• yesterday


00:00So you guys coming to my New Year's Eve costume party, of course
00:03We're coming as the Justice League of America switching it up from last year when we came as the Justice League of America
00:11To that point it occurs to me that we might have an opportunity to finally snare best group costume
00:17If we shore up our weak link, which is clearly Leonard is Superman
00:24Hey, I got new boots this year guaranteed to add three inches
00:29That's sad
00:32Let's ask ourselves
00:34Is there anyone we know who would make a more manly and convincing son of Krypton?
00:40Then Leonard in high-heeled boots
00:44Howard's mother in high-heeled boots. I
00:50Was thinking specifically of the gentleman over there moving his lips as he enjoys the latest exploits of Betty and Veronica
01:03He's the only person we know with actual muscles
01:07You can't replace me with Zack. Why not Penny did it?
01:13Yeah, she seems happier why wouldn't we be
01:17Score I got an Archie Betty and Veronica and a Jughead all set for my weekend number twos
01:24Zach, how would you like to be Superman? I don't know sounds like a lot of responsibility
01:36Fine if Zach's gonna be Superman, I want to be Green Lantern, but I'm Green Lantern. You can be Aquaman
01:41I don't want to be Aquaman. He sucks
01:46He sucks underwater
01:48He sucks underwater
01:51He sucks fish be
01:54Excuse me, I believe Aquaman uses his telepathic powers to request the fish do their business elsewhere
02:03Hey, babe, I'm still mad at you. Well, you won't be when you hear the great news. What great news
02:09We're going to a costume party at the comic book store on New Year's Eve and you get to be Wonder Woman
02:15Complete with bulletproof bracelets and lasso of truth
02:20Invisible plane sold separately
02:24Why me well, I get your girlfriend be Wonder Woman
02:27No, she and her lab team are under quarantine seems at the Christmas party
02:31They were doing jello shots out of petri dishes that used to contain yellow fever
02:38Okay, what about your friend Amy Amy Farrah Fowler doesn't believe in wearing costumes
02:43She isn't the free spirit I am
02:49Okay, well forget it I'm not spending my New Year's Eve at a comic book store wearing a Wonder Woman costume
02:56He says he'll wear it if you'll be Aquaman
03:02And the award for best group costume goes to Justice League of America
03:23Okay, ten seconds to midnight
