Digitalisasi Banyak Menyerap Tenaga Kerja Baru

  • last year
Kalangan pengusaha menilai, digitalisasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi pengembangan kapasitas ekonomi ke depan, dan meningkatkan kemampuan dalam beradaptasi dengan persaingan saat ini. Selain itu digitalisasi, juga akan menghapus banyak sektor pekerjaan yang akan tergantikan dengan peran teknologi.


00:00 Meanwhile, the investors say that digitalization is very important for the development of the economy's capacity in the future
00:07 and improve the ability to adapt to the current competition.
00:11 In addition, digitalization will also eliminate many sectors of employment that will be replaced by technology.
00:21 Nevertheless, the General Chair, Apindo Sintakamdhani, believes that digitalization will open up new sectors of employment that can accommodate many workers.
00:30 So in the future, entrepreneurs will continue to support digitalization as an integral part of the current business development.
00:47 In the era of globalization and the 4.0 industrial revolution that we are currently experiencing,
00:54 the digital economy is the main pillar in promoting the development and competitiveness of a nation.
01:00 So, Mr. Budi Ari, it is true that we will lose many jobs due to digitalization,
01:06 but there will be more jobs that will emerge, Mr. Budi, to prepare these talents.
01:15 [Music]
