Dog Saved by Man Who Saw Facebook Photo

  • 11 years ago
A pit-bull is saved from death by a man who saw the dog's Facebook photo.

Social media has fundamentally changed how information is shared and accessed.

Recently, a 5-month-old pit-bull was given a second shot at life after she was scheduled for death. Her new owner, Josh Cummings shares his tale of how he acquired the pooch, named Peanut.

He was not working due to a disability. Scouring Facebook pages, he came across a picture of what he called a “ sad faced pit mix with mange”. The picture was shared by Nadine Swart.

Seeing the dog’s bloodied and cracked face hurt and angered him so he decided to intervene. Cummings states “A few calls later I dropped everything and headed to Barstow CA to meet Kelly from Wilcox animal shelter . Two days of travel and I have Peanut back home in California to start her long road to recovery.”

Peanut now has her very own Facebook page, dedicated to her recovery. That once sad face has now been replaced by the happy, content look of a puppy with great owners.

A pay pal account has also been set up to allow sympathizers to donate to her veterinary bills.


