00:00Oh, Leonard, I don't mean to alarm you, but the Chinese food smells funny.
00:04That's because it's barbecue.
00:08But it's Chinese food night.
00:09I picked it.
00:10You're the one who told me to stop being such a satisficer all the time.
00:14I did not.
00:15I just pointed out that you were one.
00:17It's what I like best about you.
00:19Well that and those little notes you leave in my lunch.
00:23I leave those!
00:27Well that's disappointing.
00:28I already know that you heart me, now I don't know if Leonard does.
00:32This is what we're having for dinner.
00:33You can eat it or not.
00:34I don't care.
00:35I guess that answers the heart question.
00:39It's fine.
00:40We'll have barbecue.
00:41Of course.
00:42I am nothing if not flexible.
00:43I am sure that at some point in the 3,000 year history of the Chinese empire, a cavalry
00:48man crossing the Gobi Desert was forced by hunger to eat his own horse and roast it over
00:53a campfire.
00:54It's Chinese barbecue.
00:55Let's eat.
00:56Gee, I'm sorry.
00:59I didn't watch the news today.
01:01Has the whole world gone mad?
01:04It's my house.
01:05I'm tired of being told where I can and can't sit.
01:10You did this.
01:12Amy grab your meat.
01:13We're leaving in a huff.
01:17I'm sorry.
01:18If I don't go now, it's not a huff.
01:23Don't take this the wrong way, but that was even more exciting than the sex.
01:29Don't take this the wrong way, but yes it was.