(Adnkronos) - “Dobbiamo parlare in generale di prevenzione, non primaria e secondaria, targettizzata su quello che è il profilo di rischio del paziente. Esistono diversi strumenti che possiamo utilizzare: dagli incontri in cui discutere delle indicazioni delle linee guida, agli audit, alla ricerca osservazionale”. Ci sono poi ”le nuove tecnologie, per esempio delle app, che possono dare degli alert sia ai cardiologi, sia ai medici, sia ai pazienti, sul non raggiungimento dei target e sulle misure che possono essere prese per cercare di raggiungerli”. Così Fabrizio Oliva, presidente Associazione nazionale medici cardiologi ospedalieri - Anmco e direttore Cardiologia 1 - Emodinamica, ospedale Niguarda di Milano, intervenendo alla 2 giorni ‘Voices for Silencing’, evento organizzato a Milano da Novartis, il 7-8 marzo e dedicato all’aggiornamento scientifico sulla gestione ottimale del paziente con ipercolesterolemia dei cardiologi.
00:00In the field of cardiology, certainly in the course of recent years, thanks also to the availability of new treatments, we have taken steps forward and it is undoubted that the last pages of observational research show an increase in the use of the recommended treatments and also a greater number of patients on target,
00:29i.e. a higher percentage on target. Cardiologists, especially in these years of secondary prevention, must overcome this concept and generally speak of non-primary or secondary prevention, targeting us on what is the risk profile of the patient.
00:49As far as the tools we can use are concerned, of course there are classic tools, such as meetings, ECMs, in which to discuss the indications of the guidelines and, above all, to provide operational flowcharts on how to implement these guidelines,
01:11but there are also a whole series of other possible tools that have already been tested on the field, such as audits, which have given us great satisfaction, such as AMCO, observational research, which has already given us very important data and which see the individual experimenters and the structures as directly protagonists.
01:32And then, of course, there are new technologies, such as apps that can give alerts to both cardiologists, doctors and patients on the non-reaching of the targets and on the measures that can be taken to try to reach them.
01:50How wide is the gap between the recommendations of the guidelines and the real management of patients with hypercholesterolemia?
01:58There is still certainly a gap between the recommendations of the guidelines and the application on the field. We have improved the situation, there is a higher percentage of targeted subjects, the use of the statin and zitimibe association has increased,
02:17but still more than 40% of patients in the real world are not targeted and these patients need third-level care and it is important to apply them.