Met Office Evening Weather Forecast 19/12/23 - Showers and a cold night

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Clear skies across central and east of the UK tonight. Strong wind and wintery showers over the north west. A cold start to Wednesday morning with heavy rain in the northwest of Scotland. Some showers and cloudy sky across Wales and west Midlands. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 19/12/23. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Clare Nasir.


00:00 Hello there, welcome to your weather update from the Met Office. The winds really pick
00:04 up some strength over the next few days. There's a wind warning across two-thirds of the country
00:08 on Thursday. We're expecting some travel disruption associated with really strong winds. For the
00:13 time being though, the air just waxes and wanes between cold air currently across us
00:17 and milder air moving in from the west. Winds will be a feature of the weather as we head
00:22 into Wednesday morning and this warm front here will bring with it clouds as well as
00:26 outbreaks of rain. The cold front will trail behind. Eventually that extends down across
00:30 the country on Thursday bringing some scaly conditions and yet more wet weather. Let's
00:37 now backtrack to Tuesday evening. We see clearer skies across central and eastern areas of
00:42 the country but look at this, a strong wind driving in those showers. Showers covering
00:46 much of Scotland, northern England as well as Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man. Now
00:50 over the higher ground, that's the northern half of Scotland, you'll see wintriness, so
00:54 some snow over the highest peaks and even a mix of some soft hail. And the lowest temperatures
00:59 will be the north-east of Scotland here, two or three degrees Celsius, so a local grass
01:03 frost and even cold to start the day across central and south-eastern areas of England.
01:07 At the same time, temperatures recover through the early hours of the morning as more cloud
01:10 moves in across western Scotland. So wet start to the day here, you can see this rain will
01:15 again be quite intense, high rainfall totals, yet again the north-west of Scotland seeing
01:19 the brunt of that wet weather. The rain extends down towards Northern Ireland, patchy for
01:23 northern England to start, but some clearer skies across eastern Scotland, north-east
01:27 England. Here you could even see some brighter weather as we head into the first part of
01:31 the day on Wednesday. More cloud for Wales and the West Country, a little bit of showery
01:34 rain extending towards the Midlands, but even so the cloud will break at times, central
01:38 southern England, London, east Anglia, as well as eastern counties with some bright
01:42 skies. However, that's not really going to last, the clouds will slowly roll in. So through
01:47 the morning, strong winds here, you can see the outbreaks of rain pushing ever eastwards,
01:52 heading down the country as well. So even the Midlands seeing some patchy rain, eastern
01:56 counties, Northern Ireland seeing outbreaks of rain through the afternoon, and the rain
02:00 will be persistent and relentless across the western side of Scotland. That warm front
02:04 never actually reaches Shetland, here you'll see showers and even some brighter weather.
02:08 And in fact, through the afternoon, sheltered from the rain coming in from the west, Aberdeenshire,
02:14 Angus, down towards the south-east of Scotland, you can see some brighter weather as well
02:17 as Newcastle. Temperatures then typically coming in around 8, 9, 10 degrees Celsius,
02:22 but west will be best, 11 here, 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Now here's your wind warning
02:29 from midnight on Thursday till midnight on Friday. Now it's really the far north-east
02:34 where we could actually see through Thursday storm-force winds gusts up to 80 miles an
02:38 hour over the Highlands as well, some really damaging winds. Gales elsewhere, gusts generally
02:43 between around 50 and 60 miles an hour, so that's going to cause travel disruption, particularly
02:48 if you've got a high-sided vehicle, there could be some bridge restrictions towards
02:51 the north, and also the risk of ferry cancellations with high waves. So, let's head back to Wednesday
02:59 evening where it's a bit of a damp one. This rain does extend eventually to the far north,
03:04 and then we see on Wynwood Coast, damp conditions, outbreaks of rain, cloudy conditions further
03:09 south. That wind warning then starts at midnight on Thursday as this cold front sinks southwards,
03:14 and this is where we're going to see some really strong winds. So squally conditions
03:18 on this cold front as it sinks southwards, and here across the north-east of Scotland,
03:23 severe gales if not storm-force winds just for a time through Thursday morning, and watch
03:27 out for those gusts, they're going to be damaging. So, as we head through the day, this cold
03:32 front sinks southwards, cloudy conditions, breezy, windy across central-southern parts
03:37 of England and Wales, outbreaks of rain here, and on the back end of this front, yes, it's
03:42 going to turn colder. The winds then come in from the north-west, and again delivering
03:46 a lot of showers through Thursday as the skies brighten up across eastern counties, but we
03:50 hang on to more clouds anywhere from the midlands south-westwards, Northern Ireland also seeing
03:55 some squally rain through the afternoon. Temperatures then eventually coming in into a milder category,
04:02 but then this is going to be the feature of the weather through Thursday and into Friday.
04:06 Gales as we head into the first part of Friday, and then this warm front yet again extends
04:11 across the country into Saturday. We hang on to colder air until the weekend across
04:15 Scotland, but certainly milder conditions further south. A slight ridge, but still windy
04:19 across many parts, and then this cold front again delivers more clouds and outbreaks of
04:24 rain through Christmas Eve. Notice, colder air just waiting towards the north-west. So
04:29 wherever you are, yes, really brace yourself for some strong winds, particularly on Thursday
04:33 and into Friday, and rain will never be too far away. I'll see you later.
