(Adnkronos) - “Ci sono varie tipologie di innovazione: tecnologica, organizzativa, ma io mi focalizzano sull'innovazione più importante, quella imprenditoriale, anche perché io sono professore di imprenditorialità al Politecnico di Milano ed è solo grazie a un'azienda capace di esprimere innovazione imprenditoriale che nascono progetti innovativi come quelli che stiamo vedendo. Gruppo Hera è una storia di innovazione imprenditoriale”. Così Andrea Rangone, professore al Politecnico di Milano, all’inaugurazione di FIB3R, il primo impianto italiano per la rigenerazione dei compositi in fibra di carbonio su scala industriale, realizzato da Herambiente, controllata del Gruppo Hera e primo operatore italiano nel recupero e trattamento dei rifiuti, spiegando il concetto di innovazione presente in questo settore.
00:00I have to say that there are various types of innovation, technological, organizational,
00:11but I focus on the most important innovation, the entrepreneurial one, also because I am
00:17a professor of entrepreneurship at the Politecnico di Milano and it is only in a company capable
00:23of expressing entrepreneurial innovation that innovative projects such as the ones we are
00:28seeing are born. It is a story of entrepreneurial innovation. A small local company is born,
00:37aggregates, has the vision, the entrepreneurial project of aggregating, growing on the territory,
00:43diversifies, invests a lot in renewable energies, in circular economy,
00:53manages to aggregate managerial talents of various natures, and then it is in this fertile entrepreneurial substrate
01:02that the best innovations are born. And we also see it with today's guests,
01:07in short, Pagani, Ferrari, they are technological innovations that in reality are rooted in entrepreneurial innovations.
01:14This is my point of view and what I will emphasize today at the event. It is a beautiful example
01:21of how, moreover, actors of the ecosystem of innovation can be put together, very different from each other,
01:28because we have a company that is valued, but with an important public component, managed by
01:39enlightened managers who have been collaborating with universities for a long time. This system, this project,
01:46is born from a long university collaboration, above all with several universities. I represent
01:52a component, the Politecnico di Milano. So putting together all these different actors of the ecosystem,
02:00therefore around real universities, even territorial contexts, important. I think this is a virtuous example,
02:10and if we succeed in replicating it many other times, probably the future of this country would be more prosperous.