• last year
Frank The Tank
00:00 Hmm.
00:02 Manja, manja, bon appetit, let's eat.
00:06 It's time for Tanks Cooks.
00:10 Manja, manja, bon appetit, let's eat.
00:14 It's time for Tanks Cooks.
00:16 It's time, it's time, it's time once again for Tanks Cooks.
00:20 Alright, we are back. We are back and we're gonna fork the pork.
00:24 We are making pork chops. Now,
00:28 for years my game in pork chops has been about two things.
00:32 Shake and bake. But you know what? I'm changing it up.
00:36 Steve Runkle sent me this
00:40 recipe called the Best Damn
00:44 Air Fryer Pork Chops. Now, because for bone-in
00:48 pork chops, I got the boneless pork chops.
00:52 Hopefully that's not too much of an issue.
00:56 I've washed them, I've rinsed them, I've patted them down
01:00 and I'm gonna make a coating on these.
01:04 So let's start off with the coating. We're gonna start off with two
01:08 tablespoons of brown sugar.
01:12 Brown sugar, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
01:16 Brown sugar, loo, loo, loo, loo, loo.
01:20 Brown sugar. Alright, there's one tablespoon of brown sugar.
01:24 Here's a second tablespoon of brown sugar.
01:28 Alright.
01:32 Next,
01:36 we're gonna add one tablespoon
01:40 of paprika. Pa-pa-pa-paprika.
01:44 Pa-pa-pa-paprika, pika-pika, pika-pika,
01:48 pika-prika, paprika.
01:52 Pa-pa-paprika,
01:56 pa-pa-paprika. I think I'm gonna need more paprika.
02:00 A little bit more, just for the color. Alexa, add
02:04 paprika to my shopping list.
02:08 That's it.
02:12 Alright.
02:16 Then we're gonna add
02:20 a teaspoon of salt.
02:24 There we go. Nice teaspoon
02:28 of salt.
02:32 We'll add
02:36 a, um,
02:40 one and a, oh, it's actually one and a half teaspoons.
02:44 So I have to add a little bit more. Oh, that's a half, oh, that's a half tablespoon.
02:48 Yikes, I thought this was a teaspoon. It's half tablespoon. Well, that's about
02:52 one and a half teaspoons. Alright, so let's get our half teaspoon
02:56 here. A little bit of a spoon issue.
03:00 Get some, about a
03:04 tablespoon and a half of
03:08 ground pepper.
03:12 One,
03:16 two. There we go.
03:20 Oh, we can put a little bit of this other pepper in here too, this
03:24 peppermill pepper.
03:28 [pepper grinding]
03:32 Yep, there we go. Okay.
03:36 Next,
03:40 we need a teaspoon of ground mustard.
03:44 Where is my
03:48 ground mustard? Where are you?
03:52 Spicy, spicy, spicy!
03:56 I need a spicy! Here we go.
04:00 Alright. Teaspoon of ground mustard.
04:04 Alright. Now we
04:08 need a half teaspoon of, uh,
04:12 half tablespoon.
04:16 Half teaspoon of onion powder.
04:20 Nope, we'll put this in. This is actually a little bit more coarser. It's onion, minced onion.
04:24 But that should be about the same.
04:28 Alright, then we have a quarter teaspoon of
04:32 garlic pepper. Well, we need a little bit more
04:36 than that.
04:40 Here we go. Nice. Here we go.
04:44 Teaspoon of garlic powder. I'm adding a little bit extra here
04:48 and there. And of course, you know what I need.
04:52 Hey, flavors! Wake up! Here's some accent!
04:56 And, alright.
05:00 We'll rub a little dirt in here. We got some, this is another little bit of mix of everything.
05:04 Alright.
05:08 Now, let's mix up these spices real nice.
05:12 Mixing up the spices real nice.
05:16 Break up those clumps of the brown sugar.
05:20 Breaking up the spices real nice.
05:24 By the way, we got our air fryer
05:28 preheating. Yep. We got a little
05:32 pedestal. We'll crush these up real good.
05:36 Da da da da da da.
05:40 Crushing up the, and mixing it up real good.
05:44 There we go. Very coarse. Look at this. This looks very coarse, doesn't it?
05:56 It's coarse, of course.
06:00 Alright. And like I said, hopefully it doesn't make too big of a difference. I got
06:04 the boneless pork chops. I'll just have to
06:08 keep a better eye on the cooking.
06:12 Keep your eye on the cooking. Now, what we're going to do is
06:16 coat the pork chops with olive oil.
06:20 So, we'll coat these up
06:24 with olive oil.
06:28 [whistling]
06:32 Rub it in to the
06:36 pork chops. Rubbing the olive oil. Rubbing in the
06:40 olive oil. Rub it in. Rub it in. Rub it in.
06:44 Give it like a little bit of a full body massage
06:48 there with the pork chops. Rubbing in this olive oil.
06:52 [singing]
06:56 Steve Runkle.
07:00 Don't be a monkey's uncle. Thanks for the recipe.
07:04 Let's see how it comes out.
07:08 Alright, now we're going to coat these up
07:12 really good. Oops.
07:16 I blocked ya. Alright, so let's coat up
07:20 these pork chops.
07:24 Coat the pork chops.
07:28 Coat the pork chops. I mean really like coat them.
07:32 You're making like a winter coat. Really like coat them up really good.
07:36 Look at that. Look at that. Ooh, coat, coat. Wearing a coat.
07:40 There's a nice coated pork chop. Alright, we'll do it
07:44 for all four. Changing up the game. That's what this is all about.
07:48 I've done shake and bake for
07:52 30 years. Well, now it's time for something a little
07:56 different. [singing]
08:00 Alright, beautifully coated pork chops. Now, we're going to
08:04 put them in the air fryer. We've preheated the air fryer
08:08 at 400 degrees.
08:12 So we'll put these on here. We'll stack them up so
08:16 they'll try to cook them. And we're going to cook them
08:20 at 400 degrees for 12 to 14 minutes.
08:24 Then we have to flip them and we'll also check the temperature. What we're really looking for is to get the temperature
08:28 up to 140. So let's get these in the air fryer and
08:32 well, let's see how they come out. Alright, let's see how
08:36 these bad boys are doing. What we're supposed to do is we have to
08:40 flip the pork. So we have to turn the pork
08:44 around. Cook on
08:48 other side now. Turn the pork
08:52 around. Yes, we're turning the pork around.
08:56 Flipping the pork. Forking the pork. Actually, we can actually lay them
09:00 all out one on one, one on one now. They've shrunken a little bit.
09:04 Shrinking up in the air fryer.
09:08 They shrunk! Shrinkage!
09:12 Alright, so let's see what our internal temperature
09:16 is. Internal temperature.
09:20 Alright.
09:24 124, 128. Okay, we got
09:28 cooked them up the rest of the way. See how they come out. Looking good
09:32 so far. Alright, let's see how they came out. They look quite
09:36 nice. Are they done?
09:40 We're looking for 140. Ooh, a little too done on that one.
09:44 Ooh, hope we didn't burn them.
09:48 Looks like we might have overcooked them a little bit. Let's taste.
09:52 We'll let the juices settle in for a few minutes
09:56 as we make our gravy, as we make our side dishes
10:00 and let's go. Time to plate
10:04 the meal! Well, look how these pork chops came out.
10:08 They actually look pretty good. There we go. I'm forking the pork.
10:12 They might be a little more done than they
10:16 should be done, but let's see how they came out. Look at all the nice juices flowing
10:20 in here. You see the juices? The juices, the juices. Oops.
10:24 I spoke the juices. But we'll see how these pork chops came out. I'll put the
10:28 plate, put them on the plate next to my green beans
10:32 and my stuffing. We'll get a little bit of gravy!
10:36 Graaavy!
10:40 And see how these best damn air fryer pork chops came out.
10:44 Probably should have been better off with the
10:48 bone in chops, but let's see how these came out.
10:52 See if they are tasty.
10:56 After all my years of shake and bake, changing up the game a little bit.
11:00 Thanks to Steve Runkle. Alright.
11:04 Hmm.
11:08 Different. Quite different. But thank you for sending some recipes.
11:12 Steve Runkle.
11:16 I wouldn't know. They're good. They're good.
11:20 I might try them again some other time. But if you have any other recipes you can send me,
11:24 send them to NJTANK99@gmail.com.
11:28 And, Mange Mange. Bon Appetit.
11:32 Let's eat.
11:36 (slurping)
11:40 (slurping)
11:44 (slurping)
11:48 (slurping)