Style Guide: Sterling Silver Earrings - Women's Style

  • 13 years ago
Style Guide: Sterling Silver Earrings - as part of the Women's Style series by GeoBeats. If you are looking for silver earrings, I am going to show you my three favorite choices of my collection and they are my favorite because I find that these are pieces that you can wear every day, but they are not so simple that no one would notice that you have got them on. I always feel that jewelry is something that people notice is very different on you. So, the first piece is this one, which is a curb link earring. It is got an engraving on it, which makes it different. And I like them because you can wear them to work and you can transition them at night. And that is what, you know, for jewelry; you would love to have do. Just like with clothing. The second pair, which are a little bit funkier so, you would not be able to wear it in a law office, but I am sure if you worked in an Internet firm or something a little bit more edgier, you had have fun wearing these. These are dagger, but they are not so obviously daggers and they are definitely the kind of piece, in fact, actually, one of the girls that used to work for me, her mom, who is probably in her mid to late fifties, these are her favorite pair of earrings. She wears them to work and she works for an insurance company. So, hopefully, you can too. And the last pair I love, these are inspired by chrysanthemums. As you can tell, it is got the delicate and kind of, petally look and these are really light, which is important when you are wearing earring. And you can see, it almost looks like lace and I love these. And those are my three favorite pairs.


