• 13 hours ago


00:00This is interesting.
00:02Apparently, a key component in some forms of humor
00:06is the element of surprise.
00:08Well, that makes sense.
00:10The prefrontal cortex is responsible
00:12for planning and anticipation
00:14and patients with brain lesions...
00:16Brain lesions!
00:23Sheldon, you scared me. That wasn't funny.
00:26Maybe you have a stick up your prefrontal cortex.
00:31Okay, the notion that you can read a few books
00:34and come up with a definitive theory of comedy is absurd.
00:37I mean, humor is a complex neurological...
00:46Okay, that's pretty good.
00:55Sheldon! It's not a great time. What do you want?
00:59Hello to you, too.
01:02I'm sorry, but this is important.
01:05What is it?
01:07Back to the Future 2 was in the Back to the Future 3 case.
01:11And Back to the Future 3 was, get this,
01:14in the Back to the Future 2 case.
01:19So? Did you do that?
01:21Or am I in the house with an intruder?
01:24Sheldon, I gotta go inside.
01:27It's getting rough out here.
01:30You're dodging the question. I knew it was you.
01:37What was that?
01:39What was what?
01:41This isn't a very good connection,
01:43but it sounded like someone just released a kraken.
01:46Okay, I'm hanging up now.
01:49You know there's no such thing as a kraken.
01:58Penny! Penny! Penny!
02:02What's the matter?
02:06Well, I was worried that you might be missing Leonard.
02:10And that might be causing you to have bad dreams.
02:14Like the kind you'd get if you watched Clash of the Titans right before you went to bed.
02:19Sweetie, did you have a bad dream?
02:23To be honest, I did.
02:26The Back to the Future 2 was in the Back to the Future 3 case.
02:30Leonard did it.
02:33No, wait.
02:35Perhaps I should sleep here, so you don't miss Leonard as much.
02:40Because you're being kind of a baby about it.
02:48You know what? That would make me feel better. Thank you.
02:51You're welcome.
03:00What are you working on?
03:01Can't talk. In the zone.
03:03Do you know what he's doing?
03:04Could be anything.
03:05Last time he was like this, he figured out electron transport and graphene.
03:09Time before that, he was making a list of who's allowed in his tree fort if he ever gets one.
03:14Still can't believe I didn't make the cut.
03:18Uh, Sheldon, you want to take a break? Your food's ready.
03:20Yeah, what are you doing? He's both happy and quiet.
03:24I'm seeing a unicorn and Bigfoot at the same time.
03:29Sorry we're so late. Bernadette got stuck at work.
03:32Great news. A raccoon virus just crossed the species barrier and now can infect humans.
03:39Why is that great news?
03:40In the pharmaceutical business, we have a saying, mo' infections, mo' money.
03:47Maybe you want to wash your little raccoon hands first.
03:50Oh, calm down. If I had it, I'd be dead already.
03:55Oh, hey Sheldon.
04:05You okay?
04:06I'm on vacation. What do you think?
04:11Why are you sitting in the stairwell?
04:13Leonard told me to stay.
04:17Oh. Well, good boy.
04:21Where are you going?
04:22Oh, a ton of errands to run. I need to make copies of my headshots, send them off to agents, and sign up for a new acting class.
04:28Have fun.
04:37You want to come with me?
04:40Come on, boy. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Get in the car. Come on.
04:45When Obi-Wan came to Luke on this very spot, he gave him all sorts of helpful advice.
04:52So, um, what do you got for me?
04:58Um, always get a prenup.
05:09That's it?
05:11I thought there'd be more of a reason why you're here.
05:14Oh. Why do you think I'm here?
05:18I suppose it has something to do with your recent passing.
05:22Is this the first time you've lost, you know, someone close to you?
05:27Oh, no. No, I've already had to say goodbye to 11 Dr. Who's.
05:36Yeah, I've outlived a few of my doctors, too.
05:40Oh, no.
05:42What's wrong?
05:45I've made a horrible mistake.
05:47What are you talking about?
05:48This table. It's in square centimeters. I read it as square meters. Do you know what that means?
05:54That Americans can't handle the metric system?
05:59Amy, I was off by a factor of 10,000.
06:02But the Chinese team found the element.
06:05Yeah, well, they shouldn't have. My calculations were wrong.
06:08There must be some resonance between the elements I didn't know about.
06:11So, you just got lucky?
06:13Sheldon Cooper does not get lucky.
06:17You and me both, brother.
06:21It doesn't matter. The element was found because of you, and that's groundbreaking.
06:25What matters is the greatest scientific achievement of my life is based on a blunder.
06:30I'm not a genius. I'm a fraud.
06:33You know, Sheldon, in neuroscience, we're forever finding something in one part of the brain that we thought was someplace else.
06:39Oh, great. Now I'm worse than a fraud. I'm practically a biologist.
06:45Leonard, do you think I'm funny?
06:52Do you?
06:53I think I'm hysterical.
06:57I take it back. That was funny.
06:59The philosopher Henri Bergson says it's funny when a human being behaves like an object.
07:06I bet that bit killed in the chuckle hut.
07:10Oh, he didn't perform stand-up comedy. He was a philosopher.
07:16I think we're zeroing in on your problem.
07:20Perhaps I'll spend some time developing a unified theory of comedy,
07:24which will allow me to elicit laughter from anyone at any time.
07:27Unless they're German, because that's a tough crowd.
07:33Are you set on people laughing with you? Because if you're cool without you...
07:43I can't believe I read this table wrong.
07:46I blame you.
07:49Me? What did I do?
07:52Me? What did I do?
07:54You distract me. I've been distracted since the moment I met you.
08:01Well, you should be. Because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you.
08:09And not just on the cheek, but on the mouth.
08:15Like mommies and daddies do.
08:21Oh, Sheldon.
08:33Did you hear what I said?
08:35Can't talk in the zone.
08:40Isn't that Professor Proton?
08:42Oh, yeah.
08:47Look at him. Just standing in line like he wasn't moderately famous 30 years ago.
08:54Let's go say hello.
08:55Oh, maybe we shouldn't bother him.
08:57I'm not going to bother him. I'm going to talk to him.
09:01He thinks there's a difference.
09:03Arthur. Arthur, it's me. Sheldon Cooper.
09:07But you may not remember because of your advanced age.
09:11Trust me, I remember.
09:14This is my girlfriend, Amy. Amy, this is television legend Arthur Jeffries.
09:18His science show inspired millions of children.
09:22Hold on. You have a girlfriend?
09:28Yes, and I've heard so much about you.
09:30Hey, look. We're wearing the same orthopedic shoes.
09:35Can't believe I dress like a celebrity.
09:38Okay, I get it now.
09:42Dr. Jeffries, hello again. Leonard Hofstadter.
09:44Oh, right. I remember your girlfriend.
09:50Is she here?
09:54No, she's not.
09:56So what prescription are you getting filled?
09:58No, wait. I want to guess. Don't tell me.
10:01I wasn't going to tell you.
10:04Sheldon Cooper.
10:06Sheldon, come on.
10:07No, no, no. I'm really good at this. All right, give me a hint.
10:09Does it involve difficulty initiating a stream of anything?
10:15Well, given my age, that's more than just a lucky guess.
10:20Hey, Sheldon, let's go mock the people buying homeopathic medicine. You love that.
10:24But I'm hanging out with my friend. We're having fun.
10:27Look how happy he is.
10:36And hold three, two, one.
10:42Very good.
10:44Now let's try warrior two.
10:48And hold.
10:53I've read that there are great yogis who have such mastery over their bodies,
10:57they can draw water in through their genitals.
11:00Yeah, well, I don't think we're going to get to do that today.
11:05Too bad.
11:07Seems like a good way to drink a milkshake without getting brain freeze.
11:13Oh, hey.
11:15Now we go to reverse warrior.
11:21And hold.
11:24And hold.
11:26And hold.
11:27And hold.
11:33How did she get you to do yoga?
11:35Well, to be honest, I thought she said Yoda.
11:40What's with all the yelling?
11:42Leonard disproved my element. Now all the attention is going to go away.
11:46Oh, that's great. You must be thrilled.
11:48That's it. I'm down to seven friends.
11:52I was counting hobbits and superheroes, right?
11:55When I thought the element was real, I didn't want it.
11:57But now that Leonard made it not exist, I want it more than anything in the world.
12:01The element never existed. I didn't take it away.
12:04Science took it away. Be mad at science.
12:06Don't you dare use science against me.
12:10Science is my best friend.
12:11Oh, good. I'm back up to eight.
12:15Will you tell him he's out of his mind?
12:17Actually, I get what he's saying.
12:18Yes! Nine! Welcome back, buddy.
12:21It's like if you're dating someone you're not that into,
12:23and then they break up with you, and then you want them more than ever.
12:25I have no idea what she's talking about.
12:27But we're ganging up on you, so I agree.
12:31Okay, Sheldon, what do you want me to do?
12:33Hide the information? If I don't publish it,
12:35it's just a matter of time before someone else does.
12:37No, no, of course you have to publish.
12:39That's your responsibility as a scientist.
12:41Doing otherwise would be unethical. You have no choice.
12:45Fine, I'll publish.
12:46Can you believe this guy?
12:47Come to me because you're my Obi-Wan.
12:53I'm not familiar with that.
12:57Is that an internet?
13:04You're dead, so I'm going to let that slide.
13:09Obi-Wan Kenobi is a character from Star Wars.
13:12After his physical demise,
13:14he comes to Luke Skywalker as his mentor in spirit form.
13:20Well, that clears that up.
13:25You must be here to give me advice.
13:33Oh, this is weird.
13:36Most of my robes open in the back.
13:40Those are your Jedi robes.
13:44Oh, wait, what...
13:47What is this?
13:49Oh, be careful with that.
13:54Oh, neat!
14:03I'm going to need a bandaid.
14:08Obi-Wan Kenobi is a character from Star Wars.
14:13After his physical demise, he comes to Luke Skywalker as his mentor in spirit form.
14:18Uh, I'm-I'm going to need another Band-Aid.
