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10 Worst WWE WrestleMania Main Events Ever | partsFUNknown
It's WrestleMania, you know what that is. What do you think is the worst main event in WrestleMania history? If your answer differs from Adam's please let us know in the comments below and I (Tempest) will make personally sure Adam reads every one of them.

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00:00 It's been said before, by me no less, so you know this is right, that the main event
00:03 of WrestleMania is the most important wrestling match of the year. No other match is tasked
00:08 with making as much money, compelling as many pay-per-view purchases, or getting as many
00:11 people from as many different places into one building. You could argue that over the
00:15 years the WrestleMania experience as a whole has become more of a draw than any single
00:19 match, but you wouldn't know from how WWE are treating this year's main event of night
00:23 two has a lot going on. Reigns vs Lesnar 3, Title vs Title, Winner Take All, Winner Take
00:29 Paul, Tribe vs Ponytail, God vs Titan, and I'm pretty sure the loser will be taken out
00:35 back at the AT&T Stadium and shot. I think it's in the contract. And by right, it should
00:39 be very good. Because ever since Mania went to two nights, all the main events have been
00:43 stellar. Boneyard, McIntyre Brock, Belair Banks, Edge, Brian Reigns, which got us thinking
00:47 about all those times when the biggest and most important wrestling match of the year
00:52 has been a bit...pants. I'm Adam Hailing from PartsFunKnown and here are 10 Worst WrestleMania
00:57 Main Events Ever. So here's a little trade secret for you.
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02:30 10. Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns - WrestleMania 33
02:34 This probably wouldn't be on the list if Undertaker had left his dirty laundry in the
02:38 ring for his fiend mom to pick up and then actually retire from wrestling. This would
02:42 have given the match an emotional weight that would have papered over some of the, how to
02:45 put this, sadder portions of this match. But now that Undertaker has wrestled other matches
02:50 and actually released a documentary about how disappointed he was in his intended farewell
02:54 match against the big dog, that's given us free reign to point at it and say, yeah,
02:58 s*** that. Undertaker spent most of the match wandering around like he'd lost his keys.
03:03 It was glacially paced, clocking in at a ludicrous 25 minutes, and each blown spot just makes
03:08 your soul feel that little bit smaller. The end of a WrestleMania main event shouldn't
03:13 make you feel relieved it was over. No matter how much we love the devil's favourite demon's
03:17 favourite brother.
03:18 9. Triple H vs Randy Orton - WrestleMania 25 We spoke about this match last week so
03:23 I won't go on about it too much, but yeah, could have been everything there. So white
03:26 hot feud, two guys in their prime, full of familial rage. Should have been a big, horrible,
03:31 violent spot fest. Instead, WWE tried to go a bit clever with it, implementing the rule
03:35 of Trips got DQD to lose the title because that's exactly what you want to blow off
03:39 a feud featuring home invasions and loved ones being killed, with a match that centres
03:43 around the ref telling Triple H to "calm down big lad" following him around like a
03:47 concerned parent, reminding him not to play too rough with the other boys. Thrilling stuff.
03:52 Also, the crowd was burned out from Taker HBK earlier, to the point where even Trips
03:55 and Orton busting out each other's finishes in the first few minutes couldn't spark a
03:59 reaction. Terribly booked, awkwardly placed on the card, the match never entered second
04:03 gear. So big moments, like Triple H catching Orton's leg mid punt, they barely raise a
04:08 murmur. "It's so awkward."
04:10 8. Triple H vs Chris Jericho - WrestleMania 18
04:13 Triple H has only main evented two WrestleManias as a babyface. This is the second one. It's
04:17 also bad. Sorry Triple H, please retweet for awareness. Similar problems plagued this match
04:21 between Trips and Y2J. Two legends had already provided an emotional main event a few matches
04:26 earlier and the booking also hamstrung how the match could be effectively agented. Rock
04:31 vs Hogan left the crowd poop from cheering, but also, WWE hadn't really booked a Triple
04:36 H vs Chris Jericho feud going into the event. They'd booked a Triple H vs Stephanie McMahon
04:41 feud, with the first ever Undisputed Champion perennially being the third most important
04:45 element at play. That meant when the actual match started and the heel took control, Jericho
04:50 didn't have enough credible heat on him to provide that extra juice a match needs to
04:54 draw the audience in for the big comeback. Also, the production of the match is so f***ing
04:58 weird. Triple H entered to a s*** drowning pool cover of his theme, and even worse, there
05:03 was no video package for the main event of WrestleMania. The year after My Way? What
05:08 the f*** are you playing at, WWE? The last reminder to the audience and crowd of why
05:13 they should care, and it's gone. Madness. And they really didn't care. And trust me,
05:17 the crowd really didn't care. Again, sorry Triple H.
05:20 #7 - Psycho Sid vs The Undertaker - WrestleMania 13
05:23 This was supposed to be Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels too, but that didn't work out because
05:27 it conflicted with Shawn's current position of being CEO of Prick Incorporated. Instead,
05:31 Bret contented himself with wrestling one of the best Mania matches of all time with
05:34 Steve Austin, leaving show-closing duties to WWF Champion Psycho Sid vs Hieronymus Bash.
05:46 In terms of work, it's a little bit like promising someone a Black Forest Gatto and then serving
05:50 them a plate of wet soil with a small flag planted in it and on the flag is written the
05:54 word 'sorry'. For starters, Bret interrupts the match to have a moan, and HBK is insufferable
06:00 on commentary, so we're constantly reminded of what the match could have been. There's
06:04 insanely long rest spots, almost no WrestleMania main events take place in front of a crowd
06:09 this quiet. They perk up for the final few spots, but for the longest time this match
06:13 appropriately dies a death.
06:15 #6 - Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar 2 - WrestleMania 34
06:18 Ah, the difficult second album, especially when one of the reasons people like the first
06:22 album isn't on the second album, and also the album is really boring and everyone hates
06:26 it and shouts so loud that you can't actually hear the album and that makes you hate it
06:30 even more. This metaphor got away from me a bit at the end there. Point is, at WrestleMania
06:34 31 Lesnar fought Reigns and everyone thought it would be terrible, but in actuality it
06:39 was great. They clobbered 7 bells out of each other. The audience turned Lesnar's super
06:43 baby face, so that gave us the match story, and then the shocking twist ending. Three
06:47 years later, Lesnar and Reigns met again and bloody hell, literally and proverbially. The
06:52 crowd were bored of Lesnar's finished spamming by this point, but still hated Reigns, leaving
06:56 them without a dog in the fight, pun definitely intended. Without the promise of a cash-in,
07:01 the crowd turned on the match and turned on it hard, and neither man could do much of
07:05 anything to bring them back, with each finisher and kick out compounding the frustration that
07:09 after three long years of the Roman experiment, nothing really had changed. I was saying Boo
07:16 Urns.
07:17 #5 - The Miz vs John Cena - WrestleMania 27
07:19 AKA that time that a main event of Raw main-evented WrestleMania. No number of expertly crafted
07:25 Hate Me Now video packages could elevate just how low-rent Mania 27's WWE Championship
07:29 match felt. Surprisingly, after spending the last four months booking Miz to look like
07:33 a joke champion, it did not create a trademark "big fight" feel when it came to Cena
07:37 running up on Miz for that title. Then the match ended by double countout, which left
07:41 everyone feeling confused and angry. Then The Rock came out. Then the anonymous Raw
07:45 General Manager schtick. Because again, this is an episode of Raw. The match is restarted.
07:50 The heel wins. The main event of WrestleMania. Sure, why not. I know that with the relentless,
07:55 desperate march of wrestling, the Mania main event is rarely the big end of year blow-off
07:59 that it used to be, but using the biggest match of the year for nothing else other than
08:03 to set up next year's WrestleMania, how can this feel anything other than cheap?
08:08 #4 - Hulk Hogan vs Sgt. Slaughter - WrestleMania 7
08:11 While it's true that Hulk has been part of some of the best moments in WrestleMania
08:15 history, he's also definitely been part of some of the worst. After the one-two punches
08:19 of Mania's 5 and 6, Hogan vs Savage being superb and Hogan vs Warrior somehow living
08:25 up to the hype, the wheels massively fell off the wagon with Mania 7. Warrior's WWF
08:30 title run had underperformed, so Vince pivoted back, as he always does, to Hulk Hogan. Warrior
08:35 lost the belt to Sgt. Slaughter, a forever mid-carder, unconvincingly promoted to main
08:39 event heel by becoming an Iraqi sympathiser as WWE used the real-life Gulf War to make
08:44 some sweet cash. While flag-waving US face vs dastardly foreigner was a tried and tested
08:49 formula, take that Frenchie WrestleMania 3, the foreign menace usually wasn't plastered
08:54 all over the news at the time alongside real footage of real people real dying. Fans did
08:59 not respond to the storyline, to the point where WWE had to change the venue for Mania
09:04 7, owing to shocking ticket sales. Then the main event happened, and believe it or not,
09:08 Hulk Hogan vs 42-year-old never main evented at PPV before Sgt. Slaughter wasn't match
09:13 of the year. It was intensely boring, slow to the point of comatose, filled with clumsy,
09:18 unimpactful moves. Not even Hogan doing a rare blade job could inject much into a match
09:22 that had already died before it started. It's just a horrible watch.
09:25 3. Hulk Hogan vs Sid Justice - WrestleMania 8
09:29 This was really sh*t, although you wouldn't know it from the crowd, they were bafflingly
09:33 loud throughout this walk, punch, walk, kick, rest, hold, riddle, snooze. WrestleMania 8
09:38 was supposed to be Hogan vs Flair, didn't happen for a bunch of different reasons which
09:42 we've gone into before, trust me we have. Because Vince got a Hogan, instead of ending
09:46 with the super personal Flair vs Macho Man WWF Championship match, which saw a new baby
09:51 face champion crowned FOR F*CK SAKE, they went with Hogan vs Sid Justice. Nothing on
09:56 the line, no reason to care apart from the company saying MAYBE it might POSSIBLY be
10:01 Hogan's farewell match. And it wasn't. It was also a match that was booked to end
10:05 in a f*cking DQ. You heard me, the main event of WrestleMania 8 ended in a disqualification
10:10 and a botched disqualification at that. Papa Shango was supposed to break up the pin following
10:15 Hogan's leg drop but the timing was off so Sid Justice had to just kick out instead.
10:18 An accidentally monumentous moment that received zero fanfare because it wasn't supposed to
10:23 happen. Then a post-match beatdown before The Ultimate Warrior could make his return.
10:27 Hooray. The Ultimate Warrior then of course be gone from the company again before Summer
10:31 Slam so just boo. Boo to it all.
10:33 2. Yokozuna vs Bret Hart WrestleMania 9
10:36 Don't go anywhere, we're staying with Hulk Hogan for a bit more. 1992 and 1993 were
10:41 huge transition years for WWE. Between WrestleMania 8 and WrestleMania 9, as a result of poor
10:46 booking and the steroid scandal, WWE lost the following people. Ric Flair, Sid Justice,
10:52 Roddy Piper, British Bulldog, Ultimate Warrior, Jake Roberts, and for most of the year, Hulk
10:57 Hogan. Vince also insanely relegated Macho Man to the commentary desk, putting the final
11:02 nail in the coffin of the 80s wrestling boom. In an almost mad scramble, Vince promoted
11:06 Bret Hart to the face of the company and found the biggest non-steroid user he could find
11:11 in Yokozuna to play the villain. So what should have been Hart vs Macho Man became Hart vs
11:15 Yoko which isn't great as the Big Samoan couldn't work longer than a 10 minute match
11:19 but hey Hart would surely beat him right? New face of the company etc etc. No, after
11:24 a sluggish nothing match in which Yokozuna infamously went to the finish 5 minutes early
11:29 because he was dead on his feet, the bad guy won. Then Hulk Hogan came out, challenged
11:33 Yoko to a title match which was accepted, then he won because Vince got cold feet on
11:37 running with anyone less than the Hulkster at the top of the company. A terrible moment
11:41 to kickstart the most terrible era in wrestling history.
11:44 1. Triple H vs Roman Reigns WrestleMania 32
11:49 Our first Mania. It was my first Mania that I've ever attended and I cannot tell you
11:53 how dispiriting it was to watch this live. Fun fact, I've never actually gone back
11:57 and watched it in its entirety on the network and you couldn't make me at f***ing gunpoint.
12:02 Between Babyface Cena and Babyface Reigns there have been a number of "we don't
12:05 want this" Mania main events but usually the fans get angry about it and that energy
12:09 translates into something that's at the very least entertaining. The aforementioned
12:12 Mania 31, Mania 22 when the fans turned Cena heel and Triple H babyface, Mania 23 same
12:18 thing but at Mania 32, I don't know man, it just broke us. The show was too long, everyone
12:23 was tired, there was no way out, Bryan was gone for real this time, Ambrose had just
12:28 had a stinker with Brock, everyone else was injured, there was just nothing but Roman.
12:33 It was unwanted, inevitable but even so they took 27 god damn minutes to get there. They
12:39 booked a really dull match and f***ing shushed us. As the match went along, a miserable time
12:44 watching live. Can't imagine how bad it must have been for you poor sods watching
12:47 at home. Are there worse matches? I mean probably. I mean Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam Bigelow
12:52 is a ludicrous match that has a midcarder vs a footballer in the main event of WrestleMania.
12:56 The fatal four way at Mania 2000 was a bit s*** as well but both were a million times
13:02 more fun and just alive feeling than this dog's cock. What a shame.
13:06 And that's our list! What's been your least favourite WrestleMania main event of
13:09 all time? Let us know which match it is and why in the comments and don't forget to
13:13 like and share this video around if you enjoyed it. Make sure you subscribe to partsFUNknown
13:16 for more silly wrestling content and never forget to Jam That Jam.
13:20 [Music]
