Mattel Masters Of The Universe Cartoon Collection Trap Jaw Figure

  • 6 months ago
Mattel Masters Of The Universe Cartoon Collection Trap Jaw Figure
00:00 you better be careful around this guy have you seen the side armies packing
00:04 here's a look at the Mattel He-Man and Master Universe cartoon collection
00:07 Trapjaw evil and armed for combat
00:26 each figure comes with a battle accessory and a mini comic from the
00:30 series that explores the new storylines and introduces heroes villains and
00:33 allies in the timeless battle between good and evil and aficionados will love
00:37 the classically stylized retro packaging Skeletor always tries to find projects
00:43 for this guy that he can really sink his teeth in I'm here all day just before of
00:47 course we get a close look at the cartoon collection Trapjaw the tape
00:50 measure is telling us that the figure stands exactly six inches in height or
00:54 Trapjaw is 15 and a half centimeters tall now three bad guys in here's what
01:00 Trapjaw looks like with his boss Skeletor so he has to be on his best
01:02 behavior figure wise they're about using the same size of body of obviously
01:07 they're gonna have to tool a little bit more and Trapjaw is missing of course
01:09 his one arm here's as well what the figure looks like with Beastman Beastman
01:13 was my favorite figure from the first wave I feel like I might be saying now
01:16 the same thing for Trapjaw he's probably one I'm gonna be one of my favorite
01:19 figures until of course we look at Merman can't wait to see what Merman
01:22 looks like I did also want to bring in the original origins Trapjaw so you guys
01:26 can see Trapjaw unfortunately from the origins line is one of my least
01:29 favorites didn't like the fact that they overlooked not painting his eyebrows in
01:32 and I don't like that they also inverted the colors when it came to his eyeballs
01:35 but still that's what he looks like with the origins and we just recently in fact
01:39 looked at Tila oh just again a painful reminder that they used all the wrong
01:42 body for Tila she should have been a lot taller I don't want to spend much time
01:46 at all to tell you guys that he comes in clue with the once again the sheet of
01:49 paper that just is in the gray to show you the parts that can be swapped out
01:52 and changed with other figures discard away that goes I did want to spend a
01:56 little bit more time though talking about the mini comic not sure again why
01:59 they're deciding to stitch the the end spine here for the comic you can see
02:03 there's a little bit of threading here on the end it maybe isn't as obvious as
02:07 the one that we got from Tila Tila's was well very well into the border here but
02:12 unfortunately though like I don't recall the other mini comics correct me if I'm
02:15 wrong I'm just happen to have one off to the side here maybe maybe I am missing
02:18 something here's one that came in clue with I think shredder when we looked at
02:22 the turtles of grayskull okay yeah the threading there on the side maybe was
02:26 just the case that trap jaws isn't as obvious Tila's just happened to like I
02:30 mean you know the whole thing drawing outside the line that Tila just drew
02:33 well very well into the line and start coloring in the duck the comics are
02:37 gonna be exactly the same this one's entitled times up quilling both flipping
02:41 through the pages I did order this online not that if I bought this locally
02:45 all the the bubbles all the conversational bubbles would all be
02:48 blank but this one does have at least dialogue so I can follow along the story
02:51 on the back though the other characters Tila and trap jar already ones that
02:55 we've looked at I am on the hunt though for Stratos and I'm quite on the hunt
03:00 for merman definitely want to get my hands on the ocean warlord let's move
03:04 that off to the side now trap jaw does come in clear once again an episode
03:07 specific accessory the accessory he just happens come included with is an
03:11 interneum rock from the episode double-edged sword I've seen some
03:16 reviews of people commenting on trap jaw and more specifically merman but they
03:19 come in clue with things that you pretty much could go to a crafters market store
03:23 and be able to find yourself it does in a way sort of just look like a gemstone
03:26 that you could just probably have found anywhere for like a couple of cents I
03:29 think mermans comes in clue with the pearl and obviously that just looks like
03:33 a marble I mean I think at least trap jaws does look like a believable looking
03:37 accessory that you could tie into something you would have seen in the
03:40 original mo to series it isn't very hard and plastic either actually it's got a
03:44 little bit of give to it and this can hold in his hand although the way he
03:47 holds it holds it less like a rock and more like a crystal drumstick at least
03:54 he does have the means to store it would be completely a waste of time if this
03:57 was all just one molded stone and he'd have no way to actually hold it I mean
04:01 he holds it sure but he holds it in such again an awkward way that it looks like
04:05 he's actually wanting to chow down on it then it actually used the turning a rock
04:09 that off to the side the figure as well comes include some swappable parts now
04:14 with the original trap jaw usually is the case with all trap jaws really did
04:18 you get these arm extra arm attachments he gets himself a hook and he gets
04:22 himself as well the blaster either one of these by the way can be swapped out
04:25 with his arm now if you look to the back of the figure he does have only one
04:29 provided slot because again he's only really going to be using one of them he
04:33 needs to find a place for the other so that just stores on the back of the
04:35 figures body I don't know if the in the cartoon of trap to actually had a
04:39 storage place on the back of the figures body or on the back of the characters
04:42 body where you'd be able to store the extra things it would make sense because
04:44 of course he's carrying around all these extra things unless he's like Adam West
04:48 Batman that just happens to tuck it behind the cape and it just disappears
04:51 he'd have to have a place I would imagine to store these extra weapons
04:54 what I think was smart at least on Mattel's part all the bashing I did when
04:58 we looked at Tila is that you can either have it on the end of his forearm so I'm
05:02 just gonna slide it in place so you guys can see whoop twist around the right way
05:06 so you can either have the configuration looking like this or if you wanted to
05:10 have it more like the cartoon what you can do is right here where the bicep
05:14 swivel would be you can pop this off completely and you can attach instead
05:18 the arm cannon right here because in the cartoon in fact actually didn't have the
05:22 longer forearm usually at times it usually just it was attached basically
05:25 to his shoulder so you can do something similar to this unfortunately though
05:29 like while it looks more cartoon accurate it does kind of give them a
05:32 little more of a stumpiness to it like if only was just the case that I
05:35 wouldn't want you know maybe if they had found a way to kind of pop it off like
05:39 right here just to give him a little bit of extra length again being in the
05:43 cartoon he would have had it more closer looking like this but I think just by
05:47 giving him just a little bit of extra reach but maybe by say that much it
05:51 would just look a little bit longer a little bit more proportion to the rest
05:53 of the figures body so I do like again like they made it a little bit more
05:56 cartoon accurate head sculpt wise speaking of cartoon accuracy get a good
05:59 look good good gander at trap jaws ugly mug unfortunately the one thing that by
06:05 giving him a cartoon face like this unfortunately it is now done away with
06:08 the idea of an actual moving jaw the original origins trap jaw and every
06:12 other iteration of trap jaw we've ever coming we've ever gotten has always had
06:16 a movable jaw this trap job by only giving him a permanent expression like
06:20 this it means you can't actually open and close the jaw kind of wishing the
06:24 way that they could have still painted the face the exact same way and actually
06:27 given him a hingeable jaw still has of course a little loop there on the top of
06:30 his helmet so if you wanted to zip line I don't think even actually zip lined in
06:34 the series but you could run yourself a bit of threading there right straight
06:37 through the hoop and trap jacket slide himself down a zip line if you wanted to
06:41 colors are pretty good on this guy you know more to the brighter colors that
06:44 you'd expect to see the trap jaw would be in the cartoon very bright blue here
06:47 he's got of course the bright green there for his belt unlike the original
06:50 trap jaw though the trap job from before would have had the of course the
06:54 placement of the skull there on the front of his belt this trap job tied
06:56 more to the cartoon doesn't actually have that it's completely smooth has the
07:00 green nicely painted there as well got quite really red it's more kind of
07:04 coming across like a neon pink he's got that in the loincloth he's got it down
07:08 below here on his leg guards and he's got it down below here as well for his
07:11 calf guards - it's a nice-looking figure overall the thing one thing is that they
07:17 have used of course what seems to be the exact same body for all the other cartoon
07:21 collection figures so for a trap jaw in order to get this extra piece here what
07:25 it basically is is this arm right here once you pull this out you can remove
07:29 this all together if you wanted to and I suppose you could put this back but then
07:32 would look even more basic and barren so you just want to plug this back in place
07:36 just sits in place like that and then you're gonna take yourself your shoulder
07:39 peg and the peg right there just fits into the provided hole and just plug it
07:43 in like that it does sit again a little bit more looser side I kind of wish that
07:46 they could have adhered this a little bit more to the body so it would be not
07:49 something that's gonna shift around a whole lot on the figure but again like a
07:52 really nice-looking trap jaw this guy as well as Beastman I would say is so far
07:56 my favorites of what we've looked at so far for the cartoon collection will that
07:59 potentially change when we look at more and it could very well be but right now
08:03 trap jaw and Beastman for me my favorite figures from this line head sculpt wise
08:07 starting with the articulation is gonna be on a ball joint it does rotate all
08:10 the way around head looks down that far looks up that far and it does rock back
08:15 and forth thus far arms you rotate of course all the way around I didn't
08:20 notice though with this arm this arm isn't so much the issue it easily comes
08:23 out 90 degrees this arm on the other hand is a little on the more tighter
08:27 side and may have something to do with the fact that they actually had to cup
08:30 this part of his arm over top of it maybe that's making the hinge a little
08:33 bit tighter I'm not really even sure now while this guy does of course have the
08:37 swiveling here for the forearm and of course there's the elbow bend
08:40 unfortunately then draws the attention to this side where he doesn't actually
08:43 have that unless you did want to take this part of the arm off swap it back in
08:49 swap back in the form which again slides into place now you've got yourself a
08:54 hinge here and you also got yourself a bicep swivel where a bicep would normally
08:58 be if it wasn't replaced with a robotic arm there's also again like some
09:01 articulation here where this can rotate to waist is only on a straight swivel
09:04 legs move out at 90 well not quite at 90 degrees but they're on a ball joint you
09:09 can take the legs moving forward you can move them back a little bit of a swivel
09:12 at the top single hinge only on the knee allows the lower leg to rotate back and
09:16 forth you will notice though that also with the boots where this boot normally
09:20 would be cut right here and then would be swapped out with other other cartoon
09:23 collection figures what they've done instead is that they've made this as one
09:26 kind of one continued piece but when you're actually swiveling this part
09:30 you'll notice that this is the part that stays behind this is the part that
09:33 continues to move on its merry little way he has an ankle pivot back and forth
09:37 an ankle rocker as well and the figure does have pegs on the undersides of his
09:41 feet do I ever really mentioned that the cartoon collection figures have pegs on
09:45 the undersides of these feet if I haven't I'm mentioning it now nice
09:48 looking trap jaw nice looking trap jaw and again you know while maybe I was a
09:53 little too hard on Tila maybe I was but I will say like what saved this cartoon
09:58 collection for at least a second wave is the fact that trap jaw first of all is a
10:00 scaled right with the rest of the goons from Skeletor's team and again they all
10:05 look like they're well again like Skeletor sort of again drop the ball but
10:08 Beastman and trap jaw man those nice-looking figures you know while I do
10:12 again think that was smart on Mattel's part to give him actually the means to
10:15 pop off that forearm and then just have this actually if you wanted to have a
10:19 little bit more close to his shoulder like he would appear in the cartoon I
10:22 sort of feel again like the eternium rock seems just like a weird out-of-place
10:26 accessory to include the figure and again like the way that he actually
10:29 holds it he holds it less like he's holding a stone and more like a crystal
10:33 drumstick it's a nice-looking figure though I am super excited to get my
10:38 hands on Stratos maybe a lot more excited to get my hands on Merman if I
10:42 do get the chance to pick those figures up of course reviews will follow not
10:46 that I wanted to wrap up the review with trap jaw by starting off on a tangent
10:49 but as a Canadian collector let me just say finding anything like this new local
10:53 stores squat Walmart's Toys R Us about the only two options a Canadian collector
10:58 could have when it comes to finding anything new for figures Mass Universe
11:01 stuff just sucks when it comes to stocking anything I don't know why
11:05 Mattel just feels against the idea of shipping anything over the border to
11:08 hear Canadian stores but they really need to improve their distribution so
11:12 that myself and other Canadian collectors alike can actually find this
11:15 stuff without having to order them online and paying the extra prices to
11:18 get them being said though going back to the review here of trap jaw I'm glad
11:22 that at least I was able to finally find both him and Tila the Tila we've already
11:26 had a look at his both figures look really good
11:28 Tila unfortunately sacrifices the most by just using again an origins body I
11:32 don't know why the decision was made by Mattel to go the route of using an
11:36 origins body when clearly oversizing these figures being bigger than their
11:40 origins just seemed like it was something that they were doing across
11:42 the board trap jaw at least has the cartoon accuracy and he has the size to
11:46 at least blend in with both Skeletor and Beastman we've already had a look at
11:49 speaking of cartoon accuracy he has also as well smart on Mattel's part because
11:53 again it's just not me just bashing Mattel but smart at least on their part
11:57 that they gave you a way to reduce the length of his form so like in the
12:00 cartoon you could actually have his weapons closer to his shoulders instead
12:04 it does make his arm look a little shorter and stumpier as a result and one
12:08 unfortunate thing that he also sacrifices by going with the cartoon
12:11 accuracy look is that he doesn't have a hingeable jaw I don't mind the fact he
12:15 doesn't have a hingeable jaw because the head sculpt actually looks really good
12:18 on this guy and again the colors on this guy look just as good as he does in the
12:21 actual cartoon episodes if you guys are interested get this one for yourself I
12:25 would say that US collectors probably could have an easier time of finding
12:28 these things in the wild you probably could go to your local Target stores I
12:30 think even in fact Merman and Stratos are right now stocked in stores here's a
12:35 Canadian collector again if I wanted to get my hands on Stratos or I want to get
12:39 my hands on Merman unless there's a Canadian collector out there that's
12:42 willing to pick one up for me if not definitely gonna have to order these
12:46 online well have you guys been collecting any of the cartoon collection
12:50 figures let me know down below in the comment section which ones have been
12:52 your favorites so far if you haven't yet had the chance to pick up any of these
12:56 based at least on what we've looked at here in reviews what have been your
13:00 favorite cartoon collection figures if you guys also as well enjoyed this video
13:03 I want to hit it with like if you guys are loving the content yes that you guys
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13:18 I mean I only just do things for YouTube I don't actually work for Google if I
13:21 work for Google things would have been changed a long time ago but yeah make
13:25 sure you're coming back here on a regular basis even though we are wrapping
13:27 things up right now at least with a cartoon collection there will be some
13:30 mo to stuff still coming your way to make sure you're coming back here on a
13:33 regular basis as always guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
13:39 you
13:42 you
