six or eight months ago
00:14:04I didn't talk for like a whole hour like an entire hour. This is crazy, right? I'm a what? Oh, yeah. Oh, sorry
00:14:27Once again evil is washed away
00:14:52See you bats, let's do lunch
00:15:20You were right looks very
00:15:24Entrancy you got the key in a matter of speaking
00:15:27I brought along a device that the last blue beetle gave me it should open most sealed areas in the complex
00:15:32That's handy. It also packs quite a punch against robots
00:15:35So you two must have been pretty close what with him giving you the spare key to his place and all he was one of
00:15:40The greatest heroes I've ever known and a good friend. Oh
00:15:44You're pretty good, too
00:16:12Arkham's going to be busy tonight
00:16:19Stop crime-fighting ready little guy. I meant to scare him not you bad
00:16:30You want to know what's really shocking me outrageous
00:16:40So, how do we know if Grodd's gotten inside yet keep an eye out for signs like banana peels tree branches issues of popular gorilla
00:16:48Monthly more like piles of wreckage and debris
00:16:51Check we should keep a lookout for banana peels to go
00:17:05See banana peel called it
00:17:10Ape alert. I found some wreckage. You were right. I guess they beat us inside
00:17:14It certainly appears so we should be able to bust right through this you could tidy up later
00:17:46More wreckage I got this one Batman step aside and watch these Pistons do their thing
00:17:52Ready scarab the wreckage is too thick. All you'll do is let everyone know where we are. Let's find another way
00:17:57Are you sure because I think I can come on
00:18:00Really quiet just one piston I've seen your Pistons
00:18:12Lit you guys up like a Christmas tree
00:18:25Why is Grodd so obsessed with technology anyway, he's a criminal mastermind who rules his city based on the idea that he's the smartest one
00:18:33Technology equals intelligence in his eyes that and he likes shiny things. So Grodd some kind of super genius, right?
00:18:39The talking didn't give it away. What about the rest of the apes? Are they super intelligent, too?
00:18:44I mean, I've seen them use guns, but I've also seen them scratch their butts for 10 minutes
00:18:49I wouldn't say genius, but all gorillas from Gorilla City possess an above-average level of intelligence
00:18:55City that's where they live. What was the name monkey town taken?
00:19:00Monkey they're even smarter than some humans. I know yeah, but if they're good, hey, I got that, you know real funny
00:19:12Elevator, oh nice to take a break from all the walking and fighting
00:19:16Should we go up or down? We're on the ground floor. I'm a I knew that
00:19:20So up then
00:19:34How does that thing work anyway, it creates an electromagnetic pulse that's converted into waves
00:19:39Amplifying each other in a cyclical formation until the device reaches a critical mass. Ah, yes, of course
00:19:44Of course, I think I've got something like that. Yeah, let me try
00:19:51You know what maybe you should keep doing it good idea
00:20:43Looks like we need to split up to get this thing open you want to take higher low
00:20:46I you know what? Let me take high. I've got the wings by the way, you think these wings look cool, right?
00:20:52I you know, I was meaning to ask you I was worried they might come off a little
00:20:55Fairy princess or something, you know, not that there's anything wrong with that
00:20:59But if I'm gonna get my own action figure, I really need to start thinking about which I'm a yeah
00:21:03You need to start thinking about moving right way ahead of you Batman. Well way above you. Anyway, let's go
00:21:46Man you just got
00:22:00Once again evil is washed away
00:22:12Me I'll let you guys up like a Christmas tree. See ya
00:22:25This is such a cool place. I need a lair every good hero has one. You've got the Batcave somewhere, right?
00:22:31Yes, you think the old blue beetle would mind if I set up shop here since we share the same name and all I hear
00:22:37It's got a pretty bad gorilla infestation. Try to stay focused. I didn't mean now
00:22:48Arkham's going to be busy tonight. Oh, yeah shock one up for the blue guys
00:23:05Yeah, the brave and the bold wait, which one am I
00:23:17You want to know what's really shocking me outrageous
00:23:30Looks like they've breached hallways all over the complex. We need to get to the control room. It's what Grodd was searching for
00:23:36There's a control room
00:23:37Why wasn't I told this if we can get there before him we can turn on the rest of the complex's security measures and put
00:23:43Everything in a lockdown state that should drive Grodd and his soldiers out of the complex
00:23:47What happens if he gets there before us don't ask?
00:25:15Once again evil is washed away
00:25:33Let you guys up like a Christmas tree
00:25:50Hey, can I ask you something?
00:25:53Hero question sure. How do you keep yourself from getting a wedgie in your costume?
00:25:57And this thing's always riding up on me and it's a little too snug in you know, those delicate places
00:26:01You know, I mean, I'm just used to wearing baggy clothes at school
00:26:04My outfit is made out of armor plating and synthetic fibers
00:26:07Not a bug on my back a bug that can hear everything you're saying. I might remind you. Oh, right. Sorry, buddy. No offense
00:26:39Major choice
00:26:56Hammers of justice
00:27:34Watch out for the electrified floor where the one you're about to walk on to oh, oh, right. Thanks for the heads up
00:27:40I'll just not go down there then good plan
00:28:52Let you guys up like a Christmas
00:29:24So before when you said it would be a bad thing if Grodd beat us here
00:29:27How bad were you thinking pretty bad really bad as in he now controls every robot in the complex
00:29:35I was afraid of that
00:29:37So the heroes have arrived
00:29:39But let's continue our chat in a more comfortable setting
00:29:55One stage down in one two, wait, how many are left?
00:30:12Welcome to the gadgets rack Batman, please make a selection to purchase or upgrade a particular gadget
00:30:22Would you like to upgrade this gadget
00:30:25This gadget has now been upgraded
00:30:32Like the points required for this gadget, please if you like the points required for this gadget, please make another selection
00:30:42This gadget has already been fully upgraded. Would you like to upgrade this gadget?
00:31:03Perfect night for saving the city locked and loaded. This is gonna be fun
00:31:20Lousy monkey see I can fly whenever I want. I just have to be ready to fly. That's the thing. Ah
00:31:26Much better
00:31:28This is where the magic happens. I take it. Thank you for telling me about this place blue beetle
00:31:34Without you, I might have missed out on one of the world's technological treasures
00:31:40Yeah, well don't get cozy Grodd Batman and I are here to kick you and your monkeys out on your shiny red butts
00:31:47Monkeys smooth timing, but you're thinking of baboons. Oh, right
00:31:51So, I suppose you're gonna make these machines smash us now that you control them now, why would I let the machines have all the fun?
00:32:05You really shouldn't have done that
00:32:12A little too slow hero
00:32:27Attacks are worthless. I feel nothing
00:32:40Stand still let me try the meat from your bowl
00:32:52Did you really think that would hurt me stop that you're annoying Mary
00:33:03Did you really think that would hurt me
00:33:10He keeps getting back up he's too powerful to defeat now just keep running and hopefully we can find a way out of here
00:33:51Don't know if I'm gonna make it out of here, but I'm not gonna let you get away with this
00:34:03Bow down before he keeps getting back up. He's too powerful to defeat now. Just keep running and hopefully we can find a way out of here
00:34:13You heroes and your principles
00:34:21Worthless I feel nothing
00:34:43Wow, he's pretty tough when he wants to be I thought you two had fought before
00:34:48Yeah, well, yes in a bank for five minutes and that was really more of a laser battle
00:34:52Not to mention he and his monkeys sort of cheated you want to get technical about it. So Grodd got away
00:34:57Well, yes, but I got the money back. Come on. Let's get out of here
00:35:18If your eyes peeled in your fists locked and loaded this is gonna be fun
00:35:28Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash outrageous
00:35:40What we need to find now is a hardline computer terminal so I can download the schematics
00:35:44Hey, I'm kind of like a computer terminal, right? You want me to zap you with this?
00:35:48Yeah, I'm gonna go with a big no on that computer terminal. Keep your eyes peeled
00:35:55Not literally Oh
00:36:11Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:36:44I'm down little guys. We're on the same team. Check out the blue broad set up the system to defend against us
00:36:49I protect him and his gorillas. Yes. We lost our backup. Let's try to avoid detection
00:36:54We need to travel where Grodd can't monitor us service tunnels wiring shafts bathrooms. What it's illegal to have cameras in there
00:37:21Really super intelligent that one's eating a jar of mustard I may right. Sorry
00:38:13Am accessing the layout now once we have that we can use it to locate the central core central core like an Apple core
00:38:20Basically the central core is a small data mainframe that runs everything in the complex and why the heck didn't we go there first?
00:38:26I was hoping we wouldn't have to the device is about the size of a bowling ball
00:38:30Anyone in possession of it has the ability to control any electrical object within a hundred feet. Really? That sounds wicked
00:38:37Hey, do you suppose I could borrow that central core thing? Once we find it. There's this pinball machine
00:38:41That's really been kicking my butt on campus. Come on
00:38:49Did I mention I can turn into anything
00:39:19This will slow him down
00:39:34Grants gorillas are below tread quietly
00:39:37Rod said if we see humans we shoot them cross a lot of things
00:39:41What if you would attack us first attack with what we have the guns, but what if they have guns to you stupid?
00:39:49Heroes don't have guns. They just talk and try to make villains give up
00:39:54Turn self in do right thing
00:39:58You better did this me can help you sound like old buddies of yours. Not funny. I may
00:40:57Need some help kid I'll make this fast
00:41:04Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:41:19Preventing crimes one by one
00:41:31Oh, yeah, brave and bold wait, which one am I get ready to deliver some justice
00:41:37Cover those ears boys things are about to get loud. Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:42:07Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:42:33Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:42:37Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:42:45Cover those ears boys things are about to get loud. It's been real boys
00:43:20Have you ever noticed all these complexes are built like a video game I think I mean we're walking down a hallway
00:43:26Oh, there's a door but you got to hit those three switches to open it dead end. Guess we have to backtrack
00:43:31Oh look a new passage opened up. Now. We just I'm a yeah
00:43:34This is not a video game now, please try to stay focused and keep the chatter to a minimum focus minimum chat
00:44:30Grodd finds a central core before we do what's plan B finding the central core is plan B
00:44:35So what if we can't don't think like that Jaime a hero has to stay optimistic
00:44:40You can't just hope for the best outcome. You have to believe you can actually accomplish it. I could be optimistic
00:44:47The next time I see Grodd, I'm gonna drop a robot on see totally optimistic good
00:45:45Arkham's going to be busy tonight
00:45:54It's a perfect night for saving the city ready little guy I meant to scare him not you Batman
00:46:03It's my old bud, how's the tape give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:46:15The central core should be a few hundred meters ahead
00:46:18We'll have to get past these electrical fields to reach it and it will probably be well guarded
00:46:22You know, we could have just called robo bot in here to get it for us proto bot
00:46:26Yeah him robots probably love electrical fields, but it's like cheese puffs to them
00:46:30All we get is a charred butt quit complaining hero. We're almost there if this place is so old
00:46:36Why does everything look so advanced?
00:46:38I've been wondering that since the last time I came here the original blue beetle was way ahead of his time
00:46:42He dreamt up technology that no one else would come up with for decades
00:46:45Several of my gadgets are based on his designs cool
00:46:48Of course his greatest contributions to the world were the crimes he helped prevent
00:46:51There are hundreds of people out there today living better lives because of Ted pretty big shoes to fill definitely
00:46:57How would you say I'm doing so far ask me after we stop crying right the mission got it
00:47:52Time to go sir. See you back. Let's do much
00:48:13Intruders you do not have clearance. I think they found us remain still until you are escorted away
00:48:20All hail Grog
00:48:22Hi, May. Yeah, you know those Pistons you mentioned earlier
00:48:25I call them los perros grandes get ready to use them on three one two three
00:48:36Need some help kids, I'll make this fast
00:48:42Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:49:20Need to use Ted's gadget to remove its defenses one moment
00:49:36Ouch watch the scarab
00:49:42Finally let's crack this thing open and get out of here. I feel like a rat in a maze
00:49:46I need to use Ted's gadget to remove its defenses one moment
00:49:51That should do it. Oh
00:49:55Thanks for the gift Batman. Oh
00:50:01Come on if this device does what you say it can then it's worth more than this barren island
00:50:08Assuming you can get out of this room with it pretty safe assumption
00:50:21Better call Blackgate. It's going to be a full house tonight
00:50:31It's a perfect night for saving the city locked and loaded this is gonna be fun
00:50:42Whiver with fear felons outrageous
00:50:59Grab on we can't let grunt get away. Hello. Do you not see the giant wings sticking out of my back?
00:51:05This is faster fine
00:51:13This is like surfing oh I could get into this don't let him get away
00:51:17That device will allow broad to control you line them up and I'll knock him down
00:51:22Too easy perfect shot as usual. See you bats. You have to admit though. This totally seems like a level in some video game
00:51:34Doesn't seem like we're gaining on him we are just try to keep balanced and take out any gorillas that come your way
00:51:39Take them out. I hardly know
00:51:42No, yeah, I'll take care of them
00:52:01You should sell these things to kids
00:52:08This is fun, this is what beware criminals for the entire ocean is my army
00:52:23Once again evil is washed away. I
00:52:27Need an archenemy
00:52:29Every good hero has an archenemy that complements. What about broad? Does he have an archenemy? Typically the flash takes care of God flash
00:52:36How does that make sense?
00:52:38Monkey versus speed a good arch villain should be like an evil opposite version of the hero like Lex Luthor and Superman
00:52:46Brains versus Ron or you and the Joker. I mean he is so funny and you're um, you're totally awesome
00:52:54It's where we passed that rock before and that
00:52:58And that one
00:53:00You think Grodd would ever hire human thugs or is he like stuck giving the work to apes?
00:53:05They don't seem very good. They don't even wear pants. Well, generally Grodd hates all humans. He's probably jealous that we're potty-trained
00:53:16What's the deal with Grodd's helmet it boosts his mind control abilities what I didn't know he can read minds
00:53:22Relax, I've got an electronic locker in my ear and you're scared of locks
00:53:26You the less broad has been using his mind control
00:53:30Chatter about random nonsense is all vision. Nope. That's pretty much all me
00:53:49No one escapes justice
00:53:56There's that rock again
00:53:59You let him up and I'll knock him down
00:54:03Nailed it perfect shot as usual. See you bats
00:54:06Feel like we've been chasing him for ages. It's been about five minutes. Yeah, I mean superhero time. That's like days
00:54:15Surprised that thing can support him guessing Grodd doesn't do cardio
00:54:20See see right there right there. That's the exact same rock. You must be going in circles or something
00:54:26Stop looking at the rocks. You ever notice how funny the word broad sounds broad
00:54:32That's like I'm burping the alphabet or something
00:54:48Finally let's wrap this up so I can get home and catch up on my video games
00:55:01One stage down in one two, wait, how many are left?
00:55:10Criminals beware ready little guy. I meant the scarab not you back
00:55:21We've got you now you big dumb monkey there's nowhere to run Grodd hand over the device
00:55:30Protobots stay back. What an amazing piece of technology Batman
00:55:36Mind if I take him for a spin not good, right?
00:55:40Really not good
00:56:06Did you really think that would hurt me
00:56:40Don't regret that
00:57:10Play fair
00:57:23Your attacks are worthless I feel nothing
00:58:00Hope you learned a lesson about bragging blue beetle believe me. I did next supervillain. I fight. I'm keeping my mouth shut
00:58:10But what about Grodd he knows about this island now, he'll try this again
00:58:19Well, that's convenient, come on, let's take this monkey back to his cage in Blackgate
00:59:03Back in action ready Batman. It's a perfect night for saving the city
00:59:08It's nearly midnight
00:59:11Time to wind back the clock on Gotham's famous dark night
00:59:17What's this one's name again clock King? Does he always make puns about time?
00:59:23like clockwork
00:59:24Excuse me. I am talking here. Sorry clock game. We didn't mean to tick you off or grind your gears
00:59:32Yes, well, I
00:59:35Hey, this is no time for a funny stuff. You should have seen the villains we had back when I was starting out
00:59:41Now those were some classy foes. I'll bet I have planted explosives
00:59:48You ever hear of the metal menace, of course 50 foot tall robots with metal clamps for hands
00:59:53They came from outer space, you know, really
00:59:56Listening to me get
00:59:59Explosives all over Big Ben and they will go off at a stroke of midnight
01:00:04Unless you what about brainwave? Oh boy. I haven't thought about him in ages
01:00:11His head must have been about three feet tall. I always got him a dr. Savannah confused. You're not the only one kid enough silliness
01:00:19It is now time to die heroes. You can catch up in the afterlife
01:00:25I'll beat us in ready Hawk man. I've been ready for 40 years Batman. Let's go
01:00:32Tick tock tick tock. There isn't much time left until Big Ben is a pile of rocks
01:00:54You'll never make it through my clockwork maze
01:01:24Time is not on your side
01:01:31Stay back. I'm warning you
01:01:42Beware of falling gears heroes
01:01:50Let's see how you like this face
01:01:59Quit wasting my time
01:02:04Time is not on your side. Stop doing that
01:02:25I think you'll like this one
01:02:34Time to buy back your cloths
01:03:03Have time for just one more
01:03:17As my time really run
01:03:22That was quite a workout. It's great to see you in action Hawk man
01:03:26You've been my hero ever since I was a kid
01:03:28But this is the first time I've had the opportunity to team up with you one-on-one
01:03:32Happy to help kid. I'm just glad I was here in the area and you're doing a real good job out there in Gotham City
01:03:39Well, thanks. Come on. Let's get this hunk of junk back to the watch repair shop and call it a night
