FTS 12:30 14-01: Number of civilians killed by Israeli strikes in Gaza Strip rises to 23,800

  • 8 months ago
Number of civilians killed by Israeli strikes in Gaza Strip rises to 23,800 //In Ecuador, over 150 hostages have been released// Guatemala: Indigenous and peasant organizations mobilized in defense of democracy. teleSUR
00:03 In Palestine, the number of civilians
00:14 killed by Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip
00:17 rose to 23,800, the Ministry of Health of the enclave reported.
00:22 In Ecuador, the government has announced the release
00:28 of all the prison police officers kidnapped
00:31 since last Monday in several prisons across the country.
00:34 In Guatemala City, indigenous and peasant organizations
00:42 have mobilized in defense of democracy
00:44 prior to the inauguration of President-elect Bernardo
00:47 Arevalo.
00:48 Hello, and welcome to "From the South."
00:54 I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telesur Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:57 We begin with the news.
01:02 The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli attacks
01:16 on the Gaza Strip since the current escalation
01:19 rose to 23,800, the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian
01:23 enclave reported.
01:25 The number of people killed by Israeli operations
01:27 in the Gaza Strip since October 7 rose to 23,843,
01:33 while the number of people wounded increased to 60,317,
01:39 according to a ministry representative in statements
01:41 to two local press.
01:43 In the last 24 hours, 135 people were
01:46 killed by Israel's 12 attacks on civilian infrastructure.
01:50 These figures mean that one in 20 Palestinians
01:53 are already dead, wounded, or missing from Israeli attacks.
01:57 Russia and other countries are urging Israel and Hamas
02:01 to agree to a ceasefire and advocate a two-state solution,
02:05 approved by the United Nations in 1947
02:08 as the only possible way to achieve
02:10 lasting peace in the region.
02:11 In the Gaza Strip, it's been 100 days
02:18 since the start of the Israeli genocide,
02:21 and the United Nations organizations
02:22 has demanded an end to the aggression
02:25 against the Palestinian people.
02:27 In a statement, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency
02:30 for Palestine, Refugees in the Middle East
02:33 deplored the massive destruction, displacement,
02:36 and killing of Palestinian civilians, mostly children,
02:40 as a result of the persistent Israeli aggression
02:42 in the Gaza Strip.
02:44 The agency urged for the need for a ceasefire
02:47 and to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches
02:50 all those affected.
02:52 The United Nations Agency also condemned Israel
02:54 for the physical and psychological scars
02:57 inflicted on the Gaza population, which they say
03:00 will take years to heal.
03:01 Egypt made a statement on the situation condemning Israel's
03:10 measures, including the strict inspection processes that
03:14 prevent the entry of large amounts of products
03:16 into the territory.
03:17 Also reminded that his country continues
03:20 to work tirelessly to enable the entry of a substantial amount
03:24 of aid to Gaza.
03:26 The statement of Egyptian authorities
03:28 are the second official response to Israeli claims
03:31 before the International Court of Justice,
03:33 claiming that Egypt is limiting international aid
03:36 to the Strip, something that Cairo has previously
03:39 described as false allegations.
03:40 On Saturday, thousands of people gathered in the Indonesian
03:49 capital to attend a demonstration in solidarity
03:52 with Palestine.
03:53 The rally took place in front of the US embassy
03:56 in downtown Jakarta and gathered around 5,000 people.
04:00 The demonstrators dressed in black and white,
04:03 holding posters saying "Boycott Israel" and "Ceasefire Now,"
04:07 demanding that Israel stops its ongoing war crimes.
04:11 Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation,
04:15 has long been a strong supporter of Palestinians
04:17 and does not have formal diplomatic relations
04:20 with Israel.
04:20 Also in South Korea, people have taken to the streets
04:30 in support of the Palestinian cause.
04:33 Under the slogans "ceasefire" and "free Palestine,"
04:36 people have expressed their condemnation
04:38 of the continuous bombing and ground attacks
04:40 by the Israeli occupation forces against the civilian population
04:44 in the Gaza Strip.
04:45 Thus, South Koreans have joined the voices to the world,
04:48 advocating for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
04:51 In the United Kingdom, people demonstrated in London
04:59 in support of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
05:02 On the 99th day since the beginning
05:05 of the Israeli aggression against Gaza,
05:07 demonstrators gathered in the center of London
05:10 in rejection to the violent acts perpetrated by Israel.
05:13 The protest was led by social movements and citizens
05:16 who called for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
05:19 while rejecting the US and the UK attacks on Yemen.
05:23 The demonstration took place under heavy security measures
05:26 with the involvement of some 1,700 policemen
05:30 to maintain order and direct the London march.
05:32 Our government needs to recognize
05:39 that what is happening in Gaza is a genocide
05:41 and to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
05:43 We're here to show our leaders and our politicians
05:46 that we are in a democracy and they don't speak for us.
05:50 When they decide not to back a ceasefire,
05:52 when they decide to continue to export arms to Israel,
05:55 when they decide to drop airstrikes on Yemen,
05:59 those are not decisions that speak for us.
06:01 And I'm here to voice that frustration.
06:04 And I think in years to come, it's
06:06 going to be one that a lot of people are kicking themselves
06:09 and saying we should have been on the right side of history
06:11 back then.
06:12 So I quite frankly want to be on the right side of history now.
06:15 Let's take a short break.
06:16 But remember, you can join us on TikTok
06:18 and tell us your English where you'll find news
06:20 in different formats, news updates, and more.
06:22 Other stories coming up.
06:23 Stay with us.
06:41 Welcome back.
06:42 In Guatemala, indigenous people from the different points
06:45 of the country arrived at the public prosecutor's office
06:48 today to support the presidential inauguration
06:50 of Bernardo Arevalo and Karine Herrera.
06:53 The traditional authorities invited the population
06:56 to appreciate the 105 days of uninterrupted peaceful
07:00 resistance against the coup d'etat
07:02 and to scale the beginning of the activities at five
07:04 local time with a Mayan ceremony.
07:07 The demonstrators were joined by residents
07:09 of San Sebastian Department of Huehue Tenango, San Miguel,
07:13 Las Pilas, San Andres, Cajola, Quetzalcóatl, Nango,
07:17 Champerico, Retaluelu, and the Indigenous Land Council
07:22 of Panzas, Verapaz, among others.
07:24 Antonio Garcia, a native leader from Olopa municipality,
07:28 Xiquimula, reported to the press that he
07:30 came to continue defending democracy and the people
07:33 at this point, adding that they are seeking
07:36 to avoid breaking the peace process and the rule of law,
07:39 to defend the Constitution, and not
07:41 to violate the popular will expressed in the polls.
07:44 Arevalo and Herrera prepared this Sunday
07:47 a series of cultural events on the 6th Avenue
07:50 of the historic center of the capital
07:52 and called on citizens to concentrate
07:54 in different points of the zone one of the city
07:57 and joined the proposal from 2 PM onwards.
08:00 Simon Palax, Indigenous major of Uxolola,
08:04 warned at the beginning of this month
08:05 that if the elected presidential candidate is not appointed,
08:09 they will carry out mobilizations
08:11 and assured that the people of Xolola
08:13 is ready to go out to the streets again on January 15
08:16 to demonstrate our rights.
08:18 On Saturday, heads of the government high ranking
08:25 officials, foreign ministers, and diplomats
08:28 from more than 60 countries arrived in Guatemala
08:32 for the inauguration of President-elect Bernardo
08:35 Arevalo.
08:35 The president of Paraguay, Santiago Pena,
08:38 arrived the day before as scheduled by the National Air
08:41 Force runway and was received by the local foreign minister,
08:45 Mario Bucaro.
08:46 According to the agenda, this Saturday
08:48 was expected the arrival of the King of Spain, Felipe VI,
08:53 and the president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, of Colombia,
08:56 Gustavo Petro, and of Chile, Gabriel Boric,
08:59 among other political leaders.
09:05 -Ecuador controlled and killed this Saturday
09:08 a number of prison jobs that broke out simultaneously
09:11 amid this week's wave of criminal violence.
09:14 The government also released more than 150 hostages
09:18 who had been held hostage by the inmates.
09:21 Through a message on the social network X,
09:23 Ecuador's president, Daniel Novoa,
09:25 confirmed the release of all the hostages who
09:27 had been held in prison of the cities of Esmeralda,
09:31 La Toacunga, Ambato, Cuenca, Azogas, Loja, and Mashala
09:36 since the beginning of the week.
09:38 The riots had become the focus of the ongoing violence that
09:41 broke out on Tuesday with a series of attacks
09:44 in different parts of the country.
09:46 According to the authorities, the riots of the last five days
09:49 claimed the lives of at least four people, among them
09:52 a guard and three prisoners.
09:59 -Peru's Court of Appeals has revoked a ban
10:02 for international traveling imposed on Popular Force Party
10:05 President Ms. Keiko Fujimori.
10:07 The judiciary decided to revoke the 36-month travel ban imposed
10:12 on Fujimori for her alleged involvement in the cocktails
10:15 case.
10:16 The ruling states that the measure
10:18 is unnecessary given that the present rules of conduct
10:21 are kind of a parole.
10:23 The prosecutor's office is asking for 30 years in prison
10:26 for Keiko, daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori.
10:30 She's been accused of appropriating millions
10:32 received as electoral contributions by businesses
10:36 and of obstructing justice.
10:37 In dozens of cities across Brazil and around the world,
10:46 bicycling enthusiasts and street artists and feminist activists
10:50 came to the streets on Friday to honor the Venezuelan artist
10:54 Julieta Hernandez, who was murdered in Brazil
10:56 while on a cycling journey to her mother's home on Christmas.
11:00 Our reporter Brian Meyer has more.
11:05 -On Friday night, bicyclists, street artists,
11:07 and feminist activists came out in 52 Brazilian cities
11:11 and nine other countries around the world
11:12 to remember Julieta Hernandez, a Venezuelan clown and street
11:16 artist who traveled from town to town by bicycle performing
11:19 shows for children, who was brutally murdered in Amazonas
11:22 while cycling towards Venezuela to visit
11:24 her family for Christmas.
11:25 -Julieta was a street artist.
11:31 She made dolls, a clown.
11:33 She made a singer and dancer.
11:36 She made this doll for me.
11:38 It's my clown character made by her hands.
11:41 What happened was heartbreaking.
11:43 But we will continue to get stronger working collectively.
11:47 -Hernandez went missing on December 23,
11:49 and her body was found by police on January 5.
11:52 Two suspects have been arrested, a couple that
11:54 invited her to sleep in their house
11:56 after she couldn't find a hotel room in the town of Presidente
11:59 Figueiredo, Amazonas.
12:01 On January 10, they found her bicycle and musical instruments.
12:06 -We believe that oppression against women
12:09 happens around the world as a product of capitalism.
12:13 And what happened to Julieta wasn't an isolated incident.
12:16 We are here to fight against feminicide
12:19 and against this society that oppresses and exploits women.
12:24 That's why we are on the streets today.
12:26 Julieta, presente.
12:28 -Organizers of the demonstration in Recife wrote,
12:30 "May her life inspire everyone to fight
12:33 for the right of the entire population
12:35 to travel freely wherever it wants to, especially women."
12:39 Brian Mier, tell us, sir, Recife.
12:42 [BEEPING]
12:45 -In Colombia, at least 40 people died and over 30
12:59 were injured after a landslide in the northwestern state
13:02 of Choco.
13:04 The disaster occurred on Friday afternoon
13:06 near the town of Carmen de Atrato,
13:08 resulting in the closing of the road that
13:10 covers the route from the city of Medellin to Quibdo.
13:14 In the images shared on social networks and television
13:16 channels, the destroyed cars can be clearly
13:19 seen in the middle of heavy mud.
13:21 According to the authorities, several landslides
13:23 have made it difficult for rescuers and firefighters,
13:26 which has led rescue forces to request
13:29 the assistance of helicopters to relieve the work.
13:37 -Concerning the tragedy in the Department of Choco,
13:40 Colombia, its governor made statements
13:42 regarding the recovery of bodies and assistance
13:45 to the wounded at the scene.
13:48 -We have already set up the unified command post
13:51 in the department and have started the coordination
13:54 and dialogue with the National House of Risk Management.
13:58 All the national and regional authorities
14:00 are already coordinating and carrying out
14:03 actions to achieve the recovery of bodies
14:06 and immediate attention to the injured in Antokya and Choco
14:10 Department's health systems.
14:12 Our priority is to ensure that our actions save
14:16 as many lives as possible and to bring the injured together
14:20 with their families.
14:23 -The World Meteorological Organization, WMO,
14:27 says 2023 has been the hottest year on record,
14:30 but that 2024 could bring even higher temperatures.
14:33 On Friday, the WMO and the United States National
14:37 Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA,
14:40 agreed with the Copernicus Climate Change Service
14:42 on an increase in the global average temperature
14:45 close to the limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius.
14:48 This organization said El Nino weather pattern
14:51 usually has a greater impact on temperatures.
14:54 However, they predict 2024 to be even warmer.
14:58 WMO emphasized that climate change
15:01 is the greatest challenge facing humanity for the changes
15:05 it can bring about.
15:06 In Japan, the death toll from last January 1st earthquake
15:15 has risen to 220.
15:17 Japanese broadcaster NHK reported Saturday
15:21 that the death toll following the powerful earthquake
15:24 and a series of aftershocks that hit Japan's Ishikawa
15:27 prefecture on New Year's Day now stands at 220.
15:32 Another 1,014 people have been reported injured.
15:36 Also, the number of houses that have been partially
15:39 or completely destroyed as a result of the Nara Peninsula
15:42 quake was also updated to 11,286.
15:50 Moreover, there are over 32,000 households without electricity
15:55 and over 56,000 without water.
15:58 This has been the most powerful quake
16:00 to hit the Nara Peninsula since records began in 1885.
16:09 In China's Taiwan region, the ruling party candidate Lai
16:13 Xingte won Saturday's election with more than 40%
16:16 of the votes.
16:17 Lai Xingte, candidate of the Progressive Democratic Party,
16:21 has won the elections held this Saturday
16:23 to become the next leader of the island,
16:26 obtaining more than 40% of the votes.
16:29 Shortly after knowing the results,
16:31 Lai assured that his priority as leader of the island
16:34 is to maintain peace and stability
16:36 on both sides of the Taiwan Strait
16:38 and to keep the status quo in accordance
16:41 with the constitutional system of China's republic.
16:44 According to these statements, future government appointments
16:47 will include officials from other parties
16:50 with the promise of giving priority
16:52 to issues that have the consensus of the island's
16:54 political forces.
16:55 China's army has issued a warning against any attempt
17:04 to promote Taiwan's independence.
17:06 Chinese officials say they will remain now on high alert
17:12 at times and will take necessary measures
17:14 to defend China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
17:17 Beijing also accused the United States
17:19 of steering military security problems between the two
17:22 countries and urged the United States
17:24 to cease its provocations by sending military ships
17:28 and aircraft near Taiwan.
17:30 China's defense ministry spokesman Zhang
17:33 urged the United States to create favorable conditions
17:36 for a healthy and stable development
17:40 of military relations between the two countries.
17:42 We have a second short break coming up,
17:48 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
17:51 for our English-speaking audience.
17:53 You can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
17:56 and share the link to reach more people.
17:58 Constant news coverage of land in America and the Caribbean,
18:00 as well as the rest of the world.
18:02 Stay connected and inform us the next short break.
18:05 Don't go away.
18:10 Welcome back to "From the South."
18:25 United States and the United Kingdom
18:27 launched airstrikes for second consecutive night
18:29 against Yemen.
18:31 Yemeni authorities reported that the attack targeted
18:34 the al-Dalaimi military base near the airport of the city
18:37 of Sanaa.
18:38 Defense agencies specified that Washington
18:41 used over 100 guided munitions to attack more than 60 targets
18:45 in 16 different locations throughout the country.
18:48 Officials also indicated that the cities affected by US
18:52 bombings are Sanaa, al-Hudaydah, Damar, and Saddaq.
19:02 The government of Venezuela has issued a special communique
19:05 condemning the attacks by the United States
19:07 and its Western allies against Yemen.
19:09 The statement reads, "The Bolivarian Republic
19:12 of Venezuela categorically condemns the bombing of Yemen
19:16 carried out by the US, the United Kingdom,
19:18 and other countries, an illegal action in violation
19:21 of international law that only contributes
19:24 to further destabilization in the region.
19:27 Furthermore, Venezuela insists that the only way
19:30 to warranty peace and stability in the Middle East
19:32 is through the cessation of the genocide in the Gaza Strip
19:36 carried out by Israel, as well as compliance
19:39 with all United Nations resolutions
19:41 for the establishment of a free and sovereign Palestinian
19:45 state.
19:46 And finally, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
19:48 urges the international community
19:50 to accept pressure measures for the restoration
19:53 of international law and justice in the area,
19:56 avoiding an escalation of the conflict caused
19:59 by the Israeli barbaric policy in Palestine."
20:02 Cuba's foreign minister, Bruno Rodriguez,
20:09 condemned the attacks by the United States
20:11 and its allies against Yemeni territory
20:14 through his account on social network
20:16 X, the official express.
20:18 Cuba condemns military attacks by the United States
20:21 and NATO allies in Yemen in violation of international law.
20:24 Acts of this nature encourage genocide in Gaza.
20:28 In the sense, Cuba reiterated their call
20:30 for an immediate ceasefire in the Palestinian enclave.
20:34 At a meeting of the United Nations Security Council
20:41 on Friday, Russia's ambassador before United Nations
20:45 said the attacks by the United States and its allies on Yemen
20:48 do not fall on the category of self-defense
20:51 and can only contribute to the expansion
20:53 of the conflict in the region.
20:57 "Mr. Chairman, despite the claim of our Western colleagues,
20:59 these massive attacks by the United States and Great
21:02 Britain on the territory of Yemen
21:04 have nothing in common with the exercise of the right
21:07 to self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter.
21:11 Article 51 does not apply to commercial shipping.
21:15 The right to self-defense cannot be exercised
21:17 to ensure freedom of maritime transport.
21:19 Our American colleagues are well aware of this fact."
21:24 Meanwhile, China's representative
21:26 to United Nations called on the United States and the United
21:29 Kingdom not to engage any reckless military maneuvers
21:33 that could lead to further escalation of the conflict
21:36 in the Red Sea and the Middle East.
21:40 "The Middle East region is already
21:41 on the brink of extreme danger.
21:43 The last thing we need at this point
21:45 is reckless military adventures.
21:47 The first thing we need is calm and restraint
21:49 to avoid further expansion of the conflict.
21:52 We urge the parties, especially the major countries
21:55 with the greatest influence to abide by the UN Charter
21:58 and international law, to maintain a stereo
22:00 towards dialogue and consultation,
22:02 and to make concrete efforts to maintain peace and stability
22:05 in the Red Sea and the Middle East."
22:09 In the United States, citizens march in the street
22:12 to demonstrate their support for Yemen and Palestine.
22:15 The protesters gather outside the building
22:17 that houses the permanent mission of Yemen
22:20 to the United Nations in New York.
22:22 The crowd spoke out against the actions of President Joe
22:24 Biden and his administration in relation
22:27 to the Israeli aggression in Gaza
22:29 and the recent attacks on Houthi grounds positions in Yemen.
22:33 Citizens accused the president of genocide
22:35 while demanding to stop US aid to Israel.
22:38 In this context, in Tehran, capital of Iran,
22:47 citizens support the Houthis with mobilizations
22:49 after the attacks of the United States and the United Kingdom.
22:52 The demonstrators expressed slogans and prayers
22:55 in support of Yemen.
22:57 "Oh, Yemen, the hero, we support you,"
22:59 and "Death to the United States,"
23:01 as expressed by the demonstrators.
23:03 The demonstrators also said that the Arab countries
23:06 should continue their struggle against the oppressors
23:09 and follow Yemen.
23:10 We have come to the end of this news brief,
23:17 but you can find this and many other stories
23:19 on our website at tellusoreenglish.net.
23:22 And join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram,
23:25 and TikTok as well.
23:26 For Tell Us Your English, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
23:28 Thank you for watching.
23:34 (upbeat music)
