How-to Double Rope Braid Hair Tutorial

  • last year
00:00 Good morning you guys! It's Courtney Bright, Social and Digital Media Editor at
00:04 American Salon. I'm here at Jenny Strebe, the Confessions of a Hair Stylist, and it
00:08 is day two Fashion Week Takeover in collaboration with Tigi, and Jenny is
00:12 going to get me ready for the day. It's kind of raining here in New York, so
00:15 we're gonna do something really cool and kind of edgy, and I'll let Jenny explain
00:19 better, because she's probably better at it than I am. So, well you're getting pretty good at it too,
00:24 Court. So you guys, like Courtney said, it's actually raining here in New York,
00:28 and she is actually wearing kind of a classic look. She has a white booty and
00:32 she has a fur coat on, so, or not right now, but she will be wearing one. So I
00:36 thought it'd be really fun to do some kind of faux hawk. So what we're gonna do
00:40 is actually two rope braids in the back and connect them to where it's gonna be a
00:44 nice faux hawk, but she needs some texture and some grip to her hair prior
00:49 to getting started. Her hair is freshly washed, so it's kind of silky, so we're
00:53 gonna add a little bit of salt spray right here. This guy by Catwalk. We're
00:59 gonna, let me hold this for me, we're gonna aggressively spray at the root area,
01:03 because we want to create a lot of volume and texture, because we want that
01:06 faux hawk, but I kind of want to make it a little pompadour-ish as well. So we're
01:11 gonna spray it roots to ends here, and then I'm just gonna simply round brush
01:17 that front area going back. So just taking my round brush, using a large guide,
01:25 round sections, round sections of hair.
01:32 [sound of hair dryer]
01:58 All right, so that actually is gonna set us up for success. Now we have like a
02:03 nice texture. You can see how much volume that salt spray created. So I'm gonna
02:07 actually have her turn around. So now with this, we're gonna create kind of like
02:12 a faux hawk-ish feel, but we want to keep this kind of full, right? So we're gonna
02:17 start the faux hawk rope braid about the crown area, and then just bring it down
02:22 to the nape. So we're gonna divide the hair. I'll have you hold on to these, Port. Okay, so the
02:29 most important part for this is, I'm gonna do two rope braids together, right?
02:33 But we don't want to see that split in the front here. So we're gonna take it at
02:39 a slight angle, so right to left to the crown, and then from crown to the nape of
02:47 the neck. Then we're gonna divide the hair in half, and I'm gonna section one
02:54 side away for later. So this is really, really easy, you guys. We just wanted to
03:00 do something fun. It's raining here in New York for Fashion Week, so this is
03:06 gonna help allow her to keep a hairstyle all day. So I'm just gonna go ahead and
03:11 brush this hair out. You want to make sure it's tangle-free anytime you're
03:15 working on braids. Okay, so we're gonna do a rope braid scalp braid. So we're
03:25 gonna take, I'm gonna take my finger here, start our first section at the crown.
03:29 I'm gonna divide that hair into two equal sections, making sure the density
03:38 is the same on both sides. So now what we're gonna do is twist to the left,
03:44 because I want to go away from the face, twist to the left, up and over to the
03:49 right. Now we're on that left side, we want to twist to the left, up and over to
03:55 the right. Now we want to connect it to the scalp. We have our good twist pattern
03:59 going on now, so we're gonna take our finger here from the hairline to the
04:04 braid, we're gonna take a section of hair, incorporate it into our left section
04:12 here. So now that's our new left section, you guys can see. Now we're gonna twist,
04:16 we're gonna lock that piece in by twisting to the left and going up and
04:21 over to the right. Now we're back over to the left, we need to add hair to that, so
04:27 we're gonna take a section of hair from the hairline all the way to this braid,
04:34 connect it with this left section. Now we're gonna lock it into place by
04:40 twisting to the left, up and over to the right. I'm using a lot of tension because
04:45 I want it pretty tight through in the sides here, and then we're gonna kind of
04:49 distress the rope braid itself. So we're on the left side, we need to add hair,
04:56 adding that hair here, twist, locking it in by twisting to the left, up and over
05:02 to the right, and continuing till we get to the nape of the neck. So you guys can
05:11 see this, twist to the left, up and over to the right, adding hair as we move on.
05:21 We're gonna do the same thing on the opposite side, we're just gonna go ahead
05:25 and twist to the right instead of the left, because again you want to twist
05:29 away from the face. So adding hair in,
05:38 as we're working down, twist to the left, up and over to the right, so you guys can
05:48 start seeing that form. So this is just a different way to approach a faux hawk or
05:55 any type of style really. Rope braids are really simple and they're really
05:59 beautiful as well, and they're easy to achieve. All you have to do is twist. So
06:04 we're getting down here at the baby ends here, twist to the left, up and over to
06:09 the right. Now I'm gonna go ahead and secure the ends with a hair elastic.
06:12 We're gonna actually probably tuck this into our faux hawk, but for now we're
06:17 gonna go ahead and use our hair elastic and do the same thing on the opposite
06:22 side, except we're gonna twist to the right instead of the left. So I'm gonna
06:26 drop this section out, you guys can see how cool that's looking. So it's gonna be
06:30 really slick through in here. I'm gonna distress this rope braid to create that
06:34 faux hawk feel. So I'm gonna go on this side here, so you guys can see. Okay, so we're
06:41 gonna start our section here from the hairline to the braid. This is our first
06:50 section. We're gonna go ahead and split it in half, making sure the density is
06:55 the same on both sides. So now we're gonna, on this side, we're gonna twist to
07:00 the right, so that's going away from the face. Twisting to the right, up and over
07:05 to the left, twist to the right, up and over to the left. I like to do that two
07:12 times before starting adding hair. So now we're gonna add hair from the hairline
07:20 to the braid. I'm just taking my finger, grabbing onto some hair, adding that to
07:30 our right section here. We got to lock that piece into place by twisting it.
07:35 Twist to the right, up and over to the left. Now you can see that this hair right
07:42 here to the right, I need to add some hair to it. So again, hairline back, adding
07:48 that hair to that right section, locking it into place by twisting to the right,
07:54 up and over to the left, and just working that same pattern all the way down to
08:00 the nape of the neck.
08:02 Twist to the left, up and over to the right.
08:14 Continuing on, twisting to the right, up and over to the left. I'm pulling your
08:24 hair here, Courtney. So twist to the right, up and over to the left. So it's tricky
08:35 when you get to these little guys, you got to have it really nice and tight
08:38 tension. Twist to the right, up and over to the left. Twist to the right. So you
08:46 guys, if you catch me inside the salon utilizing or doing the rope braid
08:51 technique, I'm always telling myself twisting to one side, up and over to the
08:56 other, because you want to keep your pattern in there. That's what's really
08:59 important. That's what makes your twists not twist together. So now I got to the
09:04 ends. I'm going to secure the ends with a hair elastic, then I'm actually going to
09:08 connect these two to create our faux hawk. Super easy, right? So yeah, we're
09:13 twisting to the right, up and over to the left on this one. Oh, thank you guys. Okay,
09:19 so now we have our two rope braids. We want to go ahead and connect them. I'm
09:24 going to use a little bit of Dirty Secret. Dirty Secret is a dry shampoo, you
09:31 guys. And what we're going to do is spray our rope braids here before we start
09:39 pulling them apart. So I'm just going to lightly pinch and pull them to make them
09:46 fuller. The dry shampoo in there is just going to give us texture, so when we
09:50 start pulling it apart, it's not going to completely come out. So just pulling them
09:54 apart, pulling them apart, just a little bit. Then I'm just going to go ahead and
09:59 pinch them together to create more of our faux hawk feel. So you guys can see
10:04 the two rope braids together actually don't look like rope braids. Then we're
10:08 going to go and tuck this in. So I'm going to make this nice and slick through
10:11 the sides, and then we just have that fun rope braid in the center here. So how
10:19 we're going to connect them is with hair pins. I have her put her head back. So we
10:25 have our little faux hawk up here, kind of our little pompadour. I'm just pinching
10:30 them together. I'm going to take my hair pin and I'm just simply going to weave
10:34 it back and forth, pressing it down, weaving it back and forth, left or right,
10:39 really securing the two together.
10:43 You guys see that?
10:54 Taking my hair pin, just sliding it, weaving it back and forth, pushing it
10:59 down.
11:02 Okay, so we've gotten to the ends. I'm just going to tuck these little baby ends
11:12 under. And this would certainly be really cool if you guys had really long hair.
11:19 You could almost just keep continue it all the way down and maybe connect the
11:23 braids together or tuck it in, maybe create like an updo as well. I always
11:28 like to tell my students, you know, feel free to be creative with it. Just because
11:32 I did it this way doesn't mean you guys have to. So utilize this technique in
11:35 several different ways. So again, just putting the ends in here. Alright, so I'm
11:41 going to pull this apart just a little. I want a little bit more drama, so I'm just
11:45 going to just stress it just a little bit more. Cool though, right? So now look,
11:51 you can see it through in the sides. I'm going to kind of make this a little bit
11:54 more slick. So we're going to do that by taking some Masterpiece hairspray. So
12:03 this is a flexible hold. It has some shine as well. I'll have you move this way. So we're
12:08 going to spray it, spray it and then comb it to make this kind of more slick and
12:20 then this more distressed here. Pulling some pieces out. They're going to fall
12:24 out anyway because it's raining. Just spraying and kind of brushing it back
12:30 because I want it more slick through the sides. I want a little bit more texture
12:34 in our pomp here. I'm going to do the same thing on the opposite side here.
12:46 Smells good. Yeah, it smells great. And then remember when we added that salt
12:52 spray through in the front? So you can see how she has that nice texture. But I
12:57 want to make it a little bit more separated. So we have that slick side. I
13:00 want a little bit more texture through the center of our faux hop. So I'm going
13:04 to simply put my fingers in there, pull it forward, taking our Masterpiece
13:08 hairspray and really getting there and stretching that hair. Kind of creating it
13:15 to like kind of pull forward a little bit. That gives it a really nice profile.
13:20 So getting there. Then I'm going to go ahead and hairspray it. So you guys can see
13:25 these are just two rope braids together and we connected them with hair pins. I
13:30 went ahead and rope braid them away from the face and it created a really pretty
13:35 style. So right versus left. Confused. So let's see here. Right versus left. I'm
13:44 confused it looks opposite of what she's saying. Clockwise. So basically away from
13:50 the face on this side. I always twist to the right because this is on the right
13:55 side. So away going right to left. On the left, left going away from the face. So I
14:04 guess it'd be left or right but going to the left side if that makes sense. So you
14:08 guys can see it pretty cool right? So that's all it is is some rope braids. I'm
14:13 gonna go ahead and put a little bit more masterpiece in there for some good hold
14:18 for New York Fashion Week. I think this will go good with what Courtney's
14:23 wearing today as well. So you can go ahead and look forward. Thanks Jenny. Wow. I know. She looks so glamorous. So for those of you that are just
14:33 joining us I'm Courtney Bright. I'm the Senior Social and Digital Editor at
14:36 American Salon. I'm here in New York with Jenny Shreve with the Confessions of a
14:40 Hairstylist and we are taking over Fashion Week today in collaboration with
14:43 Tigi. Bedhead by Tigi and Catwalk by Tigi. And for those of you that are just
14:48 joining us, Jenny can we go over the products really quick that we used together?
14:51 Absolutely. So you guys anytime you're doing any kind of braid work or bridal
14:55 work you have to have some texture in there. So I use some salt spray by Catwalk
14:59 in there and then I round brush that profile section so we're able to get
15:04 that volume. Salt spray is gonna give it that grit and texture that we're
15:08 longing for. So then after that I rope braided it and then I use some Dirty
15:13 Secret dry shampoo. You guys can see through in the back here on our rope
15:18 braids and then really pulled them apart so gave it some more fullness. What a dry
15:22 shampoo does is it almost gives it some grit but it makes it bulky if that makes
15:26 sense. So it makes the hair appear a lot fuller than it is. So we used our dry
15:31 shampoo and then to finish it off we use Masterpiece Hairspray. We really used it
15:36 on the sides to really help give that slick kind of look because this has a
15:39 shine to it and then at the end we kind of pulled it forward with our
15:44 Masterpiece too to keep it holding and lasting all day. So thank you so much for
15:50 joining us you guys. If you missed this you can always go back on our Facebook
15:53 page and re-watch us at any time. I want to say special thank you again to Tigi
15:57 Bedhead by Tigi and Catwalk by Tigi for collaborating with us on this Facebook
16:02 Live in Fashion Week and Jenny where can we find you on Instagram? You guys can
16:06 find me on Instagram @theconfessionsofahairstylist
16:08 I forgot for a second the @theconfessionsofahairstylist and I have a website
16:11 @theconfessionsofahairstylist as well. Facebook hair by Jenny Strebe. And you
16:15 know where to find American Salon on Facebook because we're all here you can
16:18 find us on Instagram at American_Salon where I will be taking over
16:22 all day at Fashion Week on our Insta stories so be sure to tune in and see
16:26 where we're headed next. Bye you guys! Peace out!
