• 2 months ago
Mattel Masters Of The Universe Origins Modulok Figure


00:00He's made of many parts, but every part is evil.
00:03You should look in the Mattel Masked Universe Origins,
00:05The Evil Horde's Modulok, evil beast of a thousand bodies.
00:30This MOTU Origins Modulok Deluxe Action Figure is designed at 5.5 inch scale with modern poseability.
00:42The MOTU Toy Monster Pack comes with 34 modular body parts to be assembled in thousands of ways.
00:47There are even enough pieces to create two complete creatures.
00:50A tool is included to assist in removing ball joints from sockets.
00:53Two accessories can be used as individual blasters or one combined weapon.
00:58I think before we look at the creature with the swappable features,
01:00let's take the tape measure, shall we?
01:02And see how tall the brand new Master Universe Origins Modulok stands.
01:05Now, I stripped this guy down to the basic looking body.
01:08Of course, he's going to get a lot more elaborate in a moment.
01:10Based at least in mind, Modulok is going to stand with two heads at 6.5 inches in height or about 17 centimeters tall.
01:18Another henchman of the Horde, here's what the figure looks like with Hordak.
01:21Bringing in also as well Leech, who's about the same size if you use the two heads on Modulok.
01:26He's still going to be a little bit taller than Grizzlor.
01:29Here's also what he looks like with Mantenna.
01:31Off to the side, here's what he looks like at least with one of the Horde troopers.
01:34And for my personal collection at least, I know he doesn't really belong here in most collections,
01:38but I like to tend to put Anti-Eternia He-Man as part of the Horde as well.
01:42As you can see, we've got quite the mess going on here for Modulok.
01:45And to help explain things a little bit better, the folks over at Mattel includes a paper pamphlet.
01:49Normally, I'd be one to throw this right away in the recycling, but I would say stop.
01:52Don't do that yet.
01:54Look at this thoroughly, though, because the ball joints that are listed here in black and outlined,
01:58it looks like Muppet eyes.
02:00All the Muppet eyes are pegs that you can't remove.
02:03So the ones for the V-neck, for example, the torso, the lower waist,
02:06and even like these additional neck pieces even tell you here on the side,
02:11the joints indicated with dotted circles are non-detachable.
02:16Do not attempt at any cost to pry these... I'm adding extra words, by the way...
02:20Do not attempt to pry these joints away from the toy parts or use excessive force
02:23when removing the toy parts connected to them.
02:26Hold on to this. I'm just going to put this actually off to the side.
02:29So with Modulok, as mentioned already, I sort of kind of stripped them down to the bare basics.
02:35These parts theoretically can also be used as well with other Mass Universe Origins figures.
02:40Let's kind of go through all of these parts individually.
02:43So first, the figure does come included with a pair of blasters.
02:46The blasters are different from one another.
02:48What's great about them, though, is that they can hold in his hands.
02:50Now, these aren't really the arms that he came out of the packaging with.
02:53The packaged hands were actually these ones here.
02:56These will have no chance at all of being able to properly hold the blasters.
03:00So that's one of the reasons why I started a little bit more basic than these.
03:03Popped these off.
03:05And with the hands that he has now, he actually can hold these in his hands.
03:08So let's go ahead and just put them in between his grip.
03:11I should say in between his grip. Put them in his grip.
03:13Oh, I just dropped one of the blasters. Blasted!
03:15Let's try that again.
03:17Let's put the blaster in one of his hands while we have the other hand in our hands.
03:21Let's go ahead and put the other blaster in there. There we go.
03:24It's awfully long handles.
03:26I'm so used to having shorter handles for these accessories,
03:28but you can very easily have him holding the guns that way.
03:31You can also do two other things with the blasters.
03:34Let's put him down here for a second.
03:36Mardulok does have one issue going for him as well.
03:39We'll talk about that in a moment.
03:41You'll see here there's also a peg.
03:43You'll see here that there's also a hole.
03:45If you take the two shapes and you connect them together,
03:47you can actually get yourself a dual blaster instead of just the one.
03:50But wait, there's more.
03:52I'm sure I'm not going to be saying that quite a lot in this review, but let's hope.
03:56Anyways, see also there's these holes on the back.
03:59There's also these two pegs.
04:01Again, you take the two shapes and fit them together,
04:03and now you've got yourself a blaster that shoots front and back.
04:05Pew! Pew!
04:07And of course you can also take that as well.
04:09You could really, too, put the blaster in his hand this way.
04:12So instead of having it upright, if you want to have a slightly shorter peg,
04:15it just seems, though, that he has a harder time to really hold the blaster.
04:18Am I struggling? Why am I having such a tough time doing this?
04:20Let's take the blaster hand there.
04:22There we go.
04:23And you can put it in his hand that way, too.
04:25I mean, I know, obviously there's going to have these longer pegs on the side.
04:28If you just overlook that part, just block it with your hand,
04:31you can also hold the blaster that way, too.
04:33Mardulok also has one neat thing going for him as well.
04:36Above and beyond all the parts that we're about to have a look at,
04:39the figure also comes included with a shield.
04:41But wait, there's more.
04:42It's not just the shield alone.
04:44Although I will say, though, the shield is very nicely painted here.
04:47I guess molded here in red plastic.
04:49You can see there's several horde symbols here,
04:51so Hordak knows right away who this belongs to.
04:53He can hold the shield this way.
04:55But on the inside, too, there's just as many horde symbols there, too.
04:58Now you can also take that.
05:00You already know the way that shields work by now.
05:02The shield just fits in his hand.
05:04But again, like, I don't know why.
05:06These are regular used hands, and yet I have such a hard time
05:08getting him to properly hold the accessories.
05:10Anyways, that's what it looks like in his hand.
05:13But it also serves as well to be a tool.
05:16So with the figure coming included with all these ball joints,
05:19if you start to put things onto Mardulok,
05:21and then you're realizing, you know, if you ever build LEGO,
05:23not maybe for a living,
05:25although if you were to build LEGO for a living,
05:27I mean, just think of how fun that would be.
05:29Sometimes when you put LEGO, of course, together,
05:31it's always hard to kind of pry things apart.
05:33So LEGO includes, of course, that removing tool.
05:35Well, Mattel sort of did something similar, too.
05:37This works to remove the ball joints.
05:39So, like, for example, you get several of these.
05:41One's work with arms, one's work with legs.
05:43We'll kind of look at the lay of the land in a second.
05:45But to help assist this,
05:47you actually get yourself a lifting tool.
05:49This just basically puts in between the posts,
05:51and you can pry the ball joint that way.
05:53You have the larger one, and there's also a smaller one there, too.
05:55Kind of think of it like a shield can opener.
05:57Very cool, though.
05:59Let's put that off to the side.
06:01Okay, so the figure, if I can break things down here,
06:03he comes with two back torso pieces.
06:05Theoretically, you can also use them as tail pieces.
06:07These will go on the back of his body.
06:09But any one of these can basically be swapped around
06:11with the parts that he has right now.
06:13To help assist this, this is the most crucial thing.
06:15The figure comes included with two types of ball joints.
06:17So when you are kind of adding pieces onto Modulok,
06:19you have to decide for yourself first,
06:21is this going to be an arm,
06:23or is this going to be a torso?
06:25If that answer is yes to either one of those,
06:27then you're going to use this ball joint.
06:29This ball joint will go, basically,
06:31into anything that has a hole like this.
06:33Stop that.
06:35And then this will be then a torso piece,
06:37or it's going to be a part that's going to go into the shoulder.
06:39Because if you look at the torso,
06:41just detach this right now,
06:43you can see that it actually has
06:45the exact same type of peg.
06:47If you remove his arms,
06:49you can see it uses the same type of ball peg.
06:51Right there.
06:53So again, ask yourself right in advance
06:55when you start to move things around on Modulok,
06:57does he want to be an arm,
06:59does he want to be a torso,
07:01or does he want to be a leg?
07:03If he wants to be a leg, or he wants to be a neck,
07:05then you're going to be using this type of ball joint,
07:07which is this one here.
07:09So basically what it is,
07:11is it's a ball joint, it's a ball joint,
07:13it's a dumbbell ball joint.
07:15You can see the differences between the two.
07:17With that in mind, though,
07:19let's put Modulok back together here.
07:21There is one thing, though, I did want to talk about
07:23before we start swapping around the parts.
07:25I noticed his leg causes him to fall frequently.
07:27And when you're looking at his knee, though,
07:29normal Master Universe Origins figures,
07:31always will have a bent knee.
07:33And I've tried to bend this to the point where
07:35obviously I don't want to break this.
07:37But when I try to make it straight,
07:39the knee always wants to bend back, which is fine.
07:41The other thing I've noticed, though,
07:43is with the leg configuration that he has right now,
07:45without the assist of other things behind him,
07:47he has a harder time to stand.
07:49And I don't know if it has something to do with maybe his feet,
07:51or just his knees, or a combination of the both.
07:53But I do have a little more of a harder time for him to balance.
07:55That being said, though,
07:57the figure comes included with three types of legs.
07:59He comes with, obviously,
08:01the legs that he has right now,
08:03which I guess would be kind of the most simplest looking leg,
08:05which is what looks to be like a green kneecap,
08:07a little bit of green down below.
08:09He's got also as well these monster legs
08:11with tiny, tiny little feet.
08:13And he also comes included with another pair of feet
08:15that are probably my favorite.
08:17He has these monster feet that have the little fins on the back.
08:19So you can choose for yourself.
08:21Now, again, not even adding extra things onto him,
08:23if you just swap out the things that he has right now,
08:25you can easily take the leg off, for example.
08:27Just detach it from the ball joint.
08:29And then replace it with, obviously,
08:31even if we're going to be swapping things around,
08:33we want to make sure that the ball joint's facing the right way.
08:35Plug that into the ball joint.
08:37And now you've got yourself two different types of legs.
08:39It's super simple.
08:41The one thing, though, it does, unfortunately,
08:43sacrifice with, especially, like, the legs.
08:45As you can see, like, there's much more of a visible post
08:47between where the bottom of his torso is,
08:49or his crotch,
08:51and then where the thigh will be.
08:53There's a little bit more of a space there.
08:55So you can customize the legs just on that alone.
08:57It may cause a little bit more balancing issues for Modulok.
08:59Not that he already didn't have balancing issues.
09:01But, you know what,
09:03let's actually just put the legs back in place.
09:05I want to kind of show you everything first,
09:07and then we'll start swapping parts around.
09:09We'll just pop the leg back in place.
09:11There we go.
09:13So he does, then, also have three pairs of interchangeable arms.
09:15It's funny, though, that online,
09:17they advertise that you could take the character
09:19and essentially make two separate figures
09:21with the amount of parts that you get.
09:23It's not really 100% true.
09:25I mean, to be fair, yes.
09:27If you took pieces like this, for example,
09:29I'm sure you could probably fudge yourself
09:31a smaller-sized Modulok.
09:33But because the one thing that he's missing
09:35is a secondary torso piece,
09:37realistically, no, you can't create
09:39two identically-sized Moduloks.
09:41You could create, like, a Modulok
09:43that looks a little bit more human to form,
09:45and then you'd make, basically,
09:47like, a little abomination thing
09:49that probably could go along,
09:51like, with the arms.
09:53So, like, we've already looked at the fact
09:55that where's the other arm? There's the other arm.
09:57So he comes with, like, the more simpler-looking arm
09:59that, for all intents and purposes, yeah.
10:01I mean, any one of these arms, by the way,
10:03like, let's just bring in Hordak back here for a second.
10:05You want to take off Hordak's arms?
10:07You want to swap it out with the monster arm
10:09that comes included with Modulok?
10:11You can do that.
10:13I mean, all the parts are universally jointed.
10:15So he comes with those, and he basically, again,
10:17comes with the monster arms.
10:19So that's one way around it as well.
10:21The last thing the figure comes included with,
10:23if I can get everything kind of balanced here,
10:25comes with some additional neck pieces.
10:27Now, again, you see this as a neck.
10:29This could also be a shoulder piece.
10:31This could also be an additional waist piece,
10:33a waist extension piece.
10:35It's just, again, it's a matter of
10:37wanting to use this peg or if you want to use this peg.
10:39The figure also comes included
10:41with a tail piece,
10:43and he also comes included
10:45with, like, another variation of a tail,
10:47and he also has this extension piece too.
10:49With the proper joints,
10:51obviously, you can add this tail piece
10:53on the end, or you can add
10:55this piece on the end.
10:57I know, there's a fair bit to cover.
10:59And I guess, really, that's the last thing that he has
11:01other than, again, a few extra, like,
11:03branched pieces off.
11:05So, again, like, you could use these for the necks.
11:07You could use these also for the shoulders.
11:09I'm likely going to be using these for the shoulders
11:11so I can show you guys what he looks like with forearms
11:13instead of just the two.
11:15He does have some additional neck pieces, but, again,
11:17they don't have to be necks. They could be shoulders.
11:19They could be legs. Just, again, a matter of the joints.
11:21Okay, so let's kind of go through
11:23everything here on Modulok.
11:25So, with the figure the way that he is right now,
11:27standard articulation, by the way, in all this figure.
11:29Now, again, if you don't want to have him with
11:31the two heads, it's just, obviously, a case
11:33of popping off one of the heads.
11:35Pop this in place instead.
11:37And then, for all intents and purposes, you've got yourself a regular
11:39MOTU body. Other than just the obvious,
11:41very glaring peg that he has
11:43on the back of his body, there's no way to remove this.
11:45Standard articulation, though,
11:47on this version of Modulok. So, again, the arms,
11:49you're going to have the hinge, the elbow bend,
11:51the swivel in the arm, the swivel in the hand,
11:53swivel in the waist, legs, ball joints,
11:55a little more of an uglier looking ball joint
11:57due to the way that the legs are designed,
11:59forward and back motion on the legs,
12:01a swivel there at the top, swivel in the leg, bend at the knee,
12:03and also, again, you've got your ankle rocker
12:05with a boot swivel cut there, too.
12:07Standard version of Modulok
12:09before we actually start fiddling around
12:11with this guy.
12:13If we want to get things fun going here,
12:15what we're going to do is we're going to just
12:17pop the head off here. We're going to go back
12:19to the idea that he has, obviously, two heads
12:21instead of just the one. Then we're going to go back
12:23and pop the head in place. Now, again,
12:25if you wanted to, you could take the neck extension
12:27piece, which, again, I'm only using it
12:29now as a neck extension. It doesn't have to be a neck extension,
12:31but, say, for example, you want to have
12:33this head a little bit higher than the other. You want to do that?
12:35Okay, we'll do that.
12:37Let's just pop this off. We're going to take the neck
12:39piece here, which, again, like with these ones,
12:41you can't remove the pegs. They're permanently
12:43in place. I know, I know. There's a lot
12:45of bit to cover. So we're going to plug that in.
12:47We're going to plug in this head sculpt
12:49so at least the head's going to be a little bit higher than the other one.
12:51Pop this back in place.
12:53There we go.
12:55And what else do we want to do?
12:57Let's add the back piece here.
12:59What we'll do is, because that ball joint's already there,
13:01we can't do anything about that. We're going to take
13:03the ball joint, and it doesn't really matter which way you've got it
13:05because the holes are exactly the same on both sides.
13:07We're going to plug it on the back, like that.
13:11let's see, where's that other piece?
13:13So we're going to grab this piece for the tail because, again,
13:15we want to have the additional legs
13:17on the back. So what we're going to do
13:19is we're going to find the ball joint,
13:21and this is, again, not the one that we want to use.
13:23We want to use the one that has the two ball joints.
13:25So when you're putting these in, this one
13:27won't have it right away, but you'll
13:29be happy to know, at least, that it roots
13:31pretty deep into the socket. So you basically
13:33put a little bit of pressure onto this.
13:35You want to wiggle the post all the way to the back.
13:37There we go.
13:39And, again, if you have any tough time
13:41doing this, simply just go and use the tool,
13:43and the tool will help kind of pull the part out.
13:45Because I want to keep it in, I'm not going to use the tool.
13:47And then what we'll do is we'll just take the tail piece
13:49and plug it onto the back of his body.
13:51Just like that.
13:53Now that we've got that, let's go ahead and start
13:55worrying about the legs.
13:57So, again, if you want to use these legs for the front,
13:59I know we've kind of covered off that territory.
14:01The thing that's neat about Modulock, too, is that this is
14:03the first time we've had ourselves removable legs.
14:05If you ever follow that paper pamphlet we always
14:07throw away, I mean, it's probably good now that we
14:09were researching that earlier,
14:11the pamphlet tells us that you always have to detach
14:13the waist piece. So, like, the waist,
14:15for example, when you're, obviously,
14:17swapping around parts for
14:19Master Universe Origins figures, the waist
14:21and the legs are always going to be one piece. You can't
14:23detach the two. In this case,
14:25though, because the legs are separate,
14:27you could use these, technically, as a
14:29customizer, you know, like if you want to customize
14:31figures down the road. So, let's pop the ball
14:33joints back in place. Which way did we
14:35have it? We had it this way.
14:37Plug that all the way on there. I will say,
14:39though, the only one issue I kind of had getting
14:41everything together on Modulock was when you have
14:43like a hole, for example, a socket,
14:45and you have to take the first time the ball joint
14:47and have to really force that in there
14:49to get everything in place. So, now he's
14:51got, instead of, well, he doesn't have any extra
14:53legs right now, he's only got the two on the front.
14:55Let's fix that quickly. We'll take the monster
14:57legs, or make sure we've got them
14:59facing, not that it really matters which way we've got them
15:01facing, this guy's just an abomination of many parts, but
15:03let's just plug the leg in place. So, that's
15:05one. Do the same, then,
15:07on the other side. We're going to plug that in place.
15:09Now, again, this is the
15:11only, this is the customized, this is the way
15:13I'm customizing Modulock. When you get your
15:15Modulock for yourself, you can customize him in a
15:17different way. Let's take the
15:19kind of the fish legs here, and we're going
15:21to attach them onto the back.
15:23Again, we'll just plug them onto the back of the ball
15:25joints. There we
15:27go. There's one. Do I have it all the way? I don't think
15:29I have it all the way. The thing about
15:31the legs, too, oh, there we go.
15:33That was harder than I was expecting.
15:35The thing, also, about the legs,
15:37where's the other leg, is you can see that they've
15:39made a slot on either side. That's just
15:41so that the leg, when you are putting them onto the ball
15:43joint, has a little bit of wiggle space for
15:45them to move back and forth.
15:47So, we'll take, then, the last leg,
15:49plug it in place.
15:51Those legs seem to always be the
15:53hardest thing to attach onto them. And
15:55now, you've got Modulok with six
15:57legs. Six legs, instead of just
15:59the two. A little bit of balancing and
16:01readjusting of the legs may be required
16:03on your part. Let's just bring those legs around here a little
16:05bit. And we'll also
16:07make sure I've got this on all the way.
16:09Again, the legs seem
16:11only really to be the hardest thing to get onto Modulok.
16:13It may require a little bit of pressure
16:15on your part just to get them all the way on there.
16:17And, yeah, again, there's the back piece popping
16:19off here.
16:21Just get everything in place.
16:23There we go.
16:25And we'll get the other leg on there.
16:27I think we're set. I think we're ready to go.
16:29Now we've got the back section of him.
16:31He looks like some monstrous-looking
16:33centaur. Is a centaur a horseman?
16:35Part horse, part man?
16:37Now that we've got everything here going on for Modulok,
16:39I'll have to just fix things in the back there for
16:41his body. Let's deal a little bit now
16:43with his arms. So, what we're going to do
16:45is we're going to detach the arm here,
16:47pop those off,
16:49and we're going to revisit the idea of using these.
16:51So what you'll do is, because, again, we're using
16:53a shoulder piece, which peg do we use?
16:55The ball joint? Or do we use this
16:57joint? Those that
16:59answered this question, you are correct.
17:01So let's go ahead and just plug those in place.
17:05And if you have used moisturizer
17:07like this guy's used moisturizer in
17:09preparation for this review, it probably wasn't
17:11a good idea. So that's one.
17:13Let's find the other peg piece here.
17:15We'll plug that in place.
17:18It's awfully warm
17:20here as well, so I'm dealing with the heat
17:22as well as moisturizer on my hands.
17:24Just a lethal combination, especially if
17:26you're trying to get these little ball joints in place.
17:28Do we have it? I think we have it.
17:32Okay, alright. So now, what we'll
17:34do is we'll attach this onto his shoulders,
17:36and we'll attach
17:38the other piece back here as well.
17:41Line everything up.
17:43This whole time I'm looking at this,
17:45I keep thinking, please don't let the legs fall off.
17:47Please don't let the legs fall off. And now,
17:49let's go ahead and take the arms. Now, do we want to use
17:51the monster arms for the tops, or do we want to
17:53use them for the bottoms?
17:55Alright, we'll use them for the tops.
17:57The more showpiece arms are going to be on
17:59the top, so we'll just attach those
18:01into the sockets. Now, you may also
18:03find this a little bit easier to do all this
18:05with attaching the arms first, and then
18:07going ahead and attaching the shoulder piece in.
18:09Again, we're going to do this on
18:11this side too.
18:13There we go.
18:15And then, really, the last thing that we really then
18:17need to do is just attach the other arms.
18:19Now, I want to make sure I've also got
18:21them all the way on there. We'll take the other arm,
18:23plug them in place,
18:27and this is the way I'm going to customize
18:29Modulok. It's likely going to be also the way I'm going
18:31to display this guy on the shelf. It just means, though, that
18:33he's got a lot of extra arms. Hold on
18:35one second. Just wanted to
18:37make sure that I had all the limbs properly attached
18:39in place. I do have a couple of issues, though,
18:41when it comes to moving the legs periodically,
18:43just the way that they snap onto the
18:45ball joints. They do pop off, but as you can see,
18:47they're very easy to put back in place.
18:49With the way that I've got designed Modulok here,
18:51the only thing that's left behind for pieces
18:53is one tail, a few extra
18:55extension pieces, which, again, I could probably have
18:57added onto the neck. I could have also attached these
18:59to the shoulders and made the arms stick out further,
19:01and then I've got a couple of the ball joints
19:03just left behind as well, which will go into a bag.
19:05Again, he still retains
19:07all the same levels of posability. I mean,
19:09just again, you're adding extra parts, but the joints
19:11work the exact same way. The only
19:13one thing I will also say about Modulok,
19:15other than having the legs falling off a little
19:17too frequently, some of the pegs that were
19:19told in the instructions not to remove, obviously
19:21I'm not going to remove them right now, but I want
19:23to detach at least one of these,
19:25because one issue I kind
19:27of have with this is that there is
19:29a little bit of wiggle back and forth. You can
19:31probably see this as well.
19:33That wiggling does concern me. I mean, obviously
19:35they had to put that there just so that there would be some
19:37tolerances when it comes to moving the legs around.
19:39But I wonder though, detaching
19:41these and reattaching them, if the way
19:43that that wiggles now, is that going to cause problems
19:45with the plastic down the road? Short of that
19:47though, I really again like the look of Modulok.
19:49I never had the original Modulok
19:51as a kid, but I knew for myself
19:53the moment that Mass Universe Origins
19:55ever released a Modulok, I would definitely
19:57like to get one right away. And of course,
19:59now having a Modulok, he goes perfectly with the rest
20:01of the Horde. There's Hordak. Again, we'll
20:03kind of just bring in a couple. Maybe I won't bring in
20:05all of them, but Grislor.
20:07There's again the Horde Trooper.
20:09And where is Mantenna?
20:11I don't know what Leech is doing right now.
20:13He's probably sucking face somewhere.
20:15But anyways, that's basically what Modulok's going to look
20:17like on the shelf, along with my Horde.
20:19Again, I like the idea that he has as much
20:21customization as possible. You know,
20:23in the end, I was kind of looking
20:25at everything that came included with the Origins Modulok
20:27and I thought, like, it's a lot to kind of
20:29look at. How am I going to properly be able to explain
20:31this in the review? And really, again, in the
20:33end, you kind of have to just kind of look at the ball
20:35joints and assess for yourself, again, what are
20:37you going to be using for a leg, for a neck,
20:39or if you want to be using them for a torso and an arm.
20:41Once you kind of get the basics down for
20:43those, at least, Modulok's a pretty
20:45fun figure to detach, put everything back together.
20:47On his own, though, I will say, like,
20:49he doesn't seem to stand all that well, especially
20:51with the legs that I was kind of starting the review with.
20:53The knee tolerances, speaking
20:55of tolerances, like, the knee didn't seem like they wanted
20:57to be straight. It's the one of those figures
20:59that he really does seem to
21:01have some stress issues when it comes to
21:03his knees. Like, I wanted to bend them straight, sort
21:05of then to match sort of the same stance as the rest
21:07of the horde. I can't quite do that with these
21:09legs here. Other than that, though, I really
21:11like the way that Modulok turned out here. Are we
21:13missing anybody? Are we all here? Out of the
21:1534 parts that come included with Evil
21:17Modulok, what's left behind, at least from
21:19my creation, is four body parts and six
21:21ball joints. Advertised on the front of the
21:23packaging, there were several different configurations
21:25for Modulok. To cheat the way
21:27of getting a second figure out of all the parts,
21:29clearly they don't use a torso
21:31piece. So what you end up getting, if you end up
21:33using a torso for Modulok here, is
21:35a monstrosity that looks like he would have come from
21:37John Carpenter's The Thing. It is
21:39doable, but for me, at least, I'd
21:41rather like to have just all the body parts
21:43attached to one figure, not try to assemble
21:45what's left behind to Frankenstein
21:47another. Modulok, though,
21:49assembles pretty much the same way as every
21:51other Master Universe Origins figure. The only
21:53thing, again, with this guy, is that you got
21:55additional ball joints, and now you have removable
21:57legs, which wasn't the case before. In the
21:59end, though, he's a cool-looking Modulok,
22:01and a nice little clever touch of including a
22:03shield that also serves as well to be a secondary
22:05removing tool. Have you guys had the chance
22:07to pick up Modulok? Let me know down below
22:09in the comments section. And also, as
22:11well, if you guys did enjoy this video, you can do it
22:13a solid by throwing a like. But you guys
22:15want to stick around for more so? I hope so.
22:17Hit that subscribe, yes, turn on the
22:19bell, sure. Come back. As always,
22:21thanks for watching. See you guys
22:23next time.
