• last year
El Hombre Equivocado - Capitulo 3 Audio en español ❤️
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00:06:02 Muchas gracias
00:06:04 Yes, Tomos en la recta final tienen que seguir las indicaciones al pie de la letra porque el riesgo sigue ahí
00:06:14 tienen que ser muy estrictos que bien le queda la pata blanca
00:06:17 Carismático y seguro de si mismo pues claro es médico
00:06:21 en hora buena es que muy bien estás en el camino correcto ya estoy voy a saludar ustedes hagan su parte y yo haré el resto
00:06:28 Y
00:06:30 Hay un paciente esperando en la consulta de acuerdo muchas gracias
00:06:55 Of the SGI of the media
00:07:00 Perdone señorita usted tiene cita
00:07:06 Soy amiga del señor serdar no soy su paciente dígame su nombre es guiostur es que nadie
00:07:12 Espere por favor ahora el doctor está con un paciente le llamaré cuando esté disponible de acuerdo muchas gracias
00:07:18 Y
00:07:20 Bien
00:07:46 Hagan las pruebas que les he pedido y vengan en seguida nada más de momento eso es todo
00:07:51 Es que suene
00:07:58 Estás bien menuda caída si señorita está bien si me permite por favor soy médico
00:08:06 Es que ven vamos a echarle un vistazo te ayudo la ayuda yo
00:08:12 Ah
00:08:14 Así despacio estás bien
00:08:20 Y bien que ha sido eso suner nada cielo cualquiera haría lo mismo venga vámonos
00:08:40 Te duele aquí no no mucho puedes mover la muñeca
00:08:44 Bien vamos a poner esto el frío tira bien tú aprieta aquí de acuerdo
00:08:53 Dime te duele alguna otra parte del cuerpo no
00:08:57 Y te sientes mareada bueno me he mareado al caerme pero ahora estoy bien vale sigue mi dedo por favor
00:09:04 Y
00:09:06 Vale estás muy bien pero a partir de ahora intenta apoyar bien el pie cuando camines
00:09:19 Muy bien por cierto has venido a verme a mí o no que va he venido a ver a llanso
00:09:28 y ya que he venido quería pasar a saludarte
00:09:31 pero no quería hacer tanto ruido
00:09:34 en fin me alegro de verte ojalá hubiera sido de otra forma
00:09:38 Verás me gustaría mucho invitarte a un café pero es que hoy tengo muchas consultas
00:09:44 tengo un día muy ocupado bueno no pasa nada ya nos veremos nos veremos este viernes
00:09:50 eso es genial entonces te acompaño
00:09:53 tengo tu bolso despacio
00:10:01 Cuídate vale hasta luego muchas gracias
00:10:04 Hasta luego
00:10:12 Tienen los resultados si ya está de acuerdo pasa
00:10:31 Es que hay anzu que te ha pasado me he caído al suelo que
00:10:36 Pero que mala pinta tiene
00:10:39 Y sabes que es lo peor que me han visto caerme es un heresero
00:10:44 Vaya cariño que mala suerte tienes bien vamos a tomar un café y me lo cuentas no puede ser
00:10:52 No me lo puedo creer que puede estar haciendo ese desgraciado con serdar
00:10:58 Es agente comercial no habrá venido por trabajo con esa chica
00:11:03 Hoy es y estará embarazada por eso se habrán comprometido tan rápido
00:11:08 es y relájate un poco que haces
00:11:12 Que me calme dice pero cómo quieres que me calme
00:11:17 yo ni siquiera he salido todavía a cenar con un chico y este ya va a ser padre no no estés triste
00:11:22 pueden haber venido por algo sin importancia como se van a casar ya es como llevar el coche al mecánico antes de comprarlo pues si algo
00:11:29 así no digas tonterías ya en su
00:11:31 No tiene mucho sentido verdad no
00:11:35 no puede ser vienen para acá
00:11:37 Cariño tienen visto es gil
00:11:45 Ya lo tengo se me había caído
00:11:50 Pero tira eso que cochinada hay
00:11:52 Perdone nos trae un café y un zumo de naranja lo has oído
00:11:59 un zumo de naranja me sigues una bebida saludable
00:12:03 está embarazada si no habría pedido un café como he hecho yo que dices que tendrá que ver le gustará el zumo de naranja
00:12:10 tiene que estar embarazada para eso
00:12:18 Y ahora me dirás que eso es porque tiene gases el que
00:12:21 Está embarazada vamos a la terraza
00:12:35 Que bien que estamos
00:12:45, ven cariño
00:12:55 Siéntate
00:13:13 Y en su porque me ha hecho esto
00:13:15 Porque conmigo no
00:13:22 Ojalá tuviera una respuesta eso sólo lo sabes
00:13:29 Me duele mucho
00:13:35 Todo pasa
00:13:44 Como dices
00:14:03 No quieres contratarla porque no quiere ir a la boda contigo que tontería oye deja ya el tema no me sigas dando la lata
00:14:09 hemos venido al gimnasio para desconectar pero no me dejas si encuentro a una chica
00:14:14 para que vaya contigo esa boda puedo contratar a es que pero que chorradas estás diciendo si tienes contactos me lo podías haber dicho
00:14:20 antes y no me hubiera metido en este lío con es que me hubiera gustado ayudarte
00:14:24 pero no se me ocurría ninguna chica ahora estoy bajo presión y la cabeza me funciona mejor quieres que llame alguna tío no llames a
00:14:31 nadie ya le hablé a mi madre sobre es que no le voy a contar una mentira tras otra
00:14:35 quieres que hable yo con es que le hace falta el trabajo
00:14:38 tío estás muy pesado con este tema le estás dando muchas vueltas
00:14:42 Y tú no estás reaccionando desproporcionadamente
00:14:51 Esto a qué viene
00:14:54 eso digo yo a qué viene
00:14:56 normalmente no te pones así por estas tonterías todo lo contrario
00:15:00 pero con es guíes distinto
00:15:02 Qué estás queriendo decir
00:15:07 Yo creo que te gusta es que por eso te enfadas
00:15:09 oye yo no me enfado
00:15:12 y entonces porque intento deshacerme de ella porque no quiero que esté a mi lado es que soy tonto exacto
00:15:17 eso es lo que te estoy diciendo eso es lo que te intento explicar tío tú no te sueles alejar de las mujeres
00:15:23 si te estás alejando de alguna es que o le das menos de tres puntos o es que está casada y no es su caso
00:15:29 así que la respuesta está clara
00:15:32 si estás actuando así es que te da miedo enamorarte de es
00:15:36 y
00:15:37 Ozan mira sabes que eres un tío muy gracioso en serio me veo contigo métete a cómico
00:15:42 de acuerdo solo una cosa más
00:15:46 cuando fue la última vez que te importó lo que te dijo una chica
00:15:50 como dices
00:15:51 importarme lo que me diga una chica me da igual lo que digan gracias no tengo más preguntas
00:15:55 o sean me estás poniendo de los nervios
00:15:57 ella me prometió que vendría puede que como incumbe a mi madre me lo haya tomado en serio esa puede ser la razón
00:16:03 o te da miedo
00:16:05 tío si sintiera algo por ella estaría mal de la cabeza si aceptara ser su coach amoroso no crees
00:16:10 has roto el acuerdo muy pronto si hubiera venido no lo hubiera roto no sé yo
00:16:13 paso de seguir discutiendo yo digo blanco y tú dices negro no hay manera eres muy cabezón
00:16:19 pues si yo me mantengo en mis 13 si es verdad que no te gusta contrata y te creeré
00:16:23 de verdad crees que me vas a poder convencer de esa manera oye tío es la última vez que hago deporte contigo yo me voy
00:16:30 vale vale no te enfades
00:16:33 y
00:16:35 Toma cariño
00:16:42 Por cierto no están dentro creo que se han ido estás mejor
00:16:52 Claro te ha impactado verlos juntos
00:16:59 Pensaba que ya no me dolía pero no lo he superado y sabes que es lo peor
00:17:12 Que hace apenas un mes él era el hombre de mi vida
00:17:19 Teníamos mucha confianza
00:17:23 Teníamos muchos sueños
00:17:28 Pero de repente sólo es un extraño
00:17:30 Es como si no nos conocíamos
00:17:34 Como si todo lo vivido fuera una mentira
00:17:37 Y para colmo
00:17:44 Está con otra me ha reemplazado ya tiene otra mano que sujetar está enamorado de otra mujer
00:17:55 Y
00:17:57 Todos los sueños que cree con él los vive con otro
00:18:04 Es que sé que con esto que te voy a decir no conseguiré que te sientas mejor
00:18:14 Porque yo también he pasado por algo parecido
00:18:17 No sé si te servirá de consuelo
00:18:21 Pero al final todo pasa
00:18:25 Y
00:18:27 Aunque pienses que no todo se supera
00:18:29 Crees que esa herida nunca se va a curar
00:18:34 Pero cierra con el tiempo es y
00:18:39 Yo lo pude superar gracias a vosotras tú estabas conmigo denise estaba conmigo
00:18:52 A ti también se te pasará porque nosotras estaremos contigo de acuerdo
00:19:19 No sabes lo que me alivia que hayamos roto el acuerdo que teníamos porque aunque te intentara ayudar
00:19:24 No conseguiríamos nada ni en tres meses ni siquiera en tres años
00:19:28 Bien hagan las pruebas que les he pedido y vengan en seguida nada más verdad doctor de momento eso es de acuerdo
00:19:47 a
00:20:16 Mientras sigas actuando así ellos seguirán tratándote como si no fueras nada primero tienes que quererte a ti si no no te querrá nadie
00:20:22 Porque me ha hecho esto porque conmigo no eso sólo lo sabe ese cerdo
00:20:35 Cerdo
00:20:46 Vaya estás estudiando para encontrar un marido el gato te haría más compañía que un libro es muy gracioso déjame verlo
00:21:12 no devuélveme lo que me lo de segundo sólo estoy mirando no tengo malas intenciones vaya el libro sagrado de las solteronas soy muy afortunado
00:21:20 suelta los sinvergüenza
00:21:23 Yo creo que te gusta es por eso
00:21:29 Verdad es
00:21:33 todo el mundo
00:21:35, ¿por qué conmigo no? ¿por qué?
00:22:04 Venga contesta
00:22:06 No puedes claro
00:22:08 Te di tres años de mi vida
00:22:10 Demasiados
00:22:12 Y todo eso para qué
00:22:14 Para quedarme hecha polvo
00:22:16 Parásito
00:22:18 Sangre buena
00:22:20 Cerdo
00:22:22 Es que
00:22:24 Hola
00:22:26 ¿Qué?
00:22:28 ¿Qué?
00:22:30 ¿Qué?
00:22:32 No
00:22:34 Qué demonios
00:22:46 Hola
00:22:48 Hola
00:22:50 ¿Suner?
00:22:52 Verás tengo que preguntarte algo
00:22:54 Necesito saberlo
00:22:56 Esto me está consumiendo
00:22:58 ¿Qué?
00:23:00 Esto me está consumiendo
00:23:02 ¿Por qué ella sí y yo no?
00:23:04 Es que
00:23:06 Mira tú eres una chica estupenda
00:23:08 Eres muy buena
00:23:10 Altruista
00:23:12 Generosa
00:23:14 Pero yo ya tenía una mujer así en mi vida
00:23:16 A mi madre
00:23:18 Yo estaba buscando una pareja
00:23:20 No una madre
00:23:22 Suner yo te quería muchísimo
00:23:24 Todo lo que hice fue por lo que sentía por ti
00:23:26 Y no por lo que sentía por ti
00:23:28 Todo lo que hice fue por lo que sentía por ti
00:23:30 Y porque te valoraba
00:23:32 Y ahora me dices que esa es la razón por la que te perdí
00:23:34 A mi no me daba miedo
00:23:36 Perderte Esgi
00:23:38 Era como saber que hiciera lo que hiciera
00:23:40 Me lo perdonarías
00:23:42 Todo te parecía bien
00:23:44 Y eso hizo que perdiera la pasión y que dejara de amarte
00:23:46 Me aburría
00:23:48 Y me agobia Esgi
00:23:50 Lo que te pasa es que te crees demasiado bueno ¿verdad?
00:23:52 ¿Cómo puedes
00:23:54 Echarme la culpa y decir que el problema
00:23:56 Es que te trataba demasiado bien?
00:23:58 ¿Por qué no admites
00:24:00 Que eres un sinvergüenza?
00:24:02 No fuiste capaz
00:24:04 De valorar lo que tenías
00:24:06 Ahora lo entiendo
00:24:08 Gracias por abrirme los ojos
00:24:10 Púdrete en el infierno
00:24:12 Suner
00:24:14 (Música)
00:24:16 (Música)
00:24:18 I walk to the fire. Something hurts.
00:24:27 I love you. Soon.
00:24:29 Fear not God. Fear not the servant. Hey ya!
00:24:37 I love you. Soon.
00:24:58 I love you. Soon.
00:25:27 I love you. Soon.
00:25:52 I love you. Soon.
00:26:20 I love you. Soon.
00:26:40 Esgui?
00:26:44 What's wrong? Is she okay?
00:26:48 She's just asleep. I don't think anything's wrong.
00:26:51 But I'll go see.
00:26:53 Esgui?
00:26:57 Esgui?
00:26:58 Isn't that your ex-girlfriend?
00:27:00 No, she's just a neighbor. Nothing more.
00:27:02 And she doesn't live with anyone? Tell them.
00:27:06 I know what to do.
00:27:09 I'll take care of it. She needs me. I'll call a cab.
00:27:13 You're kidding.
00:27:16 Don't call a cab. I can go by myself.
00:27:18 But call me.
00:27:22 Or not. It doesn't matter. Esgui? Esgui? Esgui?
00:27:29 Ah, you're here. But where were you?
00:27:33 You drank, huh?
00:27:36 What did you drink?
00:27:40 I drank all my sorrows.
00:27:42 Men are a plague.
00:27:45 Careful. Poor thing.
00:27:48 I liked that phrase. It's great.
00:27:51 Very creative. I liked it a lot.
00:27:54 Although I don't usually like it.
00:27:56 What you say is...
00:27:57 Now you're funny.
00:27:59 Maybe you should give that name to one of the cocktails.
00:28:01 I don't know. It could be good.
00:28:03 You mean it?
00:28:04 But the patent is mine.
00:28:05 Of course, honey.
00:28:06 It's not mine.
00:28:07 I'm not going to steal it from you.
00:28:09 Well, you're drunk. You know that, right?
00:28:12 Come on, get up. I'll take you home.
00:28:14 Come on. Where's the key?
00:28:17 Come on, take it out.
00:28:18 Here it is.
00:28:19 Get up.
00:28:23 Up.
00:28:29 Come on.
00:28:34 You were right.
00:28:35 You're the only one who understands me.
00:28:37 You're the only one, Oswald.
00:28:39 Not like the rest.
00:28:40 They're pigs.
00:28:41 At least you're not.
00:28:43 And so much. That's true.
00:28:44 But I think I'm going to...
00:28:48 Take out the keys. Come on.
00:28:52 Why are you sitting?
00:28:54 Should I play a song for you on the phone?
00:29:00 The mirror.
00:29:02 How many things do you have there?
00:29:03 You just need to get a rabbit.
00:29:05 Abracadabra.
00:29:10 Look.
00:29:12 I always carry my amulet with me.
00:29:14 Are you sure that amulet is effective?
00:29:17 You don't seem to be very lucky.
00:29:19 You bastard.
00:29:21 You still haven't found the keys?
00:29:22 Come on, give them to me. Take them out.
00:29:24 No, I can't find them.
00:29:26 What do you mean?
00:29:27 Hey, don't yell at me!
00:29:28 Don't yell at me anymore!
00:29:32 I won't let any man yell at me again.
00:29:35 I'm sick of you all.
00:29:36 You're all pigs and bastards.
00:29:41 Again, the same.
00:29:43 Dramatic.
00:29:45 I'll look. Give it to me.
00:29:46 One second.
00:29:47 Get back!
00:29:49 Haven't they taught you that looking at a woman's purse is very bad?
00:29:53 Don't touch it! It's my purse!
00:30:00 Are you cold?
00:30:01 Did the chicken meat get on you?
00:30:03 No, I'm hot.
00:30:05 Well, it's true.
00:30:06 So, let's go to my house.
00:30:08 Come on, let's go.
00:30:10 No, I don't want to bother you.
00:30:12 And what are you going to do? Sleep here on the floor?
00:30:14 Come on, come on.
00:30:15 You can't bother me anymore.
00:30:16 You've ruined my night.
00:30:18 I don't think you can make it worse.
00:30:20 Come on, please, get up.
00:30:22 Come on, come on.
00:30:23 Take your purse and leave the rest.
00:30:27 But don't forget the amulet.
00:30:29 That's important.
00:30:31 You're all bastards.
00:30:32 And go on.
00:30:37 What was missing.
00:30:49 Hey, Javi.
00:30:53 You're on top of my hand.
00:30:56 Move a little.
00:31:01 It'll be better if you change, right?
00:31:04 I'll go get my clothes.
00:31:19 Esgui.
00:31:21 Esgui.
00:31:23 Come on, get up.
00:31:24 I can't do this.
00:31:25 Come on.
00:31:26 You can't sleep wet.
00:31:27 Esgui.
00:31:28 Esgui.
00:31:30 Esgui.
00:31:31 Esgui.
00:31:34 Esgui.
00:31:37 But what have I done to deserve this?
00:31:39 Why do I have to...
00:31:40 Why do I have to put up with this?
00:31:42 Esgui.
00:31:48 I'll take your shoes off.
00:31:52 How's this?
00:32:01 A little more.
00:32:03 This is a punishment.
00:32:17 Esgui.
00:32:19 Wake up, Esgui.
00:32:21 I'm going to see if you have a fever.
00:32:22 Wait, wait.
00:32:23 It's done.
00:32:24 Have you bitten it?
00:32:25 Very good.
00:32:26 That's it.
00:32:27 Don't let go.
00:32:29 With this, you'll feel better.
00:32:41 You have a fever.
00:32:43 What a coward.
00:32:51 Esgui.
00:32:52 Get a little closer.
00:32:54 Come on, come on.
00:32:56 Very good.
00:32:57 That's it.
00:33:00 Let's see.
00:33:01 Drink this.
00:33:06 Here.
00:33:07 Have you swallowed it?
00:33:09 Very good.
00:33:10 A little more.
00:33:11 Come on, let's go.
00:33:15 Now rest.
00:33:16 They called.
00:33:18 I'll see who it is.
00:33:19 Leave it like that.
00:33:20 Hold it.
00:33:21 Okay?
00:33:23 Stay like that.
00:33:30 Hello, Aidar.
00:33:33 There it is.
00:33:35 I found this little gift there.
00:33:37 Nice, huh?
00:33:38 It's a museum piece.
00:33:40 I don't know if anyone would exhibit that in a museum, Mr. Oswald.
00:33:43 You're right.
00:33:44 I'm a little embarrassed to ask you, but anyway.
00:33:47 Jokes aside, I know someone has to clean that up.
00:33:50 I know it's brown, but it's in front of my door, and if anyone sees it, they'll think it's me, and I can't let that happen, you know?
00:33:58 Come on, they're not going to blame you.
00:34:00 You are a person who takes good care of yourself and who eats well, it's obvious.
00:34:05 The one who threw that out doesn't eat well.
00:34:08 Look, he doesn't even chew.
00:34:09 Aidar, if we keep talking about this, we won't be able to forget it for the rest of our lives.
00:34:13 Don't be so graphic.
00:34:14 Let's pretend it never happened.
00:34:16 Tell me how much you want, I'll give you what you want.
00:34:19 I see I have no choice.
00:34:23 Okay, I'll ask you one thing.
00:34:25 Mr. Oswald, you have a good relationship with Miss Esgi, right?
00:34:28 I would really like to be alone with her, you know, do something.
00:34:32 Something like what?
00:34:33 For example, go out to dinner with her.
00:34:37 I don't think that's a good idea.
00:34:38 I guess not.
00:34:39 Well, in that case, let's have a drink, a brunch, a meal, breakfast, tea, coffee, mineral water.
00:34:49 Yes, mineral water.
00:34:50 Is that okay?
00:34:51 Yes.
00:34:52 I promise you nothing.
00:34:53 I'm going to ask her, maybe she has intolerance to mineral water, and then, I don't know, but I'll do what I can.
00:34:58 There's nothing impossible for you, Mr. Oswald.
00:35:00 I have tolerance for everything, don't worry.
00:35:02 Yes, ask a glass of water, it will be the best.
00:35:04 Well, good luck, Mr. Oswald.
00:35:06 I trust you, Mr. Oswald.
00:35:08 I understand about the suit.
00:35:30 It's normal that you protect yourself.
00:35:32 But why the glasses? I don't understand.
00:35:34 To try not to see what's inside.
00:35:37 I shouldn't have said it was Miss Esgi's.
00:35:41 I'm trying not to see her with other eyes.
00:35:44 Good.
00:35:50 [Music]
00:36:04 Are you asleep?
00:36:09 Let's see.
00:36:19 It seems you're better.
00:36:21 Sleep a little.
00:36:24 Tomorrow you'll be like new.
00:36:26 [Music]
00:36:50 [Phone ringing]
00:36:54 [Dog barking]
00:36:56 Tell me.
00:37:01 Esgi, where are you?
00:37:03 At home.
00:37:04 We've been calling the door for a while, I've forgotten the keys. Open.
00:37:08 Okay.
00:37:09 I'm not at home.
00:37:19 Tesla?
00:37:23 Can you tell me what happened last night?
00:37:26 It can't be.
00:37:31 Another night I don't remember.
00:37:34 Again.
00:37:35 No, not again.
00:37:45 It's obvious that the alcohol makes me feel terrible.
00:37:47 I promise I'll never try alcohol again.
00:37:49 I'm not going to go to the colony.
00:37:51 I promise.
00:37:52 It's over.
00:37:53 I don't feel well.
00:37:55 I feel terrible.
00:37:56 What do I tell them?
00:38:01 Why don't you open the door?
00:38:07 She's not with a guy, is she?
00:38:09 With a guy?
00:38:10 Maybe.
00:38:11 No, honey, no.
00:38:12 She wouldn't have told us.
00:38:14 Yes, yes, you're right.
00:38:15 She wouldn't have told us.
00:38:16 Yes, sure.
00:38:21 Hey, it's not just hours of walking from one place to another.
00:38:24 You're always the same.
00:38:25 You're always a problem.
00:38:27 Always.
00:38:28 At night, one, day, another.
00:38:29 You'll tell me the details later.
00:38:31 But now I'm in a mess.
00:38:33 The girls are at the door.
00:38:35 They're at the door.
00:38:36 They called me on the phone.
00:38:37 I told them I was at home because I had to be at home, not here.
00:38:40 Because I'm here and not at my house.
00:38:42 Tell me, what the hell happened last night?
00:38:44 Nothing happened.
00:38:45 You couldn't find the keys, remember?
00:38:48 But, well, it's the same story again.
00:38:50 I lost the keys?
00:38:51 But why would I lose them?
00:38:53 Look, the keys are here.
00:38:58 What did you say?
00:38:59 Well, last night I couldn't find them if you didn't let me look inside your bag.
00:39:02 You couldn't find them?
00:39:04 Lord, what would I have done to deserve this?
00:39:06 How awful.
00:39:07 Did you look to see if the terrace door was open?
00:39:11 No.
00:39:12 But how was I supposed to look at the terrace door?
00:39:14 You were like a cube.
00:39:16 I put you here so you could sleep.
00:39:18 It's fine.
00:39:19 And you couldn't look?
00:39:20 Or did you have other intentions?
00:39:23 Yes, I had other intentions, but you ruined my plan.
00:39:26 Are you going to look at the terrace door or are you going to keep arguing?
00:39:28 Yes, I'm going.
00:39:30 We'll talk about this later.
00:39:32 Why won't it open?
00:39:36 I'm getting tired.
00:39:39 [doorbell rings]
00:39:41 Is it open?
00:39:52 Yes, it is.
00:39:53 Thank goodness.
00:39:54 Good.
00:39:55 Welcome.
00:40:02 It must have been hard for you.
00:40:04 Why didn't you open the door?
00:40:06 You see, I have a terrible stomach.
00:40:09 Oh, poor thing.
00:40:10 I'm better now, thank you.
00:40:12 We were going to come last night, but I had to go to an event with Levan.
00:40:15 And Denise had to work until late.
00:40:17 We couldn't come.
00:40:18 What did you do, dear?
00:40:19 Nothing.
00:40:20 I was taking a walk and clearing my mind.
00:40:23 And how did you clear your mind?
00:40:26 Esgi, that shirt you're wearing, is it a boy's?
00:40:30 No.
00:40:34 Esgi, do you have a boyfriend and you're hiding it from us?
00:40:37 Tell us.
00:40:38 What? No, it's not true.
00:40:40 I don't have a boyfriend.
00:40:41 What nonsense.
00:40:42 I know what happened.
00:40:44 It's obvious.
00:40:45 But what are you insinuating?
00:40:47 Admit it.
00:40:48 The shirt you're wearing is from Zuner, right?
00:40:51 I did the same thing when I left him with Aigud.
00:40:54 I kept all his clothes.
00:40:55 I kissed her, I smelled her, I wore it every day.
00:40:58 That's right.
00:40:59 Oh, Esgi.
00:41:00 I threw his things and burned the others.
00:41:03 How can you be so childish?
00:41:05 Come on, take that shirt off right now.
00:41:07 Quick, quick.
00:41:08 And bring everything you have of him.
00:41:09 Let's burn it.
00:41:10 Why?
00:41:11 Because if you don't get rid of the past, you won't leave room for the new, okay?
00:41:14 Come on, run, run, run.
00:41:15 Bring everything you have.
00:41:16 Now, come on.
00:41:17 Don't leave anything.
00:41:18 And take that off.
00:41:19 Come on, I'll wait for you.
00:41:20 Come on, don't go.
00:41:21 Zuner's shirt.
00:41:22 Oh my God.
00:41:23 Well, first we throw photos, letters and those things, okay?
00:41:33 Esgi, what are you thinking?
00:41:35 Come on.
00:41:36 It seems you don't want the new to arrive, repeat, get the old out, let the new come, come on.
00:41:40 Yes, I want, but...
00:41:41 Come on, come on.
00:41:43 What's that?
00:41:46 The ticket to the cinema.
00:41:48 Look, and a concert.
00:41:50 How beautiful.
00:41:51 Oh my God.
00:41:52 You wouldn't have kept the ticket of when you went shopping together, would you?
00:41:56 Here it is.
00:41:58 I can't believe it.
00:41:59 Bring it.
00:42:01 Throw this too.
00:42:02 This is worse than me.
00:42:03 Give me that.
00:42:07 Everything, everything, everything.
00:42:09 Very good.
00:42:15 Now it's the turn of the gifts.
00:42:17 Esgi, don't be so hard on yourself, take them out.
00:42:20 Don't you want the new to arrive?
00:42:22 Come on, do it.
00:42:23 She didn't buy me any gifts.
00:42:25 How strong.
00:42:26 I know it's silly, but...
00:42:29 I always said the same thing.
00:42:31 I am your gift, honey.
00:42:32 I can't believe it, and it's a scam.
00:42:35 Sure, scam and cretin.
00:42:37 I am your gift.
00:42:38 A poisoned gift.
00:42:40 Well, let's see, we'll throw whatever you have, including the clothes.
00:42:43 Bring it, bring it.
00:42:44 Come on.
00:42:45 That, give me.
00:42:46 Let's see, throw it.
00:42:47 Disgusting.
00:42:48 Take that out, out.
00:42:50 What? Give it to me.
00:42:56 Don't keep it.
00:42:57 Give it to me.
00:42:58 But...
00:42:59 Give it to me, Esgi.
00:43:00 Give it to me now.
00:43:05 Hey, let go.
00:43:06 Give it to me, honey.
00:43:07 No.
00:43:08 I didn't want to let go.
00:43:09 Okay?
00:43:13 Great.
00:43:14 Throw, throw, throw.
00:43:17 Okay, okay, I'll throw it.
00:43:18 Throw, throw more.
00:43:22 What do we say?
00:43:23 Let the old come, let the new come.
00:43:25 Let the old come, let the new come.
00:43:27 Let the old come, let the new come.
00:43:29 That's it.
00:43:31 Very good.
00:43:32 That's it.
00:43:33 Come on, girls, I'm going to burn it.
00:43:35 Burn it.
00:43:36 I'm burning it.
00:43:37 Okay.
00:43:39 For everything that burns well.
00:43:41 Like this.
00:43:45 Very good.
00:43:46 Let the old come, let the new come.
00:43:51 Let the old come, let the new come.
00:43:56 How are you?
00:43:57 Fine, I feel better.
00:43:59 Well, you know, girls, now I feel more relieved.
00:44:01 Do you really feel better?
00:44:03 Better than ever, I swear.
00:44:04 Well, this always works.
00:44:06 Let the old come, let the new come.
00:44:08 Let the old come, let the new come.
00:44:10 Let the old come, let the new come.
00:44:12 Let the old come, let the new come.
00:44:14 Tesla.
00:44:17 (Phone ringing)
00:44:18 Mom.
00:44:19 (Phone ringing)
00:44:21 (Phone ringing)
00:44:23 (Phone ringing)
00:44:26 Hebru, please call me, but when Mom is not with you.
00:44:33 Okay?
00:44:34 Okay.
00:44:35 (Phone ringing)
00:44:36 (Phone ringing)
00:44:38 (Phone ringing)
00:44:40 (Phone ringing)
00:44:42 (Phone ringing)
00:44:45 Okay.
00:44:46 Honey.
00:44:48 Thank you very much, see you later.
00:44:49 Mucho Ares, my dear.
00:44:50 Thank you for coming, I feel much better.
00:44:52 You're welcome.
00:44:53 Seriously, burning everything has been a great idea.
00:44:55 See you later.
00:44:56 (Phone ringing)
00:45:09 Hello, Hebru.
00:45:12 (Phone ringing)
00:45:13 Osgur.
00:45:16 Osgur.
00:45:17 I know, Hebru, I know.
00:45:20 You do not have to repeat it to me.
00:45:22 Yes, I know Mom is going to be very sad.
00:45:24 But there is nothing to do, forget it.
00:45:26 Things have come out like this, that's it.
00:45:27 What do you want me to do?
00:45:28 We have discussed and it does not seem that we are going to fix it.
00:45:31 Forgive me.
00:45:32 I'll talk to Mom, Hebru.
00:45:33 Okay, do not be sad, I'll talk to her.
00:45:35 I'll take care of it, do not worry.
00:45:37 Come on, we'll talk.
00:45:38 Goodbye, honey.
00:45:39 Come on, see you later.
00:45:40 (Music)
00:45:41 (Clears throat)
00:45:48 Come on, burn it all, this is your house.
00:45:51 The closet is full, if you want you can burn it.
00:45:54 Come on, do not cut yourself.
00:45:55 Okay, I'm sorry, you're right.
00:45:58 The girls thought the shirt was his.
00:46:01 It was the old, let the new come, right?
00:46:03 You knew him too?
00:46:04 Yes.
00:46:05 I'm the only one who does not.
00:46:06 Well, I'm really sorry.
00:46:10 If they found out that the shirt was mine, not only would they burn it,
00:46:14 I would also be set on fire.
00:46:16 Exactly, they are very afraid that we will be dating.
00:46:19 Seriously?
00:46:26 I was kidding, but ...
00:46:29 Why?
00:46:32 Anyway, I'm not ...
00:46:35 A good game or what?
00:46:39 It's not that, but they think ...
00:46:42 Of course I'm not.
00:46:43 I know, they're right, why ask?
00:46:45 It is true.
00:46:46 I hope you did not have much work last night.
00:46:51 Well, the truth is that yes, you were a nuisance, you know?
00:46:53 If you had seen my shirt, I threw it away, you ruined me last night.
00:46:57 Did you kick that girl out because of me?
00:46:59 I came to my head the bad experience of that night we spent at the hotel.
00:47:02 I did not want the girl to go through the same, I was sorry, so I kicked her out.
00:47:06 By the way, she was very pretty, a shame.
00:47:08 So it was for the girl, and I thought you did that to help me.
00:47:12 Well, okay, I'm sorry to always cause you so many annoyances.
00:47:17 You have to apologize to someone else.
00:47:19 With whom?
00:47:20 Aidar.
00:47:21 Why?
00:47:22 You vomited in front of the elevator, you left it lost.
00:47:25 What a disgust.
00:47:26 Are you serious? And what do I do?
00:47:29 Poor thing, thanking him will not be enough, I'll have to do something else.
00:47:32 Well, yes, you have to do something else, meet him, to drink mineral water.
00:47:37 Why?
00:47:38 Well, I do not know, I came to that agreement with him.
00:47:40 You came to an agreement with Aidar in my name?
00:47:42 And what did you want me to do? To take care of me personally?
00:47:45 Of that masterpiece? It was a mess.
00:47:48 Did you want me to clean it? Well, thank me, because he wanted to go out to dinner with you.
00:47:52 I had to negotiate and lower the offer.
00:47:54 Okay, thank you very much.
00:47:56 By the way, if you had seen what was on the floor, because we saw it.
00:48:00 I do not know if Aidar will still want to see you after that.
00:48:03 It was disgusting.
00:48:04 Ole, you do not remember it anymore.
00:48:06 You're just listening to me, we had to see it.
00:48:09 Okay, okay.
00:48:11 There is another issue that I wanted to talk to you about.
00:48:15 I think I have behaved badly with you.
00:48:19 I mean, whatever the reason, I should not have left you lying the other day.
00:48:27 I have not been a woman of the word.
00:48:30 So, if you're still willing, I'd like to go to the wedding with you.
00:48:36 And I'm not saying it in exchange for work or to help me find a husband.
00:48:41 You were right. I did not choose between him and you, it's true.
00:48:46 I was a selfish woman. I chose what was best for me and it was wrong.
00:48:52 I know I made a mistake.
00:48:54 I do not want to be dragged back by any man.
00:48:58 Well, well. Wait, let's see.
00:49:02 Well, you do not have a fever.
00:49:06 What do you say? Do you want me to go to the wedding with you?
00:49:10 If you promise me you do not drink.
00:49:14 Promised.
00:49:15 Okay, deal.
00:49:19 And I have no problem with you working with me.
00:49:21 I reacted like that, but it was to open your eyes and react.
00:49:26 Is it a joke? Thank you very much, boss.
00:49:30 So, I'm going to call Serdar right away to cancel the appointment.
00:49:36 Are you sure? Then I do not want any trouble.
00:49:38 Do not come yelling at me, do not pay it with me.
00:49:40 I'm sure, I'll just postpone the appointment two or three days.
00:49:43 Boss!
00:49:52 We had agreed to meet on Friday, but I had an unexpected event.
00:49:57 I'm going to have to leave the city early.
00:50:00 Do not tell me. It's a shame.
00:50:02 But I'll be free during the week.
00:50:05 I'm sorry, but I'm going on a trip to New York on Sunday.
00:50:08 I will not be there for ten days. I have to attend a congress.
00:50:11 That's why I wanted to meet you before I go.
00:50:14 But hey, what can you do? We'll see each other when I get back.
00:50:17 Of course, I would love to.
00:50:19 Have a good vacation, have a good trip.
00:50:22 Likewise, have a good time.
00:50:24 See you soon.
00:50:26 I've already asked you if you were sure.
00:50:29 Now you're going to spend ten days giving the can.
00:50:32 Do not doubt it.
00:50:34 Well, I warn you, I'm no longer your neighbor and your sentimental coach.
00:50:37 In addition to all that, now I am your boss.
00:50:40 Well, better. So I will not lose sight of you.
00:50:44 I think I should think about working together better.
00:50:48 I'm sorry, it's late. I should have thought about it before saying yes.
00:50:52 There is nothing to see.
00:50:54 Boss?
00:50:56 A chicken curry really exquisite.
00:51:11 I ate a dish exactly like this in a restaurant.
00:51:15 It looks like the same dish. It's amazing.
00:51:18 -Really? -Yes, it's interesting.
00:51:22 But...
00:51:24 Yours...
00:51:27 It's much better if it fits.
00:51:31 Because you did it with these magnificent hands.
00:51:34 Love, were not you going to talk to Seineppa?
00:51:42 Could you do it?
00:51:44 I could not.
00:51:46 It has been impossible.
00:51:48 I was going to talk to her.
00:51:50 I was going to pick her up today to talk to her.
00:51:54 But I could not.
00:51:56 Because it turns out that I had plans with her mother.
00:51:58 That's why I could not do it.
00:52:00 I understand.
00:52:01 That is, just the same thing that happened yesterday.
00:52:04 Love, are you really going to talk to Seineppa?
00:52:07 Because if you're not going to talk to her...
00:52:09 No, no. Of course I'm going to talk to her.
00:52:12 But I'm waiting for the right time.
00:52:15 Okay.
00:52:18 Look what a song they put on, love.
00:52:34 I love it.
00:52:36 What do you think if we dance?
00:52:42 Do you grant me this dance?
00:52:45 You are the worst.
00:52:48 I know.
00:52:50 Hey, one thing. What do you think...
00:53:04 if we go up?
00:53:07 I think it's fine.
00:53:10 You?
00:53:12 Who could it be now?
00:53:20 Love, has Seineppa come again?
00:53:22 No, honey. I did not call her.
00:53:25 I mean, I told her not to come without telling me.
00:53:29 I do not think it's her.
00:53:32 Yes, tell me.
00:53:39 What? My daughter?
00:53:41 Okay. Thank you very much.
00:53:45 As usual. I'll pick up everything again.
00:53:50 Honey, I'm sorry. I promise you it will not happen again.
00:53:56 I give you my word. Seriously.
00:53:58 Right now I'm going to talk to her and I'm going to make it very clear...
00:54:01 that she can not come home without warning.
00:54:03 Love, it will be better if you talk to her about us.
00:54:06 You were looking for the right time and now you have one.
00:54:10 How bad.
00:54:22 Now Seineppa has become accustomed to coming suddenly.
00:54:27 No, nothing happens. Come.
00:54:29 You are my pretty girl.
00:54:32 I do not think I'm getting ready to go to a wedding of people I do not know.
00:54:36 And with the man who is supposed to be my husband.
00:54:40 Well, that's it.
00:54:43 Good luck.
00:54:45 I hope everything goes well.
00:54:56 Mom.
00:54:58 She must have sensed something.
00:55:06 I'm going to call my mother.
00:55:09 I'm going to call my mother.
00:55:11 I'm going to call my mother.
00:55:13 I'm going to call my mother.
00:55:15 I'm going to call my mother.
00:55:17 I'm going to call my mother.
00:55:19 I'm going to call my mother.
00:55:21 I'm going to call my mother.
00:55:23 I'm going to call my mother.
00:55:25 How are you, mom?
00:55:28 Esgi? How are you, honey?
00:55:30 Very good, mom. How are you? And how is Unal?
00:55:34 We are very good, dear. As always.
00:55:36 We still continue with the works of the cafeteria.
00:55:39 Do you work at night? Have not you finished?
00:55:41 Well, no, not yet, daughter.
00:55:43 We have changed all the entrance from the parking lot.
00:55:45 But it has been very good, Esgi.
00:55:47 My husband has worked a lot, but it has been worth it.
00:55:50 You'll see.
00:55:52 How are you? Why do not you come on the weekend?
00:55:54 Yes, we miss you very much.
00:55:56 We can not go to see you with all this mess we have on top.
00:55:59 We miss you very much. Come, come, come.
00:56:01 Mom, Unal, I miss you too.
00:56:04 But I've already made plans for this weekend.
00:56:07 Oh, with the doctor, right?
00:56:09 Do you still see each other, daughter?
00:56:11 Well, yes, of course.
00:56:13 Okay, then, come with you.
00:56:18 Mom, it will be better if not. It is still too early to introduce it.
00:56:21 What nonsense. And why do not you want to introduce it to us? I do not understand.
00:56:25 Well, Nevin, come on, do not bore her, do not be heavy, woman.
00:56:28 Okay, daughter, as you want.
00:56:30 We send you many kisses.
00:56:32 And I will go to see you as soon as possible, mom.
00:56:35 I promise you, Unal.
00:56:37 Do not you be ashamed to lie to your mother?
00:56:49 Jansu?
00:56:51 Levan's daughter has come.
00:56:53 Oh, what?
00:56:55 Although this time it has come very well for me to arrive.
00:57:01 Levan has been saying for days that he was going to talk to her and always makes excuses.
00:57:04 But this time he will have to do it.
00:57:06 Sure he does. Yes, I hope this time everything goes well.
00:57:10 Well, yes, I hope.
00:57:11 Well, and how are you, nervous about tomorrow?
00:57:14 I'm talking about the dinner with Seher Tesgi.
00:57:18 Oh.
00:57:20 This time he has canceled it, right?
00:57:23 Sure, normal. If you give him long 50 times, in the end he gets tired.
00:57:27 Well, yes, he says he has something.
00:57:29 But you have planned something, you have stayed for another day, right?
00:57:32 Yes, yes, we have stayed.
00:57:34 Very well.
00:57:35 Esgui, and that suitcase, where are you going?
00:57:40 To the stock market.
00:57:42 They have finished the works of my mother's coffee shop.
00:57:45 And they have told me to go, and since I no longer have plans tomorrow, I have thought of going.
00:57:49 Ah, but what a good idea.
00:57:51 And if I go too, I will be fine to change my airs.
00:57:54 Well, no, better not.
00:57:57 No, it's a bad idea.
00:57:59 Because Levan is going to talk to his daughter, I better stay.
00:58:01 Okay, I better stay, right?
00:58:03 Yes, yes, do not leave it alone.
00:58:04 Okay.
00:58:05 Wait, I'm going to wash my hands.
00:58:07 The nose is going to grow, Esgui, liar.
00:58:13 (Music)
00:58:15 Good evening, Miss Denise.
00:58:24 Good evening.
00:58:25 He has not come to sign the file.
00:58:33 Good evening, can you call the messenger?
00:58:38 He has already left, Miss.
00:58:39 What do you mean he has left?
00:58:41 He does not do his job and he leaves earlier.
00:58:44 Look, I have the file of the Gavia here, I need you to sign it for me tomorrow.
00:58:48 Call him and let him come.
00:58:49 Okay.
00:58:50 Okay.
00:58:51 Yes?
00:58:57 Miss Denise, I called him but he does not answer.
00:58:59 And what am I going to do now?
00:59:02 Okay, okay.
00:59:07 Hey, Denise, if you want, I'll take it.
00:59:11 You take it?
00:59:15 Well, yes.
00:59:16 And why?
00:59:17 You usually do favors.
00:59:18 What are you plotting?
00:59:19 Oh, Denise, you're getting paranoid, have you noticed?
00:59:23 Look, do not be so afraid of me.
00:59:27 It may be your biggest competitor, but one thing is work and another is friendship, do not you think?
00:59:35 Miss Irene, I called the Gavia again.
00:59:37 I explained what he told me, but they say they do not have a free table for today.
00:59:41 Okay, okay, thank you.
00:59:42 It can not be.
00:59:45 Have you taken the file just to book a table?
00:59:51 Oh, Irene, if you had asked me, I would have helped you, because I am his lawyer.
00:59:56 Are you really going to help me?
00:59:58 Of course not.
01:00:00 Good night.
01:00:01 Good night.
01:00:02 What a witch, it makes me nervous.
01:00:05 It's the last sale, there's no grape anymore.
01:00:18 Welcome to the Gavia.
01:00:23 I'm sorry, I'm late.
01:00:25 I'm sorry, I'm late.
01:00:28 Welcome, Osgur.
01:00:30 How are you, Gizem?
01:00:31 Very well.
01:00:32 All right here?
01:00:33 All perfect, we are full.
01:00:35 They have called some of your friends to make a reservation, they have asked for you.
01:00:38 Please do not tell anyone that I'm here, okay?
01:00:41 I have to take care of some things for the new restaurant and I will be away for a few days.
01:00:45 While I'm away, you may ask me to take care of some things.
01:00:48 Sure, it makes me happy to work.
01:00:52 You know, I'm always here.
01:00:53 I would also like to talk to you about the new restaurant.
01:00:57 Okay, we'll talk when I get back.
01:00:59 Great.
01:01:00 Pablito.
01:01:02 Hey.
01:01:03 I got it.
01:01:09 What did you get? What are you up to now?
01:01:11 You do not care, it's about my professional career, you follow your own, do not ask.
01:01:16 Are you going to start at the new restaurant?
01:01:18 As a public relations manager.
01:01:22 Director, we will go together, right?
01:01:24 After all, we are a team, we can not separate.
01:01:26 You know I'm overwhelmed here and I also want to go to the other restaurant.
01:01:30 It would be very good, what do you say?
01:01:31 Are you overwhelmed?
01:01:32 Well, better, so you work.
01:01:33 But we are a team, you're kidding.
01:01:36 Welcome.
01:01:38 Good evening.
01:01:40 Do you have a reservation, miss?
01:01:41 No, what's up?
01:01:42 Well, I will not be able to help you, today we are full.
01:01:45 No, I have come to leave a document for Mr. Ozan.
01:01:48 I am the lawyer of Nis Coparan.
01:01:50 Can you give it to him?
01:01:51 No, I will not be able, I have no authority for that.
01:01:54 It will be better if you wait here, I will go to notify Mr. Ozan and so you speak directly.
01:01:58 I will not take long, it will be a moment.
01:02:00 Okay, come in.
01:02:01 Look.
01:02:06 Mr. Emre, Miss Denise, Denise Coparan, is Mr. Ozan's lawyer and friend.
01:02:14 Take care while I tell him what he is waiting for.
01:02:17 Miss.
01:02:19 Welcome, miss.
01:02:20 What do you want, what do I put?
01:02:22 A water.
01:02:23 The water is already prepared, if you want I can prepare something else.
01:02:27 Only water.
01:02:28 With lemon slice?
01:02:29 No.
01:02:30 Parsley?
01:02:31 No.
01:02:32 Basil?
01:02:33 No, only water.
01:02:35 Look at that.
01:02:37 Do not serve that without sauce, okay?
01:02:47 Excuse me, chef.
01:02:49 Vicen.
01:02:50 There is someone waiting for you.
01:02:52 I have a lot of work, so if it is not important ...
01:02:54 It is important.
01:02:55 The lawyer has come.
01:02:57 What? Is he here?
01:02:58 Yes, he's out there, at the bar.
01:03:01 [Music]
01:03:03 And now what do I do? It's dark here.
01:03:23 Yes, on the terrace.
01:03:24 But what are you doing? And this bonfire, what is it?
01:03:29 Are you crazy? Turn that off.
01:03:31 We're going to burn.
01:03:33 Uncle, has Denis come? I do not know what to tell him.
01:03:49 Surely he will have come to thank you.
01:03:51 You can tell him nothing, or something like that, or it has been a pleasure.
01:03:54 And then you ask him what plans he has for tonight.
01:03:57 I would not miss the opportunity, colleague. He has come here to see you.
01:04:00 But uncle, what do you say?
01:04:02 That I have solved the problem I had with Esgui.
01:04:04 So, he's going to start working with us?
01:04:07 Tomorrow morning we go out to go to the wedding.
01:04:11 Uncle, and why did not you tell me before?
01:04:13 You see how busy I am. I was going to pick it up and go see you.
01:04:16 But with the stoves, it's very hot in the kitchen.
01:04:18 Well, if you see it solved.
01:04:22 Hey, then it is possible that Denis has come to thank me.
01:04:26 Yes, but if you keep making him wait, things may change. I'm not sure.
01:04:30 Yes, yes, okay, I'm going.
01:04:31 But uncle, take off your apron, get a little better, listen to me.
01:04:34 - You think? - Yes, uncle.
01:04:35 Okay.
01:04:36 I explain it to him, but he does not listen to me, nor will he listen to me.
01:04:41 You would be with her, but ...
01:04:50 He left the glass clean.
01:04:52 It's a joke. Do not get so serious, please.
01:04:55 It's a joke, quiet.
01:04:57 Sorry to have made you wait.
01:05:05 What did you want?
01:05:08 Have you been invited to drink something?
01:05:10 - Yes, I've had water. - Good.
01:05:12 I have prepared an agreement for the new restaurant.
01:05:15 I've also made a couple of reports.
01:05:17 It's all in here.
01:05:18 I was going to bring it to the messenger, but he could not.
01:05:21 And I was caught on the way.
01:05:23 - What luck. - How did you say?
01:05:25 That thanks for coming here, if you did not have to.
01:05:28 You're welcome.
01:05:30 By the way, thanks for the esky.
01:05:33 It's nothing.
01:05:34 Well, I'm not going to bother you anymore.
01:05:38 Are you leaving?
01:05:39 Stay and have a drink if you want, you are our guest.
01:05:43 I'm in a hurry, but thanks.
01:05:45 Thanks again for this.
01:05:47 Yes, you're welcome.
01:05:49 See you soon.
01:05:50 So much formality, I'm bored.
01:05:58 He's leaving and he's going to introduce me. What happened?
01:06:01 Nothing happened.
01:06:02 And I do not think it will ever happen.
01:06:05 Do not help me, man. You have so much experience with women.
01:06:11 Now I'm the one responsible?
01:06:13 Yes, it's a lie.
01:06:15 I never know what to say, I do not know how to speak, I'm stuck in these situations.
01:06:18 You already know me.
01:06:19 Calm down, I always tell you what you have to do, but you never want to listen to me.
01:06:23 The fault is yours.
01:06:24 When did you tell me? I did not hear you, repeat it to me.
01:06:26 Okay, I'll tell you what you have to do.
01:06:28 Okay.
01:06:29 It's very easy, okay?
01:06:30 Listen to me well and do what I say.
01:06:32 Trust me, okay?
01:06:33 Look, with this kind of woman, all you have to do is ...
01:06:37 ... look for the exit and run.
01:06:40 I tell you from experience, I know women.
01:06:43 What advice.
01:06:44 It's good.
01:06:45 Honey, stop. Relax, honey, you'll stay.
01:06:58 Yes, of course.
01:07:07 Ah?
01:07:08 Yes, Nev, he's gone, I'm leaving.
01:07:11 Let me know with whatever.
01:07:15 Okay, okay, I'll let you know, do not worry.
01:07:17 Say hello to Aunt Nevine and Unal for me, okay?
01:07:20 Yes, I will.
01:07:21 Very good, have a good trip, honey.
01:07:23 You sit down, do not bother.
01:07:25 Oh, remorse.
01:07:35 (Sighs)
01:07:36 (Yawns)
01:07:44 Was it necessary to leave so early?
01:07:48 I'm very sleepy.
01:07:51 Sure, it takes at least eight hours to get to the place where we are going.
01:07:54 You have to get up early.
01:07:55 I think I told you to go to bed early, right?
01:07:57 Look at me, I've been working all night, I've only slept two hours.
01:08:01 You are used to it.
01:08:02 Sure, sure, I am.
01:08:03 Mr. Osgood, are you going on an adventure together?
01:08:06 Listening to music and talking about life.
01:08:08 Well, yes, Aida, we have a very long journey ahead.
01:08:11 Do not entertain us and wish us a good trip.
01:08:13 Have a good time.
01:08:15 And be careful, do not burn yourself, put on a lot of cream.
01:08:19 Have a good trip, have a good time.
01:08:23 White sand and crystal clear water, you know.
01:08:28 (Music)
01:08:31 Shh, I always get dizzy, drive carefully.
01:08:47 Excuse me?
01:08:49 Now what did I say?
01:08:50 Have you offended?
01:08:51 Is there any chance that you do something wrong?
01:08:53 I do not know why I ask.
01:08:55 I'm sorry, I guess not.
01:08:58 How many hours does it take?
01:08:59 Well, usually seven or eight, but if I go with you, five.
01:09:03 With me less?
01:09:05 If you go with me five hours?
01:09:07 Are you going to speed up so that the trip ends as soon as possible?
01:09:10 How is that going to be?
01:09:11 It's so you do not get bored, I think in your comfort.
01:09:14 Yes, I go and I believe it.
01:09:15 Ah, do not you believe me?
01:09:16 No.
01:09:17 Oh, I'm still sleepy.
01:09:22 We had to have had coffee before leaving.
01:09:24 If you're so sleepy, I do not want to imagine with caffeine.
01:09:27 We have a long trip.
01:09:28 You're right, it will be better to take a nap.
01:09:32 So I could hold you so many hours.
01:09:35 You say it seriously?
01:09:38 Very well, yourself.
01:09:40 Are you going to sleep?
01:09:41 What a lack of respect, you'll see.
01:09:46 You do not know how to copilot.
01:09:48 Oh!
01:09:52 What do we have?
01:09:54 You have looked for it?
01:09:55 You said seven hours, right?
01:09:57 I'm able to talk seven hours without stopping.
01:09:59 Look, I was little ...
01:10:00 Okay, I get it, leave it.
01:10:01 I'm going to turn down the music.
01:10:02 Please.
01:10:03 Look, I'm going to turn it down and I'm going to put quiet music so you can sleep like a baby.
01:10:07 It's done.
01:10:08 Thank you, very kind.
01:10:09 You can sleep.
01:10:10 Look at her.
01:10:15 Look at her.
01:10:17 [Music]
01:10:19 [Music]
01:10:22 [Music]
01:10:24 [Music]
01:10:39 [Music]
01:10:40 [Music]
01:10:47 [Music]
01:10:56 Darling.
01:11:07 Darling.
01:11:08 Jansu.
01:11:14 I'm leaving.
01:11:15 One moment.
01:11:16 Darling, where are you going?
01:11:17 Why did not you tell me anything?
01:11:18 Wait, wait, I'll get ready and we'll go together.
01:11:21 I can not wait, Levan.
01:11:22 I want to leave here as soon as possible.
01:11:24 Also, I was wrong.
01:11:26 Coming last night was a big mistake.
01:11:28 But Jansu, darling, what nonsense do you say?
01:11:31 I'm tired.
01:11:32 I will not stay again.
01:11:35 Jansu, darling, listen to me.
01:11:37 Okay, you're right.
01:11:39 But yesterday, Zeynep was very sensitive and she started crying.
01:11:43 I could not tell her anything.
01:11:44 Leave it, I do not want to talk about the same thing again.
01:11:47 Okay, I understand you.
01:11:49 You have your reasons.
01:11:50 But understand me too.
01:11:52 I'm tired of having to be hidden like this, living as if our thing was a secret.
01:11:56 I can not go on like this.
01:11:58 Look, if this does not change our relationship, it will break.
01:12:00 Think about it if you want.
01:12:01 Think about it.
01:12:02 Jansu.
01:12:03 Jansu.
01:12:04 Jansu, my love.
01:12:08 I...
01:12:09 I...
01:12:10 I...
01:12:12 I...
01:12:13 I...
01:12:15 [Music]
01:12:18 [Music]
01:12:21 [Music]
01:12:23 [Music]
01:12:51 Esgi, come on, wake up.
01:12:53 Esgi.
01:12:54 Come on.
01:12:56 Have we arrived?
01:12:57 No, it's a rest.
01:12:59 I have been told that here you eat wonderfully.
01:13:02 I brought you to the best place to have breakfast.
01:13:04 Then do not tell me that I have taken you to places where you eat badly and things like that, okay?
01:13:08 I do not promise anything.
01:13:09 Where are we?
01:13:17 Arriving at Bursa.
01:13:20 Run, my mother.
01:13:21 Esgi?
01:13:23 Who is that woman?
01:13:24 It's my mother.
01:13:25 Your mother?
01:13:26 Oh, what a surprise.
01:13:30 My daughter has come, my dear.
01:13:33 Welcome, my daughter, what a great joy.
01:13:35 Hi, I'm Nadine.
01:13:37 Hi, I'm Osgur.
01:13:38 He has two names, mom.
01:13:40 Oh yeah?
01:13:41 Then you prefer that we call you Osgur?
01:13:43 Osgur I like more, as it goes better with my personality.
01:13:45 Okay, very good, welcome guys.
01:13:46 But what a beautiful surprise you have given me, my daughter, what a joy.
01:13:50 Welcome guys, come on, come.
01:13:52 I'm glad to see you, Esgi has told me a lot about you, you know Osgur?
01:13:56 How good.
01:13:57 Are you a doctor?
01:13:58 Well, yes.
01:13:59 Oh, how good, what a beautiful surprise you have given me.
01:14:01 Sit down, I'm going to tell Unal that you are here, he will be very happy.
01:14:05 Sit down, son.
01:14:06 We sit.
01:14:07 Oh, what a joy, now I come guys.
01:14:09 But who is Unal?
01:14:12 He is my stepfather, my mother's husband.
01:14:14 What?
01:14:15 There was no other place in the whole city of Bursa to go to breakfast?
01:14:17 How was I going to know that your mother lived in Bursa?
01:14:19 But one thing, it is believed that I am Serdar, why?
01:14:23 What's going on here?
01:14:24 They invited me to come on the weekend, and I lied to them, I told them that I had made plans with Serdar.
01:14:29 Okay, now I understand, very good, what a move.
01:14:33 One thing, from what I understand, your mother thinks that Serdar is your boyfriend, am I wrong?
01:14:38 What the hell did you tell her?
01:14:39 Have you gone a little too far?
01:14:40 No, I have not told her anything, it is that she likes to exaggerate.
01:14:44 We have to pretend that we are boyfriends, right?
01:14:46 Understood well?
01:14:47 Exact.
01:14:48 Very good, so we practice before arriving.
01:14:50 You're having a good time, right?
01:14:53 Sure, I'm not going to lie to you.
01:14:54 Okay, and what am I going to do after what you do?
01:14:57 If I start dating Serdar, how do I introduce him to my mother?
01:15:00 I think it would be better if you did not introduce him, if Serdar were in my place right now, he would have already got in the car and would have run away without looking back.
01:15:07 And he said you've talked a lot about me, I do not know which of the two is more talkative.
01:15:13 Hey, wake up.
01:15:14 Respect my mother, do not talk like that about her, careful.
01:15:17 Go, but look who has come, my dear.
01:15:20 Hello.
01:15:21 Welcome, welcome, what a joy to see you, how good.
01:15:23 Look.
01:15:25 Doctor.
01:15:26 Oswald.
01:15:27 Hello, so far away, no, come here man.
01:15:30 Sit down, come on, come on, sit down, sit down.
01:15:35 Oh, dear, what a joy.
01:15:37 Yes, what a surprise.
01:15:38 My little one, how good.
01:15:39 But if you had warned us, we would have prepared something for you.
01:15:42 Hunal, the boys wanted to give us a surprise, do not you understand?
01:15:45 Okay, okay, very good, from such a stick to such a rod, you are equal, my dear Nevine is like that, she loves surprises.
01:15:51 I see it, I see that they look a lot alike.
01:15:54 Look, we have to talk about it man to man, I have some tricks that are infallible.
01:15:59 But one thing, I think you will agree with me that if we look at them like that, it does not seem to be mother and daughter, right?
01:16:06 Rather, they look like sisters, your wife is very young.
01:16:09 Oh, what a joker, and I bet I look like the little sister, right?
01:16:15 Of course.
01:16:16 You're worth it, mom.
01:16:17 Oh, daughter, come here, let me suck you, lately I'm very sad.
01:16:22 But Nevine, do not say that, please, we have already talked about it, be positive.
01:16:26 Okay, okay.
01:16:27 Well, guys, please, take advantage now that you are young, because being old is not as beautiful as people say.
01:16:34 It is important to go out, travel, enjoy and fall in love, how beautiful is that.
01:16:38 I always tell Esqui, he was three months mourning for that damn parasite, and three months is a lot of time for a woman, right?
01:16:46 Hey, Osgur, Cielo, a question, your specialty is maternity, right?
01:16:50 Exactly.
01:16:52 Okay, then I'm going to ask you something.
01:16:54 Mom, not now, leave it, we're on vacation.
01:16:56 And what else is it that you are on vacation, he is a specialist, I can not ask, I can, right Cielo?
01:17:01 Of course, of course, ask me whatever you want.
01:17:02 Very good, you will see about the freezing of ovules and ...
01:17:05 Mom, stop the carom.
01:17:06 But what's wrong?
01:17:07 Daughter, he is a doctor, nothing happens to ask him.
01:17:10 Okay, maybe I'll talk to you at another time.
01:17:13 By the way, we are hungry.
01:17:14 Ah, okay, okay, okay.
01:17:15 Oh, really?
01:17:16 We fill the table right away, do not worry, we come in a moment.
01:17:19 Come on, let's go, let's go.
01:17:20 Wait right away.
01:17:21 Do you have eggs? I crave eggs.
01:17:23 Of course, and very fresh today, let's make you some eggs.
01:17:26 But what's wrong?
01:17:28 (Laughs)
01:17:30 You should have made chorizo.
01:17:42 No, you know it smells a lot.
01:17:44 Everything is delicious, seriously, it's death.
01:17:46 Your restaurant is fantastic, I love it, I like it a lot, I'm enjoying it.
01:17:50 We wait for you when you want, this place is also yours.
01:17:53 Yes, that's it, you have to come more often, my daughter.
01:17:56 Of course, we will come, mom.
01:17:57 Well guys, we'll have to take a picture of this moment, right?
01:18:01 One moment, that's it.
01:18:04 Come on, come on, take my hand.
01:18:07 Oh, but ...
01:18:09 Guys, why are you so serious?
01:18:11 Take your hand, hug or something.
01:18:14 Mom, we were fine, do not embarrass me.
01:18:16 Alone, honey, they cut because you are in front.
01:18:19 They cut for me? Oh, but guys, do not cut for me.
01:18:22 The most beautiful thing in the world is to hug, kiss and make love, believe me.
01:18:25 Is there anything more beautiful than that? Is there anything more beautiful than love?
01:18:28 Come on guys, take your hand at once.
01:18:30 Let's see, honey, yes, very good, come on, I'm going.
01:18:33 They have come out very well.
01:18:40 Yes, very handsome.
01:18:41 How well they have been guys.
01:18:43 Eh, Osgur, honey, do you have a profile on social networks?
01:18:46 I tag you both and so you can also post the photo.
01:18:49 No, mom, Osgur does not like those things, right?
01:18:52 Osgur does not have that.
01:18:53 It's not mine, I mean, I do not like them, really.
01:18:56 Oh, have you heard that? You're like me, we have many things in common, doctor.
01:19:00 I also like it, but Neville convinced me to open an account because he loves it.
01:19:04 Of course, of course, he does not understand technology.
01:19:08 Well, nothing, okay, I'll post the photo and tag you.
01:19:11 Hey mom, let's enjoy this moment, leave that now, please.
01:19:15 Oh, okay, Mandona, I will not publish the photo.
01:19:18 Hey, Osgur, I'm looking at you and you sound familiar to me.
01:19:24 Now that I look at you, your face is familiar to me.
01:19:27 We have not seen each other before, you sound a lot.
01:19:29 Yes, I'm sure I've seen you before.
01:19:32 I think if I had met someone like you, I would remember.
01:19:41 How funny it is, but no, I think I've seen you somewhere, I'm serious.
01:19:46 Your face sounds a lot to me and I do not know what ...
01:19:49 Oh, I know.
01:19:52 You have not been out lately in some report of some magazine?
01:19:57 I knew it, I read a lot about health issues, right?
01:20:04 Of course, that's how I know you.
01:20:06 Well, yes, maybe.
01:20:07 See, I knew it, I caught it right away.
01:20:10 With your permission, I have to go to the bathroom for a moment.
01:20:13 But what more beautiful photos we have done.
01:20:18 Let me see.
01:20:19 Do you want to see them, son?
01:20:20 Yes, of course.
01:20:21 Look, look, how beautiful.
01:20:22 Osgur has come out with his head cut off.
01:20:25 Come on, honey, turn it a little.
01:20:34 We had to have made chorizo, why have not you done?
01:20:37 Well, for the smell.
01:20:39 Okay, okay.
01:20:40 Hey, are you okay there?
01:20:43 Yes, thank you very much, everything was great.
01:20:45 I'm glad, my dear.
01:20:46 It was very good, but with your permission we have to go.
01:20:49 It can not be, but you just arrived.
01:20:52 We have a long trip.
01:20:53 How long?
01:20:54 But if Istanbul is right here, what nonsense.
01:20:57 No, we're going to Koçek, to my sister's wedding.
01:20:59 Oh, my mother, go, go, go.
01:21:02 And why my beautiful girl had not told me anything about it before?
01:21:06 Yes, mom, I do not know why I did not tell you anything, I would forget, I'm sorry.
01:21:10 I wish we had nothing to do here, we would go with you, delighted.
01:21:14 We love adventures, right?
01:21:16 It would have been very good.
01:21:18 My daughter.
01:21:19 A moment, a moment, a moment.
01:21:21 Do not move yet, wait a little, here still, because we want to give you a surprise.
01:21:25 It's something for the trip.
01:21:26 Yes, something for the trip, come on.
01:21:28 Seriously, no need.
01:21:29 Do not talk, guys, there are cucumbers, right?
01:21:31 It's apricot jam, right?
01:21:33 They are the one for the other, what monkeys.
01:21:35 I like them so much that I could not stop talking to them.
01:21:38 I roll up and if you want, I tell you everything.
01:21:40 I've seen it.
01:21:41 I'll be back soon, do not worry.
01:21:44 Oh, daughter, come back soon.
01:21:45 Yes, yes, give it to him.
01:21:47 Son, this is a gift for your family, it's all ecological, they are handmade products, okay?
01:21:53 Bring, bring that, run, run.
01:21:55 And this?
01:21:56 So fast.
01:21:57 So you do not eat during the day.
01:21:58 That's it.
01:21:59 Thank you, Sunal, thank you very much.
01:22:01 Well, say hello to the family, give your sister our best wishes.
01:22:05 Let's see if we have the same luck.
01:22:07 What's up, daughter?
01:22:08 I just want to give you my best wishes, nothing more.
01:22:11 You are very kind, thank you very much, really.
01:22:13 Esguín, will you help me with this?
01:22:15 Do you open the door for me?
01:22:16 Of course, love.
01:22:18 We always do everything together.
01:22:19 Always.
01:22:20 How cute, have you seen how cute they are?
01:22:22 On the way, he will give me the fruit.
01:22:24 Oh, how good.
01:22:25 I'm delighted to meet you.
01:22:26 See you soon.
01:22:27 See you soon, mom.
01:22:28 Goodbye, Sunal, I'll call you.
01:22:30 Have a good trip, guys.
01:22:32 That's it, have a good trip.
01:22:34 Oh, how good they get along, how happy I am.
01:22:37 Oh, Sunal, I love the boy, how handsome and how polite he is, have you seen?
01:22:44 Yes, I love it too, I love it, it's perfect.
01:22:47 They have been together for a very short time, but she is going to introduce him to his family.
01:22:51 Yes, yes, it is clear that the boy wants something serious, otherwise he would not take her to that wedding.
01:22:55 They just met, but he already takes her hand and he is going to introduce her to his family.
01:22:59 It's amazing, well done, boy.
01:23:01 Sunal, I hope my daughter finally finds happiness.
01:23:04 What am I going to do to you tonight?
01:23:06 What are you going to do to me?
01:23:07 Pasta with mushrooms, your favorite dish.
01:23:09 Pasta with mushrooms?
01:23:10 Yes, come on, honey.
01:23:11 You will love it, my love.
01:23:12 You have told my parents everything, you just need to tell them about your childhood.
01:23:20 I have become nervous and I do not even know what I have told them, they have caught us off guard.
01:23:24 Well yes, but the most surprising thing is that you have chosen that restaurant of all that is in the city.
01:23:30 Sun puts it in the clouds, he told me that it is very good, that it is very famous, he likes it a lot, I have chosen it because he recommended it to me.
01:23:37 I'm glad, I feel proud of them, so my mother and Sunal are famous.
01:23:42 Although not as famous as you.
01:23:49 Wrong man.
01:23:50 Why did you choose that, why do you want it?
01:23:52 What did you want me to do?
01:23:54 Thank goodness my mother has not caught us, the woman almost recognizes you.
01:23:57 Although here they have described you quite well, they explain perfectly why you are the wrong man.
01:24:08 But there is something in the magazine that I have not understood, he says I only worry about my preferences, what does that mean?
01:24:14 But do you really think I said something about what he puts in that garbage? You underestimate me, they changed all the answers, I did not say anything about what he puts there.
01:24:22 Why?
01:24:23 Well, let's say for a vengeful girl.
01:24:28 You will see what you have done to him, although it is a good revenge, I will write it down for the next one.
01:24:37 Yes, very good.
01:24:41 Uh, the report leaves you fatal.
01:24:44 Well, yes, he has left me in a bad position, but I do not want to give him more turns, it is already done.
01:24:49 The one who worries me the most is my mother, when I read what he put there, the fact that I do not believe in marriage, he was disgusted.
01:24:57 Ah, that's why you were looking for a girlfriend for the wedding?
01:25:02 Well, it's that I either found a girlfriend or she found it for me.
01:25:10 What are you doing now?
01:25:12 I just caught the moment when you fell into my hands.
01:25:16 Yeah, but what did you believe? Do not even dream it.
01:25:18 Sun-ri.
01:25:19 Do not believe it so much.
01:25:21 It's late, friend.
01:25:22 We are close to the restaurant, should I leave you with your mother before we get too far away?
01:25:28 Sun-ri.
01:25:35 Jamiet.
01:25:36 Tell me, ma'am.
01:25:37 Have you prepared the boys' room?
01:25:39 Yes, ma'am, everything is ready.
01:25:41 But look well, it's perfect.
01:25:44 Okay, I'll look now.
01:25:46 But where are they?
01:25:50 Calm down.
01:25:52 Oswald said they would arrive at noon, it's soon.
01:25:55 One thing, he said we will arrive, right? In the plural, right? He did not say I will arrive.
01:26:00 Yes, mom, in the plural, he said we will arrive. I'm sure, please listen to me.
01:26:05 I'm sorry, daughter, I'm afraid. I do not want to be bad with people.
01:26:09 What?
01:26:11 You told everyone, right?
01:26:14 What's going on? I only told Fitnat.
01:26:16 But you know how it is, he is in charge of spreading the news.
01:26:19 Oswald comes with his girlfriend.
01:26:21 It's been days like this, giving the news to everyone.
01:26:24 That woman is the worst, how annoying.
01:26:27 Annoying, you say? It's more than a pain in the ass, he does it on purpose.
01:26:31 Yeah, but you want them to get married to ruin it, huh?
01:26:35 I hope, I hope. If it's my type of girl, I'll do everything possible to get them married.
01:26:40 I assure you that I will use it thoroughly, you will see, daughter.
01:26:43 Oh, I hope, I hope it's your type of girl.
01:26:46 I hope.
01:26:47 Thank you for your attention, Miss Jansu.
01:26:50 No problem, I hope it gets better soon.
01:26:52 Thank you very much.
01:26:53 I hope it gets better.
01:26:56 How are you, darling?
01:26:58 I'm on a break, do you want to come for a coffee?
01:27:01 I'm not on a break, Levan.
01:27:03 Don't do this to me, darling.
01:27:06 Look, I can't stop thinking about you.
01:27:08 I just had an operation, and by mistake I changed the patient's sex.
01:27:13 Don't joke about that, Levan.
01:27:23 Okay, yes, I exaggerated a little, I admit it.
01:27:25 But if I'm making bad jokes, it's so there's not so much tension.
01:27:29 I beg you, all my patients are in danger of death because of you.
01:27:33 Ah, finally a smile.
01:27:36 So I guess now I can reveal the surprise I have for the weekend.
01:27:44 I already have plans for this weekend.
01:27:49 Really?
01:27:53 Well, what a coincidence, because I was going to take Seine to a rural house.
01:28:00 Well, yes, the pedagogue recommended it to me.
01:28:02 He says it's better to tell the children about these things in a place like this.
01:28:06 And you, what plans do you have?
01:28:10 Where are you going to go, if you can tell me?
01:28:12 I... this...
01:28:15 What?
01:28:16 Well...
01:28:18 What plans do you have, tell me.
01:28:19 I'm going to...
01:28:21 I'm going to...
01:28:23 We're almost there.
01:28:27 I'm starting to get nervous.
01:28:30 I hope I don't get a reaction.
01:28:32 Does it usually happen to you when you get nervous?
01:28:34 Well, I hope not.
01:28:35 I don't know, I've never been in this situation.
01:28:38 How can I not believe it?
01:28:39 Has no boyfriend ever introduced you to his family?
01:28:41 Are you serious?
01:28:42 Poor thing, what a disgrace.
01:28:48 The parasite didn't do it either?
01:28:50 No.
01:28:51 These men...
01:28:52 Look, you can see if a boy wants something serious with you or not.
01:28:56 I mean, if a boy wants to get married, he doesn't wait to introduce you to his family.
01:29:00 I knew it.
01:29:03 I knew it all these years in the trash, why didn't I know you before?
01:29:07 Is it because I didn't deserve such punishment?
01:29:10 Or maybe I'm the one who didn't deserve to suffer.
01:29:13 One thing, don't leave me alone with your mother, you won't do that to me, right?
01:29:17 The truth is that I had planned to leave you with my mother and go to rest for a while,
01:29:21 but the "I hope I don't get a reaction" thing has me a little worried.
01:29:24 So now I'm not sure if I should leave you alone with her.
01:29:28 I'm sure you'd mess it up.
01:29:30 I warn you, if my mother finds out that we're lying to her, she's going to mess it up.
01:29:34 I wouldn't forgive her.
01:29:36 Don't overwhelm me anymore, don't overwhelm me, it gives me something.
01:29:38 If you tell me that, I get more nervous and I won't be able to get into the role, I won't know what to do.
01:29:43 Ale, calm down, calm down, you don't have to get into any role, I only know you.
01:29:47 Or better yet, don't be, because you're not normal.
01:29:51 I know what we're going to do, we'll do the opposite.
01:29:54 When my mother sees how you are, she might change her mind and think
01:29:57 "Maybe it would be better if my son stays single forever."
01:30:00 What do you think?
01:30:01 Of course, what if you stop and leave me here?
01:30:04 Because from what I see, you prefer to go to that wedding alone.
01:30:06 It's a joke, it's a joke, calm down.
01:30:09 When my mother meets you, you'll see.
01:30:11 Really, I'm serious.
01:30:13 She'll love you, I know.
01:30:15 Seriously, and she'll be very proud of me for choosing someone as wonderful as you.
01:30:19 You're right.
01:30:20 I don't know why I'm worried.
01:30:22 We've arrived.
01:30:33 Okay.
01:30:34 Grab the jellies.
01:30:38 Okay.
01:30:39 Normal!
01:30:40 Champion! Welcome, Mr. Osgood.
01:30:44 How long.
01:30:46 Come, help me with the suitcases.
01:30:48 They're behind.
01:30:49 I'll take this, leave it to me.
01:30:51 They're there, okay.
01:30:52 Where's my mother?
01:30:55 Mom!
01:30:56 Stay by my side.
01:30:58 Mom!
01:30:59 Come here.
01:31:03 My son, you're here.
01:31:07 I'm so happy, welcome.
01:31:10 Esgi.
01:31:13 My dear Esgi.
01:31:14 How are you?
01:31:15 I'm glad to meet you.
01:31:16 You're so pretty.
01:31:17 Thank you.
01:31:18 This is for you.
01:31:20 It's all organic.
01:31:21 Thank you, you didn't have to bother.
01:31:24 No, Vera, we stopped by the stock market on the way to see my parents, and they prepared all this for you.
01:31:31 They do it themselves.
01:31:32 What a kind parents you have, I'm very grateful to them.
01:31:36 Well, shall we go in?
01:31:37 Wait, son, one thing.
01:31:38 We've prepared the rooms for you, but are you going to sleep together or separately?
01:31:42 No, separately.
01:31:43 If there's a hotel nearby, I can sleep somewhere else, I don't want to bother you, really.
01:31:49 Of course not, daughter.
01:31:51 This is a huge house, I can't afford such a thing.
01:31:54 Okay.
01:31:56 Come on, come in.
01:31:57 Come, I'll show you where to go.
01:31:59 I love it.
01:32:02 The test is approved. What a joy. If the girl had told me they were going to sleep together, I would have suspended.
01:32:10 Oh, mom, goal in minute one.
01:32:12 I love it, and look what beautiful legs she has.
01:32:16 Very white.
01:32:17 Come, princess, follow me to your rooms.
01:32:20 I think I've noticed my nerves, I've done it well.
01:32:22 Yes, you've done it wonderfully, it's been very correct.
01:32:24 Did you like it?
01:32:25 Yes.
01:32:26 Well, this is your room in pink.
01:32:29 Look, here's your suitcase.
01:32:32 I hope you're comfortable.
01:32:35 What a relief.
01:32:36 Aren't you going to tip me, miss?
01:32:38 For this service?
01:32:39 No, honey, come on, go, go with your mother.
01:32:42 How aggressive.
01:32:45 Come on, let's go.
01:32:47 [Music]
01:32:50 [Music]
01:32:53 [Music]
01:32:55 [Music]
01:33:13 [Music]
01:33:15 [Music]
01:33:35 [Music]
01:33:37 Esqui, I'm ready, I'm going down with my mother, are you?
01:33:55 One moment, I'm coming.
01:33:57 Perfect.
01:33:58 [Music]
01:34:00 [Music]
01:34:02 [Music]
01:34:05 [Music]
01:34:08 Wow, how beautiful, impressive, you look like a model.
01:34:11 It's part of the deal.
01:34:13 Do you hold my arm?
01:34:15 If we survive today, we have won.
01:34:18 We will survive.
01:34:20 Be careful.
01:34:21 Today is a very special day.
01:34:25 Jamiet, leave that and bring everything in the kitchen.
01:34:27 Okay, ma'am, I'll bring everything.
01:34:28 Everything we have, hurry up, run.
01:34:30 But hey, I see you're going to feed your son from day one.
01:34:33 My son will have missed his mother's food, he can eat whatever he wants, even if it's a bite of everything.
01:34:39 Oh, I forgot the sweets.
01:34:41 I just remembered, but what a head I have.
01:34:44 Ebru loves sweets with syrup, we have to make them this afternoon.
01:34:48 Do not get nervous.
01:34:51 They're coming.
01:34:53 Oh, look at them, what a good couple they make, I love that girl, she's beautiful.
01:34:58 Have you seen how beautiful she is?
01:35:00 Oh, mom, what is all this? There's everything.
01:35:03 I already know where to start, I have to try this first.
01:35:06 Enjoy it, my son.
01:35:08 We have missed this place and all of you.
01:35:11 We should see each other more often.
01:35:14 Yeah, yeah, but if I don't listen, you don't come to see us.
01:35:16 What do you say? I didn't know, are you going to get married? Is it true?
01:35:19 A question.
01:35:20 Are you happy?
01:35:22 A lot.
01:35:23 I want you to always give me that answer, sister.
01:35:25 Okay? If you have any problems, I'll always be here for you, you know.
01:35:30 I know, brother.
01:35:31 Come on, guys, Esgi, you go over there, come on, move.
01:35:34 Come on, sit there next to Osgur, honey.
01:35:36 I'll sit in this place.
01:35:38 Like this, much better.
01:35:41 What's up, mom? Today I see you very calm, what's up?
01:35:45 I see you much more relaxed, interesting.
01:35:47 How good, right? The whole family together.
01:35:49 I'm very happy, I wanted to see you before, guys.
01:35:52 Tomorrow is the night of the dinner, and if not, we could not be alone to talk about our things.
01:35:57 Thank you very much for coming to our house, I am very happy to see you a lot.
01:36:00 You're very attentive, really.
01:36:02 Thanks to you for everything.
01:36:04 We are very happy, thank you very much for inviting me.
01:36:07 Oh, how am I not going to invite you?
01:36:10 From now on, this is also your house.
01:36:13 Guys, I haven't told anyone that you were going to arrive early, if not, if Fidnaz finds out, the house will be filled and a mess will be set up.
01:36:20 Fidnaz is an earthquake.
01:36:21 He wants to meet Esgi, he didn't think you were coming.
01:36:25 Is he so malicious?
01:36:27 He said he thought it was a coincidence that just when the Osgur report came out in the magazine, he suddenly had a girlfriend.
01:36:35 You know he always releases frogs and snakes through that mouth.
01:36:38 He said he would come alone, he insinuated that you were lying to me.
01:36:42 Fidnaz is wise.
01:36:44 Oh, you have become tense, don't worry, son.
01:36:48 What else? Fidnaz only says nonsense, you already know her.
01:36:51 Of course, now when he sees you here, he will be ashamed to have said those things.
01:36:56 Oh, daughter, that's not ashamed of anything.
01:36:59 Surprise!
01:37:02 Oh, you didn't expect to see me, did you?
01:37:06 Surprise, surprise, surprise!
01:37:09 Dear Sebin, how long!
01:37:12 Oh, how happy I am, honey, look who's here!
01:37:16 My handsome nephew, come here, come, come, come to my arms, let me hug you.
01:37:21 Welcome, nephew, how are you? When did you arrive?
01:37:24 But breathe, the questions one by one, after asking me how are you, give me a moment to answer, I tell you that well, I ask you how are you and so.
01:37:31 Okay.
01:37:32 Let's try, tell me.
01:37:33 How are you?
01:37:34 Good, and you, look, now yes, have you seen?
01:37:36 How good, I'm very happy to see you.
01:37:38 Who is this girl? Your fiancée?
01:37:40 More slowly, aunt, how fiancée?
01:37:43 No, she's my girlfriend, relax.
01:37:45 My name is Esqui, nice to meet you.
01:37:48 Likewise, dear, likewise, nice to meet you, sit down, dear.
01:37:51 Oh, Sebin, it's that when we read the news of the magazine in which they said those things.
01:37:56 A moment, Hamid, we're going to need another dish, run, go get it.
01:38:01 You have joined a table with the best food, how lucky you are.
01:38:05 Oh, we really worry a lot when we read the magazine, they said some things that ...
01:38:09 Welcome, Mrs. Fitna.
01:38:10 Thank you, dear, thank you.
01:38:12 When the news came out in the magazine, we were very worried, thank goodness you came, right?
01:38:16 Oh, your mother was very sad, she almost gave her something, but of course, it's normal.
01:38:20 Mothers want their children to marry and have children, it's the most normal thing in the world.
01:38:24 Aunt, stop.
01:38:26 Now we know that the one who wrote the report changed all the answers with a very bad idea, nothing was true.
01:38:32 Oh, really?
01:38:33 Well, I didn't believe anything I put there.
01:38:36 There are many people who are jealous, who has it been, who is so evil, who has done it?
01:38:40 Well, who do you think?
01:38:42 Oh, honey, well, how long have you been together, if you can tell?
01:38:49 How long?
01:38:50 Eight months.
01:38:54 Six months or eight months?
01:38:56 Love, you're worth it.
01:38:58 Vera, two months passed behind me and we've been dating for six months, eight months in total.
01:39:04 Yes, I spent two months behind.
01:39:06 What? You two months behind someone?
01:39:08 Don't be bad, sister, I'm not the one I was before, I've changed, okay?
01:39:12 Wow.
01:39:14 It's just that a girl like Esgi breaks the schemes, you don't go after her, you run after her.
01:39:20 In our time it was not like that, you know, my husband waited for me for six months to have tea with me,
01:39:25 he slept and got up at my door, he slept and got up, he slept and got up.
01:39:29 My father was not like me.
01:39:30 He was a good man.
01:39:31 In our time they did what the girl said.
01:39:34 Yes, that's right, but your case was very different, Fitnat.
01:39:37 How was it very different?
01:39:39 You escaped with Burhan when he was engaged to another woman.
01:39:43 Oh, no, ma'am, it was not like that, you don't remember well, they were not together anymore.
01:39:47 You're not starting to have Alzheimer's, you have to go to the doctor.
01:39:54 Well, honey, a little question, are you from here, from a wealthy family?
01:39:59 Tell me, what do your parents do, do you work or study?
01:40:02 Aunt, wait a minute, let them eat something first, slow down a little.
01:40:06 Let them eat, daughter, let them eat, I'm not saying anything.
01:40:08 I have notified your aunt Jairie, I suppose she will notify everyone, the whole troop will come, we will not be able to talk then,
01:40:14 do you want to know everything? Speak like a quack, she will ask you everything.
01:40:17 Better we talk now that we are alone and so I am calmer, oh, it's the best.
01:40:21 As I was saying, well, I'm a little ...
01:40:23 What time is it? I had forgotten, I just remembered right now, get up, Esqui, get up, we're going to be late, come on, run, run.
01:40:29 Where are you going?
01:40:30 We're late, come on, come with me.
01:40:31 Oski, what are you doing?
01:40:32 But son, wait a minute.
01:40:34 Come on, run, run.
01:40:35 Mom, mom, I have something to do.
01:40:36 This end is going to catch us.
01:40:40 Let her breathe for a moment.
01:40:42 Come on, get on.
01:40:43 Are we going by motorcycle?
01:40:44 Exactly.
01:40:45 Wait.
01:40:46 Nobody is coming.
01:40:50 Start.
01:40:51 We're going.
01:40:52 Where?
01:40:53 As far as possible.
01:40:54 Perfect.
01:40:55 Here you go, miss.
01:41:03 Thank you very much.
01:41:04 Hi, aunt.
01:41:06 Hi.
01:41:07 Jansu, dear, how are you?
01:41:09 Very good, aunt, how are you?
01:41:10 Very good, wonderful.
01:41:12 Can you bring me a coffee, please?
01:41:14 Aunt, I'm calling Esqui, but she doesn't answer.
01:41:16 Is she with you?
01:41:17 I was thinking of going to the stock market on the weekend.
01:41:20 Oh, that would be great, of course.
01:41:21 Come whenever you want, but they're not there anymore.
01:41:23 They left a long time ago.
01:41:24 Esqui has gone with someone?
01:41:27 Well, of course, heaven.
01:41:28 She has come with her boyfriend.
01:41:29 By the way, Jansu, the boy is exactly as you said, how handsome, how polite.
01:41:34 We loved it.
01:41:35 It's a delight.
01:41:36 When you say boyfriend, what boyfriend do you mean exactly, aunt?
01:41:41 But what boyfriend, dear?
01:41:44 I'm talking about the doctor.
01:41:45 Esqui has gone there with Dr. Serdar?
01:41:51 They stopped here when they were on their way to someone's family wedding.
01:41:54 Jansu, if you already know your family, it seems that you are serious.
01:41:58 The biggest fireproof that you know your mothers-in-law.
01:42:01 I'm very happy.
01:42:02 Hello?
01:42:03 Hello.
01:42:05 Heaven, is there a problem?
01:42:06 No, no problem.
01:42:09 I'll talk to Esqui, I send you many kisses, then I'll call you, okay?
01:42:13 Come on, call me and hang up.
01:42:17 Esqui, but what mess are you in now?
01:42:22 My mother.
01:42:26 Nothing.
01:42:35 Out of coverage.
01:42:39 Good.
01:42:40 [Music]
01:42:41 [Music]
01:42:43 [Music]
01:42:44 [Music]
01:42:50 [Music]
01:42:56 [Music]
01:43:02 [Music]
01:43:09 [Music]
01:43:10 [Music]
01:43:20 [Music]
01:43:27 [Music]
01:43:35 [Music]
01:43:36 What an adventure we are living!
01:43:55 You can get off.
01:43:57 You were not afraid on the motorcycle, right?
01:44:00 Not at all, it was fun.
01:44:01 Great.
01:44:02 And now what do we do?
01:44:03 Come with me.
01:44:04 Where?
01:44:12 To the boat.
01:44:13 As you can see, I'm trying to get as far away as I can.
01:44:16 Wow, and all thanks to the power of Fidna, have you seen?
01:44:19 Which is yours?
01:44:20 This.
01:44:21 There is the captain, right?
01:44:23 Oh, sorry, sorry, of course, of course, you are also a boat owner.
01:44:28 You go through the walkway, miss.
01:44:31 Oh, it's very kind.
01:44:32 Oh yes, rest.
01:44:33 Of course.
01:44:34 Let's go there.
01:44:35 Help me.
01:44:36 Go home fast.
01:44:37 Very good.
01:44:39 I'm going to take this off.
01:44:42 Today I will be your grumete.
01:44:46 You do know.
01:44:48 It's teamwork.
01:44:49 Oh, it's me, it's me.
01:44:54 Levan.
01:45:01 Have you found out something?
01:45:02 Have you talked to Serdar?
01:45:03 Have you talked to Esgui today?
01:45:04 No.
01:45:05 And besides, the most interesting thing of all is that you told me that Serdar canceled the dinner with her.
01:45:10 That's right.
01:45:11 Well, no, the one who canceled the dinner was Esgui.
01:45:13 What?
01:45:14 That's it.
01:45:15 It seems that your cousin has lied to you.
01:45:17 It can not be.
01:45:19 Anyway, I have no secrets with Esgui, it can not be.
01:45:23 There is something that escapes me.
01:45:24 This is not very normal.
01:45:26 I can not know that anymore.
01:45:28 Have you talked to Denise?
01:45:30 Maybe she knows something.
01:45:31 Oh, sure, you're right.
01:45:33 Yes, I'll see.
01:45:34 My life, I have to go, I have to pick up Seineb.
01:45:37 Okay, honey.
01:45:38 Okay, if you find out something, call me.
01:45:40 I will.
01:45:41 Hello, Jensu.
01:45:50 Honey, are you busy?
01:45:51 I have a meeting, but tell me, I'm listening.
01:45:54 Have you talked to Esgui today?
01:45:56 No, I talked to her last night.
01:45:58 He told me he was going to Bursa.
01:46:00 And he's been?
01:46:01 But he's gone.
01:46:02 I just called my aunt right now.
01:46:05 And he told me they've already left.
01:46:07 They've already left?
01:46:08 But with whom has he gone?
01:46:09 I do not know.
01:46:10 And he told them it was Serdar.
01:46:12 But Serdar is in the hospital.
01:46:14 What?
01:46:15 But what do you say?
01:46:16 I'm dead.
01:46:17 And me.
01:46:18 Hey, Jensu, I have to go.
01:46:21 They're waiting for me.
01:46:22 Okay, what time are you going to leave work?
01:46:24 In an hour, more or less.
01:46:26 Then in an hour I'm going to a place near there and I'll wait for you.
01:46:29 Do you think?
01:46:30 Send me the location and see you there.
01:46:32 See you later.
01:46:33 Esgui, who?
01:46:35 What a strong.
01:46:36 Okay, I have the solution.
01:47:02 I see that in a barcova it is very quiet and in silence.
01:47:05 We will go by boat to Istanbul, quiet and in harmony.
01:47:08 It will be the best.
01:47:10 It is a soothing silence.
01:47:12 You're making me nervous.
01:47:14 Why are you so quiet?
01:47:16 How do you say?
01:47:18 I was distracted.
01:47:19 I told you you were very quiet.
01:47:21 What's wrong with you?
01:47:22 Do you like my voice?
01:47:23 You miss her.
01:47:24 I would never have imagined it, but yes.
01:47:27 Your aunt almost caught us.
01:47:30 It was close.
01:47:31 Well, yes, that's right.
01:47:33 I had forgotten that my aunt would be.
01:47:35 How can you forget someone like that?
01:47:37 We have to prepare ourselves and ask ourselves where we met.
01:47:40 I was going to ask.
01:47:42 Yes, sure.
01:47:43 We have to tell the same story.
01:47:45 Yes, it will be better if we invent it.
01:47:47 Very well.
01:47:48 We get in the same taxi at the same time, so we know each other.
01:47:51 Yes, okay, that can help us.
01:47:53 We'll tell them about the taxi.
01:47:55 But you have to change everything that happened from that moment.
01:47:58 Okay, we get in the same taxi at the same time, okay?
01:48:00 And after that ...
01:48:02 [Music]
01:48:13 When you saw me, you were stuck with my beauty.
01:48:16 And you couldn't get out of the taxi.
01:48:18 You didn't want to get out.
01:48:20 [Music]
01:48:25 No, no, look, I think this story is better.
01:48:28 You got in the taxi, you were stuck with my beauty, my body, my pose, my beautiful face.
01:48:34 You were so perplexed that you didn't get out.
01:48:36 [Music]
01:48:49 Okay, if you're going to be happy with that absurd story you've made up, okay.
01:48:54 Very well, and after that, what happened?
01:48:56 After that, you told me in a very subtle and polite way.
01:49:00 Excuse me, I don't want to bother you.
01:49:04 I know you need to take this taxi.
01:49:06 It's understandable, but it's raining a lot and you'll understand that it's going to be very difficult for me to find another taxi.
01:49:13 If it's not a bother for you, could we share it?
01:49:16 Okay.
01:49:19 It's very kind, really, thank you very much, I appreciate it.
01:49:23 [Music]
01:49:32 Like love.
01:49:34 Sudden, surprising and unexpected.
01:49:37 What do you mean?
01:49:39 I'm talking about love.
01:49:41 [Music]
01:49:45 I didn't believe in love until now, but from this moment I believe in it, love exists.
01:49:50 [Music]
01:49:53 What are you talking about?
01:49:55 What a repulsive thing, just imagining it gives me repulses.
01:49:59 Don't say that, it's very nice.
01:50:01 Nice? What a failure.
01:50:03 You fell in love with me at first sight, how are you going to be a failure?
01:50:08 Okay, fine, whatever you say.
01:50:11 Then I fell in love with you at first sight in the taxi, but that's it, okay?
01:50:15 If they keep asking, nothing else happened.
01:50:17 We'll see, we'll have to improvise, who knows.
01:50:20 Besides, we don't know anything about each other.
01:50:23 I know your mother, but nothing else.
01:50:25 What's your father's name? How many brothers do you have?
01:50:27 My father's name was Nevsat.
01:50:29 He died only five years ago of a heart attack.
01:50:34 I'm very sorry.
01:50:35 Thank you.
01:50:36 And your father?
01:50:41 My parents separated when I was little.
01:50:44 And the last time I saw my father was five years ago.
01:50:47 I don't remember much.
01:50:50 Women who don't have a healthy relationship with their father
01:50:53 don't usually succeed in relationships, like you.
01:50:56 I'm a clear example of that.
01:50:58 We'll get over it.
01:51:00 Of course we'll get over it, but what about you?
01:51:04 Your relationships aren't very fruitful either, are they?
01:51:07 Anyway, wrong man.
01:51:09 What trauma do you have?
01:51:10 Trauma? Me?
01:51:12 What are you talking about? Where did you get that from?
01:51:16 There has to be a reason for you to be like this.
01:51:22 You think?
01:51:23 There's a reason, right? I knew it. Tell me.
01:51:26 Okay, maybe you're right.
01:51:28 Don't get it wrong, I also have a trauma.
01:51:33 But it's from birth.
01:51:34 Is it genetic? I knew it.
01:51:36 Well, yes, something like that.
01:51:37 You see, my father was very handsome.
01:51:41 And so was I.
01:51:43 Yes, I was born very handsome.
01:51:44 Of course, being so handsome, so strong, so energetic...
01:51:48 I mean, having all these great qualities,
01:51:51 you want to share a little among people.
01:51:53 I mean, if I were to stay with a girl,
01:51:56 wouldn't it be unfair to everyone else?
01:51:59 And I wonder, can you really be as stupid as you?
01:52:04 Okay, exaggerated. I'm a jerk, but not that much.
01:52:07 You're always the same.
01:52:08 You can't even talk seriously with yourself for two minutes.
01:52:10 Yes, okay, okay, fine. Now seriously.
01:52:12 The truth is, I don't know if I have a trauma or not.
01:52:15 I don't think so.
01:52:16 Nothing serious has happened to me.
01:52:18 They haven't broken my heart.
01:52:20 They haven't done anything to me.
01:52:21 No one has made me cry.
01:52:22 No one has hurt me.
01:52:23 Or at least I don't remember that.
01:52:24 I don't know where it comes from.
01:52:26 Maybe my trauma is not having had any trauma.
01:52:29 It's quite paradoxical.
01:52:30 It could be, yes, it's possible.
01:52:33 And tell me, have you ever fallen in love?
01:52:37 No, I still don't know if love exists.
01:52:43 I haven't found it.
01:52:45 You haven't looked for it either.
01:52:47 It's possible, but it's not my fault, understand me.
01:52:49 It's not something I've chosen.
01:52:50 Let's say my life doesn't leave me space to look for it.
01:52:53 And working at night may also have affected that.
01:52:57 But you've chosen to live like this.
01:53:00 From what I know about you, it seems you're running away from commitment.
01:53:03 Don't you think?
01:53:05 Yes, it's possible.
01:53:06 I may be running away.
01:53:07 But that's something natural in me.
01:53:09 I am like that.
01:53:10 I like to feel freedom.
01:53:12 I've noticed.
01:53:13 Yes, it shows.
01:53:15 Although if you continue like this, you'll end up very lonely.
01:53:19 [Music]
01:53:22 Good morning.
01:53:45 Hello.
01:53:46 Welcome.
01:53:47 Do you have a reservation, miss?
01:53:48 I don't have a reservation.
01:53:49 It's something that came up at the last minute.
01:53:51 No problem.
01:53:52 And how many are you going to be?
01:53:53 Only two people.
01:53:54 Very well.
01:53:55 You can go to the terrace.
01:53:56 It seems that there are a lot of people there.
01:53:58 Isn't there another quieter place?
01:53:59 Sure.
01:54:00 You can sit in the bar if you're better there.
01:54:02 Perfect.
01:54:03 Thank you very much.
01:54:04 Go ahead.
01:54:05 Henry.
01:54:07 Welcome to the bar.
01:54:15 What do you want to drink?
01:54:17 A relaxing drink, please.
01:54:19 Relaxing.
01:54:20 At this time of day, I also prefer a relaxing drink.
01:54:23 That's good.
01:54:24 It's very good.
01:54:25 Hello.
01:54:42 Good morning.
01:54:43 Is there no other restaurant around here?
01:54:44 No, miss.
01:54:45 Okay.
01:54:46 Thank you very much.
01:54:47 Jansu.
01:54:50 I'm going to kill you.
01:54:51 Miss Demis.
01:54:54 Welcome.
01:54:55 Thank you very much.
01:54:56 I'm going to let Sefo know.
01:54:57 No, no, no, no.
01:54:58 No need.
01:54:59 I've met a friend.
01:55:00 She's waiting for me there.
01:55:01 Oh, yeah?
01:55:02 Very well.
01:55:03 Come in.
01:55:04 This way.
01:55:05 Jansu.
01:55:09 What's wrong with you?
01:55:10 If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell me.
01:55:13 Of course.
01:55:14 Okay.
01:55:15 Thank you very much.
01:55:16 Here you go.
01:55:18 Thank you.
01:55:20 Why did you come here?
01:55:21 Why?
01:55:22 What's wrong?
01:55:23 Chef.
01:55:27 Your girl is here.
01:55:29 The lawyer.
01:55:30 The lawyer came?
01:55:31 Yes.
01:55:32 She came with a friend to eat.
01:55:33 Miss.
01:55:35 Did you choose him on purpose?
01:55:37 Did you ask for me?
01:55:40 Of course.
01:55:41 As soon as you enter.
01:55:42 Okay.
01:55:43 I'm coming.
01:55:45 I'm coming.
01:55:46 I can't believe it.
01:55:48 Her water.
01:55:54 Really?
01:55:55 Enjoy it.
01:55:56 With how big this city is, I'm going to choose your chef's restaurant.
01:56:01 Stop saying "your chef".
01:56:02 Say something like "the head of Esquipa".
01:56:04 Cut it out.
01:56:05 Where is he?
01:56:06 I want to meet him.
01:56:07 Where is he?
01:56:08 Don't be silly.
01:56:09 There's no need to meet him.
01:56:11 Let's go somewhere else.
01:56:12 Come on.
01:56:13 Don't be silly, Denise.
01:56:14 Think about it.
01:56:15 What if he's a good man?
01:56:17 What if you're closing the door to a nice relationship?
01:56:19 Don't be like that.
01:56:20 Shut up.
01:56:21 Are we here to talk about me?
01:56:22 No.
01:56:23 We're here to talk about Esqui.
01:56:24 Call her.
01:56:25 Okay, don't worry.
01:56:26 The number you have dialed is not available at the moment.
01:56:39 No.
01:56:40 It's off.
01:56:41 Where is he?
01:56:42 Where and with whom?
01:56:44 Esqui, what a mess.
01:56:48 Oh, you made coffee?
01:56:59 I'm a good travel companion.
01:57:01 You're the best.
01:57:02 Thank you very much.
01:57:08 Do you want to take the helm for a while?
01:57:10 No, no, I know I won't be able to.
01:57:12 You think you won't be able?
01:57:13 You?
01:57:14 But...
01:57:15 Come on, try it.
01:57:16 Is there something you can't do?
01:57:18 Please, come on.
01:57:19 Come on, try it.
01:57:20 I know you'd be very capable.
01:57:22 I'm serious.
01:57:23 Do you know what my philosophy is in life?
01:57:24 Look, if someone can do something, whatever it is, I can do it too.
01:57:28 It's very ambitious.
01:57:29 And crazy.
01:57:30 Have you lost your mind?
01:57:31 How am I going to take the helm?
01:57:33 Well, it's very simple, taking it.
01:57:34 You're going to get on the paper right away.
01:57:36 Here, put on the captain's hat.
01:57:38 Here.
01:57:39 Does it look good on me?
01:57:41 It looks great on you.
01:57:42 There.
01:57:43 Well, of course.
01:57:44 Come on, come.
01:57:45 Oh, you were born for this.
01:57:48 You see?
01:57:49 You carry it in your blood.
01:57:50 These hands are made to take the helm.
01:57:52 Yes?
01:57:53 You think so?
01:57:54 Of course.
01:57:56 [music]
01:58:15 The hardest part is over.
01:58:17 Is this the hardest part?
01:58:19 The hardest part is always taking the first step.
01:58:23 [music]
01:58:42 Shall we go faster?
01:58:43 Yes, come on.
01:58:44 With this?
01:58:45 Yes, you have to push forward.
01:58:46 Both at the same time.
01:58:48 That's it.
01:58:50 I told you doing this was crazy.
01:58:53 [music]
01:59:22 [music]
01:59:28 I'm going to get more.
01:59:29 You did well this time.
01:59:31 Where are they?
01:59:34 What if you call them?
01:59:36 Hey, Fitnat.
01:59:39 Osgood has sent a message.
01:59:41 He said they're out there, that they'll eat outside, and that we shouldn't wait for them.
01:59:45 Oh, and why?
01:59:46 Why do you think?
01:59:51 We'll go where they are.
01:59:52 What are you saying, Fitnat?
01:59:54 How are we going to go?
01:59:55 What's the matter with you?
01:59:58 Hey, why not?
02:00:00 Wow.
02:00:10 Look at this big garden, and they don't even put some armchairs.
02:00:14 [music]
02:00:22 Jamiet, stop, stop.
02:00:23 Leave that and go pick it up from the outside.
02:00:25 My head hurts.
02:00:27 That woman doesn't stop.
02:00:29 Hasn't your sister-in-law left yet?
02:00:32 No, everyone has left, except her.
02:00:35 Oh, I think she's waiting for Osgood and Esqui to come back.
02:00:38 But I told them they're not going to eat here, and that they're going to spend the day outside.
02:00:43 I should go.
02:00:44 Mom, that's a good idea. Why didn't you tell them that before?
02:00:47 She's coming.
02:00:48 Girls, I'm going to go. I'll be back tomorrow.
02:00:52 Oh, and what's this?
02:00:55 How cute.
02:00:56 But what funny things.
02:00:58 My in-laws gave them to me.
02:01:00 Oh, Mrs. Sebim.
02:01:01 They're already with presents.
02:01:03 Yes, they're very attentive.
02:01:05 They sent us ecological products made by their store.
02:01:09 It's a detail.
02:01:10 Ah, so they're poor.
02:01:12 What?
02:01:13 Of course, if I were your mother-in-law.
02:01:15 Anyway, I'm sure I'd give you the whole store as a gift.
02:01:18 You have to know how to take care of your interests.
02:01:20 Aunt, how can you say that?
02:01:22 Don't listen to her, daughter.
02:01:24 Your aunt thinks everyone is like her.
02:01:26 Don't overdo it, Sebim.
02:01:28 Well, it doesn't matter.
02:01:30 The important thing is that Osgood has a girlfriend.
02:01:32 Even if he's poor, it doesn't matter.
02:01:34 Hey, did you call them?
02:01:36 To thank them.
02:01:37 Should I?
02:01:38 It wouldn't be right if you didn't.
02:01:41 These people have prepared some gifts for you, but if you don't call them...
02:01:46 Anyway, I'm sure they'll think you didn't like them.
02:01:49 Well, it's true.
02:01:50 Yes, and since you're calling them, you can meet them.
02:01:53 That's how you see them.
02:01:55 Okay, but I'm going to talk to Osgood first.
02:01:57 Oh, honey.
02:01:59 Of course you talk to Osgood.
02:02:02 It'll take five years to get married.
02:02:04 What do you think?
02:02:06 If he has a child at three, we'll still be young.
02:02:10 Sebim, you can't do that.
02:02:12 How can you think all my children got married?
02:02:14 If we leave it in their hands, bad luck.
02:02:17 I'd keep waiting.
02:02:19 Well, I'm going.
02:02:21 Jamiet, can you bring me the bag, dear?
02:02:24 [Music]
02:02:30 She's not answering her messages.
02:02:34 Welcome.
02:02:40 Thank you.
02:02:41 How are you?
02:02:44 Fine, thanks.
02:02:45 It turns out my friend chose this place by chance.
02:02:48 Of course, of course.
02:02:49 Oh, really?
02:02:50 Yes, what a coincidence.
02:02:51 No, really. She chose the place.
02:02:54 I don't want you to think we're here because I want to.
02:02:57 I understand.
02:02:58 Yes, it's true.
02:02:59 I chose it.
02:03:01 By the way, I'm Jansu, Esge's cousin.
02:03:03 Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Ozan.
02:03:05 Likewise, nice to meet you.
02:03:06 It's not because she's my cousin, but she's really good at public relations and marketing.
02:03:11 You'll see.
02:03:12 You'll love working with her.
02:03:14 She'll make the new restaurant go great.
02:03:16 I think so too. Thank you very much.
02:03:18 She said "the new". The new restaurant. It can't be.
02:03:23 Did you hear that sound?
02:03:25 What sound are you talking about?
02:03:26 The sound of hope.
02:03:28 Oh, really? What if I make you feel down too?
02:03:31 You see, if you want me to tell you what I think, it's clear that you deserved the job.
02:03:38 It's been a pleasure.
02:03:40 Thank you very much. But keep doing what you're doing, Sabian.
02:03:42 We're very happy, but it was all thanks to Vinicius.
02:03:45 I found out because I was talking about it on the phone, and I heard it.
02:03:48 It was fate, wasn't it, Vinicius?
02:03:51 Jansu...
02:03:52 By the way, Esge's starting work next week, right? I think she told me something like that.
02:03:57 Yes, that's right. It'll start when they get back.
02:03:59 When they get back, you say?
02:04:02 She's with my partner in Gotchek.
02:04:06 She's in Gotchek?
02:04:08 That's right.
02:04:14 Excuse me, can you tell me who your partner is?
02:04:16 This is the place I told you about.
02:04:40 It's incredible.
02:04:42 It's beautiful.
02:04:44 If I brought the tub, I'd get in.
02:04:52 We'll get in.
02:04:53 With the clothes?
02:04:54 You shower with clothes.
02:04:56 That's another thing, don't remind me.
02:04:59 Or we can also...
02:05:01 Stop! No, stop!
02:05:03 We can...
02:05:04 Stop!
02:05:06 (Thunder)
02:05:07 What are you doing? Are you crazy?
02:05:17 Don't worry, it's nothing.
02:05:19 What do you mean, nothing? I'm almost dying.
02:05:21 You're almost dying?
02:05:22 Come here, calm down.
02:05:24 Do you think I'd let anything happen to you?
02:05:27 (Whistling)
02:05:29 (Whistling)
02:05:31 (Whistling)
02:05:33 (Whistling)
02:06:02 (Whistling)
02:06:04 (Whistling)
02:06:06 (Whistling)
02:06:08 (Whistling)
02:06:11 (Whistling)
02:06:13 (Whistling)
02:06:15 (Whistling)
02:06:18 (Music)
02:06:20 (Music)
02:06:22 (Music)
02:06:24 (Music)
02:06:26 (Music)
02:06:28 (Music)
02:06:31 (Music)
02:06:34 (Music)
02:06:37 (Music)
02:06:39 La la la la la la la...
02:06:54 La la la la la la la...
02:07:12 La la la la la la la...
02:07:29 La la la la la la...
02:07:41 [BLANK_AUDIO]
