• 2 days ago
9-1-1 S08 E03


00:00Come on! Come on! Come on!
00:15Okay, check his pulse again.
00:20Nothing, Maddie!
00:21That makes six minutes of cardiac arrest. This is the co-pilot?
00:24The only pilot!
00:26Has air traffic given an estimate on when they'll have you on the ground?
00:30This kind of puts that in flux!
00:32Look, I know you're dealing with a lot up there, but if there's any way to continue compressions until you land,
00:36it will keep oxygen flowing to his brain and he might have a chance.
00:41Thanks, Maddie!
00:42You should rotate out every two minutes.
00:44Okay, let me take over.
00:46Come on, come on.
00:50Yo, come with me!
00:55We're here now, CPR!
00:59Come on!
01:04All right, you figure out who comes next and keep rotating them in!
01:07But that's the only reason anyone gets out of their seats!
01:10Okay, where are you going?
01:12To land this damn bird!
01:21Maddie, are you still on with Sergeant Grant?
01:23No, she's talking with ATC.
01:24Then you should pick up line two. It's her husband.
01:30Bobby, I just hung up with Athena. Don't worry, she's okay.
01:34Okay, just Maddie, talk to me. Tell me what's going on.
01:37Her phone has gone straight to voicemail.
01:39Yeah, ATC's been tying up that line.
01:41A flight instructor is coaching her down to the airport.
01:43Yeah, that's where we're headed.
01:45Is that Buck? Bobby, are you with the 118?
01:49No, we're in a stolen truck.
01:51You stole a truck?
01:52We borrowed it.
01:54Who's that?
01:55Brad Torrance, nice to meet you!
01:57Listen, Maddie, I need to speak with Athena.
01:59She's been trying to reach me all day.
02:01I need her to hear my voice and I need to hear hers in case...
02:04Bobby, she already knows.
02:07That's not good enough.
02:08Buck said that you've been in contact with other people on that plane.
02:12Can you try one of them?
02:13Don't hang up. I'll start dialing numbers.
02:17Say that again?
02:18We borrowed it.
02:19We borrowed it?
02:21That's crazy. I never knew you was British. I would never have guessed.
02:25It's called action, son.
02:33You ready, champs? We're back to plan B.
02:36What's plan B?
02:41Okay, ATC, what am I doing?
02:44We're going to start your descent.
02:46Then it's just one last turn to line you up at the runway.
02:49And then we get to the part where this plane lands itself, right?
02:52One step at a time, Sergeant.
02:54Okay, I want you to dial down the AP altitude to 2,000 feet.
03:04Here we go!
03:05You'll feel some vibration, but that's to be expected, given that they're...
03:11Sergeant Grant, what's happening up there?
03:19Autopilot disconnected.
03:21Okay, autopilot jammed!
03:23On it!
03:34Sergeant Grant, what's happening?
03:37We lost something!
03:38Altitude or airspeed?
03:47The rudder!
03:48The rudder!
03:51I'm sorry, Bobby. I'm not getting through.
03:53Not to anyone?
03:54Maddie, what's going on up there?
03:56I don't know. Nobody's picking up. Maybe they're all strapped in?
04:00What about the manifest? Can we try that?
04:02There's got to be somebody up in that plane that'll pick up.
04:04I'll see what I can do.
04:08So the rudder is gone.
04:09What's the over-under that our ailerons are intact?
04:12If they're not, she's basically flying a missile.
04:15Only one way to find out.
04:17Keystar 6-3, we're going to try something.
04:20Something will be good!
04:22Find the heading knob that we used earlier and spin it clockwise to right turn 0-6-0.
04:34I can't tell if it's doing anything!
04:37Nothing. No change.
04:39All right, Sergeant, we're not finished here. Take the stick and move it left to right.
04:48Still nothing.
04:52It's not working, is it?
04:55Re-engage the autopilot again.
04:57I guess that answers my question.
05:01She's lost multiple control surfaces.
05:03What does that mean?
05:04It means you can't turn the aircraft.
05:08Oh, but we're headed due north to LAX!
05:10Which has four parallel runways, all going east to west, perpendicular to you.
05:15I remember my geometry. We're almost to LAX, so what do we do?
05:20LAX is no longer an option.
05:25Okay, so what is an option?
05:33Same runway as you.
05:36Too far east, even if they can make it.
05:38How much fuel does she have?
05:40In less than 20 minutes, that aircraft will be on the ground, somewhere.
05:45Never at the airport so quiet before.
05:47Yeah, they must have cleared the airspace and halted all other air traffic.
05:53Why do I get the feeling someone doesn't think this landing's gonna go so smooth?
06:01Come on.
06:05One, two, three, four, five, six...
06:08Okay, talk to me! Have you finished?
06:10One, two, three, four, five, six...
06:12Okay, talk to me! Have you figured it out yet?
06:15Sergeant, there are no other airports along your current heading.
06:18There are airports all over this damn state!
06:21Not that you'll make it to. You don't have enough fuel.
06:25But you said being low on fuel is a good thing!
06:27It was for an LAX landing. Our options are limited now. We're exploring alternatives.
06:34You got a front runner?
06:36Honestly, Sergeant, given where you are, the fuel you have left,
06:40our next priority is to attempt to get you clear of any populated areas.
06:45Are you saying that the people behind me are now not the only ones in danger?
06:48That we gotta worry about people on the ground, too?
06:51That is what I'm saying, yes.
06:56Can't you find me a field or something to put it down in?
06:59We will keep looking. We have not given up yet.
07:01What about a water level?
07:03We have not given up yet.
07:04What about a water landing?
07:06That would be ideal, but...
07:08We can't turn the plane. Bye.
07:10I was already in the Pacific. I wasn't itching to go back.
07:14Excuse me! I don't mean to interrupt, but do you know Bobby Nash?
07:19I told him you were busy, but he was very insistent.
07:26Thank God, are you doing okay?
07:28I've had better days.
07:30Do I hear sirens?
07:32Please return to your seat, ma'am.
07:34I'm sorry I missed all your calls.
07:36Baby, you've been all over the news.
07:39Listen, I'm headed to LAX.
07:40There's just one problem. The 110 has kind of backed up, so...
07:44I might have to meet you at the luggage carousel.
07:46Save yourself the trip.
07:48We're gonna miss LAX.
07:51What are you talking about?
07:53We've lost our ability to turn.
07:55In about six minutes, we're gonna be waiting in LAX as we pass over it.
08:04What do you need from me?
08:07You got a runway in your back pocket?
08:10What direction are you headed?
08:12Due north. To God knows where.
08:16Bobby, we're running out of fuel.
08:18And they're worried that this thing's gonna take out a lot of people,
08:21and I don't just mean the ones in it.
08:23That's not gonna happen. How much do you need?
08:25How much of what?
08:30At least a mile would be good.
08:34A mile?
08:36I'll give you more than that.
08:38Bobby, you're in the 110.
08:41And you're headed right toward me.
08:47Sergeant Grant, Sergeant Grant, are you there?
08:49I'm here.
08:52Change of plans.
08:55We're taking the freeway.
08:59Did she just say that she's gonna take the freeway?
09:02What does that even mean?
09:04It's her current trajectory. The 110.
09:07How's a jetliner gonna fit on the busiest road in America?
09:21Love you both.
09:23Yo, Maddie, we need PD to shut down a mile and a half section
09:27of the 110 northbound to the Kim Boulevard exit.
09:30Why? Has there been an accident?
09:32There might be.
09:33Wait, what's going on?
09:34I'm not meeting Athena at the airport.
09:36She's meeting me here.
09:49All right, southbound is done. Can you handle north?
09:52Okay, sending units, but the roads around King are gridlocked.
09:55Soccer game just let out.
09:56Well, how long are we talking?
09:58Optimistically, ten minutes.
09:59All right, we'll handle it ourselves. Hey, Brad.
10:02You know if there's a roadside kid in this thing?
10:04I don't know. That's the team's job.
10:06I got what we need, Cap.
10:07Okay, Buck, we're gonna need those about a mile down the freeway.
10:10A mile?
10:15Copy that, Cap.
10:17Hey, sir, sir! Los Angeles Fire Department.
10:19I need to commandeer that bike.
10:21Helmet, come on. Let's go, let's go.
10:23Move, come on.
10:28Blind me.
10:37That's gotta be her.
10:50Um, I think she might have missed her stop.
10:55Okay, Sergeant, to descend and hit the rendezvous,
10:59you're gonna have to let down the landing gear now.
11:02Are you sure?
11:03Do I sound like I'm unsure to you?
11:05No, ma'am, but once the wheels drop, there's no going back.
11:08Just tell me what to do.
11:11All right, there's a lever that releases the landing gear.
11:16The one with the wheel on it?
11:18Yes, but when you bring the bird below 400 feet,
11:20the autopilot's gonna be of no use.
11:22I'm gonna tell you what to do beforehand,
11:24but you have to bring it home.
11:27We got this, right?
11:29I mean, you must have done this a million times on your video games.
11:32I crashed!
11:35In the game! Every time I get to this part, I crash!
11:39But that's a simulation! This is real!
11:43That sounded different in my head.
11:45I've never done this before!
11:48Well, that makes two of us.
11:50But we're here for each other.
11:52And I know your sweet mother is looking over you.
11:57So I'm lucky to have you next to me.
12:05Hey! Hey!
12:07Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
12:09Hey! Hey! Stop! Stop! Come on!
12:14Ladies and gentlemen,
12:16we are making an emergency landing.
12:21Oh, my God!
12:23Oh, my God!
12:25Oh, my God!
12:27Oh, my God!
12:29Oh, my God!
12:31Oh, my God!
12:34And it is not going to be smooth.
12:39But we're going to do our best.
12:44We are all in this together.
12:51Anything to add?
13:03We've now been told that Jetliner,
13:05which was planning to land at LAX,
13:07has passed the airport.
13:09It's heading north.
13:11And wait, I'm getting some new information here.
13:13Apparently, a large portion of the 110 freeway is being cleared.
13:16And that can't possibly mean what I think it does.
13:19Oh, you sweet, naive man.
13:21LAX hangar, respond to the 110 freeway.
13:23Task force 118, rescue 118.
13:26133, engine 217.
13:28This is nuts.
13:30Exactly. Who in their right mind takes a 110 at this hour?
13:33LAX hangar, respond to the 110 freeway.
13:35Task force 118, rescue 118.
13:38133, engine 217.
13:40Hold the 120.
13:42Prepare for emergency landing.
13:44Hey! Hey! No, no, no, no!
13:46Hey! Hey!
13:48LAFD! Stop!
13:50Stop! Stop!
13:52LAFD, stay in your cars!
13:59I think your boy's shot down the road.
14:03Athena, can you hear me?
14:05I'm here, baby.
14:07We just got ourselves a runway.
14:10Best news all day!
14:12Brad, we need to get everybody out of these cars.
14:15Tell them to run.
14:17There's a plane coming.
14:24Our station has confirmed that a mile-long stretch of road is clear
14:28and that any moment now, that jet is going to attempt an emergency landing
14:32on one of LA's busiest freeways.
14:38GPS says we're six minutes out.
14:40How far is that in the plane?
14:42I can't imagine what Athena must be feeling right now.
14:44I can't imagine what Bobby's feeling right now.
14:52Athena, you still there?
14:57They tell me it's going to get a little complicated up here when we come down, so...
15:01I'm going to keep you connected so that you can hear.
15:05I will be right here waiting for you.
15:09Maybe you shouldn't be there.
15:11You're going to do great.
15:14I'll hold up a card with your name on it.
15:17Be quiet.
15:24I see you.
15:32I see you too.
15:34I love you.
15:37Tell me in person.
15:38Tell me in person.
15:43Okay, ATC. We're ready.
15:48On your final descent, the ground is going to come at you six to eight hundred feet per minute.
15:52We'll keep up.
15:54Dial in a hundred feet to the AP altitude.
15:58Reduce your airspeed to one hundred eighty knots.
16:00When you hit two hundred and ten, holler and we will start putting the flaps out.
16:05The flaps lever is on the central console right next to your leg.
16:12Push it to six o'clock.
16:13The flaps lever is on the central console right next to your leg.
16:20Push it to six o'clock.
16:28Two ten knots.
16:29Flaps one.
16:33Flaps two.
16:37One eighty knots.
16:38Flaps three. Flaps full.
16:44Check your altitude.
16:46At four hundred feet, I'm falling!
16:48Disengage the autopilot.
16:53Jeff, you're up!
16:55Do it, kiddo. Take the stick.
17:03What now?
17:04Keep it very steady. Nose down two degrees.
17:07And when you hit thirty feet, pull that thrust back all the way until it's idle.
17:13One hundred feet.
18:01Nose up just a degree or two to stop the descent and level out.
18:04At ten feet, gently pull back only one more degree to flare your nose.
18:17Jeff! I need you on that stick!
18:31Now we just wait for the wheels to touch!
18:37Prepare for impact.
19:02Thrust for burnsters!
19:43Welcome to Los Angeles.
20:02We're on the ground!
20:14Somebody say amen!
20:22Let's go!
20:27Your mama will be real proud of you.
20:32Now go hug your daddy.
21:10I'm gonna hang up now.
21:25Okay, Jeff! I think we're good!
21:28You okay, sir?
21:29Here you go. This way.
21:35Up you go, ma'am.
21:36Here you go.
21:37You look like that actor from TV!
21:40Yeah, I get that a lot.
22:00Good job, Brad.
22:01There you go, sir. You're good.
22:02You're alive!
22:03Check in with that firefighter.
22:06I lost Bobby.
22:08Good job, Brad.
22:11Come on.
22:19It's what we do.
22:20Are you okay?
22:23You're a firefighter, right?
22:24Yes, ma'am.
22:25How's this look?
22:28That looks light.
22:32Buck, we got another one.
22:36How you doing?
22:40Everybody get away from the plane!
22:42Go, go, go!
22:45Keep going, keep going, keep going!
22:46Get away from the plane!
22:48Get away!
22:50Hurry, David! Come on!
22:51Hurry! Hurry up!
22:52Okay, okay.
22:53I got him?
22:55You go, hurry!
23:13Hey, hey, hey.
23:14Sergeant, you can't stay here.
23:15I am not leaving this man.
23:17Look, just let me take over.
23:18If you want to help, you can.
23:20Just let me take over.
23:21If you want to help,
23:22go find my husband, Bobby,
23:23and tell him I need a hand getting this man down!
23:26Okay, sir.
23:27Go, now!
23:35I just got off at the flight instructor.
23:36He said if the fire ignited at the wheels,
23:38it could be heartbreaks.
23:40All my callers are saying it started at the tail.
23:42Then the landing likely jostled this, the APU.
23:46Bobby, we think it's the APU.
23:48All right, tell me about the APU.
23:50It's the auxiliary power unit at the tail.
23:52It's a gas turbine generator.
23:54As in gasoline?
23:55Jet fuel, actually,
23:56and it's connected to lines running the length of the plane.
23:59Genius design.
24:00Cap, I got an attack line ready.
24:02Fuck, it's a TV rig.
24:03It's fake.
24:04There's no water in it.
24:05Okay, so what do we do?
24:06We need the real thing.
24:11Hey, hey, hey.
24:12How many are still up there?
24:14I got to find Bobby.
24:15I'm Bobby.
24:16I'm Bobby.
24:18Dennis Jenkins.
24:20Where's my wife?
24:21She's up there doing CPR.
24:23She won't come down.
24:24She says you got to come up there and get her.
24:33Come on, Bobby.
24:34All right, look.
24:35I want you to pull the rig around right there.
24:38Yeah, but you get there, you hit that horn.
24:40You're going to climb up.
24:43If that was the plan,
24:45I think I got a better one.
25:03Grab cans.
25:04Charge those lines with class A foam.
25:06Let's go.
25:08Bobby, is Athena?
25:09She's still in there.
25:10There's a patient up there who needs nonstop CPR.
25:12Eddie, raise that aerial ladder.
25:14Let's go.
25:15On it.
25:16Clear up.
25:18So, wait.
25:19Bobby's the IC?
25:20I'm just going with it.
25:41Time to go.
25:42Can't stop.
25:43Oh, God.
25:44All right, come on.
25:49Come on, Athena.
25:50Switch with me.
25:51In three, two, one.
25:54I got you.
25:55I got you.
25:57Right back here.
25:59All right, thank you.
26:03How do we get him down?
26:05Global pulse.
26:07This will keep compressions going all the way down the ladder.
26:10We got him, Athena.
26:16I got you.
26:22Come on, let's go.
26:24Come on.
26:25Come on.
26:29Come on.
26:40Okay, clear.
26:42Cabin's knocked down, Cap.
26:44Good job, Eddie.
26:58We're going to need a really big tow truck.
27:01Hey, how's our co-pilot?
27:03He's already off to Presbyterian.
27:04He got a rhythm back before he was transported.
27:06Athena and those other pastors, they saved his life.
27:13Mad fun, Bob.
27:15I heard you enjoyed it, Brad.
27:19Screech had a bad cap, even as a guest star.
27:23Hey, I didn't even think to ask, where's Gerard?
27:26Oh, well, put him in the hospital.
27:30I could explain, but I think it'd be more fun not to.
27:42I'm fine.
27:43Check him out.
27:44I'll make a call.
27:46Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for getting me here safe.
27:50Oh, we're not safe.
27:52We're just on the ground.
27:57Athena, thank God.
27:59Elaine, U.S. Attorney Fredericks that I left back in Arizona,
28:03please tell me that somebody pulled him out of his trunk
28:06and that we have him in custody.
28:08I'm afraid not.
28:09We found the car, a rental, but when Phoenix PD arrived,
28:13trunk was empty.
28:14And one more thing, A.U.S.A. Fredericks doesn't exist.
28:18There's nobody by that name at the U.S. Attorney's office.
28:22Why am I not surprised?
28:24You know, whoever he was, whoever he worked for,
28:27somebody had to tell him that we were going to be on that road alone.
28:37And I think I know who.
28:39Elaine, I'll call you back.
28:41Athena, you need to get checked out.
28:43You got to get off your feet.
28:44Bobby, I need a favor.
28:54We're looking for Sergeant Athena Grant.
29:00We're looking for a Sergeant Athena Grant.
29:02We think she might be on this plane.
29:04Hey, I'm sorry.
29:05Are you guys looking for that police officer who landed the plane?
29:09She landed?
29:11She was traveling with someone.
29:12Guy in handcuffs.
29:13Yes, can you tell us where they are?
29:15They're in that ambulance.
29:16Were they injured?
29:17No, we're just having everybody checked out at the hospital.
29:19Okay, what hospital?
29:20That one that's going to Presbyterian.
29:25Captain Nash.
29:26Yeah, no problem.
29:41Okay, now what?
29:43Now, we go get the thing that everyone seems to want.
29:48Maxwell Fulton's black book.
29:51Where to?
29:53You're not going to like this.
29:55The airport.
29:59We're going to the airport.
30:13A parking garage.
30:14I don't know.
30:15What do you expect?
30:16I don't know.
30:17Maybe a safety deposit box or a locker inside the airport.
30:21He figured it was the safest way.
30:23He told me when he was tipped off that he was about to be arrested.
30:26He put everything in one of his cars and left it there.
30:29I don't know.
30:30I don't know.
30:31I don't know.
30:32I don't know.
30:33I don't know.
30:34I don't know.
30:35I don't know.
30:36I don't know.
30:37I don't know.
30:38I don't know.
30:39He put everything in one of his cars and left it here.
30:41Yeah, I don't suppose he bequeathed you a claim ticket?
30:43No, but he had me memorize the number.
30:49Oh, hi.
30:51Yeah, we're here to pick up a vehicle.
30:56Got a ticket?
30:57Claim number.
31:02That baby's been here for a while.
31:04I still need to see a ticket, though.
31:06I gotta do paperwork, and I gotta call my boss, and it's just, like...
31:11That works, too.
31:13732, right?
31:20It's on P1.
31:21I'll bring it right up.
31:22No, no, no.
31:23We can get it.
31:33He said it was a nice ride.
31:37He must have stuffed it down here somewhere.
31:39He said he put it somewhere out of sight.
31:55Maybe he took us for a ride.
32:02All right.
32:09One library.
32:13Black book?
32:14Create if he was not.
32:20It's all QR codes.
32:23He must have put his whole library in the cloud.
32:26Where are your phone?
32:27My battery's dead.
32:28That's what you get for being on your phone all day.
32:31James Drexen?
32:33Why does that name sound familiar?
32:35He owns a couple of websites that everyone in the world uses.
32:41Well, or they used to.
32:45Senator Fletcher.
32:48Oh, man, I voted for that guy.
32:50All right, what are we gonna do with it?
32:52Who do we take it to?
32:53I would have said the 11 o'clock news, but they can't show that.
32:56Not even at 11.
32:57Well, I know some detectives and vice that we can trust.
33:00They'll know what to do with it.
33:03Let's go.
33:04All right.
33:08We just gonna leave the car?
33:10We got what we needed.
33:12I mean, Bobby, it's just...
33:16a beauty.
33:20It's Maxwell's favorite.
33:22He looked for it everywhere.
33:23Every house he owned, every garage.
33:25Somehow I knew when we found it, there'd be something special inside.
33:29Hey, USA Spencer.
33:32So where's your partner?
33:33Oh, he's still chasing after that empty ambulance your husband sent us after.
33:39So I followed you here.
33:42Now, I'll take custody of my prisoner and that evidence.
33:47Don't give it to him.
33:48You're really gonna want to.
33:50Hold on. Let's all take a breath here.
33:52Let's say I do give it to you.
33:54What are you gonna do with it?
33:55Log it into evidence or destroy it?
33:58How about you just give it to me?
34:02Who sent you here?
34:04Somebody in there?
34:05He sent himself.
34:08He's in here.
34:10Last time, the book.
34:15Fine. I'll just shoot your husband.
34:20The book, Sergeant Grant.
34:22But you won't kill us all and then just walk away.
34:25Or convicted cop killer tries to flee, grabs your firearm and unloads it.
34:30I shoot him, but too late. He's already killed the both of you.
34:33No good. I checked my piece in Phoenix.
34:37I'll just have to improvise.
34:44I got it. I got it.
34:47Ah! Ah!
34:50Let me have a look. Let me have a look.
34:58This is LAPD Sergeant Athena Grant.
35:00I'm the RA units at LAX long-term parking.
35:03Tell him to hurry!
35:05Shh. You already got what's coming.
35:08I finally did it.
35:10What's that?
35:11I shanked somebody.
35:13You did more than that. You took a bullet for me and saved my life. Thank you.
35:19I only hurt one.
35:32It was a passenger who ultimately took control of the plane and brought it safely to the ground.
35:37The identity of that passenger remains unknown.
35:40And we're going to keep it that way.
35:42I feel like I can't take you anywhere.
35:44Did you get a hold of who you needed to?
35:46I did.
35:47So, does this mean your job is done?
35:55House patient number two. He'll live.
35:57Hmm. That's unfortunate.
35:59Yeah, we've got a uni on his door and the bureau's sending some agents to take him into federal custody as soon as he's released.
36:05Well, do me a favor. Don't cut a deal with this one.
36:07No. No more deals. Not with the evidence you provided for us.
36:10What does this mean for Dennis Jenkins? Are you still going to be needing his testimony?
36:13Well, Jenkins' testimony establishes the provenance of the book.
36:17So, let me ask you this. How did that sleaze of a partner of yours end up on this case anyway?
36:22That's the joke. The entire operation was his idea.
36:26So, he knew about the book and he wanted to get ahead of it.
36:29And he almost did. He just didn't factor in one thing.
36:32Your wife.
36:35And that is where they always go wrong.
36:38Sergeant Grant.
36:40You can go in now.
36:53You gonna cuff me to the bed?
36:57I figured you're doped up enough.
37:00If I could catch you if you ran.
37:02Then you'd catch me anyway.
37:04And you'd run for as long as it took.
37:07That is the truth.
37:11I want you to know that I'm not running anymore.
37:17I stopped that the day you showed up to my door.
37:24Yeah, I've been thinking about that day a lot.
37:29And I'm not so sure you were running all those years.
37:32I think you were waiting for that knock.
37:36Otherwise you could have left the state, the country, changed your name, disappeared.
37:42But you didn't.
37:44You stayed put.
37:46And when that day finally came, you never denied what you did.
37:51I do give you credit for that.
37:54It was a relief.
37:57For me.
37:59For me.
38:02It can't have been that for you.
38:05Nothing will ever undo what I did.
38:11Nothing will ever bring Emmett back.
38:18Nothing ever will.
38:20I wasn't looking for sympathy when I told you I wasn't gonna take that deal.
38:26I'm at peace with it.
38:31That's not what you said.
38:35You said you wouldn't take that deal without my blessing.
38:41And you have that now.
38:51What are they doing here?
38:54I'm still in custody.
38:56You're still in my custody.
39:00You called them?
39:02For me?
39:04What makes you think this is for you?
39:07I'm doing this for me.
39:09And because I know it's what Emmett would have wanted.
39:13Not that his killer was set free.
39:16But that the woman that he loved could finally be free from this anger.
39:25So you honor him.
39:27And when you go back to your family, be a better man than you were before.
39:33I promise.
39:37Hey, baby.
39:55You okay?
39:59I'm good.
40:03I'm good.
40:12I have to say, I'm surprised you mooched.
40:18I'm sorry.
40:20I have to say, I'm surprised you mooched and burned this place to the ground.
40:28But I doubt you have the requisite grasp of fire science.
40:34Fuel, ignition, combustion, bang!
40:40Wilson, would you enjoy your little spin in my captain's chair?
40:45I was just doing my job, sir.
40:47Because you sure as hell can't do mine.
40:50Using an exclamation point in an after-action report.
40:58The cracker is in sore need of your loving touch.
41:04I'll get right on that, Cap.
41:08Something amusing about my field dressing.
41:11Something amusing about my field dressing.
41:14Did I pinch the wraps tight enough for you?
41:18Excellent wrap, sir.
41:20Very tight.
41:27Sir, yes, sir.
41:37You saved my life.
41:42You feel these arms, son?
41:48This is me taking you under my wing.