Episod 499 My #QuranTime 2.0 Khamis 25 April 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 128-129) Halaman 144

  • 5 months ago
Episod 499 My #QuranTime 2.0 Khamis 25 April 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 128-129) Halaman 144

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 128-129 halaman 144 ini adalah:
* Pengumpulan golongan yang menyesatkan di hari kebangkitan (128)
* Penjelasan tentang orang-orang yang melakukan kezaliman (129)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 128-129 halaman 144:
* Tidak terpengaruh dengan tipu daya syaitan yang menyesatkan (128)
* Berhati-hati dengan setiap perbuatan dan amalan kita, kerana ia akan dihitung (128)
* Pilih sahabat rapat daripada kalangan orang yang beriman dan soleh (129)

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05:34 [COUGHING]
08:40 in the verse of the Quran. But in the verse 1.26, it is explained that by only a little effort, Allah will lead you to the Darussalam,
08:48 which is the country of full prosperity, which is the hereafter. Allah SWT.
08:54 However, to those who may not have much effort at the moment, Allah says,
08:59 وَيَوْمَ يَحْشُرُهُمْ جَمِيعًۭا "On that Day, all will be gathered, that is, among the jinn and the humans."
09:07 "So Allah said to the jinn, "Yes, the jinn are a group of people, and you have indeed misled many among the people."
09:19 What is being done by the jinn at the moment? If we understand, the jinn are a group of people.
09:26 From the jinn, there is the devil. And if we talk about the devil, who is he from?
09:33 We have learned before that the devil can be among the jinn and can be among the humans.
09:39 Because the devil is from the word shaitan, which is a creature that tries to keep someone away from Allah SWT.
09:47 So Allah says to the jinn, "In the hereafter, O jinn, you have misled many,
09:55 and you have tempted to wake up late in the morning." That is the jinn. If we say that there is no one around us,
10:03 but we are lazy to wake up, or we are lazy to read the Quran, or to delay the prayer, that is the jinn that tempts to be delayed.
10:10 And this is not the jinn that is Islam at the moment. This is the jinn that is truly a devil,
10:15 keeping people away from Allah SWT.
10:19 So, when the jinn can protect or lead people, what is said by their friends?
10:28 It means that it is among the humans themselves.
10:31 This is what we are going to explore in a moment.
10:34 Let us take a break and come back to Quran Time, Quran Salat and Ifaah.
10:38 [Music]
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14:13 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
14:15 We are back in Quran Time, Quran Salat and Ifaah.
14:17 We are together looking at the verses 128 and 129,
14:20 where Allah explains that on the Day of Judgement, on the Day of Akhirah,
14:24 on the Day of Mahshar, the term is "Yahshuruhum",
14:27 which means that it is gathered by force to all the creatures.
14:32 And at this time, Allah says to the jinn that you have misled many among the humans.
14:39 So, there are friends of the jinn who misled,
14:44 the term is "Awliya'uhum minal ins",
14:47 which means their friends among the humans,
14:49 giving a response to Allah SWT.
14:52 What is the response?
14:54 Let us read once again the verse 128 with Fadhil Ustaz Tirmidzi.
14:58 Thank you Fadhil Ustaz Fazlurul.
15:00 Ladies and gentlemen, Muslims and non-Muslims,
15:03 viewers of Indikasi, may Allah SWT have mercy on you.
15:06 We want to read once again the verse 128.
15:12 We have read with Bayyati at the beginning,
15:15 and just now I read with Taranum Hijaz in Mujahwat.
15:19 How about we read once again with Taranum Hijaz,
15:22 but in Muratal.
15:24 Taranum Hijaz.
15:26 What is Taranum?
15:28 What else?
15:30 No, it is Hijaz.
15:32 We have not read it yet, but it is clear.
15:33 Let us try the verse 128.
15:35 [Reciting]
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16:38 "And the Fire is your abode. You will abide therein, except as Allah wills."
16:58 "Indeed, your Lord is Wise and Knowing."
17:10 "Allah Almighty has spoken the truth."
17:17 Surah Al-Quran, verse 128. How to respond to a human being, who is not us, but what is stated by a human being in the hereafter.
17:28 [Al-Quran, verse 128]
17:49 What does it mean? It means that when we commit the sins of the jinn, then we have already received what we want.
17:59 It means that when we get a blessing from the sins of the jinn, meaning when it is 6 or 5 o'clock,
18:07 he pulls the pillow back until he sleeps at 7, he has received the blessing, then this is called "Istimtaq".
18:13 [Al-Quran, verse 128]
18:19 This is a terrifying statement in the hereafter. Why? Because after that, the angels, from Allah Almighty's command, gave a command.
18:29 But what is the connection between the jinn and the human being?
18:32 The jinn seduced the human being, but what is the "Istimtaq" that the jinn received from the human being?
18:38 That is, the human being adores the jinn. Some ask for protection, for example, they say they want to enter the mountain area,
18:44 the grandmothers, grandfathers, grandfathers ask for protection. Some give hay, some put roasted chicken, chicken skin, etc.
18:51 on the side of the sea, bath, safari, etc. All of these are beneficial to the jinn because they feel like,
18:58 "Wow, we are made as a protector, as a friend, as a helper."
19:04 Whereas, in reality, all of these terms, the true guardian is Allah Almighty, not from the jinn or the human being.
19:14 So, that is the term used at the beginning, "Wa Qala Awliya'uhum", those who make themselves as a protector,
19:21 but it is imposed by Allah, until in the end, "Qala Nar", He is firm. Allah is firm through the words of the angels.
19:32 "Naraka lah tempat kamu tinggal, khu'lidhi nafihah", stay in it except with the permission of Allah Almighty.
19:39 "Inna rabbaka hakimun 'alim", apparently, because they have gained benefits in this world by themselves,
19:46 which is terrifying, because it is not about others, it is related to ourselves.
19:52 When we get blessings from, "Istimta'n" means something that is fun,
19:57 from the things that are forbidden by Allah Almighty, because of temptation from the jinn,
20:03 not to mention about those who go to the grave, to the well,
20:08 they say that if you go to the well, take the water and put it on the sick child, it will be cured.
20:15 And after that, there is indeed a cure, apparently, because there are jinn who disturb the child,
20:22 make it paralyzed when it is in the womb and so on,
20:25 then, apparently, all of that is a pleasure that is worthy of getting "Anar",
20:32 getting hell from Allah Almighty because of asking for help from the jinn or the creature itself.
20:41 And the word "Mathwa'akum" is from the word "Thawar" at the time.
20:44 "Thawar" means to stay for generations.
20:48 It means that it is not just staying for a day or two, but for tens of hundreds of years,
20:54 generations and years in the hereafter is very long,
20:57 as a warning to all of us, we need to keep our faith, our faith,
21:02 "Inna Rabbaka Hakimun 'Alim"
21:05 Usually in the Quran, there is a saying, "Alimun Hakim"
21:08 but this is the opposite, why?
21:10 Because this is in the hereafter,
21:12 the judgment of Allah that is stated,
21:17 that is emphasized in this verse,
21:19 that is scary because the judge in the hereafter cannot give money to the poor.
21:24 We cannot say, "We will discuss later, I will give you a car later,
21:28 you help to change the decision a little so that my proposal will pass."
21:33 It cannot be like that, right?
21:34 Because this is a judge who is very wise, Allah Almighty,
21:39 and Allah knows the details, the details of who is actually asking for help from the jinn for his son to go to SPM.
21:48 Some people give pens to the old people, right?
21:51 "Please help the old man, give him a little money, if possible, he does not have an idea, he can walk by himself."
21:57 Those are all the myths that we should not take,
22:01 because it will invite punishment from Allah Almighty.
22:06 We will continue with the word of choice for today, we will see.
22:09 The word is "Qadis takhthartum minal ins"
22:14 from the word "Kathura" which is a lot,
22:17 it is mentioned 167 times in the Quran,
22:20 it is mentioned in Surah An-Nisa, Surah Al-A'raf, and also Surah Al-Mudathir,
22:24 which shows that the jinn are not actually desperate,
22:28 they are really, what is the term,
22:32 "Pelanduk rupakan perangkap"
22:35 but the jinn are not actually trapped.
22:37 Because 24 hours, there is no shift, right?
22:39 We are until a certain time, he stops sleeping,
22:42 while the jinn are walking straight,
22:45 they are walking straight and there is a part of it that is long,
22:48 it is really very long, right?
22:50 So, because of the long experience of safety,
22:53 and if we want to succeed in liberating or distancing ourselves from the temptation of the jinn
22:59 that is distancing us from Allah, it is certain by reading
23:02 "A'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim"
23:05 and also the dhikr to Allah,
23:07 and more than that, understanding what is contained in the dhikr,
23:11 which is the Quran itself.
23:14 We will take a break first,
23:15 we will be back again after this,
23:16 my Quran time, Quran Salat, ifaah.
23:18 [Music]
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24:39 [Music]
24:50 There is a hadith that is not known,
24:59 it is not true.
25:02 There is a scholar whose name is "La Aslalahu"
25:06 there is no origin.
25:07 One of the other names of the false hadith is that there is no origin.
25:11 Yes.
25:12 If we meet a boy,
25:16 we ask him, "Where are you from?"
25:18 "I am from there."
25:20 "Where is your mother?"
25:21 "I do not have a mother."
25:22 "Father?"
25:23 "I do not have a father."
25:24 "Are you really from the same place?"
25:25 "No, I was born, I was born in this world."
25:27 Oh no.
25:28 So, this child must have a father,
25:32 a mother who gave birth to him.
25:34 If he suddenly appears,
25:37 no one can accept him.
25:39 No one can.
25:40 That is the false hadith.
25:41 He suddenly appears,
25:42 there is no origin.
25:43 Okay.
25:44 There is no story,
25:46 there is no story line.
25:48 He suddenly appears,
25:49 he suddenly...
25:51 "The truth is that there is no origin."
25:53 "The truth is that there is no origin."
25:55 "The truth is that there is no origin."
25:57 "The truth is that there is no origin."
25:59 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:01 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:03 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:05 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:07 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:09 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:11 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:13 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:15 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:17 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:19 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:21 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:23 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:25 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:27 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:29 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:31 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:33 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:35 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:37 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:39 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:41 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:43 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:45 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:47 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:49 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:51 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:53 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:55 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:57 "The truth is that there is no origin."
26:59 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:01 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:03 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:05 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:07 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:09 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:11 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:13 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:15 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:17 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:19 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:21 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:23 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:25 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:27 "The truth is that there is no origin."
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27:31 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:33 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:35 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:37 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:39 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:41 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:43 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:45 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:47 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:49 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:51 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:53 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:55 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:57 "The truth is that there is no origin."
27:59 "The truth is that there is no origin."
28:01 "The truth is that there is no origin."
28:03 "The truth is that there is no origin."
28:05 "The truth is that there is no origin."
28:07 "The truth is that there is no origin."
28:09 "The truth is that there is no origin."
28:11 "The truth is that there is no origin."
28:13 That was the first time.
28:15 There is no such song.
28:17 That was a song on the spot.
28:19 A song on the spot.
28:21 But his dhikr is indeed famous.
28:23 Yes, it is true.
28:25 Some people ask,
28:27 what was the word?
28:29 The word "Allah yang Sempurna"
28:31 Some people ask, what does it mean?
28:33 The word in the Quran
28:35 means formula.
28:37 Formula comes from Allah that is perfect
28:39 that makes us protected
28:41 from all the dangers
28:43 of the creation of the creature.
28:45 And all the creatures,
28:47 whether it is a table,
28:49 a human, a cockroach,
28:51 or a panda,
28:53 even though they look cute,
28:55 they have their own dangers
28:57 when they are not
28:59 protected by Allah SWT.
29:01 So, to know how
29:03 we are protected,
29:05 the formula is from Allah.
29:07 So, we ask Allah to take care of it.
29:09 Sometimes, we
29:11 memorize the verse,
29:13 but sometimes,
29:15 we forget it.
29:17 We forget it.
29:19 "Au, au, au, au"
29:21 "Auzu, salakullah"
29:23 We always remember it.
29:25 So, Ibrahim,
29:27 I want to stand for a moment
29:29 to repeat the words
29:31 of Tajweed.
29:33 Or we say,
29:35 the term,
29:37 the term we forgot
29:39 its name. Inshallah, let's try to share
29:41 today, the words of our choice
29:43 in the Tajweed segment.
29:45 The first one is "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim"
29:47 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
29:51 Please, start with one, two.
29:53 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
29:57 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
30:01 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
30:05 MashaAllah, Allah bless us.
30:07 Our focus in this verse,
30:09 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
30:11 is the letter "H"
30:13 "Wa Yawma Yah"
30:15 "Wa Yawma Yah"
30:17 "Yah"
30:19 "Wa Yawma Yah"
30:21 "Wa Yawma Yah"
30:23 We want to clarify the letter "H"
30:25 Where is the letter "H"?
30:27 Is it in the back or in the front?
30:29 "H" is here, Ustaz.
30:31 It is in the middle of our throat.
30:33 "H" is in the middle of the "H"
30:35 and also the letter "Ain"
30:37 Try "H"
30:39 "A"
30:41 "H"
30:43 "A"
30:45 Then, "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
30:47 Then "H"
30:49 Try "H"
30:51 "H"
30:53 Middle of the "H"
30:55 "H"
30:57 "H"
30:59 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
31:01 Try "H"
31:03 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
31:05 MashaAllah
31:07 It is not the same sound
31:09 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
31:11 Or "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
31:13 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
31:15 We know the letter "Y"
31:17 "Yah" is the spicy one
31:19 "Yah" is the middle of our throat
31:21 That is the first one
31:23 Then, we move "H" to "J"
31:25 "H" "J"
31:27 "Mi Mati Bertemu Nengajim"
31:29 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
31:31 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum"
31:33 "Hmmm"
31:35 Oh my God
31:37 I want to repeat the previous sentence
31:39 It is too long
31:41 "Hmmm"
31:43 Is this a gym?
31:45 I have to be careful
31:47 Let me explain
31:49 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum Jami'an"
31:51 He calls Izzahar Shah
31:53 Izzahar Shah Fahmi
31:55 "Jami'an"
31:57 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
31:59 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:01 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:03 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:05 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:07 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:09 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:11 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:13 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:15 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:17 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:19 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:21 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:23 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:25 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:27 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:29 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:31 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:33 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:35 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:37 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:39 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:41 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:43 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:45 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:47 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:49 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:51 "Tanwin Bertemu Nengajim"
32:53 "Qodis Takthartum"
32:55 "Qodis Takthartum"
32:57 "Qodis Takthartum"
32:59 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:01 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:03 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:05 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:07 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:09 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:11 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:13 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:15 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:17 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:19 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:21 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:23 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:25 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:27 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:29 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:31 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:33 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:35 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:37 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:39 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:41 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:43 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:45 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:47 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:49 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:51 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:53 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:55 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:57 "Qodis Takthartum"
33:59 "Qodis Takthartum"
34:01 "Qodis Takthartum"
34:03 "Qodis Takthartum"
34:05 "Qodis Takthartum"
34:07 "Qodis Takthartum"
34:09 "Qodis Takthartum"
34:11 "Qodis Takthartum"
34:13 "Qodis Takthartum"
34:15 "Qodis Takthartum"
34:17 And the last one I want to emphasize is
34:19 when we stop at the word "Al-Ins"
34:23 at the word "Al-Insi"
34:25 we stop, then we don't go fast
34:27 because there is a dead note there
34:29 "Min Al-Ins"
34:31 Wrong!
34:33 "Min Al-Ins"
34:35 Listen to the two movements first
34:37 "Min Al-Ins"
34:39 Try it
34:41 "Min Al-Ins"
34:43 Listen to the two movements first
34:45 Right? Good!
34:47 Let's try to memorize the 128th verse
34:49 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim"
34:51 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
34:57 Please
34:59 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
35:03 Be careful
35:05 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
35:11 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
35:17 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
35:19 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
35:25 Try it
35:27 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
35:31 "Ya Ma'shar Al-Jinni Qadi Istakhtartum Min Al-Ins"
35:47 Listen to the two movements first
35:49 "Ya Ma'shar Al-Jinni Qadi Istakhtartum Min Al-Ins"
36:00 "Ya Ma'shar Al-Jinn"
36:09 The first three movements
36:11 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
36:18 Don't look at the Quran, the first two movements
36:20 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
36:26 "Ya Ma'shar Al-Jinn"
36:35 You can't do that
36:37 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
36:40 "Ya Ma'shar Al-Jinn"
36:42 Try the first two movements
36:44 "Wa Yawma Yahsyuruhum JameeAAa"
36:50 "Ya Ma'shar Al-Jinn"
36:55 A'iwah
36:56 But it's not over yet
36:57 We just stopped at the "Jinn"
37:00 We have to continue a little more
37:02 Insha'Allah
37:03 During this break
37:05 We can continue to repeat
37:07 Read, pay attention, see the meaning
37:09 See the words properly
37:11 Repeat many times
37:12 For us to memorize
37:13 Hopefully Allah SWT will make it easier for us
37:16 Insha'Allah
37:17 So, wherever Ibu Ayah has given Allah SWT
37:19 We want to continue our teaching
37:21 But we want to take a break first
37:23 We will continue after this
37:25 In My Quran Time Quran Salat
37:27 Ifaah
37:29 "Quran Salat"
37:38 "Quran Salat"
37:45 "Quran Salat"
37:56 "Quran Salat"
38:16 "Quran Salat"
38:35 "Music"
39:01 "Music"
39:11 "Music"
39:21 "Music"
39:41 "Music"
40:01 "Music"
40:21 "Music"
40:39 "Music"
40:59 "Music"
41:04 Welcome back to My Quran Time Quran Salat
41:06 Ifaah
41:07 We are looking at the verse number 128
41:09 And the verse number 129
41:11 And just now we have read the verse number 128
41:14 How Allah SWT explains to us
41:16 About the call to the group of jinn
41:19 In the hereafter
41:21 When they are many to human
41:23 And what happens
41:25 Respond from humans
41:27 Hopefully we are people
41:29 When stated in this verse
41:32 That get pleasure
41:34 Get pleasure
41:36 Get pleasure from the temptation of jinn
41:39 That is far from Allah SWT
41:41 We are really fast to ask for forgiveness to Allah SWT
41:45 And we are not happy
41:47 We feel like, just follow
41:49 Feel like a shock
41:50 If we say, school is a holiday
41:52 Then if we can wake up late
41:54 Then do what I like
41:57 Apparently what I like
42:00 Enjoy life
42:01 Live only once
42:02 Actually live once
42:04 Live twice
42:05 In the Quran, in Surah Al-Baqarah
42:07 It is stated that our life is here
42:09 And another is live there
42:11 And in Surah Al-Muq
42:12 Allah states Al-Hayah
42:14 Al-Hayah with Alif Lam
42:16 Is referring to Al-Hayah there
42:18 Not here
42:19 Because here is not really live
42:21 Because if we enjoy this life
42:23 If people say go to an interesting place
42:25 They say other life
42:26 Other life means enjoy, like, happy
42:29 But even if we like it
42:31 We take a week off
42:32 Then we have to work again
42:33 Or if we like to eat
42:35 If we overeat, we go to the toilet
42:37 To tell that life in this world
42:39 Is a life full of trials
42:41 Not a life that is fun at all times
42:44 Which at all times is what is offered
42:47 When we reach the hereafter
42:49 Which we learn in verse 127
42:51 Lahum Darussalam
42:53 Which is a country full of prosperity
42:56 So when Allah states in verse 128
42:58 About temptation between each other
43:01 And the allies of each other
43:03 Between jinn and humans
43:05 Allah gives another confirmation
43:07 In verse 129
43:09 As a reminder of our tadkirah together
43:13 We will read first with Al-Fadil Usastan
43:15 Thank you Al-Fadil Usastan Fazlul
43:17 Ladies and gentlemen
43:18 Ladies and gentlemen
43:19 Muslims and non-Muslims
43:20 We have reached verse 129
43:23 In verse 129
43:25 We find two letters of BAT
43:29 One in the upper line
43:31 And one in the lower line
43:33 Ba'adha
43:35 So we have to be careful
43:37 The letter BAT is on the right side of the tongue
43:39 On the left or on the right
43:41 It depends on our comfort
43:43 Our habit
43:45 On the left or on the right
43:47 Let's try verse 129
43:49 With Taranum Nahawan
43:51 But in Mujahwad
43:53 Let's try
43:55 And thus do We make the wrongdoers allies of one another
44:11 For that which they used to earn
44:23 Allah has spoken the truth
44:33 May Allah bless you
44:35 In verse 129 Allah says
44:37 And what was said in verse 128
44:39 Thus do We make the wrongdoers allies of one another
44:45 The wrongdoers are allies of one another
44:51 The term 'Nuwali'
44:53 Is derived from the word 'Wali'
44:55 The leader, helper, protector
44:57 Between the jinn and the human
44:59 Human to the jinn
45:01 And Allah used the word 'Azalimin'
45:03 What does it mean?
45:05 It means that the human, the wrongdoer
45:07 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:09 By raising the jinn to the top as the leader
45:11 For example
45:13 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:15 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:17 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:19 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:21 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:23 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:25 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:27 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:29 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:31 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:33 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:35 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:37 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:39 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:41 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:43 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:45 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:47 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:49 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:51 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:53 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:55 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:57 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
45:59 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:01 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:03 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:05 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:07 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:09 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:11 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:13 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:15 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:17 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:19 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:21 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
46:23 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
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46:31 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
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46:35 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
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46:39 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
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46:43 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
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47:01 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
47:03 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
47:05 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
47:07 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
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47:17 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
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48:21 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
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49:01 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:03 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
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49:15 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:17 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:19 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:21 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:23 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:25 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:27 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:29 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:31 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:33 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:35 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:37 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:39 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:41 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:43 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:45 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:47 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:49 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:51 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:53 He protects the wrongdoer among the jinn
49:55 O Allah, protect us, forgive the sins of our parents, our mothers, our mothers-in-law, Muslims, Muslims, and believers, and those who have not gone astray. O Allah, have mercy on us.
50:05 O Allah, protect us from the temptation of Satan and jinn that is keeping us away from You. O Allah, even purify our hearts, strengthen our spirit to continue with the Qur'an,
50:22 to seek and to see as many signs of guidance from You. O Allah, have mercy on us.
50:28 All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
50:31 Peace be upon you, dear viewers.
50:33 May Allah accept our prayers today.
50:35 I would like to invite you, ladies and gentlemen, who are at home and in the studio,
50:39 to contribute to the movement of the Qur'an.
50:43 As an effort, we want to spread the content of the Qur'an to our entire community, inshaAllah.
50:53 Bright is the light of the sun, the green trees are growing.
50:58 Let's protect with what is good, so that the faith to heaven is safe.
51:03 By Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat infa'ah.
51:07 O Allah, have mercy on us with the Qur'an.
51:14 And make it for us a guide and a light, and a guidance and a mercy.
51:24 O Allah, remind us of what we have forgotten.
51:34 And teach us from it what we have learned.
51:43 And grant us its recitation.
51:50 At night and at daybreak.
52:02 [Music]
52:21 [Music]
