Niger : L'Union Africaine interdit toute action militaire de la France

  • last year
L'Union africaine (UA) a suspendu le Niger de ses instances suite au coup d'État militaire survenu dans le pays. Le Conseil de paix et de sécurité de l'UA a exhorté les militaires nigériens à rétablir l'ordre constitutionnel et à retourner immédiatement dans les casernes. L'UA condamne fermement toute ingérence extérieure dans les affaires africaines et appelle les États membres et la communauté internationale à rejeter le changement anticonstitutionnel de gouvernement au Niger. Cette suspension vise à isoler le régime issu du coup d'État et à empêcher toute reconnaissance internationale de celui-ci. L'UA prend également note de la décision de la CEDEAO de déployer sa force en attente au Niger et demande une évaluation des implications économiques, sociales et sécuritaires de ce déploiement.
En prenant la décision de suspendre le Niger, l'Union africaine envoie un message fort aux militaires et au régime illégal en place, les pressant de rétablir l'ordre constitutionnel. Cette mesure vise à restaurer la démocratie et la gouvernance constitutionnelle dans le pays. L'UA condamne toute ingérence extérieure et souligne son engagement envers la paix et la sécurité en Afrique. La situation au Niger reste tendue, et les prochains développements seront suivis de près par la communauté internationale.
#UnionAfricaine #France #Niger #CoupDEtat #Suspension #OrdreConstitutionnel #ConseilDePaixEtDeSécurité #IngérenceExtérieure #CEDEAO #Démocratie #GouvernanceConstitutionnelle #RégimeIllégal #ReconnaissanceInternationale #Paix #Sécurité #CommunautéInternationale #SituationAuNiger #putschniger #nigerputsch #nigerfrance #franceniger #ebenemediatv #mgm
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00:00 The Council of Peace and Security of the African Union (UA) has taken a historic decision
00:13 by formally prohibiting any military intervention in Niger, coming from a nation outside the
00:18 African continent.
00:19 This measure aims to put pressure on the external powers on the continent, including France
00:24 and international organizations.
00:26 The UA affirms its total rejection of any external interference in African affairs and condemns
00:32 the involvement of private military companies on the continent.
00:34 In a statement made public on August 22, the Council of Peace and Security of the UA
00:40 called on all member states of the UA and the international community to reject the
00:44 unconstitutional change of government in Niger.
00:47 It also asked its actors to abstain from any action likely to confer
00:52 legitimacy to the illegal regime in place.
00:54 This firm position aims to isolate the regime from the coup d'état and to prevent any
00:59 international recognition of it.
01:02 At the meeting on August 14, 2023, the Council of Peace and Security of the UA exhorted Nigerian
01:08 military to return immediately to the barracks and submit to civil authorities
01:12 in accordance with the constitution of the country.
01:15 This request emphasizes the importance of placing the supreme interests of Niger and
01:19 its people above all.
01:20 Niger's suspension places it in the same category as other countries in transition
01:25 such as Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea.
01:28 The UA's Council of Peace and Security has decided to suspend it immediately from all
01:33 activities of the African Union until the establishment of the constitutional order.
01:37 This decision underlines the UA's commitment in favor of a peaceful settlement of the situation.
01:42 The UA insists on the rejection of any external interference in peace and security issues
01:47 in Africa.
01:48 It firmly condemns the involvement of countries or external actors on the continent in these
01:53 affairs.
01:54 In addition, the UA is opposed to the decision of the Economic Community of the States of
01:58 West Africa (CDAO) to deploy its force in the wait for Niger.
02:03 By suspending Niger from its activities, the African Union sends a clear message to the
02:08 military and the regime from the coup d'état.
02:10 The goal is to put the pressure necessary for a return to the constitutional order and
02:14 to stability in the country.
02:16 The UA is also putting pressure on the CDAO to compile a list of members of the military
02:20 junta and their support, in order to take targeted punitive measures.
02:24 The situation in Niger remains tense, and the international community, including the UA,
02:30 is determined to restore democracy and peace in the country.
02:43 (air whooshing)
