Inside The Americas - Liberation Theology in South Quito

  • 9 years ago
"Inside the Americas" offers in-depth reports and analysis from our extensive network of correspondents throughout the region on the most important developments in Latin America. Today's program reviews the life and work of Italian Priest Jose Carollo, who arrived in Ecuador in 1949 and was a follower of liberation theology, the progressive doctrine within the Catholic Church committed to fighting for social justice. Carollo dedicated his life to serving the poorest residents of impoverished south Quito. Seeking to empower and give dignity to the neighborhood inhabitants, Carollo created programs for orphans, children and adults with disabilities, and senior citizens, among other groups, providing them with medical and psychological care, as well as the tools to take control of their own lives. A hospital dealing in 33 specialties is one such project. The legacy of Father Carollo and the scope of his work lives on 10 years after his death through his Tierra Nueva Foundation, which carries on the principles of liberation theology through projects in solidarity with and empowering the poor. teleSUR
